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21 DE SEPTIEMBRE=REGOCIJO EN LA TORA=22 DEL SEPTIMO MES (EL SALMO 119 TIENE FUERTE NEXO ESPIRITUAL CON EL "RECOCIJO EN LA TORA", osea el 22/7 (22 del septimo mes hebreo). Recordemos que 22/7 es una buena aproximacion del numero PI.
7 DE JULIO DEL 2004= 6 DE AV
Compare estas graficas con el movimiento de la luna.
El movimiento de la Luna es de oeste a este alrededor de la Tierra, en el mismo sentido de rotación del planeta. Veamos cuáles son las fases de la Luna:
- Luna Nueva: en esta fase no vemos ninguna parte iluminada de ella y se da cuando la Luna pasa entre el Sol y la Tierra, siempre siguiendo su órbita alrededor de la Tierra.
- Cuarto Creciente: es cuando la Luna ha completado un cuarto de su órbita alrededor de nuestro planeta y alcanza una posición de 90¼ al este del Sol.
- Luna Llena: una semana después de cuarto creciente, el disco de la Luna se ve completamente iluminado; es decir, con su cara visible frente al Sol.
- Cuarto Menguante: es cuando, una semana después de la fase anterior, solo se ve la mitad del disco de la Luna.
Lo que ocurre es que el calendario actual judio, el calendario de Hillel II, considera la luna nueva en luna creciente que como es sabido la misma nace en occidente a contrario de la la verdadera luna nueva que es en luna llena que nace en oriente. Por eso la Biblia habla de "espaldas" porque por razones obvias los judios actualmente en la luna nueva al considerarla en occidente, repito en luna creciente, estan a espaldas de la verdadera luna nueva en luna llena que nace en oriente.
Las cosas nunca suceden sin una mano que las mueva, y en este caso la mano es evidente. Las monedas de los países que fueron agredidos son la clave para la solución de este enigma. Al girarlas toman su ubicación en el pentagrama y anuncian además las fechas de los atentados, pero es solo el comienzo. Todas las investigaciones anteriores han llegado hasta aquí, esta sin embargo comienza en este punto.
Aquí los signos monetarios toman su lugar en el pentagrama a 0, 90 y 180 grados. Al ser girados las fechas de los crímenes aparecen claramente.

“The golden ratio, φ = (1+√5)/2 ≈ 1.618, [...] plays an important role in regular pentagons and pentagrams. Each intersection of edges sections the edges in golden ratio: the ratio of the length of the edge to the longer segment is φ, as is the length of the longer segment to the shorter. Also, the ratio of the length of the shorter segment to the segment bounded by the 2 intersecting edges (a side of the pentagon in the pentagram’s center) is φ. As the four-color illustration shows:

The pentagram includes ten isosceles triangles: five acute and five obtuse isosceles triangles. In all of them, the ratio of the longer side to the shorter side is φ. The acute triangles are golden triangles. The obtuse isosceles triangle highlighted via the colored lines in the illustration is a golden gnomon.”

It appears we have a pentagram embedded into the design of Washington DC. It is important to note that the Whitehouse sits at the lower point of this. The origin of the pentagram or pentagon is believed to be derived from occult astrology.
(El 14/15 de septiembre o aparentemente tiene un nexo con el 15 de Tisri en contexto a Fatima y la secuencia lunar del 2012, en el contexto a que la LUNA LLENA, primer dia del primer mes, fue en un 8 de Marzo. En este contexto el 15 de septiembre nos cae 15 de Tisri (cuasi anagrama de ISTAR). ¿PORQUE NUESTRO SEÑOR ALLI HACE REFERENCIA A LAS VIRGENES CON UN CANDELABRO, estatua de la LIBERTAD o COLUMBIA, en el contexto a la medianoche en MATEO 25? EL 15 de septiembre ORION (ESTRELLA DE ORIENTE) SALE POR EL ESTE JUSTO A LA MEDIANOCHE). LA SIMBOLOGIA DE LOS REYES MAGOS TIENE NEXO CON ORION (APARENTEMENTE ES LA ESTRELLA DE ORIENTE EN CONTEXTO A LA MEDIANOCHE-FIESTA DE LOS TABERNACULOS)
yes but did you watch the video by the guru Dr. Temple Grandin? SHE FILLS ROOMS FOR GOOD REASON think about that? can you answer this question I posed? "who is leading us down the 'chute'?"can anybody else see the profound message in the Temple Grandin designs, intuitive, holistic insights, that clearly has its roots in a totally different perspective than yours and yours and yours and most of the mainstream? Watch the video please, again, and see if you can find the answer to the question "who is leading us down the 'chute'?"feel free to ignore my request too, I am used to the ignorant putting me on ignore?  anybody else find the answer to that question? keep working on those numbers barbi-TONE, we might need to use your 'genius' to figure out what frequencies we should employ as we are being lead down the spiraling chute... You do want to get the chance to play along right? Right when the time comes to do the right thing? By going to the LEFT? What if deciding to go right or left is part of the cosmic plan? what if *right and left would refer to clockwise/sunwise/christ vs. counterclockwise/moonwise/anti-christ* most folks don't know that the swastika/s were symbols for both the SUN and the MOON. But now they do! helps to know that when discussing the esoteric/exoteric.  Baha'i church outside Chicago. Can you SEE the SWASTIKA along with what other symbols? >>The fact that Marko Rodin got much of his insight/inspiration/direction from the Baha'i sez what exactly? that I ignore this FACT of his source? A source of genius you fail to acknowledge. what I propose is BS you have suggested in the past however it appears that it could be much much closer to the mark, the age of Taurus bulls-eye than EWE, you and u are willing to admit? namaste
Last edited by raphael; 11-07-2010 at 02:50 PM.
Back from another 'vacation' courtesy of David Icke mods... hey Lee sorry about sending you down that hole dude  Lee here is another fella who connected with my blood, sweat, and fears. Another Lo Shu enthusiast who I connected with is Robert Dickter. http://www.luo-shu.com/book/contentsBut sad sadukan earlier on in this thread that in reality is GOING NOWHERE, dissed him because of his last name. Sadukan is still a child, he needs to grow up. IGNORANCE on this thread is contemptuous my friend. So Lee, dude take some of your work and lay it over my more recent revelations? I am well aware that I need to connect with folks who have their INTUITION switches TURNED on.Sadly most folks on this thread/forum have PROVED they are DEAD, WALKING TALKING TYPING ZOMBIES, who are IGNORANT of many metaphysical concepts. Yup walking zombies that dare dis what they fail to comprehend? The 'human condition'? I asked the fellas on this thread what their INTENT is in studying all of these associations and patterns that exist between numbers, using VBM. Hmm TO MY RECOLLECTION, not one responded with their miSSion statement, what their INTENT for being on this thread was in looking for patterns. I look for patterns too. So did Murray Gell-Mann in formulating his 8-Fold Way quantum particle observations re: PATTERNS Well I noticed a most profound PATTERN quite some time ago...that folks on this thread, armed with their metaphysical ignorance DO NOT want to acknowledge as having any kind of relevance. So essentially my stumbling upon 'THE PATTERN' and armed with INTENT, is exactly what SEPARATES me from the rest of the IGNORANT folks who have NOT been on this road less travelled, that I am currently, most definitely on. Too bad the folks don't realize I have separated myself with an INTENT these past 3 YEARS. 3 years of rising at 5 a.m. and embracing the 'archetype' 24/7/365 for THREE YEARS!!!! Fellas I am retired and I do NOTHING ELSE but study archetype 24/7/365 about 12-16 hours per day? 7 letter word is what I seek for my efforts? R E S P E C T Homestudy course where I stood first in class? What would 24/7/365 do to my brain and heART?  Let me help with the answer.....I am on FIRE!!!Here are two posts from yesterday on another forum that suggests my claim is bona-fide, the direction where my research is headed.  re: there are ONLY 3 kinds of waves ARE we IN PHASE or OUT of PHASE with the big Kahuna wave is the question?http://breakfornews.com/forum/viewto...?p=65512#65512Too bad folks do not want to buy into my 4 AGES Model that serves as a MODEL for both the SUN and an ELECTRON. (or any invisible particle)And the 4 AGES MODEL that addresses VBM along the way to a HIGHER KNOWLEDGE, is the MODEL we just might want to consider in dealing with this revelation? At this link make sure you watch the 6 minute video that TED tv offers. WOW Photons/SOUND is the KEY we can LINK to how mass moves from one valance/orbital to the next? http://www.religionforums.org/thread....html#pid35567I am getting so close dude, I can feel it daily. The sheeple on this thread have NO IDEA of what I am experiencing in these end of the daze. And I will need the assistance of fellas like yourself to figure out what exactly? Music and math are my weaknesses in this formula. MATH = MYTH = MUSIC Lee we are clearly OUT OF PHASE (too much sinning together, not enough singing) and the correction folks call an enlightenment will fix that.I have a wonderful feeling I will find the answer in a poetic song called what else dude? SongS of Solomon? Wow, folks are dead dead dead, like I once was. Upon reading those links Lee you will immediately feel a TRUTH re: how dead we are. SongS of Solomon and THRICE GREATEST and of course SSS. OR is it SI2? where the colors RED and BLUE represent polarities...as the above image confirms? ALSO a test for the sheeple and seegullibles?
folks reading this post can you see the 25 52, 25, 52, 25 weave around Aaron's/Moses/Hermes Rod that runs through the center?
In HOLY-wood they call SSS = 555. lol up to you dude... you can move forward to the bigger picture or answer to IGNORANCE on this thread that has chosen to remain stuck in TIME SPACE. I still think Hancock and company (MAINSTREAM DRIVEL) are part of the problem. Too bad ole GH gets sucked into the vortex of LITERAL nonsense too.  Too bad he and his christian views that help twist truth into blah blah is given the floor with which to reBLEAT his tainted jc 'views'. He has served his purpose? We have spent too many centuries listening to the judaeo-christians projecting their silly nilly beliefs ONTO other CULTures and along the way weaving us tall tales in their own image? What utter nonsense. We are still recovering from all the STUPID claims laid down as a true HIS-story. hey LEE the ignorant on this forum see me as RaphaHELL whatever... they don't realize at age 47 I was reborn as an autistic child.... lol here are 7 letters that expresses the kind of fun I have playing with the herd that appears to want to remain IGNORANT? mesatan? mesanta? or namaste p.s. too bad the IGNORANT do NOT know the relationship between 7 and the swastika...the KEY OF ALL UNIVERSAL MOVEMENT. duh exactly where I need to start with this maSS of humanity made IGNORANT at maSS with SS = HOLY SPIRIT oral traditions? with the basics... 7 = rotated 90 degrees becomes an L however its reflection is what? reflection along the z-axis and NOT rotation of the 7 or L is the THE GAMMA And 4 x GAMMA = tetra-gramaton THUS THE MIRROR IMAGE OF THE GREEK GAMMA is the 7 or L. L = builder's glyph x 4 = tetragrammaton and clearly it appears that there are two of them. I hope you see that? 2 tetragrammatons that rotate in two directions, one comprised of 4 x gamma and the other comprised of the 7 or L? Clockwise and anti/counter-clockwise or shall we say clockwise (sunwise) and anti-christ-clockwise.  You are a smart fella Lee, I know you will follow me to the next level. http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/201...-the-swastika/personally Lee, I think they should LOCK THIS THREAD NOW. so the REAL MESSAGE remains in full view.
NOT BURIED UNDER another 100 pages of more ignorance fed by egos, lack of metaphysical insights, lacking an INTENT, and any kind of miSSion Statement.
lock this thread please it is the right thing to do right now. The choices on the horizon/horrorZION are between 11 and 7? Please NOTE the # of this thread. 1015 LOCK THE THREAD PLEASE.... THE TRUTH SHOULD HAVE THE LAST SAY I SAYDon't worry sheeple CLOSE ses-a-me is followed by OPEN-ses-a-me. Just came back from seeing the film INCEPTION. Guess what? First off they mention a room 528 and 491? And at the climax, when the SAFE is opened what do we find? DO NOT READ this is the Movie spoiler... a 'windmill' with the numbers 4 and 3 on two of its arms...and what is the connection between these two rather odd clues found in the safe? the swastika of course. here are two posts why we find those items in the safe. http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/201...-the-swastika/http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/200...mpass-and-dna/
Last edited by raphael; 22-07-2010 at 11:17 PM.
The Chinese one they use both two facing eachother. The Jewish and Tibetan ones both facing the same way. (shock horror reversed) The Hindu one is at the same angles as one the Nazi/Hitler used oh my! Plus the Star of David (Solomons seal) Hexagram which is the symbol for the Jews.Kundalini/chakras and the earliest records of this and religion is found in certain sects of Hinduism. Did the Swastika originate as blueprint for a fort called Su Vastu? In the conventional type of a fort, the fall of one of the gates to the attacking army would lead to the Enemy's pouring into the fort and lead to massacre or capture of all or most of its inhabitants. But under the Swastika grids fall of one of the four gates could still keep, at least three-fourths of the fort safe. The understanding of the Swastika as a blueprint for a fort can also be etymologically corroborated. In Sanskrit, Vasa means to inhabit and Vastu means habitation. While Su means good. The word Swastika might be an amalgam of the terms 'Su' and 'Vastu' pronounced as as 'Swastu') meaning 'a good habitation'.All these forms present the Swastika to us as if it were only a symbol. But it is quite possible that Swastika was an object which played an important role in the real lives of people. Some scholars have said that in ancient times forst were builtin the shape of a grid resembling the Swastika, for defensive purposes. Under such an arrangement it was difficult for an enemy to storm into all parts of the fort simultaneously. Did the Swastika originate as blueprint for a fort called Su Vastu? In the conventional type of a fort, the fall of one of the gates to the attacking army would lead to the Enemy's pouring into the fort and lead to massacre or capture of all or most of its inhabitants. But under the Swastika grids fall of one of the four gates could still keep, at least three-fourths of the fort safe. The understanding of the Swastika as a blueprint for a fort can also be etymologically corroborated. In Sanskrit, Vasa means to inhabit and Vastu means habitation. While Su means good. The word Swastika might be an amalgam of the terms 'Su' and 'Vastu' pronounced as as 'Swastu') meaning 'a good habitation'. Incidentally in Sanskrit the term Swasta means calm or peaceful. Thus the term and concept of Swastika might as well be a derivation of the name of a defensive structure which due to its impregnable character was looked upon as a good habitation. That this form of a defensive arrangement was a fact is also corroborated by the military practice of Chakra-vyuha used during ancient times. In the Chakra-vyuha, the army was arranged in the form of a circular grid which an enemy army was supposed to break. This was one of the techniques used during the Mahabharata war in which Arjuna's son Abhimanyu was killed. That the Chakra-vyuha was an effective form of defense and it was very diffciult to break it is corroborated by the episode of Abhimanyu in the Mahabharata. Briefly, this episode is as follows: The clue that the Grid like the Swastika as a defensive arrangement was a fact is also corroborated by the military practice of Chakra-vyuha used during ancient times. In the Chakra-vyuha, the army was arranged in the form of a circular grid which an enemy army was supposed to break. This was one of the techniques used during the Mahabharata war in which Arjuna's son Abhimanyu was killed. That the Chakra-vyuha was an effective form of defense and it was very diffciult to break it is corroborated by the episode of Abhimanyu in the Mahabharata.
When Abhimanyu was on the family way, Sri Krishna used to take Subhadra (Abhimanyu's mother) on excursions. To humour her, Krishna used to relate many of his adventures to the pregnant Subhadra. On one such excursion Krishna was narrating his experience with the technique of Chakra-vyuha and how step by step the various circles could be penerated. It seems that Subhadra did not find this topic interesting enough for she soon went into a slumber. But someone else was interested in Sri Krishna's narration and that was the yet to be born Abhimanyu. While Subhadra dozed off, Abhimanyu continued to carefully follow Srl Krishna's narrative of the Chakra-vyuha. But after talking for sometime and not receiving any response from Subhadra, Sri Krishna turned back and saw that Subhadra was savouring a sweet nap. Sri Krishna who had at that time come upto the seventh step of the Chakra-vyuha, gave up his narration and returned with Subhadra to the palace. The unfortunate Abimanyu could never obtain the technique of breaking all the circles in the chakra-vyuha, but whatever he had heard Sri Krishna say, he carefully preserved in his memory. He grew up to be a brave handsome young man. Many years later when during the Mahabharata war the Kavravas set up a Chakar-vyuha and challenged the Pandavas to come forward and break it, none of the Pandavas knew the technique of doing so. At that Juncture to save the honour of the Pandavas, Abhimanyu came forward and offerred his services for the task of breaking the chakra-vyuha. Despite his incomplete knowledge of the technique he entered tne grid and overcame one circle after another till he come to the seventh one for the breaking of which he had no knowledge. Brave and ambitious es he was he fought valiantly in the unequal struggle but in vain. His strength and bravery proved no match against the skillfully laid out maze on warriors fighting whom, he met his end. Similarly the Swastika could also have originated as a defensive structure which due to its vast practical utility was considered powerful and was sanctified. http://www.hindubooks.org/sudheer_bi...ory/omkar.html- Omkar, Swastika, the Saffron Colour and Purna-kumbha
I only parrot what all the other new agers are claiming. Chip I DO NOT BELIEVE in ALIENS or UFOs, I thought I made that clear? especially the ones who will do me harm...(what can I do against a light being chip, yank on their plug?) HOWEVER I do believe in evil popes, corrupt politicians, and fascist blockheads who build flying saucers. what can I do against those blokes chip? eh, are they a foe we identify with and actually do battle? DUH chip, they distract, and most folks follow along....
no wonder I find the ole' chip on this thread about much Babylon nonsense, given birth by an IGNORANT bible babbler, who only studies HIS-story based on jesus and ignores all the *other* history and HER-story that can be provided as evidence...
Originally Posted by chip1 
And of coarse I know that Raphael is related to Hermes, it is his daughter.
would love to see a link?
Originally Posted by chip1 
The Black Holes in Space why? They suck in everything that comes into their path. The feeding process of Space. The poor entities that get caught up in this whirlpool come here. Just as the earth feeds. Everything is recycled even you... Reincarnations over and over...
duh chip has descended into new age verbosity? Blackholes also emit SOUNDS chip. 57 octaves below middle 'C' recording coming out one of them....ask NASA. Duh don't ya SEE chip.........duh the ruse is not about believing in your LIGHT beings/Orbs, it is understanding the role of SOUND......AUM, duh ewe get it?
get with the fookin program not the christian pogOMs. AUM shhhhhhhhhhh do not utter the name of god, walls of jericho came down because of what? OM ya baby...
fook folks are so BLINDed by the false light messenger called "jesus loves ewe".... they fail to FEEL the sounds...........za hills are alive chip with the sound of music....
Originally Posted by chip1 
Binaural beats This phenomenon is called frequency following response. The concept is that if one receives a stimulus with a frequency in the range of brain waves. The predominant brain wave frequency is said to be likely to move towards the frequency of the stimulus.
I love phenomenon.I love stuff like the swastika, real source unknown.I love anomalies that fall outside the expertise of the religious and science experts. many of whom are IGNORANT wankers...
Originally Posted by chip1 
Yes I understand clearly my friend can you hear it. The sound of Creation. I do and it is constant and lately very loud.
I hear nothing. It is a feeling I have chip.
Originally Posted by chip1 
The Source are you walking toward it. Or are you Denying it...
sit tight dude it will come to EWE, YOU and U.
Originally Posted by chip1 
That's the True Question... Einstein...
Sine, Square, Triangle and Sawtooth are the basic waveforms
agreed those are types of waves.what kind of 'waveform' do you see on the outside of this plate chip.which of those you listed matches best? It was NOT the answer I was looking for though re: what are the 3 kinds of waveforms that result when two waves intersect.However the fact those 4 basic waveforms you listed when colliding produce in essence one of three results suggests what?A Brahma wave, a Shiva wave, and a Vishnu wave?Want me to explain dude.Want to rise up, fall down or find the middle path and find that 'thermodynamic equilibrium', that the entropic universe seeks too? So chip, or any other IGNORANT Babylon bible babblers following along, do try to match the GOD (Brahma, Siva, Vishnu) with the 'wave', the creator, the destroyer and the preserver?
Originally Posted by chip1 
And what is a Chip
That depends on how you spell it... Do you truly want me to tell you?
of course I do dude.I need to know what kind of chip dip to buy at wally-world-mart. namaste
Originally Posted by raphael 
yes but did you watch the video by the guru Dr. Temple Grandin? SHE FILLS ROOMS FOR GOOD REASON think about that? can you answer this question I posed? "who is leading us down the 'chute'?"can anybody else see the profound message in the Temple Grandin designs, intuitive, holistic insights, that clearly has its roots in a totally different perspective than yours and yours and yours and most of the mainstream? Watch the video please, again, and see if you can find the answer to the question "who is leading us down the 'chute'?"feel free to ignore my request too, I am used to the ignorant putting me on ignore?  anybody else find the answer to that question? keep working on those numbers barbi-TONE, we might need to use your 'genius' to figure out what frequencies we should employ as we are being lead down the spiraling chute... You do want to get the chance to play along right? Right when the time comes to do the right thing? By going to the LEFT? What if deciding to go right or left is part of the cosmic plan? what if *right and left would refer to clockwise/sunwise/christ vs. counterclockwise/moonwise/anti-christ* most folks don't know that the swastika/s were symbols for both the SUN and the MOON. But now they do! helps to know that when discussing the esoteric/exoteric.  Baha'i church outside Chicago. Can you SEE the SWASTIKA along with what other symbols? >>The fact that Marko Rodin got much of his insight/inspiration/direction from the Baha'i sez what exactly? that I ignore this FACT of his source? A source of genius you fail to acknowledge. what I propose is BS you have suggested in the past however it appears that it could be much much closer to the mark, the age of Taurus bulls-eye than EWE, you and u are willing to admit? namaste
Originally Posted by lived live 
b Hey Raph this all came from your inspiration mate- hope you like it thanks. its been a long.... 'time' im back to share what has become of the I CHING LO SHU ANCIENT WELL lburton.
Back from another 'vacation' courtesy of David Icke mods... hey Lee sorry about sending you down that hole dude  Lee here is another fella who connected with my blood, sweat, and fears. Another Lo Shu enthusiast who I connected with is Robert Dickter. http://www.luo-shu.com/book/contentsBut sad sadukan earlier on in this thread that in reality is GOING NOWHERE, dissed him because of his last name. Sadukan is still a child, he needs to grow up. IGNORANCE on this thread is contemptuous my friend. So Lee, dude take some of your work and lay it over my more recent revelations? I am well aware that I need to connect with folks who have their INTUITION switches TURNED on.Sadly most folks on this thread/forum have PROVED they are DEAD, WALKING TALKING TYPING ZOMBIES, who are IGNORANT of many metaphysical concepts. Yup walking zombies that dare dis what they fail to comprehend? The 'human condition'? I asked the fellas on this thread what their INTENT is in studying all of these associations and patterns that exist between numbers, using VBM. Hmm TO MY RECOLLECTION, not one responded with their miSSion statement, what their INTENT for being on this thread was in looking for patterns. I look for patterns too. So did Murray Gell-Mann in formulating his 8-Fold Way quantum particle observations re: PATTERNS Well I noticed a most profound PATTERN quite some time ago...that folks on this thread, armed with their metaphysical ignorance DO NOT want to acknowledge as having any kind of relevance. So essentially my stumbling upon 'THE PATTERN' and armed with INTENT, is exactly what SEPARATES me from the rest of the IGNORANT folks who have NOT been on this road less travelled, that I am currently, most definitely on. Too bad the folks don't realize I have separated myself with an INTENT these past 3 YEARS. 3 years of rising at 5 a.m. and embracing the 'archetype' 24/7/365 for THREE YEARS!!!! Fellas I am retired and I do NOTHING ELSE but study archetype 24/7/365 about 12-16 hours per day? 7 letter word is what I seek for my efforts? R E S P E C T Homestudy course where I stood first in class? What would 24/7/365 do to my brain and heART?  Let me help with the answer.....I am on FIRE!!!Here are two posts from yesterday on another forum that suggests my claim is bona-fide, the direction where my research is headed.  re: there are ONLY 3 kinds of waves ARE we IN PHASE or OUT of PHASE with the big Kahuna wave is the question?http://breakfornews.com/forum/viewto...?p=65512#65512Too bad folks do not want to buy into my 4 AGES Model that serves as a MODEL for both the SUN and an ELECTRON. (or any invisible particle)And the 4 AGES MODEL that addresses VBM along the way to a HIGHER KNOWLEDGE, is the MODEL we just might want to consider in dealing with this revelation? At this link make sure you watch the 6 minute video that TED tv offers. WOW Photons/SOUND is the KEY we can LINK to how mass moves from one valance/orbital to the next? http://www.religionforums.org/thread....html#pid35567I am getting so close dude, I can feel it daily. The sheeple on this thread have NO IDEA of what I am experiencing in these end of the daze. And I will need the assistance of fellas like yourself to figure out what exactly? Music and math are my weaknesses in this formula. MATH = MYTH = MUSIC Lee we are clearly OUT OF PHASE (too much sinning together, not enough singing) and the correction folks call an enlightenment will fix that.I have a wonderful feeling I will find the answer in a poetic song called what else dude? SongS of Solomon? Wow, folks are dead dead dead, like I once was. Upon reading those links Lee you will immediately feel a TRUTH re: how dead we are. SongS of Solomon and THRICE GREATEST and of course SSS. OR is it SI2? where the colors RED and BLUE represent polarities...as the above image confirms? ALSO a test for the sheeple and seegullibles?
folks reading this post can you see the 25 52, 25, 52, 25 weave around Aaron's/Moses/Hermes Rod that runs through the center?
In HOLY-wood they call SSS = 555. lol up to you dude... you can move forward to the bigger picture or answer to IGNORANCE on this thread that has chosen to remain stuck in TIME SPACE. I still think Hancock and company (MAINSTREAM DRIVEL) are part of the problem. Too bad ole GH gets sucked into the vortex of LITERAL nonsense too.  Too bad he and his christian views that help twist truth into blah blah is given the floor with which to reBLEAT his tainted jc 'views'. He has served his purpose? We have spent too many centuries listening to the judaeo-christians projecting their silly nilly beliefs ONTO other CULTures and along the way weaving us tall tales in their own image? What utter nonsense. We are still recovering from all the STUPID claims laid down as a true HIS-story. hey LEE the ignorant on this forum see me as RaphaHELL whatever... they don't realize at age 47 I was reborn as an autistic child.... lol here are 7 letters that expresses the kind of fun I have playing with the herd that appears to want to remain IGNORANT? mesatan? mesanta? or namaste p.s. too bad the IGNORANT do NOT know the relationship between 7 and the swastika...the KEY OF ALL UNIVERSAL MOVEMENT. duh exactly where I need to start with this maSS of humanity made IGNORANT at maSS with SS = HOLY SPIRIT oral traditions? with the basics... 7 = rotated 90 degrees becomes an L however its reflection is what? reflection along the z-axis and NOT rotation of the 7 or L is the THE GAMMA And 4 x GAMMA = tetra-gramaton THUS THE MIRROR IMAGE OF THE GREEK GAMMA is the 7 or L. L = builder's glyph x 4 = tetragrammaton and clearly it appears that there are two of them. I hope you see that? 2 tetragrammatons that rotate in two directions, one comprised of 4 x gamma and the other comprised of the 7 or L? Clockwise and anti/counter-clockwise or shall we say clockwise (sunwise) and anti-christ-clockwise.  You are a smart fella Lee, I know you will follow me to the next level. http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/201...-the-swastika/personally Lee, I think they should LOCK THIS THREAD NOW. so the REAL MESSAGE remains in full view.
NOT BURIED UNDER another 100 pages of more ignorance fed by egos, lack of metaphysical insights, lacking an INTENT, and any kind of miSSion Statement.
lock this thread please it is the right thing to do right now. The choices on the horizon/horrorZION are between 11 and 7? Please NOTE the # of this thread. 1015 LOCK THE THREAD PLEASE.... THE TRUTH SHOULD HAVE THE LAST SAY I SAYDon't worry sheeple CLOSE ses-a-me is followed by OPEN-ses-a-me. Just came back from seeing the film INCEPTION. Guess what? First off they mention a room 528 and 491? And at the climax, when the SAFE is opened what do we find? DO NOT READ this is the Movie spoiler... a 'windmill' with the numbers 4 and 3 on two of its arms...and what is the connection between these two rather odd clues found in the safe? the swastika of course. here are two posts why we find those items in the safe. http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/201...-the-swastika/http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/200...mpass-and-dna/
Last edited by raphael; 22-07-2010 at 11:17 PM.
Also, upon a bit of investigation, it seems others have tried to connect the FOUR CARDINAL DIRECTIONS but some of the evidence doesn’t add up? |
I view the cardinal directions as having 9 main points, 8 vectors ( the 8 winds) and 1 center ( the center churn, mount meru, window on eternity, the center of the milky way). Each point on the circle is separated by 45 (9) degree's, it is the classical compass, or compass rose ( which is further sub-divided into 32 points )  One and and same...Dharma wheel  With the 8fold path along the spokes: Marie-Louise von Franz considers it the "hole through which 'eternity breathes into the the temporal world', or the hole where heaven and earth succeed in meeting, and where creation occurs". The point (hole) is where the doubling circuit/double mandala/mirror overlap and seemingly rotate around, it is the only place with no double, a singular, what Marko sometimes refers to as "Spirit Emanator". This is also related to Penrose and the Cosmic Censorship Hypothesis ( ) The Ergosphere, the black hole reality sphere where these events occur, according to Penrose and others, actually looks like a torus http://www.valdostamuseum.org/hamsmith/BlackHole.html ( scroll down) The milky way represents temporal time , or cyclical time , while the doubling is heavenly time ( the rhythm), intersecting at the center ( or in Marko's version off-center, though this is difficult to fully understand in the context of a 2-d drawing). The heavenly order - Ho-T'u The temporal order - Lo-Shu The Lo-Shu on the cardinal directions,  ps. An interesting read, Marie-Louise von Franz ( lots of great books including a relation between I-ching and DNA published in the 60's) Double ps. The magic lo-shu compass image is from this site http://tap3x.net/EMBTI/archives.htmlTriple ps: Besides the quantum theory's of singularity ( a la Einstein/Penrose/Hawkins) we also have a more relevant human singularity, maybe Ray Kurzweil is onto something, http://www.viceland.com/int/v16n4/ht...rzweil-800.phpInterview from his book "the singularity is near". A quote from the article,
the point where the perpetual doubling of technological growth skyrockets and negates the linear models of progress that people like economists have relied on for so long. Kurzweil says we’re just about to start rounding this bend and that the rate of progress will be so great it will “appear to rupture the fabric of human history.” In other words, we will trump nature and take control of our own evolution. |
Last edited by theflow; 04-09-2010 at 11:39 PM.
Love 2 the 9s
Love 2 the 9s
God said to Haggai (2:18, 2the9)
“From this day on – from this twenty fourth day of the ninth month, give careful thought: Is there yet any seed left in the barn? Until this day the vine (bride of Christ) and the fig tree (Israel – bride of God) the pomgranate and the olive tree have not borne fruit. From this day on I will bless you.” |
In verse 12 God says to Israel:
“Return, faithless Israel, declares the Lord. I will frown on you no longer, for I am merciful, declares the Lord. I will not be angry forever. Only acknowledge your guilt – you have rebelled against the Lord your God, you have scattered your favors to foreign gods under every spreading tree, and have not obeyed me.” |
The Dawn of Earth's Great MillenniumMagnificent Evidences that the New Day is Dawning!http://www.sonstoglory.com/millenniumgematria.htm“Come, let us return to the Lord. He has injured us but he will bind up our wounds. After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will restore us, that we may live in his presence. Let us acknowledge the Lord; let us press on to acknowledge him. As surely as the sun rises, (the dawn of the Millennium) he will appear; he will come to us like the winter rains, like the spring rains that water the earth.”“I was pushed back and about to fall, but the Lord helped me. The Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation.... The Lord has chastened me severely, but he has not given me over to death. Open for me the gates of righteousness; I will enter and give thanks to the Lord... I will give thanks for you answered me; you have become my salvation.... This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. O Lord, save us; O Lord grant us success. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.”“The fruit of righteousness will be peace; the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever." 21 12 (20+1) 12onOFFonOFF http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crucifix_(Michelangelo) 3.6. 9 = 1 + 8
__________________ CRISTIS
Last edited by science2art; 29-07-2012 at 07:00 PM.
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Message 51 of 51 on the subject |
__________________ CRISTIS
Last edited by science2art; 12-12-2012 at 08:43 PM.
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Message 10 of 10 on the subject |
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Message 21 of 21 on the subject |
Top-Astronomer ID |
3616 |
Bayer |
Right Ascension |
19h 46m 44.7s |
Declination |
+68° 26 18" |
Magnitude |
6.34 |
MK Spectral Class |
Flamsteed |
Henry Draper No. (HD) |
187764 |
Smithsonian No. (SAO) |
18530 |
Fifth Fundamental (FK5) |
Draco, or the Dragon, is a constellation in the northern hemisphere. It was first charted by the Greek astronomer Ptolemy in the 2nd century. In ancient Egypt, the constellation was called Tawaret, after the vigilant, protective goddess of the northern sky, whose body was depicted as part-human, part-lioness, part-crocodile and part-hippopotamus.
In Greek mythology, the constellation Draco was identified with the dragon Ladon, which had a hundred heads and was in charge of guarding the Garden of the Hesperides, the orchard of the goddess Hera where golden apples that gave immortality grew. When Hercules was given the task to steal the apples, he enchanted Ladon with music and put him to sleep before stealing the apples. Hera later placed the dragon among the stars.
Draco is also associated with the dragon that guarded the Golden Fleece and was killed by Jason, as well as with the dragon killed by the Phoenician prince Cadmus before he founded the city of Thebes in Boeotia in Greece. In early Christian mythology, Draco was identified with the serpent that tempted Eve in the Garden of Eden.
The constellation Draco occupies an area of 1083 square degrees and contains five stars with known planets. It can be seen at latitudes between +90° and -15° and is best visible at 9 p.m. during the month of July. For many observers in the northern hemisphere, Draco never sets below the horizon. The brightest star in the constellation is [3438] gamma Draconis or Eltanin ("the serpent"), an orange giant 148 light-years distant. It lies close to the point directly over London and is sometimes called the "zenith star." [3445] alpha Draconis or Thuban ("the basilisk") is not a very conspicuous star in comparison. It is a binary star consisting of a white giant with an apparent magnitude of 3.65, more than 300 light-years away from Earth, and a companion that is believed to be either a red or white dwarf. In ancient times, between the years 3942 and 1793, Thuban was the pole star, the closest visible star to the North Pole. It will reclaim that status in the year 20346.
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Message 30 of 30 on the subject |
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