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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 354 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 29/11/2015 01:34
The name swastika comes from the Sanskrit word svastika (Devanagari: ...... It was adopted as the sole national flag on September 15, 1935 (see Nazi Germany) ...

Reply  Message 11 of 13 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/11/2015 21:26

Reply  Message 12 of 13 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/11/2015 21:47

Reply  Message 13 of 13 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/11/2015 22:17
Reply  Message 7 of 7 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/11/2015 22:26

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Respuesta  Mensaje 70 de 354 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 24/01/2016 17:49

Respuesta  Mensaje 71 de 354 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 24/01/2016 17:53

Respuesta  Mensaje 72 de 354 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 24/01/2016 18:00

Respuesta  Mensaje 73 de 354 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 24/01/2016 18:14
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 24/01/2016 14:58
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 24/01/2016 14:59
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 24/01/2016 14:59
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 24/01/2016 15:04
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 24/01/2016 15:05
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 24/01/2016 15:06
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 24/01/2016 15:07
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 24/01/2016 15:08
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 24/01/2016 15:10

Respuesta  Mensaje 74 de 354 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 24/01/2016 18:46

Respuesta  Mensaje 75 de 354 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/01/2016 03:53
BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 26/01/2016 00:46
23 de Abril

Enamorados, Protección ante ataques de armas blancas o de fuego, Protección ante el demonio, Patrón de los Scouts, Defensor de la Iglesia, Patrón de Georgia, Patrón de Catalunya, Patrón de Irlanda. Se le invoca para bendecir una casa nueva y contra las arañas

De acuerdo a la leyenda contada por Jacobus de Voragine, la historia de San Jorge y el Dragón tomó lugar en Libia. Un pueblo de la localidad tenía un lago que era plagado por un dragón, y para calmar su ira el pueblo le daban ovejas y una virgen como sacrificio, todos los días. Las vírgenes eran escojidas por medio de una lotería, y el día en que la princesa fue elejida, el rey intentó comprar su libertad ofreciendo toda su plata y oro; pero el pueblo rechazó la oferta. San Jorge se enteró de lo sucedido, y decidió ir a caballo al lago. El miedo se quiso apoderar de él, pero hizo la señal de la Cruz, y se llenó de valor. Con la ayuda de la princesa, San Jorge logró ajustar la corona de ella alrededor del cuello del dragón, y lo obligó ir al pueblo, como si fuese un perro tirado por correa. San Jorge le dijo al pueblo que si ellos no se convertían al Cristianismo, dejaría suelto a la bestia. Por lo cual todos los habitantes accedieron para evitar tal calamidad, y se bautizaron. Nuestro heroe entonces sacó su espada, y dio fin a la existencia del dragón. Donde murió la bestia, el rey construyó una iglesia bendecida por la Virgen María y San Jorge. De las aguas de sus fuentes, se curaron todas las enfermedades.

Según algunos autores nació hacia el año 280 en Siria, y según otros en Capadocia (Turquía). Sus padres, de acuerdo a la tradición, eran labradores y ricos; por lo que Jorge recibió una buena instrucción, además de una buena educación cristiana. En otras versiones de su historia, se dice que su padre era militar y que por ese motivo siguió sus pasos.

Jorge sirvió en el ejército romano, y logró ser nombrado capitán de la guardia del palacio que el emperador Diocleciano poseía en la ciudad de Nicomedia. A comienzos del siglo IV este mandatario adoptó ciertas medidas para eliminar del ejército de oriente todo lo referente al cristianismo, por lo que muchos soldados decidieron renunciar.

Se publicó en la ciudad de Nicomedia un edicto que ordenaba la demolición de las iglesias y la expulsión de todos los cristianos de las dignidades y cargos administrativos. Y así poco a poco se fueron haciendo cada vez más crueles represalias contra éstos, extendiéndose la persecución por toda Asia menor.

Indignado con esta tiranía, Jorge decidió defender públicamente su religión. Repartió sus bienes entre los pobres, y dio libertad a los pocos esclavos que a su servicio tenía. Defendió con una valentía poco vista la causa de los perseguidos ante el consejo de dignatarios y jefes militares convocado por Diocleciano, y afirmó a viva voz que su religión era única y verdadera, y que no se podía rendir culto a los ídolos.

Se presentó al emperador y declaró que era cristiano, éste sorprendido intentó convencerlo de adorar a los dioses, prometiéndole grandes distinciones y dignidades; y lo amenazó con durísimas penas si no realizaba ese mandato. Pero el capitán Jorge afirmó que él nunca dejaría de adorar a Cristo. Entonces el emperador le declaró la pena de muerte. A consecuencia Jorge sufrió el martirio: azotes, garfios de hierro que le arrancaban la carne, baños de cal viva, introducción en un tonel lleno de agudos clavos. éste sufrió todo sin emitir una sola queja, y contemplaba con admiración cómo se curaban milagrosamente sus heridas.

Luego el emperador pronunció la sentencia final. El Santo fue atado a un caballo y arrastrado así por las calles de la ciudad. Después fue decapitado. Su cuerpo se trasladó más tarde a Lydda, población de Tierra Santa, como, supuestamente, él había dispuesto.

San Jorge es o fue santo patrón y protector de diversos países, regiones y ciudades: la Corona de Aragón, Inglaterra, Portugal, Georgia, Lituania, Génova, Reggio di Calabria, Moscú, Cáceres, etc.

Es uno de los santos caballeros, protector durante la Edad Media de este estamento. En Rusia se empleó como principal emblema de sus ejércitos. En Inglaterra y Provenza se usaba su nombre como grito de guerra.

Varias órdenes militares portan su nombre o sus símbolos: la Orden de la Jarretera, la Orden Teutónica, la Orden de Calatrava, la Sacra Orden Constantiniana, la Orden de San Jorge de Alfama, entre otras.

También es patrono de diversas otras profesiones y actividades: agricultores, soldados, arqueros, prisioneros, herreros, gentes del circo, escultistas (Scout), montañeros, etc.

También es protector de los animales domésticos. Su nombre es invocado contra las serpientes venenosas, las enfermedades de la piel, el herpes, la peste, la lepra y la sífilis, y en los países eslavos contra el mal de ojo.

San Jorge mártir también es el patrón de Alcoy, ciudad situada en la Comunidad Valenciana destacándose como las fiestas de moros y cristianos más conocidas del mundo, declaradas de interés turístico internacional en 1980.

En la ciudad de San Jorge (Santa Fe-Argentina)

Alcoseri 24/01/2016 12:48
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Respuesta  Mensaje 76 de 354 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 01/02/2016 16:04
Originally Posted by grandsecretary View Post
Not true. The Gammadion is automatically produced as a bi-product of any design comprising a minimum of four squares within a square comprising the four squares. The square is the most useful regular shape used in architecture.

Similarly, a gammadion is also a natural bi-product in basket weaving, which is why it is a symbol used in all civilisations where basket weaving was prevalant.

It's use dates back many, many, thousands of years.

It is because of CONSTANT references to Hitler and Nazi Germany that it prevents intelligent discussion of this subject.

I am not sure what 'not true' is referring too.
The gammadion deals with 4 armed swastikas, there are also the infamous 3 (triskele), 5, and 6 armed swirls too, etc...

I want to suggest that the swastika is an ancient symbol for the Milky Way.
As this blog attempts to illustrate:
The ancients said we lived in a flat world, and the modern physicist/astronomer agrees.
Our solar system is in the flat spiral milky way.


Situated on Woodhouse Crag on Ilkley Moor in the UK, the stone has a double outline of a swastika with ten cups fitting within the five curved arms.

Courtesy of TJBlackwell.


Last edited by raphael; 29-10-2009 at 02:50 PM.

Respuesta  Mensaje 77 de 354 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 01/02/2016 16:11
Just as the title infers.
What shall we expect next...
What kind of reason will be launched for another 'crusade'?
Another 911?

In the after-math of WWI, the Christian raised Adolf Hitler was able to push a few theological buttons and within a short time he had a NATION dancing around the maypole and goose-stepping across Holy Roman Empire, hunting and gathering jews, gypsies,tramps, thieves and other denominationsof christians even.

But without the 'PROGRAMMING' that had been put into place by the judeao/christian scriptures ... Hitler's Kampf would have run out of gas...and the gas chambers would never have been built IF...IF...IF...IF

IF the Germans of early 20th century Germany had been Buddhists, Jains or Hindu, the Holocaust or Holy-cause would NEVER have happened. 
Without the JC programming Germans COULD NOT have been turned into NAZIs.

The great mythologist, former catholic, Joseph Campbell was correct.
The Levant religions are being interpreted with an INTENT to reflect warring, belligerent, WAR mythologies.

And this is something that both the scripted HIS-story and real history both reflect.

So frankly it is clear...had Hitler been a shah, and the goose-stepping Germans 'muslims' ... today we would be referring to Hilter as a Muslim NAZI.

Bottom line.
Hitler and the WWII Holocaust could NOT have happened without the German Christians.
And the SWASTIKA has nothing to do with this Christian induced evil.
NOTHING...as a matter of fact...whenever HITLER and the Christian Nazis are shown, it is the CRUCIFIX that should be flashed like a beacon, as their guiding light...
I have also wondered why they don't flash the crucifix hideously whenever they show the 60 million bodies piled high in the americas courtesy of the Catholic Church?

I can prove the SWASTIKA played no role in creating NAZI evil.
The EVIL was put in place by the dogma supported by the CHURCH and bible babel.
The intent of this EVIL entity was to VEIL the swastika....to harm its image.
And THEY did.
Easy to do prove that the swastika has been harmed by the Christians...who also gassed the jews.

The Buddhists and the Jain are the best proof I can offer re: the divinty of the swastika that EVIL is trying to VEIL.
Two of the most peaceful belief systems who form part of the overall earthly consciousness hold the swastika as sacred.
And the SWASTIKA is still front and center as part of their beliefs.
Still sacred after thousands and thousands of years.

Actually to compare the swastika loving Jain to the belligerent crucifix kissing judeao/christian is quite the JOKE.

The SWASTIKA has meant GOOD LUCK for thousands of years...until?
It is clear that we can blame the fucking judeao/christian GERMANS for tainting this symbol.
YES it was the CHRISTIANS who sullied/tainted a symbol that had spread/migrated across the world, and had meant GOOD LUCK to humanity for thousands of years was sullied, destroyed in the WEST...(not the EAST  ) in a short span of 20 years?

So it is OBVIOUS to me who we should blame the WORLD's woes on.
It is very clear who has been responsible for turning the tide for humanity.
It is very clear to me who the devils are that altered the course of history to fit their HIS-story.

It is so fucking clear.
And if you need more proof of my assertions ... I have it.
Linking the SWASTIKA to the ole' European 'goddeSS' cultures of 5500 B.C. that migrated to Tarsus...the home of St. Paul? 

It just gets better and better.

2012 = truth revealed = HIS-story must acknowledge HER-story 

And yes that will be an illumination, this kind of revelation, a flip-flop of gender influence does have the power to 'flip the polarity' or 'consciousness' of the EARTH and all its life.

GoddeSS cultures that suffered a Black Sea flood in 5500 B.C.: http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthread.php?t=101098
Freemasons and Swastikas and other symbols still being used from 5500 B.C.:

I am currently aware of this fact.
SSS or serpentine cultures that revered the spiral 7500 years ago have left the modern quantum physicist some clues...as a matter of fact the serpent is closing in on its tail.
The quantum wanker physicist expert must now hold the hand of the shaman.
Because they witnessed the GOLDEN RATIO (a.k.a. phi and everything golden) on the NANO-scale.
SPIRAL awareness is returning after 7500 years?

I am currently looking at the 16 elementary particles (they search for 17, the Higgs Boson) and applying what I am learning to what I already know about the Knights Templar Square, that NONE of you know as well as me... sometimes I wonder if I was a Knight in a former lifetime....because I seem to be 'remembering'... 

I know this is something that can be accomplished linking the 5x5 (25) Templar Magic Square. 
I just know it, don't ask how...and science/math/physics plebes please don't ask me to show the fucking math.

But here are some clues as to why I have come to this conclusion. 

any of you folks ever hear of the gnostic revealer?
I want to apply for the job.

NOW the most important fact that has been obfuscated by a 'scripted' HIS-story.
this is TRUE and can be proved.
And it thus sheds light on all these links I am directing you too.

BEFORE Christ was born the swastika was the most common cross being carried by folks of ALL denominations in ALL the countries bordering the Mediterranean basin.
And in the few spots where it is absent (egypt) ... we substitute serpents and spirals to represent the motion of the swastika)

DURING the life of Christ the swastika was still the cross of choice.
Some depictions of other Christ-like avatars show them crucified on a Wheel that looks like the Egyptian glyph for town.

AFTER Christ was crucified the swastika continued to be the cross of choice until Constantine had his Chi Rho vision at the Milivan Bridge.

Egypt had the square cross inside a circle.
It actually was a symbol that could be used for Egypt or for a town.

The truth really is out there....but ya gotta start asking questions.
Blind faith is really just part of the programming put into place.
And IGNORANCE is not bliSS.
So says JC (jesus) and JC (joseph campbell) from the other side.

Here is a great site that compares the many different ways you can roast or toast or crucify the boy wonder called jeSuS, depicted in many different ways.
Yup this advertising camPAIN can be served up in so many ways...but they all default to same big FIB.


Last edited by raphael; 02-02-2010 at 12:46 PM.

Respuesta  Mensaje 78 de 354 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 01/02/2016 18:57

Respuesta  Mensaje 79 de 354 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 01/02/2016 19:09

Respuesta  Mensaje 80 de 354 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 08/02/2016 06:05

Respuesta  Mensaje 81 de 354 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 08/02/2016 16:07
BARILOCHENSE6999 08/02/2016 03:07
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BARILOCHENSE6999 09/04/2015 14:04

Respuesta  Mensaje 82 de 354 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/02/2016 01:04

Respuesta  Mensaje 83 de 354 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 20/02/2016 02:33
Originally Posted by jtstatic View Post
One could say that 1 2 5 is a mathematical key. In the simple assumption that divide 1 with 2 (amount) you get 0.5 (size). Divide with size and you get the amount. It's the basis of base 10 system. Here 8 has also important role to play, because 1/8=0.125. 

...Maybe I can learn a few new tricks 
at 52 years of age, this ole dog is learning new tricks. 

125 = math key 
add an 8 you say?

my fire-fighter badge was #1258.

>> A new number/badge that was iSSued to me in 2007, as I retired at age 50 to pursue EVERYTHING I share on these threads, today.
(my former badge had been #856)

but hey would the MATRIX encode this MATH KEY #1251 + 8 on CARD X of the Tarot? 
The 'lord alchemist' verks in mysterious vays?

What is X?
Does X mark the spot?
Can we find a treasure under the X?
The word Nibiru means to cross-over or crossing. 
ZS or 2achery 5itchen is a plant to get into your sheeple brains? 

CARD X = 11 2 5 8 

Folks don't YA** see the OBVIOUS?
Put a '3' in the center of the wheel of fortune.

join the dots with dashes of hope...it forms a 'W' or an 'E or M or 3'
What you see, a W, E, M, or 3 all depends on which of the four directions you are seated at?
i.e. sitting a-ROUND the TABLE looking toward the epi-center or Marko's cosmic blender re: 2 5? 

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8

>>>follow the FIBonacci trail, the yellow brick road, the golden spiral back to OZ or OS the operating SyStem?
...the FIBS help to remove the big LIES as this research I value illustrates....

The CODE to help unlock the 'gate' has been found.
Only IGNORANCE stands as gatekeeper...and there is plenty of evidence on this thread/forum.

And I was iSSued the badge 1258 for a purpose?

YA, JA, JAH-Way, YHWH, the herd of sheeple better believe it.
This I KNOW to be true blue.
I have found my purpose in these end of the daze....

** get your YA-YAs out in the end of daze?
MS WINDOWS is a clue to help find the DOOR?


how archetypal and beautiful and poetic is the matrix.

here is a clue that I KNOW sadukan can use to apply his 'math' wisdom.
This is one is obvious.
The glyph W in west can be rotated 90 degrees CLOCKWISE to achieve an E, as in East.

remember to remember simple true blue rules about the 3-4 dimensional matrix we inhabit?
Z = S = 5 = 2 = N

So then HOW do we get the N in north to resemble the S in south?

AND if any of EWE feel that it is a coincidence that W and E are rotations, and N and S are reflections along the Z axis, then really I must tell share with ewe a fact of life.

get a life, you are wasting valuable time taking your directions from sadukan.
there is a better vay, simpler more holistic way to the truth....

MOST of ewe are terribly lost, as I once was....
But I turned over the rock of ages and found some good luck to help guide me along my journey.
My learning curve beginning at age 47 went thru the celestial roof?

WHY is there an apparent relentless NEGATIVE advertising camPAIN to dis what I found, the swastika = the KEY of UNIVERSAL VORTEX Movements that help explain torsion fields?

Maybe just maybe ...
jeSuS and Vatican Inc. will lose market share?

Is it time we crucify JESUS again or resurrect him?
This time if jeSuS is resurrected magically once more, can I recommend we associate him with the HOOKED Cross, the swastika?

Last edited by raphael; 06-03-2010 at 02:49 PM.

Respuesta  Mensaje 84 de 354 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 20/02/2016 02:36
oh but I do I do I do 
Where do you think I got the phrase swastika = "the Key to/of Universal Movement"?

James Churchward is ONE of the 'JCs' I access for TRUTH.

Another is Joseph Campbell...and if I want to reflect on my thoughts ... I access CJ not JC.
CJ is Carl Jung.
From time to time I check to see how the HIS-story of JC (jeSuS) matches up with the OTHER archetypes which became the source of the biblical ARK-etypes.


James Churchward's work was dissed, veiled, buried, the NIVEN tablets went missing...and probably ended up in the Vatican basement?

I also have two his brother's books (Albert the Freemason) who I am sure shared info with his brother... 


Signs and Symbols of Primordial Man by A.C. (Albert Churchward)

Last edited by raphael; 06-03-2010 at 05:41 PM.

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