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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 354 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 29/11/2015 01:34
The name swastika comes from the Sanskrit word svastika (Devanagari: ...... It was adopted as the sole national flag on September 15, 1935 (see Nazi Germany) ...

Reply  Message 11 of 13 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/11/2015 21:26

Reply  Message 12 of 13 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/11/2015 21:47

Reply  Message 13 of 13 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/11/2015 22:17
Reply  Message 7 of 7 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 28/11/2015 22:26

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Respuesta  Mensaje 10 de 354 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 06/12/2015 16:31

Respuesta  Mensaje 11 de 354 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 06/12/2015 17:13

Galileo y las estrellas

Escrito el 18 septiembre, 201419 septiembre, 2014

¿Sabes quién es el responsable de que podamos ver las estrellas a través de un telescopio? o ¿quién afirmó que la Tierra no es el centro del Universo, como se creía antes? Pues fue un hombre muy inteligente que vivió una época difícil, en donde era criticado por decir cosas diferentes a lo que se creía en ese entonces.

Un hombre inteligente

Galileo Galilei nació en Pisa, Italia, en 1564. Era un hombre muy brillante a quien le gustaba mucho investigar y conocer acerca de todo lo relacionado con la ciencia. Aunque su padre quería que estudiara medicina, se interesó por las artes, como la pintura y la literatura, además de las matemáticas, la física, la filosofía y sobre todo la astronomía, ciencia que estudia todo lo relacionado con el espacio y las estrellas.


Muchas veces fue llamado «loco» debido a los estudios que realizó, los cuales incluso tuvo que negar para que lo dejaran en paz. A pesar de esto, su curiosidad lo motivó a hacer muchas investigaciones y descubrió muchísimas cosas importantes para la humanidad, ya que él es el primer físico que se basó en la experimentación y la observación para probar que el universo y sus fenómenos se pueden explicar de distintas maneras.

¿El centro del Universo es la Tierra?

Hace muchos años, Nicolás Copérnico, un científico muy reconocido, afirmó que la teoría que decía que la Tierra era el centro del Universo estaba equivocada, y que la realidad era que la Tierra y los demás planetas giraban alrededor del Sol. Tiempo después, gracias a uno de sus inventos más importantes, el telescopio, Galileo Galilei confirmó que esto era verdad y que los planetas giraban alrededor del Sol, en lo que ahora conocemos como Sistema Solar.


Más allá del telescopio

Galileo es un ejemplo de cómo la curiosidad y la investigación te pueden llevar a cosas asombrosas. Gracias al telescopio, uno de sus inventos más importantes, podemos observar las estrellas, los planetas y el universo, pues nos permite ver objetos lejanos como si estuvieran muy cerca.

Sin embargo, el telescopio no fue su única aportación a la ciencia, pues descubrió muchas cosas importantes para la física. Por ejemplo, los filósofos griegos, sobre todo Aristóteles, afirmaban que la velocidad a la que caían los objetos dependía de su peso; es decir, entre más pesado fuera un objeto —por ejemplo una piedra—, más rápido llegaba al suelo si lo dejabas caer.


Pero Galileo no estaba de acuerdo con esta teoría y realizó diversos experimentos para desmentirla. Tomó una bola de plomo y una de madera, lanzó las dos juntas y, aunque no cayeron exactamente al mismo tiempo, no hubo una gran diferencia de tiempo, como los griegos afirmaban. Tú mismo puedes comprobar esto si dejas caer un lápiz y un plumón grueso y ver cuánto tiempo tarda cada uno en caer al suelo.
Galileo también creó diferentes maneras para medir el tiempo, ya que hace muchos años no existían los relojes como los que usamos ahora. Inventó un reloj similar al de arena, sólo que utilizaba agua, en donde cierta cantidad de líquido pasaba de un recipiente a otro, y cada vez que esto ocurría, equivalía a una medida de tiempo, ya fuera un minuto o una hora.

Otra forma que tenía de medir el tiempo era mucho más divertida porque cuando quería hacer un experimento cantaba una canción con el laúd, un instrumento parecido a la guitarra, y la interrumpía cuando el experimento se terminaba, así veía cuánto tiempo había tardado. Imagínate que para saber cuánto tiempo te tardas bañándote tengas que cantar una canción, suena divertido ¿no?


Categoría: Explora. Etiquetas: , , , , , , , , , , , , , .

Respuesta  Mensaje 12 de 354 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 06/12/2015 17:31

Respuesta  Mensaje 13 de 354 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 06/12/2015 19:25

Respuesta  Mensaje 14 de 354 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 07/12/2015 18:14
At least 95 out of 100 people polled would know their horoscope sign.

And at least 95 out of 100 people polled DO NOT know that these 12 horoscope signs are within 9 degrees of either side of the ecliptic for a real good reason, to do with a cycle called Precession of the Equinoxes.
That kind of unawareneSS in the world about a veiled truth, will soon change.

And more than 95 out of 100 DO NOT know the following...guaranteed:


Auntie M
or is it anti-matter ... do you think the folks who call this place home know what I am about to suggest?


Note: the 9 pillars on either side of the purple line.
Note: that we have 4 young lads on the left and 5 on the right of the line running down the center that appears to run from the Black Door to the Obelisk.

9 = 4 + 5
Would 4 and 5 represent asymmetry maybe?
4 and 5 to the ancients represented the difference between a square and a circle.

Image Image

Two images showing the relationship between our hands, asymmetry, chemistry and music.

This works for any molecule that has four different things hanging off of a carbon atom, and this is true for lots of important things in living systems, like proteins, DNA, and RNA. As it happens the amino acids in your body are left handed, but the sugars are right. It has nothing to do with how you write or toss a ball, its just an expression. Interestingly, the amino acids found in meteorites seems to favor the left handed kind. Perhaps there is a connection between our left handed amino acids and those in meteorites? More about left handed amino acids in meteorites.

Our hands, amino acids, the electron and positron, DNA and both versions of the swastika are ALL asymmetric and chiral.
Coincidence eh, that the hands and the building blocks are asymmetric?
Asymmetric hands using asymmetric building blocks to build asymmetric empires within the boundaries of an asymmetric universe, as veiled to us.
The experts have yet to understand the relationship between the left hemisphere of the brain and our preference for right handedness.

Makes perfect sense to me.
When we finally develop a symmetrical brain, that is when we will arrive in Valhalla, Eden, Nirvana, Utopia etc. etc...

9 degrees on either side of the ecliptic eh?
In analogy how about 9 degrees on either side of the corpus callosum?

Now I understand why the 18 pillars were placed where they were in St. Peter's Square.
Makes perfect sense.
In the above image we see 9 small pillars on either side of the 'ecliptic'...the nine are numbered on the right side...and on the left side is another reason the number 9 is significant.

90 = 9
90 + 90 = 180


9 + 9 = 18 = Card XVIII the MOON


For those who study the Tarot please note the following.
The only cards that have two rounded pillars on them in the Major Arcana are the cards II, V, and XI.

II, V, and XI = 2, 5 and 11
Yes I note 8 is absent.
But if you add 2 + 5 + 11 = 18 the only 4 cards in the Major Arcana that have 2 pillars.
Card 18 the Moon has two square towers.


And how do our LEFT and RIGHT hands contribute?


In the above image of the Nazca Lines I show how the ancients were actually depicting different wave formations...the Red Lines.

How did horoscopes become the horrorscopes associated with the occult and bunk?
Who was responsible?
Why do they still acknowledge the importance of these events and alignments?

XYZ of the V

Yellow lines join the 4 lamp posts / 4 Royal Stars
Aldebaran, Regulus, Antares and Fomalhaut

Blue Line joins the two fountains.
Saturn and Jupiter maybe?

Red line from this perspective faces East or goes UP.

Black Line goes to the Black Door...where they bury the White Popes.


Does the yellow line represent symbolically 'the ecliptic'?

Let us examine the similarities between these images:

1 >>> we see in the ancient stone from Ireland a square cross and below the cross, squiggly lines indicating movement...this is suggesting the first step in spherical standing wave theory.
There are only two movements available according to physicist Milo Wolff, clockwise and counterclockwise.
The spin determines whether an electron or positron evolves.
cha cha cha

2 >>>
the Black Door gets divided by the 'ecliptic' forming two squares?
Two squares with a square root of 1 are the first two steps in the Fibonacci sequence.
i.e. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5 , 8, 13 ... which is a musical progression, connected to an octave rather intimately.


3 >>> we see in both images above, the outline of a 'quatrefoil'
And many many esoteric items can be placed within this quatrefoil, Solomon's Knot is one of them...and without coincidence I have connected the Greek Zodiacal Cross, the Swastika and Solomon's Knot to The Great Year, the name of which was later changed to Precession of the Equinoxes...as part of the deliberate ruse.

Using science to VEIL the simplicity. :roll:


So apparently we the sheeple are fed doses of religion, while THEY consume the esoteric sciences revealed through a study of astrology, astronomy and alchemy?
I feel said the blind man, as he examined what was obviously an elephant.

Has the Holy Grail / Philosopher's Stone been identified? :roll:
I feel it has been identified.
Is it SS Wave Theory?

Spherical Standing Wave Theory?

http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2008/1 ... ve-theory/



KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…”

Respuesta  Mensaje 15 de 354 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 07/12/2015 18:18


I want to build on what we now know about those images above.

Why St. Peter's Square does in fact resemble an archetypal Spherical Standing Wave Theory.
But I will need to consult my new bible that explores ideograms which are the basis of archetypal imprinting, that obviously, as this dictionary illustrates ... transcend our concepts of TIME and SPACE.
http://www.amazon.ca/Dictionary-Symbols ... 0393312364

Much of the info within this text confirms my intuitive journey.

Thus Carl Liungman and me want to show how the ideograms representing archetypes became the ARKetypes.
They even built archetypal gothic churches with vaulted archetypal arches.
An exploration into what the vaulted archway represents will be another post.


Here again is that stone from Ireland that I am suggesting is an ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory embedded right into the stone, using ideograms/archetypes...could this be a 'Philosopher's Stone'?
Or a metaphorical 10 Commandments?

What were these 1 2 3 distinct ideograms or ideas attempting to convey?

Remember we know today that the mind is asymmetrical and the hands that sculpted / etched this stone did it using asymmetric chiral left and right hands.

Ideogram # 1
What does a cross within a circle mean to the archetypal mind?
Could it be an IDEOGRAM for the positron?

Please re-read the above reference to the positron.
Milo Wolff the author of Spherical Standing Wave Theory would then say the positron resulted from a certain 'movement'.
A movement that he says can ONLY be defined as going either Clockwise or Counterclockwise.
Which would then evolve to the next image of a swastika representing the positron.
Please note that its orientation is the same as the one we see on the rock from Ireland.
Please note that I want to suggest that the other swastika that rotates in the other direction could then be considered the 'electron'.

Ideogram # 2

The above cross was called the Key to Universal Movement found in the Valley of Mexico, predating the Aztec.

Thus the second ideogram could be represented by either of the above images on the right.
Which are asymmetric images of each other too!
And the flame throwing swastikas can be seen as pinwheels.
Thus it helps to establish whether the swastika is rotating clockwise or counterclockwise.
Thus if the arms are bent clockwise or to the right, it actually implies the opposite movement will ensue.
This helps explain the confusion.

These two asymmetric swastikas could be simple ideograms of the KEY to Universal Movement.


Which brings us to the final Ideogram # 3, the quatrefoil.

Quatrefoil = Atom



A symbol found in ALL Gothic Cathedrals is the quatrefoil.
It was associated with the 4 Evangelists.
However Timothy Leary connected this symbol to transcendental LSD which is essentially synthetic DMT.
And DMT is found in the pineal gland.
The body produces it, it is naturally occurring.
Shamans use supercharged cocktails of botanical DMT to access 'other dimensions'.
Modern shamans too, like James Crick who accessed the ARKitecture of the double helix of DNA because he had taken LSD.
So goes the rumor.
Google it.


But in the image above we need to match from the images below a glyph to place inside the quatrefoil.
The ancients chose to place a tetraskele inside the quatrefoil.


The ancients according to the interpretation were thus 'musical'.
And it is no coincidence that St. Peter's Basilica which is shaped like a quatrefoil is where 'music' is created.
Music created using the ancient Solfeggio frequencies.

Which brings us back to Dr. Leonard Horowitz, a Knight of Malta, who claims that 528 Hertz is rumored ability to heal DNA.

And the concept that SOUND Waves = Gravity Waves = phi/Phi, which has been revealed to me through using the language of archetypal alchemy seems to resonate.
Gravity has been distinct from the other 3 forces because it is more about Sound and not Light...which is electro-magnetic.
Sound is non electro-magnetic as is gravity.
But everything is connected...so light and sound can be united.

But do we want a Sound and Light show...a global fireworks display?



KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…”


Respuesta  Mensaje 16 de 354 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 07/12/2015 18:21

INDIGO children … Ask the Vatican why indigo?

Anybody know why they chose the color ‘indigo’ to name these children’s gift/vibe?
Why blue/purple eh?
These two colors are sacred to those who follow the Old Testament.
Biblical Blue and Tyrian Purple
And both those colors mixed with white, even today continue to represent royalty or symbolize a unity.
And the photo above representing the United Nations (formerly the League of Nations) fits nicely into St. Peter’s Square.
Doesn’t it?
X marks the spot.
The North Pole is where the current Pope’s phallus is currently located. It is marked by the Egyptian obelisk or dildo the Christians stole, today it represents a tool used to %$#@ with humanity.
St. Peter’s Square (the bottom portion) is shaped like a chalice, cauldron or cooking pot, an archetype I want to suggest that later evolved into maybe the Holy Grail.
But it is when we follow the clues left behind by the inquisitors that we see the implications of what I am suggesting,
The template or ARKetype we see in St. Peter’s Square can be traced back to a symbol I photographed in a Peruvian Monastery (Catholic).
But the trail does not end in Peru.
It can lead us to Tibet, NAZI Germany and of course India.


Mandala of the Universe of the Lamas … Tibet

My ongoing research suggests the mandala above that I found in a Peruvian monastery represents what the ancients called the Great Year.

I challenge anyone at this time to find any other mandala that matches up with both the Peruvian one and the Nazi Swastika, paying attention to those 3 specific colors (black, white, red) and in that order utilizing at the same time the same esoteric form. i.e. Black Cross representing matter, White Circle represents spirit and both are found on a Red background representing ?

The Great Year is Plato’s story of Atlantis that modern science has obfuscated with a concept called Precession of the Equinoxes.

In other words … Plato’s story of Atlantis and earthly cyclical cataclysms became myth and in its place another story replaced the deluge…centered around Noah and a certain ‘tribe’.
Here is the point where the story tellers, took possession of the divine archetypes that permeate the creation and morphed them into the ARKetypes that were intended to keep a certain ‘repressed’ culture afloat….

But can I ask a personal question?
How do I go about making or creating an Indigo Child?
The next image is a clue for those interested in creating such a gifted or blessed child OR if even talking about stellar starry relationships … what is necessary to make a jesus christ superstar manifest…


Shiva Linga (comprised of a shiva + lingam = vulva and phallus)

To make an Indigo child get up and go you need a little math magic.

1 + 1 = 3 

Shiva Linga

Shiva Linga
I rotated the above symbol to show how it resembles the above archetypes of the UN flag and St. Peter’s Square below.
The lingam or phallus appears where the obelisk is … yeah yeah yeah … coincidence.

But coincidence after coincidence suggests we should pay attention to what we are being directed toward.



The Shivalinga denotes the primeval energy of the Creator. It is believed that at the end of all creation, during the great deluge, all of the different aspects of God find a resting place in the Lingam; Bhrama is absorbed into the right, Vishnu to the left and Gayatri into the heart. The Shivalinga is also a representation of the infinite Cosmic Column of fire, whose origins, Vishnu and Bhrama were unable to trace.


And please note:
We are back to the concept of a Right, a Left and a Middle.

1 + 1 = 3 representing a middle or median

A middle that is represented by the heart or 4th chakra, coincidently 4 is the middle or median of 1-7 chakras.

And when you make further connections to DNA and electro-magnetism … whoa.
(i.e. fertility and DNA magic 1 + 1 = 3 or a 3rd entity manifests from nowhere…)

Still hot on the trail of unity…
But I have noticed the theologians and scientists are still clinging to their silly self-serving notions and beliefs.

How am I doing, penetrating both of their secrets by ignoring their silly chatter?
Follow your intuition, it really is a guide…to helping you find your way out of the labryinth.




Respuesta  Mensaje 17 de 354 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 07/12/2015 19:30
Originally Posted by mind1universe View Post
This has gotten WAY off topic.
glad you noticed that the topic SEEMS to have strayed.

but you are missing the point entirely, it has NOT strayed.
you just can't seem to follow along...because it is OVER your head.
YOU are plainly ignorant of this symbol too.
I do not mean to offend using such harsh language.
But this statement is true...if you continue reading, you may begin to understand why I shadow box with both the religious/science plebes.

Most folks are clearly ignorant/misinformed about this symbol.
Join the herd...or come join the discussion here:
I use the same arguments to do battle with Freemasons and ignorant Science plebes too.
Because it is obvious to me that TRUTH should be evident in all beliefs...if it really is a truth.

Ever wonder why we appear doomed?
IGNORANCE is a clue to the plight of humanity.

the topic is Prove Jesus Existed.
not one religious plebe has been able too.

Not surprising really, they have had about 2000 years to accumulate the evidence and present their case.
Wankers...who fail to learn from both history and HER-story, because they only read their cherished HIS-story.
And the spiritual holier-than-thou-brow beat goes on.

I am merely showing what the fictional JESUS is helping to veil.

DUHHHHHHHH c'mon folks, let's face an OBVIOUS TRUTH.
Can we agree on the following? >> the creation of an archetypal or real Jesus, as a representative of a mono god, in effect helped replace many many many other pagan/indigenious gods.
Could that be part of the purpose of scripting the boy wonder into the narrative, as the Newer improved Testament did?

And it seems MANY OF THE ANCIENT cultures had a symbol to represent this 'universal energy' that was experienced by everybody on earth?
The swastika IS a symbol that showed a unity between people who had never ever even met.
Unlike the crucifix that can be followed around the hemispheres like a fucking man-induced biblical plague.

Symbol of MU?
KEY to Universal Movement?

The SWASTIKA is the KEY to Universal Movement.
Please understand that it was the ancestors of the Aztec who called the swastika the KEY to Universal Movement, not me.
The Niven plates found near Mexico City is proof of this claim.
So is modern quantum physics that describes movement in the unseen invisible world of particles as LEFT or RIGHT handedness.
This is used to express rotation or spin.
And spin is either seen as clockwise or counter-clockwise.
Or Up and Down is used in the virtual world of particle physics to describe what is important.
The electron lives in a virtual flat world too, and the two movements available to it, are left or right spin.
The important thing I believe here, is that spin shows us its potential, its polarity.

Can any of the religious or scientific plebes (dancies with lucifier?) OFFER me another ancient/archaic/pre-literate symbol that is capable of expressing this universal dynamic of plus and minus?
I can think of only one symbol that is identified with its MIRROR image...how about you dancies with the devil?
Can EWE think of any others that have been with us for the past 7000-10000 years?

More to the point.
I can think of only ONE ancient symbol that is identified with its CHIRAL ASYMMETRIC image.
Interestingly enough the building blocks of creation starting with matter/anti-matter and DNA and amino acids and carbohydrates and crystals, etc.... ARE ALL ASYMMETRIC.

The swastika in various forms has been around 10,000 years.
Been revered for at least 7000 years.
Was seen as a good luck symbol for as long.
And it has been ignored as a GOOD symbol, and marketed as a BAD one, since 1945 because a Roman Catholic Christian piece of human shit called Hitler...decided to adopt it as his own...

Because Hitler saw himself as a GOD too.
No wonder he revered the swastika.
They go hand in hand ... gods and the swastika.

The SWASTIKA ... was revered as a GOD long before Jesus the archetype walked on water, and helped keep the ARK floating in the minds of the sheeple.

All GODS of the past have slowly been eliminated or absorbed in the west, over the last two thousand years by a rabid rabbinical story that muslims and christians share in.

BUT for thousands of years BEFORE the superSTAR advertising camPAIN was unleashed...many cultures actually had come into agreement about the importance of the SWASTIKA.

So what lies beneath all the religious and scientific rhetoric?
Is there a common denominator that might help us see the connections?

the importance of CHIRAL ASYMMETRY http://forums.abrahadabra.com/showthread.php?t=2925
Can I place the importance of the SWASTIKA right into the palms of your hands.
How does it all connect to the MIND and the HEART?
Read the above link.

Thus to prove the importance of the SWASTIKA as an ancient symbol/glyph representing a GOD requires the unveiling of the biggest FIB of the last 2000 years.

That is what I have dedicted my website to.
An investigation into the KEY to Universal Movement.
Neither the swastika nor ole' Raphael is going anywhere soon.
We are both eternal and immortal.

And the herd of lost sheeple need to know that.
As long as the GOOD LUCK SWASTIKA remains buried under judeao/christian bullshit and christian NAZI atrocities...we are FUCKED as a humanity...because we allow religions and science to keep us divided.

I do see both a LOCK and a KEY in the design of the Vatican.
Is the Vatican attempting to communicate with god or aliens?
The LOCK and KEY can only be seen from above...thus if I use wanker logic like the bestseller Chariots of the Gods did, I can only assume that the Vatican was built in an attempt to commune with either god or aliens.
Eric von Danikan says so....hahahaha what a wanker Eric is too...identifying the NAZCA Owl as an alien and its geo-glyphs as 'landing strips'.

Betcha Eric was raised in a Judeao/Christian environment?

The Vatican was designed by men who were still 'grounded' within a flat world.

I also see the BLACK DOOR where they bury the Popes.
Jesus said I am the DOOR eh?
Guess what symbol is on the DOOR that Jesus represents?

And as the herd of EWE sheeple pass through that DOOR or maybe as you pass through the WARDROBE in Narnia, or maybe a few of EWE might step through the LOOKING GlaSS Alice, remember this, as you paSS through the DOOR that the superSTAR jesus represents, can we thus call the DOOR jesus opens a STARgate? please do take a look over your right shoulder or is the left shoulder? does it matter? and EWE will see that the DOOR that separates the seen from the unseen, the light from the shadows, that STARgate is the final VEIL, that the quantum physicist calls the Planck Era, that infinitesimally small barrier that divides the relative world from the quantum world, and please do note that the swastika on the DOOR is now rotating in the other direction, than what it was when you entered from the other side.

That is what CHIRAL ASYMMETRY represents.
Two sides of the same coin...rotating in opposite directions.
ASYMMETRY is a clue to the shadow worlds that EWE enter called Wonderland or Narnia or the quantum realm.

BTW ... Placing the Golden RING of Power on your finger will accomplish the same thing Frodo.
See why we are doomed?

Not many Frodos on this thread who understand what needs to be accomplished.


Gospel of Matthew 1:18-25 = the Birth of Jesus = Precession of the Equinoxes = CARD X of the TAROT and the HIDDEN CODE = 112?58 = Fibonacci Code = Golden Spiral = phi

Golden Spiral Grail Cup, the heart and the Swastika?

This link shows ole Raphael is NOT alone in his quest as he continues to follow the archetypal threads resembling a unified field theory, to TRUTH, back to its source?

Everything GOLDEN as defined by the Golden Mean, the Golden Ratio and the Golden Spiral = Golden Grail Cup.

ole' Raphael has struck GOLD...everything I touch, like King Midas touch turns everything into gold.
ole' Raphael, like his name implies, is more a healer than a madman.
I always EXPECT the herd of religious AND scientific plebes to see something different and oppose me.
BECAUSE that is exactly what defines EWE as plebes...the herd of ewe just cannot see the obvious...ewe have not been granted the vision...yet....hang in there....it will arrive.

Last edited by raphael; 17-11-2009 at 04:32 PM.

Respuesta  Mensaje 18 de 354 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 07/12/2015 19:34
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Respuesta  Mensaje 19 de 354 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 12/12/2015 02:25

note when you overlap the two opposite rotating swastikas a 5x5 grid becomes distinct complete with a square cross and four dots in the corners, very similar to the SEED pattern for a 3-circuit labyrinth.

Important to remember that the 5x5 grid is associated with the Knights Templar, the Great Pyramid, Pompeii, and the planet of war, Mars.

So it appears that we need to investigate the physics of magic squares:


Loly and Rogers show that the moment of inertia of a magic cube is n3(n3 + 1)(n2 – 1)/12. In effect, they demonstrate that magic cubes have the same inertial form as a spherical top.

It's also possible to consider the numbers of magic squares to be electric charges and to extend such analyses to higher dimensions. Loly has even calculated the so-called eigenvalues of magic squares, which are related to their "fundamental frequencies" if you were to set these squares ringing like a bell.

"When treated as mass distributions, magic squares give clear and accessible examples of the properties of the moment of inertia," Loly says. "When treated as matrices, magic squares also serve as exceptional examples of some advanced linear algebra theorems."

Arrow http://www.searlsolution.com/members/documents/0302_rotational.pdf

Now you are 'ready' to embrace what I have been recovering.
But 'ready' only implies a willingness to learn about my recovery.

Both the SATOR and ROTAS square.
But clearly one Sator square liked to use a 'reverse' S.




please note that the word TENET is the only thing that remains unchanged.


An ancient Vortex Theory buried...in the ruins of Pompeii?
Attached to a culture that revered the swastika?
Oh my

An ancient vortex theory found in the Sator/Rotas Square (source unknown) connected to the missing Capstone of the Great Pyramid?

Rodin Coil associations to the Sator Square:
Twistor String Theory associations to the Sator Square:

The Sator Square or Knights Templar Magic Square matches up SO SO nicely with both modern theories.

thus this question must be addressed.

WHY does a 'magic square' ... 'source of which is unknown' ... 2000 years old ... match up mnemonically with MODERN Vortex Based Math and Twistor Theory developed by Roger Penrose?

HOW can that be folks, think about it...?
How could what we are just arriving at today be already embedded in a 2000+ year old 'magic square' of Mars?

please disregard the rant by myself on that Icke forum...
IGNORANCE has a way of bringing out the worst in me...

But my findings still stand.
It is undeniable.

IT was already written...

"remember to remember" is the lesson here?


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…”
-Albert Einstein

Respuesta  Mensaje 20 de 354 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 12/12/2015 02:28

The image on the RIGHT is a non-planar wing design that employs ASYMMETRY...these are the designs they are today studying in 'aero-dynamics....

Some things are just worth repeating.

The ASYMMETRIC Swastika and the Maltese Cross represent LAWS of NATURE, together with phi and pi, representing other IRRATIONAL LAWS of NATURE connected to golden concepts, and all of the aforementioned are associated with ASYMMETRY.
And ASYMMETRY is the stuff this universe is made of.
Matter and Anti-matter are ASYMMETRIC.

And the swastika and maltese cross can help explain the anomaly called wave/particle duality.

And I have an ASYMMETRICAL magic carpet that I purchased in Santorini in 1985.
I use the magic carpet to 'fly' around an archetypal fantasy land that has been built using asymmetry?

What if vortex energy is somehow involved?
We could call my magic carpet ride a RODIN RUG woven using VBM?

Anybody want to take a gueSS where this next photo is from, what is the scene in question?

What is the image on the RIGHT depicting?

...we see two hands and an isosceles triangle and the familiar asymmetric design that conceals/veils the KEY of Universal Movement ... the swasti-KEY.

So what is that scene depicting?
Oh my
Oh my
Oh my

on the upper left is the ODAL rune.
below it is the logo of VW known as the 'People's Car' ... which became the 'Sheeple Kar' which is being designed for the 21st century into the MerKAbaa!

In the middle, amongst this SS vortex meSS is Marko Rodin's Enneatruth.

Maybe this might help you see that we are being prodded to go in certain directions using these archetypal buttons I expose?

Busted Again!!!

give up?
click for large image
called the Donation of Constantine
Arrow http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l280/kachina2012/Garden%20Photos/DonationofConstantine.jpg

Busted Again!!!

The ASYMMETRICAL SwaSti-KEY opens so many doors.
Don't leave home without it.

A stepping stone found in the labyrinth designed to heal.
Part of the hop, skip and quantum 'jump', a trinity of stone ages...
Maybe the the milky way skips across the universal pond like a flat rock?

part I

part II


KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…”
-Albert Einstein

Respuesta  Mensaje 21 de 354 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 13/12/2015 02:44
Reply  Message 283 of 283 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 12/12/2015 23:23

Is the star of david's origin, Orion?


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by Terran resistance on February 4th, 2013
Is the star of david's origin, Orion?

For the rest of my pictures go to:

The arrow is to do with Enlil, and the more and more I research the more and more I begin to believe that the all seeing eye is a symbol of Nibiru (what contactee alex collier talks about) in the constellation of orion, he says that one faction of 'nibiru' are around betelgeuse, which is where the lambda orionis nebula is which is shaped like an eye!

see this:

Its the only think which is remotely eye shaped in orion, the all seeing eye im 100 billion percent sure is not lyra or draconis.

Also the apostle Paul stuck up for jewish people, though my thoughts are sketchy on that one. And the apostle paul is associated with the all seeing eye!

so its possible that the star of david originates its shape from orion aswell.


Respuesta  Mensaje 22 de 354 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 13/12/2015 03:10
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Respuesta  Mensaje 23 de 354 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 13/12/2015 19:25
Georgia Guidestones 2014 666 CUBE - Roman and Babylonian Cornerstone

Respuesta  Mensaje 24 de 354 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/12/2015 18:56
77 In Luciferian And Thelemic Gematria---Lucifer and Laylah
Reply  Message 172 of 172 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 14/12/2015 15:52
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