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سجّل نفسك الآن

هل نسيت كلمتك السر؟

Secreto Masonico
  أدخل الآن
  جدول الرسائل 
  معرض الصور 
 الملفات والوتائق 
 الإحصاء والنص 
  قائمة المشاركين
 Procesos Secretos del Alma 
 Estructura Secreta del Ritual Masónico 
 Los extraños Ritos de Sangre 
 Cámara de Reflexiones 
General: Joseph’s Pyramid (Also known as the Great Pyramid)
إختار ملف آخر للرسائل
الفقرة السابقة  الفقرة التالية
جواب  رسائل 1 من 21 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999  (الرسالة الأصلية) مبعوث: 01/12/2018 16:03

Joseph’s Pyramid (Also known as the Great Pyramid)

This page is collection of our ongoing series of articles about the secrets of Joseph’s Pyramid, better known as the Great Pyramid.  It is meant as a preliminary introduction to the secrets and construction details of the Future Holy Temple, which G-d willing we will all behold soon.

There is a secret mountain of stone more precious than anyone ever realized. As previously advised the secret cubit to be utilized in the construction of the Future Temple (The Third Holy Temple) has been used before, thousands of years ago. It was concealed and persevered for thousands of years. It was even buried under sand for multiple millennia, yet it resurfaced a couple hundred years ago, and was only properly deciphered in the last 20, and completely hidden until today.

As you read the following article, keep in mind that Abraham Avinu went down to Egypt: Jacob and all his sons and family moved there; Joseph ruled over Egypt; and the Arizal grew up there. These were the most powerful tzaddiks, all of whom could easily control the weather, do you really think they were forced down there because of droughts and circumstances?

Yes, here we go with numbers again, but they represent energy and we need them to reveal the secrets hidden beneath them—think of them as symbols in a giant cosmic puzzle that we’re piecing together—and if they’re not your thing, just get a feel for the story they are telling, and let their spirit guide you to a further state of awe, as we draw back the veils on the tree-of-life reality.

As promised there is a monument made out of stone, actually an enormous one, and if it wasn’t built by G–d himself, as you will soon witness, it was certainly built with the dimensions He must have supplied. Like the Torah, it is precise beyond comprehension and certainly beyond the capabilities of man thousands of years ago. Yet, like the Torah, there it is for all to see and study.

This monumental monument is designed with 3 standard measurements: the inch, the foot and the ancient and future cubit (27.5 inches), as explained in our previous article regarding the Future Temple. It also has a few standard dimensions because of its special shape: its height, base (width), apothem, and perimeter of its base. And with those very few simple dimensions of wealth of beauty and ancient and modern knowledge was concealed, or shall we say preserved.

Let’s start with the standard measure of its base (width), which is 756.25 feet long. That’s long. It’s huge actually, but we’re more concerned for the moment on what it could mean. Hieroglyphics aren’t going to help us here. Fortunately, we have gematria, the same gematria used by our Patriarchs. And as it just so happens, the Hebrew letter Nun (N) in the more potent gematria milui (spelled-out) sofit version (spelled NVN) is 756. And reflecting on the letter Nun (N) we know that its ordinary value as a single letter is 50, which kabbalistically always represents the sefira(dimension) of Binah (understanding) and always refers to the 50-year jubilee cycle as designated in the Torah in the counting toward the arrival of Moshiach (the Messiah) and the geula (final redemption).

756 is also the gematria value of the Hebrew word for “the years of” (ShNVT), reinforcing this counting of years, and the ordinal value of the word is 63, that of Sag, the aspect of G-d’s Name assocaited with Binah and presented by the letter Samech-Gimmel, (SG) as in the two Hebrew letters Abraham advised us control the destiny of the month of Kislev (Sagittarius).

And similarly, the height of this monument is 481.25 feet high, not only towers 48 stories over the desert below, but matches up with the Hebrew word for year, Shanah (ShNH), which likewise when taken in its more potent gematria milui (spelled-out) value (ShYN NVN HY) gives us 481.

So while “year” and “50” seem to go together beautifully in the concept of the critical “jubilee year” concept, simple arithmetic gives us (756 – 481) = 275, which, if you recall from our article on the derivation of the ancient and future cubit, was the total value of the Tetragrammaton in its full form, encompassing all four aspects, which collectively totaled 232 + 39 letters + 4 Names = 275. And since 275/10 sefirot = 27.5, the secret measure of the Holy cubit, 27.5 inches, was dictated by the Holy Name of G-d itself. Please understand this well, for as the Ramchal explains, the four expansions of the Tetragrammaton (YHVH) have such “great holiness [that] their power is limitless. All existence is bound to them from beginning to end.”

So we have this divine bond between 756 and 481, or alternatively between the letters Nun (50) and Shanah (years).

Please keep this connection in mind as we explore this monument that predates the Exodus from Egypt and has until now defied true understanding of its purpose and importance to all but a few tzaddikim.

We’ll call this monument Joseph’s ladder, or Joseph’s Pyramid and its name will become clearer as we analyze it further. The world knows it as the Great Pyramid of Cheops (Khufu), which has helped to conceal its true import—except to tourism of course—but all that will be explained soon enough.

If you’re wondering what this pyramid has to do with the Future Temple of Kabbalah, be patient.

As we said, the standard base measurement of the pyramid (actually the South base, since all four are slightly different, yet extremely precise for very specific reasons we’ll go into later), which is exactly 756.25 feet wide, and the exact height of the pyramid is precisely 481.25 feet tall. So yes, the basic measurements of the pyramid (756.25 – 481.25 = 275) give the exact dimension of the ancient and future cubit in terms of the Divine Name of G-d.

There’s so much more, but before we get deeper, let’s stop and examine closer the Hebrew letter Nun (NVN) spelled out and see that its gematria milui value (50+6+50) is 106 and that the 4 letter Nuns (NVN) that represent the 4 bases of the pyramid add up to 106 x 4 = 424, the exact numerical value of Moshiach Ben David (the Messiah).

The number 4, as in the 4 sides and the 4 letters in the Tetragramamton (YHVH), in Hebrew is represented by the letter dalet (D), and as we said, the number 50 is represented by the letter Nun(N). Together, they represent the combination DN, which Abraham, the Patriarch, informed us in his Sefer Yetzirah, are the letters that control the destiny of the month of Cheshvan (Scorpio) and moreover, they are directly connected with the revelation of Moshiach. But we’ll explain that in depth in a separate article.

Now, the 4 sides of this pyramid could very well represent the 4 Letters of the Tetragrammaton (YHVH), after all the secret entrance to the pyramid was located 55 feet off the ground with a futuristic YHVH engraved over it—odd if an Egyptian pharaoh was the architect or builder, don’t you think—but the 4 sides could also represent the 4 exiles, starting with the one in Egypt that began with Joseph and lasted 210 years.

Now, there might be more to that than you think. Remember the height of the pyramid is 481.25 feet, the same as the gematria (481) of the Hebrew word for years, and 481.25 feet = 210 cubits, which is also the same as the exact number of levels of stone in the pyramid, 210.

Please note, that the number 210 in Hebrew counting is comprised of the letters, Resh (R) and Yud (Y), the two letters that Abraham Avinu advised controlled the destiny of the month of Elul(Virgo).

Obviously, the height of the pyramid could very well mark the 210 years of the Israelite exile in Egypt.

But the height of the pyramid may reveal something else as well, because 481.25 feet is also 5775 inches, or in terms of years, 5775 would be the year 2015 CE and 3 years shy of the date given to us by Rav Ashlag and marked by the Divine Calendar, etc for Moshiach and the geula5778. (See The Divine Calendar)

Of course, if you recall from our article on the derivation of the cubit, the measure of 27.5 inches can also be derived from the harmonic structure of the number 3 itself, so critical to the physical and spiritual structure of our universe, thus adding 3 to 5775 would not be out of hand.

For reference only: 3 =  27.5/10 + ((-1) (n-2) 27.5)/10(n+1) where n=1→∞ , and therefore, 5778 = 210 * 27.5 +  27.5/10 + ((-1) (n-2) 27.5)/10(n+1) where n=1 → ∞.

The alternating harmonic convergence sequence in standard notation:

∑ x + (-1)n+1(x/10n)

n = 1

And if that doesn’t convince you—or at least numb you—please note that there was a capstone on the pyramid—long since missing—of 3 levels (cubits) in height, just as the 3 upper sefirot (are above) the other 7 bundled together. Moreover, without that separate capstone, depicted on the US dollar bill as a hovering eye above the truncated pyramid, the pyramid is only 207 level/cubits high and 207 is not only the numerical value of the Hebrew words for Light (Or) and Secret (Raz), but is comprised of the letters, Resh (R) and Tzion (Tz), the two letters that Abraham Avinu advised controlled the destiny of the month of Sivan (Gemini).

Also in conjunction with the number 3, that little .25 ft tagged onto the 481 and the 756 height and base measurements is exactly 3 inches.

But if you really think about it, the 210 cubit/levels in height and years only marks 1 of the 4 exiles, leaving 3 more to be defined to complete the prescribed 5778 years from Adam to Mashiach

The entrance to the Pyramid was originally hidden several feet behind a slick, steep, and thick limestone encasing and was 55 feet off the ground. That 55 is precisely 2 x 27.5 is yet another reference to Abraham’s description of the structure of the universe at the beginning of his Sefer Yetzirah in that 5 on one side, 5 on the other, unified, and split down the middle is a graphic way of illustrating the numerical expression 55/2 = 27.5

So to recap, the most basic measurements of the pyramid could not only have been concealing the exact measure of the cubit needed for the construction of the Third Temple, but indeed could be spelling out the end of the period of exile in 5778, much as it did 3330 years ago with the end of the 210 years of Egyptian exile.

This could all be conjecture, of course, but the 4 letter (NVN)s of the 4 bases did add up to 424, the numerical value of Mosiaich Ben David and the 4 bases in inches (9075) do form a perimeter of 36,300 inches with 363 being the numerical value of H’Moshiach (The Messiah), and also of the 6 odd letters (BYH ShMV) that begin 6 of the 248 columns of the Torah—the rest being all vavs of numerical value 6—and which spell out “In the Name of G-d (YH).”

And if you think that’s coincidental, please note that the measurement of that same South base in cubits is exactly 330 cubits and 3302/3 = 36,300 as well.

Or that 756 x 481 = 363636.

Now, with the hint of the end of the 4 exile periods quite clear, we turn to the measure of the pyramid’s apothem, an imaginary line drawn down the center of the South face of the pyramid,and we get a measurement of 612 feet, the numerical value of the Hebrew word Brit, meaning Covenant.

As for the letter word Brit (BRYT), while the Covenant of Abraham was in 2018 HC and 5778 is also 2018 CE, the sum 4 full aspects of word give us: the gematria milui value plus its standard value plus its ordinal value plus the kolel of the 4 letters = 1348 +612+ 54 + 4 = 2018. And let’s not forget that 54 is the sum of Dalet and Nun (DNas explained above.

From here, the analysis of the pyramid’s structure and dimensions get deeper and the meaning of their revelations more profound, including their connections and similarities to the future Temple, and their precise and startling insights in our most modern physics.

But we’re going to pause, give you a breather, and split up this article into digestible components, but before we do, we want you to step back and to picture the enormity of what you’ve just read. Picture yourself standing at the foot of this mountain, towering a steep 48 stories above you, made up of 6 million tons of limestone and granite blocks, some weighing up to 50 tons each, and take in that it was assembled thousands of years ago with an amazing precision rivaling NASA today, and that all its measurements to a fraction of an inch detail a prophecy of the coming Moshiach and of the end of the 4 exiles, yet it was built long before the first exile ended.

Make no bones about it; this is a mountain; it is the mountain. It stands 210 levels and 210 cubits high and the gematria of “the mountain” (HHR) is 210.

Ask yourself how?

Was it just to conceal and yet preserve in stone the measurement of the ancient and future cubit? After all, that base measurement of the South face of 756.25 feet is not only two and a half football fields in length, but is also exactly 27.52.

So yes, that is one very important reason. And after the Tower of Babel—the only other time the Torah mentions the word bricks besides in conjunction with the Israelites work in Egypt—maybe there was very good reason to conceal the cubit until now.

And in terms of preserving it, I can tell you this, had it not been preserved in the measures of Joseph’s Pyramid it would have been lost forever, and you would not be reading this article.

There’s much more to follow, and remember this is only still part of our first step in exploring the construction of the Future Temple. With each step the energy increases and we get closer to the tree-of-life reality.

Taking it slow, let’s examine a little closer only one aspect of Joseph’s Pyramid (the Great Pyramid), its glimmering capstone. Its full (missing) capstone is 7 levels high, stretching from the 203rdlevel to the tip of the 210th, completing the tip the sword (ChRB), whose numerical value in Hebrew is 210, just like that of “the mountain (HHR).”

And while it is well know that the end of the first exile occurred after 210 years in Egypt the Zohar informs us in Pasha Toldot, (Midrash Hane’elam) Section 8, #71 that in regards to the resurrection the righteous will rise up 210 years before everyone else.  With the pyramid, we have that figure preserved in stone.

It’s interesting that the capstone was mysteriously removed long long ago, because, now, if you’d look straight down over the top of the pyramid you’d see a square 32 feet by 32 feet in the exact middle of it, just as you would if you did the same with the Holy Temple.  The square central alter in the center, or heart, of the Future Holy Temple is 32 cubits by 32 cubits.

As we’ve said previously, this makes sense since 32 is the numerical value for the Hebrew word for heart (LB), representing the 32 Paths of Wisdom, which form the Tree-of-life.

And since the Torah begins and ends with the letters Lamed (L) and Bet(B) as in LB (heart), and since there are exactly 32 x 32 word values in the Torah, which is also 210 , analogous to the 210 levels, this structure makes perfect sense from a holistic and comprehensive divine point of view.

And as light flows down from the apex, cascading down the 4 steep highly polished sides of the pyramid, so too did the light (water) flow down the rivers from Gan Eden (Bereshit 2:10) and from the Holy of Holies of the Future Temple through the 4 Names (Aspects) of G-d.

The 4 bases of this capstone, like the 4 bases of the pyramid itself, vary slightly, with the average being about 32.0833 feet, 32 and 1/12 feet or exactly 14 cubits, making the height of the capstone 20.42 feet and the apothem just about 26 feet give or take less than half an inch, with 26 being the numerical value of the Tetragrammaton (YHVH).

Now there are 201.1 cubits to this 203rd level, 203 being the numerical value of the Torah’s first 3 letters (BRE), leaving 7 additional levels to the apex and since 2011 plus 7 equals 2018, as in 2018 CE, it matches up with the Hebrew year 5778 dictated by the pyramid’s height in inches. But more significantly, and more precisely, the ratio of the height and base of the capstone to the height and base of greater pyramid itself is 4.2424% giving us 424, the numerical value of Mashiach Ben David (the Messiah).

Yes, this is no coincidence.

Light and Dark

Let’s consider the aspect of the “Light” synonymous in Kabbalah with G-d (Hashem) and the structure of Joseph’s Pyramid. But first know this: The Zohar, in the paragraph that immediately proceeds the one quoted above regarding the 210 years, Toldot, (Midrash Hane’elam) Section 8, #71 tells us that “ ‘let there be Light’ (Bereshit 1:2) which means let there be secret, because light is the secret of redemption…” That understood, we know the most basic measurements of the Pyramid are exactly 210 holy cubits for the height and 330 holy cubits for the base.  We’re calling them holy cubits because this cubit (27.5 inches) is the one based on G-d’s name, (YHVH) and designated for the Future Temple, as we’ve discussed in our resent articles. Nevertheless, given only 210 and 330 and the 10 dimensional structure of the universe agreed upon by both most modern physicists and the ancient kabbalists, we find that:

1/(330*102) = 1/33,000 inches (the exact wavelength for red light)


1/(210*330) = 1/69300 inches (the exact wavelength for violet light on the opposite side of the visible light spectrum).

What chance is there that this too is coincidence?

Or that the sum of the base and height in cubits (330 + 210) equals 540 and when we add 1 of the kolel we get 541, the numerical value of Israel.

Now, as we’ve explained, the capstone is exactly 14 cubits wide and 14 is the gematria value for David (DVD) and yad (YD), meaning hand, as in the hand of G-d, so how odd is it that 541 cubits is 14, 877.5 inches or 14 with 5778 reversed, the date Rav Yehuda HaLevi Ashlag of blessed memory gave us for the end of the 4th exile. (See The Divine Calendar).

Not to get too technical, but the number 14 is the 3rd square pyramidal number, meaning it takes 14 units to construct a level square pyramid, and the Magen David, (the “Shield of David), is a perfect symmetrical 12-gonal star, indicating these numbers spiritually were chose not by simple mathematical chance, but for the esthetics in their geometric symmetry and how their energy unfolds in our world.

Moreover, 541 is the 10th centered 12-gonal number, a fancy way of saying a symmetrical 12-sided polygon made up of 541 geometric units, and given Jacob’s (Israel’s) 12 sons as heads of the 12 tribes of Israel, it’s not an insignificant construction or consideration. There is nothing in the universe that does not have a specific purpose.

That all said, the square root of the 541 cubits in feet is 35.210 and while 35 is exactly 1/6th the pyramid’s height of 210 cubits, the 35th level of the pyramid is a big delineation point in its structure.

At the 35th level, the height of the masonry is purposefully twice that of the average and surrounding layers, making it stand-out like a wide stripe or band around the pyramid. Being that it’s exactly 1/6th the way up the structure , its therefore also 5/6th the way down, indicating a possible construction analogous to the sefirot (dimensions) of Zeir Anpin. Furthermore, this 35th level just happens to be exactly 50 inches thick (high), which is yet another allusion to Binah and the 50-year jubilee period. (see our previous article: Mountain of Stone).

Moreover, the 35th level up is necessarily the 175th down, corresponding to the 175 years of Abraham’s life, the first of the Patriarchs to visit Egypt.

So once again we ask the questions: Who built the pyramid in Egypt and why?

We can plainly see that the structure itself is all about light and elevation and the end of exile (all four of them), and the Biblical word for Egypt, Mizraim, is synonymous with darkness, so obviously the pyramid wasn’t created by elements of darkness.  Moreover, it obviously served as a beacon of light amongst the darkness, figuratively, and literally with its highly polished gleaming sides, so perhaps we intuitively know why it was built there. It would even look like a flaming sword, but more on that later.

By cloaking it in a veil of darkness, is it possible that G-d tricked the forces of evil and gave us a lasting testament to His Glory (Kavod-numerical value 32) that survived the four exiles mostly intact. You can decide for yourself who built it then.

And let’s keep in mind that our goal in examining the existing great Pyramid is to better understand and prepare ourselves for the Future Temple and the Tree-of-Life reality for the Zohar in the same section quoted above tells us the Future Temple will precede the geula (final redemption) and that doesn’t give us a lot of time to prepare.

In our next article we explore the secret entrance to the pyramid and the mysteries that it holds.

See our posts on the Washington Monument where the Capital building has 541 rooms and the base of the Washington Monument, a giant Egyptian Obelisk, has a base of 55 ft, the exact height where the entrance of the pyramid is found, amongst other pertinent connections to the Pyramid and the Tree-of-life.


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جواب  رسائل 2 من 21 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 01/12/2018 16:06
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من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 03/12/2018 03:48
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من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 28/01/2019 16:27
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Juan 10Nueva Versión Internacional (NVI)

Jesús, el buen pastor

10 »Ciertamente les aseguro que el que no entra por la puerta al redil de las ovejas, sino que trepa y se mete por otro lado, es un ladrón y un bandido. El que entra por la puerta es el pastor de las ovejas. El portero le abre la puerta, y las ovejas oyen su voz. Llama por nombre a las ovejas y las saca del redil. Cuando ya ha sacado a todas las que son suyas, va delante de ellas, y las ovejas lo siguen porque reconocen su voz. Pero a un desconocido jamás lo siguen; más bien, huyen de él porque no reconocen voces extrañas».

Jesús les puso este ejemplo, pero ellos no captaron el sentido de sus palabras. Por eso volvió a decirles: «Ciertamente les aseguro que yo soy la puerta de las ovejas. Todos los que vinieron antes de mí eran unos ladrones y unos bandidos, pero las ovejas no les hicieron caso. Yo soy la puerta; el que entre por esta puerta, que soy yo, será salvo.[a] Se moverá con entera libertad,[b] y hallará pastos. 10 El ladrón no viene más que a robar, matar y destruir; yo he venido para que tengan vida, y la tengan en abundancia.

11 »Yo soy el buen pastor. El buen pastor da su vida por las ovejas. 12 El asalariado no es el pastor, y a él no le pertenecen las ovejas. Cuando ve que el lobo se acerca, abandona las ovejas y huye; entonces el lobo ataca al rebaño y lo dispersa. 13 Y ese hombre huye porque, siendo asalariado, no le importan las ovejas.

14 »Yo soy el buen pastor; conozco a mis ovejas, y ellas me conocen a mí, 15 así como el Padre me conoce a mí y yo lo conozco a él, y doy mi vida por las ovejas. 16 Tengo otras ovejas que no son de este redil, y también a ellas debo traerlas. Así ellas escucharán mi voz, y habrá un solo rebaño y un solo pastor. 17 Por eso me ama el Padre: porque entrego mi vida para volver a recibirla. 18 Nadie me la arrebata, sino que yo la entrego por mi propia voluntad. Tengo autoridad para entregarla, y tengo también autoridad para volver a recibirla. Este es el mandamiento que recibí de mi Padre».

19 De nuevo las palabras de Jesús fueron motivo de disensión entre los judíos. 20 Muchos de ellos decían: «Está endemoniado y loco de remate. ¿Para qué hacerle caso?» 21 Pero otros opinaban: «Estas palabras no son de un endemoniado. ¿Puede acaso un demonio abrirles los ojos a los ciegos?»


23. y Jesús andaba en el templo por el pórtico de Salomón.
24. Y le rodearon los judíos y le dijeron: ¿Hasta cuándo nos turbarás el alma? Si tú eres el Cristo, dínoslo abiertamente.


35:1 Dijo Dios a Jacob: Levántate y sube a Bet-el, y quédate allí; y haz allí un altar al Dios que te apareció cuando huías de tu hermano Esaú. 
35:2 Entonces Jacob dijo a su familia y a todos los que con él estaban: Quitad los dioses ajenos que hay entre vosotros, y limpiaos, y mudad vuestros vestidos. 
35:3 Y levantémonos, y subamos a Bet-el; y haré allí altar al Dios que me respondió en el día de mi angustia, y ha estado conmigo en el camino que he andado. 
35:4 Así dieron a Jacob todos los dioses ajenos que había en poder de ellos, y los zarcillos que estaban en sus orejas; y Jacob los escondió debajo de una encina que estaba junto a Siquem. 
35:5 Y salieron, y el terror de Dios estuvo sobre las ciudades que había en sus alrededores, y no persiguieron a los hijos de Jacob. 
35:6 Y llegó Jacob a Luz, que está en tierra de Canaán (esta es Bet-el), él y todo el pueblo que con él estaba. 
35:7 Y edificó allí un altar, y llamó al lugar El-bet-el, porque allí le había aparecido Dios, cuando huía de su hermano. 
35:8 Entonces murió Débora, ama de Rebeca, y fue sepultada al pie de Bet-el, debajo de una encina, la cual fue llamada Alón-bacut. 
35:9 Apareció otra vez Dios a Jacob, cuando había vuelto de Padan-aram, y le bendijo. 
35:10 Y le dijo Dios: Tu nombre es Jacob; no se llamará más tu nombre Jacob, sino Israel será tu nombre; y llamó su nombre Israel. 
35:11 También le dijo Dios: Yo soy el Dios omnipotente: crece y multiplícate; una nación y conjunto de naciones procederán de ti, y reyes saldrán de tus lomos. 
35:12 La tierra que he dado a Abraham y a Isaac, la daré a ti, y a tu descendencia después de ti daré la tierra. 
35:13 Y se fue de él Dios, del lugar en donde había hablado con él. 
35:14 Y Jacob erigió una señal en el lugar donde había hablado con él, una señal de piedra, y derramó sobre ella libación, y echó sobre ella aceite. 
35:15 Y llamó Jacob el nombre de aquel lugar donde Dios había hablado con él, Bet-el.
35:16 Después partieron de Bet-el; y había aún como media legua de tierra para llegar a Efrata, cuando dio a luz Raquel, y hubo trabajo en su parto. (RAQUEL SIGNIFICA OVEJA. "EL PASTOR", TIENE OBVIAMENTE UN MARCO SEXUAL)
35:17 Y aconteció, como había trabajo en su parto, que le dijo la partera: No temas, que también tendrás este hijo. 
35:18 Y aconteció que al salírsele el alma (pues murió), llamó su nombre Benoni; mas su padre lo llamó Benjamín. 
Resultado de imagen para lobo luna llena
Génesis 49:27: Benjamín es LOBO arrebatador; A la mañana comerá la presa, Y a la tarde repartirá los despojos.
Resultado de imagen para lobo luna llena
35:20 Y levantó Jacob un pilar sobre su sepultura; esta es la señal de la sepultura de Raquel hasta hoy.
35:20 Y levantó Jacob un pilar sobre su sepultura; esta es la señal de la sepultura de Raquel hasta hoy. 
Resultado de imagen para lobo luna llena
Resultado de imagen para SUEÑO DE JOSE GENESIS 37
Resultado de imagen para SUEÑO DE JOSE GENESIS 37
Resultado de imagen de PROVERBIOS 25:11
Resultado de imagen para RICKY MARTIN MANZANA
Resultado de imagen para pyramid 254 feet
Resultado de imagen para ILUMINATTI MATRIX
Resultado de imagen para SUEÑO DE JOSE GENESIS 37
Resultado de imagen para RAQUEL OVEJA
Resultado de imagen para RAQUEL OVEJA

جواب  رسائل 6 من 21 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 28/02/2019 16:57
Resultado de imagen para genesis 37 sueño de jose
Resultado de imagen para genesis 37 sueño de jose
Resultado de imagen para genesis 37 sueño de jose
Resultado de imagen para proverbios 25:11
Resultado de imagen para san jose silicon valley

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