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Mitterrand built a pyramid
714. Mateo 23:17: ¡Insensatos y ciegos! porque ¿cuál es mayor, el ORO, o el templo que santifica al ORO?
…en el que TODOS (salvo uno, Martin Van Buren) los presidentes de EEUU tienen un ancestro común….:
“Juan Sin Tierra” (John Lackland) o Juan I de Inglaterra, en el siglo XII.
Obviamente la familia real inglesa también tiene el mismo linaje…o diciéndolo de otra forma,
EEUU ha sido gobernado desde su “independencia” por DESCENDIENTES de la familia real inglesa…
Un Juan I de Inglaterra y una familia real inglesa que a su vez descienden de los Merovingios…como muchos actores y cantantes famosos…como ya vimos anteriormente en el post de los RH-, en el que tanto Brad Pitt como su mujer Angelina Jolie eran familiares de Obama y Hillary Clinton...
Una Angelina Jolie, MK ultra, miembro del CFR y futura senadora, que no tiene ningún escrúpulo en incentivar a las mujeres a auto MUTILARSE tanto pechos como ovarios para prevenir el cáncer…
Campaña de la industria del CÁNCER y de la de patentes de GENES (BRCA1) a través de la MK Ultra, miembro del CFR y candidata a senadora, Angelina Jolie!!…Campaña muy oportuna, justo antes de que la Corte Suprema de EEUU se pronuncie sobre el tema, y que ha supuesto que las acciones de Myriad se disparen en bolsa!!…Una rama más de la política de EUGENESIA ILLUMINATI! / Obama, cómo su primo lejano Brad Pitt, con anillo y saludo masón!!
Y que cómo buena MK ultra es recompensada como se merece…siendo la ACTRIZ MEJOR PAGADA, aunque ni mucho menos la mejor actriz…
Y para que no quede dudas…dejan su marca…
33.000.000 $
Es lo que ha ganado en el último año, o más bien, lo que dicen que ha ganado…
Por otro lado, los descendientes de Jesus y María Magdalena lo son también de los Reyes David y Salomón…
Unos Reyes representados por la estrella de David de 6 puntas…o dos pirámides entrelazadas…
Un Rey, David, que fue el hijo de Saúl, el PRIMER REY DE ISRAEL, país en cuya bandera nos encontramos el sello de Salomón o la estrella de David…
Pues para más inri, aparte de luna llena y de ser la festividad de María Magdalena, nos encontramos con que el día 22 se inició una conjunción planetaria entre Plutón, Neptuno, Saturno, Venus, Júpiter y la Luna muy peculiar…
Que no confundamos con la estrella de 5 puntas también muy utilizada por ellos…especialmente la invertida…
Y no una cualquiera…sino la
Y la siguiente no se producirá hasta dentro de 100 años…
Una alineación muy relevante para el pueblo hebreo y para los conocedores de la Kabbalah..que ven una señal cósmica que representa la lucha de dos fuezas opuestas y complementarias del universo…:
Una alineación en forma de estrella de David que se produce cuando los planetas anteriormente mencionados forman una configuración geométrica de 2 triángulos entrelazados que tienen 6 puntos equidistantes en un círculo de 360 grados.
360 días
Los mismos días, 360, que han transcurrido desde el ritual 777 de los juegos olímpicos de Londres del pasado 27 de Julio hasta el 22 de Julio del nacimiento de George…
Significado del 777 del ritual ILLUMINATI de la ceremonia inaugural de Londres 2012…según ALEISTER CROWLEY, el mayor SATANISTA de la historia, y su libro “777″….El post MÁS IMPORTANTE que hemos publicado!
Ceremonia dónde se escenificaba el nacimiento de un bebe gigante que representaba a su Nuevo Orden Mundial…y también por lo que parece al nacimiento de un ser muy importante para estos señores…
Y no me extraña con las “credenciales” que presenta…
George Alexander Louis, tendrá sangre de los ancestros más “distinguidos” de Europa…entre los que se encuentran los Reyes de Inglaterra, Grecia, Dinamarca, Suecia, Rusia, Austria, España, y Alemania…es decir, forma parte del linaje más puro de los Illuminati…
Los Merovingios…
Y no me extrañaría nada que la gran mayoría dentro de ese linaje tuvieran RH-….
Nacen los primeros bebés “transgénicos”: “Súper humanos” con dos madres y un padre” ….Seres de 2d encarnados en cuerpos de 3d jugando a ser dioses…igual que nos explica Corrado Malanga que hacen los seres de 4ª densidad de STS con nosotros a través de las abducciones…y TODOS los abducidos son RH NEGATIVO!! Y seguro que NO os sorprenderá saber QUIÉNES, dentro de los puestos de PODER, son RH NEGATIVO!! Y alguna otra sorpresita…incluso para mi!!
Pero es que además es descendiente de Vlad el Empalador, más conocido por Drácula, como ya vimos hace tiempo…
15-11-11 Daylimail: “La realeza británica se alimentaba de carne humana” / The Independent: ” El principe Carlos desvela ser descendiente de Vlad el Empalador” / Pijama Surf: ” Descubren oculta en cuadro reina Elisabeth I misteriosa serpiente”…/ Estos son Los “hijos de los dioses”…Los ANNUNAKI!
Pero la gran sorpresa es que a través del linaje de María de Médicis que pertenecía a la tristemente famosa nobleza negra de Venecia, el hijo de William y Kate estaría emparentado a través de un Rey de Sevilla con el mismísimo…
Según el célebre genealogista Jean-Louis Beaucarnot, el primogénito de William congenia con Francois Miterrand, con George Washington, con la familia Churchill, y a través de la Reina Marie de Medicis, descendiente de Alfonso VI de Castilla, muerto en 1109, y de su cuarta esposa, Zaida. Esta última, una princesa musulmana convertida al catolicismo tenía como ancestro a «un rey de Sevilla considerado como un descendiente directo del profeta Mahoma».
Ostitu…menudo linaje…
Linaje del Rey David, de Jesús y de Mahoma!!!
No me extraña que se haya preparado al mínimo detalle tanto la concepción como la fecha de su nacimiento haciéndola retrasar hasta una semana si era necesario…
Un George, que pese a sus pocos días de existencia, ya está relacionado con el Papa Paco…
Y no sólo porque el mismo día que nacía era el día que el Papa Paco elegía para hacer su primera visita oficial…en este caso Brasil, el país con mayor número de católicos en el mundo..
Sino también porque hay una serie de días que se han considerado como…
Entre los que se encuentran el mismo 22 de Julio (22/7=3.1428), y curiosamente también el 21 de diciembre…
Pero el día oficial de π es el 3-14…
el 14 de marzo!
Un 14 de marzo, que fue el primer día como Papa Paco tras su elección en otra fecha muy relevante como fue el 13-03-13…
Curiosamente, uniéndo Cheliábinsk (meteoro de Rusia del 15 de febrero tras la renuncia de Benedicto), Roma y Río de Janeiro sería una línea recta…que daría la vuelta entera a la tierra…
Un Papa que ha sido PORTADA en la revista TIME..
…cada vez se cortan menos…ya están saliendo de sus escondrijos de las profundidades…
Y que, a la vez que el heredero del linaje reptiliano por excelencia recibía como regalo un..
25-07-13 El bebé real recibió un cocodrilo de regalo
Australian state names baby crocodile George in honour of newborn prince
…el Papa Paco se despedía de Brasil con un GIGANTESCO ojo de cocodrilo…
Ojo de Lagarto en la Vigilia del Papa Francisco en Brasil
El mismo ojo que estamos tan cansados de ver en TODOS LADOS…
En el billete de dólar…también un ojo reptiliano…
Mismo billete en el que podemos encontrar de nuevo la estrella de David…(encerrada en un círculo que es su versión ocultista…)
En la que uniendo las letras de las puntas se puede leer:
Con el ojo que todo lo ve encabezándolo…
Un ojo que podemos ver en numerosos logos de instituciones y empresas…como la propia UE…
Y que pudimos ver en el ritual del 777 de los juegos de Londres…
O en la nueva mansión de Naomi Campbell…
Un toque español para la nueva mansión ecológica de Naomi Campbell
O en el recién estrenado edificio más grande del mundo en Shangai con 1.7 millones de m2!
El más grande, el más alto, el mayor… China
Un edificio inigualable: 500 metros de largo, 400 de ancho y 100 de alto.
Pero especialmente en el cine y sus portadas…
Y que todavía tenga que oir que lo del ojo es una chorrada y una casualidad…
…28 casualidades sólo en esta viñeta…
O en la cartelera de estrenos recientes…
Y también en series…por supuesto…
Y en el mundo de la música...dónde pronto haremos un monográfico de la simbología expuesta en este mundillo, incluido los grandes festivales y la industria de la música en Ibiza…con la Flower Power Party encabezándola…
En definitiva, acaba de nacer un PURA SANGRE en fecha hipermegacrucial para ellos, astronómicamente hablando, justo 360 días después del magaritual illuminati del 777, y a mitad de camino hacia una fecha que ellos han marcado en rojo en el calendario…
el 11-09-14…
02-04-13 Por fin se acabó el trepidante marzo…y empezamos abril con la “exclusiva” de la primera imagen del Papa Francisco que vió el mundo entero…/ 77 días después del ritual Illuminati de Londres 2012 del “777″ se inició el “año de la fe”… el 11-10-12, que acaba en pleno perihelio del cometa SION, el más brillante de la historia!…para 777 días después del ritual encontrarnos con otra fecha que tampoco te sorprenderá!!!
Un PURA SANGRE que puede ser crucial en su agenda y antes de que acabe el 13er katun en el 2032…por su doble “nacionalidad” religiosa…descendiente directo de Jesus y de Mahoma…y que ha nacido ya muy unido al Papa Paco, que desde un inicio parece que ha sido el elegido para tratar de unir todas las religiones en una sóla…
19-03-13 Obama visita Israel en pleno equinocio con el gobierno 33 ya formado!! / 33 delegaciones religiosas serán recibidas mañana a las 11 por el Papa!
En cualquier caso, en este último año, y desde los juegos olímpicos de Londres, hemos visto como la élite hasta en tres GRANDES OCASIONES ha utilizado ingestes cantidades de simbología y astrología:
- para el inicio del NWO en la inauguración de los Juegos olímpicos 2012,
- para la elección del último Papa,
- y para el nacimiento de un pura sangre al que parece que le han reservado un papel, desconocido pero seguro que de gran importancia para ellos…
Tu decides,
Seguiremos informando!
Besos y abrazos!!
La VERDAD nos hará LIBRES!
en.wikipedia.org The flag of England flying 2048 × 1356 - 129k - jpg |
augustinianyouthirelan... St. George's fame grew after 289 × 174 - 5k - jpg |
en.wikipedia.org the flag of Saint George, 2000 × 1000 - 47k - png |
ebay.co.uk Image is loading ST-GEORGE- 300 × 180 - 11k - jpg |
ebay.co.uk ST-GEORGE-CROSS-NYLON-FLAG 300 × 173 - 6k - jpg |
en.wikipedia.org for a new Union Flag[edit] 2000 × 1000 - 59k - png |
ebay.ie St George Flag 5Ft X 3Ft 225 × 225 - 4k - jpg |
royal-flags.co.uk England St. George Cheap Flag 1280 × 853 - 104k - jpg |
stock-clip.com The waving Flag of England 400 × 224 - 12k - jpg |
flagandbuntingstore.co.uk England Flag 300 × 300 - 2k - gif |
mystmargarets.com HAPPY ST GEORGE'S DAY, ST 450 × 270 - 5k - jpg |
ebay.co.uk ENGLAND-St-George-Cross- 300 × 300 - 16k - jpg |
pinterest.com Flags, Flags Of England 236 × 196 - 15k - jpg |
ebay.co.uk Image is loading 3-x-2-ENGLISH 300 × 180 - 16k - jpg |
thisengland.co.uk More Views 992 × 891 - 51k - jpg |
flagandbuntingstore.co.uk England '4 Lions' Flag 300 × 300 - 34k - gif |
flagsandflagpoles.co.uk GIANT St George Budget Flag 150 × 150 - 3k - jpg |
royal-flags.co.uk England St. George Flag - 3 ft 1280 × 960 - 234k - jpg |
en.wikipedia.org Flag flying on Leeds Town Hall 2736 × 3648 - 1376k - jpg |
royal-flags.co.uk England St. George Cheap Flag 400 × 267 - 39k - gif |
1) The Vatican courtyard.
When viewed from the air, we can see that the Vatican courtyard is, in fact, shaped like a keyhole. There is a reason ... Do you know why?
Below we can see that within the "keyhole" of the Vatican courtyard is yet another symbol: two crosses superimposed on each other. This is the symbol from which the British Union Jack flag is derived.
This is where we get the term "double-crossers."
While we're on the subject, there is another interesting symbol at the entrance to the Vatican.
Aerial View |
Below: |
Close-Up |
(Tabla de San Jorge del artista mallorquín: Pere Niçard en el Museo Diocesano ... Este venerable se une a la leyenda con el dragón que acaba muerto bajo el ataque ... romano, San Jorge fue decapitado, muriendo así el 23 de abril del 303.
14 Abr 2015 ... ¡Hola plumilleros! Pronto celebraremos en el colegio el día del libro... El próximo jueves, 23 de abril, diversas actividades programadas se ...
Las personas eran ofrecidas mediente un sorteo al Dragón. ... Los catalanes celebramos el Día de San Jorge el 23 de Abril, siendo el día de los enamorados, ...
El 23 de abril se celebra el día de San Jorge, elegido por el fundador del ... Cuenta la leyenda de “San Jorge y el dragón” que Jorge de Capadocia luchó contra ...
taringa.net 23 de abril dia de San Jorge 350 × 409 - 63k - jpg |
pichicola.net 23 de Abril, San Jorge, 1024 × 599 - 406k - jpg |
elcruasandeaudrey.blog... "¡Gracias, valeroso soldado! 856 × 1273 - 1561k - png |
queenannyslace.wordpre... San Jorge es el Santo patrono 1223 × 1600 - 227k - jpg |
zbrush.dpi.upv.es 23 de abril. Trabajo en curso. 553 × 521 - 134k - jpg |
es.wikipedia.org San Jorge y el dragón, 300 × 343 - 30k - jpg |
sanjorgelaplata.wordpr... 23 de Abril – Día de San Jorge 648 × 878 - 231k - jpg |
blog.anayainfantilyjuv... La apacible tranquilidad del 200 × 301 - 33k - jpg |
labuhardilladelpintor.... San Jorge y el Dragón 500 × 334 - 29k - jpg |
aliciagalvan.com La leyenda de San Jorge y el 531 × 750 - 232k - jpg |
camarotebubbles.blogsp... San Jorge 644 × 410 - 69k - jpg |
sanacionnatural.net sanjorge(1) 550 × 430 - 81k - jpg |
fogonvirtualscout.com Cada 23 de abril, 830 × 1024 - 183k - jpg |
carlossantostefano.blo... dragón por obra de Jorge 720 × 960 - 230k - jpg |
viajar.elperiodico.com San Jorge y el dragón 320 × 321 - 47k - jpg |
mundoespadas.com San Jorge 313 × 428 - 128k - jpg |
diasferiadosenvenezuel... Día de San Jorge. 472 × 315 - 34k - jpg |
cronicasdeerhisblog.wo... San Jorge y el Dragón, 2859 × 4226 - 9277k - jpg |
es.wikipedia.org San Jorge, en segundo 220 × 310 - 38k - jpg |
arquehistoria.com al dragón” San Jorge 625 × 348 - 62k - jpg |
GEORGE WASHINGTON Street/Strait/State/Di-Strict
(Substitution Rule – Change the G to a Y)
The name ‘George Washington’, is referring to the constellation Orion, the Sun/Son of God, and the ultimate Judgment Day of the Mother and Son. This fabricated Judgment Day is designed to include the volcanic ash of Yellowstone and the water of the Pacific Ocean.
(Refer to the chart immediately below).
For this reason, Washington Street runs parallel to Building 7 (coinciding with British Columbia) of the old WTC Plaza. The street stops at Building 6 (Washington State), and begins again just below Tower 2 (Arizona). This is the street layout which has delivered the subliminal meant to establish the series of events which will unfold in the luciferian Judgment Day. The judgment will be delivered from the north as seen with the north Washington Street, as well as from the south, as symbolized with the south Washington Street.
Running parallel to Washington Street is Highway 9A, which also parallels the Twin Towers which symbolically form a number 11. Just another subliminal suggesting the 9-11 attack. Keeping in mind that the WTC is a type of Solomon’s Temple, the symbolism of CHURCH STREET, TRINITY STREET, and LIBERTY STREET is obvious. Also, of significance, are WEST STREET and VESSEY STREET (Vest Street), referring to the Western 11 United States.
Washington DC is also named in honour of George Washington, which was originally called COLUMBIA. Columbia is the DOVE, the Holy Spirit, the Living Water, and is a symbol of Mary, the Mare, or Sea (in latin). This supports, yet again, the symbolism in the name of Washington referring to Mother, Moon and Flood Goddess, which was the original Greek version of the Sphinx. The Sphinx is symbolic of the Mother and the Son, who together, are suggested to deliver the fabricated judgment day, implementing the YELLOWSTONE, the HOLYSTONE, and the PACIFIC SEA, the HOLY SEE.
The Sphinx of Giza remained buried under the sands of the Sahara for centuries. Not until the 19th and 20th centuries, was it undertaken to dig this monument from its grave. The subliminal being, that the Sphinx, the Sun / Son, and Mother of God would be sacrificed and eroded by the sands and waters of Egypt, only to rise from the ashes again. Once again, suggesting the ash / sand of Yellowstone and its volcanic potential to bury the entire region, and the waters of the Pacific, which also has the potential to flood the entire Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys. These suggested events are subliminally extended to the population who wait for the Big One earthquake on the west coast of North America, in combination with the ARkSTORM (Atmospheric River 1000 Storm) which strikes the state of California every 150 to 250 years, dumping approximately 10 feet of water in a span of 40 days. With the obvious suggestion repeating the story of Noah’s Flood. This ARkSTORM is could happen at any time even as the Big One earthquake is could occur at any time, as both are overdue.
WTC Attack Birds And Washington Street
The next chart, which was developed primarily by the USA Federal Government for the 911 Commission, shows the airplanes that struck the Twin Towers, coming from the north and south. The extra text and colour coordinated airplane routes and Washington Street have been added by the author. Notice that the airplane routes coincide exactly with Washington Street, and in turn establish the subliminal of the next and last 9-11 which will occur in the 11 Western States.
The airplanes used in the attack are, of course, the manifestation of subliminal suggestion going back to the 7 Hills of Rome, 7 Buildings of the WTC (as stated previously on this site). Romulus and Remus, the purported founders of ancient Rome, were TWIN BROTHERS who retired to their respective hills to watch for birds. The birds are the airplanes. In turn, these airplanes will manifest as the volcanic ash of Yellowstone and the waters of the Pacific.
ROMULUS = SOL-R-MUU = SUN and MOON = SOLOMON REMUS = MUSER = MOSES and the EXODUS = XOEUS-D = ZEUS / SUEZ in reverse = the RED SEA ZEUS = ZOOS = OOZS = OZ = O the All Seeing Eye
The whole 3 dimensional realm is but a continual unbroken chain of Orion, Sun, Moon, Solomon symbolism. Designed to conjure up and enTRANCE the whole illusory population. This method of hypnotic suggestion is the means by which the luciferian Mind, using the Thought Process, intends to take control of the Paradise State and the power and freedom of that state.
The symbolism attached to the WTC site connects in many ways to Solomon’s Temple. In turn, Solomon’s Temple is symbolic of the Sphinx in its many incarnations; Couchant, Sejant and Rampant. Therefore, the WTC is a type of the Sphinx of Egypt, and as such, the destruction of the Twin Towers, Building 7, and the demolition of the remaining buildings all covered in ash and dust, is very much related to the burying of the Sphinx in the Sahara sand. Again, this is the subliminal of what’s to come for the 11 Western States.
Water Ash and LYE / LIE SOAP
The name WASHINGTON suggests the WATER and the ASH of the Pacific and of Yellowstone, the Holy Stone, and the WASHING STONE. As the pioneers can attest to, when water is poured over ash, the result is a SOAP called LYE (LIE).
Since there’s no such thing as a coincidence, and everything is part of a grand illusory deception, this next bit of information is most revealing.
Note the Bible Chapter and Verse Quoted –
In Other Words, The Act Of September 11, 2001 and again, the AX of 9-11.
ACTS 9:11 – from the New Testament –
“And the Lord said unto him, Arise, and go into the STREET which is called STRAIGHT (STRAIT), and enquire in the house of JUDAS (UTAH) for one called SAUL (SOL – SUN, or SON) of TARSUS (STAR-US = US-STAR or ASTARTE, Queen of Heaven, the MOON Goddess…”
This Bible verse is numbered in respect to the attack of 9-11, and contains the subliminal of the Sun and Moon, which again is SOLOMON’S TEMPLE, and the SPHINX.
The chart immediately below shows how WASHINGTON STREET manifests in the 11 Western States. Building 7 coincides with British Columbia, and the STRAIT of GEORGIA (GEORGE) runs along the west coast. The STRAIT / STRAIGHT then enters the STATE of WASHINGTON which coincides with Building 6 of the WTC, in turn linking the STREET STRAIGHT STRAIT STATE. A much to obvious subliminal.
Drawing a STRAIGHT line from Ketchikan Alaska, (which mimics Washington Street of the WTC layout, as well as the flight path of the airplanes), it passes the Strait of Georgia, through Washington State and Oregon (which is Tower 1), through northern NEVADA (the NAVIDAD birthplace of Christ), through ZION NATIONAL FOREST in southwest Utah (JUDAH/JUDAS), and through Arizona (which is Tower 2) and the region of Phoenix (the Sphinx) and on into MEXICO (MEGIDDO, the site of Armageddon). The line then extends northwest through ANCHORAGE (ANKH Cross) and up to the Bering STRAIT at 66 degrees N and 166 degrees W. Keep in mind that Alaska is the al-AQSA Mosque (symbolically speaking), and is the CROWN of the British Royalty. The CROWN and ANCHOR suggestion associated with gambling.
Ketchikan has been shown previously on this site, to represent the NORTH STAR, the last star on the handle of the Little Dipper. The water from the Arctic is symbolically pouring through the Bering Sea (the Water Bearer), and pours into the Big Dipper of California. It’s like running from a LION (the Sphinx YELLOWSTONE) and a BEAR (Pacific Ocean) met you.
Washington Street suggests this STRAIT LINE, and in turn this STRAIT LINE coincides with the Cascadia Ridge Subduction Zone. An extremely strong seismic region in the world that could snap at any time.
Washington – Sphinx – Dolorosa – Way Of Sorrows – DOLLAR RO$E
The next chart immediately below demonstrates the subliminal that assists in linking the Sphinx to George Washington. The picture of George Washington on the $1 bill is by far the most recognizable picture of the former president. When an outline of Washington’s head and the decorations in the bottom corners are joined as one shape, the similarity to the Sphinx’ head and headdress is remarkably similar. Subliminal hypnotic suggestion is never perfect, it’s just enough to suggest something. The information then lies in a sort of dormant state until the correct buttons are pushed via conscious events and information, and the subconscious information manifests as our 3D reality. The information never alludes to how we are programmed subliminally, and continues on unhindered.
The picture on the front of the $1 bill is suggesting the Sphinx of Giza. The Great Seal on the back of the bill shows a pyramid with an All Seeing Eye, leaving little doubt as to an Egyptian theme taking place. Realizing this connection then brings to mind the shape of Egypt as seen on a map. On previous pages, Egypt has been shown to be the shape of a BULL. The BULL is one symbol of activity in the New York Stock Market, and markets around the world. The BULL represents the BULLION or GOLD, which suggests the notion of MONEY. Therefore, the Egyptian symbolism of the Sphinx, the pyramid, the BULL LION, all work together in subliminal fashion to manipulate reality into what we experience as the lunacy of the 3D plane.
Interestingly, the best known form of the Sphinx throughout these illusory centuries, has been the tetramorph, with the body of a BULL, the feet and tail of a LION, the face and breasts of a WOMAN and the wings of a BIRD. In Hebrew the Sphinx is BAAL TAALUMOTH, meaning ‘Lord of Secrets’. Sphinx means ‘strangulation’ in Greek. While the Arabic take on the Sphinx means ‘Father of Terror’. This fills the reader in on the events that will have been associated with the Sphinx worship and symbolism throughout the ages. Ancient Egypt referred to the Sphinx as HU, meaning Horus-On-The-Horizon. A reference to Sun God worship. Egypt also referred to the Sphinx as Heru-Khuti, meaning Horus-Of-The-Two-Horizons. This name referred to the Day Sun and the Night Sun. Which of course, is referring to the SUN and MOON, and in turn is the name of SOLOMON.
The creation of money with the subliminal representations we see on this $1 is the ‘lifeblood’ of the 3 dimensional plane. The 3D realm and existence within this realm has been manipulated to function primarily on the abundance, or the lack thereof, of this monetary creation. As the financial system of the world has been designed to become more and more complex, the greater opportunity for the rich to grow richer and the poor to grow poorer, and greater in numbers on a daily basis. This manipulation tactic is made possible by the fashion in which the world financial system has been established. This system, like all 3D systems, has been given a religious connotation, something that has been repeated for thousands of years, that seems to suggest something totally void of any connection to money, and yet has everything to do with money. That religious notion is the ‘Way of Sorrows’, also called the ‘Way of the Cross’, or again, the ‘Via Dolorosa’.
SORROWS = ROS-ROWS = ROSE ROSE = EROS ROSE = ZEROS ROSE all suggesting erotic sex, money and rising water. All of which are one and the same.
The chart immediately below show how the word DOLOROSA is suggesting the name of the state of COLORADO, simply by changing the letter ‘S’ in DOLOROSA, to a ‘C’, which can still have a ‘see’ sound. DOLOROSA then becomes a simple anagram for the name COLORADO. Interestingly, one of the USA Mints that produces the money is located in Denver COLORADO, which is one of the 4 Corner Cross states. The diagram on the chart shows how the Sphinx’ head coincides with Colorado with the primary Mint Headquarters located in Washington DC which is literally located at the tail end of the Sphinx outline.
The word DOLOROSA, or COLORADO, is repeated endlessly in the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE=SYEN=SION), which is part of Solomon’s Temple located in the financial district of New York. Every time the DOLLAR RISES or FALLS, (the Dollar Rose), along with all associated stocks and commodities, the subliminal of the DOLOROSA, or the WAY OF SORROWS, is implanted and manipulates the reality we experience. All of which is designed to be an emotional experience, beckoning an emotional response of LOSS or GAIN. This emotional response is a reaction to the hypnotic suggestion that then manifests as the 3D illusion. All this, of course, is based on the mythological gods of Egypt and Babylon which are very evident on the money bills of America, and of every country in the world.
The monetary system had to be created with its many design flaws so that the concept of having a JOB, and being able to make a living, which means to LIVE or DIE, rests in the hands of whoever controls the money. This is exactly the role of the fabricated Supreme God. The notion of a JOB=JoB=the J and B Pillars of Solomon’s Temple, and high unemployment work hand in glove to manipulate the population of the world to carry out the will of the luciferian Mindset. Therefore, high unemployment is a necessary aspect of Solomon’s Temple worship, (or worship of the Sphinx, the Sun and Moon), for the luciferian agenda of total control of the Eternal Wisdom State to be fulfilled.
This manipulation through use of the money system, and high unemployment, and incredible hardship and suffering, is designed to manipulate everyone into a very deep TRANCE STATE where the masses plead for justice, rights, freedom and bread. Of course, with none of that ever possible to be attained in the 3D plane with any permanent effect. However, it does create a major distraction, and a loss of focus of what reality is, and thus, the world population falls prey to the Thought Process and the matrix of deceit.
The Sphinx symbolism that was part of the name ‘Harmachis’, meaning ‘Horus-Of-The-Two-Horizons’, was a symbol of the RISEN GOD-MAN. If this sounds like the Jesus story, that would be a correct observation. When overlaying the Sphinx outline on the USA as a nation, the head of the Sphinx is located at the 4 Corner Cross states. Precisely where the elevation of the Sphinx rises to its highest point in the Rocky Mountains.
As stated earlier, the name GEORGE breaks down to suggest ORION. The constellation Orion, is in turn, the Father of the Sun and Moon, or Sol-o-Mon, which is symbolized in the Sphinx. Once again, looking at the portrait of George Washington on the $1 bill, and placing this image over the body of the Sphinx, it’s not a stretch of the imagination to see the similarity in the shape of Washington’s head, with his particular coif, and the Sphinx head and headdress. The chart below demonstrates this similarity, which again, is just one of those subliminals, when combined with all the others, creates an illusory reality of incredible manipulative power.
The Sphinx in turn is a monument, easily recognizable the world over, and is formed of a YELLOW STONE (originally painted red). This is the Judgment Stone, the Stone destined to be employed in the Day of WASHING with Water and Ash and Soap, to rid the world of the infidels and heathen, also referred to as expendable sacrifice. This is, of course, just referring to YELLOWSTONE PARK, as mentioned many times on this site. The name WASHINGTON suggests this very thing: the WATER, the ASH, which together form the SOAP STONE meant to be used in the Great and Notable Day of the Lord’s bullshit.
Interestingly, the very centre of the YELLOWSTONE PARK caldera (the seismic zone within the park), is exactly located at 44.4 degrees N, and very near to exact 111 degrees W.
The Number 4 – B and J – ORION
The Number 4 – B and J – ORION
The chart immediately below is of the National Mall in Washington DC. The National Mall was first introduced on this site on page 29, to show how specific locations on the Mall coincide with locations across the USA as a Nation when overlaid on a map. Looking at the chart (which has been turned upwards to allow for an easier read), the shape of the Mall is the number 4. The number 4 originates with the 2 intersecting lines of the Atom Symbol chart shown throughout this site, and which in turn, is a Zodiac Symbol. The intersecting lines symbolize the Cross of Christianity, and the intercessory qualities, or the inter-SEX-ION assigned to that notion.
These 2 intersecting lines form 4 quarters of a circle, which again form the 4 Square Foundation of the luciferian Mindset, called the Thought Process. This Mindset, manifests as the 3 dimensional illusory reality through the process of hypnosis. As shown throughout this site, the number 4 takes on significant symbolic importance. As do the multiples of the number 4, and fractions, or decimals relating to the number 4. The number 4 suggests motion as in the word ‘FORE’, and security in the word ‘FORT’. This is just part of the characteristic assigned to the Sphinx and the forward motion of this luciferian agenda throughout history, as this Sun and Moon worship has morphed into many incarnations and spread throughout the world to finally set anchor in the United States of America for the final sacrifice.
On the chart below, just a few of the presidents are listed with the number 4 connected to their presidency. George Washington (G name) was the 1st president, or 1/4 or 4. GEORGE=YEORYE=ORIO-N
Lincoln was the 16th president, or 4×4. LINCOLN=LION KING=ION KING
Ronald Reagen was the 40th president. Reagen was the 33rd Governor of California. From Reagen’s election in November of 1979, until November of 2012 = 33 years. The number 33 being highly symbolic within the luciferian Thought Process. RONNIE=ORIENN and REAGEN=REAYEN=AREEYAN=ARIAN=ORION
George H.W. Bush (G and B) was 41st, with the number 4+1=5, the sacrifice. Again GEORGE=ORION.
William / Bill Jefferson Clinton, (B and G) was 42nd. 4+2=6, the Sacrificer. CLINTON=LIONN-CT
George W. Bush was the 43rd president. A B and G name. 4+3=7, perfection and completion. GEORGE=ORION again.
Barack Obama is the 44th president with a massive amount of symbolism attached to this name, number and historical 3D moment.
BARACK OBAMA = (a good EYE-rish name) BARACK O’ BAMA, a double B name. This name was suggested initially in the name of MUHAMMAD’s magic horse name AL-BURAQ. Most recently in the name of beleaguered Egyptian president HOSNI MUBARAK. HOSNI=SIHON=SION=SUN-ION MUBARAK=MOO (cow) BARAK=BA ROCK or Sacrifice Stone (Yellowstone).
Further symbolism is now apparent with the recent midterm elections in the USA, where the new Speaker of the Senate is JOHN BOEHNER a J and B name. JOHN=YOHN=ION=ORION BOEHNER=OREEHN-B=ORION B or ORION Sacrifice
John Boehner (J and B) sits in the Senate immediately behind Obama, at the OCTAGON (8 sided podium), with Vice President JOE BIDEN (J andB) sitting on Boehners’ right side.
Barack Obama speaks to the Senate Chamber in front of these 2 leaders, forming a triangle within the Octagon. What should be noted is the 2 B and G names plus the 2 B names of Barack Obama, when substituting the letter ‘O’ for the symbol of the EYE. These symbolic names are now forming a Triangle at the head of the Senate, and are symbolic of the B and G Pillars of sacrifice of Solomon’s Temple.
Capitol Hill – The Owl And The Pussycat
The following is a poem by Edward Lear. As the reader goes through this poem, keep in mind the symbolism of the Sphinx associated with the National Mall and the Capitol Building in Washington DC. The Sphinx is formed of a LIONS BODY, which belongs to the CAT family. The CAT is also called a PUSSY-CAT, or PUSSY, which has been equated with female genitalia. Ancient Egypt was ripe with CAT symbolism, and represented female sexuality. The chart below was borrowed from a previous page on this site, and demonstrates the design of the Capitol Building in the shape of an OWL. So, with this in mind, pay attention to the capitalized words throughout the poem (the writers capitalization), and consider that the symbolism relates to the All Seeing Eye, the Ion, the Sun and Moon, Orion, etc. and the Marriage Supper of the Lamb, with money (finance), erotic love, the sea, and the moon, (amongst other suggestions), being introduced into our subconscious mind.
Poem by Edward Lear Verse I
The OWL and the PUSSY-CAT went TO SEA
In a beautiful PEA GREEN BOAT,
They took some HONEY, and plenty of MONEY,
Wrapped up in a FIVE pound note.
The OWL looked up to the stars above,
And sang to a small guitar,
’O lovely PUSSY! O PUSSY my love,
What a beautiful PUSSY you are,
You are,
You are!
What a beautiful PUSSY you are!’ Verse II
Pussy said to the OWL, ‘You elegant FOWL!
How charmingly sweet you sing!
O let us be MARRIED! too long we have tarried:
But what shall we do for a ring? ‘
They sailed away, for a year and a day,
To the land where the BONG-tree grows
And there in a wood a Piggy-wig stood
With a ring at the end of his NOSE,
His NOSE, With a ring at the end of his NOSE.
Verse III
‘Dear PIG, are you willing to sell for one shilling
Your RING?’ Said the Piggy, ‘I will.’
So they took it away, and were MARRIED next day
By the TURKEY who lives on the hill.
They dined on mince, and slices of quince,
Which they ate with a runcible spoon;
And hand in hand, on THE EDGE OF THE SAND,
They danced by the light of the MOON,
They danced by the light of the MOON.
The Owl and the Pussy-Cat 1970 movie starring Barbara Streisand and George Segal – about a bickering couple in MANHATTAN MANHATTAN=MAAAHNTTN=MOUNTAIN
As with many poems, songs, etc., written throughout history, the subliminals are implanted within our subconscious, and a deep hypnotic spell is induced that conjures up our 3D illusory reality. Hypnosis is nothing more than constant repetition. Endless repetition induces the Trance State which is the 3D life experience, which has no validity or worth.
The Way Of Sorrows
The next chart is also borrowed from a previous page on this site, but this time with the $1 Bill placed over the street layout that had formed the Owl’s Eyes in the previous chart. Now, with the $1 Bill placed in this position, it fits exactly between the streets without any distortion, and the realism of the Owl takes on a 3 dimensional appearance. It’s almost to obvious to notice it. If the reader squints as you look at this chart, the face of George Washington forms the Owl’s top beak, and Washington’s throat and chest scarf forms the bottom beak. See page 27, approximately half way down, where there’s a very small picture of the $1 Bill that shows very clearly, this subliminal. This small picture of the $1 Bill has also been placed just above the large bill on this chart.
What must be noted here, is that the Owl is Washington. As shown on page 27 as well, the 11 Western States form the area immediately to the right and left of Washington’s image. On this page, Washington has been shown to equate with the Sphinx, which is the Cat, the Lion, or the Pussy, and now equates with the Owl. It now becomes very obvious, that all the symbols relating to the luciferian agenda, were all introduced in ancient Egypt and Babylon, and all mean virtually the same thing but with a slight twist as they’re introduced into the historical record.
From this, it then becomes obvious that the mythological symbols that symbolized the gods of old, were pointing to this illusory Time we’re experiencing. Pointing to North America, and the sacrifice to the luciferian Thought Process, which will bring about the fabricated Judgment Day of the Lord, and the attempted total control of Reality. Which is to say, that humanity has been designed and conjured up, to distract and distort, and to imprison our Original State of Being. Something that can never be done, but something that the Thought Process insists on endlessly attempting to achieve.
The Owl’s Dollar Eyes next to the Capitol Building suggest the beginning of the Way of Sorrows; the Via Dolorosa.
The next few lines reveals a bit of the symbolic connection in regards to the simple geometric shapes of the square, the cross, and the triangle, and how they are all named subliminally to suggest the ROCK of SALVATION. Salvation is yet another way of writing SUN and MOON, which is Sol-o-Mon, which is the Sphinx, the Phoenix, the symbol of Regeneration.
On the chart below, the National Mall Cross begins at the Capitol Building with the Dollar Bill Owl Eyes acting as the foundation that everything is built upon. George Washington is on the Bill, and the name GEORGE=ORION, the Royal Lion. The name WASHINGTON=WATER and ASH and SOAP STONE.
Directly west (extending upwards on the chart), the WASHINGTON MONUMENT is situated just slightly below the suggested straight line from the JEFFERSON MEMORIAL to the WHITE HOUSE. When the National Mall is stretched over the USA as a nation, the Jefferson Memorial coincides with the area adjacent to ARIZONA, which is an anagram for ORIAANZ, or ORION’S. The REFLECTING POOL immediately in front of the Capitol Building is CIRCULAR, with the ends of the pool pointing exactly towards the White House and the Jefferson Memorial.
The distance between the White House and the Washington Monument is exactly the same as the distance between the Jefferson Memorial and the Washington Monument. Indicating that there’s a definite symmetry involved suggesting something subliminal, namely, the CROSS of SACRIFICE. The mythological story surrounding ORION, the Great Hunter, involves Orion being killed. Orion is the father of the sun/son, which is the regeneration aspect of the father. The White House corresponds to the State of Wyoming when the National Mall is overlaid on the USA. WYOMING=WHITE HOME, and refers to the BRIGHT WHITE GLOWING of the constellation ORION. So again, the symbolism of the National Mall relates to ORION, the Royal Ion, the Royal Lion, the Sphinx, the Phoenix Bird, the Cross of Christ, the number 4, all symbols of regeneration.
The State of Wyoming was the 44th state to join the Union, and YELLOWSTONE PARK is situated at 44.4 degrees N. at the very centre of the volcanic caldera. YELLOWSTONE = the SPHINX, which is made of YELLOW STONE, relating to the YELLOW of the LION, and YELLOW=YELLOH=HOLLEY=HOLY in reverse. HOLY also = OYHL = OIL = LEO = LION = Royal Lion = ION = ORION.
Yet again, the symbolism of the White House on the National Mall also refers to the constellation Orion.
Continuing further west (upwards on the chart), the capitol building and George Washington’s Dollar Bill face, line up exactly with the Washington Monument, both of which are symbolically relating to ORION. This line extends exactly to the LINCOLN MEMORIAL on the Potomac, which coincides with the area around San Francisco, California. CALIFORNIA=KHALIF ORION, again suggesting the symbolism of ORION. As mentioned previously, the REFLECTING POOL leading from the Washington Monument (which is 555 feet in height), corresponds exactly to the space between the Sphinx’ legs when the Sphinx and the National Mall are both overlaid on the USA as a nation. And again, LINCOLN=LION KING=SPHINX, etc.
Just to the north of San Francisco California, is the State of OREGON. Oregon coincides with Tower 1 of the WTC layout and OREGON=OREYON=ORION. Oregon became a state on February 14. Arizona, which also refers to ORION, became a state on February 14. February 14 is the date dedicated to lovers, with symbols of doves, hearts, and roses. All symbols which suggest WATER, BLOOD and EROS, sexual lust, or sacrifice and regeneration.
Immediately north of OREGON, is the State of Washington. Washington state also suggests ORION, and became the 42nd state to join the Union on November 11, 1889.
The number 42 coincides with 6 on the 4th clockface. Washington state is 6.6% water. The highest peak in the volcano Mount RAINIER at 14,411 feet which is extremely close to the height of Mount Albert in Colorado at 14,440 feet. The name RAINIER also suggests WATER.
Immediately to the north of Washington State is the province of British Columbia. BC coincides with Building 7 of the WTC layout. The names BRITISH and COLUMBIA both refer to the Queen of Heaven, Britannia and Columbe, the DOVE, the Living Water, the Ion, the Royal Lion. Washington DC was originally named COLUMBIA, and subliminally speaking, the suggestion regarding the Queen of Heaven, the Flood Goddess is attached to the name Washington and Columbia, which in turn refer to the Lion, the Sphinx, the Phoenix, the symbol of sacrifice and regeneration. All of these terms, in turn, relate to the Sun and Moon, which is Solomon, and suggest the Temple of Sacrifice as well.
British Columbia, Washington State, California, and Oregon all are locations frequented by the Pacific/Alaskan SALMON. The word SALMON=SOLOMON, and the charts lower down on this page will show the symbolism attached to the migration of the SALMON FISH.
37 Degrees North – The SPHINX/SPHINE/SPINE
Just as the word SPHINX = PHINXS = PHOENIX
It also suggests SPHINX = SPHIN = SPINE
The chart immediately below demonstrates the symbolic importance of the SPINE of the SPHINX and the latitude of 37 degrees North. The city of Athens Greece, the home of the Acropolis and the mythological gods of Zeus-dom, is located at 37 degrees N. Their holy mountain is called Mount Olympus. The name Olympus is the inspiration behind the name and events of the OLYMPIC GAMES which are religious sacrifice rituals used to perpetuate the luciferian agenda within this 3D illusion. Athens and Mount Olympus symbolize the home of the gods, and this symbolism has spread throughout the world until the ultimate manifestation within the USA that sets the stage for the Day of Judgment of a fabricated God.
When the outline of the Sphinx is placed over the USA as a nation, reaching from the east coast to the west, the symbolism of the Sphinx and the significance of the SPINE of the SPHINX becomes obvious. Just as the USA $1 Bill, with its OWL EYES, fits perfectly to the immediate west of the Capitol Building, the importance of the dollar, or money, can be traced all along the Spine of the Sphinx. George Washington is on the face of the $1 Bill and Washington DC is on the east coast of the USA at exactly 77 degrees W. As mentioned, the $1 Bill fits perfectly as the EYES OF THE OWL in the Capitol Building layout. These subliminal connections join the Sphinx, the Lion King/Lincoln, Washington, money, political power, and completion and perfection together. Washington DC is the site of the primary mint headquarters. Moving westward from Washington DC, 37 degrees is just south Fort Knox, the supposed storehouse of America gold. This is also very near the location of Sinking Springs Farm in Kentucky, where Abraham Lincoln / LION KING was born. A secondary mint is located at Denver Colorado, just north of the 4 Corner Cross border states. This coincides with the Washington Monument on the National Mall. Again, Washington symbolism extends westward from Washington DC and ultimately to the State of Washington.
Following the SPHINE of the SPHINX, at 37 degrees N, culminates at San Francisco, the site of another secondary mint, and symbolically, the location of the Lincoln Memorial, as it coincides on the National Mall.
WASHINGTON=Water Ash Soap and Stone
The number 37=3+7=10 INTENSITY. 37 coincides with 1 on the 4th clockface=1+4=5 SACRIFICE. 37=1 on the 4th=14 coincides with 2 on the 2nd clockface=2+2=4 SQUARE FOUNDATION. 37=1 on the 4th=14 coincides with 2 on the 2nd clockface=2 and 2=22. 22 coincides with 10 on the 2nd clockface. 10+2=12, the FULLNESS of TIME. The 10 TIMES TABLES and the 12 TIMES TABLES=the mysteries of the illusory god.
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