Number 9Nine, as the highest single-digit number (in base ten),
symbolizes completeness in the
Bahá'í Faith. In addition, the word Bahá' in the Abjad notation has a value of 9,
and a 9-pointed star is used to symbolize the religion.
The symbols of the religion are derived from the Arabic word Bahá’ (بهاء "splendor" or "glory"),
with a numerical value of 9, which is why the most common symbol is the nine-pointed star.
The ringstone symbol and calligraphy of the Greatest Name are also often encountered.
The former consists of two five-pointed stars interspersed with a stylized Bahá’
whose shape is meant to recall the three onenesses,
while the latter is a calligraphic rendering of the phrase Yá Bahá'u'l-Abhá
(يا بهاء الأبهى "O Glory of the Most Glorious!").
In abstract algebra, the concept of a
module over a ring is a generalization of the
notion of vector space, wherein the corresponding scalars are allowed to lie in an arbitrary ring.
Modules also generalize the notion of abelian groups, which are modules over the ring of integers.
The loop of "number nine" featured in the recording fuelled rumours about Paul McCartney's
death after it was reported that it sounded like "turn me on, dead man" when played backwards.
Knights Templars & PRIME numbers:
see GOD (c)