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Here is painting by unknown artist that used to feature in Brenac church of a penitent Mary Magdalene kneeling and praying to another rugged cross, accompanied by scroll and skull and spikenard vessel (or perhaps a vessel containing ashes). The hills in the background are particularly distinctive.
A church where Sulpicions are traditionally buried which is resplendent in imagery.
But look at this from Saunière
As the game goes - Say what you see!

Left to right
A chateau - Rennes le Chateau?
In front of this on the same ridge, a tower with wall to the right? - La Tour Magdala?
An Arch in the background? - Arques?
Conical hill in front - There is a conical hill between Brenac and Rennes le Chateau called
A line drawn on a map that leaves Rennes le Chateau to the left, Arques in the middle and Col de Lassereeto the right extends to the west through Brenac Church. In other words this frieze under the altar in Saunière's church of Saint Marie Madeleine.
In other words this frieze under the altar in Saunière's church of Saint Marie Madeleine could be a theoretical view from a cave that is situated at or near to Brenac showing a Golden Dawn emerging from behind the Arch.
Brenac Church
It is worth noting that, despite the distance (just under 10km), Brenac church can be clearly seen from Rennes le Chateau and vice versa. We're told that Saunière made many visits to this church and after consulting a retired priest from there apparently turned his attention to the east of Rennes near to Perpignan. However it is worth noting that this line drawn from Brenac church to Arques is at an angle of 23.5 degrees from due east i.e. The tilt angle of the earth.to the east of Rennes near to Perpignan. However it is worth noting that this line drawn from Brenac church to Arques is at an angle of 23.5 degrees from due east i.e. The tilt angle of the earth.

One will remember that it was at Simon's house where Mary of Bethany, Martha and Lazarus (Lassere?) met with Jesus and where the Mary anointed the feet of Jesus.
These events are featured in the windows at Sainte Marie Madeleine church in Rennes le Chateau.
It is also the theme of the plain text of the Shepherdess parchment.

Brenac is a village just off the road from Quillan to Montsegur. The village was formerly known as Bernacum and is at the foot of the plate of Nebias which encompasses the commune of hamlets comprising of Fauruc, Lasserre, Monsec and Prax. The name Brenac is probably of Gallo-Roman origins. The Chapter of Narbonne holds the title deeds to it in the 9th century and there is mention of the village, as Bernacum, in 870, in the cartulary of St Just. The Chapter of Narbonne (St Just) then equipped the place as a stronghold and this was done by royal approval.
During the Albigensian Crusade, the lord of the castle was the d'Aniort family. During the wars of religion, the castle and church were burned and largely destroyed, but rebuilt afterwards. Cassini's map shows the many mills on the course of valley of Brézilhou. The church and Castle would suffer again during the French Revolution, but unlike others in the area, was not destroyed.
There exists a persistent rumour linking this village with the village of Rennes-le-Chteau which wont go away. Both villages were close to one another and throughout recent times at least, priests from each village would definitely occasionally meet, either socially or officially; indeed Saunière mentions such visits in his diary. However just outside the village are the remains of a small insulated vault (it can be reached by car), which is a Visigothic oratory (shown left) and is listed as under the protection of St Anthony. There are many points, all around Brenac, where this vault could have been built, but from this specific point the village of Rennes-le-Chteau can be clearly seen. There appears to be a natural alignment between these two sites – and seems to suggest some intention on the part of our early ancestors. However there is another site, near Brenac, that has attracted the attention of vandals and has been violated in the hope of discovering the famous treasure of the Razès in that location. No treasure has been found and the site had to be carefully protected from further destruction by treasure hunters.
There was a former priest of Brenac called Capel who was curé in 1793. We know that the priest of Rennes-le-Chteau, Bigou, went to Spain to flee the French Revolution, there is some speculation that the priest of Brenac went with him?
In the early 19th century, the church was in a sorry state. In 1809, Mgr. de Laporte, bishop of Carcassonne, worried about the maintenance of the building. However it would be 1837 before any work was carried out. An entry porch was added and to the left and right, two side chapels were created.
In 1843, beautiful but strange frescoes were added to panels in the ceiling. They have been listed in the Historic buildings inventory since April 9, 1987 (as was the bell dating from 1646). In some ways this church is decorated better than the St Marie Madeleine church in Rennes le Chateau.
The church is under the protection of St Julien and St Basilisse, both saints that lived in the 4th century and were martyrs in Antioch. In the county of the Razès we find the churches of Especel, Magrie and Villar-Saint-Andre also under their patronage. In Brenac, the celebrations in their honour occur on January 19, the day of St Marius, but before, it was the feast of St Germanique. The following day, January 20, masses were said for the dead.
One priest of Brenac is worth special mention, he is François Courtade. Born in 1820, he attended the great seminar of Carcassonne. He was named priest of Brenac on May 10, 1848, where he would remain for the next 40 years – until the time when a young Béranger Saunière came to the priesthood. Born in 1820, he attended the great seminar of Carcassonne. He was named priest of Brenac on May 10, 1848, where he would remain for the next 40 years – until the time when a young Béranger Saunière arrived at Rennes-le-Chateau as curé. He was the great nephew of Felix Armand, who was famous for having made tunnels in the region. François Courtade was also an experienced sculptor and painter, he may well have painted the Mary Magdalene picture shown above. The village still has the statue of former bishop was also an experienced sculptor and painter, he may well have painted the Mary Magdalene picture shown above.
The village still has the statue of former bishop Petrus Amelius, residing on top of the fountain near the church (shown left), inaugurated in 1878 it was sculptured by Courtade.. Petrus Amelius (Pierre Amiel) was a former native of Brenac and he was connected with the Avignon popes and specifically involved in the return of the Holy See to Rome at the time of Gregory XI. Amiel’s career began around 1365 and lasted up to his death in 1401. He was the patriarch of Raden and Alexandria, a position he received in 1386 and which he held until 1391.
Saunière is reported to have consulted Courtade before turning his attention to Perillos..
Last but not least it is worth a mention that at the beginning of the 17th century there was yet another enigmatic figure, Polycarpe de la Rivière, who showed a more than normal interest in the history of Brenac. Too strong an interest, it seems, as his work on the history has been censored by the Church authorities. His prohibited work was written in 1638 and entitled “Histoire de la ville d’Avignon”. What is so strange about the history of this town that it required the intervention of the Vatican. But could it have been something that Amiel, in his privileged position as papal librarian, was also aware of? Amiel was of course part of that history for Polycarpe.
It is reasonable to speculate that a cave exists close to Brenac that has a connection with Mary Magdalene.
Perhaps marked by Simon's Cross.

Careful close scrutiny of the Magdalene frieze under the altar reveals some interesting hypotheses. One of the things that is usually overlooked is the twin pillars either side of The Magdalene that symbolically hold up the Arch and the altar, but remembering the original story of how Saunière supposedly found his parchments in a cracked pillar. What is pretty clear is that no cracked pillars have been found so perhaps the story is allegorical. For indeed the story of a weeping virgin in front of a cracked pillar reading from a book has significant meaning in masonic circles and indeed the black and white chequered flooring of the church and the two pillars seems to reinforce this view. Remember of course that underneath this frieze there used to be the phrase (found also on the parchment):flooring of the church and the two pillars seems to reinforce this view. Remember of course that underneath this frieze there used to be the phrase (found also on the parchment):
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 in the corners are the trefoils in Saunieres study I love this picture of the Meandros and the cubes at Rennes http://www.rennes-le-chateau-rhedae.com/rlc/chl/dallage.jpgthere is magic inside the church at Rennes  Merovingian shield 
_________________ Everything is Connected and there are no coincidences
1. Josué 15:37 Zenán, HADASA, Migdal-gad,
2. Ester 2:7 Y había criado a HADASA, es decir, Ester, hija de su tío, porque era húerfana; y la joven era de hermosa figura y de buen parecer. Cuando su padre y su madre murieron, Mardoqueo la adoptó como hija suya.
1 Pedro 5:13: La iglesia que está en Babilonia, elegida juntamente con vosotros, y Marcos mi HIJO, os saludan.
milky way in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 |
( |
m 13 |
i9 |
l 12 |
k 11 |
y 25 |
0 |
w 23 |
a1 |
y 25 |
) |
queen mary in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 |
( |
q 17 |
u 21 |
e5 |
e5 |
n 14 |
0 |
m 13 |
a1 |
r 18 |
y 25 |
hebrew calendar in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 |
( |
h8 |
e5 |
b2 |
r 18 |
e5 |
w 23 |
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c3 |
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mary magdalene in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 |
( |
m 13 |
a1 |
r 18 |
y 25 |
0 |
m 13 |
a1 |
g7 |
d4 |
a1 |
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1. Génesis 28:12 Y soñó: y he aquí una ESCALERA que estaba apoyada en tierra, y su extremo tocaba en el cielo; y he aquí ángeles de Dios que subían y descendían por ella.
2. 1 Reyes 6:8 La puerta del aposento de en medio estaba al lado derecho de la casa; y se subía por una ESCALERA de caracol al de en medio, y del aposento de en medio al tercero.
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Message 10 of 10 on the subject |
ESCRITO II CONOCIMIENTO.- LA TORRE MAGDALA Un pequeño paseo por los jardines aledaños a la iglesia de Rennes-le-Chteau nos llevó hasta situarnos frente a una torre amurallada, que según nos contaba un vecino del lugar, fue ordenada construir a finales del siglo XIX por el mismo sacerdote que mandó restaurar la iglesia, Torre Magdala la llamó. Se podía visitar, por lo tanto, decidimos entrar en ella. Denotaba ser un lugar de estudio y recogimiento. Sobrio, con unas librerías que aún conservaban algunos ejemplares en sus estantes, pero que al parecer no eran los que originalmente habían sido consultados por el sacerdote.
Una escalera de caracol nos trasladó a una segunda planta, una amplia terraza desde donde contemplamos toda la comarca. Nos quedamos ensimismados con el paisaje. Desde este punto la Tierra nos hacía sentir lo infinitamente pequeños que somos, unas simples criaturas del universo rodeadas de una naturaleza que nos invita a fundirnos en ella. Los gorriones vestidos como antiguos monjes mendicantes alabando con su piar a la vida; los viñedos amamantándose de la tierra, prestos a ofrecernos su jugo en unos meses; los árboles incitándonos a elevarnos junto a ellos hasta el cielo. Nuestras almas se sentían unidas con el entorno… Un leve susurro y... la Madre Tierra comenzó a hablarnos: «Como veis, mis pequeños — una dulce y suave Voz femenina parecía salir tanto del entorno como de nuestro interior—, no me presento bajo el manto de una virgen como hice en otro tiempo. Me estáis viendo a través de vuestros ojos, contempláis mi ropaje en la naturaleza que os rodea y, sobre todo, me sentís en la profundidad de vuestro ser.
Cerrad los ojos y percibiréis una llama que arde en vosotros, que asciende desde mi esencia, desde lo más profundo de esta tierra, su núcleo, que sube por vuestra columna alumbrándoos en la oscuridad de vuestras noches. Una llama que crece día a día a través de las edades y que hoy a vosotros, a todos mis pequeños, está permitiendo que os sintáis más y más unidos, no sólo unos hermanos con otros, sino con todos mis hijos. Sí, con los que llamáis animales irracionales, con los árboles y demás plantas que pueblan este planeta, con los minerales que creéis inertes y con aquellos seres aún invisibles a vuestros ojos. Todo está vivo en mí, y está llegando el momento en que yo también despierto de mi ensueño.
Un amanecer nuevo, una nueva era comienza y aunque algunas heridas tengo en mi cuerpo, nada podrá impedir que éste crezca. Vosotros me ayudaréis a sanarlas al igual que yo ayudo a sanar las vuestras.» Un breve silencio colmó el lugar y la Voz femenina continuó: «No os dejéis llevar por el desaliento quedándoos sólo con el acontecer superficial ya que es necesario que se produzcan algunos cambios, pero nada que os haga pensar que la vida aquí desaparecerá. Haced oídos sordos a quienes anuncian un final apocalíptico, pues éstos solamente viven y sienten bajo el antiguo sistema del temor… Un sistema que tiene el tiempo contado. Mi llama arde cada vez con más poder, está ascendiendo y me elevará a mí con todas mis criaturas. Yo os protejo, pero ya es llegado el momento en que seáis dueños de vuestro propio destino. Aunque sigáis viviendo en el seno materno conoceréis que la vida trasciende los límites de mi cuerpo. Desde hace millones de años mis “hermanas” y yo intercambiamos la vida que nos habita, que somos, al igual que en vosotros vuestras células se intercambian de unos a otros. Nada habéis de temer, pues lo iréis experimentando según vuestra capacidad de entendimiento.
Todo en el universo es comunión, no hay nada que viva aislado, esto sólo es producto del estado mental en que os sumisteis y del que estáis, estamos, emergiendo. Estamos ahora viviendo en una comunión cada vez mayor. Así, como tenéis una Madre y un Padre que se manifiesta ante y en vosotros, hay un modelo de Hija-Hijo, un ideal que está grabado a fuego en vosotros y que se manifiesta a través de las edades. Según crecéis, maduráis, le sentís cada vez más próximo, está en vuestros genes. La presencia de mi Hijo manifestada hace dos mil años volverá a vosotros para que crezcáis con Él y en Él en una nueva conciencia más incluyente, más amorosa y comprensiva de la Vida. Su presencia es sentida en el corazón de muchos de vosotros y cada día lo será aún más. Su comunión es vivida y conocida en quienes mi llama asciende y ha ascendido hasta fundirse en ellos con el Cielo.
No veáis a mi Hijo independiente de vosotros, ajeno a vuestras vidas, como un ser lejano e inalcanzable. No penséis que Él sólo vendrá desde el exterior, olvidad esa visión infantil. Le contemplaréis en vosotros y os mostrará un rostro sin igual, un semblante que señalará el primer paso del siguiente peldaño de la humanidad donde se funden el día y la noche. Un rostro que será el vuestro y que… no olvidaréis. Mi Hijo sois todos. El Cielo y la Tierra se unen cada día un poco más. Yo, vuestra Madre, estoy en vosotros al igual que vuestro Padre lo está. Mis pequeños… ¡Ascended conmigo! ¡Soy el Amor!» Y la Voz cesó. Una fina lluvia empezó a deslizarse sobre nuestros cuerpos, sentimos su frescura penetrando como un bálsamo nuestras almas. El cielo no distingue y a todos nos impregna por igual con su savia.
Nos miramos y salimos de la Torre Magdala caminando sin prisas, empapados de Vida. Un rosal lucía sus mejores galas, sus flores con sus pétalos escarlatas al igual que llamas vivas destacaban en el jardín, recordándonos que aún hay mucho trabajo por hacer hasta que la llama de la Vida se instale en todos los corazones.

Sabemos que Vesica Piscis esta en funcion al a los 153 peces de Juan 21:11.
 Aqui tenemos a Pi - la circunferencia del toro y la vesica piscis 256/153 equivalente a la raiz cuadrada de 3 En el hipercubo las coordinadas binarias de Piscis son decimal 3 y binario 11 153 los pescados de Jesus en la biblia

I have a lot to say about pythagorean triangles in my videos. In particular I have found many references to 5:12:13 triangles and 5:12 rectangles (that’s 2 of the triangles put together) in Stonehenge and the whole region surrounding it, in Washington DC, Paris, and Jerusalem. Someone who listened to my first Red Ice interview contacted me with a major discovery he made in regards to the 5:12 proportion. Brace yourself…

A rectangle measuring 5 feet by 12 feet has an area of 8640 square inches. This is something I can work with. I’m never going to be able to build an 864 foot solar Osiris talisman on a geodetic hot spot, but I think I can manage making a few raised garden beds measuring exactly 5 by 12 feet. And where I live in Canada (above 50 degrees North) can really use more resonance with the Sun.
If you saw SIPS Volume 1, you might recall that Stonehenge has its station stones which describe a 5×12 rectangle.
from SIPS Volume 1
Stonehenge is also 33.33° from Solomon’s Temple.

Sapientia Aedificavit Sibi Domum. Es decir, "la sabiduría ha edificado aquí su casa". Resulta curioso que la misma frase aparece en el Evangelio de María Magdalena, un texto apócrifo. Se dice que en el interior de esta iglesia y de otras muchas de Venecia está escondido el tesoro de los templarios. Pero no hay ninguna prueba de ello. Para terminar ya con esta entrada me gustaría que nos acercásemos un momento a uno de los edificios más emblemáticos de Venecia: el Palacio Ducal.
Enviado: 03/06/2024 10:05 |

Día de Nuestra Señora de la Magdalena, 22 de julio
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