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Messaggio 1 di 52 di questo argomento |
Eclipse luna – Saturno… Realidad o fantasía?

El primer círculo de las cosechas de tamaño considerable del año ha aparecido en Hod HIll, cerca de Hanford, condado de Dorset, como no, en Inglaterra. Las primeras imágenes nos exponen un interesante diseño similar al aparecido en el fenómeno en los años 90 en su parte principal y que teorizamos que podría representar el próximo eclipse entre la luna y el planeta Saturno. Veamos las imágenes:
1. La vista cenital nos deja una figura aparentemente perfecta. Vemos un círculo rodeado de un anillo arriba. Ese anillo está conectado por una línea recta con otro círculo de mayor tamaño rodeado de una serie de anillos. De uno de esos anillos va saliendo el siguiente.

2. Podemos identificar y teorizar que el primer círculo pequeño en la tierra y la órbita de la luna. El grande y los tres anillos es Saturno. El día 10 de Junio se producirá un eclipse luna-saturno.

3.También es interesante comprobar que según esa teoría se habría determinado exponer a Saturno con mayor diámetro que la tierra. Existe un cuarto elemento. El cuadrado.

4. Existe un doble cuadrado sobre saturno, que podríamos identificar como el famoso cuadrado de Saturno, un juego matemático en el que todas las filas y todas las columnas suman 15. Fue fotografiado el día 2 de Junio de 2014. 2+6+2+0+1+4 =15.

Evidentemente, seguirán apareciendo nuevas fotografías del terreno y nuevas teorías.
09 de Junio, 2014
- Desde la parte sur de Estados Unidos, la mitad superior de Centaurus, el centauro, se dirige hacia el sur al caer la noche. La estrella más brillante en esa parte de la constelación es Menkent, el hombro del centauro.
10 de Junio, 2014
- Hermoso planeta anillado Saturno aparece cerca de la Luna casi llena esta noche. Si se mira al Sur aproximadamente a las 21:30 UTC (22:20 BST) ambos deben ser fáciles de encontrar.
- Eclipse de Saturno por la Luna, sólo visible desde las Islas Kerguelen al sur del Océano Índico. La Luna cruza por el meridiano celeste en el que está en planeta Saturno y lo eclipsa. Sólo es visible desde las Islas Kerguelen al sur del Océano Índico. La relación sincrónica entre la Luna y de Saturno es que mientras la Luna cumple su ciclo de fases en 29,5 días en torno a la Tierra, Saturno cumple su órbita en torno al Sol en 29,5 años ó 1 año saturniano, lo que significa que en 1 año saturniano la Luna realiza 365 ciclos de fases y 365 giros en torno a su eje de rotación.
- Conjunción de la Luna creciente con Saturno (9,04 UA) en Libra.
- El planeta Saturno, el cual se ve como una estrella brillante dorada, está cerca de la Luna, hacia su derecha superior al caer la noche. Hoy se cumple el décimo aniversario de la llegada al sistema de Saturno de la nave Cassini. Cassini continúa estudiando al sistema hoy en día.
11 de Junio, 2014
- La Tierra pasa al otro lado del Sol respecto a la constelación de Orión (el Sol encima de Orión).
- Conjunción de la Luna creciente con la estrella Antares, en Escorpión; tiene magnitud 1,05 y está a 604 añoz luz de distancia.
- Antares es una de las estrellas más impresionantes en la galaxia: por lo menos 15 veces tan masiva como el Sol y decenas de miles de veces más brillante. La anaranjada estrella se encuentra hacia la derecha inferior de la Luna esta noche y se acerca aun más hacia la Luna durante la noche.
12 de Junio, 2014
- Luna Llena en Sagitario, frente al centro de la Vía Láctea.
13 de Junio, 2014
- La Luna Llena en el cielo hoy también a veces se conoce como la Rosa de la luna, la luna de Lotus o la Luna de Caballos.
14 de Junio, 2014
- Plutón a 1.93 grados al Sur de la Luna en la constelación de Sagitario. Elongación del planeta: 160.5 grados. Configuración observable unas dos horas después de la medianoche hacia el Sureste.
15 de Junio, 2014
- La Luna llena Luna está en perigeo hoy a una distancia de 362.060 kilometros (224.974 millas), el punto más cercano de su órbita a la Tierra.
- La Tierra entre Saturno y Venus.
¿Cuántas veces te detienes a observar lo que el cielo cada noche coloca en cartelera?… Recuerda el axioma que dice “Como es arriba… es abajo”… El cielo y las estrellas no son un adorno… son una realidad.
Observar nos conecta en un 30% con la energía del Universo. Imitar lo observado nos conecta en un 70% con la energía del Universo… Emular lo observado nos convierte en la energía.
Fuentes: stardate.org, radiouniverso.org, sky-watching.co.uk, asteromia.net, circuloastronomico.cl, saberesyciencias.com.mx, ufopolis.com
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Message 53 of 53 on the subject |
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Messaggio 8 di 52 di questo argomento |
1. Génesis 8:22: Mientras la tierra permanezca, no CESARán la sementera y la siega, el frío y el calor, el verano y el invierno, y el día y la noche.
2. Éxodo 5:4: Entonces el rey de Egipto les dijo: Moisés y Aarón, ¿por qué hacéis CESAR al pueblo de su trabajo? Volved a vuestras tareas.
3. Éxodo 5:5: Dijo también Faraón: He aquí el pueblo de la tierra es ahora mucho, y vosotros les hacéis CESAR de sus tareas.
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Messaggio 9 di 52 di questo argomento |
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Messaggio 10 di 52 di questo argomento |
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Messaggio 11 di 52 di questo argomento |
 Regards Nic I noticed a crop circle with a similar pattern its the Metatron Cube and the Hebrew Star of David  The Metatron's Cube part of this crop circle design has 18 cubes or 19 were the central one shown. the ratio 18:19 is that between the synodic periods of Saturn and Jupiter measured in units of three weeks or 21 days. This was not noted in Sacred Number because, by chapter 10, Metatron was one of the last elements tying up the root-three geometrical theme and the book was concluding with the City of New Jerusalem cube measuring 12,000 (feet) on each side.
An alternative view is the New Jerusalem pattern of John Michel, based upon canonical measures that divide by twelve around the perimeter, a perimeter that is then "squared" rather than a cube. Thus this crop circle strangely portrays two views of New Jerusalem, the canonical and the Metatronic. Were this the case then the precedent is that of a duality, a light and dark side, an outer and inner face of the same phenomenon. Rene Guenon especially remarks upon this in this book Lord of the World chapter 3 called Shekinah and Metatron in which he says
Although Mikaël is identified with Metatron, he represents only one aspect. Beside the luminous face, there is a dark face represented by Samaël, also known as Sarhaolam— in fact, it is this latter aspect, and it only, which symbolizes in a lower sense the 'spirit of the world', or the Princeps hujus mundi referred to in the Gospels. Samaël's relationship with Metatron, as the latter's shadow, so to say, justifies the use of the same title in a twofold sense as well as making it clear why the 'number of the beast', the apocalytic 666, is also a solar number.' To quote Saint Hippolytus in conclusion: 'The Messiah and the Anti-Christ both have the lion for their emblem', another solar symbol. The same remarks may be applied to the serpent and to many other symbols. From a Kabbalistic viewpoint, we have here the two opposite faces of Metatron; we need not go into the theories we might formulate on this double meaning of symbols, only noting that the confusion between the luminous and the dark aspects is what properly constitutes 'Satanism'. It is precisely this confusion that allows some, unintentionally and through simple ignorance (an excuse, not a justification), to believe that an infernal significance is to be found in the title 'Lord of the World'. [Let us further point out that the `Globe of the World', insignia of imperial power of universal monarchy, is frequently placed in the hand of Christ, which shows that he is the emblem of spiritual authority as well as of temporal power.]
Coombe Springs Press edition, 1983
Interestingly, the number 666 is also of astronomical significance. many years ago I looked at the motion of the Moon's orbit (apogee) viz the nodes of that orbit. I will make another entry on this but the two meet every six years and hence in 6 + 6 + 6 years = 18 years, the conditions are the same regarding the distance of the Moon and its nodes that generate eclipses. It so happens that this almost exactly matches the Saros period of 18.03 years which is why that period is the most reliable rule: "if there was an eclipse at such a moment, then 18 years hence, a similar one will almost certainly occur". The Saros is 19 eclipse years long (18:19 again) and there are 223 lunar months also in the same period.
In this way the design of the planetary environment seen from Earth contains key numbers that are quite small and are very significantly "chosen" to operate together. As I point out in Matrix of Creation, these numbers are a unique configuration within the field of number itself and form a "master class" in the behaviour of number itself, a theme that continues in Sacred Number. This led to the tradition of the Demiurge or craftsman god, called Smith.
AuthorRichard Heath | Comments Off | Share ArticleShare Article in Categorygeometry & geomancy
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Messaggio 12 di 52 di questo argomento |
 pinterest.com Sun 864,000 mile diameter 555 × 305 - 18k - jpg |
 slideplayer.com The Sun The sun is 864,000 960 × 720 - 68k - jpg |
 secretsinplainsight.com Sun864 474 × 476 - 98k - jpg |
 slideplayer.com the diameter of the sun! 960 × 720 - 64k - jpg |
 slideplayer.com orbit the sun Venus and 960 × 720 - 51k - jpg |
 slideplayer.com Our Sun – Physical Properties 960 × 720 - 38k - jpg |
 pinterest.com Random 500 × 700 - 63k - jpg |
 slideplayer.com Slide 2 960 × 720 - 63k - jpg |
 galileoandeinstein.phy... Now, during a total lunar 585 × 483 - 579k - jpg |
 letswakeupfolks.blogsp... source of energy, the Sun. 1000 × 1000 - 1258k - jpg |
 gabitos.com of the Sun whose diameter 555 × 416 - 32k - jpg |
 slideplayer.com EARTH Earth is 7,927 miles in 960 × 720 - 54k - jpg |
 planets.net The sun is a star with a 200 × 197 - 6k - jpg |
 carnaval.com of the sun (864,000 miles) 141 × 146 - 9k - gif |
 the-tribulation-networ... 3 450 × 558 - 38k - gif |
 esotericonline.net The diameter of the Sun is 1371 × 465 - 64k - jpg |
 slideplayer.com Slide 8 960 × 720 - 68k - jpg |
 livestream.com 864 MM - 864000 SECONDS IS THE 1274 × 717 - 1044k - png |
 hiddenmeanings.com Sun is 864,000 miles 10% 900 × 720 - 31k - jpg |
 viewzone.com the Sun is 864,000 miles). 555 × 458 - 125k - gif |
 lunaticoutpost.com [Image: 535c7c801577f.jpg] 1224 × 1224 - 518k - jpg |
 constructingtheunivers... this Earth-Moon scheme in 863 × 732 - 165k - jpg |
 astrozero.co.uk the Moon 2,160 miles 539 × 592 - 89k - jpg |
 kvnf.org The Moon, 2,160 miles in 938 × 646 - 41k - jpg |
 seasky.org 2,160 miles (3,476 km) in 910 × 450 - 83k - jpg |
 sacred-geometry.es 6.- The architects of the 496 × 374 - 43k - jpg |
 mreclipse.com The Moon's two shadows are the 452 × 302 - 30k - jpg |
 giantfreakinrobot.com discovered moon managed to 578 × 373 - 70k - jpg |
 thesecretofom.com the moon is 2,160 miles. 360 × 378 - 14k - gif |
 visions2200.com The Moon is 384,403 kilometers 450 × 412 - 51k - jpg |
 odeion.org Earth and Moon Juxtaposed 215 × 234 - 16k - gif |
 joedubs.com Fibonacci Pi Earth Moon Sun 1179 × 926 - 496k - jpg |
 spiritualunite.com The moon is 27.3% the size of 400 × 225 - 13k - jpg |
 spiritualunite.com 2160 miles diameter of the 400 × 298 - 13k - jpg |
 astronomy.marcric.com The Moon is 384,403 kilometers 400 × 399 - 78k - gif |
 esotericonline.net SunEarthDistance.JPG 1383 × 475 - 61k - jpg |
 pinterest.com Jupiter's moon Io is the solar 736 × 857 - 62k - jpg |
 asi.org of the Moon's, 2160 miles. 241 × 241 - 5k - gif |
 younginquirers.com Our moon is 2160 miles (3476 133 × 200 - 7k - jpg |
 guitarmonks.com of the moon, 2,160 miles, 1920 × 1080 - 677k - jpg |
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Messaggio 13 di 52 di questo argomento |
Therefore, the All-Seeing Eye is the symbol of the Omniscience of the Sun God, Lucifer, whom they worship. These All-Seeing Eyes represents the Omniscience of Horus, who is Lucifer in the Egyptian Satanic Mysteries. Masonic author, Carl Claudy writes: "This is one of the oldest and most widespread symbols denoting God. We find it in Egypt, in India ... The Open Eye of Egypt represented Osiris. In India, Siva is represented by an eye." [Carl Claudy, "Introduction To Freemasonry: Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master mason Complete In One Volume", The Temple Publishers, 1931, p. 148, quoted by Dr. Cathy Burns, "Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated", p. 357]
"The Blazing Star (Pentagram) has been regarded as an emblem of Omniscience, or the All-Seeing Eye, which to the Egyptian Initiates was the emblem of Osiris, the Creator." Pike, "Morals and Dogma", p. 26-16
Remember, Osiris is Saturn:
"Since the all-seeing eye represents the Egyptian Osirus,let's look at who Osiris is. He committed incest with his sister, Isis, which resulted in the birth of Horus the Egyptian god of the dead as well as a Sun God .. Osiris is known by many other names in other countries ... In Thrace and Greece, he is known as Dionysus, the god of pleasures and of partying and wine ... Festivals held in Dionysus' honor often resulted in human sacrifices and orgiastic sexual rites. The Phrygians know Osiris as Sabasius where he is honored as the solar deity (a sun god) who was represented by horns and his emblem was a serpent. In other places, he is known by other names: Deouis, The Boy Jupiter, The Centaur, Orion, Saturn, The Boy Plutus, Iswara, The Winged One, Nimrod, Adoni, Hermes, Prometheus, Poseidon, Butes, Dardanus, Himeros, Imbors, Iasius, Zeus, Iacchus, Hu, Thor, Serapis, Ormuzd, Apollo, Thammuz, Atus, Hercules, Shiva, Moloch, and believe it or not, BAAL!" Burns, "Masonic and Occult Symbols Illustrated", p. 359;
 Masonic All Seeing Eye above their altar
Not only does the All-Seeing Eye represent the demonic god, BAAL but also Saturn.
This one shows similarity to the Kali Yantra:
Teutonic Cross
 Kali Yantra
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Messaggio 14 di 52 di questo argomento |
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Messaggio 15 di 52 di questo argomento |
Tanto el Tabernáculo y el Templo consistían de tres partes: |
El Atrio |
El Lugar Santo |
El Lugar Santísimo |
Con relación al Tabernáculo
El Lugar Santísimo era un cubo (10 pies x 10 pies x 10 pies) |
Con relación al Templo:
El Lugar Santísimo era un cubo (20 pies x 20 pies x 20 pies) |
El tabernáculo propiamente dicho era una tienda cuadrangular, de 30 codos* de largo, 10 de ancho y 10 de alto. Las dimensiones del conjunto de la estructura no figuran con exactitud en los registros del Exodo, pero se las puede calcular sobre la base de los detalles que se dan de las cortinas y las tablas que se usaron en las paredes del tabernáculo, y de las medidas proporcionales, pero mayores, del templo de Salomón (1 R. 6:2). La tienda estaba dividida en 2 compartimentos: el 1º conocido como "lugar santo" (Ex. 28:29), y el 2º como "lugar santísimo", literalmente "el Santo de los Santos" (26:33, BJ). Este constituía un cubo de 10 codos por lado, mientras el lugar santo era de 10 codos por 20. El tabernáculo estaba rodeado por un atrio o patio de 50 codos de ancho por 100 de largo, limitado por cortinas de lino de 5 codos de alto (27:18). Esta pared de cortinas estaba suspendida por 60 columnas, quizá de maderas de acacia* (por ser esta la madera usada para los muebles y otras columnas; cf 26:37) revestidas de plata y sostenidas por pedestales de bronce. En la parte central del extremo oriental del patio se hallaba la entrada, que estaba constituida por una cortina especial de 20 codos de largo (27:9-17). En la mitad oriental del patio, cerca de la entrada, estaba el altar de los holocaustos (vs 1-8) y el lavacro o lavatorio (30:17-21).
Leer más: Diccionario Biblico Cristiano Online y Gratis en Español - Significado o definicion de Tabernaculo

god in Simple Gematria Equals: 26 |
( |
7 |
15 |
4 |
) |
15. El que hablaba conmigo tenía una caña de medir, de oro, para medir la ciudad, sus puertas y su muro.
16. La ciudad se halla establecida en cuadro, y su longitud es igual a su anchura; y él midió la ciudad con la caña, doce mil estadios; la longitud, la altura y la anchura de ella son iguales.
17. Y midió su muro, ciento cuarenta y cuatro codos, de medida de hombre, la cual es de ángel.
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Messaggio 16 di 52 di questo argomento |
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Messaggio 17 di 52 di questo argomento |
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Messaggio 18 di 52 di questo argomento |

It is known to many persons who are not students of the occult that the Tarot is a method of divination by means of 78 symbolic picture cards, to which great antiquity and high importance are attributed by several expositors. And the literary history of the Tarot is also fairly well known. In ancient times the number 13 became a number of fear and superstition because the 13th card of the Tarot is the card of Death, and is pictured as a skeleton (the symbol of death) with a scythe reaping down men in a field of newly grown grass where young faces and heads appear cropping up on all sides. This image later became known as “The Grim Reaper,” and it was ascribed to the planet Saturn. In medieval England the standard fee of the hangman was 13 pence - a shilling and a penny...
But 13 is not an unfortunate number, as is generally supposed. It has become so firmly associated in the popular mind with the notion of “bad luck” that it is easy to forget the fact that in the ancient mystic religions 13 was the characteristic number of participants in many orders and occult groups, including sacred meals – a fact reflected in the size of the original Nazarene Last Supper. And it can be clearly shown that 13 is not only the most cherished number of the United States, but also the most fortunate number for Africans, African-Americans, and people the world over of African descent. We shall begin with the United States:
Starting with the 13 colonies, the first national flag had 13 stars, and even today it still has 13 stripes. On the green side of the dollar bill there are 13 steps in the pyramid of the Great Seal. The motto above the pyramid, which reads “Annuit Coeptis,” has 13 letters; the eagle on the right side has a ribbon in its beak that bears the motto “E pluribus unum,” which contains 13 letters. The eagle has 13 tail feathers, and on its breast there is a shield of 13 stripes. In one talon the eagle holds 13 arrows, and in the other an olive branch with 13 leaves and 13 berries. Over the eagle’s head are 13 stars that form the six-pointed “Star of David.”
The phrase “July the Fourth” contains 13 letters and the number 4 (1+3), the birth number of the U.S. (July 4, 1776), which leads us to the real reason why the “founding fathers” chose this date as the official birth date of the United States:
In the occult science of numerology it is said that, “He who understands the number 13 will be given power and dominion. It is a number of upheaval and destruction; a symbol of power which, if wrongly used, will wreak havoc and destruction upon itself.” Astronomically, on July 4th the longitude of the Sun is 12° Cancer in the Heavens, and on this date the Sun conjoins the great star Sirius, whose longitude is 13° Cancer. Sirius is a first-magnitude star that is 40 times brighter than the Sun, and is the star that rules all African people. It was venerated in ancient Egypt from time immemorial, and was held in great reverence by the ancient Egyptians because it rose heliacally with the Sun at dawn during the inundation of the Nile River, the lifeline of ancient Egypt.
In astrological parlance it is said: “If the great star Sirius is well-placed in a horoscope, it will contribute to the amassing of wealth and the acquisition of fame and honor.” Sirius conjuncts the Sun in the horoscope of the United States, in the 2nd house of money and material possessions. The Part of Fortune is 13° Capricorn – opposing the Sun and Sirius – in the 8th house of other people’s resources! These powerful cosmic patterns explain, astrologically, the great wealth of this country (much of which was acquired through the ignominious practice of slavery)...
Cancer is the fourth (1+3) sign of the zodiac, and it rules the continent of Africa, its inhabitants, and people the world over of African descent. The Moon rules Cancer, and is therefore the cosmic ruler of all African people. The average celestial motion of the Moon is 13° per day, and 13 weeks is the time it takes the Earth to travel from the equinoxes to the solstices. For example, it takes the Earth 13 weeks to travel from the first day of spring (March 20th) to the first day of summer (June 21st); 13 weeks from the first day of summer to the first day of fall (Sept. 23rd); 13 weeks from the first day of fall to the first day of winter (Dec. 21st); and it takes the Earth 13 weeks to travel from the first day of winter to the first day of spring...
[13x4=52, which is the time it takes (in weeks) the Earth to make one complete revolution around the Sun, and in most years lunations (i.e., conjunctions between the Sun and Moon) occur 13 times.]
The fear of the number 13 is unfounded internationally as well. It is an honored number in many countries throughout the world. There are 13 occurrences of the quantity 13 in the design of the Great Pyramid of Gizeh in Egypt, the largest stone edifice ever built. In the Indian Pantheon there are 13 Buddhas. The mystical discs that surmount Indian and Chinese pagodas are 13 in number. Enshrined in the Temple of Atsuta in Japan is a sacred sword with 13 objects of mystery forming its hilt. And 13 was the sacred number of the ancient Mexicans – they had 13 snake gods.
The 13th letter of the English alphabet is M, which finds its roots in the 13th letter of the Hebrew alphabet, “mem” (meaning mother), which was the ancient Phoenician word for water. The ancient Egyptian word for water was “moo.” M is the most sacred of all the letters, for it symbolizes water, where all life began. It is the root of the word “mother,” and relates to the evolutionary destiny of Africans, African-Americans, and all people of African descent who are ruled by the number 13:
The Chosen Caretakers of the Universe...
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Messaggio 19 di 52 di questo argomento |
I say we, since the devil pinned it on the Jews during Hitler’s reign of terror, must take a MUCH CLOSER LOOK at its math and understand the profound significance of its geometry (math and geometry that the Jews and Christians may not have noticed – but surely, the devil who knows he has but a short time, is well aware of its symbolic measurements and introduced its so-called malignant identifications as his own—just as he has attempted to hijack the Rainbow).

Astonishing, and as we shall shortly see, the Star of David and its “extensions” lend themselves wholly to the measurements of the New Jerusalem. When integrated with the measurements and geometry of the Great Pyramid of Giza (GPG), the Star of David expands those prophetic themes with grandeur—utterly amazing. Could it be that as the Almighty stirred within the Jews to return to their ancient homeland in preparation for the coming of the Son of Man at the “end of time” that He gave them this symbol and is now making it known by its geometry and math, while it very well could bear a prescient message of divine deliverance and hope for the world? Yes, the “enemy of our souls’ knew of its measurements—just as he knows the real meaning of the RAINBOW—but, alas, as Hitler did, even so, the “enemy of our souls” corrupting imprint deigns to deceive and distort the “6” for it is man’s number as is the six-pointed Star of David.
The Geometry of the Star of David & Its Expansion in the GPG
Firstly, however, the hexagon itself as a six-sided object or the six-pointed Star of David (the number “6”) created by the overlay of two triangles in opposite directions is what is called in “Sacred Geometry” the “perfect number” in that the factors of 6 are 1, 2, and 3, so that 1 + 2 + 3 = 6 or 1 x 2 x 3 = 6 with the next perfect number being 28 derived from 1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14 = 28 and the third such number being 496, etc. Its geometry is considered “perfection” and the most malleable to manipulate; likewise, it is riveted upon man for on the sixth day was he created and has been given 6,000 years in the numbering of his days.

We must keep in mind that the geometry of the Magen David itself is a total of 2520° wherein 1080 degrees are totaled in its 6 pyramidion (points of the Star) and 1,440 degrees in its 12 ea. 120 degree parts (known as “supplementary” angles seen between each of the points of the Star, as well as within each of the interior bends of the hexagon. The six triangles of the Magen David each being 180 degrees X 6 is equal to 1080° + 1440° (the 12 each 120 degree supplementary angles so formed by the 2 large inverted triangles of the Star of David) = 2520°.
Those of you familiar with our writings grasp the “18” and the “144” as peculiar to the “Dimensions of Paradise”—the New Jerusalem in that her revelation as found in Revelation 21:16-17 give clear evidence that she is in the form of a cube wherein “The city is laid out as a square; its length is as great as its breadth. And he measured the city with the reed: twelve thousand furlongs. Its length, breadth, and height are equal.”
The furlong is measured as 660 ft. At 12,000 furlongs X 660 ft. her edge is equal to 7,920,000 ft. ÷ 5,280 ft. (one mile) is equal to 1,500 linear miles X 12 (number of edges in a cube) will equal to 18,000 miles; hence, the “18” of the New Jerusalem. We can also eliminate zero from the 12,000 and arrive at “144” by multiplying 12 X 12 is equal to 144 on each of her six faces; whereas, her “Wall” is measured as 144 cubits (Revelation 21:17).
The 2520 is a fractal of the 25.20 inches of the Hebrew Sacred Cubit which this author, as well as the late David Flynn (among others), summarily concluded was this dimension and throughout the King James Version of the Bible (nigh miraculously preserved therein–and I’m no KJV only guy).
It may be pointed out that the “18” and the “144” as factors, when multiplied, produce a product which is the fractal of the Great Processional of the Equinoxes as in: 18 X 144 is equal to 2,592 (the Great Processional of the Equinoxes is 25,920 years with each of its 12 “traditional” constellations bearing 2,160 years or 12 X 2,160 years is equal to 25,920 years). This is one of the glaring reasons why this author views the “Woman of Revelation 12” as not only Israel but is representative of the Church and Israel—the Woman of Genesis 3:15 (aka, the Protoevangelium) wherein the Woman’s Seed (Messiah) would bruise the serpents head, though the serpent would bruise His heel (the crucifixion of Christ).

Now, allow me to jump ahead a bit before we actually discuss the “extended geometry” of the Star of David. Initially, and in order to do this, we are obliged to place the Star of David into a circle drawn whose perimeter touches the four sides of the base of the Great Pyramid of Giza (GPG). By placing the Star into the interior of the circle all six of its points (pyramidion) touch the perimeter at six equally spaced distances along its circumference (blue lines).
We are going to expand the GPG’s circle’s potential by extending 3 additional lines (red lines) to complete the duodecimal (i.e., “the system of twelve”) expression around the perimeter of its circle as seen below with simple “dots” indicating where lines can bisect the center of the circle and extend to the other side of the circle. Again, we placed the Magen David (six-pointed star or two inverted triangles) inside the circle (blue lines) which is surrounded by the four-square base of the Great Pyramid of Giza (dark black perimeter lines).

We are viewing the GPG (4-sq. of the Great Pyramid of Giza as the four-square containing the circle and triangles). I simply extended three extra lines (in red and colored the original Star in blue) and have created a platform with 12 equilateral triangles. These are the smaller 180 degree ones - there are, of course, others which overlap; however, these 12 do not overlap each other. The six new triangles were created within the hexagon itself.
Do not concern yourself at the present with the interior red-dotted square lines; however, please note that in this dotted square two of the four vertices were made from the original Star of David and the other two vertices were made by one of the line extensions, the Star being slightly tilted to the left in its original position in the graphic previous to this one at the start of this article. Again, all the points of the Star (6) and the lines bisecting the middle of the circle and extending out to the perimeter of the circle (6 points each) are equally spaced along the circumference of the interior circle of the GPG, while the circle itself theoretically touches the base perimeter of the GPG in four separate places, if you would, left/right and top/bottom.

Therefore, 12 X 180 degrees (180° per 12 triangles) = 2160 degrees; however, all lines formed within the circle produce an additional 120 degrees (but are not triangles, just supplementary angles of 60 degree (2 ea. X 60° = 120° when added together) or 6 x 120° = 720 degrees.
If these angles are added to the 2160° + 720° = 2880° thereby producing the two sets, again, of the 144 or 2880° ÷ 2 = 1440° which is likewise the perimeter of the base of the GPG itself at 3024 ft. ÷ 2.1 ft. (one Hebrew Sacred Cubit) = 1,440 Hebrew Sacred Cubits (HSC). Here the number of degrees vs. the number of Hebrew Sacred Cubits is 1,440 each but in degrees or HSC but all within the base parameter of the GPG.
Again, this “288” throughout antiquity connotes, I believe, the two sets of 144,000 found in Revelation 7 (Israel – sealed upon the earth prior to the Wrath of the Lamb) and in Revelation 14 (the Church raptured to the Heavenly Mt. Zion prior to the Wrath of the Lamb) and then found on all sides of the New Jerusalem or 12 x 12 = 144 (i.e., 12,000 furlongs X 12,000 furlongs = 144,000,000 sq. furlongs per each face for “Its length, breadth, and height are equal” Rev. 21:16.), and, of course, the Wall of the New Jerusalem is “144 cubits” or 144 X 2.1 ft. (HSC) = 302.4 ft. (a fractal of the base edge of the GPG itself at 756 ft. X 4 = 3024 ft.
All 3 lines intersecting the esoteric center of the circle are 756 ft. (for this is the diameter of the interior circle).
Therefore: There are 3 additional 756-foot "base lines" + the 4 on the perimeter for a total of 7 X 756 ft. = 5,292 ft. ÷ 2.1 ft. (Sacred Cubit) = 2,520 HSC or the very fractal of the HSC itself (viz., 25.20 inches)!

The precise fractal of the HSC can only be discovered if such a circle with the Star of David is inserted in its midst thereby demanding that additional equal-distance lines be drawn around the circle (providing us 12 equal arcs along the circle formed within the four-square base of the Great Pyramid of Giza) totaling 3 ea. 756-foot lines as per the duodecimal system of measurement—again: 7 lines (3 interior of the circle and 4 on the perimeter of the GPG) X 756 ft. = 5,292 ft. ÷ 2.1 ft. (HSC) = 2520 HSC.
This SAME reflection can be replicated if the GPG were cubed making it 6 faces or 6 X 2520 HSC = 15,120 HSC and then doubled (as an octahedron) = 15,120 HSC X 2 = 30,240 HSC or the fractal of the perimeter of the four-square base of the GPG expressed in feet at 3024 ft. (4 X 756 ft. = 3024 ft.).

I repeat: The 7 ea. 756 ft. lines (4 on her perimeter or 3024 ft.) + 3 on the interior of the circle so formed (i.e. 3 X 756 ft. = 2268 ft.) or 3,024 ft. + 2,268 ft. = 5,292 ft. ÷ 2.1 ft. (HSC) = 2520 Hebrew Sacred Cubits—this is most amazing.
We are literally getting two sets of 2520s—one geometric and the other dimensional. The one set in degrees taken from the Star of David itself (as shown above) and the other taken from the Hebrew Sacred Cubit by combining the seven sets of 756 ft. lines taken from the 3 on the interior of the circle bisecting its center and the four-square perimeter of the (GPG) (i.e., 7 X 756 ft. = 5,292 ft.) and converting the 5,292 ft. into Hebrew Sacred Cubits (i.e., 5,292 ft. ÷ 2.1 ft. (HSC) = 2520 HSC).
Please note that none of the points of the Magen David created by the overlaid triangle lines are 756 ft. The seven sets of 756 ft. are derived from the four-square base of the GPG and the three additional lines drawn to create the 12 equidistant points along the circle drawn within the GPG.
Again, our two sets of “2520” are derived from the Magen David as so described in degrees (2520°) and the other created by the 2520 HSC formed from the perimeter of the GPG + the 3 interior lines which bisect the circle so created—together these two sets of 2520 X 2 = 5040 which is Plato's Optimal Number for Societal Harmony wherein the City of Magnesia (system of 12) is juxtaposed to Atlantis (system of 10) – for in the Revelation the “12” triumphs over the “10.”
Astronomical Confirmations of the Star of David – Leading to the New Jerusalem

Be it known that the radii of the Moon (1080 miles) and of the Earth (3960 miles) are equal to 5040 miles and that 1 X 2 X 3 X 4 X 5 X 6 X 7 = 5040, and 7 X 8 X 9 X 10 = 5040 and that their sum: 5040 + 5040 = 10080 (combined diameters of the Earth and Moon), or the diameter of the Moon (2160 miles) and of the Earth (7920 miles) are equal to 10080 miles (which again is a fractal of the New Jerusalem’s linear, 12-edged perimeter of 18,000 miles or “18” = “18”).
Since the “esoteric radius” of the combined Earth and Moon is 5040 miles (i.e., two sets of 2520) it would mean that if a circle were made from their combined radii by doubling their radii (or 5040 miles X 2 equals a diameter of 10080 miles) then the circumference of the circle created from this 10080-mile diameter would be: C (circumference) = Pi X d (diameter) or 3.142857 X 10080 miles = 31680 miles.
Yes, be it known that having found this “Altar unto the Lord in the midst of Egypt, and a Pillar to the Lord at its border” (lit. Giza; Isaiah 19:19) we’ve discovered that “embedded” within its foundation is the “5040” or the two sets of 2520 created by the degrees of the Star of David’s geometric marvel and the surrounding measurements (in Hebrew Sacred Cubits) of the interior circle’s circumference embracing the Star of David added to the perimeter of that Pillar to the Lord at Giza (i.e., 7 X 756 ft. = 5,292 ft. ÷ 2.1 ft. (HSC) = 2520 HSC).
And what of the circumference created from this “5040” (i.e., having started out as two sets of “2520” from the Star of David . . . moving toward the creation of two sets of 5040 discovered in the combined radii of the Earth and Moon and then doubling them for their total diameters at 10080 and therefrom to form the great Earth/Moon esoteric circle/circumference at 31680 miles)?
Yes, it is equal to 31680 miles but far more . . . far, far more. Since the Star of David has generated the “5040” connoting Plato’s Optimal Number for Societal Harmony (i.e., two sets of the Hebrew Sacred Cubit of 25.20 ins. or 2520 X 2 – 5040) . . . that same doubling of the Star’s 2520 now creates the 31680-mile circumference from the diameter of the 5040 radii of the Earth and the Moon off its 10080-mile diameter. Now, the miracle takes place orchestrated by the astronomical, archaeological and cosmic wonderment as the New Jerusalem descends to Earth with her 12,000 furlong base edge wherein her “length, breadth, and height are equal” (Revelation 21:16) thereby we calculate “the city is laid out as a square; its length is as great as its breadth” (Rev. 21:16); therefore: 12,000 furlongs X 660 ft. (one furlong) = 7,920,000 feet X four-square = 31,680,000 feet or “31680” the fractal of the Star’s magnificence.
31,680 Miles + 31,680 (New Jerusalem Perimeter) = 63,360
It appears likely that the 31,680 of the Star of David (generated from the Star’s two sets of 2520 equaling 5040 which we projected to the combined radii of the Earth and Moon, ultimately gave us a combined diameter and esoteric circumference of a circle bearing 31,680 miles. This 31,680 miles is a fractal of the New Jerusalem’s four-square base perimeter. Her four-square perimeter is calculated at 7920 X 4-sq. = 31,680).
What we’ve done with the Star of David is to place it, on the one hand, within the GPG, but, on the other hand, and as a consequence to this placement, catapulted it to embrace the Earth and its Moon—“For the Earth is the LORD’s, and all its fullness, the world and those who dwell herein.” (Psalm 24:1); and again:
“Now a great sign appeared in heaven:
A woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet,
And on her head a garland of twelve stars.”
(Revelation 12:1)

It is here that I wish to bring to our attention that what appears as a “great sign in the heaven” is comprised of the Woman who is truly the expression of the Earth, for it is here that God’s eternal plan and purpose for the ages is fulfilled. The Woman is, however, clothed with the Sun, for she does not express her own righteousness but that of the Sun of Righteousness (Malachi 4:1-2). The Moon is beneath her feet and atop her head she is bedecked with a garland with twelve constellations (aka, stars).
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Messaggio 20 di 52 di questo argomento |
Regards Nic I noticed a crop circle with a similar pattern its the Metatron Cube and the Hebrew Star of David  The Metatron's Cube part of this crop circle design has 18 cubes or 19 were the central one shown. the ratio 18:19 is that between the synodic periods of Saturn and Jupiter measured in units of three weeks or 21 days. This was not noted in Sacred Number because, by chapter 10, Metatron was one of the last elements tying up the root-three geometrical theme and the book was concluding with the City of New Jerusalem cube measuring 12,000 (feet) on each side.
An alternative view is the New Jerusalem pattern of John Michel, based upon canonical measures that divide by twelve around the perimeter, a perimeter that is then "squared" rather than a cube. Thus this crop circle strangely portrays two views of New Jerusalem, the canonical and the Metatronic. Were this the case then the precedent is that of a duality, a light and dark side, an outer and inner face of the same phenomenon. Rene Guenon especially remarks upon this in this book Lord of the World chapter 3 called Shekinah and Metatron in which he says
Although Mikaël is identified with Metatron, he represents only one aspect. Beside the luminous face, there is a dark face represented by Samaël, also known as Sarhaolam— in fact, it is this latter aspect, and it only, which symbolizes in a lower sense the 'spirit of the world', or the Princeps hujus mundi referred to in the Gospels. Samaël's relationship with Metatron, as the latter's shadow, so to say, justifies the use of the same title in a twofold sense as well as making it clear why the 'number of the beast', the apocalytic 666, is also a solar number.' To quote Saint Hippolytus in conclusion: 'The Messiah and the Anti-Christ both have the lion for their emblem', another solar symbol. The same remarks may be applied to the serpent and to many other symbols. From a Kabbalistic viewpoint, we have here the two opposite faces of Metatron; we need not go into the theories we might formulate on this double meaning of symbols, only noting that the confusion between the luminous and the dark aspects is what properly constitutes 'Satanism'. It is precisely this confusion that allows some, unintentionally and through simple ignorance (an excuse, not a justification), to believe that an infernal significance is to be found in the title 'Lord of the World'. [Let us further point out that the `Globe of the World', insignia of imperial power of universal monarchy, is frequently placed in the hand of Christ, which shows that he is the emblem of spiritual authority as well as of temporal power.]
Coombe Springs Press edition, 1983
Interestingly, the number 666 is also of astronomical significance. many years ago I looked at the motion of the Moon's orbit (apogee) viz the nodes of that orbit. I will make another entry on this but the two meet every six years and hence in 6 + 6 + 6 years = 18 years, the conditions are the same regarding the distance of the Moon and its nodes that generate eclipses. It so happens that this almost exactly matches the Saros period of 18.03 years which is why that period is the most reliable rule: "if there was an eclipse at such a moment, then 18 years hence, a similar one will almost certainly occur". The Saros is 19 eclipse years long (18:19 again) and there are 223 lunar months also in the same period.
In this way the design of the planetary environment seen from Earth contains key numbers that are quite small and are very significantly "chosen" to operate together. As I point out in Matrix of Creation, these numbers are a unique configuration within the field of number itself and form a "master class" in the behaviour of number itself, a theme that continues in Sacred Number. This led to the tradition of the Demiurge or craftsman god, called Smith.
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Messaggio 21 di 52 di questo argomento |
Newgrange, Knowth and Dowth
Calendars for the Sun, Moon and stars - by Gillies MacBain
An abridged version of a talk given to the Sr. Aine Historical Society Templemore, Co. Tipperary.
 Newgrange (right) and Knowth (far left, behind trees) and the Boyne in flood.
The Boyne Valley passage mounds attract worldwide attention and undoubtedly deserve World Heritage Site status. Until now, the archaeologist's viewpoint has been dominant - that they are primarily burial mounds. Gillies Macbain argues that a wider perspective is needed, to include astronomy and other sciences. His astronomical and mathematical arguments presented here offer compelling evidence that these mounds were built to act as calanders based on the movements of the sun, moon and the star Venus.
When I first wrote down my conclusions on the passage mounds – I sent a copy to Professor Eogan, an archaeologist, and another to Professor Wayman, an astronomer. The distinguished archaeologist wrote back saying " I can't comment on your theories because I am not an astronomer". The distinguished astronomer wrote back saying that the numbers looked right but he couldn't comment on them because he was not an archaeologist!
I have to acknowledge my debt to the expert authors and authorities – but I don't believe that archaeology itself is enough: To get the full picture you need archaeology but also anthropology, astronomy, agriculture, architecture, ancient history, mythology and the history of religion – and a dash of common sense.
Surely Newgrange has to be more than a grave? There are a number of ways of burying a body easier than under 200,000 tonnes of stones. Let the archaeologists call it a passage grave. I prefer to call it a passage mound. It is permissible to see this complex of mounds as the longest and greatest engineering project ever undertaken on this island of Ireland.
If you want a better word to describe the three great mounds in the Boyne Valley, then I suggest the word "cathedrals" would be the most appropriate.*
Regarding the sun, the moon, and the calendar. From my own house in Tipperary the sun sets behind the Devil's Bit mountain: The Gap of Barnane. On the 15th August each year, if the weather is clear, the sun is seen to set exactly in the Bit. That is the Feast of the Assumption and the cathedral in Thurles is the Cathedral of the Assumption. The 15th of August is also the date of Nenagh show and the meaning of "Nenagh" is "annual" or "annual fair".
Now here is another curious thing: If the sun goes down exactly in the Devil's Bit on the 15th August, just eight weeks after midsummer, it must do the same trick on its way north along the horizon eight weeks before midsummer. It will also rise, on the 14th February, just eight weeks after midwinter on the exactly opposite point of the horizon.
And what is opposite the rising sun? As the sun rises, the full moon sets, and once every 19 years this full moon will coincide with the 14th February and also set directly in the Devil's Bit.
The moon's behaviour has complications which would take too long to explain, but you can take it that a front door accidently lined up with the sun, can equally certainly be said to be lined up with a regular setting or rising of the moon.
Would anyone build a passage mound with a deliberate alignment on a phase of the moon which occurred only once in 19 years? The answer is that neolithic man, yes, would. It is only us in our headlong age with our illusion of constant progress, who think in the short-term.

Let me explain this 19-year thing: The problem of the calendar makers is to reconcile the apparent motion of the sun and moon. Seen from the earth, the sun goes around every 24 hours. The seasons are caused by the tilt of the earth in its orbit, and this orbit takes 365.25 days. We know this fact so well that we tend to forget that the length of the year is completely unrelated to the length of the day. As for month, the word comes from the word "moon". The moon in fact goes around anti-clockwise – only the spin of the earth makes it look clockwise. The month lasts 29.5 days from new moon to new moon. The year is twelve moon months and 10.9 days left over. So some years have thirteen new moons.
By a pure coincidence of the solar system, 19 sun years are almost exactly equal to 235 moon months. So if the moon and the sun are in a particular configuration on a particular day of the year, they will be in the same configuration with the moon at the same phase, on the same day, 19 years later. This 19 year cycle is an astronomical one, but it is used in the Christian calendar to determine the day on which Easter occurs.
None of this information is original or new. What is new is that we are bringing together information from one field to throw light on another.

Let us now deal with Dowth and Knowth – the other two major passage mounds on the Boyne. Dowth was traditionally held to have been built by the druid Bres and means "darkness" in Irish. The story is that darkness fell upon the earth before the mound was completed. I take this to mean an eclipse. Dowth has 115 kerb stones. If you go around twice that makes 115 x 2, or 230 stones. 230 is the number of moons (new moon to new moon) in the 18.6 year cycle, after which the pattern of eclipses repeats itself. Dowth faces in a westerly direction. The west is where you see the new moon, and the new moon, OR dark moon, is the time when eclipses of the sun occur: It all fits.
The reference to a 19-year cycle would be very appropriate for Knowth, which has passages facing east and west. At the equinox the sun comes up due east in any part of the world, and sets due west. Once every nineteen years the moon will be full on the same day as the equinox. Likewise half way around the cycle, after 9.5 years,the new moon will do the same at the autumn equinox, but with, not opposite, the sun. The eastern passage may also be slanted slightly south of east, towards the old moon preceding the equinox.
Let me explain: To see the old moon, you look east – it rises before the sun, a little closer every day until it disappears in the glow of dawn. Similarly, to see the new moon you look west. It sets a little later than the sun, every day. So the old moon at Knowth would give about 3 days warning of the new. Knowth has 127 stones and 127 is half of 254 – the number of sidereal moons in 19 years. Sidereal means coming back to the same point in the stars. That takes the moon 27.3 days. Meanwhile the sun has moved on in the annual circuit and not until 29.5 days does the moon catch up.
So the number of kerb stones at Knowth is either one of the greatest coincidences of all time or it indicates beyond doubt a detailed knowledge of the moon, and an understanding of the circling of the stars.
Our most difficult task is to get inside the mind of a people who can neither read nor write, but are skilled at designing and building in stone, and so advanced in their observations of the heavens that we find it hard to keep up with them, even now in an age of television and universal education!
Dowth and Knowth yielded their secret fairly easily, now what about Newgrange?
If Dowth is the first mound, watching the 18.6 year cycle of the eclipses – and Knowth is the second, watching the 19 years coincidence of sun and moon, what else is there to track? There is the 8 year cycle of the planet Venus. The planet Venus goes around the sun – as seen from the earth which is also moving – in 584 days. During this cycle it appears once as the morning star, and once as the evening star. By another astronomical coincidence, five of these Venus cycles make nearly the same number of days as there are in eight years, – in fact after eight years Venus comes back ahead of the sun, just 2.5 days early.
Now I want you to imagine a coming together of the winter sun, the new moon, and the planet Venus. The calendar maker has to decide what day to chose for day one. We chose January 1st and anno domini 1 (1 A.D.) as our starting points. But the winter solstice is a natural starting point for the sun; for the moon the new or darkened moon; and for Venus the inferior conjunction when it passes across the face of the sun and can be visible as a black dot under certain conditions.

I am saying that Newgrange may be designed to look out for a day which is day one of the suns year, day one of the moon's nineteen year cycle and day one of the planet Venus' eight year cycle. The lowest common denominator of the one year sun cycle, nineteen year moon coincidence and eight year Venus coincidence is 1 x 19 x 8 = 152. 152 fits Newgrange in the following way: Newgrange has 97 kerb stones. Make the entrance stone K1 and the highly decorated stone K52 represent the days of triple conjunction. There are 95 kerb stones remaining. Each kerb stone = one 584 day cycle of Venus. Thus each five stones = 8 years. Thus the stones make 19 x 8 years or 152 years. This represents a "great year" of sun, moon, and Venus.
To me this is the meaning of the regular phrase in mythology 'three fifties plus two'. It is the sun/ moon/ Venus cycle. The theory that I am putting forward assumes a knowledge of the movements of the sun, moon, and Venus, on the part of the passage mound builders.
So the most conservative archaeologists now accept the alignment of Newgrange with the midwinter sun. All of the circumstantial evidence points to an association of the Boyne valley with the moon after which it is named (Boyne = cow. The moon was known as the white cow). And the third person of this neolithic trinity is the planet Venus.
At Newgrange the folk tradition of county Meath was that the morning star (Venus) shone into Newgrange once in every eight years. It takes Venus five cycles, as we saw, to come back into line with the solar year. That is why Venus is represented as a five pointed star. Of course, what we are celebrating is not just any old star, but the morning star which announces the dawn.
A fundamental problem of religion is to reconcile the natural, unconscious, night-time mind, with the rational, conscious, daylight mind. The morning star which brings the dawn is the messenger of love, reconciliation, and the coming of the light. It is a parable of nature. The star of Bethlehem is a lot more than a children's story. It stands for the meeting point of day and night, of reason and feeling, the reconciliation of man with creation and the reconciliation of heaven and earth.
What I am calling for is the rescue of the passage mounds from the archaeologists' operating table, and their restoration as sites of spiritual significance. Here in Tipperary, the Rock of Cashel is abandoned to tourism, and it is part of the OPW lease that it is not to be used for religious purposes. The Derrynaflan chalice is locked in a glass case in the museum. For a thousand years it lay hidden for fear of the Vikings. Now the Viking city of Dublin holds it and no one asks for it back. The only grail chalice that we care about is the Sam Maguire football trophy.
I humbly suggest that the time has come to reclaim the roots of our religion – and reclaim for the pilgrim the sacred and ancient landscape that is being lost to the mere tourist.
Gillies Macbain is an organic farmer.
http://www.mythicalireland.com/astronomy/boynecalendars.html |
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Messaggio 22 di 52 di questo argomento |
Series of the centered hexagonal numbers The sequence of the centered hexagonal numbers is 1, 7, 19, 37, 61, 91, 127, 169, 217, 271, 331, ...
The formula is an=3n²-3n+1. There is 1, 1+7=8, 1+7+19=27, 1+7+19+37=64, ... The series to the sequence of the centered hexagonal numbers is the sequence of the cube numbers. Calculation for proving: The formulas 1²+2²+3³+...+n²=(1/6)n(n+1)(2n+1) and 1+2+3+...+n=(1/2)n(n+1) are used. |
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