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البريد الإلكتروني

كلمة السر:

سجّل نفسك الآن

هل نسيت كلمتك السر؟

Secreto Masonico
  أدخل الآن
  جدول الرسائل 
  معرض الصور 
 الملفات والوتائق 
 الإحصاء والنص 
  قائمة المشاركين
 Procesos Secretos del Alma 
 Estructura Secreta del Ritual Masónico 
 Los extraños Ritos de Sangre 
 Cámara de Reflexiones 
General: 1 DE REYES 10:14=666="RELOJ MASONICO" (24HORAS=2+4=6-60 MIN.=6+0=6-60 SEG=6+0=6)
إختار ملف آخر للرسائل
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جواب  رسائل 1 من 131 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999  (الرسالة الأصلية) مبعوث: 07/05/2016 16:56
Originally Posted by barbitone View Post

Now it becomes somewhat clearer as to why there are 360 degrees in a circle. They are all expressing decimal parity of 9 which is to say; centre focused. Even if you halve 45 and so on you will get 22.5 = 9, 11.25 = 9, 5.625, 2.8125 = 9 and so on... The 9 is a self similar axis, the Z axis. The X and Y define the surface topology of the logarithmic spiral, while Z is the central third. 6 and 3 oscillating around nine.
And it’s probably 360 because 3 and 6 are the “nines”.
So that’s 3 dimensional, spatial orientation, what about the 4th dimension; time?

There are 24 hours in a day; 2+4 = 6
There are 60 minutes in an hour; 6+0 = 6
There are 60 second in a minute; 6+0 = 6
So the full revolution is a 6, half is 12 which is a 3. Around the 12 hour clock you constant 3,6,9 oscillation. 
3oclock, 6oclock, 9oclock, 12oclock= 3 then 15 = 6, 18 = 9.... 3,6,9,3,6,9,3,6 (8 45 degree movements)

I wonder how this logic plays out on other planets...
M1 Creations blog

أول  سابق  42 إلى 56 من 131  لاحق   آخر 
جواب  رسائل 42 من 131 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 18/06/2016 16:02

جواب  رسائل 43 من 131 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 22/06/2016 23:58

جواب  رسائل 44 من 131 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 23/06/2016 16:48

جواب  رسائل 45 من 131 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 27/06/2016 16:50

جواب  رسائل 46 من 131 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 08/07/2016 02:04

جواب  رسائل 47 من 131 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 09/07/2016 01:39

جواب  رسائل 48 من 131 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 16/07/2016 02:34
Recall the significance of 227 and 'Pi'.  Pi has to do with circle and cycles.  History runs in circles and cycles because the Masons make it so.
Remember, if you sum the first 144-decimal points of Pi, it totals 666.  France's Independence Day, Bastille Day, comes ten days after America's Independence Day, July 4.  They're the United, masonic, "red, white and blue" nations.
4/7/2016 = 4+7+20+16 = 47 (France)


جواب  رسائل 49 من 131 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 17/07/2016 01:23

جواب  رسائل 50 من 131 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 17/07/2016 01:37

Issue #666

Welcome to GG #666!  If you’ve wondered how to best and easily prime someone with the truth about the jewish deception, this is it!  Atheists, agnostics and folks from all religions alike will find interest and revelations in the facts herein which have been intentionally withheld by earths’ oldest rulers for millennia.  GG readers know Confusion, Division & Fear are the key states of mind required to oppress the masses.  Each part will be clearly demonstrated herein with yet another smoking gun of irrefutable proof we’ve all been lied to our entire lives by masonic jews and their synagogue of satan, or “ss ”.  Ask yourself, how many zillions of times have they used religion and their media to subject you to the idea that 666 was evil?  Well, get ready to embrace the fact that 666 is all about the creator God and our world! IT’S DIVINE!  Rev 13:18  “This calls for wisdom.  If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is a man’s number.  His number is 666”.


EVIL 666 


Let’s begin w/some 6s found everywhere like the Golden Ratio; 

The “Golden Ratio” is a math term describing a ratio of 1 to 1.618 commonly found in all of creation.  Here’s a visual;

goldenratio1Start with one rectangle, drawn to a ratio of 1 to 1.618.  If you draw a line inside it to form 1 perfect square, the remaining rectangle will have the same ratio as the outer one.  You can keep doing it over and over, downwards to upwards to infinity.

goldenratio2Look at the spiral shape formed by following the line to the opposite corner of each square as it goes clockwise:  Art using this ratio is the most pleasing to the eye because it’s found throughout nature in flowers, fruits, veggies, pine cones and even the human face, hand, body etc.  It’s everywhere and always makes a “six”.



As all GG readers are aware, EVERYTHING IS A LIE and 666 is arguably the biggest and most damning one of all for lying  ss  jews. 666 is NOT evil!!!  We’re just going to take a look at all the beautiful 6’s in our world they have withheld knowledge about so we couldn’t unite behind one nature, one world and one wondrous thing we all have in common with our creator, what/whoever that may be.  We’ve all been robbed of this amazing proof of the handy work while being treated as Goyim pawns and servants.  The idea that 666 is evil was originally conditioned into us by satanic jews starting with their bible and furthered by their media, especially Hollywood.  Our creator, if there is one, you be the judge, loves 6s!  The ancients knew it which is why they put 60 seconds in every minute and 60 minutes in every hour.  This becomes clear when you ditch the zeros like they did to get a 66 for every day of our existence.  Oh, and 24 hours is 2 + 4 = 6.  So that’s a total of 666 for every day of our lives!  Evil 666 every single day forever?  Really?  Nah, it’s all just more satanic jew BS designed to avert us from the most sacred knowledge on earth.  6, 66 and 666 turns up in all kinds of measurements for our world.  So many times you’ll soon wholeheartedly agree it’s not a coincidence, nor did it ever have anything to do with evil.  Once again we’re only scratching the surface of a completely different reality and we think this GG edition alone is worth more than all the jew published books you’ve ever read.  Here it goes in a few pictures for starters;



So, that’s kind of interesting huh?  Next we delve into the the meatier portion of things.  Like the seconds, minutes and hours of our 666 days, 6 is embedded into mathematics to such an extent, it’s hard to believe everyone with any sort of a degree in math wouldn’t have noticed at least some of these major “coincidences”.  We begin with 6 x 6 = 36 or in the literal sense “Three Sixes” 666.  And look at the sum from adding the first 36 natural numbers;  1 + 2 + 3 + 4 +5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 + 12 + 13 + 14 + 15 + 16 + 17 + 18 + 19 + 20 + 21 + 22 + 23 + 24 + 25 + 26 + 27 + 28 + 29 + 30 + 31 32 + 33 +34 + 35 + 36 =  666 !  And guess how many characters we have in our alphabet and numbering systems used to describe quite literally everything . . .


A to Z = 26 & 0 to 9 =10, 26 + 10 = 363-6s!  666! 


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  • 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 + 11 = 66
  • And 987654321 as  9 + 87 + 6 + 543 + 21 =  666!!!
  • The same is even true with Roman numerals, not counting the M which is 1,000;  I + V + X + L + C + D = 666!!!
  • 3 minus  26  + 1666  (729 – 64 = 665+1 = 666 )
  • The 1st 7 prime numbers squared (2² + 3² + 5² + 7² + 11² + 13² + 17²) or (4 + 9 + 25 + 49 + 121 + 169 + 289) = 666
  • 6 is the 3rd66 is the 11th and 666 is the 36th “triangular number” which just so happens to be the largest one of such to infinity that’s made up of all the same digit, 6!
  • 666 is a “Smith” number which means it’s sum of 18 is equal to the sum of the digits of prime factors (2+3+3+3+7) = 18=(6+6+6)
  • To top that off let’s take a peek at Prime Decade Quadruplets the first of which is 11-13-17-19, the next 101-103-107-109 and so it goes in seemingly sporadic nature to infinity.   The thing is, guess how many of said quadruplets one stumbles upon while counting up to exactly one million?  Yep, 666!!!
  • The Internal Revenue Services’ Code #666 requires everyone to take the Social Security mark  (And you recall what ss is right?)
  • Every person in the world has been assigned an 18 digit tracking number in the BEAST computer  in Brussels Belgium.  It consists of3 groups of 6 numbers, there’s a 666, and the first 3 numbers assigned to everyone as their United Nations ID are 666!
  • “VISA”:  ‘VI’ is the number 6 in the Roman numerals, ‘S’ is the Stigma in the Greek culture whose value is 6, and the ‘A’ in the Babylonian culture is 6 … i.e, VISA = 666!
  • 6x6x600 = 21,600, the number of nautical miles around the Earth.
  • 6x6x60 = 2,160 the precise number of years to pass through one sign of the zodiacal procession of the equinoxes.
  • Humans have 2 feet with 33 muscles each for a total of 66
  • The number of 1/2 turns in a full sequence of Human DNA is 66
  • Light travels around earth 6.66 times per second!!!
  • Earths Orbital Velocity is 66,600 miles per hour!!!
  • .666° Celsius = 33° Fahrenheit at which temp sound travels 332 meters/sec AND 1,089 Feet/Sec, the Square Root of 1,089  is 33!
  • And let’s not forget that ice begins to melt at 33° f
  • Nor that the human spine has 33 vertebrae
  • While reading this remember it’s proof of a criminal conspiracy.
  • There were 7 buildings that made up the WTC with heights of 1,776, 1,270, 1,155, 975, 743 and 741 added together = 6,660  (Now you know it was planned and built by jews to come down)
  • Sine of 666 = -0.80901699 which is half of negative pi, or as some say, anti-pi!  0.80901699 is also the cosine of 216 or 6x6x6
  • The Dewey Decimal system number for “Numerology” is 133.335 which reversed is 533.331, add them up to get 666.666
  • 666 Sine (radians) = 0.0176416458 and 1764 marked the start of the American Revolution!
  • c666Carbon 12 is everywhere as a base requirement for life which of course includes us as Carbon Life Forms.  It has  6 electrons, 6 protons and 6 neutrons for 666.  It also just happens to make up 99% (66 inverted) of all carbon on/in earth and is 18% (6+6+6) of our atmosphere!  It’s also the 6th Element and has an atomic weight of 12 for another 18/666!
  • Count how many types of holes there are in your body!
  • The letter “W” in American Standard Code for Information Exchange” (ASCII) breaks down to a value is 6 so, www is 666 as in……. www.what-the-hell-is-up-with-that.com ?
  • One of the best approximations to get to Pi using division is 355/113 = 3.1415929 Pi!  If you flip either 355 or 113 and add them together you get this; 355 + 311 = 666 or 553 + 113= 666

Hooha!  Having fun yet?  Don’t you wish you would have been taught all of this in school, that God and ancients loved 6s?  It’s as if they were trying to match nature or something isn’t it?  The ancients who made our time, alphabet and numbering systems knew all about this amazing peculiarity.  Do you think our satanic leaders know about it? Or would they just lie like rugs some more and have us believe it’s all a giant coincidence?  WE’RE ONTO SOMETHING HERE!!!

  • 2s, 4s, 6s and 8s;  222 x 12 =2,664444 x 6 =2,664 666 x 4 = 2,664  and 888 x 3 = 2,664 (note that’s 4  2,664’s) and;
  • 2,664 + 2,664 +2,664 + 2,664 = 10,656 > 1 + 6 + 5 + 6 = 18 or 666 and 10,656/6 = 1776, the final year of the American Revolution. 1776 was also when jew Adam Weishaupt founded the political branch of jewish occultism naming it the Illuminati!
  • And interestingly 6660 inches equals 555 feet (555 = death)
  • One could find amusement imagining stinky, hairy little jews and gypsies jumping up and down in celebration while screaming each time they discovered any of these links and calculations to numbers with 666.  They’ve withheld this information/knowledge from you because they’re greedy, small minded control freaks who like to imagine they’re smarter than everyone else.  WORD!
  • In ancient times 6 stood for 1 inch and the ruler was created from the sexagesimal multiples thereof.  I.e.; 6, 12, 18, 24, 30 and the 6thnumber is 36 which in inches is one yard of distance and add another 36” to get a square yard and another 36” for 1 cubic yard so that’s 6 x 6 x 6 or 666 in sexagesimal measure

11 11 11 Equal 666 to Bar Code Readers On Every Item You Own. GO LOOK!

We’ve discovered the number 6 has been used against us in our menial slave work with feet and yards, our time with minutes, hours and days at work and now for the costs of our goods as seen on the barcode.  UPC (Universal Product Code) barcodes really do include the 666 bars as shown below.  In “Bar Code Speak” the number 6 is displayed by two bars of unique width and spacing, Hey that’s an 11!  Well of course it is and 666 is 11-11-11!  As with all UPC codes, the “11s” which make 6s can also be inverted as 2 white lines with 3 black spaces (bar code scanners don’t care).  So, everything we buy is evil.  There goes jewish spawned consumerism!  (At least that makes tons of sense).  Satanic jews have had all kinds of fun at our expense.


Again, recall the cube worshipping on the back of #112?  There are 6 directions in our 3 dimensional world beginning  with North, East, West & South (NEWS)  plus up and down.  The cube holds 6 perfect pyramids (the same as the star of David) with the base of each facing these directions and the points converging at center of the infinitesimal.

Now let’s have a look at some closely related numerical friends of 666 which when added together like this; 6 + 6 + 6 all return the same sum of 18.   As we continue, please keep in mind the digits in every single number in bold red text below all add up to 18 (the sum of 6 + 6 + 6).  And like 18, each of them themselves are also divisible by 6!


144 14 + 4 = 18 or 6 + 6 + 6

  • 144/6 = 24, as in 24 Hours per Earth day
  • The temperature on Earth fluctuates 144° Celsius
  • One square English foot has 144 square inches
  • Each of the 13 Mayan Baktun is 144,000 earth days
  • The Outer Mantle of the Great Pyramid at Giza was made up of 144,000 15 ton (1+5 = 6) “casting stones”
  • Light travels 144,000 minutes arc per second around earth
  • Just for fun let’s see what happens with;  144 x 144 = 20,736sure enough, there’s exactly 20.736 inches in 1 Egyptian Cubit
  • The Chakra is represented by 7 Lotus Flowers the 1st w/4 petals, 2nd 6, 3rd 10, 4th 12, 5th 16, 6th 96 and 7th 1,000.  All tallied 1,144
  • What happens if we take 144 x 18?  We get 25,920 years it takes earth to make 1 phase of precession!
  • Let’s not overlook there are also 1,440 minutes/day and;
  • 1440 minutes divided by 216  =  6.666666666…and;
  • AM/PM each have 12 hours, 12 x 144 = 2160

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216 > 2 + 16 = 18 or 6 + 6 + 6

  • 63 or 666 as 6 x 6 x 6  = 216   So, this’ll be good;
  • The “Imperial” measurement system is 12” = 1 foot, 3’ = 1 Yard, 5’ = 1 Pace, 125 Paces = 1 Furlong, 8 Furlongs = 1 Mile and 12 Furlongs = 1 League.  12 x 3 x 5 x 125 x 8 x 12 = 216,000
  • 216 is the average number of bones in the human body when nearing puberty (Most go down to 206 as some bones fuse w/age)
  • The all-important zodiac relies upon 12 – 2,160 year cycles between “signs”.  The last one occurred on 12/21/2012 when we moved into the constellation or “age” of Aquarius!  A once every 2160 year event that satanic jews fully celebrated without you!
  • The moons’ diameter is 2,160 statute miles
  • The diameter of earths’ core is 2,160 statute miles
  • Earths’ polar circumference is 21,600 nautical miles
  • Sun to Earth Distance is 216 times the suns radius
  • Suns’ speed relative to galactic center is 216,000 mph
  • Sound moves at 216,000,000 inches/hour in H20
  • There are 216 cubic feet in one cubic fathom
  • Half of 216 is 108 and the speed of sound is 1080 fps
  • The distance from the Sun to the Earth is 108 times the suns diameter which is 108 times that of Earth!
  • And;  108 x 8, 144 x 6 and 216 x 4 all equal 864

864 > 8 + 6 + 4 = 18 or 6 + 6 + 6

As we covered, there are 60 seconds, 60 minutes and 24 hours in every day, and 2 + 4 = 6  for 666 every day of our lives.  Digging deeper into 60/60/24 we find this;

  • 60 x 60 x 24  =  86,400 seconds/day and;
  • 8,640 x 3 = 25,920, the # of years of Precession (33%)
  • So, 1/3rd of a precession is 8,640 years and BONUS; if we go back that amount of time from 12/21/2012 we land in 6,627 BC,  6,660 years prior to Jesus Dying!  * BONUS;  Jesus  = “Yehoshuah” and in Hebrew Gematria, “Yehoshuah” = 660
  • Guess what our suns’ diameter is;  864,000 miles!
  • It takes 864 months for earth to move through 1° of the zodiac
  • The “Dwapara” is an ancient measure of 864,000 yrs
  • 864 is;  8 x 6 = 48 and 48 + 4 = 52 weeks/year
  • 864/24 = 36, earth rotates 360 degrees every 24 hours
  • And of course another favorite for us is; 864/144 6
  • Also;  864/12 = 72 and 72/6 = 12 months in a year
  • And what about 8 – 64ths = 1/8th which looks like 18 and of course 18 is 6 + 6 + 6, or 666.
  • 18 also relates to 6 due to 1 + 8 = 9 which when rotated is 6
  • 864 x 30 = 25,920 Earths precession period again!
  • 2- 5:12 Triangles (Pythagorean Triples) laid together make what’s known as the Jerusalem rectangle.  If said rectangle measures a true 5 x 12 feet, the area is 8,640 square inches.



And for our next God number; 864 864 = 1,728

 1,728 >1 + 7 + 2 + 8 = 18 or 6 + 6 + 6

  • The Suns’ Diameter 864,000 divided by 1,728 =  exactly 500!
  • Low and behold light emanated at the suns’ horizon takes 500 seconds to travel to the Earth!  And what really makes this even more special is 500 in the Greek numeral system represents Pi !
  • 1,728/6 = 288, “the unmentionable number” (because it’s “TWO gross” 2 x 144)  ;-)    But seriously; 2 + 8 + 8 = 18 or 666
  • As the Mayans were curiously able to figure out, it takes the earth 365.2422 days to revolve around the sun.  Disregard the .2422 for now.  First let’s use the 65 portion of 365:  6/5 = 1.2
  • 3 as in 1.2 to the 3rd power (1.2 x 1.2 x 1.2)  = 1.728
  • There’s 1,728 cubic inches in a cubic English foot!  And;
  • 1.728 feet just so happens to be exactly 1 Egyptian Cubit
  • So, 1 Egyptian Cubit is 20.736 English Inches, ie (1.728” x 12 = 20.736) and once again this number 2 + 7 + 3 + 6 = 18 or 666
  • Oddly similar to the metric system, Egyptian “Hyper Cubits” are 10 regular cubits which equals 17.28’ English feet!
  • The Polar Radius of Earth just so happens to be a nice and tidy sum of 10,000,000 Egyptian Hyper Cubits which is also 3,456Egyptian Royal Miles!
  • Well, 1,728 + 1,728 = 3,456 and of course that is 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 18 or 6+6+6
  • And look what happens when we use these 2 God numbers;  144 x 1,728 = 24.8832   Crap, what are the odds, that the Earths’ meridian circumference is 24,883.2 miles!  Off we go Toto!
  • 1728/144 = 12, the number of months in a year
  • The “Satya Yuga” was an ancient measure of 1,728,000 years

There’s a lot of other interesting things this author has found including the fact that David Allender = 666 in Gematria!  (More on that in #119)  We could go on for some time in this manner, but in the spirit of simplicity we’ll end this part with a few more examples of how the creator loves 6s.  This time in the form of six sided/parted objects like the “HEX”-agon which the Star of David fits in.  Also note how 6 circles fit absolutely perfectly within it;  



The bottom line is we’ve calculated the Number of the Beast and found that sixes and the most important multiples thereof are used everywhere in our world in obviously predominant manners.  This is absolute, irrefutable proof we have all been totally lied to by the same satanic jew pukes that told us things like disease, hunger, war and financial collapses were all just matters of happenstance. Can you say “Bullshit”, NICE AND LOUD!!!  Also, these amazing and unexpected discoveries provide clear evidence for wonderment of why whoever made our Sun, Earth and Moon exacted all the relative sizes positions and speeds to revolve around sixes.  As quoted in the header of this issues tab “Numbers Don’t Lie”, we can trust this info because it’s straight up numerical facts and provides overly apparent proof that God or whatever you call that which obviously made and positioned everything in our lives, loves 6s!  That’s a pretty big discovery wouldn’t you agree?  666 is a divine number and we’ve all been conditioned to think it’s evil!  How’s that for a totally classic satanic mind f**k?  Considering that you now have absolute proof of a “conspiracy” in that 666 has been used to slap us all in the face and make us look like idiots by murderous, lying, criminally psychopathic satanists, do you agree it’s time for justice?

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جواب  رسائل 51 من 131 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 17/07/2016 03:00

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من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 17/07/2016 03:00

جواب  رسائل 53 من 131 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 17/07/2016 03:42

جواب  رسائل 54 من 131 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 17/07/2016 03:56

جواب  رسائل 55 من 131 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 17/07/2016 04:01

جواب  رسائل 56 من 131 في الفقرة 
من: BARILOCHENSE6999 مبعوث: 18/07/2016 18:04

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