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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 169 en el tema 
De: Alcoseri  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 17/02/2011 14:10
Dice el pensador tibetano Djwal-Khul mediante Alice A. Bailey en “Los Rayos y las Iniciaciones”: “He insinuado en mis diferentes libros que el sol Sirio está estrechamente relacionado con nuestra vida planetaria ...” (página 341 distribuido por la editorial Kier). Este gran Sol, que para nuestro Logos solar es lo que la mónada para el hombre espiritual, desempeña una parte particular en lo que a nuestra tierra concierne. Quienes poseen un sólido sentido de proporción esotérica, quizás consideren que nuestro pequeño planeta y su Logos planetario (uno de los “Dioses imperfectos” de La Doctrina Secreta) sería demasiado pequeño para penetrar, en lo más mínimo, en la conciencia de esa Suprema Entidad Iluminada, aún más grande que nuestro Logos solar. No obstante es así. Hay una relación de muy antigua data entre nuestro Señor del Mundo, Sanat Kumara, y el Señor de Sirio, la cual existe a pesar del hecho de que nuestro planeta no es sagrado. ... 2. La relación existe entre la Jerarquía y Sirio, y no entre Shamballa y ese estupendo Sol. La energía evocada en respuesta a esta relación penetra en la Jerarquía por el Corazón del Sol (N.E: Vulcano o Hefestos que siendo etérico, está en la misma órbita de Mercurio. Cristo tiene mente de Primer Rayo, es decir sintética integradora y sencilla. Si se consulta la parte final de “Astrología Esotérica” se apreciará que D.K. dice de Vulcano que allí los Hijos de la Mente casi terminan su trabajo, pudiendo decirse que son la Aur-ora del sistema solar o “arianos” iniciadores del “día solar”, quizás “los portadores de la Luz” manásica o “Lucis-ferens”.) ... (Página 342). b. Una corriente de energía proveniente del sol Sirio, penetra directamente en la Jerarquía y contiene en sí el principio budi, el amor cósmico, el cual constituye, en forma misteriosa, el principio dentro de cada átomo del corazón. ... La energía de Sirio deja de lado a Shamballa y se enfoca en la Jerarquía. Su efecto no se siente hasta después de la tercera iniciación ... 4. Todo el trabajo de la Gran Logia Blanca es controlado desde Sirio; los ashramas son sometidos a su influencia cíclica ... 5. Esta influencia de Sirio no fue reconocida, y una pequeña parte estaba definidamente enfocada en la Jerarquía, hasta que vino Cristo y reveló el amor de Dios a la humanidad. Él es la expresión, por excelencia, de una iniciación de Sirio, y a ese lugar elevado Él irá eventualmente -no importa a dónde puedan llevarLo mientras tanto sus deberes y obligaciones jerárquicas. Buda tenía que haber elegido originalmente el cuarto sendero (N.E: sendero cósmico hacia Sirio) pero otros planes Lo enfrentan hoy, y probablemente tendrá que tomar la decisión que Le corresponde. 6. Sanat Kumara no está en la línea de Sirio, pero -hablando simbólicamente aunque no en forma muy oculta, Lucifer, Hijo de la Mañana, está estrechamente relacionado con dicha línea, de allí que un gran número de seres humanos, se convertirán en discípulos de la Logia de Sirio. Esta es la verdadera “Logia Azul”, y para ser aspirante de esa Logia, el iniciado de tercer grado debe convertirse en un humilde aspirante, al que le esperan las verdaderas y plenas iniciaciones “dentro de la luz solar mayor”. (P. 343). .. ... la vida que se manifiesta por medio de Sirio, expresión organizada y vital que está más allá de lo que el hombre pueda imaginar y tiene completa e ilimitada libertad, análogamente más allá de la comprensión del hombre. El principio de la libertad es una energía leudora que puede compenetrar a la sustancia en forma excepcional; este principio divino representa un aspecto de la influencia que ejerce Sirio sobre nuestro sistema solar y particularmente sobre nuestro planeta. Dicho principio de liberación es uno de los atributos de la Deidad (como la voluntad, el amor y la mente) del que la humanidad muy poco sabe todavía. La liberación por la cual luchan los hombres es uno de los aspectos inferiores de esta liberación cósmica, relacionada con ciertos grandes desarrollos evolutivos que permiten al aspecto vida o espíritu, liberarse del impacto, del contacto y de la influencia de la sustancia. Este mismo principio de liberación permite a Sanat Kumara morar en la Tierra y, sin embargo, permanecer libre de todo contacto, excepto con Quienes han hollado el Sendero de la Liberación y permanecer ahora libres en el plano físico cósmico; es lo que permite al iniciado realizar un estado de “unidad aislada”; es lo que subyace en el Espíritu de la Muerte y constituye el poder motivador de ese gran Agente liberador; es lo que proporciona una “senda de poder” entre nuestra Jerarquía y el distante sol Sirio, y constituye el incentivo del “cultivo de la liberación” o libertad, que motiva el trabajo de los Maestros de Sabiduría; es lo que produjo el fermento y el vórtice del conflicto en épocas muy remotas y ha sido reconocido actualmente por los resultados de la Ley de Evolución en cada reino de la naturaleza, la cual “sustenta” o subyace, o está detrás de todo progreso -esta “influencia ejercida” misteriosamente, este “tirón hacia afuera” de la forma (como podría denominárselo simplemente) emana de Sirio, y no existe término para describirlo; es una ley, de la cual las tres leyes cósmicas -de Síntesis, de Atracción y de Economía, sólo son aspectos. Ninguna de estas leyes subsidiarias impone reglas o limitación alguna al Señor del Mundo. Sin embargo, la Ley de Liberación impone ciertas restricciones, si puede emplearse una frase tan paradójica (P. 344). Es la responsable de ser Él conocido como “el Gran Sacrificio” (N.E: “sacrificio” se relaciona con “hacerse cargo” y no con el concepto de dolor”), porque (bajo el control de esta ley) creó nuestra vida planetaria y todo lo que hay dentro y sobre ella, a fin de aprender a manejar esta ley con total conocimiento y con plena conciencia, aunque al mismo tiempo liberar las incontables formas de Su creación. ... Nota editorial: Al tomar uno de los Siete Senderos cósmicos, el Maestro trabajará con la Ley de la Libertad que es la inferior - equivalente a la de Economía en la forma planetaria, pues la “libertad” y la “liberación” son efectos de la “Ley de hacerse cargo de ...” que por no haber palabras adecuadas se dice Ley de Liberación. La masonería, tal como fue instituida originalmente, en la remota época de la noche del tiempo y mucho antes de la dispensación judía, fue organizada bajo la influencia directa de Sirio, teniendo un ligero parecido con nuestra vida jerárquica -tal como se la ve a la luz del Eterno Ahora. Su “Logia Azul”, y sus tres grados, está relacionada con los tres grupos principales de Vidas de Sirio, pues allí no hay reinos de la naturaleza, tales como nosotros los poseemos; estos grupos reciben a Quienes eligen el cuarto sendero (N.E: el Sendero cósmico hacia Sirio. Nótese que no es hacia la luna cósmica de Sirio -véanse las VIII partes del archivo CLARIDAD SOBRE LA OSCURIDAD ..., donde están los que “se fusionaron con la madre materia” y no siguieron al Padre; el “mal cósmico” o los seres prisioneros del primer sistema solar de la Madre Materia son los devas -evolución paralela a la de la consciencia humana, habiendo de ellos -por poner un ejemplo mítico: Quirón el centauro sanador, que colaboran con el Plan divino y con la Jerarquía. En este caso y otros -tales como los Oannes quienes pueden ser prototipos colaboradores cósmicos de sus analogías inferiores de nuestro sistema “lunar” que casi hicieron fracasar al sistema, podrían encarnar en la Tierra, recibiendo una oportunidad por la detención momentánea de su karma, por la ayuda de un Maestro o de la Jerarquía planetaria. Esto se relaciona a su vez con el número 6 y su perfección el 12, de tipo “marciano”, representando una humanidad de la línea dévica o de la evolución de los dioses. Aquella masonería que aún permanece con el símbolo de la carta 15 del Tarot [donde el “Véspero” o Lucifer caído del “atardecer” tiene en su frente las estrella de cinco puntas invertida esclavizando a la pareja humana], debe transformarse por la presencia del Rayo divino Iluminador y Transfigurador que les presenta el camino de la estrella matutina de Venus, para que la pareja se regenere triunfalmente en el caballo blanco crístico neptuniano; éste, por virtud del Cristo Marino ascendente levanta la “hostia” con la estrella de cinco puntas correcta. El programa con la estrella invertida donde aún el “Unicornio simbólico del Cristo” no atraviesa la frente de la cabra materialista saturnal en Capricornio, mantiene la línea del primer sistema solar, trabajándose con la energía fruto de la “caída” y no de la transmutación alquímica, por lo cual se dice que la masonería tiene corrupción por permanecer en contacto con el “mal cósmico” o los seres dévicos lunares que sólo pueden dar la forma de la personalidad, pero no la Conciencia solar de los devas solares. La vía sugerida indirecta o inconscientemente por cualquier astrónomo que esté aportando a la interpretación del “mito de los Oannes” de Sirio no es correcta si está obsesionado por impulsar los viajes al espacio físico cósmico “exterior” pues la auténtica meta es supradimensional o en octavas superiores y no inferiores condensadas en “la luna cósmica”. El contacto dévico sugerido por el tibetano D.K. es bajo la mediación crística de la dimensión superior búdica cósmica donde el Cristo Cósmico de Sirio armoniza ambas evoluciones: la dévica o de la forma, y la de la conciencia o humana. Otra meta de CONTACTO es retroceder evolutivamente y si esa es la meta de los viajes espaciales, van hacia el sendero de la perdición de la oportunidad liberadora brindada por el “Gran Sacrificio” S.K. Con esto se invita hacia el culto viajero no sólo en el nombre del transporte turístico de élite y del comercio, sino en el nombre del Alma. Este fue presentido “proféticamente” por Walt Whitman en su poema “Navegar a las Indias”) y Los entrena acerca de la existencia y el tipo de vivencia que rige en Sirio. Esto pondrá en claro que las Vidas menos desarrolladas de Sirio son -desde nuestro punto de vista, iniciados de muy alto grado. Por lo tanto, la masonería ha sido conservada a través de las edades, cambiando su nomenclatura de tiempo en tiempo, reinterpretando su Palabra de Poder y, por lo tanto, alejándose cada vez más de su belleza e intención originales. De acuerdo con la ley cíclica y en preparación para la nueva era, ha llegado el momento de que los masones, con comprensión espiritual, efectúen ciertos cambios (N.E: acertadamente Robert Temple dice en “El Misterio de Sirio” que la masonería tiene aún unos ritos “pasados por agua”, es decir antediluvianos” o Atlantes y sugiere encontrar la tumba de Imothep -el “iniciador” de la sucesión de la casta sacerdotal egipcia, constructor de la pirámide de Sakara hecha por humanos y no por los devas). La actual coloración judía de la Masonería está completamente fuera de moda y se mantuvo mucho tiempo, pues actualmente es tanto judía como cristiana (N.E: aunque D.K. sostiene que se basará en una reinterpretación de la cristiandad original o prístina) y no debería ser ni una ni otra. Los grados de la Logia Azul son enteramente judíos en sus frases y palabras y deberían ser cambiados. Los grados superiores son predominantemente cristianos, aunque compenetrados de nombres y palabras judías. Esto también debe terminar. El matiz judío es actualmente uno de los mayores obstáculos para la plena expresión de la intención masónica y debe ser alterado, aunque preservados intactos los hechos, detalles y estructura, del simbolismo masónico. Cualquiera sea la forma que tome la nueva nomenclatura (y este cambio vendrá inevitablemente), también desaparecerán después de haber prestado el debido servicio. De esta manera proseguirá la transformación cíclica, hasta el momento en que la masa humana, que está en el cuarto Sendero, pase a Sirio por medio del proceso iniciático, de lo cual nuestro grado E. .. A. .. (N.E: a los dos puntos se les debe colocar otro encima formando el triángulo) es un débil reflejo. (p. 346). http://groups.google.com/group/secreto-masonico/browse_thread/thread/668abfdef2bda419/9b3b0122b2c72c31?lnk=gst&q=cristo#9b3b0122b2c72c31

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Respuesta  Mensaje 2 de 169 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/02/2015 19:29

7/7/7: Solar Resurrection Day

July 7, 2007
by Goro (goroadachi.com)

What's the deal with '7/7/7'? Well, it's all about Solar Resurrection... again.

  • 2007 is solar minimum - the quietest point of the 11-yaer sunspot cycle.

  • July 7 is aphelion - the farthest point of the earth from the Sun in 2007.

So the Sun is thus doubly 'dead' on 7/7/07, signifying a moment of transition from life to death and back to life. It's Resurrection in the 'Valley of the Sun', like the nickname of the capital of Arizona, Phoenix.

The Sun also 'dies' on the winter solstice when the Sun is at its lowest point in the sky. In 2006 it was commemorated by the space shuttle Discovery STS-116 landing in Florida, the 'Sunshine State' (12/22/06).

From a galactic perspective, the Sun crossed the Galactic Equator on the winter solstice and the Galactic Meridian on December 8-9, exactly when Discovery STS-116 was launched.

    - Dec 09 - Discovery STS-116 launch: The Sun crossing the Galactic Meridian
    - Dec 22 - Discovery STS-116 landing: The Sun crossing the Galactic Equator

[image by Gary Palmer via spaceweather.com]

The Galactic solstice-Sun alignment is closely associated with the end date of the Mayan calendar, winter solstice 2012, when Sunspot Cycle 24 is projected to peak. The Galactic Meridian alignment coincided with the release of Mel Gibson's 'Apolcalypto', all about the end of the Mayan civilization.

The Sun was strangely active as well...


The Sun would cross the Galactic Meridian again on June 7-8 on the opposite side of the sky/ecliptic.

It coincided with the Venus Transit (= 'Grail/Messianic conception') in 2004 and the launch of Atlantis STS-117 this year.

Atlantis returned only a day after the summer solstice, when the Sun 'died' for the Southern Hemisphere.

It was another death/life Resurrection moment - acknowledged or foreshadowed by the shuttles' solstice axis expressing 'coming out of the egg' (back to life) via the STS-116 mission patch and such.

And it was Prince William, a 'Once and Future King' (Arthur) figure, 'reborn' on his summer-solstice birthday. Atlantis landed at Edwards AFB to highlight Paris, where his mother Princess Diana died in 1997. Edwards is aligned with the 'Tower Axis' (Eiffel Tower, Champ de Mars) extended from Paris.

On the 'Tower Axis' is also found the crash site of NASA's Genesis (9/8/04). It went to the Sun and came back with solar wind samples. The crash therefore signifies the Sun hitting the bottom, again expressing the phoenix death/resurrection theme.

The astronomical/astrological symbol of the Sun looks like this:

It also signifies the 'Monad' - known to the Greek philosophers as 'The First', 'The Seed', 'The Essence', 'The Builder', and 'The Foundation'. Or in other words... Genesis.

Within weeks of the Genesis crash, U2 released the first single 'Vertigo' off their new album 'How to Dismantle An Atomic Bomb'. 'Vertigo' is the name of the company which provided the helicopters that were supposed to catch Genesis midair (see picture above). One of those helicopters was also named 'Vertigo'.

The connection is reinforced by the lyrics of 'Vertigo' alluding to the progressive rock/pop band 'Genesis'. Their last big hit was 'I can't Dance' from their 1991 album 'We Can't Dance' which is referenced in the second verse of 'Vertigo':

The night is full of holes
Those bullets rip the sky
Of ink with gold
They twinkle as the boys play rock and roll
They know that they can't dance

At least they know

Update: Genesis, reunited and touring this year, was the first band to perform in London's Live Earth concert.


Furthermore, the 'Vertigo' video shows U2 in the desert like NASA's Genesis, performing on a Sun/Monad symbol.

'Vertigo' was also heavily used by Apple to promote the iPod...


...showing the same Sun/Genesis symbol (the 'click wheel').

Apple's new product iPhone - widely considered the most highly anticipated consumer electronics device in history - was just released on June 29, '07, the same day as the car bomb event in London recalling the 7/7 bombings there two years ago, seemingly setting the stage for Live Earth 7/7/07... And what do we see in the Live Earth logo? The same solar symbol!

Live Earth certainly knows where it is in time (aphelion, etc.) and is the latest manifestation of the the 'Solar Resurrection' theme.

Now, whereas we see the blue sky in the Life Earth solar symbol, we see the solar symbol in the blue sky on the cover of Journey's 'Don't Stop Believing'.

The song was a major part of the enigmatic final scene of The Sopranos (HBO) that got everybody talking.

6/11: Debate rages over ‘Sopranos’ existential ending
6/13: Tony Soprano is dead theory gains credence

Unbeknownst to most, the episode was mostly about Solar Resurrection. So for example on Journey's 'Escape' album cover - the album of 'Don't Stop Believing' - we find the scarab beetle coming out of a sphere/egg:


Scarab in Ancient Egypt:

  • The image of the scarab, conveying ideas of transformation, renewal, and resurrection, is ubiquitous in ancient Egyptian religious and funerary art.
  • The scarab was linked to Khepri ("he who has come into being"), the god of the rising sun.
  • The ancients believed that the dung beetle was only male in gender, and reproduced by depositing semen into a dung ball.
  • The ancient Egyptians believed that Khepri renewed the sun every day before rolling it above the horizon, then carried it through the other world after sunset, only to renew it, again, the next day.

The final scene of The Sopranos was also literally a 'Last Supper', evoking death and resurrection... and the Grail. This is just the tip of the iceberg but you get the idea.

The same Sun/Genesis symbol is also in the Tour de France logo:

The race starts on 7/7/07 and in London - the city of Diana, Prince William, and the 7/7 bombings two years ago. The race will conclude in Paris, another 'Diana city', aligned with Genesis' crash site and Edwards AFB (Atlantis landing).

The 'Tower Axis' or the Champ de Mars (green) is highlighted by the Eiffel Tower. It's the 'Tower of France' or, since 'tour' means 'tower' in French, 'Tour de France'.

The 'Tower of France' is also Mary Magdalene - the lady of the Grail. 'Magdalene' means 'tower' and she is said to have gone to France after the Crucifixion, carrying the 'Grail' with her. The Grail is a form of the phoenix. (This also interacts with the Stuart/Grail bloodline of Diana discussed before.)

On the official Tour de France website I even found (now gone/hidden) a 'Live Earth'... being cooked by the Sun - alluding to global warming.

It was coded as well... Like this, for example:

(London and Washington are both Live Earth concert sites.)

In any case, a 'Deep Impact sequence' should follow 7/7/7... Good times...


*          *          *


July 20  'Sunshine' released; all about... Resurrection of a dying Sun!




© 2006 goroadachi.com


Respuesta  Mensaje 3 de 169 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 21/02/2015 16:38

Stargate (película)

Stargate, literalmente, en inglés, «La puerta de las estrellas», es una película franco-estadounidense, escrita por Dean Devlin y Roland Emmerich, dirigida por este último y estrenada por primera vez en 1994. Está protagonizada por Kurt Russell y James Spader.



En la película la acción comienza en el año 8.000 a. C., en una pequeña aldea situada en el desierto norteafricano. Es de noche y los habitantes de la aldea duermen... hasta que les despierta un ruido atronador causado por una nave alienígena que aterriza a pocos cientos de metros, emitiendo una luz cegadora. Todos huyen, a excepción de un joven que, para saciar su curiosidad, se acerca a la luz (al no saber lo que es) y, un destello cegador desciende sobre él...

En 1928 el equipo de arqueólogos del profesor Langford descubre en Guiza (Egipto) un extraño artefacto metálico con forma de anillo, cubierto por unas losas de protección con unas escritura. Mientras el profesor analiza las losas, su hija (Catherine) curiosea entre otros objetos descubiertos, y coge un colgante dorado que le llama la atención. Años más tarde, en 1994, el Dr. Jackson (James Spader), lingüista que daba una conferencia sobre la escritura egipcia, recibe la visita de Dra. Langford, que le propone una traducción de unas tablillas del Antiguo Egipto.

El Dr. Jackson se tiene que trasladar hasta unas instalaciones militares en la Montaña Creek, Colorado, donde le muestran unas enormes losas de protección. En una pizarra contigua existía una traducción de parte de los símbolos, que no duda en corregir. La traducción de los otros símbolos le lleva dos semanas, hasta que se da cuenta que no son símbolos sino constelaciones que señalan un punto en el Universo.

Cuando explica sus descubrimientos al General West y el resto de los militares, deciden enseñarle qué se encontraba debajo de las losas de protección. Gracias al Dr. Jackson, consiguen activar el Stargate y establecer un agujero de gusano con la otra punta del universo conocido.

Un grupo de militares encabezado por el Coronel O'Neil (Kurt Russell) y al que acompaña el Dr. Jackson, cruzan la puerta para explorar lo que se encuentren al otro lado.

Al cruzar la puerta, llegan a un mundo aparentemente desértico. El Stargate de aquel lado está dentro de un templo junto a una gran pirámide. Los militares acampan y el Dr. Jackson sale a explorar, encontrando por casualidad a una civilización de humanos prehistóricos que trabajan una mina. Algunos de los hombres de la expedición van a Nagada, la aldea de esta gente, y entablan amistad con ellos. Al Dr.Jackson le es ofrecida Sha'uri, la hija del jefe como esposa, quien le conduce a una gruta donde descubre la historia de ese mundo: hace miles de años, un alienígena moribundo llegó a la Tierra, tomó a un humano como anfitrión y utilizó su tecnología para autoproclamarse dios de aquellos primitivos humanos. Con el tiempo, hubo una revuelta en la Tierra, Ra huyó y el Stargate fue enterrado.

Mientras tanto, en el campamento base junto al Stargate, una nave con forma piramidal ha aterrizado, y los terrícolas han sido capturados por unos extraños seres con cabeza de animal. Cuando los demás regresan de la aldea y ven la nave, intentan averiguar que ocurre y son capturados también. O'Neil y Jackson son llevados ante quien parece estar al mando: el dios egipcio Ra.

Funcionamiento del Stargate.

O'Neil intenta matar a Ra y en la trifulca muere el Dr. Jackson, que será resucitado gracias a la tecnología alienígena. Para seguir vivo, Ra le insta a matar a sus compañeros capturados durante una ceremonia pública. Llegado el momento, entre el gentío que ha acudido, Jackson distingue a algunos de los jóvenes de Nagada, que portan armas de los soldados terrícolas. Comienza un tiroteo que aprovechan para escapar de allí y organizar un ataque contra el falso dios.

Ocultos como aldeanos en una caravana que lleva miernal como ofrenda a Ra, los soldados y algunos de los jóvenes, se dirigen hasta la nave palacio de Ra. En el camino, para no ser descubiertos, O'Neil mata a uno de los guardias de Ra. Al quitarle el casco con forma de animal, los aldeanos descubren que han sido esclavizados no por dioses sino por hombres como ellos, lo que les alienta a emprender la revuelta.

Una vez en la pirámide, los terrícolas empiezan a atacar a los guardias de Ra. Cuando se ven sitiados, aparecen todos los demás aldeanos armados con palos y piedras. Superando enormemente en número a los guardias, consiguen derrotarlos. Al ver esto, Ra activa la nave para huir. Antes de alejarse demasiado, consiguen teletransportar una bomba hasta la nave pirámide, que explota en el cielo para júbilo de todos los presentes.

Finalmente, todos los terrícolas que han sobrevivido regresan a la Tierra, salvo el Dr. Jackson, que prefiere quedarse con su ahora esposa Sha'uri.


Papel Actor
Coronel Jonathan 'Jack' O'Neil Kurt Russell
Dr. Daniel Jackson James Spader
Dra. Catherine Lanford Viveca Lindfors
Skaara Alexis Cruz
Shau'ri Mili Avital
Ra Jaye Davidson
Kasuf Erick Avari
Teniente Adam Kawalsky John Diehl
Teniente Louis Feretti French Stewart
Guardia Chacal Carlos Lauchu
Guardia Halcón Djimon Hounsou
General West Leon Rippy
Gary Meyers Richard Kind
Barbara Shore Rae Allen


Aunque Stargate marca el inicio de la saga Stargate, en realidad pretendía ser la primera de una trilogía de películas con un rumbo en la trama diferente al que seguiría la serie. Pero no se pudo llevar a cabo debido a otro proyecto que Devlin y Emmerich tenían entre manos otro proyecto (Independence Day).

Sin embargo, en 2006, el propio Devlin anuncia1 que le gustaría retomar el proyecto, y que los actores originales (Russell y Spader) se han mostrado interesados en el asunto.


En Stargate aparecen numerosas razas y civilizaciones ficticias que podrían dividirse en humanas, y no humanas.


  • Fue la primera película en tener una página web, en la cual aparecían fotografías, tráilers y un breve detrás de las cámaras.




Respuesta  Mensaje 4 de 169 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/02/2015 02:16

Jesus Christ's Son of Man

No lie can live forever.
—Alfred North Whitehead

The Son of Man in the Gospels can be traced to the constellation Orion which represents Jesus’ Spirit. Background for this report can be found in Gospel Zodiac, Jesus' Ghost and Pillar of Cloud. They explain how Jesus allegorizes the sun, the nature of Jesus’ Spirit and the role the Milky Way plays in apocalyptic prophecies. This report explains the astrological significance of Son of Man.


One of the imperatives in Christian mythology is the belief that the world as we know it will end someday. God will overthrow the forces of evil and all who side with them, and only those who repent and follow Jesus’ teachings will be allowed to enter the new Kingdom of God. Jesus and Paul mention it often and the Book of Revelation is devoted to it.

Many passages attest that Jesus expected the end of the world to come in his time, not thousands of years later. Throughout the Gospels, Jesus refers to some mysterious Son of man, a cosmic judge sent from heaven who would destroy whoever opposes God and reward those who are faithful.

Who this Son of man? The popular claim has it that Jesus was referring to himself in the third person. It’s plausible because many passages fit the course of Jesus’ ministry. What is suspicious about this rationale is that Jesus appears to be describing someone else.

38For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of man also be ashamed, when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels."
1And he said to them, "Truly, I say to you, there are some standing here who will not taste death before they see that the kingdom of God has come with power." (Mark 8:38-9:1)

I submit that Christian reasoning is entirely wrong. When Christians read the predictions of the end of the world, they are waiting for events to unfold on earth. Even after 2,000 years of false alarms, they have not lost patience, and I don’t know if they will ever admit that maybe they are misreading the New Testament.

Such a calamity cannot happen as the Bible predicts. Something on that scale would take an event like a large meteor to hit earth. In such a case, a meteor would not care who is faithful to Jesus. If there was a nuclear war, bombs would be guided by human stupidity, not divine intelligence. If any other catastrophe happens on that scale, earth would not be a very pleasant place for the survivors. Whatever the cause of mass destruction, faith will not protect anybody. Even worse, if the entire world was destroyed, as devout Christians believe, there would be no survivors.

What confuses modern readers is the way the Bible’s writers coded their belief in the power of the stars as if they affected life on earth. The matter before us is to decipher their writings for what they meant to ancients, not to what modern believers want to believe.

For this reason, we will examine the Bible from an astronomical point of view. It was a time when ancients perceived the stars in heaven as patterns to be interpreted as God’s divine plan for life on earth. The sun was especially important to them because they understood that life on earth depended on it.

There are three clues which clarify what they were writing about. The first describes the Son of man as the constellation Orion. The second relates the yearly sun cycle to the end of the world. The third tracks Orion with the sun cycle. There can be no other conclusion except that the idea of a supernatural God was conceived as a ruse to mislead faithful Christians.

The Son of man

Three passages define the Son of man in physical form.

The first appears in the apocalyptic writings of the Book of Daniel, where Daniel describes the Son of man as riding on the clouds of heaven to the “Ancient of days” to give him everlasting dominion over the new kingdom of heaven.

13I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him.
14And there was given him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve him: his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom that which shall not be destroyed. (Dan. 7:13-14)

Revelation’s description of the Son of man fits the pattern of stars in the constellation Orion. The star on his right shoulder is bright red (upper left star). The three stars at his waste were later seen as the three wise men who announced the birth of Jesus.

12Then I turned to see the voice that was speaking to me, and on turning I saw seven golden lampstands,
13and in the midst of the lampstands one like a son of man, clothed with a long robe and with a golden girdle round his breast;
14his head and his hair were white as white wool, white as snow; his eyes were like a flame of fire,
15his feet were like burnished bronze, refined as in a furnace, and his voice was like the sound of many waters;
16in his right hand he held seven stars, from his mouth issued a sharp two-edged sword, and his face was like the sun shining in full strength. (Rev. 1:12-20)

The Son of man has a cluster of stars in the background that look like the clouds upon which the Son of man rides. Astronomical maps show the Milky Way behind the constellation Orion. From earth, they look like clouds.

14And I looked, and behold a white cloud, and upon the cloud one sat like unto the Son of man, having on his head a golden crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle.
(Rev. 14:14-20)

A photograph of Orion, personified as the Son of man riding on a cloud.


Orion as seen in human form. His right hand could be holding a sickle or a club. His left hand could be holding an animal skin, a shield or a bow. The Milky Way is behind him. The arc above him represents the sun’s path. The line going through his waste is the celestial equator which runs parallel to earth’s equator.

Orion's legacy

After the Big Dipper, Orion is perhaps the next most celebrated constellation in the winter sky. Mythologies about Orion probably originated from the Egyptians thousands of years ago and extended to the Greeks at the turn of the first century. It is a very important constellation to astral religions and easy to recognize.

To the ancient Egyptians, Orion was Osiris the God of Light. Set was Orisis’ brother and the God of Darkness. According to legend, Orisis was murdered by his evil brother Set, who tore his body into pieces and scattered the fragments. Isis, Osiris’ wife, managed to put him back together except for his phallus, which had been swallowed by a fish. She made an artificial phallus and breathed into his body to restore his soul. Thereafter, he rose to the sky.

In one period, Orion represented the Egyptian god of the dead and the first king of Egypt. After death, the pharaoh was thought to mystically inseminate the stars to ensure that, through Osiris, Horus the sun god would be reborn as his successor.

In one Greek myth, Orion was the son of Neptune and the nymph Euryale. He was of gigantic size, strength and beauty. He was so tall that he could walk through deep water without wetting his head. His hubris invoked Gaia, the Goddess of the Earth to send a scorpion to kill him. His fall to earth can be seen when the stars of Orion sink defeated below the western horizon and the stars of Scorpion are just rising in the east.

The next night he rises again, saved by Ophiuchus, the Doctor of Antiquity who gave him an antidote for the scorpions poison. This can be seen when the Scorpion sets in the southwest with Ophiuchus standing over him as a symbol of the antidote. Later, when Ophiuchus sets in the west, Orion comes up from the east, fully recovered.

In these myths alone we see fragments of Christian mythology. Gods die and are restored to life. They are given a soul by being breathed into and they fall to earth as Adam did. The scorpion brings death as Judas did to Jesus. There is the eternal conflict between light and dark. (See Light verses Dark)

The timing of Orion’s cycle fits with the birth of Jesus on December 25. It makes its first appearance in the east in mid December each year. And as the season progresses, Orion rises with the sun and sets in the west three days before it rises in the east again.

With the sun personified as Jesus, it is accurate to think of Orion as a constellation in synch with the sun’s cycle. In a sense they are like conjoined twins who suffer the same fate. This is why the confusion about whether Jesus is referring to himself as the Son of Man in the third person or whether the Son of Man is some cosmic judge.

The sun cycle

In allegorical language, the sun goes through four seasonal cycles. It is born on December 25 when daylight hours start to increase. At about this same time Orion rises in the east with its three belt stars as the three wise men. As Orion rises, the star Sirius ascends above the horizon as the star of Bethlehem. Sirius is the brightest star in the sky.

The powers of darkness are still in power, but as the daylight hours increase, it is seen as overcoming the forces that try to stop it. In the Gospels, this is when Jesus is born and when his parents take him away to keep Herod from killing him.

At the spring equinox it has entered the gates of heaven when daylight hours start to emerge more powerful than the dark evil forces. Jesus’ mission starts in the spring when he collects his disciples and builds a following.

At the summer solstice, when the sun is the highest in the sky, the sun is on its throne. In the following summer months, as the sun descends, it is still strong, but it is weakening as the dark forces start to make war against it. To show his strength, Jesus performs miracles and exorcises demons. At this time Orion is at the height of its ascent.

When the sun passes through the fall equinox, it enters the gates to hell. Night time hours start to lengthen and the dark forces are said to be fighting their way back to power. The sun continues to weaken until it dies for three days following December 21. This is when Jesus is betrayed by Judas and is taken to trial and executed. Allegorically, this is the end of the world.

On December 25, the sun is resurrected and the cycle repeats.

This cycle is not unique to Christianity; it plays out through the mythologies of resurrected gods. It was the age of fable when the constellations were assigned the names of gods. There was Hercules who died on his twelfth labor like Jesus. There is Jason and the Argonauts with their ship Argo, reminiscent of Noah’s ark. The constellation Perseus holding the head of Medusa looks like David holding the head of Goliath. There are creation myths, supreme gods who mate with virgins, giants, serpents and a host of other characters like those in the Bible.

The Bible cannot be understood by those who are so blinded with faith that they keep their heads buried in the ground trying to make historical sense out of it. Look up to the sky. The keys to unlocking the secrets of the Bible can be found with a map of the constellations and a good book on star mythology. My favorite is New Patterns in the Sky New Patterns in the Sky by Julius D. W. Staal,

The Zodiac wheel shows how the sun’s yearly ascension and descension conforms to the Bible’s motifs.

biblical Omens

In Mark chapter 13, there is an allegorical summary of the astronomical omens that lead to the end of the world. They start when the sun is at full power at its highest position on the horizon to when it descends to its death at the lowest position.

1. When the sun is at the summer solstice in Gemini, Jesus predicted that some day the temple will be destroyed. His disciples wanted to know what sign they should look for to know when this event will happen. In biblespeak, “sign” denotes astrological signs.

1And as he came out of the temple, one of his disciples said to him, "Look, Teacher, what wonderful stones and what wonderful buildings!"
2And Jesus said to him, "Do you see these great buildings? There will not be left here one stone upon another, that will not be thrown down."
3And as he sat on the Mount of Olives opposite the temple, Peter and James and John and Andrew asked him privately,
4"Tell us, when will this be, and what will be the sign when these things are all to be accomplished?" (Mark 13:1-4)

2. After the sun passes the high point of the summer solstice it descends lower with each passing day. Allegorically, the sun is weakening because the dark forces of evil are said to waging war against it. The wars are just beginning.

The sun starts to descend in the house of Cancer. It is usually a time of hesitation, so Jesus warns what to expect and not to be alarmed.

7And when you hear of wars and rumors of wars, do not be alarmed; this must take place, but the end is not yet.
8For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; there will be earthquakes in various places, there will be famines; this is but the beginning of the birth-pangs.
9"But take heed to yourselves; for they will deliver you up to councils; and you will be beaten in synagogues; and you will stand before governors and kings for my sake, to bear testimony before them. (Mark 13:7-8)

3. The wars between light and dark intensify as the days get shorter. The sun is still strong, but the forces of evil are gaining power.

The house of Leo brings strength from the new harvest. So Jesus says to be strong against adversity and you will be saved.

11And when they bring you to trial and deliver you up, do not be anxious beforehand what you are to say; but say whatever is given you in that hour, for it is not you who speak, but the Holy Spirit.
12And brother will deliver up brother to death, and the father his child, and children will rise against parents and have them put to death;
13and you will be hated by all for my name's sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved.
14"But when you see the desolating sacrilege set up where it ought not to be (let the reader understand), then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains; (Mark 13:11-14)

4. Virgo is the last house before the sun descends into hell—Virgo is described as a nursing mother. There is no turning back.

15let him who is on the housetop not go down, nor enter his house, to take anything away;
16and let him who is in the field not turn back to take his mantle.
17And alas for those who are with child and for those who give suck [Virgo] in those days! (Mark 13:15-17)

5. The sun has passed the fall equinox into Scorpio. The days are getting progressively shorter than the nights. According to Jesus, if the days did not get shorter, no one could be saved, so God shortened the days. Pray that the sign doesn’t happen in winter because it is the worst of times. If the days are still getting shorter and someone says the Christ has come, do not believe them. It is not the right time.

18Pray that it may not happen in winter.
19For in those days there will be such tribulation as has not been from the beginning of the creation which God created until now, and never will be.
20And if the Lord had not shortened the days, no human being would be saved; but for the sake of the elect, whom he chose, he shortened the days.
21And then if any one says to you, 'Look, here is the Christ!' or 'Look, there he is!' do not believe it.
22False Christs and false prophets will arise and show signs and wonders, to lead astray, if possible, the elect.
23But take heed; I have told you all things beforehand. (Mark 13:18-23)

6. The sun is in Sagittarius as the sun descends to its lowest point on the horizon. On the darkest days of the winter when the moon does not give light, the Son of man will come in clouds. The Son of man in clouds can be seen in the picture above. Below, the next frame shows the son of men descending on December 21.

24"But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light,
25and the stars will be falling from heaven, and the powers in the heavens will be shaken.
26And then they will see the Son of man coming in clouds with great power and glory.
27And then he will send out the angels, and gather his elect from the four winds, from the ends of the earth to the ends of heaven. (Mark 13:24-27)

7. You will know he is near the gates to heaven (the spring equinox) when fig trees start to grow leaves.

28"From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near.
29So also, when you see these things taking place, you know that he is near, at the very gates. (Mark 13:28-29)

8. This generation will see these things take place. —He means his generation.

30Truly, I say to you, this generation will not pass away before all these things take place.
31Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. (Mark 13:30-31)

In the first century on December 21 at midnight, when the sun is darkened and the moon does not give up its light, the Son of man can be seen descending to earth. A month later it disappears from view.



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