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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 169 en el tema 
De: Alcoseri  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 17/02/2011 14:10
Dice el pensador tibetano Djwal-Khul mediante Alice A. Bailey en “Los Rayos y las Iniciaciones”: “He insinuado en mis diferentes libros que el sol Sirio está estrechamente relacionado con nuestra vida planetaria ...” (página 341 distribuido por la editorial Kier). Este gran Sol, que para nuestro Logos solar es lo que la mónada para el hombre espiritual, desempeña una parte particular en lo que a nuestra tierra concierne. Quienes poseen un sólido sentido de proporción esotérica, quizás consideren que nuestro pequeño planeta y su Logos planetario (uno de los “Dioses imperfectos” de La Doctrina Secreta) sería demasiado pequeño para penetrar, en lo más mínimo, en la conciencia de esa Suprema Entidad Iluminada, aún más grande que nuestro Logos solar. No obstante es así. Hay una relación de muy antigua data entre nuestro Señor del Mundo, Sanat Kumara, y el Señor de Sirio, la cual existe a pesar del hecho de que nuestro planeta no es sagrado. ... 2. La relación existe entre la Jerarquía y Sirio, y no entre Shamballa y ese estupendo Sol. La energía evocada en respuesta a esta relación penetra en la Jerarquía por el Corazón del Sol (N.E: Vulcano o Hefestos que siendo etérico, está en la misma órbita de Mercurio. Cristo tiene mente de Primer Rayo, es decir sintética integradora y sencilla. Si se consulta la parte final de “Astrología Esotérica” se apreciará que D.K. dice de Vulcano que allí los Hijos de la Mente casi terminan su trabajo, pudiendo decirse que son la Aur-ora del sistema solar o “arianos” iniciadores del “día solar”, quizás “los portadores de la Luz” manásica o “Lucis-ferens”.) ... (Página 342). b. Una corriente de energía proveniente del sol Sirio, penetra directamente en la Jerarquía y contiene en sí el principio budi, el amor cósmico, el cual constituye, en forma misteriosa, el principio dentro de cada átomo del corazón. ... La energía de Sirio deja de lado a Shamballa y se enfoca en la Jerarquía. Su efecto no se siente hasta después de la tercera iniciación ... 4. Todo el trabajo de la Gran Logia Blanca es controlado desde Sirio; los ashramas son sometidos a su influencia cíclica ... 5. Esta influencia de Sirio no fue reconocida, y una pequeña parte estaba definidamente enfocada en la Jerarquía, hasta que vino Cristo y reveló el amor de Dios a la humanidad. Él es la expresión, por excelencia, de una iniciación de Sirio, y a ese lugar elevado Él irá eventualmente -no importa a dónde puedan llevarLo mientras tanto sus deberes y obligaciones jerárquicas. Buda tenía que haber elegido originalmente el cuarto sendero (N.E: sendero cósmico hacia Sirio) pero otros planes Lo enfrentan hoy, y probablemente tendrá que tomar la decisión que Le corresponde. 6. Sanat Kumara no está en la línea de Sirio, pero -hablando simbólicamente aunque no en forma muy oculta, Lucifer, Hijo de la Mañana, está estrechamente relacionado con dicha línea, de allí que un gran número de seres humanos, se convertirán en discípulos de la Logia de Sirio. Esta es la verdadera “Logia Azul”, y para ser aspirante de esa Logia, el iniciado de tercer grado debe convertirse en un humilde aspirante, al que le esperan las verdaderas y plenas iniciaciones “dentro de la luz solar mayor”. (P. 343). .. ... la vida que se manifiesta por medio de Sirio, expresión organizada y vital que está más allá de lo que el hombre pueda imaginar y tiene completa e ilimitada libertad, análogamente más allá de la comprensión del hombre. El principio de la libertad es una energía leudora que puede compenetrar a la sustancia en forma excepcional; este principio divino representa un aspecto de la influencia que ejerce Sirio sobre nuestro sistema solar y particularmente sobre nuestro planeta. Dicho principio de liberación es uno de los atributos de la Deidad (como la voluntad, el amor y la mente) del que la humanidad muy poco sabe todavía. La liberación por la cual luchan los hombres es uno de los aspectos inferiores de esta liberación cósmica, relacionada con ciertos grandes desarrollos evolutivos que permiten al aspecto vida o espíritu, liberarse del impacto, del contacto y de la influencia de la sustancia. Este mismo principio de liberación permite a Sanat Kumara morar en la Tierra y, sin embargo, permanecer libre de todo contacto, excepto con Quienes han hollado el Sendero de la Liberación y permanecer ahora libres en el plano físico cósmico; es lo que permite al iniciado realizar un estado de “unidad aislada”; es lo que subyace en el Espíritu de la Muerte y constituye el poder motivador de ese gran Agente liberador; es lo que proporciona una “senda de poder” entre nuestra Jerarquía y el distante sol Sirio, y constituye el incentivo del “cultivo de la liberación” o libertad, que motiva el trabajo de los Maestros de Sabiduría; es lo que produjo el fermento y el vórtice del conflicto en épocas muy remotas y ha sido reconocido actualmente por los resultados de la Ley de Evolución en cada reino de la naturaleza, la cual “sustenta” o subyace, o está detrás de todo progreso -esta “influencia ejercida” misteriosamente, este “tirón hacia afuera” de la forma (como podría denominárselo simplemente) emana de Sirio, y no existe término para describirlo; es una ley, de la cual las tres leyes cósmicas -de Síntesis, de Atracción y de Economía, sólo son aspectos. Ninguna de estas leyes subsidiarias impone reglas o limitación alguna al Señor del Mundo. Sin embargo, la Ley de Liberación impone ciertas restricciones, si puede emplearse una frase tan paradójica (P. 344). Es la responsable de ser Él conocido como “el Gran Sacrificio” (N.E: “sacrificio” se relaciona con “hacerse cargo” y no con el concepto de dolor”), porque (bajo el control de esta ley) creó nuestra vida planetaria y todo lo que hay dentro y sobre ella, a fin de aprender a manejar esta ley con total conocimiento y con plena conciencia, aunque al mismo tiempo liberar las incontables formas de Su creación. ... Nota editorial: Al tomar uno de los Siete Senderos cósmicos, el Maestro trabajará con la Ley de la Libertad que es la inferior - equivalente a la de Economía en la forma planetaria, pues la “libertad” y la “liberación” son efectos de la “Ley de hacerse cargo de ...” que por no haber palabras adecuadas se dice Ley de Liberación. La masonería, tal como fue instituida originalmente, en la remota época de la noche del tiempo y mucho antes de la dispensación judía, fue organizada bajo la influencia directa de Sirio, teniendo un ligero parecido con nuestra vida jerárquica -tal como se la ve a la luz del Eterno Ahora. Su “Logia Azul”, y sus tres grados, está relacionada con los tres grupos principales de Vidas de Sirio, pues allí no hay reinos de la naturaleza, tales como nosotros los poseemos; estos grupos reciben a Quienes eligen el cuarto sendero (N.E: el Sendero cósmico hacia Sirio. Nótese que no es hacia la luna cósmica de Sirio -véanse las VIII partes del archivo CLARIDAD SOBRE LA OSCURIDAD ..., donde están los que “se fusionaron con la madre materia” y no siguieron al Padre; el “mal cósmico” o los seres prisioneros del primer sistema solar de la Madre Materia son los devas -evolución paralela a la de la consciencia humana, habiendo de ellos -por poner un ejemplo mítico: Quirón el centauro sanador, que colaboran con el Plan divino y con la Jerarquía. En este caso y otros -tales como los Oannes quienes pueden ser prototipos colaboradores cósmicos de sus analogías inferiores de nuestro sistema “lunar” que casi hicieron fracasar al sistema, podrían encarnar en la Tierra, recibiendo una oportunidad por la detención momentánea de su karma, por la ayuda de un Maestro o de la Jerarquía planetaria. Esto se relaciona a su vez con el número 6 y su perfección el 12, de tipo “marciano”, representando una humanidad de la línea dévica o de la evolución de los dioses. Aquella masonería que aún permanece con el símbolo de la carta 15 del Tarot [donde el “Véspero” o Lucifer caído del “atardecer” tiene en su frente las estrella de cinco puntas invertida esclavizando a la pareja humana], debe transformarse por la presencia del Rayo divino Iluminador y Transfigurador que les presenta el camino de la estrella matutina de Venus, para que la pareja se regenere triunfalmente en el caballo blanco crístico neptuniano; éste, por virtud del Cristo Marino ascendente levanta la “hostia” con la estrella de cinco puntas correcta. El programa con la estrella invertida donde aún el “Unicornio simbólico del Cristo” no atraviesa la frente de la cabra materialista saturnal en Capricornio, mantiene la línea del primer sistema solar, trabajándose con la energía fruto de la “caída” y no de la transmutación alquímica, por lo cual se dice que la masonería tiene corrupción por permanecer en contacto con el “mal cósmico” o los seres dévicos lunares que sólo pueden dar la forma de la personalidad, pero no la Conciencia solar de los devas solares. La vía sugerida indirecta o inconscientemente por cualquier astrónomo que esté aportando a la interpretación del “mito de los Oannes” de Sirio no es correcta si está obsesionado por impulsar los viajes al espacio físico cósmico “exterior” pues la auténtica meta es supradimensional o en octavas superiores y no inferiores condensadas en “la luna cósmica”. El contacto dévico sugerido por el tibetano D.K. es bajo la mediación crística de la dimensión superior búdica cósmica donde el Cristo Cósmico de Sirio armoniza ambas evoluciones: la dévica o de la forma, y la de la conciencia o humana. Otra meta de CONTACTO es retroceder evolutivamente y si esa es la meta de los viajes espaciales, van hacia el sendero de la perdición de la oportunidad liberadora brindada por el “Gran Sacrificio” S.K. Con esto se invita hacia el culto viajero no sólo en el nombre del transporte turístico de élite y del comercio, sino en el nombre del Alma. Este fue presentido “proféticamente” por Walt Whitman en su poema “Navegar a las Indias”) y Los entrena acerca de la existencia y el tipo de vivencia que rige en Sirio. Esto pondrá en claro que las Vidas menos desarrolladas de Sirio son -desde nuestro punto de vista, iniciados de muy alto grado. Por lo tanto, la masonería ha sido conservada a través de las edades, cambiando su nomenclatura de tiempo en tiempo, reinterpretando su Palabra de Poder y, por lo tanto, alejándose cada vez más de su belleza e intención originales. De acuerdo con la ley cíclica y en preparación para la nueva era, ha llegado el momento de que los masones, con comprensión espiritual, efectúen ciertos cambios (N.E: acertadamente Robert Temple dice en “El Misterio de Sirio” que la masonería tiene aún unos ritos “pasados por agua”, es decir antediluvianos” o Atlantes y sugiere encontrar la tumba de Imothep -el “iniciador” de la sucesión de la casta sacerdotal egipcia, constructor de la pirámide de Sakara hecha por humanos y no por los devas). La actual coloración judía de la Masonería está completamente fuera de moda y se mantuvo mucho tiempo, pues actualmente es tanto judía como cristiana (N.E: aunque D.K. sostiene que se basará en una reinterpretación de la cristiandad original o prístina) y no debería ser ni una ni otra. Los grados de la Logia Azul son enteramente judíos en sus frases y palabras y deberían ser cambiados. Los grados superiores son predominantemente cristianos, aunque compenetrados de nombres y palabras judías. Esto también debe terminar. El matiz judío es actualmente uno de los mayores obstáculos para la plena expresión de la intención masónica y debe ser alterado, aunque preservados intactos los hechos, detalles y estructura, del simbolismo masónico. Cualquiera sea la forma que tome la nueva nomenclatura (y este cambio vendrá inevitablemente), también desaparecerán después de haber prestado el debido servicio. De esta manera proseguirá la transformación cíclica, hasta el momento en que la masa humana, que está en el cuarto Sendero, pase a Sirio por medio del proceso iniciático, de lo cual nuestro grado E. .. A. .. (N.E: a los dos puntos se les debe colocar otro encima formando el triángulo) es un débil reflejo. (p. 346). http://groups.google.com/group/secreto-masonico/browse_thread/thread/668abfdef2bda419/9b3b0122b2c72c31?lnk=gst&q=cristo#9b3b0122b2c72c31

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Respuesta  Mensaje 80 de 169 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 06/07/2015 00:42
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A Sun-Sirius System?

La gran mayoría de las estrellas observables son sistemas estelares binarios o múltiples. En estos sistemas, dos o más estrellas comparten un enfoque común de la revolución y están unidas gravitacionalmente entre sí en órbitas definidas. Esta es una observación común de tal manera que la interacción gravitatoria de estrellas múltiples que parece ser el modo "normal" de la formación del sistema estelar.

¿Quién es el doble de nuestro Sol?

¿Hay un candidato para la revolución binaria entre las estrellas visibles? Lógicamente que podría comenzar con la estrella más cercana a la nuestra, que es Alfa Centauro. A una distancia de 4,37 años luz, es la tercera estrella más brillante y, como es común, es ella misma un sistema binario.

Otra de las estrellas que muestra evidencia de haber sido unidas por la gravedad en el sistema y se llama Alpha Proxima. Proxima Alfa es de 0,2 años luz de Alpha Centauri AB, alrededor de 400 veces la distancia de la órbita de Neptuno del sol. Esto muestra que un sistema de estrella doble o poli no tiene por qué ser necesariamente en interacción orbital estrecha. Sin embargo Alfa Centauri se encuentra en una declinación de -60 °, que es bien fuera del plano del sistema solar, y como tal, tiene un movimiento alrededor de circumpolar en el cielo.

Un candidato más adecuado sería una estrella más cerca del plano del sistema solar, o ecuador celeste. Sirius se reúne este criterio, en una declinación de -17 °. También es la estrella más brillante en el cielo de la noche, tres veces más brillante que Alpha Centauri y dos veces tan brillante como las estrellas más brillantes Canopus próximos. Sirius también es el sistema más cercano a la quinta de las estrellas de nuestra propia [6]. Más significativo es el hecho de que el Grupo de Investigación Sirius se ha de registrar la posición de Sirio durante aproximadamente 20 años y no ha registrado ninguna alteración medible en su ubicación con respecto a la precesión [7].

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Un candidato Sirius

Sirius es un sistema binario. Sirio A es la estrella muy visible, pero no es un compañero conocido como Sirio B, describió por primera vez en tiempos modernos por la tribu Dogon de Malí (África) y, posteriormente, verificados por la ciencia de observación de los astrónomos. Los dogones describen también un cuerpo celeste el tercer lugar con características de una estrella de neutrones. Mientras que un neutrón no sería visible en la misma forma que Sirio B, la atracción gravitatoria combinada de una estrella de neutrones, una estrella gigante blanca y una enana blanca sin duda, proporcionar la fuerza de la gravedad necesaria para mantener unido el Sol a una distancia de 8,6 años luz. De hecho, la presencia de una estrella de neutrones no es en absoluto necesarias para la interacción gravitatoria entre el Sol y Sirio.

Desde que se supo que la Tierra se inclina sobre su eje, se planteó la hipótesis de que la Tierra se bambolea en torno a esta inclinación del eje de una manera precisa cada 26.000 años. Esto podría explicar la precesión de las estrellas del zodíaco, ya que tarda unos 2.150 años para cada constelación zodiacal de preceder y hay 12 constelaciones (y no suelen ser hasta la introducción de la constelación de Ofiuco 13 en el zodíaco, que es una más armoniosa configuración en el orden natural), que equivale a aproximadamente 26.000 años.

Sirius - Canis Mayor

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Esta información por sí mismo plantea serias dudas sobre la validez de la "Hipótesis de Bamboleo". Sin embargo, el gran defecto de esta hipótesis proviene de un examen de la posición estática de la estrella Sirio en relación a la precesión y su utilización histórica como un marcador de tiempo en el calendario de Sothis de los egipcios.

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Este solo hecho revela la falla evidente en el modelo de consenso actual de la precesión del zodíaco. Con la "Hipótesis de Bamboleo", las estrellas del zodiaco en realidad no se mueve, sino que se fijan en su lugar. El movimiento retrógrado aparente es sólo el resultado de un cambio transitorio de los equinoccios. Por lo tanto, recibe es mucho más frecuente y la descripción del bien conocido como "la precesión de los equinoccios". En este modelo de consenso, los equinoccios se producen en diferentes lugares dentro de la órbita de la Tierra alrededor del Sol, y ya que se están produciendo en diferentes lugares hay un telón de fondo diferente de estrellas.

Los equinoccios y los solsticios son una función de la inclinación de 23,6 ° del eje de la Tierra. Cuando la inclinación es hacia el Sol, el hemisferio norte es en verano porque está recibiendo más luz solar y hay más horas de luz - los días son más largos y las noches son más cortas. Cuando la inclinación es opuesta al Sol, el hemisferio norte es en invierno. Esto es lo opuesto para el hemisferio sur. Los puntos medios entre estos dos extremos están los equinoccios, cuando la duración del día y la noche son iguales.

Los equinoccios retroceden debido a la inclinación está cambiando su orientación hacia el Sol mientras se mueve alrededor. Esto hace que los equinoccios, solsticios, así como las que se producen en diferentes lugares en la órbita de la Tierra [la derecha]. El problema es que si los equinoccios y solsticios se estaban produciendo en diferentes lugares a continuación, Sirius no podía tener una precisa helicoidal ascendente cada 23 de julio a partir de la latitud de Egipto!

Todo el telón de fondo ecuatorial de estrellas que retroceder con el bamboleo de la Tierra, y por lo tanto Sirius tendría un levantamiento helicoidal que desaparece durante todo el Año, que se producen en todas las estaciones por todo el ciclo de 26.000 años (ver figura 5). Las únicas estrellas que permanecen relativamente fijos son aquellos en los polos, a pesar de que todavía tendría que perturbaciones menores a sí mismos. Pero la suya no es lo que se observa. Como Jed Buchwald, profesor de historia de la ciencia en Caltech, dice:

"Sirius sigue siendo casi la misma distancia de los equinoccios - y por lo tanto de los solsticios - a lo largo de estos siglos, a pesar de precesión" [13].

A medida que el Sol pasa a través de la apoastro señala aproximadamente cada 13.000 años, Sirius hecho parece tener una migración de precesión a través del cielo, hasta que finalmente el levantamiento helicoidal que se producen en el invierno (ver figura 7). Y esto está muy bien, porque no viola ninguna grabaciones históricas del comportamiento de Sirius. De hecho, una revisión de la astronomía babilónica muy avanzada muestra que esta realidad se ha descrito.

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Lo que se puede ver claramente aquí es que el término nibiru está siendo utilizado para describir una estrella, que esta estrella fija el curso de las otras estrellas, es decir que es la fuente de su precesión, y que es el punto de cruce .

Es mi suposición de que Nibiru se conoce como un "punto de cruce", porque cuando el Sol pasa apoastro y comenzó su revolución contrario, Sirius cruzan el cielo. No sólo este cruce de Sirio marca el punto de inflexión en la órbita del Sol, sino también el punto de inflexión en los ciclos Yuga.

El nuevo Sun-Sirius modelo de sistema se ajusta a la conducta de observación de Sirio y las constelaciones del zodíaco, ya que la regresión en todo el gran ciclo de 26.000 años. No hay necesidad de introducir un "bamboleo" en el eje de la Tierra, inducidos por la acción de 9 otros cuerpos celestes - una teoría que es sólo una reliquia de una época en que el movimiento del Sistema Solar no se concebía todavía.

Sería sagaz no colocar Sirio en el centro del sistema solar, en un sistema fractal no hay verdadero centro. La naturaleza fractal del Universo engendra su propio acuerdo, o más a propósito, el Universo es un sistema gráfico holofractal [15]. Por lo tanto hay muchas interacciones anidados orbitales, que van tan lejos como el grupo local de galaxias, los cuales tienen un punto focal.

Esto no es nada nuevo. Civilizaciones anteriores entiende la mecánica celeste en un nivel avanzado, y la precisión matemática de sus observaciones astronómicas es una prueba de ello [16]. La razón por la cual los egipcios y de muchas otras civilizaciones de la época utilizan Sirius como marcador para el paso del tiempo se debe a que eligieron el objeto más estable, como punto de referencia.

Elegimos el Sol como punto de referencia, y esto es obviamente muy impreciso. Cada 4 años un día tiene que ser añadido para mantener el tiempo exacto. Pero aun Sirius no era lo suficientemente preciso para el "El guardián del tiempo", los mayas. Con su astronomía muy avanzados que detectan rápidamente las imprecisiones en el uso de Sirius como un marcador para el paso del tiempo, y cambió a un ciclo aún más precisa la participación de las Pléyades. Sin embargo, hay un punto de referencia aún más estable que las Pléyades y que es el centro de la Galaxia, que desde el punto de vista de nuestra galaxia es el último centro de rotación.

Y de hecho, el de Maya eligió el centro de la galaxia como un punto de referencia para marcar el paso del tiempo, lo cual es evidente que la Cuenta Larga Maya termina con la alineación galáctica del Sistema Solar el 21 de diciembre de 2012. Por lo tanto, la idea de que la Tierra gira alrededor del Sol, y que el Sol gira alrededor de Sirio (o que gira alrededor de Alción Sirius) y que Alción gira alrededor del Núcleo Galáctico, no es revolucionario - es sólo un redescubrimiento del saber perdido.

Creo entender por las anotaciones de IM, que los cubos del hipercubo serían un reflejo en la 3D (relación orbital sol-sirio), llegando a un punto de colapso (coordenadas 9-nuestro cubo- y 6). Curiosamente el ciclo Sol- Sirio, se completa cada 18 años aproximadamente, el último fué 1993-1994, por lo que en 2012-2013 tenemos el fín de este ciclo Sol-Sirio.

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Por lo visto a este ciclo, se superpone el paso por el centro de la galaxia (galaxy bulge) que lleva unos 36 años aprox. y comenzó sobre 1980 (+ - 18 = 1998), y el tema mitológico maya del fin del tiempo (o tiempo de la tribulación en nuestra imagen bíblica) cruzando el dark rift o zona oscura.....(que es la parte crítica dentro del cruce por el centro de la galaxia).

Así que (que me corrija IM), aquí en este meollo de ciclo crítico, está tanto nuestro ciclo propio (solsticio invernal 21/12), ciclo Sol-Sirio, y finalmente el ciclo del gran año galáctico (26.000 años aprox/ 4 partes dos equinocios y dos solsticios galácticos, con recurrentes inundaciones y/o cataclismos cada 6000 años más o menos, dos más "suaves" y dos cada 13.000 años más "fuertes").

Es curioso la simbología y numerología tanto de los atentados (11-S / 11-M / 7-J con toda su parafernalia "cóptica" 11 septiembre año nuevo), como estas coincidencias del grado 33 (muerte de cristo), Jacob's Ladder (coordenadas de nuestro cubo 9-11, la relación de Sirio en estas sociedades secretas (ver todos los monumentos de Washington), y la supuesta culminación de todas estas coincidencias el 12/21/2012...........

Dragon Offering Bowl

Respuesta  Mensaje 81 de 169 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 20/07/2015 04:20

( El esquema IOI en el WTC Stargate Megaritual, según Jake Kotze y otros)


Las responancias sincromísticas y esotéricas del número 101 en la cinta de los Wachowski han sido oportuna y eficazmente señaladas por el artífice de The Stygian port en un excelnte post (2) al que les remitimos para abundar en detalles sobre el particular.



(El dios Jano, dios de las puertas y las iniciaciones en los Misterios.  Las dos caras laterales, enfrentadas, ocultan el tercer rostro (0) invisible de Jano trifonte (IOI) , que representa el Eterno Presente, el momento más allá del tiempo, la revelación iniciática)


Respuesta  Mensaje 82 de 169 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 07/08/2015 20:06

Reply  Message 4 of 5 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 04/08/2015 21:11

Patmos Island is where allegedly the Book of Apocalypse/Revelation was written by a supposed John the Revelator or John of Patmos or St John the Divine or St John the Theologian, as his many designations go about him, a mysterious figure with an uncanny ability to predict certain things of our current era with a degree of precision, and a mind-boggling linguistic encryption code that speaks of a higher synchronistic Gnostic mind (Nous) at play.  Without even opening the book itself, we notice by Gematria that his very supposed name “John” encodes the most famous part of the book, the Beast of the 666 number, as this method of number/letter transposition is the direct and specific instruction given in the Rev 13:18 verse, in order to decode not just that chapter but the entire book  –or should I say… the New Testament itself…?–, our current English language the SEAL that opens up the encryption:

Always in Universal Standard English Gematria / a=1, b=2, …, z=26:

JOHN  =  47  =  BEAST

Then we can easily confirm the method of Gematria of the instruction as correct, by looking at the title of the book:


Where this number “234” is evidently the key to the “666”:

666   =   234 + 432

Such that the exact  Rev 13:18  verse of the “666” is perfectly matching this code:

234   =   13  x 18

Where the “Mark in the Head” prophecy is already implicit in the 13:18 verse number,  as:

[ 13 = ID ]    &   [ 18 = HEAD ]

Magic Square of the Sun

Magic Square of the Sun;  the horizontal rows, the vertical columns, and both diagonals add up to 111, so that the sum of rows & columns each add to 666   *(CLICK TO ENLARGE)*

Even the very name of the Magic Square itself delivers the triangular number reference:


We can see it ties directly into the “666” prophecy code of Rev 13:18, because when we use the common alternative spelling of “MAGICK”

[ (666=432+234)  &  (13×18=234) ]:



Reply  Message 5 of 5 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 04/08/2015 23:24



In Hebrew alphabet the V is same as the W, and since this alphabet was alphanumeric (both letter & number) the V/W carried the No. 6:

W   W   W

6     6     6

The covert announcement for this Archonic agenda, has been effected via many covers:

We   Were   Warned”

"We Were Warned" motto in the poster for the film "2012"

“We Were Warned” motto in the poster for the film “2012”

All Bar Codes embed symmetrically the 666

All Bar Codes embed symmetrically the 666

6x6 Magic Square of the Sun and No. 666

6×6 Magic Square of the Sun and No. 666  *(CLICK TO ENLARGE)* -caption from another article in this blog-

The 3D Matrix Timelines converging via increased Quantum Entanglement and Synchronicity are many, both scattered throughout the Solar System’s long cataclysmic “history” as well as throughout its parallel Binary objects, such as the Nibiru system and its Trail of Doom objects, which seemed to have been “locked” away from the current Earth Timelines, but is about to be “merged” by opening the StarGate-Portals thus their Timelines now merging unto the Sun’s.  Some have suspected this is the Opening of the Bottomless Pit prophesied in Apoc/Rev, others even suggesting this is to be effected via the Particle Accelerator projects such as the LHC / Large Hadron Collider in Geneva (“New Genesis”), etc.  My very personal contribution to the paradigm lies in the understanding and decoding of the NUMERIC multi-dimensional or Etheric aspect of the quantum Grids, which involves the progression of Magic Squares as Keys to the Matrixes, from the 3×3 Magic Square of Saturn to the 6×6 Magic Square of the Sun  –THIS ONE REPRESENTING THE QUANTUM ENTANGLED YET “PARALLEL TIMELINED” (ISOLATED) SYSTEM ABOUT TO BE MERGED WITH THE CURRENT SUN’S TIMELINE–. The caption shown right above (from another previous article in this blog) is the real decoding I arrived to many years ago all by myself, concerning the true meaning of the famous Apoc/Rev 13:18 prophecy of the “666”, having everything to do with Demiurgic Science & Technology and the Manipulation of Timelines into a “New Genesis”, including the technologies of cloning and robotization (Android).  Shown right below is a further clarified code I discovered years ago in relation to the same 666 code, but involving the number “144” as the obvious ref to the Speed of Light which is a 144 harmonic; WHAT THIS MEANS IS THAT THE PARTICLE ACCELERATORS PROJECTS ARE ATTEMPTING TO SPEED UP STRANGE OR EXOTIC PARTICLES TO THE SPEED OF LIGHT POINT, MAKING THEM COLLIDE IN ORDER TO CREATE A NEW “BIG-BANG” AND CHANGE TIMES & PHYSICS (“Times & Law”, as in the famous Book of Daniel prophecy).  Keep in mind the Great Pyramid at Giza was originally covered with 144,000 shiny polished encasing stones.

144-patmos island


When the usual suspect types of retarded moronic scam cults & religions of theocratic/fundamentalist slant teach like for ex the WatchTower org (Jehovah’s Witnesses) that Daniel’s prophecy of the Beast attempting the Change the Time & the Law was merely the Vatican producing its Julian Calendar centuries ago to rule the world, you cannot help but conclude that some people are either totally demented or at the very least they are full blown idiot goons willing to  believe the most pathetic miniature-minded interpretations, their brains stuck on a bubble of Medieval lack of awareness unable to grasp the enormity of what is at at play (the agenda for a “New Genesis”)  -ridiculously obsessing about soap opera styled petty political world strugglesm which have alwats been and always will be and have nothing to do the stunning prophecy about “Times & Law” as Changing Timelines and Physics-.  But then again, if you are as naive or as ignorant not to know that the WatchTower org for ex was founded by the Rothschild cabal to slowly condition the feeble minds of the masses into accepting the New World Order as idolatry of a seudo jahvic “Government Body”, than you just deserve what’s coming. It indeed was created to the express agenda, intending to carve a niche of New World Order adherents within Christianity, only that these would be “sleeper” believers in the meantime hypnotized by the Jehovah’s Governing Body scam; at the proper final time, they would be ‘activated” into transferring this adherence directly into the New World Order itself, in classic mind control long-term methodology.  While on the other hand maybe some of them are actually just role-playing the naive retard, but actually were & are agents for the agenda, maybe even of actual et/ultra origin was Walk-In’s. By contrast, in this series of articles you are accessing the real true Gnostic knowledge of very advanced nature which has been painfully transmitted throughout millennia, concerning these crucial “Future-Shock” things, being embedded in spiritual traditions of very old, part of convoluted TimeLoop processes, some of them finding their way into oxoteric religious traditions here & there, as is the case with the prophecies addressed.  Below you will begin to see how complex is the multi-dimensional science involved, this the true context behind the prophecies.

The Compass and Square of Freemasonry (crypto Jews) is the Hexagram. The X at the top is also a symbol of Saturn.

Respuesta  Mensaje 83 de 169 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/08/2015 03:18

Respuesta  Mensaje 84 de 169 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/08/2015 02:07


In no particular order, here are some new images I’ve created recently. I posted these on my Facebook wall but they quickly got lost in the ephemeral feed. This blog is a much better repository for this research.

It turns out that the following 6:5 relationship in the Pyramid of Khafre is 99.9% accurate. The discovery was made by Peter Casperson in his book Den Matematiska Nyckeln Till Guds Namn (which translates from Swedish as “The Mathmatical Key to God’s Name”) published in 2004. The illustration is my own. The 6:5 relationship ties in with what I’ve written before in Taking Measure, the Snowflake and the Flower, and Cubits, among other blog posts.

The Pyramid of Khafre encodes 6:5 proportions

The Pyramid of Khafre encodes 6:5 proportions

The outer perimeter of the egg’s cross-section is 33,333 feet assuming the eggshell has thickness of ~5 feet at the scale of the Great Pyramid. I made a similar oval image a few years ago called The Megalithic Egg but it was based on the 3:4:5 triangle instead.

The circumference of the egg based on the geometry of the Great Pyramid is 33333 feet

The egg formed by the elevation of the Great Pyramid has a circumference of 33333 feet

“It is the mark of an instructed mind to rest satisfied with the degree of precision which the nature of the subject admits and not to seek exactness when only an approximation of the truth is possible.” -Aristotle

I made a round image (with Photoshop’s polar filter) of moai on Easter Island looking into the center, and then felt inspired to have them look at the Orion nebula. The 15 moai fit the stages of the alchemical process and I took the stage names from a fantastic novel by Katherine Neville called The Eight that I was re-reading. The philosopher’s stone naturally fits in the center as the final goal of al-kemi. I was playing with the swirling colors as seen above in the nebula or below in the chemicals of the alchemist’s cauldron. Are we looking into the heavens or deep within? They end up in the same place: awareness.

The Great Work

The Great Work

Mostly I have been working on paying projects at Lynda.com lately with little time for SIPS, although Dennis Fetcho interviewed me yesterday and we talked about SIPS and Quantification.

Here is a full accounting of our solar system:

Inspired by Don Barone on Graham Hancock's forum

Inspired by Don Barone on Graham Hancock’s forum

Is this the basis of the Fahrenheit scale, why water boils at 212°?


It’s interesting also that 33°F = .55555…°C

Here’s a discovery I made some time ago but don’t think I’ve posted it in the blog before. The Governor’s mansion at the top of Victoria Peak overlooking Hong Kong is 3333.3 km from Borobudur. Amazing distance between city mountains: sacred and mundane!


The Eye of Horus symbolizes the view of an observer, as an all-seeing-eye.

The Eye of Horus

The Eye of Horus

Philosophy is written in this grand book, the universe, which stands continually open to our gaze. But the book cannot be understood unless one first learns to comprehend the language and read the characters in which it is written. It is written in the language of mathematics, and its characters are triangles, circles, and other geometric figures without which it is humanly impossible to understand a single word of it; without these one is wandering in a dark labyrinth.
—Galileo Galilei, The Assayer, 1623

The World Wide Web


The traditional Buddhist retreat lasts for 3 years, 3 months and 3 days. Make sense?



I was Graham Hancock’s author of the month for September 2014 and wrote the following article called Measuring the Mystery.

I wrote an article called Mathematical Encoding in the Great Pyramid on Ancient-Origins.net.


Here is the universal accounting, according to cosmologists. They actually give slightly different values but I looked at the uncertainty in the measurements and think the following percentages are the canonical values, as they fit within the tolerances of the measured data:


We can’t measure dark matter or dark energy. They pass through ordinary matter without interacting. Cosmologists needed something to explain why galaxies and galactic clusters don’t fly apart so they invented “dark matter”. Then they needed something to explain why expansion is accelerating so they invented “dark energy”. These quantities are more of a measure of our ignorance. However, regardless of whether dark energy and dark matter turn out to be like epicycles in earlier cosmological models, the math needed to account for our observations is balanced using the above breakdown, and I find that very interesting.

Discovered by Kevin McMahon

Discovered by Kevin McMahon

Urban Asplund discovered that the distance from the “Pyramids of the North” at Old Uppsala, Sweden is 3333.33 miles (99.99%) to the Obelisk of Axum, Ethiopia (which was stolen and moved to Rome for most of the 20th century and returned and re-erected in Ethiopia in the 21st century).


“The enormous usefulness of mathematics in the natural sciences is something bordering on the mysterious and…there is no rational explanation for it.” -Eugene Wigner, nobel laureate


“How can it be that mathematics, being after all a product of human thought which is independent of experience, is so admirably appropriate to the objects of reality?” -Albert Einstein

“Everything we call real is made of things that cannot be regarded as real.” -Niels Bohr






“The most beautiful system of the sun, planets and comets could only proceed from the counsel and dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being.” -Introduction to the Principia by Isaac Newton

Here is the proof, chocolate is a very close cousin to happiness. You knew that already!




There is actually a minimum and a maximum temperature. Absolute zero is the coldest possible temperature where there is absolutely no movement. The temperature of the big bang has been calculated as 33 orders of magnitude hotter than absolute zero, as measured in degrees Kelvin. At this maximum temperature all four forces (gravity, electromagnetism, strong and weak) merge into one force and the fabric of spacetime itself is thought to dissolve into nothingness.


Quantum foam (also referred to as space-time foam) is a concept in quantum mechanics devised by John Wheeler in 1955. The foam is supposed to be conceptualized as the foundation of the fabric of the universe. This “foam” is the smallest measurable length, representing the granularity of spacetime itself. The human eye is 33 orders of magnitude larger than the quantum foam.


The gap in quality

The gap in quality

Thanks to Joe Dubs for the factorial connections!

Thanks to Joe Dubs for the factorial connections!

John Michell discovered that 10 times the perimeter of the blue hexagon equals the mean distance from Earth to Moon (99.4%). Even more accurately, that’s 6 x 60 x 666 miles (99.6%).






“Several words derive from Amun via the Greek form, Ammon, such as ammonia and ammonite. The Romans called the ammonium chloride they collected from deposits near the Temple of Jupiter Amun in ancient Libya sal ammoniacus (salt of Amun) because of proximity to the nearby temple.” The Colossoi of Memnon stand at the entrance to what was once the Mortuary Temple of Amenhotep III. The name Amenhotep means “Amun is satisfied.” The name Amun meant something like “the hidden one” or “invisible”. -wikipedia




The Brandaris connection was discovered by Shannon van den Heuvel:



The royal Egyptian cubit is approximately this same distance, .5236 meters or 1.718 feet (99.4%). I think it is precisely expressed as (6/5)^3 feet or 1.728 feet exactly (see Cubits).

Peter Stanbury discovered the following relationships of the proton to electron mass ratio and the fine structure constant’s relationships to pi. I added the neutron to electron mass ratio and the boxed equation. Taken together, we see how pi, phi and mathematical ratio are fundamental to matter. All is number.




“Let no one ignorant of geometry enter.” -Engraved on the door of Plato’s Academy

The molecular weight, specific heat capacity and temperature of air control how fast sound waves propagate through the atmosphere. At 3.3°C the speed of sound in air is 333.3 m/s and if the wavelength is 1/3 of a meter, the resulting frequency is exactly 1000 cycles per second, the center of human hearing. The meter, the second, base 10, and the qualities of our atmosphere conspire to produce this metrological sonic harmony.


I keep adding to this post, so check back again sometime.

Respuesta  Mensaje 85 de 169 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 21/08/2015 04:14

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 11/10/2015 17:19

24 * 74 = 1776

HECHOS 12:12 (12+12=24 HORAS)
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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/01/2016 22:26

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/01/2016 00:22

Celia Fenn – When Two Suns Rise – Sirius and the Planetary New Year – 7-20-15

Celia Fenn   –   When Two Suns Rise   –   Sirius and the Planetary New Year   –   7-20-15


The end of July is celebrated as the Planetary New Year because many of the ancient Time Keeper races on the Earth recognized this as the moment when an important New Cycle of Evolutionary Time was initiated.

This period was also associated with what was known as the “Lion’s Gate”, the historical moment when the constellation of Leo aligned with the Pyramid complex at Giza. But you might ask, why is that important to me in the year 2015?

This is because the Planetary New Year celebrates the moment when the Blue Star Sirius rises in the morning sky at the same time and in nearby location to our Sun. It is the time when Earth has Two visible “suns” in the sky. The one sun is Golden, and the other is Blue in Frequency. This conjunction of Stars celebrates the long connection between Earth, and its Sun, and the Star System of Sirius.

In Ancient Egypt, in the post-Atlantean civilization that sprang up on the banks of the Nile, the heliacal rising of Sirius, as it is known, also marked the time when the Nile River rose due to rains in Central Africa, and flooded the plains of Egypt so that crops could be grown. The rising of the waters signified the return of Abundance and Blessings to the land, and this was also associated with Sirius and it’s helical rising in the East.

Sirius has long been a guiding light and force in the Evolution of the Earth. There were many powerful Star Teachers that came to the Earth to assist Humanity, and they were believed to be ‘gods’. These teachers included the Beings known as Isis and Osiris, who brought the arts of agriculture and learning to the peoples of Ancient Egypt to assist them to reconstruct their world after the trauma of the Atlantean catastrophe.

And now, at this time, we are told that the Sirian Master Teachers are returning to our world to assist us with aligning our frequencies with the incoming Diamond Light that is raising the frequency of our Planet and of Humanity.

The Gold Sun and the Blue Sun

As Master teachers, the Sirians brought information to the Ancient Egyptians that helped them to remember who they were and where they were going. They taught them the principles of Ascension, and these were recorded in papyrus texts and on pyramid and temple walls. They reminded us all that our bodies are from the Earth but our Souls are from the Stars.

In recent years, they have also reminded us that everything is energy and frequency, and that ascending or raising our consciousness, means that we can align ourselves with the frequencies that are coming from the Cosmic Heart and the Galactic Center, and that are raising the frequency of our Light Bodies and our Physical bodies and DNA.

It was the Sirians who first taught us about the ‘Christ Consciousness’ that was embodied in the Golden Light of the Sun. The Gold Frequency was Divine Light and it carried the energy of Divine Love and Compassion.

As Humanity opened themselves to receive more of the transmissions of the Divine Light and more of the Light Codes that would elevate consciousness, they embraced the Gold Light and activated the Light Body and Multi-dimensional consciousness.

The first Sirian Avatars of the Christ Consciousness were Isis and her partner Osiris, who brought the Golden Light to Egypt. The second Sirian Avatars were Yeshua, known as Jesus, and his partner, Mary Magdalene. Together, they embodied the Divine Masculine and Feminine frequencies of the Gold Frequency of the Christ Consciousness.

The Blue Sun was Sirius itself, and it carried the Blue Frequency of that Star System also known as the ‘Blue Star’. This deep Blue Light carried the Codes of an advanced race of Light Beings who were in the service of the Divine Plan and the Evolution of the Galaxy and the Earth.

The rising of the Blue Sun indicated another cycle of Light, Love and Support from the Sirian Master Teachers on the Path of Evolution. Following this event, those on the Earth could expect great blessings and abundance in their lives.

You might wonder, what happened? Why was this teaching lost and why is it only now being recovered as we move into the Ascension process?

Well, in the Ancient Egyptian world, the Sacred duties of the Master Teachers were disrupted by a corrupt priesthood that had an agenda of control, mostly through the manipulation of sexual energies.

Since this world is a free-will zone, Humanity was left to carry on its path and the Sirian Master Teachers withdrew from Egypt.

The arrrival of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene represented another opportunity to anchor and ground the Golden Frequency.

Initially this was achieved, after the death of Yeshua, by Mary Magdalene, who carried the teachings to France and into Europe. But again, a corrupt priesthood arose that ended the line of Mary Magdalene in the 12th Century with the Albigensian Crusade.

Now, in 2015, we are being given the chance to live the process of integrating the Gold Frequency in the process of Ascension. And, as the Blue Sun rises in the morning sky, we are reminded that waves of Love and Blessings are pouring out to us from the Sun, from Sirius, from the Great Central Sun at the Center of the Galaxy, and from the Cosmic Sun or Heart.

The Blue Sun represents the Love and Support of advanced beings of Light who have incarnated on Earth or who have guided consciousness in other ways in order to achieve this moment of deep change when the Earth is ready to become a Body of Light and a Multi-dimensional Blue and Gold Star.

The Lion’s Gate

After the Planetary New Year on the 26th of July, there is a powerful Portal or Vortex that opens which allows these new Light Codes to flood into the Earth grids. The constellation of Leo no longer aligns with the rising Sun as time has passed. But, the energy of the Lion is what is important at this vortex.

The Lion is the Frequency Keeper of Africa, and of course Egypt is part of Africa. The Spirit Keeper of the Portal is the Spirit Animal that guards the integrity of the African continent. The Lion also represents Spiritual Power, and Yeshua/Jesus was known as the ‘Lion of Judah’, as the representative of the Sirian avatar line on Earth.

So, the ‘Lion’s Gate’ is that moment when this portal opens to allow new Codes and new Information that will be the template for the year ahead. The Royal Lion stands guard over the New Timeline. In Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs, the Gate was represented by two Lions who faced each other.

They were known as the Lions of Yesterday and Tomorrow, and of course, it was ‘today’ that came pouring through the gate. The Infinite ‘now’ of present time that can be experienced as flow and creativity and blessings. The Lion’s Gate opens on the 26th of July, reaches its climax on the 8th of August, and closes on the 12th of August.

So it is, at this time, that there are many endings and new beginnings that go with the torrents of Light that come through the Lion’s Gate. Do not be sad or upset if these are intense times, they are meant to be.

The power of new blessings is washing away what is no longer needed so that the new can be rooted and blessings result. In the Ancient Egyptian world this was clearly visible as the river flooded, washing away the last of last years crops and depositing the rich red silt that would be the bed for the new seasons crops that would nourish the people and the land.

In our time, the manifestation may not be so obvious, but we are going through the same intense process of ending and new beginnings for a richer and more abundant cycle ahead.

Ascension and the Master Teachers

Now, as we are in this wonderful process of the Ascension of our consciousness to higher frequencies, we are once again being aided and assisted by the Sirian Master Teachers.

But, this time, we are not in a relationship of ‘gods’ and ‘subjects’. We are ascending into our own power, and the Master Teachers are seen as guides and helpers, rather than ‘gods’.

As we recognize the Divine Flame within ourselves and as we embody the Higher Frequencies, including the Gold, Blue and Diamond Frequencies, we understand that Earth has ‘graduated’ to a new level where the Sirian Master Teachers can be consulted as ‘Star Family’ and ‘Star Elders’, but that it is we ourselves who must drive our own Evolution through our Intentions and our Choices.

The Master Teachers are here to hold ‘Master Classes’, to remind us who we are and to help us to step into our power, but we must be the ones who embody the Crystalline Rainbow Frequencies of the New Earth.

This time of the Planetary New Year and the Lion’s Gate is an ideal time to embrace this truth and step into our Multi-dimensional Light and Power as Ascended Humans, as New Earth Souls who embody all the Higher Frequencies of Light that were gifted to us by the Star Teachers and Avatars to advance our Spiritual and Physical Evolution on Earth.


Source:“When Two Suns Rise: Sirius and the Planetary New Year” by Celia Fenn, July 19 2015, at http://starchildglobal.com/channels-and-articles/when-two-suns-rise/

Source Link: When Two Suns Rise

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/01/2016 01:49
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Respuesta  Mensaje 92 de 169 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/01/2016 19:24
Preston Nichols (with Peter Moon!)
The Music of Time 

"When they actually filmed Star Wars, I literally saw two physics or adepts (mystery religion imo) that were concentrating on the camera as it was running. They were putting some sort of psychic overlay on the film. I recognized what they were doing because it was similar to what I had done with musical recordings (via Buddah etc)"

Wag The Dog?
WFC bulidings Manhattan and the heiroglyph of Sirius

Masonic Tracing Board - Sirius 'the all seeing eye' in the sky

The towers 'separating the heaven & the earth'....were destroyed 33 weeks and 3 days from Bush's inauguration as president 20th Jan 2001.

Manhattan Memorial Tracing Board - Stairway/Ladder to Sirius
The lights that shone for 33 days (33 vertebrae/degress etc)


Cards XVII The Star (sirius/isis), XVIII The Moon & XIX The Sun (17 18 & 19)
Isis (sirius) 'the naked virgin' depicting the inundation of the Nile, the Ibis (Thoth/Hermes) in the background, always near.

 Sirius in Kubrick's A Clockwork Orange

 Sirius in Kubrick's Barry Lyndon

 Sirius in Kubrick's The Shining

The Tower(s) and The Moon - Manhatttan surrounded by water

If you recall my earlier post 'Manhattan Working' you might remember the 'moon' correlation that was made apparent...a relationship between certain Fox & Fox TV premieres and the postion of the moon on these occassions and the position of the moon on the day of 9/11.


 I've now got around to adding in the premiere of 2001 : ASO

Programming the masses/sheep (apes)

ALL of the following were released when the 'MOON' was in the same position in the sky (relative to background stars, sidereal orbits 27.3 days  (+/- fraction of a day).  The yellow text (below) shows the span of complete moon orbits between the dates.  One complete orbit taking the moon to the exact same starting point of origin.

The starting point of the moon matrix cycle
April 4, 1968

April 4, 1968 - movie "2001 : A Space Odyssey 'theatrical premiere' in the USA. (MGM)

 277 moon orbits later (-0.1 day)

 December 23, 1988 - movie "Working Girl" 'theatrical premiere' in the USA. (FOX)

63 moon orbits later (+ 0.7354 day) 

 September 10, 1993 - TV show "The X-Files" premieres. (FOX)

100 moons orbits later (-0.1661 day)

 March 4, 2001 - TV show "The Lone Gunmen" premieres. (FOX)
Flight 175 that crashed into the South Tower departed from Boston

7 moons orbits later (-0.2516 day) 

September 11, 2001 - World Trade Center destroyed.

The Monolith/Sentinel looks on...Millenium Hilton

A time phase that covers 33 years, 2001 : ASO being released 33 years prior to the year 2001.

Our start point 4-4-1968 to our end point 9-11-2001 is exactly:

447 moons (+.2177 day)

Of course, don't take my word for it...check it out for yourself.

I shouldn't need to mention the main aspects of 2001 :ASO, but don't forget that it centres around the moon and an artefact (Alien/extraterrestial) that is found there and it's relationship to the development of man etc.

September 11th 2001
Earth (centre) Moon travels through Sirius (canis major)...red line to Orion/Osiris
Above...image is looking down on the Earth and Moon orientated so that Orion in the direction of top of the image @ 8:49 am (1:49pm Universal Time Code)

Above...this image shows the position of the Moon at 8:49 am (1:49pm Universal Time Code), on 9-11-2001...it is directly above 'the shoulder of orion' Betelgeuse.

This is the exact time that the first plane hits the North Tower.


2001 : ASO being 'the mother' of it all...recall the 'Monolith' overelooking Ground Zero and the 'sirius glyph/wfc buildings' (see Manhattan Working post).  Working Girl...I have already shown that Nichols' film pays reference to Kubrick's 2001 and this film (Working Girl) took place in the vicinity of the WTC...ending with WTC 7.


That means that 2 of the above both featured the WTC Twin Towers as central to the story, that being Working Girl & The Lonegunmen pilot (recall the plane almost hitting the WTC towers).  

 10-13 Templar cypher
From Chris Carter (CC, 33 cypher)

The Lonegunmen was a 10-13 production and spun-off from the original X-Files series....which also featured the 3 Lonegunmen. The first episode of The X Files (pilot) premiered exactly 8 years & 1 day before 9/11/2001...so all 3 already have a relationship with each other.  X Files links to Working Girl via David Duchovny...where he starred in his first role.  Working Girl links to 2001 : ASO via Mike Nichols paying direct homage to Kubrick's 2001 : ASO. (see Manhattan Working post)

Now...factor in 9/11

The moon's position in the sky(sidereal orbit) relative to the background stars...on all 5 of the above 5 occassions...was exactly the same!!!


 What are the odds of those dates and moon positions aligning?
Astronomical imo and I can slip in a cheap pun too!

So I have just shown how certain media product out of Hollywood are connected to release dates, the moons position and 9/11!!!

Think this is INSANE...do you?  Think again....and think more about recent history.  Recall my recent post about Batman The Dark Knight Rises and the inclusion of subliminal trojans within that film etc!


There is a moon connection to The Dark Knight Rises and the Aurora and Sandy Hook shootings!

 Both these events happened during the exact SAME moon phases (waxing crescent)...the day after a NEW MOON!

From the NEW MOON (the darkest night, geddit?) to the following day. On a NEW MOON sunlight is shone on the side of the moon (dark side) that we can't see...hence the darkest phase.

After the new moon, the sunlit portion is increasing, but less than half, so it is waxing crescent. After the first quarter, the sunlit portion is still increasing, but now it is more than half, so it is waxing gibbous. After the full moon (maximum illumination), the light continually decreases. So the waning gibbous phase occurs next. Following the third quarter is the waning crescent, which wanes until the light is completely gone -- a new moon.
I Want To Believe (2008)
 They keep the 'moon meme' going...
 A shot of the moon slowly rising behind the silhouettes of trees is the first shot that appears in The X-Files: I Want to Believe, apart from the logo for 20th Century Fox, and is positioned to the right of the film's logo, remaining there while the logo fades onto the screen before disappearing.(cough, cough)

Respuesta  Mensaje 93 de 169 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/01/2016 20:42
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 20/07/2015 23:14
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 04/01/2016 17:26


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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 04/01/2016 16:51
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 04/01/2016 17:03
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 16/01/2016 16:58

Look Up! ... Tuning to Sirius ~ Weekly Spiritual Focus July 19 - 25

Greetings Everyone,
July 15, 6:34pm PDT marked the beginning of the Sirius~Leo Cosmic lunar cycle, which peaks at the July 31 Full Moon Festival and ends August 14 at 7:53am PDT. This is the time for our soul light to become aware of the evolutionary energies emanating from Sirius our spiritual Sun and brightest star in the heavens. This cycle awakens a soulful humanity to the extraplanetary Life manifesting through Sirius.

At this time Sirius and the regulator of its energies, Regulus the heart star of Leo the Lion, are being activated and enlivened in several different ways. The interaction of these cosmic forces and their combined radiant emanations are bound to deeply transform the way humanity sees itself and manifests on this planet. Keep reading to learn more.

Lunar Theme: Linking & Uniting & The Venus Retrograde "New Moon conjoins Pollux of the Gemini Twins ... The Twins [Pollux/immortal, Castor/mortal] work hand-in-hand for the betterment and evolutionary fulfillment of humankind ... Venus retrograde [July 25-Sept. 6] occurs under the auspices of the Head of the Lion ... an inward journey of the heart ... a time of reassessing and redefining our values, of evaluating what is of true worth in our lives, materially, spiritually, and in our relationships ... an exceptional opportunity for tremendous growth to expand and elevate our values, our capacity to be receptive, and to break trail into new realms of love and compassion, due to its triple conjunction with Jupiter [7/1, 8/4, 10/25] ..." Click the lunar theme link for more insights by Nick Fiorenza.

The folks at SouledOut.org invite you to participate in the Sirius~Leo Cosmic Festival Global Meditation.

July 17-19 at dusk in the west, be sure to check out the young Moon, Venus, Jupiter and Regulus.
7/17-19 Map
Can you see the Moon's earthshine? Use binoculars for a lunar treat.
Sunrise/Sunset Calculator ~ Rise/Set/Times ~ Major Bodies

Day Out of Time ~ Galactic New Year
Sirius, Vega, Pluto and NASA's New Horizons
Regulus, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury

An Artist's Impression of Sirius A and Sirius B

Image Credit / Description

The large, bluish-white star Sirius A dominates the scene, while Sirius B is the small but very hot and blue white-dwarf star on the right. The two stars revolve around each other every 50 years. The Earth lies in the stream of charged particles created from their close approaches. Note: Our Sun is shown as a small dot just below and to the right of Sirius A. The 3 brightest white dots in the image form the Summer Triangle, which humanity can see overhead during August nights. Annotated Image

Sirius reappears briefly and very low in the southeast just before sunrise, around August 8. Sirius rises higher and gets easier to see each following morning. When will you see Sirius? Orion's belt stars point southeast to Sirius. Helpful Image Note: Stargazers on Earth do not see Sirius near the Summer Triangle as depicted in the artist's image above. When Sirius rises in the southeast, Vega of the Summer Triangle sets in the northwest.

Day Out of Time ~ Galactic New Year

Annually July 25 marks the Day Out of Time, the last day in the 13 Moon Mayan and Galactic Calendar. July 26 begins the Galactic New Year. This date originally correlated to the first brief, visible rising of Sirius in the east. The July 26, 2015 - July 25, 2016 New Year is a White Planetary Wizard Year: "White Wizard ... powers are activated by wisdom that emanates from the heart ... wisdom that comes from an alignment of mind and heart."

Sirius, Vega, Pluto and NASA's New Horizons

Esoterically Sirius our Spiritual Sun is the cosmic heart of our physical Sun. Sirius governs the spiritual evolution of humanity with its yearning for freedom and liberation, and its expanding initiations for membership in the Spiritual Kingdom. Some refer to Sirius as the Christ star.

Sirius and Vega are always opposite each other in the heavens. When Sirius rises in the SE, Vega sets in the NW. When Sirius is above our heads Vega is below our feet and visa versa. You get the idea. Vega is always linked to Sirius.

Vega, our once and future guiding Pole star, is the brightest star in the Summer Triangle and lies directly overhead about 3 hours after an August sunset. Its name of Arabic origins means "swooping eagle." It is a heavenly bird that flies down to the Earth. Vega is also associated with the lyre or harp invented by Mercury the messenger of the gods and played by Orpheus to tame all creatures. Orpheus has been compared to Christ because of his violent death, journey into the underworld and the school of mysteries, which he founded. Vega, symbolizing a bird and harp, is a link between Heaven and Earth. It is a star of mysticism, magic and invocation. Learn more about Vega in The Summer Triangle.

In 2015 Pluto the planet of death and rebirth is opposite Sirius in the heavens. In fact, 3 exact oppositions of Pluto to Sirius occur in 2015: Feb. 3, July 5, Dec. 9. Like Pluto, Vega associated with Orpheus and in turn with Christ has "death of the form" related to it. Both the planet and the star, positioned opposite Sirius, are having a combined and significant transformational affect on humanity.

[With Pluto] energizing the Spiritual Sun of our sun, we have major openings or rifts occurring between the 3d world and the spiritual, mystical, transpersonal experience. pluto rules birth and death- and so pluto opposing sirius can play the midwife or guide for us out of one mode of being (3 dimensional, ego based) and into another (transdimensional, Spirit based). this can come by way of intense experiences that burn away the dross- and whatever is left standing is what is True and what is Right ... this year can be one of alchemical fires of transformation- where we can turn base metal into gold. of course to do this we need to be keeping up with our Inner Work. and we need to be willing to question and take down the structures, limitations, dogmas and traditions that are not valid for our lives ... ~divine harmony

Since late 2013, transiting Pluto in Capricorn has been opposing Sirius in Cancer, creating a potent activation of Sirian force. ... Pluto will continue to oppose Sirius for all of 2015, so what does this mean for the world? As Pluto is the destroyer and Sirius holds the blueprint for the Greater Plan, we can expect further destruction of all the impediments to the realisation of the Planetary Plan ... The exposure of further corruption and revealing of secrets will continue unabated with transiting Pluto’s advance through Capricorn. Phillip Lindsay

... Pluto’s effect will be decidedly pronounced in the United States of America because its Cancer Sun (1776 Declaration of Independence horoscope), is exactly conjunct Sirius. Therefore, Pluto is opposing USA’s Sun, breaking up resistances to change. Phillip Lindsay

It is interesting to note that the USA's NASA's New Horizons spacecraft, in close proximity to Pluto after a 10-year journey in space, is now taking the first close-up images of Pluto's surface. Humanity through NASA's efforts is now intimately connecting to Pluto opposite Sirius! Humanity's added awareness of Pluto is adding fuel to the planet's alchemical fires of transformation.

And ... the Coronal Mass Ejections from our Sun conjoined Sirius on July 14 are predicted to affect Pluto!!!

Space Weather News for July 12, 2015

SPACE WEATHER ON PLUTO: As NASA's New Horizons spacecraft prepares to buzz Pluto on July 14th, space weather forecasters have released long distance predictions for the distant dwarf planet. A region of merged CMEs could be on the verge of hitting Pluto and compressing its atmosphere, but this is expected to happen well after the flyby.

Look Up! View Vega overhead in the night sky and sound the Great Invocation. Call on the "swooping eagle" to come down to Earth and place your invocation upon its wings and fly it up to the heavens. Imagine Sirius below your feet anchoring the Greater Divine Plan on Earth. During the daytime bathe in the light of Sol our physical Sun and Sirius our Spiritual Sun overhead. Open to new perceptions and directions. Below your feet, imagine Vega the Lyre sounding the notes that harmonize and unify the creatures of the Earth bringing forth magic and mysticism. Night and day be in awe of Pluto's current relationship to Sirius and humanity. Thank the planet for its alchemical fires that turn base metal into gold.

Regulus, Venus, Jupiter, Mercury

Regulus is the heart star and brightest star of Leo the Lion. Regulus, the Lion-Hearted Lawgiver, focuses the evolutionary energies of Sirius toward Earth and acts as a regulator for these liberating emanations. Regulus and Leo the Lion align humanity with the Law of the Soul, the Spiritual Law, and therefore with our essential divinity, the True Self, the expression of the Christ consciousness and the quality known as love-wisdom. Regulus and Sirius are intimately linked in creating a Spiritual Kingdom on Earth.

Venus and Jupiter continue to be in a variety of shifting and humanity-awakening alignments with Regulus. Look west at dusk. 7/17-19 Map ~ 7/20 Map By the end of July the trio descends into the bright twilight, setting within an hour of the Sun. July 25 Venus begins a westerly retrograde motion that moves the planet away from Regulus and Jupiter toward the horizon.

By early August Mercury joins Jupiter and both move closer to Regulus as Venus sinks on the horizon. Only twilight glimpses of these 3 planets are possible and Regulus disappears in a light sky. August 6 and 7 Jupiter, Mercury and Regulus are at their closest. 8/6 Map. Check out Mercury and Jupiter after sunset? to learn more about their close encounter, which favors a Southern Hemisphere observation. August 15 Venus is in inferior conjunction.

In co-operation, Venus the bringer of the love principle into our lives, Jupiter the one who expands our hearts and minds, and brings out the best in all, Mercury the divine messenger who links us to the soul and Regulus, the Lion-Hearted Lawgiver, prepare us to better align with the Sirius forces responsible for the manifestation of the Spiritual Kingdom on Earth.

Take time to ask these great celestial beings for help with your spiritual evolution. Be receptive to their emanating qualities as you ready yourself for the Sirius~Leo Cosmic Full Moon Festival.

The Night Sky ~ Sirius-Leo Cosmic Festival
The July 31 Full "Blue Moon" conjoins Altair the head of the Eagle.

The location of Altair and the Full Moon underscore the timing is right to make contact with the higher liberating, evolutionary forces – energies aligned with the cosmic principle of Love and Freedom.


Saturn Delight Nights
- July 23-25 Spica/Moon/Saturn
- July 26 Saturn/Moon/Antares
- Saturn predominates in the August 2015 night sky

Any Night
- Binoculars make vivid the colorful hues of planets and stars.
- Use the Big Dipper to locate golden Arcturus and bluish Spica in the southwest.
Helpful Map
- Big Dipper Navigation
How many stars/constellations can you navigate to in the summer?
- View The Summer Triangle.

- Orion the Hunter: Ghost of the summer dawn
- Moon near Aldebaran before dawn August 8 and 9
- Aug. 12-14 Tips for enjoying 2015’s Perseid meteor shower

The Planets
- Night Sky Info ... finder charts and info on each planet.
- The Planets in Esoteric Astrology ... scroll 1/2 way down

Rise and Set Times
Rise/Set/Transit Times ~ Major Bodies
Use this link to find exact times for the
planets, Sun and Moon in your area.
Sunrise Sunset Calculator

Charting the Heavens
EarthSky Tonight ... nightly highlights/maps
This Week's Sky at a Glance ... weekly highlights/maps


This lunar cycle, which peaks with the July 31 Sirius~Leo Cosmic Full Moon Festival and ends August 14 establishes a heart and soul alignment. Nick Fiorenza reminds us that the New Moon energies unite our mortal and immortal "Twin" flames in a heartfelt cooperative effort for the soulful evolutionary fulfillment of humankind. During this cycle retrograde Venus takes us on an inward journey of the heart to evaluate what is of true worth in our lives. Venus and Jupiter together continue to break trail into new realms of love and compassion.

The heart of humanity, the heart of the planet (the spiritual Hierarchy), the heart of our solar system (the Sun) and the heart of the Sun create the channel, which extends to Sirius the cosmic heart of our Sun. This alignment evokes cosmic Love and Freedom, which flow through Sirius and Regulus the heart of Leo the Lion into our range of awareness.

Hmmm ... Even transformative Pluto our agent of death and destruction is showing us its Huge Heart!
And ... The Galactic New Year beginning July 26 is about the wisdom emanating from the heart.

The present Sirius Festival aligns the One Heart ~ the One Soul ~ and the One Life. We sense the unique relationship of Sirius and the Earth.

From Sirius, the energy of Love~Wisdom flows through our Spiritual Kingdom ~ and to us, Humanity. This Sirian energy pours through our Hierarchy and into our receptive vehicles, enabling us to tread the Path of Purification and Liberation.

- Excerpt: 2015 Sirius~Leo Cosmic Festival Meditation

Take time to tune to Sirius and its co-operating energies. These forces within and beyond our solar system are now significantly influencing our spiritual evolution. What is the One Life flowing through the Universe asking of you?

The folks at SouledOut.org invite you to participate in the 2015 Sirius~Leo Cosmic Festival Full Moon Meditation.


Look Up! ... Look Within,
Susan Sun at The Night Sky

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Respuesta  Mensaje 94 de 169 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 17/01/2016 16:01

Magdalena Eternal


    • The holy grail 'neath ancient Roslin waits.

      The blade and chalice guarding o'er her gates.

      Adorned in masters' loving art, she lies.

      She rests at last beneath the starry skys.


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