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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Missatge original) Enviat: 28/03/2019 15:07
Ieoh Ming Pei
Ieoh Ming Pei.jpg
I. M. Pei en Luxemburgo, año 2006
Información personal
Nombre de nacimiento 贝聿铭 Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Nombre en inglés I. M. Pei Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Nacimiento 26 de abril de 1917 (101 años)
Flag of China (1912–1928).svg CantónRepública de China
Nacionalidad estadounidense
Educado en
Información profesional
Ocupación arquitecto
Movimiento Estilo Internacional Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Obras notables Pirámide del Museo del Louvre
Miembro de

Ieoh Ming Pei (nacido el 26 de abril de 1917), conocido comúnmente como I. M. Pei, es un arquitecto estadounidense de origen chino. Terminados sus estudios escolares, a los 18 años se trasladó a los Estados Unidos para estudiar arquitectura. Logró matricularse en el prestigioso Instituto Tecnológico de Massachusetts, donde se graduó en 1940. Entre 1945 y 1948 amplió su formación enseñando en Harvard como profesor adjunto, bajo la tutela de dos famosos arquitectos europeos, Marcel Breuer y Walter Gropius. A raíz de ello se considera a Pei como uno de los sucesores americanos de los grandes maestros de la arquitectura europea.

En 1955 Pei adoptó la nacionalidad estadounidense y al año siguiente fundó su propio despacho de arquitectura, I. M. Pei and Partners. En sus proyectos Pei busca la pureza de líneas, unida a una eficacia funcional, siguiendo el llamado "estilo internacional" y los criterios de Gropius. Utiliza frecuentemente formas abstractas, recurre a materiales fríos, como el acero, el cemento y el vidrio, e incorpora efectos que resultan impactantes para el observador. Sus obras se caracterizan en muchas ocasiones por unas estructuras que requieren soluciones valientes. Pei es uno de los arquitectos más apreciados de nuestro tiempo. Ha realizado proyectos en lugares repartidos por todo el planeta. Su trabajo fue reconocido en 1983, año en que recibió el premio Pritzker, el galardón de mayor prestigio internacional en arquitectura. También ha recibido la Medalla de Oro del Instituto Americano de Arquitectos, y otras muchas distinciones.

Obras representativas[editar]

Ampliación del museo de historia de Berlín.

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Resposta  Missatge 2 de 26 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 28/03/2019 15:19
Resultado de imagen para architect pei

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 28/03/2019 15:32
Resultado de imagen para architect pei

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 28/03/2019 16:08
Resultado de imagen para louvre type moon

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 31/03/2019 01:26


"Numbers are the language of the universe"


Mary Magdalene & Gematria

A system of numerology called Gematria was used by the Jews which gives a numerical value to a word or even a phrase.  The reason for having Gematria was that a numerical equivalence could not be coincidental. Since the world was created through God’s “speech,” each letter represents a different creative force. Thus, the numerical equivalence of two words reveals an internal connection between the creative potentials of each one.  Gematria was also used among the Greeks and was in common use at the time of the writing of the New Testament.

One name in the New Testament is of course Mary Magdalene and the Greek Gematria of her title “H Magdalhnh” adds up to 153.  The number 153 is very important as it is a symbolic number in the canon of the Greek geometers most particularly it is a numerical abbreviation for the "vesica piscis".

The Vesica Piscis, which the Greeks and Pythagoras referred to as "The Matrix" and "Doorway to Life", is when two circles are drawn together so that the edge of one passes through the center of the other.  Its also significant that circles are used to create the Vesica Piscis as any circle that has a diameter of 7 units will have a circumference of 22 units. Those two numbers also have a connection with Mary Magdalene as her feast day is on the 22/07 (July).

So with that in mind, let's look at the calculation for the area of the circle with the “7” radius. The formula is “pi” (22/7) times the square of the radius (7 x 7 = 49).   22/7 x 49 is 154.  If you use the alternative decimal version of “pi” (3.14) the result 153.86, the Vesica Piscis and the Magdalene.

Magdalene Gospel

So what does this tell us about Mary Magdalene and the connection with the Vesica Pisices? The answer is possibly found in Mary Magdalene's Gospel which tells us of the nous, "were one does not see through the spirit or soul but through the nous which is between the two—that is what sees the vision".

As explained on the spiritual engergy page on this website, the nous is the Greek word for mind and in ancient texts rasing one's level of consciouness or nous brings you closer to the divine.  Placed within the Vesica Piscis we have the nous at the central part of the two overlapping circles with soul and spirit on either side.  The nous therefore, is taking its role as the "minds eye" in accordance with the shape of the central part of the Vesica Piscis.

When Mary Magdalene spoke of seeing Jesus in a vision, he said "Blessed are you, that you did not waver at the sight of me. For where the nous is, there is the treasure".  Mary Magdalene through contemplation and spirtual illumination found the inner vision within herself, through her minds eye.

Mary Chapel

The Mary Chapel, Glastonbury with the central part of the Vesica Piscis.

The Vesica Piscis and Mary Magdalene have a special connection in Glastonbury, England.  In 1908 the Church of England appointed the gifted architect Frederick Bligh Bond who was placed in charge of operations at Glastonbury Abbey and is one of the first documented examples of psychic archaeology.

Frederick Bligh Bond had indicated his belief that the dimensions of the buildings at Glastonbury Abbey were based on gematria.  Bond claimed to have psychically contacted dead monks and the builder of the Edgar Chapel at Glastonbury, who advised him where to excavate.

One of the most potent places in Glastonbury is the ruined Mary Chapel and its proportions are based on the geometry of the Vesica Piscis and were discovered by Frederick Bligh Bond.  Some people believe this chapel was dedicated to Mary mother, however, some including myself believe it was dedicated to Mary Magdalene.  Its worth noting here that on the southern outside wall there is a inscribed stone, perhaps alluding to the sacred marriage of Jesus and Mary Magdalene which has two names, Jesus and Maria. These are the very same words on a banner carried by Joan of Arc during the crusades, relating to the sacred bloodline.

Chalice Well

Mary Magdalene being put to rest in her tomb from the film The Da Vinci Code.

Not far from the Mary Chapel is the Vesica Pisces found on the lid of Chalice Well which was also designed by the excavator of Glastonbury Abbey, Frederick Bligh Bond.  There is also the Vesica Pisces shaped pool water at the bottom of the garden.  Legend says the grail itself is buried within the Chalice Wellgrounds, but what about another version of the Grail legend which suggests that Mary Magdalene herself, or more specifically her womb, could have been the true Holy Grail? Is it possible that Mary herself is buried beneath the well. Its also worth noting that the Mary Magdalene ley energy line runs through both the Chalice Well and the Mary Chapel on the abbey grounds.

The problem is that alot of places including England and France claim to have the bones of Mary Magdalene or the burial place of her tomb or grave.  Until there is an offical record or 100% evidence then we will never know.  Gematria and its scared numbers has made it an interesting thought that Mary Magdalene might well rest under the Vesica Pisces at Chalice well or even the Mary Chapel at Glastonbury, but even if she is not, at least we can learn from the Nous, the centre point in the Vesica Pisces.


Resposta  Missatge 6 de 26 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 18/04/2019 17:40
Resultado de imagen para PHI A NOTRE-DAME

Resposta  Missatge 7 de 26 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 09/05/2019 19:05
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Resultado de imagen para NARCISISMO MACHISMO
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Resultado de imagen para NETFLIX GATOS

Vesica piscis

Fermentation - nigredo - bread and wine of Christ 

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Resposta  Missatge 8 de 26 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 06/07/2019 14:54
Resultado de imagen para KAABA PHI NUMBER

Resposta  Missatge 9 de 26 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 17/07/2019 14:31


El 21 de julio de 1969, Neil Armstrong y Buzz Aldrin descendieron del Eagle y se convirtieron en los primeros humanos que pisaban otro mundo. Para conmemorar el cincuentenario de aquel momento, OMEGA ha creado una nueva Edición Limitada a 6969 ejemplares e inspirada en el Apolo 11.

Speedmaster Apollo 11 50th Anniversary Edición Limitada


Una tecnología ingeniosa fue vital para llevar a los astronautas a la Luna. En el inteligente diseño de OMEGA, la caja de 42 mm ha sido creada en acero noble, mientras el aro del bisel es de cerámica [ZrO2] negra pulida, con escala taquimétrica OMEGA Ceragold™.


Resposta  Missatge 10 de 26 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 27/07/2019 17:46
Resultado de imagen para 50 YEARS APOLO 11

Respuesta Ocultar Mensaje Eliminar Mensaje  Mensaje 9 de 9 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 27/07/2019 14:44
Resultado de imagen para HEBREOS 5:12

Resposta  Missatge 11 de 26 del tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviat: 27/08/2019 20:09
Resultado de imagen para Matrix Morpheus

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