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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 41 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 04/06/2021 19:09

Jain's Realisation on Bruce Cathie - Giseh Pyramid Angle - the Speed Of Light and the Number 72

In the case of Cathie’s discoveries, we find that the lines of magnetic force that made up the Global Grid are always 30 arc-minutes apart, which being half of 60 means half a degree of arc-minutes. So, from Cathie’s discoveries, I know that every half-degree of arc on the Earth’s surface was a potential UFO trackline, for a total of 720 latitude lines and 720 longitude lines.

Bruce Cathie found that by using units of 30 minutes of arc latitude north-south, and 30 minutes of arc longitude east-west, on his Mercator’s map, a grid pattern was formed into which a great number of UFO reports could be fitted.

So I looked at the same Mercato map and visualized the 720 x 720 little squares. Recognizing that 72 is an anointed Number, being the base angle of the Golden Isosceles Triangle as seen in the Pentagram and having many other references.

Let's calculate what 72x72 is, it is 5,184

which as you know is the Giseh Pyramid Angle of 51.84 in Harmonic Maths.
The very interesting connection to this 51.84 degree pyramid angle is seen when it is converted to minutes and seconds of arc: 51.84 x 60 x 60 = 186,624 seconds = Speed Of Light in miles per seconds (mps), an astounding result: the Giseh Pyramid Angle, the base of Kepler's Triangle, has a direct and precise correspondence to the Speed Of Light. Surely this is a form of God Mathematics!


ps: To convert miles/second to kilometres/second, just think of the Fibonacci Sequence eg: 55mph = 89 km/hr, where 55 and 89 are successive Fib Nos. Their Ratio is approximately 1:1.618, so to convert 186,624 mph into km/hr multiply that number by 1.618… and you get an approximation to 299,792 km/hr for the Speed Of Light. This makes the important connection to the Imperial (Base 12) and Modern Metric (Base 10) systems of measurement to be related by the ubiquitous Golden Ratio.


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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/06/2021 15:54
No hay ninguna descripción de la foto disponible.

The diameter of the moon is 2159 miles (2160)

The diameter of the sun is 864,575.9 miles (2160 x 400 = 864,000)

Numbers of seconds in one day is 86400 (2160 X 40)

The speed of light is 186282 miles per second (216 x 864 = 186624)

Space 360 x Time 60 = 2160

Bear in mind that we do not know the exact speed of light in a vacuum and the sun is a burning ball of gas, so you can allow for a slight discrepancy in measurements.

Effectively, the diameter of the moon multiplied by the diameter of the sun equals the speed of light in miles.

How daft and stubborn would you have to be to think that those figures are all simply a coincidence?


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Respuesta  Mensaje 12 de 41 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 05/06/2021 19:32
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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 05/06/2021 19:33
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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 05/06/2021 19:41
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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 05/06/2021 19:48
Puede ser una imagen de 2 personas

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 05/06/2021 16:45
Resultado de imagen para BELLAS QUE SON LAS MATEMATICAS
comp 2014
Resultado de imagen para Scott Onstott facebook
Resultado de imagen para HOUR FREEMASONRY

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 05/06/2021 20:19
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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 05/06/2021 20:43
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Respuesta  Mensaje 18 de 41 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 05/06/2021 20:58
What is the speed of light in miles... | Trivia Answers | QuizzClub

Respuesta  Mensaje 19 de 41 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 06/06/2021 13:18

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 07/06/2021 03:21

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 07/06/2021 22:04

Respuesta  Mensaje 22 de 41 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 08/07/2021 01:46
By @robertedwardgrant NEW DISCOVERY TODAY: 1/(e^π) = 432(10^-4). A few months ago I found that the physics constant Alpha (α) could be derived (something the late and great Nobel Laureate Richard Feynman PhD predicted would never happen) to seven decimal digits of accuracy using the following equation: α (.00729735) = (((3^.5)-1)-1/432)10^-2. On the same day, I realized that the Omega constant (0.56714) could also be achieved using a strangely similar equation (by simply rearranging the same numbers and interchanging exponents with 2 and 3): ω =((1-432)-(3^.5)/2))10^-3. Again another way to derive ω is also approx = 1-.432.....Today, while working to unravel (e^iπ)+1 = 0; I found that the reciprocal of e^π = 432....Let's consider the following "coincidences": 1. The Sun's Radius is approx 432,000 miles (Jupiter's Radius is likewise approx 43,200 miles); 2. One Earth Hemisphere is 43,200:1 (versus the Great Pyramid); 3. There are 43,200 seconds of "Daytime = 12 Hours"; 4. 432^2 is the closest whole number that squares to the Speed of Light; 5. The Bent Pyramid's upper slope is 43°22'; 6. Leonardo's (Da Vinci) Vitruvian Man Circle at the original scale = 4.32 inches. 7. The Pythagorean Tetraktys and Just Tuning is based on 432/Hz. 8. A circle with Circumference of 432 units possesses a Diameter of 137.509 units (The Golden Angle). The number 432 is so prevalent in esoteric Rosicruscian/Hermetic reference and is found at the very epicenter of both Mathematical and Physical Constants......with the CENTER of the (432) Tetraktys signifying THOTH and at the same time, often depicted with the name YHWH, ONE has to at least consider the possibility of a connection.....
#robertedwardgrant #hermeticism #the432enigma #ThothsConstant


Respuesta  Mensaje 23 de 41 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/07/2021 03:09
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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/07/2021 03:13
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Respuesta  Mensaje 26 de 41 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 24/07/2021 01:33

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