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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 02/07/2022 02:06
The Way of St. James. Santiago de Compostela – the Spanish Mecca. Star. The Golden  Ratio. Part 4

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/07/2022 02:19

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/07/2022 02:22

The Way of St. James. Santiago de Compostela – the Spanish Mecca. Star. The Golden Ratio. Part 4

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The Way of St. James. Santiago de Compostela – the Spanish Mecca. Star. The Golden Ratio. Part 4

    In the previous article Star. The Golden Ratio. Places of Power. Ley Lines there was information about the so-called Stellar Road. I mentioned that once I had encountered the Stellar Road, my brain had worked in the “stop and look closely” mode. Herein I have already walked the Stellar Road, gathering pebbles, and there has turned out to be plenty of them. Perhaps, I lost sight of some pebbles, while some I did notice, but decided not to collect them (the Way passes through Southern France, Occitania, Languedoc, one of Cathars’ bases. Most probably, Knights Templar controlled this pilgrimage route in their time). I left these pebbles for those who might possibly desire to follow this Way, just like myself.

    This article contains many photographs. In my opinion, we cannot do without photos here, since it’s a sort of a journey along the Way of Saint James, and we need to see it at least on the images. Moreover, I need to mention the article is composed slightly differently than usual. In my articles I normally comment and analyze in the course of narration, while herein the official information is given first, and only thereafter I analyze and comment. I thank GOD for giving me the opportunity to work on this part of the series, which I even didn’t plan initially, at that it’s not me who should judge the quality of this work.




    Apostle James (the Greater) was born in Palestine. He was a son of Zebedee and Salome, while the latter was a sister of Mary (Jesus’ mother). James and his younger brother John were engaged in fishing like their father. Later on the brothers became close disciples of Jesus Christ and along with Apostle Peter were honoured with the Teacher’s special favour to be selects among the selects, and Jesus unveiled his divine essence to them many times.


 saint James saint James


    According to legend, after the Holy Spirit descent Christ’s disciples went to different lands to carry the Evangel to the world. And Apostle James went to the Roman province of Hispaniа on the Iberian Peninsula to preach the Gospel. At first he had difficulties with heathens, but then he called Virgin Mary who appeared to them, and the seeds of Christianity were sown in the noble Spanish ground.

    Then James returned to Jerusalem, where Jesus’ prediction came true: in the name of faith James was destined to drain the cup of woe – he became the first Apostle to die as a martyr for preaching the Resurrection. In 44 A.D. king Herod Agrippa (the grandson of Herod the Great) who hated Christians ordered to seize and behead James.

    After the execution Apostle’s disciples secretly took his body and went by sea to the Iberian Peninsula where James had preached in the past. Their boat was miraculously cast up on the shore of Galicia, in the mouth of Ulla River (where the city of Santiago de Compostela is currently located). There, pious Christians took the relics to a city of Iria Flavia (contemporary El Padrón). At this point the story loses its course due to permanent barbarian incursions and fights with Moors who ruled over the peninsula south.

    Several centuries passed. And in 813 only, following a bright star in the sky, a sarcophagus with the Kpostle’s imperishable relics was discovered by hermit Pelayo. By the order of the king Alfonso II of Asturias, nicknamed the Chaste, and bishop Theodemir of Iria, in the early 9th century a small church was built over St. James’s shrine, and the place was named Compostela (of Latin Campus Stellae – a field (site) of the star).

    Since then Apostle James has been the holy protector and patron of Spain, as well as of all pilgrims and travellers. And the city of Compostela (now Santiago de Compostela) has become a special sacred place in Spain and the entire Catholic world.




    James along with his brother and apostle Peter was Jesus’ closest disciple. Together with Peter and John he was among the witnesses of resurrection of Jair’s daughter (Mark 5:37; Luke 9:51), and only these three were let by Jesus to witness his Transfiguration (Matthew 17:1; Mark 9:2 and Luke 9:28) and Gethsemane struggle (Mark 14:33).


Matthew 17:1-9

1 After six days Jesus took with Him Peter, James and John the brother of James, and led them up a high mountain by themselves.

2 There He was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light.

3 Just then there appeared before them Moses and Elijah, talking with Jesus.

4 Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good for us to be here. If you wish, I will put up three shelters – one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”

5 When he was still speaking, a bright cloud covered them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my Son, Whom I love; with Him I am well pleased. Listen to Him!”

6 When the disciples heard this, they fell facedown to the ground, terrified.

7 But Jesus came and touched them, “Get up,” He said. “Don’t be afraid.”

8 When they looked up, they saw no one except Jesus.

9 As they were coming down the mountain, Jesus instructed them, “Don’t tell anyone what you have seen, until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead.”

Mark 14:32-36

32 They went to a place called Gethsemane, and Jesus said to His disciples, “Sit here while I pray.” 

33 He took Peter, James and John along with Him, and began to be deeply distressed and troubled.

34 And He said to them, “My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch.” 

35 Going a little farther, He fell to the ground and prayed that if possible the hour might pass from Him.

36 “Abba, Father!” He said. “Everything is possible for You. Take this cup from Me. Yet not what I will, but what You will.”




Way of St. James (Jacob)

Way of St. James (Jacob)


    The Way of Saint James (Spanish – El Camino de Santiago) is a famous pilgrimage route leading to the supposed sepulchre of Apostle James in the Spanish city of Santiago de Compostela, a major part of which runs through Northern Spain. Since this route is very popular and ramified, it exerted a significant influence on the spread of cultural achievements in the Middle Ages. It is among UNESCO World Heritage Sites, while the city of Santiago de Compostela where the route leads to is the third most important sacred place in Catholicism after Jerusalem and Rome. The reason of such worship and the city’s nickname of the Christian Mecca is Spain’s major treasure – the relics of Apostle James, the country’s heavenly patron.

    Compostela has always attracted pilgrims from all parts of Europe. The Way of St. James has been covered by believers from France, Portugal, England, Ireland, Poland, and other countries. Popularity of the Way of St. James in the Middle Ages was promoted by the fact that the route combined many local pilgrimages, i.e. was laid so that a pilgrim could visit the most revered sites (relics of St. Vera, Mary Magdalene, Hilarius, Fronto, St. Leonard, St. Gille, St. Eutropius, and others).

    At night, pilgrims who walked to Compostela oriented themselves by the Milky Way which the Spaniards also call the Way of St. James. According to a popular belief, St. James drew this way in the sky to show Charles the Great a road to Saracens.

    St. James’s emblem is a shell. Shells represented a distinctive symbol of pilgrims who stepped on the Way of St. James, which symbol was, for instance, sewn on their clothes. Shell images decorate buildings and the road along the entire route.


 shell, Way of St. James

shell, Way of St. James


I shall consider some points on the route.


    The city of Pontevedra is located in the Portuguese section of the route.

    Pontevedra (Galician Pontevedra [pɔnteˈβɛ.ðɾa], Spanish Pontevedra [ponteˈβeðɾa]) is a city and municipality in Spain, administrative centre of the province of the same name. The municipality is a part of the county (comarca) Pontevedra. It occupies an area of 117 km². One of the city symbols is the shell-shaped Church of St. Peregrine. Construction of the church began in the 18th century. It is one of the main symbols of Pontevedra and dedicated to Virgin Mary who, according to legend, accompanied pilgrims from Bayonne to Santiago de Compostela. In the church, there is an image of La Divina Peregrina (The Divine Pilgrim, also called Our Lady of Refuge), the patron of Pontevedra province and the Portuguese route. The building resembles a shape of a seashell which is a symbol of pilgrimage. The architectural style is late baroque with neoclassicism elements.


 City Pontevedra

 The city of Pontevedra, shell

City Pontevedra Pilgrim Church (Iglesia de la Peregrina).

City Pontevedra Pilgrim Church (Iglesia de la Peregrina).

 City Pontevedra Pilgrim Church (Iglesia de la Peregrina).

The city of Pontevedra, shell


    There is also an interesting point about the name. In most sources the church is called the Church of St. Peregrine (Iglesia de la Peregrina), though its full name is Iglesia de la Virgen Peregrina: the word Virgen is missed for some reason. This word has various meanings, including: untouched, immaculate, virgin, primordial, pure, chaste, untreated, Virgin Mary (la Virgen).

    The church full name is referred to here: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iglesia_de_la_Virgen_Peregrina

    In this city, there is also the Church of St. Mary (Basilica de Santa Maria la Mayor). It was built in the 16th century to the order of the guild of merchants and seamen.

    Constructed in the 16th century in the Gothic style with elements of Portuguese Manuelino style inspired by marine themes and the age of great geographical discoveries, the church was erected by the guild of seamen of Pontevedra. The church western façade is decorated with the busts of Christopher Columbus and Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés. At the side entrance to the church there is a cross in front of which sailors were blessed before long voyages.


 Basilica de Santa Maria la Mayor

Basilica de Santa Maria la Mayor

Basilica de Santa Maria la Mayor

Basilica de Santa Maria la Mayor

 Basilica de Santa Maria la Mayor

Respuesta  Mensaje 4 de 34 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/07/2022 02:23

The city of Burgos is the former capital of Castile, now city and municipality in Spain. It is the capital of the province of Burgos, in the county (comarca) Alfoz de Burgos and the autonomous community of Castile and León.

    Medieval Burgos had 12 gates. Now only the Arc of St. Mary is extant, which was constructed in the 14-15th centuries and then remade of the white limestone in 1536-1553. Human figures can be seen in the arc niches. The central position is occupied by Diego Rodriguez Porcelos who is considered to have founded the city in 884.




Сatedral de Santa María

    The Cathedral of St. Mary of Burgos is dedicated to Virgin Mary and is the third largest Catholic church in Spain. Its construction began on the site of a Roman church in 1221 by the order of the king Ferdinand III of Castile – he actually laid the first stone on the Roman church site himself. Architects who erected the cathedral took French churches as examples, in particular the Basilica of Saint Denis in Paris suburb, having adopted many design solutions from there.


Cathedral of the Holy Virgin Mary (Сatedral de Santa María)

Cathedral of the Holy Virgin Mary (Сatedral de Santa María)

Cathedral of the Holy Virgin Mary (Сatedral de Santa María)

Cathedral of the Holy Virgin Mary (Сatedral de Santa María)

Cathedral of the Holy Virgin Mary (Сatedral de Santa María)


Monasterio de Santa María la Real de las Huelgas

    The monastery was founded in 1189 by the king Alfonso VIII of Castile and is considered to be one of the largest throughout Spain. Nowadays the monastery is a part of the national heritage and a pantheon where remains of Castilian monarchs are kept. In the monastery there is a museum of Burgos medieval textiles (el Museo de Telas Medievales de Burgos). Among other things, the famous Mauritanian banner of Almohad Caliphate is kept in the museum, which was seized in the Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa – the turning point in the fight for liberation of Spain from the Caliphate rule.


St. Mary Monastery (Monasterio de Santa María la Real de las Huelgas).

St. Mary Monastery (Monasterio de Santa María la Real de las Huelgas).

 St. Mary Monastery (Monasterio de Santa María la Real de las Huelgas).


Carrión de los Condes

    Carrión de los Condes is a city and municipality in Spain, located in Palencia province which is a part of the autonomous community of Castile and León. The municipality is a part of the county (comarca) Tierra de Campos.

Church of Our Lady of Bethlehem:


Tierra de Campos. Church of Our Lady of Bethlehem Tierra de Campos. Church of Our Lady of Bethlehem

 Tierra de Campos. Church of Our Lady of Bethlehem

 Virgin Mary, Mother of God



Shells on the altar.




Processions in honour of Our Lady:


 Virgin Mary, Mother of God 


    Here’s another description of the city: “20 km far from Frómista on the Way of St. James there is a city of Carrión de los Condes that used to be an important site on the pilgrimage route: over a dozen hospitals and churches for pilgrims were located here. Numerous monuments of religious architecture are still preserved here today. A particularly interesting object is Iglesia de Santa Maria del Camino, a late 11th century church with a Roman frieze depicting the scene of adoration of the Magi and a painting dedicated to the miracle of salvation of 100 Spanish virgins from Moors. Iglesia de Santa Maria del Camino was the first one in the city to greet pilgrims who travelled to the relics of St. James, since the famous French Way ran by it. In the past, another Roman-style church used to be in its place, but it had decayed and required interference. As a result, almost nothing remained of the old building, except the foundation and little fragments of the walls. Thus, a new church appeared instead, the one we can see there today.”




Saint Jean Pied de Port

    This is a French Basque city on the Nive River bank. The history of the city is deeply connected with the history of the Way. In the Middle Ages numerous pilgrims from all over Europe met in Saint Jean in order to resist hazards of the Pyrenees together.


  • Citadel (17th century),
  • Bishops’ Prison – La Prison dite des Évêques (13th century),
  • Église Notre Dame du Bout du Pont (Nuestra Señora de la Puente del Kabesa, 18th century).
  • Near the old city exit there is the Gothic-style Église Notre Dame de l'Assomption (Church of the Assumption of Virgin Mary).
  • Farther, to the left of the Way, on a steep rocky formation there is a hardly visible little statue of Mary (Virge de Biakarri or d'Orrson).



    This small village, just like Cebreiro, is one of the oldest places on the pilgrimage route. It is located in the Western Pyrenees, near the Roncesvalles Pass. Here, on 15 August 778 Basques who were allies of Arabs obliterated the rearguard of Charles’s the Great army which was retreating after the unsuccessful siege of Zaragoza and killed commander Roland (The Song of Roland).


  • Iglesia de Santa María – St. Mary's Church (13-14th centuries). The main altar with a Gothic figure of Virgin Mary, whom the Spaniards call Our Lady of Roncesvalles.
  • La capilla de San Agustín – St. Augustine’s Chapel (17th century), where the tomb of the king Sancho VII is.
  • The pilgrim office is located on the ground floor of the old library (15,000 items stored).
  • Monastery.
  • Gothic church Iglesia de Santiago (13th century) and the pilgrimage chapel Capilla del Espiritu Santo (12th century) built by Charles the Great. Knights who died in the battle of Roncesvalles were buried here, and since the Middle Ages this site has been serving as a pilgrim cemetery.



    Navarrete is a small municipality located at the foot of a hill with a population of about 3 thousand people. The main local attraction is the church La Asuncion de Navarrete, the construction of which started in 1553 and was finished in 1645. It’s an enormous church with a shining golden altar.

Iglesia de Santa María de la Asunción, Navarrete


 Iglesia de Santa María de la Asunción - Navarrete

Iglesia de Santa María de la Asunción - Navarrete



    It’s the capital of the autonomous community and province of La Rioja. AttractionsConcatedral de Santa Maria de la Redonda (15-18th centuries) with a baroque façade and two towers; Iglesia Imperial de Santa Maria de Palacio built in the 11-12th centuries. Its gabled pyramid-shaped tower is the city symbol called the Agija (spire) by local inhabitants.

    Nájerawhere the monastery Santa Maria la Real is located, containing tombs of the members of royal families of Navarre, León and Castile.

    In the village of Belorado there is a 16th century Church of St. Mary.

    In the town of San Juan de Ortega a monastery church of the same name is located, which according to legend was built in the 12th century by St. Juan himself, who helped pilgrims a great deal, erecting churches, roads and bridges for them. Here, there is St. Juan’s fretted Roman sarcophagus and a beautiful Gothic canopy presented to the saint by the queen Isabella I of Castile for the prayers he performed for her to become pregnant. Since that time the church has been a pilgrimage site for childless women. On equinox days a unique phenomenon – the “miracle of light” may be observed in the church: at a certain hour a sunbeam falls on the cap where the Annunciation scene is depicted, illuminating Virgin Mary’s figure.

    Boadilla del Camino. Landscapes on this section of the Way are notable for the abundance of peculiar dovecotes of diverse shapes and sizes. In the village itself, pilgrims visit the church of Santa Maria de la Asunción built in the 16th century, with its beautiful 14th century stone font. Nearby, there is a medieval stone bridge (Rollo de Justicia) richly decorated with scallop images and other pilgrim symbols.

    Frómista is a city famous for its austere Roman style churches. One of the best churches on the French Way – the Church of San Martin (11th century) has been preserved here. This is the only totally extant Roman church constructed on the pilgrimage route. The second significant local architectural monument is the church of Santa Maria del Castillo, where a multimedia exposition dedicated to the Way of St. James legends and the history of Frómista currently operates.


Santiago de Compostela


    The city is the point of destination on the Way of St. James, being on the UNESCO World Heritage List. Among the city buildings the most interesting is the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela – a remarkable example of Spanish Roman architecture (built around 1080-1211) with its Portico of Glory (Pórtico da Gloria). In the 17-18th centuries the cathedral façade was reconstructed in the baroque style. Two 16th century monasteries are situated behind the cathedral building: San Martin Pinario and San Pelayo.

Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela (St. James Cathedral)


 Cathedral of St. James, Santiago de Compostela

The Cathedral layout

 Cathedral of St. James, Santiago de Compostela

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