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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 11/02/2015 14:36

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Respuesta  Mensaje 3 de 377 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 11/02/2015 15:06
Saturno es el monolito de "2001 Una Odisea..."
Sin duda, "2001 Una Odisea en el Espacio" es una de las películas más enigmáticas de la historia del cine, que ha calado en el inconsciente de muchos de nosotros. su escena de la desconexión del superordenador Hal es realmente inolvidable.
Kubrik, gran conocedor del simbolismo masón, expresa la idea de que una inteligencia no humana ha intervenido en la evolución de la humanidad y larepresenta con un monolito negro, la misma figura que el cubo negro de la Meca, es decir Saturno, el planeta del eclipse. Además, la película incluye diversas imágenes de eclipses para que no pueda haber ninguna duda acerca del significado. Otros detalles significativos, como que el monolito siempre aparece acompañado de diversas conjunciones planetarias o que la cápsula de los astronautas usa un agujero de gusano para viajar, redundan en explicar como esos anunnakis llegaron y se fueron de la Tierra.
<<<< El símbolo del Eclipse de Saturno (Sol Negro) en la película 2001

Respuesta  Mensaje 4 de 377 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 11/02/2015 15:27
El nombre de Kaaba procede de la diosa Cibeles, una evolución de la diosa Madre pre-indoeuropea, de nombre Kybeba o Kubaba, de donde deriva Kaaba. Cibeles, icono de la capital de españa está vinculada a otra “Piedra Negra” Ya en su nacimiento en Frigia, en la península de Anatolia, se la simbolizaba por una piedra sin tallar, un meteorito también. Más tarde en Grecia, Cibeles seria llamada Rea, esposa de Cronos/Saturno y madre de Zeus. Todo queda en casa.
¿Por qué Saturno se representa como un cubo negro si su figura es el hexágono?
En este dibujo se aprecia como el hexágono y el cubo, son la misma figura.
Saturno es el sexto planeta contando desde el sol, el hexágono tiene 6 lados, 6 ángulos, y 6 triángulos en su interior, mientras que el cubo tiene seis caras y al ser desplegado como para construirlo en papel, tiene forma de cruz. El negro es el color asignado a Saturno, en referencia al eclipse de Saturno de donde proviene "el aldo oscuro" de su simbolismo.

Respuesta  Mensaje 5 de 377 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 12/02/2015 02:03


This post picks up where my last post left off when I was talking about the Devil at the center of Rockefeller Plaza. I trust you know this quote:

Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. -Revelation 13:18

A score is twenty so the number of the beast is 666.

Right across the street from Rockefeller Center in NYC is 666 Fifth Avenue:

666fifth front

Image courtesy Americasroof under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license.

666 Fifth Ave was built by the Tishman family in 1957. There is an Isamu Noguchi sculpture in the lobby called Landscape of the Cloud.

In 1989 Ronald and Nancy Reagan retired to 666 St. Cloud Road in the Bel-Air district of Los Angeles. Nancy had the street number changed to 668. Ronald Wilson Reagan has 6 letters in each of the 3 names, making 666 by concatenation.

Here’s another interesting bible quote that resonates with the above cloud imagery. It’s also significant as the only mention of Lucifer in the bible:

How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. -Isaiah 14:12-14

Chad Stuemke’s brilliant analysis of the city of Detroit reveals that Isamu Noguchi’s fountain at the center of Hart Plaza is read literally as a stargate.

Noguchi also rang some designer bells for me because he is most famous for this table:

Noguchi table

Only now do I understand the Noguchi table is a masterful design expressing as above, so below.

Tishman Realty eventually sold 666 Fifth Ave (which has the 6/5 thing going for it too) to Sumitomo, bought it back, and sold it again (now as Tishman Speyer Properties) for $1.8 billion in 2006.

$1.8 billion is the highest price ever paid for an individual building in Manhattan. -Source

The deal turned heads since the building at 483 ft is not even on the list of tallest buildings in New York City. However it is considered a trophy building because of its location on Fifth Avenue across from Rockefeller Center. -Source

In the year 2000 Jerry Speyer (a close friend of David Rockefeller), of Tishman Speyer Properties bought 14 buildings in Rockefeller Center from Mitsubishi for $1.85 billion.

That was quite a deal compared to the price of 666 Fifth Avenue. Think about that. 14 buildings and 8 million square feet of prime Manhattan real estate for the price of this rather unassuming “trophy.”

666 Fifth Avenue used to have three 6’s displayed at the top of the building and its penthouse was occupied by the Top of the Sixes restaurant (long gone now). Today the building has the Citgroup logo on its top as Citigroup is the building’s largest tenant.

666 Fifth Avenue

Image courtesy David Shankbone under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Generic license.

Traveling from sea to shining sea, the number 666 reminds me of 666 Filbert Street, the address of the Peter and Paul Church in San Francisco which is known as “The Italian Cathedral of the West.”


Image courtesy P-Schmidt22 under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.5 Generic license.

Incidentally Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio posed for photographs on the steps of this church after their civil ceremony in 1954. DiMaggio was married to his first wife inside this church but because he divorced his first wife but didn’t get an annulment he wasn’t allowed inside with Marilyn. -Source

666 Filbert is featured on the front page of the Transamerica Pyramid’s website (probably for several reasons). I have a lot to say about the Transamerica Pyramid in my San Francisco episode.

666Filbert TAP

Image source

Speaking of pyramids, I analyzed the structure of the Louvre Pyramid in my Paris Part 1 video and discovered it has 666 symbolic rhombi in its design (not panes of glass as is commonly and incorrectly reported).


Louvre Pyramid

The Washington Monument is 6666″ in height and 666″ x 666″ at the base. Really.


Frank Albo discovered that not only is the Manitoba Legislative Building a replica of Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem but its central space measures 66.6 feet x 66.6 feet. I discuss this building in my Jerusalem Part 2 video.


Inside the Manitoba Legislative Building’s “cleansing room” measuring 66.6′ x 66.6′

This talk of Solomon’s temple and 666 reminds me of another bible quote:

Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six talents of gold. -1 Kings 10:14


King Solomon with the Temple plans

Solomon (or Sol-Amun) received 666 talents of gold each year. A talent weighs 60 pounds so I just did the math and in today’s gold prices, Solomon raked in approximately $1.11 billion.

Independent researchers have valued the current assets of the Rockefeller family as high as $110 billion. -Source

There are those pesky repeating ones again. The universe is clearly playing games with me, as in 110-111.


Speaking of games, J.K. Rowling plays many games and encodes many secrets in her books. I read Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone to my son a few months ago.

Potter philosophers

ISBN 155192398X

In Chapter 13 (of course) Hermione pulls out a book she “got from the library weeks ago for some light reading” to discover that Nicolas Flamel was the creator of the philosopher’s stone which can transform lead into gold and keep one alive forever. And…

“Flamel celebrated his six hundred and sixty-fifth birthday last year.” -Hermione

What age will that make him this year…anyone?

I should do another post on Harry Potter because there is so much to comment on but for now just consider his lightning scar…could it be “the mark of the beast”? Food for thought.

In reality, the birthplace of Nicolas Flamel was La Pontoise, France. -Source

Cergy-Pontoise is a new town built in the 1960’s consisting of 12 communes built next to the original settlement of La Pontoise.

Cergy-Pontoise has an area of 77.7 square kilometers. -Source

The place is loaded with secrets in plain sight and deserves it own post (or even a book), but I’ll really have to restrain myself and just point out a few things that relate to the current post.

Cergy was officially laid out with a Major Axis and a Minor Axis (this is even shown in the town’s signage). The point where the axes meet is called the Place of the columns Hubert Renaud which was designed by the famous architect Ricardo Bofill.


“Its origin is a tower, known as the “Tour Belvédère”, which is a phenomenal structure, rising to a height of 36 metres. Originally, the now square tower – with sides of 3.6 metres each – was going to be circular. It sits in the centre of a semi-circle of buildings, and at the centre of a ring of 360 paving stones, each 36 centimetres big. At its foot, the axis commences, cutting its way through an opening between the two semi-circular buildings, the passage having a width of 3.6 metres. The number 36 is obviously key in the overall design.” -Philip Coppens’ article “Mitterrand’s Great – Unknown – Work


Image source

The ancient Egyptians recognized 36 constellations. They divided the year into 36 decans, or 10 day weeks, plus a festival of 5 or 6 days at the end of the year, recalling 6/5. The French tried to bring back this method of reckoning time with the French Republican Calendar but it didn’t survive when the political pendulum swung back the other way.


Denderah Zodiac, now suspended in the Louvre

The sum of the numbers 1 through 36 is…wait for it…666.

The highest number on a roulette wheel is 36. This gives new meaning to gambling when you understand the numerology doesn’t it?

“The urge to gamble is so universal, and its practice so pleasurable that I assume it must be evil.” -Heywood Broun

Roulette wheel

Image courtesy Toni Lozano under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.

As I mentioned in my Red Ice interview, Cergy’s major axis points to the French Pentagon. What I didn’t tell you is that Cergy’s minor axis points to the Svalbard Global Seed Vault, 810 miles from the North Pole. This seems a bit overkill when we already have local community seed savers unless someone (maybe from the French Pentagon?) is planning for a global disaster. Chilling plans.

Svalbard Global Seed Vault

Svalbad Seed Vault main entrance – image courtesy of Mari Tefre

I feel that 666 is somehow related to all nine repeating series of 3 digits such as the 77.7 square kilometers of Cergy-Pontoise, the London Eye’s 444′ height or the fact that 555′ = 6660″. Recall from my videos and posts that the Millennium Tower in Portsmouth, St. Paul’s Cathedral in London, and the Washington Monument in DC all use this latter measure in their designs.

In Babylonian sexagesimal (base 60) 111 = 666 in base 10.

This reminds me of the magic square of the Sun. Every row and column adds up to 111. I mentioned this in my Esoteric Astronomy video by the way. Everything is so interconnected.


Computing the total of the rows or columns leads to 666. Speaking of computation, the original Apple-1 computer sold for a very interesting price:

Apple 1

Wozniak is said to have chosen the price $666 and Jobs appended 66 cents to the total making it the digits entirely repetitive. Both have denied any significance to the price however. I beg to differ.

Steve Jobs resigned as Apple’s CEO yesterday, 24 Aug 11.

His resignation letter suggests that his liver transplant hasn’t worked out. Jobs’ synchromystic resonance with Prometheus (who had his liver eaten out) is undeniable. See my Ellipses post for more on Prometheus and this god’s correlations with Lucifer.

15 years ago Jobs returned to the nearly bankrupt company he founded to transform the decaying Apple into the world’s most valuable company. Did Jobs as high priest in the Cult of Mac sell his soul to the devil?

Who gave Eve the Apple that she took a bite out of (Apple Computer’s corporate logo)? How better to represent the light bearer than with a rainbow (Apple’s old logo from the 80s-90s)? The logo in the 1976 advertisement above features Isaac Newton sitting under the tree that dropped the famous apple on his head. Newton is said to have been enlightened by this event which occurred in the year 1666.

Newton was the first to split light into a rainbow using a prism and there is so much more to Newton than scientists would have you believe as I mention in my Stonehenge episode, and later in this post.

Steve Wozniak, one of the founders of Apple Computer is a sworn member of the Scottish Rite freemasons. Wozniak describes his impetus for joining the Freemasons as being able to spend more time with his wife at the time, Alice. Alice belonged to the Order of the Eastern Star, [which allows female members and is] associated with the Masons. -Source

Here is the General Grand Chapter logo of the Order of the Eastern Star:

Oes GGC color

If you look closely you can see the word F-A-T-A-L along the inner pentagonal edges. This reminds me of the archetype of the femme fatale.


Salome by Franz von Stuck

The inverted pentagram design reminds me of the broken inverted pentagram in the streets over the White House…


…and the Devil Tarot card:

RWS Tarot 15 Devil

The World Wide Web that I’m presently looking at with an Apple computer was invented at CERN. The English letter W is equivalent to the Hebrew letter Waw:


Image source

So www is equivalent to 666 in terms of gematria and position within the Hebrew alphabet. Makes you think twice about www.domain.com.

Whose domain is the world wide web?

The name Cergy is the mirror of Ygrec. The French call the letter Y “y-grec”, meaning the Greek or Pythagorean Y which symbolizes the choice between good or evil. Note how the Phoenician equivalent of waw is a Y.

The CERN logo also seems to suggest 666 doesn’t it. Are you freaked out yet? There’s much more to CERN that I’ll post about later. Dan Brown tuned into this too in Angels & Demons.

CERN logo

Among other things, scientists at CERN are working on anti-gravity.

In the January 5, 2007 issue of Science (page 74), the report “Atom Interferometer Measurement of the Newtonian Constant of Gravity” (J. B. Fixler, G. T. Foster, J. M. McGuirk, and M. A. Kasevich) describes a new more accurate measurement of Newton’s gravitational constant.

According to the abstract: “Here, we report a value of G = 6.693 × 10^−11 cubic meters per kilogram second squared, with a standard error of the mean of ±0.027 × 10^−11.”

G = 6.666 x 10^-11 cubic meters per kilogram second squared is within the tolerance of error. Perhaps this is the true value of Newton’s gravitational constant?

I think Newton would be pleased with the latest scientific results. Newton couldn’t calculate G precisely due to the state of science in his day. The first test to determine G was conducted by Cavendish 111 years after Newton’s Principia was published.

Recall from my Great Pyramid video that Newton was both an alchemist and Grandmaster of the Priory of Sion who invented the first temperature scale that went from 0 to 33 degrees. Perhaps Newton’s G is the another meaning to the iconic freemasonic symbol? The Scottish freemasons do have 33 degrees after all.

Compass G

Speaking of Sion, the Pope’s claim to authority literally comes from the Donation of Constantine, a Roman imperial decree by which the emperor Constantine supposedly transferred authority over Rome and the western part of the Roman Empire to the Pope.

During the Middle Ages, the document was often cited in support of the Roman Church’s claims to spiritual and earthly authority.

Donation of Constantine

Donation of Constantine

This document was exposed as a forgery in the 15th century. In the Donation, the Pope is referred to as VICARIVS FILII DEI meaning “substitute in the place of the son, God” [or sun-god more likely].

If you add all the roman numerals I+V+X+L+C+D except for M, (1+5+10+50+100+500) they add up to 666. If you add the M the sum is 1666, the year of the Great Fire of London.

The phrase VICARIVS FILII DEI adds up to 666 if you drop its non-numerical letters F-A-R-S-E (112+53+501= 666).

I couldn’t make up a better farce than this true fact.

Pope ratzinger at UN

Here’s another spell for you – FOX NEWS

F is the 6th letter of the alphabet.

O is the 15th letter; 1 + 5 = 6

X is the 24th letter; 2 + 4 = 6

By concatenation FOX = 666.

N-E-W-S is north, east, west, and south.

In this secret way Fox News spreads the power of 666 to the four corners of the Earth.


Black Sun by Scott Onstott. See more of my digital art here.

The magick of the Thelema philosophy was mystically revealed to Aleister Crowley who received a magickal transmission that became The Book of the Law after discovering Stele 666 in the Boulak Museum in Cairo -Source


Stanley Kubrick died on March 7, 1999, exactly 666 days from 2001. He was most famous for his movie 2001: A Space Odyssey. Kubrick died just 4 days after completing Eyes Wide Shut and many believe he was ritually murdered.

Note the octagon with yellow astronaut as solar symbol resonating with the magic square of the Sun.

2001 A Space Odyssey

Image from 2001 A Space Odyssey

Prince William will likely use William V as his regnal name when he is crowned the next King of the United Kingdom and the British Commonwealth of nations. Source

If you split the W into two Vs the following anagram emerges:


Code cracked by Kal Dani

Here’s an interesting mythos:

“The telephone number president Nixon called to talk to Neil Armstrong, first man to walk on the moon, during the lunar landing of Apollo 11, was 666-6666.” -Source

With all the shenanigans Never A Straight Answer (NASA) is up to, this myth might be a truth.

The sum of the heights of the buildings in the reconstructed World Trade Center in lower Manhattan is 6660 feet.

WTC Accounting

Numbers are neither evil nor good, it’s what people do with them that matters.

The number of prime numbers up to 666 is 121, which is the square of 11, which is the number of prime numbers up to 36. And the sum of the numbers 1-36 is 666.

There’s also an interesting exact relationship between 666 and Phi:

-2 sin 666° = Phi

153 and 666 are both triangular numbers. 153 is the number of fishes in the biblical net, the number of rhombi on each face of the Louvre pyramid, and the Square Root of 153 is the number of moons in a year. I discussed these things in my Stonehenge and Paris videos.

The mystery is never ending.
I think 666 is ultimately about the Lucifer Experiment in which we are all players. Drunvalo Melchizedek’s The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life Volume 2 describes this concept:

“Many of us humans, especially Christians, believe that Lucifer is the cause of all evil and darkness that has ever transpired on this planet. We call what Lucifer did a rebellion, projecting an image that Lucifer is somehow going against the universal cosmic plan. But unity consciousness sees Lucifer’s work in a slightly different light. His work is not known as a rebellion, but as the Lucifer experiment.

Why would it be called an experiment? Because that is exactly what it is, a test to see if certain parameters of life will work. Life is an experiment!

The instructions from God at the beginning of the Lucifer experiment were for all humans to have free will. But what does free will mean? Does it not mean all possibilities, both good and evil? Does it not mean we would be allowed to do anything we wanted, with the idea, from a biblical point of view, that we would learn discrimination for the good?

Life was given the ability to do anything it wanted, all possibilities; it was given free will. Therefore, how could free will exist unless consciousness created the format for this way of being? And who creates consciousness? The one and only God. Lucifer did not create free will, but it was through his actions and decisions that free will became a reality. It was God who created Lucifer so free will would exist.” (pp 411-412)

Secrets are encoded in plain sight because of the law of free will. As silence equals consent in the law, if you are not conscious of these secrets then the elite have your consent to do any manner of evil.

I do not give my consent to these things and welcome you to wake up and withdraw your consent to be ruled by secrecy. When more people awaken we can actually do something about it. Isn’t it about TIME?

Cergy clock

Image courtesy Olivier2000 under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 1.0 license.

The train station at the end of Cergy’s minor axis features Europe’s largest clock (shown above). Tick, tick, tick, ring. Wake up!

This just in…

Carbon-12 is one of the most plentiful elements in the universe. It has 6 electrons, 6 protons, and 6 neutrons (6-6-6). Here is a fascinating video on the subject:


Respuesta  Mensaje 6 de 377 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 12/02/2015 02:43


I’ve been finding hexagons all over the Earth…and beyond. You might be surprised at what I’ve discovered.

Hexagon on Saturn’s North Pole

Saturn has a persistent hexagonal cloud pattern photographed by Voyager 1 in 1977 and again by the Cassini spacecraft in 2006. The gasses move at hundreds of miles per hour around the pole all the while maintaining a hexagonal structure.

Saturn hexagonal north pole feature

Image courtesy of NASA

In astrology Saturn represents limitation, structure, and authority. Roman Saturn is the Greek Cronus.

Cronus had been conflated with the name of Chronos, the personification of time in Classical Antiquity. In the Renaissance, the combination of Cronus and Chronos give rise to “Father Time” wielding the harvesting scythe.

Saturn’s astrological symbol represents Father Time’s scythe.


Father Time on the Library of Congress, USA


In earlier times if people couldn’t pay their debts they were forced to live in a “workhouse”. Don’t kid yourself, the workhouse was a prison where everything about the paupers lives were regimented.

The Poor Law Amendment Act of 1834 was responsible for the erection of 554 new workhouses [one shy of 555] throughout England and Wales. The Report of the Royal Commission into the administration of the poor laws had recommended the separation of inmates into different groups, which necessitated the building of workhouses that allowed for that to take place.

The hexagonal building made it possible for able-bodied men and women and elderly and infirm men and women to be kept apart; each group had its own exercise yard that was surrounded by high walls. -Source


The Abingdon Workhouse

Greensville Correctional Center

This $106 million complex located in rural Virginia opened in 1990 as a maximum security prison.

Greensville houses the state death chamber where 106 executions by electrocution or lethal injection have taken place. There is a double perimeter fence topped with razor wire as well as six 52-foot high guard towers to bolster perimeter security.


I came across the following publication by the American Society of Civil Engineers:

Hexagonal Prison, The Shape of Things to Come

Harold E. Holt Naval Communication Station, Australia

Located at the tip of Australia’s North West Cape, this station has been in operation since 1967. It outputs more than a million watts of power in Very Low Frequency signals which follow the curvature of the Earth and travel great distances.


For most of its existence this center was run solely by the United States but recently it was handed over to the Royal Australian Navy although US involvement and funding continues to this day. -Source

The stated purpose of this high powered hexagonal antenna array is to communicate with submarines but this has to be the least efficient communication device in the world — a million watts to make an underwater call?

Look at the shape, could this actually be a device that somehow limits us or keeps us imprisoned? Is it related to HAARP and mind control?

Canberra Australia Civic Centre

Canberra is the capitol of Australia. Canberra’s civic center takes the shape of a hexagon with the Australian Legislative Assembly and the Australian Supreme Court located within the London Circuit road (which tells you who is ultimately in charge). Who do you suppose is the Head of the Commonwealth of Nations?


By the way if anyone knows what the orange number symbols are in the above image I’d like to know because they appear to be the marriage of hexagon and pentagon, like the D+M pyramid on Mars and the Compuware HQ in Detroit.

The park at the center of the hexagon is called City Hill.

At the centre of the hill is a flagpole flying the Australian Capital Territory flag. Immediately surrounding the flagpole are double staggered rows of closely spaced Roman cypresses.

Radiating outwards are twelve oval shaped groups of Roman cypresses and six groups of Monterey pines (Pinus radiata) reinforcing the symmetrical nature of the design. Unusually for the centre of a large city and as a result of the relative isolation of City Hill, a small variety of mushrooms can be found growing under the pine trees. -Source

It wouldn’t surprise me if some Amanita muscaria are growing right there in the centre of the hexagon, as they are known to grow under pines.

Jan Irvin who has made an amazing video on the entheogen Amanita says the word government comes from govern-mentae which literally means mind control. Control the mind, control the person. It’s just that simple.

Cort Lindahl shows how the Harold E. Holt Naval Communication Station (which is near Exmouth) points directly to the hexagon in Canberra’s civic center:

The New York Supreme Court at 60 Centre Street

NY Supreme Court

The hexagonal building in the above image is the NY County Supreme Court on Foley Square in Manhattan. Foley Square’s black obelisk at the center of the starburst is also surrounded by the Thurgood Marshall United States Courthouse (the adjacent building with the pyramid on top) and the nearby Court of International Trade.

Long ago Foley Square was inhabited by the Lenape tribe of native Americans. The Lenape were driven off by the Dutch settlers of New Amsterdam, the first Europeans to settle in Manhattan.

In 1991 during the construction of the Foley Square Federal Office Building, Foley Square was discovered to be the burial ground of 15,000-20,000 African slaves from the 17th-18th centuries.

In 2006 the African Burial Ground National Monument was created. It is considered to be the “most important historic urban archaeological project undertaken in the United States.” -Source

In the 19th century this became known as the Five Points neighborhood (I find this interesting considering the hexagon sitting there now, but I digress). At Five Points’ “height”, only certain areas of London’s East End vied with it in the western world for sheer population density, disease, infant and child mortality, unemployment, prostitution, and violent crime. Five Points is alleged to have sustained the highest murder rate of any slum in the world.

It’s amazing what you can find when you start digging. Isn’t it ironic that buildings representing “justice” can be built on the foundations of horrendous injustice?

Museum of Jewish Heritage at the tip of Manhattan

I mentioned this structure in an alignment in my Phoenixes post. Its hexagonal shape “symbolizes the six points of the Star of David and the six million Jews who perished in the Holocaust.” -Source


We have seen how the hexagonal shape represents limitation, structure, and authority. If used positively these qualities can help one strengthen willpower, discipline, and perseverance.

If used negatively these same qualities can imprison.

Saturn teaches a hard lesson.

What do governments, the justice system, and religions have in common? They all strive to control the human mind in various belief systems.

There is a lie inside every belief, or in the words of Robert Anton Wilson, “belief is the death of intelligence.”

I’m not against governments, prisons, religions, or people in or working with these institutions. I’m simply making the point that believing something is giving your power away to others who set up a control system. Why believe when you can feel, intuit, think, and know all on your own? At a certain point it is just semantics, as “I believe” is often just a figure of speech anyway. But hopefully you see the point: think for yourself and wake up.

“A human being is a part of a whole, called by us the universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest… a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” -Albert Einstein

Here’s to breaking out of the hexagon!

©2012 SIPS Productions Inc. – All Rights Reserved.


Respuesta  Mensaje 7 de 377 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/02/2015 15:30

Respuesta  Mensaje 8 de 377 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 15/02/2015 17:50

Respuesta  Mensaje 9 de 377 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 18/02/2015 17:15

What is the origin of the names of the months?

A lot of languages, including English, use month names based on Latin. Their meaning is listed below. However, some languages (Czech and Polish, for example) use quite different names.

January Januarius Named after the god Janus.
February Februarius Named after Februa, the purification festival.
March Martius Named after the god Mars.
April Aprilis Named either after the goddess Aphrodite or the Latin word aperire, to open.
May Maius Probably named after the goddess Maia.
June Junius Probably named after the goddess Juno.
July Julius Named after Julius Caesar in 44 B.C.E. Prior to that time its name was Quintilis from the word quintus, fifth, because it was the 5th month in the old Roman calendar.
August Augustus Named after emperor Augustus in 8 B.C.E. Prior to that time the name was Sextilis from the word sextus, sixth, because it was the 6th month in the old Roman calendar.
September September From the word septem, seven, because it was the 7th month in the old Roman calendar.
October October From the word octo, eight, because it was the 8th month in the old Roman calendar.
November November From the word novem, nine, because it was the 9th month in the old Roman calendar.
December December From the word decem, ten, because it was the 10th month in the old Roman calendar.

Respuesta  Mensaje 10 de 377 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 18/02/2015 17:30


De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Afrodita surge de la espuma del mar, coronada con exuberantes trenzas (El nacimiento de Venus, William-Adolphe Bouguereau, 1879).

Afrodita (en griego antiguo, Ἀφροδίτη) es, en la mitología griega, la diosa de la belleza, el amor, el deseo y la reproducción. Aunque a menudo se alude a ella en la cultura moderna como «la diosa del amor», es importante señalar que normalmente no era el amor en el sentido cristiano o romántico.




Afrodita tiene numerosas equivalentes: Inanna en la mitología sumeria, Astarté en la fenicia, Turan en la etrusca y Venus en la romana. Tiene paralelismos con diosas indoeuropeas de la aurora, tales como Ushás o Aurora. Según Pausanias, los primeros que establecieron su culto fueron los asirios, y tras ellos los pafosianos de Chipre y los fenicios que vivían en Ascalón (Palestina), quienes enseñaron su culto a los habitantes de Citera.[1] Se decía que Afrodita podía hacer que cualquier hombre se enamorase de ella con solo poner sus ojos en él.

El nombre Ἀφροδίτη era relacionado por etimología popular con ἀφρός aphrós, ‘espuma’, interpretándose como ‘surgida de la espuma’ y personificándola en un mito etiológico que ya era conocido para Hesíodo.[2] Tiene reflejos en el mesapio y el etrusco (de ahí «abril»), que probablemente fueron tomados prestados del griego. Aunque Heródoto estaba al tanto de los orígenes fenicios de Afrodita,[3] los intentos lingüísticos por derivar el nombre «Afrodita» del semítico Aštoret, mediante transmisión hitita sin documentar, siguen sin ser concluyentes. Una sugerencia de Hammarström,[4] rechazada por Hjalmar Frisk, relaciona el nombre con πρύτανις, un préstamo griego de un cognado del etrusco (e)pruni, ‘señor’ o similar. Mallory y Adams ofrecen una etimología del indoeuropeo abhor, ‘muy’ + dhei, ‘brillar’.[5]

Si procede del semítico, una etimología plausible sería del barīrĩtu asirio, un demonio femenino hallado en textos babilónicos medios y tardíos.[6] El nombre significa probablemente ‘la que [viene] al anochecer’, una manifestación del planeta Venus como estrella vespertina, un atributo bien conocido de la diosa mesopotámica Inanna/Ishtar.


El epíteto Afrodita Acidalia fue ocasionalmente añadido a su nombre, por la fuente que usaba para bañarse, situada en Beocia.[7] También era llamada Cipris o Cipria (Kypris) y Citerea (Cytherea) por sus presuntos lugares de nacimiento en Chipre y Citera, respectivamente. La isla de Citera era un importante centro de su culto. Estaba asociada con Hesperia y era frecuentemente acompañada por las Cárites, las diosas de las festividades.

Afrodita tenía sus propios festivales, las Afrodisias, que se celebraban por toda Grecia, pero particularmente en Atenas y en Corinto. En el templo de Afrodita ubicado en la cima del Acrocorinto (antes de la destrucción romana de la ciudad en 146 a. C.) las relaciones sexuales con sus sacerdotisas eran consideradas un método de adoración a la diosa. Este templo no fue reconstruido cuando la ciudad se refundó bajo dominio romano en 44 a. C., pero es probable que los rituales de fertilidad perdurasen en la ciudad, cerca del ágora.

Afrodita estaba asociada con el mar, y con frecuencia era representada con él y con los delfines, las palomas, los cisnes, las almejas, las veneras, las perlas, y árboles como el granado, el manzano, el mirto y las rosas.

Afrodita Urania y Afrodita Pandemos[editar]

Afrodita Urania, drapeada más que desnuda, con sus pies descansando sobre una tortuga (Museo del Louvre).

Para finales del siglo V a. C. los filósofos habrían separado Afrodita en dos diosas diferentes, no individualizadas en el culto: Afrodita Urania, nacida de la espuma después de que Crono castrase a Urano, y Afrodita Pandemos, la Afrodita común ‘de todo el pueblo’, nacida de Zeus y Dione.[8] Entre los neoplatónicos y finalmente sus intérpretes cristianos, Afrodita Urania figura como la Afrodita celestial, representando el amor del cuerpo y el alma, mientras Afrodita Pandemos estaba asociada con el mero amor físico. La representación de Afrodita Urania, con un pie descansando sobre una tortuga, fue interpretada más tarde como emblemática de la discreción del amor conyugal; la imagen se atribuye a Fidias, en un escultura criselefantina hecha para Elis, de la que sólo tenemos un comentario pasajero de Pausanias.[9]

Por esto, según Platón[10] Afrodita es dos diosas, una vieja y la otra joven. La mayor, Urania, es la hija de Urano; la menor se llama Pandemos, y es la hija de Zeus y Dione. Pandemos es la Afrodita común. El discurso de Pausanias distingue dos manifestaciones de Afrodita, representadas por dos historias: Afrodita Urania (‘celestial’) y Afrodita Pandemos (‘común’).

Prostitución ritual[editar]

Un aspecto universal del culto de Afrodita y sus predecesoras que muchos mitógrafos de los siglos XIX y XX han omitido[11] es la práctica de la prostitución religiosa en sus santuarios y templos. El eufemismo griego para estas prostitutas es hieródula, ‘sierva sagrada’. Esta costumbre fue una práctica inherente a los rituales dedicados a las antecesoras de Oriente Medio de Afrodita, la sumeria Inanna y la acadia Ishtar, cuyas meretrices de los templos eran ‘mujeres de Ishtar’, ishtarium.[12] Esta práctica ha sido documentada en Babilonia, Siria y Palestina, en ciudades fenicias y en la colonia tiria de Cartago, y para la Afrodita helénica en Chipre, el centro de su culto, Citera, Corinto y Sicilia.[12] Afrodita es en todas partes la patrona de las heteras y cortesanas. En Jonia, en la costa de Asia Menor, las hieródulas servían en el templo de Artemisa.



What is the origin of the names of the months?

A lot of languages, including English, use month names based on Latin. Their meaning is listed below. However, some languages (Czech and Polish, for example) use quite different names.

January Januarius Named after the god Janus.
February Februarius Named after Februa, the purification festival.
March Martius Named after the god Mars.
April Aprilis Named either after the goddess Aphrodite or the Latin word aperire, to open.
May Maius Probably named after the goddess Maia.
June Junius Probably named after the goddess Juno.
July Julius Named after Julius Caesar in 44 B.C.E. Prior to that time its name was Quintilis from the word quintus, fifth, because it was the 5th month in the old Roman calendar.
August Augustus Named after emperor Augustus in 8 B.C.E. Prior to that time the name was Sextilis from the word sextus, sixth, because it was the 6th month in the old Roman calendar.
September September From the word septem, seven, because it was the 7th month in the old Roman calendar.
October October From the word octo, eight, because it was the 8th month in the old Roman calendar.
November November From the word novem, nine, because it was the 9th month in the old Roman calendar.
December December From the word decem, ten, because it was the 10th month in the old Roman calendar.

Respuesta  Mensaje 11 de 377 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 21/02/2015 18:32
IXXI Hexagon
rings of Saturn
Jesuit rings
ANILLOS DEL SIGLO XV APROXIMADAMENTE. Noten que tienen el simbolo 9-11 en numeros romanos.
1 REYES 10:14
258. 1 Reyes 10:14: El peso del ORO que Salomón tenía de renta cada año, era seiscientos sesenta y seis talentos de ORO;
2011. Apocalipsis 13:18: Aquí hay sabiduría. El que tiene entendimiento, cuente el número de la bestia, pues es número de HOMBRE. Y su número es seiscientos sesenta y seis.
IXXI Towers
Noten que en este caso las doble xx tambien tienen la forma de LA ESCUADRA Y EL COMPAS, osea la ALQUIMIA, la escalera de JACOB. El mismo mensaje detras de SOL-O-MON tiene fuerte REFERENCIA A "LA ESCALERA DE JACOB", OSEA EL GRIAL. LA G CON REFERENCIA A GOD/DOG/GAD/GRIAL/GALAXY, es la misma ESCALERA DE JACOB. Todo esta detras del EXAGONO/CUBO/KAABA. El islam tambien tiene fuerte este mensaje. RECORDEMOS QUE LA MECA ESTA UBICADA, EN EL CONTEXTO AL PLANETA TIERRA, en funcion al NUMERO DE ORO PHI=1.618033. TODOS LOS CAMINOS CONDUCEN A ROMA. TODOS LOS CAMINOS CONDUCEN AL GRIAL. FATIMA, justamente fue la 11va hija de MAHOMA y el 911 gira alrededor de FATIMA.

There is a Bible that is ‘magically bound’ inside this square in Washington.It is the same Bible called ‘the Lost Symbol.’ But this Bible is only a small part—albeit a very important part—of the complete schematic of the Lost Symbol Diagram. When the entire picture is viewed as it was intended to be—all of the symbols and structures in Government Center as a single portraiture, as well as why they were designed and laid out the way they are—what emerges is the True Lost Symbol, an elaborate alchemical construct that can only be rightly understood within the historical meaning of the symbolism.


Respuesta  Mensaje 12 de 377 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/03/2015 17:42

Mars, Saturn, and Spica

The tower erected in 1889 by freemason Gustave Eiffel (who also designed the inner structure of the Statue of Liberty) remains to this day the tallest structure in Paris. The Eiffel tower served as the entrance to the World’s Fair, opening out onto the Champ de Mars. The Mars Field is named after the Campus Martius in Rome, which honors the Roman god of war.

Eiffel tower

I’ve been using the most popular depiction of a man’s body ever made – Leonardo da Vinci’s Vitruvian man – to uncover embodied urban symbolism, see Astana and the Olympics.

The Roman Vitruvius’ Ten Books of Architecture explained how effective temples are based on the human body. I have found just such a temple resonating with Mars in the heart of Paris.

Champ de Mars in Paris as Vitruvian Mars

Mars’ phallus obviously maps to the Eiffel tower, his navel power chakra maps to the fountain at the center of the paths, his heart chakra is on the cross axis with Mitterand’s ancient Egyptian-themed 1989 French bicentennial Monument of Human Rights, and the obelisk at Place Fontenoy is his pineal gland/third eye chakra. Incidentally, this same obelisk forms part of the solar alignment discussed in Secrets In Plain Sight – Volume 1.

Mars mapping to Paris

Notice also that the Military School itself forms a collar to the Vitruvian man’s head and UNESCO forms a kind of helmet, horn, or Martian antenna.

Mars in Ecole Militaire detail

The red and white fields resonate with the two hemispheres of the brain, the colors of upper and lower Egypt, the two springs at Glastonbury, or blood and semen. The lattermost pairing resonates with the killing and rape associated with war. You could say Mars is embodied at the scale of this famous linear urban complex. Is his power somehow magically transferred to the military school?

I find it fascinating that the Comte de Saint-Germain reorganized the Ecole Militaire in 1777. St. Germain is one of the most interesting persons in history.

Myths, legends and speculations about St. Germain began to be widespread in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, and continue today. They include beliefs that he is immortal, the Wandering Jew, an alchemist with the “Elixir of Life”, a Rosicrucian, and that he prophesied the French Revolution. He is said to have met the forger Giuseppe Balsamo (alias Cagliostro) in London and the composer Rameau in Venice. Some groups honor Saint Germain as a supernatural being called an Ascended Master. -Source

Synchronicity: St. Germain is one of the main characters in a book I’m currently reading to my son, The Magician by Michael Scott.

Napoleon attended the Ecole Militaire in 1784 and is entombed very close by in Les Invalides.

Being familiar with David Wood’s book GenIsis (1985), I see a connection to the Mars linear complex in Paris. Before I tell you what that is, let me show you the structured landscape that Wood discovered 660 kilometers due South in the region of Rennes le Chateau.

When I first saw this geometry I dismissed it because it is not a regular pentagram but a pentacle. However I was far too hasty. After having recently read Wood’s follow up book that he wrote with Ian Campbell called GeneSet (1994), I see incredible wisdom in the diagram that wasn’t open to me until I grew to have eyes to see it.


If the green circle has a radius of 1 then its circumference is exactly 2 Pi. The amazing thing is, the golden triangle also has a perimeter of 2 Pi (99.8% accurate). So in a sense this diagram is every bit as important as Squaring the Circle is in sacred geometry. I think of this as Triangulating the Circle.

The key to Triangulating the Circle is dividing the circle into 15 parts as was done with the gray 15 pointed star. This 15 part division was suggested by the placement of the towns around Rennes le Chateau and that is how Wood chanced upon this geometric discovery.

In GenIsis Wood mentions the Osiris story and how it is usually reported that Set cut Osiris’ body into 14 pieces and threw his phallus into the Nile. He claims there were therefore a total of 15 pieces rather than 14 as is usually reported. If you think about it, this makes perfect sense. There really are 15 parts to the male body if you count them. The 15th part would be the pointy extension in the diagram that penetrates the circle. It has a 36 degree internal angle just like the regular pentagram.

15 parts vitruvian man

I noticed another intriguing layer embedded in Wood’s diagram. In John Martineau’s A Little Book of Coincidence in the Solar System he mentions that Saturn’s and Earth’s sizes (99%) and mean orbits (98%) are given by a 15 pointed star such that the inner circle represents Earth and the outer circle represents Saturn.

Immanuel Velikovsky equated Saturn with Osiris in his book In the Beginning.

Wood and Campbell pointed out in GeneSet how Phi is also embedded in the diagram. I made a piece of art that shows these connections and more. To learn more about how the Sun and Saturn relate, watch David Talbot’s Thunderbolts of the Gods.

Sacred Marriage

Sacred Marriage by Scott Onstott

Today using Google Earth I drew a circle that hits Rennes le Chateau, Cassaignes, Serres, Bugarach, and Saint-Just-et-le-Bezu (see enlarged diagram) and noticed that its area is 66,666,666 square meters. Amazing. This is the circumcircle in Wood’s diagram, shown in blue in my Google Earth image.

Then I copied the longitude of the center of this circle and flew back to Paris where I created a placemark along the Eiffel tower- Champ de Mars axis. Guess where this exact center point is: the center of la Place de Breteuil. This point is therefore perfectly due north of the center point of the same sized circle in the Languedoc. It is the intersection point of the Eiffel tower- Champ de Mars axis with the axis of Les Invalides where Napoleon was entombed. Breteuil was the Minister of War twice under Louis XV.

Drawing a circle with an area of 66,666,666 square meters from la Place de Breteuil has a resonance with Leonardo’s Vitruvian man because the center point is at the top of the circumcircle around the urban body of Mars and the corners of Leonardo’s page are touched by the circle itself.

The red line from the obelisk at Place Fontenoy traces the central axis of embodied Mars straight through the Eiffel tower at a heading of 314 degrees, recalling Pi.

Extending this line across the earth it goes directly to the center of Danebury iron age hill fort in the UK. Built in the the 6th century BC, Danebury is an intriguing place for the Paris Mars axis to end up for several reasons.

Danebury hill fort

The Meteoritical Society lists the ‘first British meteorite find’ from the Danebury hill fort site. -Source I’m going to hazard a guess that this meteorite came from Mars.

Just a stone’s throw from the “hill fort” was a Roman villa or country farmhouse whose central floor mosaic has survived and been recently installed in the Museum of the Iron Age in nearby Andover. The Fullerton Mosaic depicts Mars at the center of the main room.

In the book Two-Thirds: A History of Our Galaxy (1993), the author David P. Myers tells an amazing story of an extra-terrestrial human civilization that colonized Mars eons ago and after a great war, they eventually came to our planet which they called…wait for it…Danebury. So perhaps the Danebury ring actually depicts the Earth. If so then the Paris Eiffel-Champ de Mars axis represents the colonists coming from Mars to Earth! All written out on the ground in plain sight.

Myers also goes on to draw a parallel between Cydonia on Mars and the Avebury/Silbury Hill complex. He claims the Martian colonists actually built Avebury ring and Silbury Hill as a mirror of their destroyed settlement on Mars. Here I’ve overlaid Google Mars imagery over Google Earth imagery and you can see the large crater and conical mound do match Avebury ring and Silbury Hill. The face on mars isn’t represented on earth (it’s a field) nor is the 5 sided pyramidal structure.

Cydonia Avebury connection

On August 5th 2012, Curiosity, NASA’s next Mars rover is scheduled to land on the red planet. August 5th just happens to be the date when a very special astronomical event occurs. An equilateral triangle (eye of God) forms with Mars, Saturn, and Spica in the constellation Virgo. All 3 are first magnitude objects and this arrangement will be easy to spot almost everywhere on Earth. Thanks to Daniel White for posting this intriguing video on my facebook wall.


Respuesta  Mensaje 13 de 377 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 03/05/2015 16:57
: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 23/05/2013 22:41
Considerando el 20/6 como el dia numero 119, no es casualidad que el 10 de sivan o 10 del tercer mes me cae en el 1 de Mayo. El 10 de sivan es el dia numero 69 del calendario luni-solar hebreo aproximadamente.
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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 06/01/2014 15:27

Muerte de Osama bin Laden

De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Operación Lanza de Neptuno
Parte de Guerra contra el terrorismo
CIA aerial view Osama bin Laden compound Abbottabad.jpg
Vista aérea del escondite de Osama bin Laden en la ciudad pakistaní de Abbottabad hecha por la CIA.
Ámbito de la operación Táctico
Tipo Operación aerotransportada de comandos.[1]
Localización Bilal, Abbottabad, Bandera de Pakistán Pakistán
  34°10′9.12″N 73°14′33.62″E / 34.1692, 73.2426722
Planeado por JSOC emblem.jpg Mando Conjunto de Operaciones Especiales[2]
US-CentralIntelligenceAgency-Seal.svg Agencia Central de Inteligencia
Objetivo Capturar o matar a Osama bin Laden.[3] [4]
Fecha 1 de mayo de 2011
  01:00 (UTC+05:00)
Ejecutado por Naval Special Warfare Development Group.jpg Grupo de Desarrollo de Guerra Naval Especial de los Estados Unidos
Resultado Muerte de Osama bin Laden
Víctimas 5 muertos
2 heridos

La muerte de Osama bin Laden se anunció el 1 de mayo de 2011,[5] [6] cuando unidades de élite de las fuerzas militares de EE.UU. abatieron a Osama bin Laden (nombre en clave: Gerónimo) en el transcurso de un tiroteo en Abbottabad, Pakistán. El presidente Barack Obama informó públicamente la noche del 1 de mayo de que un pequeño equipo de operaciones especiales había dado muerte a Bin Laden.[7]

La operación, cuyo nombre en clave primero se informó que fue «Operación Gerónimo»[3] [8] y después «Operación Lanza de Neptuno»,[9] [10] fue llevada a cabo por unidades del Grupo de Desarrollo de Guerra Naval Especial de los Estados Unidos (unidad de élite de los SEAL) bajo el Mando de Operaciones Especiales de los Estados Unidos, en coordinación con operativos de la Agencia Central de Inteligencia (CIA). Las autoridades pakistaníes confirmaron que Bin Laden murió en Pakistán en un enfrentamiento con militares de EE.UU.

Según informó la Administración de Obama, el cuerpo de Bin Laden fue arrojado al mar tras comprobar, mediante pruebas de ADN, que efectivamente se trataba del fugitivo. Más tarde generaría polémica la decisión de no hacer públicas las fotografías y muestras de ADN que Estados Unidos decía tener.[11]

La operación en sí tampoco estuvo exenta de polémica. Numerosas organizaciones, entre ellas Amnistía Internacional denunciaron la ilegalidad de la operación y las implicaciones éticas que esta acarreaba, como el haber asesinado a Osama bin Laden en vez de haberle capturado con vida aun cuando este estaba desarmado.[12]



Operación[editar · editar código]

Preparativos[editar · editar código]

Los servicios secretos de Estados Unidos seguían la pista del kuwaití Abu Ahmmad desde 2007[13] cuyo seudónimo había sido revelado por detenidos de la cárcel de Guantánamo como uno de los hombres de confianza de Bin Laden. Tras unos meses de investigación a comienzos de 2011 fue cuando la inteligencia estadounidense consideró seriamente la teoría de que Bin Laden se encontraba en ese país. Desde entonces, el presidente Barack Obama mantuvo cinco reuniones (desde mediados de marzo hasta finales de abril) con miembros del Consejo de Seguridad Nacional para decidir la estrategia y perfilar un plan.[14]

Los dos últimos encuentros tuvieron lugar el 19 y el 28 de abril de 2011. Al día siguiente, el viernes 29, el presidente Obama dio la orden para iniciar la misión, que tenía la finalidad de capturar al líder de Al Qaeda.

Detalles de la operación[editar · editar código]

Sobre la 1:00 de la madrugada del 2 de mayo (hora local de Pakistán, 20:00 h. del 1 de mayo UTC), un pequeño grupo de comandos de élite del SEAL estadounidense condujo la operación, en la que, tras un intercambio de fuego, se hizo con el cuerpo del terrorista en la localidad de Abbottabad, al norte del país.[15]

La fuerza de asalto estuvo en tierra menos de 40 minutos y la operación estuvo supervisada en tiempo real por el director de la CIA, Leon Panetta, y otros altos cargos de los servicios de Inteligencia desde una sala de conferencias en la sede de la CIA, en Langley (Virginia) según los responsables de la operación.

Imagen del fallecido Osama bin Laden. La fotografía data de entre 1997 y 1998 cuando fue entrevistado por el periodista Hamid Mir

En la misma murieron cinco personas, incluido Bin Laden: cuatro hombres y una mujer, se confirmó que esa mujer era su esposa, según fuentes de la administración norteamericana. El diario The Washington Post indicó que durante el ataque se perdió un helicóptero estadounidense debido a un fallo mecánico. "El helicóptero fue destruido por la tripulación", aseguró un oficial estadounidense. El propio Obama aseguró que ningún militar estadounidense falleció ni resultó herido.

Fuentes del Congreso informadas por la Casa Blanca y citadas por los medios estadounidenses indicaron que Bin Laden murió de un disparo en la cabeza, concretamente en el ojo izquierdo, mientras se resistía con armas a su captura.[16] Horas después, se informó de que las autoridades estadounidenses no tenían intención de capturar vivo a Bin Laden, según manifestaron a las agencias de prensa miembros de la seguridad nacional de EE UU.[17] En un primer momento, fuentes oficiales estadounidenses informaron de que Bin Laden habría utilizado a su esposa como escudo humano en el momento de ser abatido, y por eso ella también habría muerto.[18]

El presidente Barack Obama informando sobre la operación que concluyó con la muerte de Osama bin Laden.

Sin embargo, según informaciones posteriores también facilitadas por la administración estadounidense, Bin Laden no estaba armado al ser abatido ni tampoco usó a una mujer como escudo humano,[19] pero si lo estaba la mujer que intentó protegerlo; la cual disparó a los comandos estadounidenses y por eso fue herida en una pierna (pero no resultó muerta como se informó al principio).[20] Según el artículo 8, 2, b), vi del Estatuto de Roma de la Corte Penal Internacional, que no ha sido ratificado por Estados Unidos, es un crimen de guerra «causar la muerte o lesiones a un enemigo que haya depuesto las armas o que, al no tener medios para defenderse, se haya rendido a discreción».[21]

El recinto en el que fue localizado Bin Laden se encontraba en un enclave turístico a poco más de una hora en coche de Islamabad. El asalto al complejo, de tres plantas, se realizó con helicópteros. El edificio en cuestión era ocho veces más grande que las casas cercanas; tenía muros de entre 3,6 y 5,5 metros de altura coronados por alambre de espino. La vivienda contaba con muros internos y dos puertas de seguridad que restringían el acceso. Pocas de las ventanas daban para el exterior y la terraza contaba con un muro de 2,1 metros de alto. La propiedad estaba valorada en aproximadamente un millón de dólares pero no disponía de teléfono ni servicio de Internet.

Dentro vivían tres familias, incluido Bin Laden. En la operación antiterrorista, murieron con él un hijo mayor de edad, una mujer no identificada y dos hombres, identificados como un correo de Al Qaeda -uno de los pocos en los que confíaba Bin Laden, el que le mantenía en contacto con el exterior- y su hermano.

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From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 22/01/2014 14:23

Respuesta  Mensaje 14 de 377 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 08/05/2015 16:09
2:1 En el mes séptimo, a los veintiún días del mes, vino palabra de Jehová por medio del profeta Hageo, diciendo: (21 DEL SEPTIMO MES/OSHANAH RABBAH. LA MISA CATOLICA SE LA REALIZA EN ESTE CONTEXTO.)
2:2 Habla ahora a Zorobabel hijo de Salatiel, gobernador de Judá, y a Josué hijo de Josadac, sumo sacerdote, y al resto del pueblo, diciendo:
2:3 ¿Quién ha quedado entre vosotros que haya visto esta casa en su gloria primera, y cómo la veis ahora? ¿No es ella como nada delante de vuestros ojos?
2:4 Pues ahora, Zorobabel, esfuérzate, dice Jehová; esfuérzate también, Josué hijo de Josadac, sumo sacerdote; y cobrad ánimo, pueblo todo de la tierra, dice Jehová, y trabajad; porque yo estoy con vosotros, dice Jehová de los ejércitos.
2:5 Según el pacto que hice con vosotros cuando salisteis de Egipto, así mi Espíritu estará en medio de vosotros, no temáis.
2:6 Porque así dice Jehová de los ejércitos: De aquí a poco yo haré temblar los cielos y la tierra, el mar y la tierra seca;
2:7 y haré temblar a todas las naciones, y vendrá el Deseado de todas las naciones; y
llenaré de gloria esta casa, ha dicho Jehová de los ejércitos. (La gloria tiene fuerte relacion con el septimo dia. ¿Hay un puente espiritual con la resurreccion de Lazaro?)


2:9 La gloria postrera de esta casa será mayor que la primera, ha dicho Jehová de los ejércitos; y
daré paz en este lugar, dice Jehová de los ejércitos.
2:10 A los veinticuatro días del noveno mes, en el segundo año de Darío, vino palabra de Jehová por medio del profeta Hageo, diciendo:

2:11 Así ha dicho Jehová de los ejércitos: Pregunta ahora a los sacerdotes acerca de la ley, diciendo:
2:12 Si alguno llevare carne santificada en la falda de su ropa, y con el vuelo de ella tocare pan, o vianda, o vino, o aceite, o cualquier otra comida, ¿será santificada? Y respondieron los sacerdotes y dijeron: No.
2:13 Y dijo Hageo: Si un inmundo a causa de cuerpo muerto tocare alguna cosa de estas, ¿será inmunda? Y respondieron los sacerdotes, y dijeron: Inmunda será.
2:14 Y respondió Hageo y dijo: Así es este pueblo y esta gente delante de mí, dice Jehová; y asimismo toda obra de sus manos; y todo lo que aquí ofrecen es inmundo.
2:15 Ahora, pues, meditad en vuestro corazón desde este día en adelante, antes que pongan piedra sobre piedra en el templo de Jehová.
2:16 Antes que sucediesen estas cosas, venían al montón de veinte efas, y había diez; venían al lagar para sacar cincuenta cántaros, y había veinte.
2:17 Os herí con viento solano, con tizoncillo y con granizo en toda obra de vuestras manos; mas no os convertisteis a mí, dice Jehová.
2:18 Meditad, pues, en vuestro corazón, desde este día en adelante, desde el
día veinticuatro del noveno mes, desde el día que se echó el cimiento del templo de Jehová; meditad, pues, en vuestro corazón. (24 DEL NOVENO MES ES CHANUKAH/JANUKAH)
2:19 ¿No está aún la simiente en el granero? Ni la vid, ni la higuera, ni el granado, ni el árbol de olivo ha florecido todavía; mas desde este día os bendeciré.
2:20 Vino por segunda vez palabra de Jehová a Hageo,
a los veinticuatro días del mismo mes, diciendo:
2:21 Habla a Zorobabel gobernador de Judá, diciendo: Yo haré temblar los cielos y la tierra;
2:22 y trastornaré el trono de los reinos, y destruiré la fuerza de los reinos de las naciones; trastornaré los carros y los que en ellos suben, y vendrán abajo los caballos y sus jinetes, cada cual por la espada de su hermano.
2:23 En aquel día, dice Jehová de los ejércitos, te tomaré, oh Zorobabel hijo de Salatiel, siervo mío, dice Jehová, y te pondré como anillo de sellar; porque yo te escogí, dice Jehová de los ejércitos (AQUI SE EXPLICA LA RELACION DE JANO CON EL TOROIDE, ANILLO O CON EL "EXPERIMENTO FILADELFIA", LA "MAQUINA DEL TIEMPO")
IXXI Hexagon
rings of Saturn
Jesuit rings
ANILLOS DEL SIGLO XV APROXIMADAMENTE. Noten que tienen el simbolo 9-11 en numeros romanos.
1 REYES 10:14
258. 1 Reyes 10:14: El peso del ORO que Salomón tenía de renta cada año, era seiscientos sesenta y seis talentos de ORO;
2011. Apocalipsis 13:18: Aquí hay sabiduría. El que tiene entendimiento, cuente el número de la bestia, pues es número de HOMBRE. Y su número es seiscientos sesenta y seis.
IXXI Towers
Noten que en este caso las doble xx tambien tienen la forma de LA ESCUADRA Y EL COMPAS, osea la ALQUIMIA, la escalera de JACOB. El mismo mensaje detras de SOL-O-MON tiene fuerte REFERENCIA A "LA ESCALERA DE JACOB", OSEA EL GRIAL. LA G CON REFERENCIA A GOD/DOG/GAD/GRIAL/GALAXY, es la misma ESCALERA DE JACOB. Todo esta detras del EXAGONO/CUBO/KAABA. El islam tambien tiene fuerte este mensaje. RECORDEMOS QUE LA MECA ESTA UBICADA, EN EL CONTEXTO AL PLANETA TIERRA, en funcion al NUMERO DE ORO PHI=1.618033. TODOS LOS CAMINOS CONDUCEN A ROMA. TODOS LOS CAMINOS CONDUCEN AL GRIAL. FATIMA, justamente fue la 11va hija de MAHOMA y el 911 gira alrededor de FATIMA.

There is a Bible that is ‘magically bound’ inside this square in Washington.It is the same Bible called ‘the Lost Symbol.’ But this Bible is only a small part—albeit a very important part—of the complete schematic of the Lost Symbol Diagram. When the entire picture is viewed as it was intended to be—all of the symbols and structures in Government Center as a single portraiture, as well as why they were designed and laid out the way they are—what emerges is the True Lost Symbol, an elaborate alchemical construct that can only be rightly understood within the historical meaning of the symbolism.


Respuesta  Mensaje 15 de 377 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 09/05/2015 02:00

Bryn Mawr ~ Philadelphia Revisited

Who is Ka Ra?

Why Cornet thought of the following, he cannot be sure.  He had been told telepathically by a spiritual entity called Ka Ra that his birth place and time were pieces to the Rennes-le-Chteau puzzle.  But how could this be?  Bryn Mawr, where he was born, is on the opposite side of the Atlantic Ocean from the Valley of Rennes.

Those who have tackled the Rennes-le-Chteau mystery almost invariably looked for answers in that valley or in ancient Egypt.  Most recently Andrews and Schellenberger (1996) developed a very complex solution through decoding esoteric documents in their search for the Tomb of God.  So, if the burial place of Jesus is located in France, why look for clues in America?  Furthermore, why should Cornet believe what Ka Ra told him?

First, let's try to understand who this spiritual entity Ka Ra is.  You won't find any reference to her in the Bible, in the encyclopedia, in ancient Egyptian texts or hieroglyphs.  That is because it is a New Name, constructed from the combination of the Egyptian word Ka with the name of Ra.  Ra is the feminine gender, while Re is the masculine gender.  Ka means spirit in ancient Egyptian.  Thus the name Ka Ra means Spirit of Ra.  If Ra represents the Sun God, then Ka Ra refers to the female aspect of the Sun God.  In addition, the Greek word "kara" means head or top, as in deity.  No coincidences here.

Who was it that was speaking telepathically to John in prison when he wrote what has become known as the Book of Revelation?

Sun God = Son = Jesus = Horus

sun_125.gif (16007 bytes)

Revelation 2.17: To him who conquers I will give some of the hidden manna, and I will give him a white stone, with a new name written on the stone which no one knows except him who receives it.

The book of Revelation clearly states that when Jesus returns he will have a new name. This fact is repeated a second time in that book: Revelation 3.12: ...and my own new name.


E.A  "He Whose Home/Abode is Water"
(Sitchin, Divine Encounters, 1995)

For this exercise, don't get fooled by gender (see Deering, 1996: GOD, was she a man or is he a woman? The politics of religion).  This is the perfect ploy to keep those who think they have eyes, but do not want to see, from finding out the truth.  Follow the trail of clues wherever they may take you.

The hieroglyphic symbol for Ka is represented by a pair of upheld arms ka2.jpg (2182 bytes)while Ra is represented by  the sun disc.  When the symbols for Ka and Ra are combined, one gets Ka Ra.  The hieroglyphs below are from E.A. Wallis Budge: Osiris & the Egyptian Resurrection (1973).  They show these two symbols combined as part of other hieroglyphs, but not as a separate deity called Ka Ra.  The best place to hide something is right in front of someone.  Note that the Ka and Sun Disc symbols are placed at the top of the Tets, symbolizing Kara (head or top).

Tet (Ded) of Life Tet (Ded) of Osiris
TetofLife.jpg (56877 bytes) TetofOsiris.jpg (79625 bytes)

If Jesus = Horus and Lazarus is Greek for Osiris,
what is the meaning of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead?
Was it a cleverly disguised Egyptian ritual and not a miracle?

horosir2.jpg (38701 bytes)


Saturn: Source of Measure
Mr. Pietsch shows how Saturn rings true.

Canon of Measure and the "K" or "Ka" Symbol

excerpt from Saturn: Source of Measure
by Bernard  I. Pietsch

"Sacred measures are hidden only in the sense of being obscured by the filter of phenomenal or local observation. They are founded on that which is beyond mere appearance. Because they are relative to a larger framework than that which is visible here on Earth we sometimes refer to Canon measures as cosmic values.

"One of the keys to the domain of the cosmic is represented by the  "K" symbol. K represents the ratio with which we part the veil. From the phenomenal world we enter the cosmic realm—a dimension where Time, Distance, Velocity, Number, and Geometry become co-in-ci-dent with one another, where one is an expression of all, where everything is in one thing, and where the law "as above, so below" becomes observable. Here the application and utility of Number in all its forms transcend the limitations imposed upon it by ordinary logic. Here, Number can become Time, distance, angle, ratio, logarithm. We have but to invoke the magic inherent in Number, and all is made available.

"K is the number 1.01430555. With it, the first measures to be unveiled are those of Time. The ancients understood the intimate and inseparable relationship of Time with all dimensions. (With K we will reveal the legendary "harmony of the spheres." But first some groundwork must be laid.)

"For a number of important reasons we adopt the solar year indicated by the base of Cheops Pyramid as the value 365.15 days which is 36,515 inches around the perimeter of the base. This number divided by K produces the Sacred or Cosmic Year of 360 days. The same length of time is involved but the relationship of the year to the circle of 360 is clearly established. From this ancient Sacred Year we derive the following units:

360 Days
525816 Minutes
8763.6 Hours
24.34333 Hours
1460.6 Minutes
87636 Seconds

"The derivation of the Sacred Day of 24 hours 20 minutes and 36 seconds is not only a mathematical construction. This is also the day (mean cosmic) responded to by plants and organisms. These circadian rhythms tend to be about 20 minutes longer than the mean solar day of 24 hours; biological rhythms in humans as well seem to follow this cycle. Also notice the number of minutes in the Cosmic Year: 525816. Dividing this by 100 renders the number for the feet in the Canon Mile. The mile has its origin in sacred time."



The Masonic - Knights Templar Connection

Cornet realized that his late wife Bonnie had grown up in Collingswood, NJ, directly across the Delaware River from Philadelphia.  Ka Ra told him that his wife's childhood home was a piece to the puzzle.  When he studied the Rennes-le-Chteau diagrams in GenIsis, he could not help but notice that the town of Rennes-le-Chteau is located on the west side of the Extended Pentagram, while the town of La-Borde-de-l'Auguste is located on the southeast side of the pentagram.  He realized that the town where he was born, Bryn Mawr, is located on the west side of Philadelphia, while the town of Collingswood, where Bonnie grew up, is located on the southeast side of Philadelphia. Furthermore, La-Borde-de-l'Auguste means "edge of August," and his birth day (31 August)(MISMO DIA DE LA MUERTE DE LADY DY/PRINCESA DIANA) is at one edge of August.  He later discovered that this date on the ancient Egyptian calendar was very special to the Egyptians.  It was the day the Ennad is in festivity, and the day the Hier (to the throne) is established.  When he discovered that Philadelphia means "Womb or Birthplace of Isis", he immediately saw the connection to the Extended Pentagram that Wood (1986) had so thoroughly linked to the Goddess Isis.  He got partial confirmation when he discovered that Bryn Mawr is Welch for "high ground," or "great hill."  Rennes-le-Chteau is located on a high plateau, and therefore is synonymous with high ground.

Image from GenIsis
thmb2.jpg (9687 bytes)

The Knights Templar became associated with the Valley of Rennes.  The Masons became associated with Philadelphia.  Early Masonic tradition and beliefs hold much in common with those of the outlawed Knights Templar, although the two organizations are very different (see The Miter and the Trowel).  Robinson was correct in his conclusion that there was a strong Templar influence in the early development of Freemasonry (Robinson, 1989).

Wood discovered that various towns and landmarks in the Valley of Rennes were positioned at key points on an invisible set of gigantic esoteric diagrams, which could be seen only in their entirety (if visible) from high above the ground (much like the Nozca lines in Peru). 

runway 12-06-00.jpg (17254 bytes)

Campbell and Wood uncovered additional features of these diagrams which belied any thought that they might be the fruits of vivid imagination.  Andrews and Schellenberger (1996) reveal more data from decoding some of the same esoteric texts.  Their data indicate that the authors of those texts were very much aware of the Sacred Geometry laid out by the positions of towns and landmarks in the Valley of Rennes.  But in order for those towns to have been located where they are, someone had to be the architect and engineer who planned the layout before any construction began.  And that someone had to have the surveying tools with which to accomplish this Herculean task.  The following five figures come from GenIsis (Wood, 1986).

Circle of Churches Pentagram-Meridian The Crescents Temple of  Solomon The Serpent
thmb3.jpg (28239 bytes) thmb4.jpg (13671 bytes) thmb5.jpg (21659 bytes) thmb6.jpg (20124 bytes) thmb7.jpg (9146 bytes)

Now let's go to Philadelphia, and see what Cornet uncovered using the clues given to him by David Wood and Ka Ra.


Respuesta  Mensaje 16 de 377 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 24/05/2015 15:16
He is aware of the cat-a-clysm.
Because of this and other reasons, lets find out why...


Churchill as Crhist black sun - Gemini -Gem - alignment - dial as the 96 goat spirals - 7 mon-key

Bracken House - London


This building (1955-1959) is named after Bernard Bracken, former chairman of the Financial Times, which was published here until the 1980s. The building was among the first post-war buildings in the City to be listed and its redevelopment retained the entire outside facade, including the elegant astronomical clock approximately 1 metre in diameter bearing at its centre a face of Winston Churchill, a personal friend of Bernard Bracken.

The work of Philip Bentham in gilt metal and enamel, it has echoes of the formality and sophistication of a dial. Embellished with Roman numerals, it depicts months of the year, signs of the zodiac and a sunburst motif.


V = bull horns

British Occultist Aleister Crowley claimed to have invented the usage of a V-sign as a magical foil to the Nazis' use of the Swastika in February 1941. He maintained that he passed this to friends at the BBC, and to the British Naval Intelligence Division through his connections in MI5, eventually gaining the approval of Winston Churchill. Crowley pointed out that in his 1913 publication Magick a V-sign and a swastika appear on the same plate.[32]



Black cat - black sun - spiraled tail

K - A - SPAR


Taurus - Aquarius - Calcite diamagnetic birefrigerence singularity effect - Bermuda triangle coral-calcite ingravity effect

Adapeted from one of the three Kings code Gaspar, the 7 G mon-key changed for a K

The Savoy Hotel and Kaspar the Cat

Opened in 1889 by Richard D'Oyly Carte, the Savoy is one of London's finest hotels and is known for its Art Deco interior and the famous faces that have passed through its doors. It closed in December 2007 to undergo a £100 million restoration project and is due to reopen in May 2009.

In 1898 Woolf Joel, a South African guest at the Hotel, gave a dinner party which, due to a last-minute cancellation, was attended by only thirteen guests. He laughed off the old superstition that tragedy would fall upon the first guest to rise from such a gathering, and so the dinner continued. There was consternation when Woolf was fatally shot following his return to Johannesburg.

When the Hotel received news of the tragedy, steps were taken to prevent any chance of a repetition. It was decided that a member of staff would accompany all groups of 13 but this led to awkwardness, especially when confidential matters were under discussion. So, sometime around 1925, the architect Basil Ionides (who later directed the Savoy rebuilding in 1929) was commissioned to fashion a three-foot high figure of a cat (black cats have been associated throughout history with good fortune). He sculpted it from a single piece of wood from a London plane tree and the finished product was lacquered in black and named Kaspar. His home was a shelf with a mirror behind, high up on the wall of the Pinafore Room. Any dinner party of thirteen then found itself joined by Kaspar. He would occupy the thirteenth chair, have a napkin tied around his neck and be served each course along with the same complement of cutlery, china and glass issued to the other guests.

13 Ophiuchus code - the hidden Zodiac key Constellation, completion of doomsday key 13 the serpent-dragon plus the cat

The Savoy was also the home of the ‘Other Club’, founded by Winston Churchill and FE Smith (later Lord Birkenhead) in 1911 for the purposes of meeting political friends and foes away from the restrictions and prying eyes of Parliament. Even as Prime Minister in 1940 Churchill was reluctant to miss a club meeting and often used them to carry on discussions with cabinet colleagues, military men, visiting statesmen and many others. Where the assembly numbered 13 Kaspar was brought down from his shelf to take his place amongst them.

However at some point Kaspar disappeared and his absence was noted by Churchill. What happened to Kaspar was documented by the Savoy’s historian, Stanley Jackson, but he does not record the dates, it may have been 1940 but if not is probably no later than 1941. Air Commodore Harald Peake, by then Director of Public Relations at the Air Ministry, had arranged a dinner for officers of 609 (West Riding) Squadron. He had been the squadron’s CO on its formation in 1936. He took no part in what followed. On leaving the hotel one of the officers placed some empty wine bottles under his tunic, making no attempt to disguise them. Another guest carried a bag in such a way as to make it appear stuffed with heavy items. Both were challenged by the head waiter and in the confusion Kaspar was easily spirited away under another guest’s raincoat.

According to Jackson Kaspar was taken to 609’s base ‘in Lincolnshire’ (during the Battle 609 were based at Middle Wallop in Hampshire) where he sustained damage to his face and one ear. Air Commodore Peake continued to dine at the Savoy and when suspicion fell on his former guests he sent a message suggesting that Kaspar, should he be in their possession, ought to be returned. He was, after 609’s station workshop had repaired the damage. Meetings of the ‘Other Club’ were secret but word got out that Churchill was pleased to see Kaspar back in his usual place.

So lets follow the Kaspar growth on the occult agenda


Kaspar related with the Titanic baal-bull blood ritual 100 years before the event.
Four Chimneys 1111
SS Waffen disulfur covalent bond of the fermented rotten egg humpty dumpty

Michael Morpurgo is resident at the Savoy at $ 1600 night, seems as he has done a good job.


From here we jump to another interesting Titanic link with the cat


Leonard Mlodinow is a physicist and author.

Mlodinow was born in Chicago, Illinois, of parents who were both Holocaust survivors.[1] His father, who spent more than a year in the Buchenwald concentration camp, had been a leader in the Jewish resistance under Nazi rule in his hometown of Częstochowa, Poland.[1] As a child, Mlodinow was interested in both mathematics and chemistry, and while in high school was tutored in organic chemistry by a professor from the University of Illinois.
As recounted in his book, Feynman's Rainbow, his interest turned to physics during a semester he took off from college to spend on a kibbutz in Israel, during which he had little to do at night beside reading The Feynman Lectures on Physics, which was one of the few English books he found in the kibbutz library.[1]
While a doctoral student at the University of California, Berkeley, and on the faculty at Caltech, he developed (with N. Papanicolaou) a new type of perturbation theory for eigenvalue problems in quantum mechanics.[1] Later, as an Alexander von Humboldt Fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Physics and Astrophysik in Munich, Germany, he did pioneering work (with M. Hillery) on the quantum theory of dielectric media.[1]
Apart from his research and books on popular science, he also wrote the screenplay for the film Beyond the Horizon (currently in production) and has been a screenwriter for television series, including Star Trek: The Next Generation and MacGyver.[1] He co-authored (with Matt Costello) a children's chapter book series entitled The Kids of Einstein Elementary.-2004 Titanic Cat
Between 2008 and 2010, Mlodinow worked on a book with Stephen Hawking, entitled The Grand Design.[1] A step beyond Hawking's other titles, The Grand Design is said to explore both the question of the existence of the universe and the issue of why the laws of physics are what they are.






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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 01/06/2015 14:54

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