Orion is a prominent constellation located on the celestial equator and visible throughout the world. It is one of the most conspicuous and recognizable constellations in the night sky. It was named after Orion, a hunter in Greek mythology.
Orion's Belt or the Belt of Orion, also known as the Three Kings or Three Sisters, is an asterism in the constellation Orion. It consists of the three bright stars Alnitak, Alnilam and Mintaka. Looking for Orion's Belt in the night sky is the easiest way to locate Orion in the sky. The stars are more or less evenly spaced in a straight line, and so can be visualized as the belt of the hunter's clothing. […] Richard Hinckley Allen lists many folk names for the Belt of Orion. The English ones include: Jacob's Rod or Staff; Peter's Staff; the Golden Yard-arm; the L, or Ell; the Ell and Yard; the Yard-stick, and the Yard-wand; the Ellwand; Our Lady's Wand; the Magi; the Three Kings; the Three Marys; or simply the Three Stars.
Orion was identified in ancient Egypt with Osiris, the god of the underworld and the husband of Isis who is represented by the star Sirius. Their son was Horus, a solar deity, who on earth was embodied by the pharaohs ("living Horus").
Horus was also identified with Mars and the Great Sphinx.
The Egyptian capital Cairo, situated adjacent to Giza, derives its name from Al Qahira denoting Mars (more literally it means "the victorious")
The ancient Egyptians called Mars "Horus of the Horizon" (Horakhti), the same name given to the Great Sphinx
Mars was also called "Horus the Red" (Hor Dshr), and for a long time the Sphinx was painted red
Just as the Great Sphinx is the hybrid of man and a lion, in ancient Hindu myths Mars is Nr-Simha, the "Man-Lion"
The term "pyramid" derives from the Greek term pyr meaning "fire", as in Mars the "fire planet" (Mars is often referred to as pyroeis in Greek)
The Great Sphinx - the "Horus in the Horizon" - is the gatekeeper of Giza sitting in front of the three great pyramids.
Author and independent researcher Robert Bauval revealed back in the 1990s with his popular Orion Correlation Theory that the Giza pyramids were likely designed to mimic the arrangement of the Orion Belt Stars.
The Great Sphinx is also an equinox marker as its gaze is eternally fixed due east where the Sun rises on the equinox days.
Tellingly the LHC suns are aligned with the (original/#1) Earth's equinoctial axis.
So the context is right and the stage is set…
Are our 3 Suns a perfect replica of Orion's Belt, and through which the Giza pyramids? One way to find out:
Did you know the great pyramid is perfect, but they say the top of the pyramid is not in the middle of the square base and has an error of aquarter of a inchlol . but that is because the modern scientists has calculate wrong the Pi number. Pi or π is a mathematical constant whose value is the ratio of any circle's circumference to its diameter in Euclidean space; this is the same value as the ratio of a circle's area to the square of its radius. It is approximately equal to 3.14159 in the usual decimal notation (see the table for its representation in some other bases). π is one of the most important mathematical and physical constants: many formulae from mathematics, science, and engineering involve π. Circumference = π × diameter
Area of the circle = π × area of the shaded square
Calculating Pi number π can be empirically estimated by drawing a large circle, then measuring its diameter and circumference and dividing the circumference by the diameter. Another geometry-based approach, due to Archimedes,[19] is to calculate the perimeter, Pn, of a regular polygon withnsides circumscribed around a circle with diameterd. Then
That is, the more sides the polygon has, the closer the approximation approaches π. Archimedes determined the accuracy of this approach by comparing the perimeter of the circumscribed polygon with the perimeter of a regular polygon with the same number of sides inscribed inside the circle. Using a polygon with 96 sides, he computed the fractional range:
I will say only that his ARCHIMEDES axiom (287-212 BC) resulting from the conclusion that seems logical in our OLD thinking and reference, namely that a circle can be compared and even overlapped with circumscribed polygon with infinite number of sides is not accurate!
The modern scientist will say to you if you give them the TRUE PI NUMBER "Archimedes established margin that included PI: between 3.1408 (223/71) and 3.1428 (22 / 7), so the your result are not included in this interval, so that is false!"
For the moment all the guys out there uses PI=3.1415(....) but the true Pi number is 3,1446(...)go and measure on terrain!!! practical !!!
PI=4/radical(PHI, the golden ratio = 1.61803399(...)) = 3.14460550981492(...) !!! The Golden Ratio!!!
Facts: According to the true pi number the diameter of the Large Hadron Collider is smaller with 8.13 meters! According to the true pi number the GREAT PYRAMID IS P.E.R.F.E.C.T.!!!!!!! According to the true pi number N.A.S.A. is using the true PI number. lol According to the true pi number the humans will be able to build more perfect buildings (and durable ffs!!!) ACCORDING TO THE TRUE PI NUMBERTHE MARKO RODIN SINGLE TORUS COILWILL BE UPGRADED AND MORE EFFICIENT!!!and a little bigger in diameter)
The first manned orbit of the moon had a reading from Genesis and the first time man walked on the moon they had communion reading from Psalms 8. Buzz Aldrin in Guideposts.
In a little while after our scheduled meal period, Neil would give the signal to step down the ladder onto the powdery surface of the moon. Now was the moment for communion. So I unstowed the elements in their flight packets. I put them and the scripture reading on the little table in front of the abort guidance system computer. Then I called back to Houston.
“Houston, this is Eagle. This is the LM Pilot speaking. I would like to request a few moments of silence. I would like to invite each person listening in, wherever and whomever he may be, to contemplate for a moment the events of the past few hours and to invite each person listening, wherever and whomever he may be, to contemplate for a moment the events of the past few hours and to give thanks in his own individual way.”
O Lord, our Lord, How excellent is Your name in all the earth, Who have set Your glory above the heavens! Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants You have ordained strength, Because of Your enemies, That You may silence the enemy and the avenger. When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, The moon and the stars, which You have ordained, What is man that You are mindful of him, And the son of man that You visit him? For You have made him a little lower than the angels, And You have crowned him with glory and honor. You have made him to have dominion over the works of Your hands; You have put all things under his feet, All sheep and oxen—Even the beasts of the field, The birds of the air, And the fish of the sea That pass through the paths of the seas. O Lord, our Lord, How excellent is Your name in all the earth! – Psalms 8
The final man to walk and speak on the moon was Eugene CERNan. Cernan was the 11th person to walk on the moon and the last to leave. The movie “Last Man on the Moon” was about Cernan.
Cernan was born 7,505 days before CERN was formed. The pinnacle of science and exploration began with men acknowledging the Creator and exploring the wonder of the heavens. The heights of science today are about becoming as the Creator. What began with Genesis and communion on the moon has devolved into an attempt to open the abyss and the intermingling of seed.
From the formation of CERN on September 29, 1954 to Cernan’s Apollo 17 launch was 6,644 days or 949 weeks. From CERN to the final moon landing was 6,648 days.
Olcoz-Eunate y la Astrología II: Apocalipsis y Escatología
Que sea la constelación de Virgo el referente astrológico constructivo de San Miguel de Olcoz y Santa María de Eunate tiene igualmente unos componentes simbólicos derivados del Apocalipsis de Juan. Ello se debe a que María fue asimilada a la "mujer vestida del sol, con la luna bajo sus pies, y sobre la cabeza una corona de doce estrellas" (Ap 12,1) que está a punto de dar a luz a un niño. La Gran Serpiente (dragón) quiere aniquilar a ambos pero el arcángel san Miguel y su ejército celestial le derrota. Esta escena visionaria fue representada de múltiples formas a lo largo del Medievo y posteriormente.
Visualización astrológica de los paneles de Torre Olcoz (Jesús Zulet)
"Hubo un gran combate en los cielos. Miguel y sus ángeles lucharon contra el Dragón. También el Dragón y sus ángeles combatieron, pero no prevalecieron y no hubo ya lugar en el Cielo para ellos. Y fue arrojado el Dragón, la Serpiente antigua, el llamado Diablo y Satanás, el seductor del mundo entero; fue arrojado a la tierra y sus ángeles con él." (Ap. 12,7-9)
Escena apocalíptica, frescos de la iglesia de San Pietro al Monte (Civitate-Italia). Siglo XII.
En esta ascripción alegórica de la "mujer vestida de sol" con la Virgen María podemos encontrar, en la red de las "imágenes arquetípicas", a la Virgen que cantara Virgilio en su IV Égloga y que iba a dar a luz a un Mesías que traería consigo una nueva Edad de Oro. La Virgen virgiliana era Astrea, la diosa de la Equidad-Justicia-Orden que ascendió a los cielos desilusionada de la humanidad durante la Edad del Bronce, y que durante la Edad de Oro enseñaba en las ciudades y en la Edad de Plata a los aldeanos de las montañas. Mas la Astrea virgiliana fue equiparada con la Virgen María y su Puer Avatar con Jesús. Asimismo, en el Apocalipsis, la derrota de la Serpiente Antigua es el preludio de los acontecimientos que concluirán con el descenso de la Jerusalén Celeste (y de la Edad de Oro del Paraíso Celestial, por tanto).
Pasajes escatológicos con el arcángel Miguel, en la iglesia navarra de San Miguel en Estella (Camino de Santiago como Eunate y Olcoz, y no muy lejos de ellas).
Estas concatenaciones simbólicas se difundieron durante la Edad Media así que no es extraño que fuesen conocidas por los promotores-patrones de las iglesias de Olcoz y Eunate, y es fácil así comprender el trasfondo apocalíptico de la advocación de ambos templos a Miguel Arcángel y a María, como los ha sabido igualmente mostrar Jesús Zulet (véase panel siguiente suyo)
Asimismo existe un trasfondo escatológico puesto que San Miguel es el psicopompo en el Más Allá y quien pesa las obras buenas y malas en la balanza (tema ya presente en Egipto), y María es la Gran Mediadora en el Más Allá (además su antecesora astrológica, Astrea, era la diosa de la Justicia).
Y abundando en lo escatológico, se sabe documentalmente que Santa María de Eunate era ya en 1219 sede de una cofradía de ánimas de los pueblos de Valdizarbe y entorno inmediato, como lo descubriera José María Jimeno Jurío. Además, como he dejado claro en otro lugar, buena parte de la iconología de Eunate puede adscribirse a los escenarios del inframundo escatológico, a la par que su vinculación arquitectónica a la Ascensión de Jerusalén y el capitel de la Ascensión de Cristo son igualmente escatológicos y de gran importancia para la esperanza en al resureccción y bienaventuranza en la Jerusalén Celeste. Si Virgo representa astrológicamente a la Virgen María en la cristianización del Zodíaco, San Miguel puede verse representado a su vez por Perseo, el vencedor de la Gorgona Medusa (a la cual se la representaba con la boca abierta y generalmente con la lengua fuera), que Jesús Zulet identifica con el personaje con capa que pisa la cabeza grotesca.
Pero es que -añado yo por mi parte-, San Miguel igualmente puede quedar alegorizado mediante las balanzas, emblema del signo zodiacal Libra (Astrea -no lo olvidemos- quedó desglosada realmente como Virgo y Libra en el zodíaco).
Detalle del panel realizado por Jesús Zulet de los cilos de Perseo y Virgo en Olcoz y Eunate
30 abr. 2013 - Que sea la constelación de Virgo el referente astrológico constructivo de San Miguel de Olcoz y Santa María de Eunate tiene igualmente unos componentes simbólicos derivados del Apocalipsis de Juan. Ello se debe a que María fue asimilada a la "mujer vestida del sol, con la luna bajo sus pies, y sobre ...
Otro dato interesante es que Herodes, un edomita, le corta la cabeza a Juan el Bautista, en su mismo día de cumpleaños, osea que es en el marco al día de su nacimiento. Es obvia la referencia esoterica y masónica al sexo femenino. Herodes, es el antitipo de Aman, un amalecita, también descendiente de Edom, que conspira contra el pueblo judío en el libro de Esther/Ishtar. Mardoqueo//Marduk es una referencia a Marte.
Incluso Betsabé o casa de saba, descendiente de Cam, es la madre de Salomón. Nimrod, Semiramis y Thamus/Marte es una referencia al pacto de Génesis 9:11, con referencia a la sangre o linaje. Esto explica el porqué del nexo con el planeta rojo. En el santoral católico el día de Betsabé es el mismo 4 de julio, independencia de EEUU en Filadelfia. Está todo interconectado. Usted usa la cabeza señor Rolmen??? El narcisismo es el mayor enemigo del Grial. Saba es descendiente de Cam, con fuerte nexo con Etiopia e incluso la reina de Saba, ADONDE el señor hace referencia en Mateo 12:40,42 en el marco a la señal de Jonas/paloma/Columba/ Columbia/ Río Magdalena.
La transfiguración tiene referencia al mismo paralelo 33, como nexo con la torre de Babel o Migdal/Magdala que es un portal o agujero de gusano conectado con el espacio tiempo. Esto explica incluso el nexo Marte con el 33, la gran pirámide, el 911, el apollo 11-17, el colisionador de hadrones y el Vaticano. Es obvia la conexión extraterrestre en este MARCO. Por eso la relación del camino de Santiago, el 25 de julio con León San Marcos/Marte/guerra. El nexo insisto, es la referencia 911 con la iglesia copta en Alejandría, Egipto. El Cairo significa Marte. Esto explica la relación con el complejo Gizeh-Orion. El día de San Marcos es el día 227 copto. Esto también explica porque la relación de Roswell con el Rancho Magdalena, el monte manzano, la transfiguración y el paralelo 33. Es obvio en este marco que Elias, Juan el Bautista es un nuevo Elías y Moisés fueron trasladados en el tiempo en la transfiguración.
The MRO 2.4-meter (7.9 ft) telescope is a Nasmyth design on an azimuth-elevation (az-el) mount. The telescope is capable of slew rates of 10 degrees per second, enabling it to observe artificial objects in low Earth orbit. The telescope is also used for asteroid studies and observations of other solar system objects.[4]The MRO 2.4-meter achieved first light on October 31, 2006, and began regular operations on September 1, 2008, after a commissioning phase that included tracking near-Earth asteroid 2007 WD5 for NASA.[5]
The telescope's primary mirror has a complicated history. It was built by Itek as part of a competition for the contract for the Hubble mirror (although it has a different prescription than the one used to construct the Hubble). When Perkin-Elmer was chosen instead as the Hubble contractor, the mirror was passed to a classified Air Force project. When this project was in turn discontinued, the mirror was transferred to the Magdalena Ridge Observatory, along with a blank for the secondary.[6][7]
As of May 2008, the facility is under a multi-year contract with NASA to provide follow-up astrometry and characterization data on near-Earth asteroids and comets as part of Spaceguard, and also collaborates with the Air Force to track and characterize satellites in GEO and LEO orbits.[8] On October 9, 2009, New Mexico Tech scientists used instruments on the MRO 2.4-meter and at the Etscorn Campus Observatory to observe controlled impacts of two NASA Centaur rockets at the southern polar region of the moon as part of the LCROSS Project.[9][10]
On October 23, 2015, it was announced that the MRO telescope will receive funding from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) in early 2016 to monitor the launch and re-entry of commercial space vehicles from Spaceport America.[11]
The Magdalena Ridge Optical Interferometer (MROI) is an optical and near infraredinterferometer under construction at MRO. When the MROI is completed, it will have ten 1.4 m (55 in) telescopes located on three 340 m (1,120 ft) arms. Each arm will have nine stations where the telescopes can be positioned, and one telescope can be positioned at the center. The telescopes and their enclosures will be moved with a customized crane. Light from the telescopes' primary mirrors will be directed along the arms to the Beam Combining Facility (BCF). These pipes will be evacuated of all air in order to reduce distortions. Inside the BCF, the light will first travel through extensions of the pipes in the Delay Line Area, which will bring the light beams into phase. Then light will exit the vacuum pipes in the Beam Combining Area (BCA), where the light will be directed into one of three permanent sensors, or to a temporary instrument on a fourth table. The light will strike a total of eleven mirrors before entering a sensor.
The basic design of MROI was completed in 2006. Construction of the facility began in August 2006 with the BCF building, which was completed in 2008. In July 2007, the contract for the design of the ten 1.4 m telescopes was awarded to Advanced Mechanical and Optical Systems S.A. (AMOS) of Belgium. In 2009 the design of the infrastructure of interferometer arms was completed, as was the design for the telescope enclosures. In 2010 construction of the arms began. Also in 2010 the first delay line was installed in the BCF.[13]
On October 19, 2015, New Mexico Tech signed a five-year, $25 million cooperative agreement with the Air Force Research Laboratory to support continued development of the interferometer at the observatory. Dr. Van Romero, Vice President of Research at Tech, said the new funding will allow the completion of three telescopes, mounts and enclosures on the mountaintop facility.[14]
New Mexico Exoplanet Spectroscopic Survey Instrument[edit]
The New Mexico Exoplanet Spectroscopic Survey Instrument (NESSI) is a ground-based instrument specifically designed to study the atmospheres of exoplanets.[15][16] The $3.5 million instrument is the first purpose-built device for the analysis of exoplanet atmospheres,[17] and is expected to have a powerful impact on the field of exoplanet characterization.[18]
The Principal Investigator is Michele Creech-Eakman at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, working with seven co-investigators.[18] The NESSI instrument was mounted on the observatory's 2.4 meter telescope. The instrument's first exoplanet observations began in April 2014.
Recibe su nombre del héroe mitológico, Hércules y es la quinta en tamaño de las 88 constelaciones modernas. También era una de las 48 constelaciones de Ptolomeo.
"¡Oh profundidad de las riquezas de la sabiduría (sophia) y de la ciencia (gnwsiV, gnosis) de Dios! ¡Cuán incomprensibles son sus juicios, e inescrutables sus caminos!" (Romanos, 11: 33).
And going into the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh. (Matthew 2:11, ESV)