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Respuesta  Mensaje 1 de 233 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 02/11/2018 17:17
Resultado de imagen para BACK TO THE FUTURE 911
Resultado de imagen para ciclo de sirio 1461 dias
​ El ciclo sotiaco es el periodo de 1461 años de 365 días exactos (del calendario egipcio, en el juliano son 1460 años de 365,25 días) que tarda la salida heliaca de Sirio en coincidir de nuevo con el comienzo del año nuevo, el primer día del mes Thoth,​ descoordinación que viene acarreada porque el año egipcio no ...
11/9/2001-22/7/2006=1776 DIAS

Resultado de imagen para sirio 1461 years
Resultado de imagen para CLOCK 666
Resultado de imagen para the third eye back to the future
Resultado de imagen para the third eye back to the future
Resultado de imagen para the third eye back to the future
Resultado de imagen para the third eye back to the future
Resultado de imagen para the third eye back to the future
Resultado de imagen para the third eye back to the future
Resultado de imagen para HOLLYWOOD TWIN TOWERS
Resultado de imagen para 11TH SEPTEMBER JANUS
Resultado de imagen para COLUMNAS HERCULES PESO
Resultado de imagen para COLUMNAS HERCULES PESO
Resultado de imagen para COLUMNAS HERCULES PESO
Imagen relacionada
Resultado de imagen para COLUMNAS HERCULES PESO
Resultado de imagen para BACK TO THE FUTURE 911

Condensador de flujo (conocido en España como condensador de fluzo por un error de la traducción original) es un término traducido del inglés flux capacitor, referido al componente principal de la máquina del tiempo creada por el doctor Emmett Brown (interpretado por Christopher Lloyd) en la película Back to the Future, y que aparece tanto en sus dos secuelas como en la serie animada. En palabras de su inventor: "es lo que hace que los viajes en el tiempo sean posibles".

Debido a su popularidad, el condensador de flujo ha sido adoptado por varios autores de ciencia ficción que no desean explicar los detalles técnicos de los viajes en el tiempo que proponen, de una forma similar a como es utilizado el cerebro positrónico ideado por Isaac Asimov para sus robots.


La película no aclara cómo funciona exactamente el condensador de flujo. Consiste aparentemente en una caja con tres pequeñas lámparas incandescentes centelleantes, colocadas en forma de "Y", y situada detrás entre los asientos de la máquina del tiempo, un automóvil De Lorean DMC-12. Cuando el automóvil se aproxima a una velocidad de 88 millas por hora (140 km/h), la luz que emiten las lámparas del condensador de flujo destellan con más rapidez, hasta emitir una luz constante. La carrocería de acero inoxidable del De Lorean produce la "dispersión del flujo" cuando el condensador se activa, aunque el inventor es interrumpido antes de que pueda finalizar la explicación acerca de su funcionamiento. Es posible apreciar cómo desde la parte superior del vehículo sale un haz de energía que abre una discontinuidad frente al De Lorean, el cual acaba por internarse finalmente en la misma en un estallido de luz y humo, dejando un par de estelas ígneas como prueba del suceso.

Al final de la tercera película de la trilogía, cuando Doc Brown convierte una locomotora de vapor en una máquina del tiempo, el condensador de flujo se encuentra situado en la posición habitual de la caldera.


Tal como cuenta a Marty McFly, Doc Brown tuvo la idea del condensador de flujo el 5 de noviembre de 1955, tras golpearse en la cabeza con el lavabo al resbalar cuando trataba de colgar un reloj de pared en el baño subido en el retrete. La idea acudió a él como una visión cuando despertó del estado de inconsciencia.

Para permitir el viaje a través del tiempo del De Lorean, el dispositivo demanda una cantidad de potencia de 1,21 GW de electricidad, suministrada por un reactor nuclear alimentado con pequeñas barras de plutonio. Asimismo, el viaje en el tiempo exige que la máquina esté desplazándose a una velocidad de 88 millas por hora (140 km/h), velocidad que alcanza el vehículo con su locomoción propia, en este caso por medio de un motor de combustión interna. Los dos primeros viajes se realizaron el 26 de octubre de 1985, el primero de un minuto adelante en el tiempo (desde las 01:20 a las 01:21), tripulado por Einstein, el perro del inventor; y el segundo desde ese día hasta el 5 de noviembre de 1955. Ambos viajes transcurrieron sin ninguna complicación con esta combinación de factores.

Sin embargo, un imprevisto impidió llevar el plutonio en el segundo viaje, y al ser la disponibilidad de plutonio en 1955 prácticamente nula, hubo de utilizarse un rayo que cayó sobre la torre del juzgado de Hill Valley para suministrar la energía necesaria para el regreso. El conocimiento del momento preciso de la caída del rayo (a las 22:04 del 12 de noviembre de 1955) se obtuvo gracias a un folleto de 1985 que informaba del suceso acaecido 30 años atrás. El rayo fue conectado por medio de un cable eléctrico industrial desde el reloj de la torre a otro cable ubicado entre dos farolas, que trasladaron la energía directamente al condensador de flujo mientras el vehículo tocaba el cable con un gancho cuando se desplazaba a 88 mph.

Tras regresar a 1985, el plutonio fue de nuevo utilizado para viajar hasta el año 2015. En esta estancia en el futuro, el reactor de fisión fue sustituido por un reactor de fusión de uso doméstico desarrollado en esta época por la empresa ficticia Mr. Fusion, que permitía el uso de basura como combustible. Tras varios viajes acaecidos durante la segunda película, el De Lorean fue enviado al pasado por un rayo cuando se hallaba de nuevo en el año 1955, esta vez por accidente. La energía liberada por el relámpago alcanzó al condensador de flujo, enviando la máquina del tiempo hasta 1885. Se desconoce cómo pudo ocurrir este inesperado viaje, ya que el vehículo flotaba en el aire en ese momento y no se desplazaba a la velocidad necesaria para el viaje. Es probable que la ocasional combinación entre la tormenta eléctrica en la que se vio inmerso, y los fallos en los circuitos de tiempo, detectados con anterioridad por Doc Brown (apreciándose durante unos instantes la fecha del 1 de enero de 1885 en el contador de a bordo), pudieran ser la causa de esta disfunción en el dispositivo.

La ausencia de gasolina en 1885 impidió que el vehículo dispusiese de su locomoción propia para alcanzar las 88 mph, por lo cual, tras un infructuoso intento por alcanzar esta velocidad con una recua de caballos, Doc Brown recurrió al empuje proporcionado por una locomotora de vapor sobre las vías del tren, alimentada con varios leños energéticos diseñados por el inventor para alcanzar la velocidad límite. Al regresar a 1985, el De Lorean quedó destruido al ser embestido por un tren moderno que circulaba por la vía en ese momento en sentido contrario, y el condensador de flujo original con él.


En el idioma original de la película se menciona que la potencia necesaria para que el dispositivo funcione es de 1.21 jigovatios (jigowatts). Robert Zemeckis y Bob Gale desconocían la grafía exacta de gigavatio (gigawatt en inglés), equivocándose al escribir el guion. Debido a esto, el jigovatio es considerado en muchos foros de Internet como una unidad ficticia, o utilizado para referirse humorísticamente a algún aspecto relacionado con la electricidad. El vocablo jigovatio es el que se utiliza en las novelizaciones de las dos últimas películas, mientras que la novela basada en la película original utiliza el término gigavatio.


El concepto de flujo se usa generalmente en electrónica y teoría electromagnética y sus aplicaciones, pero raramente en el contexto de un condensador. En términos generales, flujo simplemente significa la rapidez con la que alguna cantidad (como la carga eléctrica) pasa a través de una superficie.

Referencias en otros contextos[editar]

  • En la serie de Telecinco Siete Vidas, Sergio rompe accidentalmente el ordenador portátil de Sole e intenta echarle la culpa a esta última diciéndole que, probablemente, había roto sin querer el "condensador de flujo". Evidentemente Sole no conocía la saga de Regreso al Futuro, o se habría percatado rápidamente del engaño.
  • En la canción "Year 3000" del grupo británico Busted en una parte de la canción dice "...with my neighbor called Peter, and a Flux Capacitor" lo que traduciendo al español dice "...con mi vecino llamado Peter, y un condensador de flujo" y después dice "He told me he built a time machine. Like one in a film I've seen" ("Me dijo que había construido una máquina del tiempo. Como la que vi en una película").
  • En un episodio de Padre de Familia Stewie dibuja el plano de una máquina del tiempo y ese dibujo es expuesto ante varios amigos de su padre. Cuando estos observan los planos se puede oír a uno diciendo "y aquí está el condensador de flujo".
  • En Dude, Where's My Car? los distintos alienígenas están buscando un condensador de flujo para poder hacer funcionar su nave espacial.
  • En la versión HD para PlayStation 3 y PlayStation Vita del videojuego God of War existe un trofeo llamado "1,21 gigavatios", en alusión a la potencia que necesita el condensador para funcionar.

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Respuesta  Mensaje 99 de 233 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/03/2019 17:38
Resultado de imagen para NEW JERUSALEM MONTH
Resultado de imagen para 20 DE JULIO 1976 VIKING
Resultado de imagen para 12 astronautas que han pisado la luna
Resultado de imagen para FLAG EEUU NUMBER 13
Resultado de imagen para FLAG EEUU NUMBER 13
Resultado de imagen para pyramid dollar bill

Resultado de imagen para APPLE TRAVEL THROUGH TIME
Sabemos que Vesica Piscis esta en funcion al a los 153 peces de Juan 21:11.

Aqui tenemos a Pi - la circunferencia del toro y la vesica piscis 256/153 equivalente a la raiz cuadrada de 3 
En el hipercubo las coordinadas binarias de Piscis son decimal 3 y binario 11
153 los pescados de Jesus en la biblia
Resultado de imagen para moon phi
Resultado de imagen para PYRAMID MOON
Resultado de imagen para MOON VESICA PISCIS
Resultado de imagen para PYRAMID MOON LOUVRE
Resultado de imagen para PYRAMID MOON LOUVRE 666
Resultado de imagen para MOON 666
Resultado de imagen para pyramide du louvre 666
Resultado de imagen para MOON 666
Resultado de imagen para PYRAMID MOON LOUVRE 666

I have a lot to say about pythagorean triangles in my videos. In particular I have found many references to 5:12:13 triangles and 5:12 rectangles (that’s 2 of the triangles put together) in Stonehenge and the whole region surrounding it, in Washington DC, Paris, and Jerusalem. Someone who listened to my first Red Ice interview contacted me with a major discovery he made in regards to the 5:12 proportion. Brace yourself…


A rectangle measuring 5 feet by 12 feet has an area of 8640 square inches. This is something I can work with. I’m never going to be able to build an 864 foot solar Osiris talisman on a geodetic hot spot, but I think I can manage making a few raised garden beds measuring exactly 5 by 12 feet. And where I live in Canada (above 50 degrees North) can really use more resonance with the Sun.

If you saw SIPS Volume 1, you might recall that Stonehenge has its station stones which describe a 5×12 rectangle.

from SIPS Volume 1

from SIPS Volume 1

Stonehenge is also 33.33° from Solomon’s Temple.

Stonehenge Solomon's Temple

Las piedras de                                               estaciones de Stonehenge                                               forman un rectángulo con                                               la proporción de 5:12  Mapa con                                                     Stonehenge y la isla                                                     Caldey mostrando la                                                     distancia                                                     proporcional de                                                     12,369 - eso es el                                                     número de lunas                                                     llenas por año
Resultado de imagen para STONEHENGE VESICA PISCIS


Resultado de imagen para TOWER APPLE

Resultado de imagen para TREN ES UN GUSANO
Resultado de imagen para TREN ES UN GUSANO
Resultado de imagen para DINERO SERPIENTE
Resultado de imagen para VESICA PISCIS PYRAMID
Image result for phi ratio temple/tabernacle of israel
Sapientia Aedificavit Sibi Domum. Es decir, "la sabiduría ha edificado aquí su casa". Resulta curioso que la misma frase aparece en el Evangelio de María Magdalena, un texto apócrifo. Se dice que en el interior de esta iglesia y de otras muchas de Venecia está escondido el tesoro de los templarios. Pero no hay ninguna prueba de ello. Para terminar ya con esta entrada me gustaría que nos acercásemos un momento a uno de los edificios más emblemáticos de Venecia: el Palacio Ducal.
Resultado de imagen para chiesa della maddalena venezia
Resultado de imagen para PENTAGON PHI
Resultado de imagen para FISICA CUANTICA FLUJO
Resultado de imagen para phallus ORION
Resultado de imagen para phallus ORION
Resultado de imagen para MOON VESICA PISCIS
Resultado de imagen para PENTAGON PHI
Resultado de imagen para APPLE BACK TO THE FUTURE
Resultado de imagen para PYRAMID MOON
Resultado de imagen para moon phi
Resultado de imagen para VESICA PISCIS PRECESION
Resultado de imagen para CLOCK STAR OF DAVID
Resultado de imagen para jesus christ last supper APOLLO MOON 12  MEN
Resultado de imagen para BELLAS QUE SON LAS MATEMATICAS

Respuesta  Mensaje 100 de 233 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 03/04/2019 18:50
Resultado de imagen para OVNI VATICANO REVISTA

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/04/2019 02:44

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/04/2019 02:51

Respuesta  Mensaje 103 de 233 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 18/04/2019 17:08




48 + 1 = 7 x 7

Learning from Liu Hui



Venus=175 : 

iSQUARE = - 1


i = YOU

Time you learned love and lust, they both have 4 letters

666 : 

Music of the Spheres: 

Was Pythagoras Chinese ?

Romke Jan Bernhard Sloot ( 27-08-1945, 11-07-1999 )
was a Dutch electronics technician, who claimed to have developed a
revolutionary data compression technique, 
the Sloot Digital Coding System


Linking the Fibonacci sequence and 
the Chromatic scale with Rodin Math


Knights Templars & PRIME numbers

Last edited by science2art; 23-07-2012 at 01:21 PM.
BARILOCHENSE6999 05/03/2016 11:48
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Respuesta  Mensaje 104 de 233 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 24/04/2019 00:48
Resultado de imagen para BACK TO THE FUTURE CHRIST

Respuesta  Mensaje 105 de 233 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 27/04/2019 01:50



3. Statler Toyota

As the radio clicks on, we get our first reference to 'Statler Toyota', a car dealership that will later be seen in in Hill Valley's main square (it's the source of the truck that Marty cherishes so much). There's a Statler dealership in every iteration of Hill Valley - they're 'Honest Joe Statler's Fine Horses' in 1885, 'Statler Studebaker' in 1955 and "Statler Pontiac" in 2015 – and so this is basically our first example of the trilogy starting a running gag.



Resultado de imagen para TEXACO

Respuesta Ocultar Mensaje Eliminar Mensaje  Mensaje 20 de 20 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/04/2019 22:45
Resultado de imagen para texaco back to the future
Resultado de imagen para texaco back to the future

Respuesta  Mensaje 106 de 233 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/05/2019 15:50
Resultado de imagen para ITER CAMINO STREET

Respuesta  Mensaje 107 de 233 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/05/2019 17:26

Lockheed Martin Patents Nuclear Fusion-Powered Fighter Jet | Zero Hedge

(Zero Hedge) Lockheed Martin has secretly been developing a game-changing compact nuclear fusion reactor that could potentially fit into a fighter jet. The Maryland-based defense contractor recently obtained a patent associated with its design for a fully compact fusion reactor, after filing for the patent in 2014.

Related How The Military Controls America


Source – Zero Hedge

by Staff Writer, March 31st, 2018

If the latest patent from the defense company serves as a benchmark, nuclear fusion technology could revolutionize the aeronautic industry and eventually begin the quantum leap from fossil fuels to compact fusion reactors for the industry.

According to CBS Washington, the prototype system would be the size of a normal shipping container but capable of producing enough energy to power 80,000 residential homes or a Nimitz-class aircraft carrier, sometime in the next year or so.

The patent, tilted “Encapsulating Magnetic Fields for Plasma Confinement,” is dated Feb. 15, 2018. CBS indicates that Skunk Works, also known as Lockheed Martin’s Advanced Development Programs or its advanced R&D group, has reportedly been developing the compact fusion reactor since about 2014, with latest reports suggesting the technology could be ready for production by 2019.

Nuclear fusion is the same process of what happens to hydrogen gas in the core of the Sun. Hydrogen gas gets squeezed into four hydrogen nuclei combine to form one helium atom; thus, nuclear fusion is created.

Lockheed said, “Our concept will mimic that process within a compact magnetic container and release energy in a controlled fashion to produce power we can use.” Here is how Lockheed describes nuclear fusion power:

Lockheed indicates that the compact size of the reactor has induced a technology revolution, which instead of taking “five years to design and build a concept, it takes only a few months.”

“The compact size is the reason that we believe we will be able to create fusion technology quickly. The smaller the size of the device, the easier it is to build up momentum and develop it faster. Instead of taking five years to design and build a concept, it takes only a few months. If we undergo a few of these testing and refinement cycles, we will be able to develop a prototype within the same five year timespan.”

As the technology advances, the size of the fusion reactor shrinks. Lockheed has dropped the bombshell and indicated the reactor could be ready to mount on “a truck, aircraft, ship, train, spacecraft, or submarine.” Across the board, Lockheed could revolutionize the transportation industry in the very near term.

“Some embodiments may provide a fusion reactor that is compact enough to be mounted on or in a vehicle such as a truck, aircraft, ship, train, spacecraft, or submarine. Some embodiments may provide a fusion reactor that may be utilized in desalination plants or electrical power plants.”

Patent FIG. 1 illustrates example applications for fusion reactors, according to certain embodiments.

“As one example, one or more embodiments of fusion reactor 110 are utilized by aircraft 101 to supply heat to one or more engines (e.g., turbines) of aircraft 101. A specific example of utilizing one or more fusion reactors 110 in an aircraft is discussed in more detail below in reference to FIG. 2. In another example, one or more embodiments of fusion reactor 110 are utilized by ship 102 to supply electricity and propulsion power. While an aircraft carrier is illustrated for ship 102 in FIG. 1, any type of ship (e.g., a cargo ship, a cruise ship, etc.) may utilize one or more embodiments of fusion reactor 110. As another example, one or more embodiments of fusion reactor 110 may be mounted to a flat-bed truck 103 in order to provide decentralized power or for supplying power to remote areas in need of electricity. As another example, one or more embodiments of fusion reactor 110 may be utilized by an electrical power plant 104 in order to provide electricity to a power grid. While specific applications for fusion reactor 110 are illustrated in FIG. 1, the disclosure is not limited to the illustrated applications. For example, fusion reactor 110 may be utilized in other applications such as trains, desalination plants, spacecraft, submarines, and the like.”

Patent FIG. 2 illustrates an example aircraft system utilizing fusion reactors, according to certain embodiments.

“In general, fusion reactor 110 is a device that generates power by confining and controlling plasma that is used in a nuclear fusion process. Fusion reactor 110 generates a large amount of heat from the nuclear fusion process that may be converted into various forms of power. For example, the heat generated by fusion reactor 110 may be utilized to produce steam for driving a turbine and an electrical generator, thereby producing electricity. As another example, as discussed further below in reference to FIG. 2, the heat generated by fusion reactor 110 may be utilized directly by a turbine of a turbofan or fanjet engine of an aircraft instead of a combustor.”

Patent FIGS. 3A illustrates an example fusion reactor, according to certain embodiments.

Patent FIGS. 3B illustrates an example fusion reactor, according to certain embodiments.

 Lockheed’s potential applications of compact fusion:

The Silicon Republic believes Skunk Works’ Compact Fusion Project could usher in an era of nuclear drones patrolling the skies:

“Patents for the reactor were filed in 2014 by the company’s advanced research division, Skunk Works, with the aim of having its compact fusion reactor (CFR) ready by 2019. While it has obviously missed that deadline, the delay does not mean the technology is to be left behind. As Dr. Thomas McGuire, head of Skunk Works’ Compact Fusion Project, detailed in a 2014 report, the smaller reactor is more feasible than a large-scale one. If the system functions as expected, the CFR could take 11kg of fuel in the form of the hydrogen isotopes deuterium and tritium, and run the reactor for an entire year without needing to stop.

Throughout that time, it would be consistently pumping out 100MW of power, enough to power up to 80,000 homes. When discussing how it could impact aircraft design, Lockheed Martin said that this amount of power would allow it to fly indefinitely and would only be hampered by the crew’s need for food and water on the ground. The likelier option is that this would translate extremely well into drone aircraft used to patrol the skies for years at a time, which, admittedly, sounds a little terrifying.”

While a nuclear fusion powered fighter jet would certainly change the board game of geopolitics, factor in the hypersonics technologies and high energy weapons, and the high-tech weapons for the next global conflict have already been identified.


To be sure, the global superpowers realize that the first to possess these technologies will not just revolutionize their civilian and military programs, but will also dictate the future path for civilizations on planet earth, as such the new arms race is on, just not in the same weapons that defined the first cold war.

Stillness in the Storm Editor’s note: Did you find a spelling error or grammar mistake?  Send an email to corrections@stillnessinthestorm.comwith the error and suggested correction, along with the headline and url. Do you think this article needs an update? Or do you just have some feedback? Send us an email at sitsshow@gmail.com. Thank you for reading.




Respuesta  Mensaje 108 de 233 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 06/05/2019 17:57

Taking on the Giants: Skunk Works Aims for Commercial, Compact Fusion Reactor Within Ten Years

Ever since major industrialized nations learned how to fuse atoms in megabombs able to blast scores of square miles to smithereens, the quest has been on to harness the vast potential energy store that is nuclear fusion as a viable means to peacefully fuel modern civilization.

Unlike fission, which involves the splitting of atomic nuclei, fusion both produces more energy while generating no radio-active waste. The primary fuel — H2 — is abundant and non-radioactive. Because conventional fusion reactors involve containment fields that force these non-radioactive elements together, they do not operate under dangerous conditions similar to nuclear fission reactors. The fusion reaction bi-products are also common, non-polluting elements together with a heat source used for mechanical work.

Fusion reactors aren’t vulnerable to the same kinds of terrible melt-downs seen at Fukushima and Chernobyl. And the energy density of the fusion reaction itself is extraordinary, producing a potential for very high energy returns on energy invested.

A world where an energy source of this quality is compact, economic, and widely available, is one within reach of a progression of advances and wonders. A human civilization with a growing capability to solve emerging problems involving a number of difficult limits.

The Quest for Viable Hot Fusion

As such, viable fusion is seen as a kind of holy grail energy source. And ever since the 1950s, engineers have been pursuing technical and cost effective means to harness it. For part of the problem in harnessing fusion was the highly energetic nature of the energy source itself.

To contain massive, hot, fusion reactions, magnetic plasma bottles were needed. Doughnut-shaped containment fields engineered to trap substances as hot as a sun. And the magnetic bottles themselves were energy-hungry beasts requiring major investment in infrastructure and materials.

The reactor facilities necessary to produce such high-energy bottles were massive, involving megawatts of energy for the magnetic fields that would contain the super-hot fusion reaction and its resultant plasmas. Such tokamak fields were very expensive to erect and maintain.


(Tokamak fusion reaction containment field. Image source: Commons.)

In most cases, more energy was needed to keep the fusion reaction in check than could be gleaned from the reaction overall. But slow and steady advances continued — primarily aimed at building a large enough containment vessel to glean a useful return on the energy dumped into the tokamak fields.

As the massive tokamak projects entered the 21st Century, a coalition of countries including the EU, the US, Russia and China, pooled efforts to construct the 23,000 ton ITER project. At a cost of $50 billion dollars US and growing, the project aims to provide a 10 to 1 energy return on energy invested by converting 50 megawatts of containment field energy into 500 megawatts of commercial energy. Such provision of a viable fusion energy store would, indeed, be a breakthrough and likely result in spin-off reactor technology if such offerings could be reproduced at relatively low-cost.

ITER plans to begin testing in 2020 and hopes to be online and producing energy by 2027.

It is worth noting, though, that the massive size and cost of projects like ITER serve to limit the likelihood that fusion energy will become commercially viable on any time horizon sooner than 20 years even if the energy production efforts are successful (although, one can well compare the 50 billion over decades cost of ITER with the $650 billion or greater annual cost of current ongoing oil and gas exploration).

Unexplained Experimental Results

For much of the mainstream scientific community, the large fusion plasma containment field projects like ITER serve as the only hope for a viable fusion energy source. But ever since the late 1980s, an underground science has developed around what was, at first, called cold fusion.

This fringe field emerged onto the world stage as an off-spring of work conducted and announced by Pons and Fleischmann in 1989. The two scientists provided reports observing a positive energy fusion reaction of deuterium occurring at low temperature in the presence of a relatively low-energy electrical current and a catalyst (palladium).

It was also a continuation of previous work by Graham, Paneth, Peters, and Tandberg during the 19th and early 20th Centuries. Most notably, Tandberg stated in 1927 that he had fused hydrogen into helium in an electrolytic cell with palladium electrodes. Ironically, this work was mostly unknown to Pons and Fleischmann at the time of their announcement.

Pons and Fleischmann’s paper rocked the scientific community — triggering an article about the researchers in Time Magazine and Congressional inquiries together with speculation that a dawn of a new energy era was at hand. Much of this speculation was fueled by the researchers, who provided extraordinary claims about the usefulness of the energy source they discovered.

But the Pons and Fleischmann experiment was a sketchy subject for observational proofs. For like Tandberg, who had a patent based on his experiment rejected on the notion that ‘he could not explain the physical process,’ Pons and Fleischmann found resistance due to the fact that their observations would upend most of what was currently understood about atomic physics — chiefly that it should take a massive amount of energy to fuse atomic particles.

Even more bedeviling, the experiment was difficult to reproduce. Sometimes, the positive heat energy reaction that Pons and Fleischmann reported was observed and sometimes it was not. This inconsistency continued to fuel doubt in the validity of this line of research.

Even worse, there was very little in the way of sound scientific theory that could explain what was actually going on inside the reaction chamber to produce the observed heat. Conventional atomic science couldn’t produce a mechanism for such a reaction. And so the observations hinged on convincing the gate keepers of conventional science that a loop-hole existed in atomic fusion theory. A rather high bar to cross.

Since no current accepted and peer-reviewed theory could explain the cold fusion reaction to make it viable, this lead to researchers in the field fighting off the label of ‘scientific pariah.’

Nonetheless, work continued on so-called cold fusion (now often labeled low energy nuclear reactions or LENR) at a number of government and commercial laboratories around the world. Japan, Italy, France, Israel, and the US all continued to conduct validation and observation experiments related to Pons and Fleischmann’s efforts. And a variety of commercial efforts also emerged — with some producing rather extraordinary but, as yet, still disputed claims.

Last year, a team of scientists produced an observational study of a controversial generator called the E-Cat which claimed to use LENR technology to produce excess energy. The study validated the claim, but, as with most LENR work, has received broad criticism.  A second potential paper, produced by the same authors, was listed on a blog earlier this month. The draft has yet to appear in any of the major scientific libraries.

Lockheed Martin’s Compact Fusion


(Lockheed Martin working on experimental fusion design. Image source: Lockheed Martin.)

Until recently, commercial agencies working to develop fusion as a viable energy technology have split into two camps — the large corporations which have chiefly funded experimental efforts, and the small corporations like Rossi Energy which have been promising, but failing to deliver, viable LENR generators for the past few years.

Now, as of last week, Lockheed Martin has entered the fray by making an announcement that it aims to produce a commercially viable small fusion reactor within the next ten years.

Spear-headed by Skunk Works — the same group that produced the first stealth bomber and a number of other breakthrough technologies — the effort aims to have an experimental reactor off the ground within 5 years, military capable technology for ships, vehicles and aircraft within 10 years, and non-government/military reactors within less than 20 years.

The Lockheed Martin reactors are planned to be compact — small enough to fit in an 18 wheeler truck bed. These compact designs would produce a relatively large amount of energy — about 100 MW. Such a design could power a moderate sized city, allow an aircraft to fly indefinitely, be used to power larger vehicles, and serve as an energy source for ocean-going vessels. Such a small design would be less costly, more useful, and more easy to rapidly test, develop, and deploy.

Fusion-Graphic Magnetic Mirrors

(Lockheed Martin’s fusion reactor desing uses a layered plasma containment approach. Image source: Cosmos. Image credit: Anton Banulski.)

The key to Lockheed Martin’s smaller design is the creative use of older containment technologies. According to reports from lead Lockheed Martin scientists, the Skunk Works team is using a technique that involves a cusp confinement method — which uses ring-shaped electromagnets to contain the fusion plasma. The electromagnets generate a field that bulges in the middle. Magnetism pushes the fusion particles together. The further away from the fusion medium the particles stray, the greater the magnetic force pushing them back in.

In the 1970s, cusp confinement was found to be too leaky to produce a fusion reaction. Martin’s solution is to surround the cusp field with a second magnetic mirroring field — also a somewhat leaky field. However, another innovation by Lockheed Martin is to shunt escaped particles back into containment using a third field layer.

According to the, now anecdotal, reports from the initial research team, the experimental design features a viable  fusion containment field using only 1 kilowatt of power. A claim that, if it bears out, could put this new design onto the cutting edge for fusion development, but would require quite a bit more testing to reach full power loads.

From a recent article in Cosmos:

McGuire said he and five to 10 researchers have been working for four years and have built their first experimental device. They carried out 200 test shots while commissioning it. He declined to say what temperature, density or confinement time they had achieved but he said the plasma appeared stable and they had heated it with up to one kilowatt of power.

A Big Corp to Take on the Fossil Fuel Giants?

As of yet, the Lockheed Martin announcement provides no scientific proofs (Lockheed says it has a scientific paper pending). And given the history of past fusion innovation claims, this prestigious company may well be taking a substantial risk in its early and apparently confident announcement. Some publications have already pointed out that LM is putting its reputation on the line.

That said, perhaps the entry of the prestigious Lockheed Martin corporation into the fast track for attempting to provide viable fusion technologies is a sign that some of these energy sources — whether Tokamak or LENR based — are on the verge of a period of breakthrough.

If so, what I wrote last year about fusion energy in Growth Shock may well apply:

Even if the first high hurdle of commercial viability is crossed, whatever industries provide fusion systems will have to survive competition with the wealthy, influential, and politically powerful fossil fuel industry. One can expect a similar campaign of disinformation, undermining, delaying and detracting that has been waged against the world’s solar, wind and biofuel industries. Misinformation and fear mongering are most likely to arise as soon as any announcement of commercial viability goes widely public. This second hurdle may well prove to be even higher than the first and oil, coal, gas and, possibly, traditional nuclear special interest groups may well join to keep this option in its bottle.

Before becoming overly optimistic, we must remember that both wind and solar energy showed great promise early on and have taken many decades fighting both real world limitations and entrenched special interests to gain the minor foothold they have now established. And these are both proven technologies that are in a vicious competition with the established smoke-stack interests. One would not expect much difference with fusion. If viable, it poses a greater threat than any current renewable energy system, so the opposition media campaign, in the event of publicly proven viability, would likely be shrill in the extreme.

But fusion technology may have a few strikes in its favor. Though it may well be disruptive to traditional fuel suppliers, it may not be as disruptive as current alternatives to traditional utilities. Most of the applications that the new fusion producers are attempting to license would be plug and play… fusion generators could directly replace those in coal, gas, and nuclear plants. The new infrastructure, essentially, is limited to a reaction chamber or boiler. And should fusion prove viable, this ‘plug and play’ aspect of the technology may prove to be a crucial advantage.

The compact nature of Lockheed’s prospective offering — 100 MW scale truck-sized reactors — should they emerge, could well be a critical fossil fuel replacement desperately needed in an age of ramping anthropogenic climate change. So let’s hope this is not a miss-fire on Lockheed’s part.


Compact Fusion

Is Lockheed’s Fusion Project Breaking New Ground?

Lockheed Developing Truck-Sized Nuclear Fusion Reactor

Growth Shock

Could Ultra-Cheap Energy be Just Around the Corner?



Cold Fusion


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