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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensagem original) Enviado: 06/03/2019 12:50

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 09/03/2022 18:11

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/03/2022 15:15

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/10/2022 16:48
Spear of Destiny - Third Reich | Pakistan Defence

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/11/2022 00:13
Chiesa di San Barnaba

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/12/2023 20:52

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/02/2024 18:07

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 29/02/2024 12:29

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 29/02/2024 12:36

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 06/03/2024 19:55

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 06/03/2024 21:15

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 30/10/2024 06:01

Los intelectuales aventureros de Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny


Especial para EN ROJO

Las tres primeras películas de Indiana Jones (Harrison Ford) fueron de las experiencias más memorables de mi infancia. Nunca olvidaré cuando vi Raiders of the Lost Ark (dir. Steven Spielberg, EEUU, 1981) en el Cine Roosevelt. Esta nutrió mis fantasías de escribir y ser director de cine. Aunque de adulto seguí otros rumbos, de niño soñaba con ser parte del universo de Indiana Jones. Fantaseaba con una aventura en que Indiana Jones venía a la isla a encontrar el Crucifijo de los Milagros que estaba encerrado en el Capitolio. Como soñaba con ser actor a mis diez años, una compañía de teatro, de la cual yo era parte, apoyaría a Jones para encontrar el crucifijo. Esa sería mi entrada a la aventura. Los villanos eran una pareja que se parecían a Ofelia Dacosta y Manolo Urquiza. No eran Nazis, pero eran crueles y solo buscaban poder. Ese abuso de lo que yo consideraba en aquel entonces como algo sagrado (un crucifijo que hacía milagros) era para mí la raíz de todo mal. Jones es arqueólogo y trabaja en una universidad rodeado de pizarras y pupitres. Mi inocencia infantil me indicaba que nada malo podía salir de allí.

Amo esa trilogía original, pero el amor no me ciega. Indiana Jones es un personaje que perpetúa fantasías occidentales que justifican el colonialismo. Por eso Jones es un hombre blanco que protagoniza una narrativa donde los orientales (y uso esta palabra para describir las construcciones de una narrativa y no una persona asiática real) son bárbaros esclavizados por sus supersticiones. En la segunda película, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (dir. Steven Spielberg, EEUU, 1984), el protagonista se enfrenta a un culto en la India que venera a la diosa Kali. Jones liberará la región del oscurantismo religioso batallando contra el maldito Mola Ram (Amrish Puri), el líder del culto. Después de que el héroe mata al villano, el ejército británico irrumpe con sus rifles para apaciguar a los supuestos salvajes. En la tercera secuela, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (dir. Steven Spielberg, EEUU, 1989), Jones busca el Santo Grial para exhibirlo en un museo. Jones y los suyos le roban a la historia de muchos pueblos para expandir colecciones europeas y estadounidenses. No hay una gran diferencia entre la frase que guía a Indiana Jones (“it belongs in a museum”) y la imbecilidad de los burócratas que encierran el Arca del Pacto dentro de una caja en un gran almacén de gobierno al final de la primera película.

Independientemente de sus problemas, las historias de Indiana Jones me protegieron de la soledad de mi adolescencia. La lectura de toda expresión cultural debe ser compleja y hasta contradictoria. Por eso, las maravillas de un texto pueden coexistir junto a los problemas que este refleja. Esto aplica a la última secuela, Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (dir. James Mangold, EEUU, 2023), ya que sus glorias coexisten junto a sus tropiezos.

En su nueva aventura, Indiana Jones es un profesor octogenario que se jubila de Hunter College en el 1969. Al Dr. Jones no solo le duelen las coyunturas, sino que también le pesan las amarguras que ha experimentado. Mientras las generaciones más jóvenes se enfocan en un nuevo futuro tecnológico representado por el viaje a la luna, el Dr. Jones vive deslumbrado por el pasado. Por esto, su ahijada Helena (Phoebe Waller-Bridge) le pide ayuda en su búsqueda del Antikythera, una tecnología creada por Arquímedes en la antigua Grecia. El doctor Jones argumenta que el artefacto es la evidencia de la existencia de Arquímedes y de sus invenciones. Jones se sacrifica para preservar estos fragmentos históricos y así esclarecer los misterios del pasado. Por otro lado, Helena representa esas generaciones jóvenes interesadas en monetizar el Antikythera. Este conflicto es de los elementos más interesantes de Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny marcando al personaje de Helena como una variación (y hasta una corrupción) singular del personaje de Indiana Jones.

Algunos críticos han despreciado el personaje de Helena. Sin embargo, Helena es la razón por la que Jones abandona su apartamento y se embarca en una nueva aventura. Waller-Bridge crea un personaje femenino fuerte, brillante y aventurero que sigue los pasos de Marion, el amor de Indiana Jones actuado magistralmente por Karen Allen. Junto a Helena también llegan los villanos, representados por el Dr. Voller (Mads Mikkelsen) y su matón, Klaber (Boyd Holbrook). Estas ratas Nazis buscan el Antikythera para cambiar la historia del Tercer Reich.

Así como el personaje de Helena está bien desarrollada, los villanos de esta película carecen de la intensidad visual de un Belloq (Paul Freeman), el arqueólogo que se vendió a los Nazis en Raiders of the Lost Ark, o de la científica rusa, Irina Spalko (Cate Blanchett), en la altamente problemática Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (dir. Steven Spielberg, EEUU, 2008).

Indiana Jones se mueve entre intelectuales e historiadores que incluyen a su padre, el doctor Henry Jones (Sean Connery), al torpe Marcus Brody (Denholm Elliott) y al mismo padre de Helena, actuado por el brillante Toby Jones. Esos ratones de biblioteca terminan siendo los actores de grandes aventuras. En la más reciente, el antagonista, Voller, es un físico también dedicado a la enseñanza y que llegó a los Estados Unidos después de la derrota de Alemania. Pero es desesperante que con un actorazo como Mads Mikkelsen encarnando este nuevo villano, el personaje carezca de una explosión de presencia o de un intercambio interesante con Indiana Jones. De hecho, la mayoría de los personajes, incluyendo aquellos del pasado, como el amigable Sallah (John Rhys-Davies), se sienten como vanos guiños de ojo para los fanáticos.

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny brilla por muchas razones. El director de fotografía, Phedon Papamichael, que también retrató la joya del blanco y negro que es Nebraska (dir. Alexander Payne, EEUU, 2014), logra capturar los polvorientos grises de un archivo universitario y el claroscuro de un antro en Tánger. Además, la música de John Williams es el ambiente sonoro en el cual siempre existirá Indiana Jones. Por otro lado, la película también cuenta con la dirección y coescritura de James Mangold, que cerró con broche de oro la historia de Wolverine en su excelente Logan (EEUU, 2017). Pero en Indiana Jones su dirección se enfoca en constantes momentos de acción que, aunque funcionan, no desarrollan los personajes.

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny no tiene los momentos memorables que distingo en las tres primeras películas. Por ejemplo, en Indiana Jones and the Holy Grail, el protagonista y su padre huyen de un avión alemán que les dispara. El Dr. Jones padre, un clasicista obsesionado con el Santo Grial, abre su paraguas y moviliza una colonia de gaviotas que, al levantar vuelo, hacen que el avión se estrelle. Dr. Jones padre canta su victoria citando a Carlomagno: “Que mis ejércitos sean las rocas y los árboles y los pájaros del cielo”. Este momento devela lo poético de la serie: cómo el conocimiento de los misteriosos mundos de la antigüedad impacta el presente. Los artefactos, que son tan solo el mcguffin (un objeto que funciona para hacer correr la acción), llevan a interacciones emocionantes y revelan las maravillas de los héroes y los villanos.

Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny pierde las profundidades encantadoras de las primeras tres películas. Sin embargo, no es tan irritante como la malograda Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. Valió la pena experimentar la última aventura de Indiana Jones en la pantalla grande y así despedirme de mi compañero de juventud. La explosión final del tema musical de John Williams me derrumbó.


Resposta  Mensagem 92 de 95 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 30/10/2024 06:07
Harrison Ford Makes a Stylish Visit to Ralph Lauren on Rodeo Drive - YouTube

Resposta  Mensagem 93 de 95 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 18/02/2025 17:43
Project Babylon:

A "Tower of Babel" - officially called "Memory Tower" - was erected during Beijing's closing ceremony on August 24, 2008. Per traditional symbolism, the Babylonian "gate of the gods" unites heaven and earth.

Five days later, a film starring Vin Diesel called Babylon A.D. was released in theaters.

Originally titled (novel) "Babylon Babies", the story revolves around a mysterious girl with supernatural powers named... Aurora.

Her big secret is that she's been technologically modified to become a "virgin" mother who miraculously gives birth to messianic twins. This is eventually revealed to be a fake miracle planned and orchestrated by a power-hungry religious group to boost membership.

August 29 - Babylon A.D. release date - adds to the pregnancy/birth theme as it is the birthday of the ancient Egyptian goddess Hathor, associated with the Milky Way/Nile and the flood ("water breaking") and considered a herald of imminent birth.

In 2005, August 29 was the exact date of New Orleans' "water breaking" impact moment when Hurricane Katrina made landfall there... right at the midpoint of a Galactic-Mayan timeline directly involving the year 2012.

"Katrina" means "Catherine" as in Catherine "Kate" Middleton, i.e. the UK princess whose pregnancy/childbirth we've been long projecting for the Mayan window of 2012-2013 on our sites (Etemenanki/STRUG).

August 29 is also Judgment Day in Terminator 2: Judgment Day. The series is all about an inter-temporal battle over the pregnancy, birth and survival of a "messianic" figure, John Connor, the son of Sarah whose name means "princess".


Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles October 20, '08 episode
"The Tower Is Tall But The Fall Is Short"


Catherine Weaver (in charge of Project 'Babylon'):
"I'm building something..."

In the most recent installment in the Terminator film series (Terminator Salvation) the messianic protagonist John Connor is played by actor Christian Bale, who back in 2008 also became... Batman ("Bruce Wayne"). Christian Bale is Batman in The Dark Knight Rises (2012). The Aurora shooter reportedly claimed he was The Joker, Batman's nemesis.

Martian Grail King Rises:

"Terminator" is also an astronomical term referring to the dividing line between light/day and shadow/night on the surface of a celestial body. The only "terminator" we can see in everyday life is that of the Moon (i.e. the phases of the Moon) which is Diana (Moon goddess). Kate Middleton married Princess Diana's first son, Prince William, a messianic figure in the mold of the Once and Future King ("Arthur"), whose first child she should be pregnant with soon if not already.

It was a potent sign, right at the start of the year 2012, that NASA's "GRAIL" twin spacecraft entered orbit around the Moon/Diana (on New Year's Eve/Day).

The "Holy Grail" is obviously of great significance to not only Prince William but the whole British Royal Family, having to do with the semi-historical issue of the messianic "Grail bloodline." (Holy Grail = Sangreal = Royal Blood.) The GRAIL mission ("Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory") is all about mapping the gravitational field of the Moon or in effect scanning the interior or "womb" of Diana, or interchangeably, "womb of Kate Middleton." The word "gravity" is related to the Latin word gravidity (meaning "heavy") which is a scientific term for the state of... pregnancy. You get the point.

Aurora in Babylon A.D. gives birth to twin "Babylon Babies". NASA's GRAIL consists of twin lunar spacecraft.

Another telling clue is the date of the Aurora massacre itself, "July 20," the anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing. Though often overlooked, it's also a Martian date as it was on July 20, 1976 that NASA's Viking 1 mission made history by successfully landing on the Red Planet for the first time.

The Aurora tragedy took place in "Colorado," a name meaning "colored red" in Spanish. The shooter dyed his hair orange-red.

For more blatant Martian signals, we have a remake of Total Recall coming mere 7 days after the start of the London Olympics. The original 1990 version starring Schwarzenegger was all about (resurrecting) Mars. The new version is set in... UK/London.


Then two days later on August 5, NASA's MSL/Curiosity will attempt a dramatic landing on... Mars.

This will make huge headlines around the world, seriously challenging the Olympics for the media's attention. This will in effect telegraph the notion that the underlying idea of the royal Grail/Babylon baby and bloodline are somehow "Martian" in nature. It's no coincidence that Disney film John Carter was released early March - a story set on Mars, based on the novel... A Princess of Mars.

John Carter 
- 3/9/2012

Mars was at its closet point to Earth at the time (i.e. Sun-Earth-Mars alignment)...

...accompanied by a major solar storm. 

Mar 05 Sunspot Shoots Powerful Solar Storm Toward Earth
Mar 07 Sun Fires Off 2 Huge Solar Flares in One-Two Punch
Mar 07 Solar storm headed toward Earth may disrupt power
Mar 08 Biggest Solar Storm in Years Is Bombarding Earth Now
Mar 10 Two More Solar Flares Erupt on Active Sun


As if those weren't enough, A Princess of Mars was originally titled "Under the Moons of Mars"...

...alluding to the destination of Russia's failed Phobos-Grunt mission (Phobos = biggest moon of Mars)...

...which plunged back into the Earth's atmosphere on January 15, just two weeks after GRAIL's arrival at our own Moon. 

Jan 15, 2012 Failed Russian Mars Probe Crashes Into Pacific Ocean

A phi-based Mayan time code connects all this to the Royal Wedding and (the Gulf of) Mexico where the Maya lived/live.

 "Maya" is today Mexico and the name "Mexico via Mextli refers to a "god of war" which in Roman mythology is Mars"Mexico" via Mexihco means "Place at the Center of the Moon" implying "in the womb  of Diana". Or, "In-Diana"... i.e. Indiana.

Between January's GRAIL/Phobos-Grunt and March's John Carter (of Mars)/Mars close encounter, we had a bigger "ritual" in the form of the Super Bowl featuring Madonna at halftime (February 5)... in Indiana.


If you knew the hidden context, you could see that Madonna was being a "Princess of Mars".

[Scene in John Carter]

["Princess of Mars"]


All about the Rise of the Martian Queen/King/Prince.

I can already hear the grumblings: "Why should the royals be so special as to be considered extraterrestrial?" "Are we expected to worship them as gods?" "This is bullshit, I refuse to accept their disgusting elitism!"

Relax. It's a story. A movie. You're being fed information in coded form. It's not being force-fed. Only you can prevent yourself from broadening your knowledge and understanding.

Symbols help us think. A "king" or "queen" as a leader represent the people. The nature of the people is ideally reflected in the one on the throne. Where the leader goes, the people go. As the leader, so the people. In concept at least.

So the suggested extraterrestrial, "Martian" nature of the royal Grail/Babylon bloodline, particularly the upcoming royal baby, would also apply in some way to the rest of mankind. The story of us. Our Genesis. That's where Prometheus comes in, another massively hyped movie released this year at the time of the Venus Transit early June. All about mankind's extraterrestrial origin.

The mythological figure Prometheus, a titan, created humans and gave them fire. The Olympic flame officially represents this Promethean fire.

"A king has his reign, and then he dies...- quote from Prometheus

Humans... Martian DNA... or "MDNA" (title of Madonna's new album released this year)...


All this is essentially a continuation of the 2004 Athens Summer Olympics, the symbolic communication we witnessed there. Greece is the birthplace/genesis of the Olympic Games. 2004 was the year of the previous Transit of Venus (2004 & 2012). Martian panspermia, Martian pregnancy, Martian birth... The Holy Grail. I should know, I wrote all about it in 2004.



At this point I should remind the reader that I accurately predicted (and I don't use that term lightly) the William-Kate royal engagement almost to the day in 2010 (see Lucifer's Destiny). A full year before that, I had already started projecting what would be happening in 2010-2012. This was back in 2009 when there was no sign of a royal engagement:

Is this it? The long-awaited moment of the resurrection of the phoenix? A somewhat ironic rebirth of 'King William'? [...]

It's as if we are in for a major shift in the British Royal Family starting 2010 just in time for the 2012 London Olympics. [...]

A straightforward interpretation would be that Prince William will become King William in or around 2012. If not literal, then this should at least be a major symbolic storyline set to (if not already) drive key world events in/around 2010-2012[red emphasis added]

Well, here we are in 2012 and things are indeed in motion as far as the British Royal Family per our prognostication.

The Olympic ceremonies are a "mega-ritual," not doubt about that. So many people out there are shouting: "Oh my god, alien invasion! Project Blue Beam! False flag attack!" It's understandable but most are just new at this. I've been at this for more than a decade. I was heavily into this it before 9/11. I can point to the fact that I wrote an article on the 9/11 attacks in October 2001 from a multicontextual perspective that's not so different from what I talk about today... including Mars.

From experience I can say that foresight is not something easily attained. Our reality is not static, it's dynamic. The future is fluid and influenced by what we do, see, and are aware of in the present. The future reacts to our actions and perception so as not to "reward" the unworthy with the gift of foresight. The more purely you align with truth, the more you are "worthy", that is to say, the more you resonate with the future (unrealized possibilities). Most "conspiracy theorists" don't have this quality in them which requires a great sense of balance, lots of self-examination and ego-control. That's why 99.999% of the time they can't foresee anything correctly. Their uncontrolled ego magnet screws up the truth compass. If you can't start from a place of no assumptions and no preconceived worldview, you won't get far. If you go "I'm a Christian" or "I'm an atheist", or "I'm looking for conspiracies by the NWO, the stinking Illuminati!" for instance, you're immediately done right there before you even start, a dead-ender. Talk about self-sabotage. It's so easy to contaminate our reality/future vision with our conscious and subconscious preconceptions. So, while listening to folks like Alex Jone might initially help you deprogram yourself from the mainstream unquestioning mindset, constantly listening to the endless stream of their version of "I hate my parents, they ruined my life, bahhhh!" day in and day out, well, now that's just another worldview programming, another religion, yes, "mind control." It's very unhealthy. You need to stay balanced so as not to get stuck in a fixed line of thinking. That just makes you a robot.

Back to "King William 2012"... Here we are in 2012, just days away from the London Olympics, and "signs" such as the Aurora mass shooting keep pointing to the same storyline, the focus more on royal pregnancy than coronation per se though that's exactly what we see depicted in the London Olympic logo (as I interpreted it back in 2007):

- Prince William turns 
30 (= XXX) in 2012
- 2012 Olympics = Games of the 
XXX Olympiad


"Coronation" of course has its celestial counterpart in corona, meaning "crown". Corona is the plasma atmosphere around the Sun (or other celestial body) that you can see during a total eclipse.

Though technically not identical, a "solar atmosphere" is conceptually interchangeable with "solar wind"... which in turn encodes the name of the British Royal Family, "Windsor".

It is also the "atmosphere/wind" of the Sun, in the form of solar flares and CMEs bombarding the Earth's magnetic field and atmosphere, that produces auroras.

In this context, a "coronation ritual" can take place celestially via "solar wind" and auroras around the earth, in effect crowning the entire planet or all of us. Martian king... Martian race... here on earth. And we are apparently about to get an opportunity to have a "total recall" of our forgotten ("Martian") genesis, how we began.

The entire period of the London Olympics is "radioactive." But I'm going to go ahead and say that I see the latter part of August as a window for big things. Anchor dates ~August 24 and 29.



Just scratching the surface but that's it for now.

Resposta  Mensagem 94 de 95 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 18/03/2025 03:41

Michael Jackson's untimely death was the tsunami wave hitting land. And he had a message to deliver...

He was 'Bigfoot'...

[Bigfoot = super theme of 2009]

...born in Gary, Indiana

Indiana => 'In-Diana' => 'In Moon' (Diana = moon goddess)

['Dirty Diana' - video]

...launched to Moon at Apollo


...carrying a torch

[Indiana state flag]

...of Diana
AKA Flame of Liberty


...burning bright in Paris
where she was killed on August 31, 1997

[Diana car accident site in Paris]

...precisely 10 years after 'Bad'
containing hit song 'Dirty Diana'

[Release August 31, 1987]

It was...
'Moon Impact'


 *      *      *

'For now doth Cain with fork of thorns confine
On either hemisphere, touching the wave
Beneath the towers of Seville. Yesternight
The moon was round
- Dante, Inferno

Why Diana?

'Follow the rabbit', whispered the Man in the Mirror...

  • 'King of Pop'
  • Christmas - birth of 'King of the Jews'
  • Death of Eartha Kitt famous for singing 'Santa Baby'

Reflected in the mirror was a messianic baby... a prince.

Michael Jackson had two boys named 'Prince Michael' and a daughter 'Paris Michael (Katherine)' whom, according to his will, he wanted in the hands of Diana (Ross) if his mother was unavailable, as widely reported on Princess Diana's birthday (July 1).

The close, lifelong ties between Michael Jackson's and his friend Diana Ross are made dramatically clear in his 2002 will - he chose her to raise his three children if his mother is unable to do so. [...]

Note also:

  • Princess Diana died in Paris
  • Diana's 'baby' Prince William had his birthday (June 21) marked by literal Moon Impact (TV movie) 4 days before MJ's death
  • A member of the British Royal Family named Prince Michael (of Kent)

-- June 21, 2009 --
['Impact' preview video]

Prince William

He was 'in-Diana'...

He came out of Diana's womb...

He became Prince Charles' 'angel'...


...as in Charlie's Angels

Jun 25 Farrah Fawcett succumbs to cancer at 62

Farrah Fawcett:
- One of 'Charlie's 
- Born in Corpus Christi or 'Body of Christ'
- Death hours before Michael Jackson's

Closely preceded by Neda...

- Killed on June 20, day before Prince William's BD
- 'Neda' means 'divine message' ('
angel' means 'messenger')

Following her heart-breaking death captured on video, Neda became the face of the protests raging at the time in Iran following the June 12 presidential election (starting on June 13).

June 12-13...

June 11 - Kaguya Moon Impact June 12 - Film 'Moon' release

...Moon/Diana and Bigfoot/St. Anthony

Dec 14 Shoes thrown at Bush on Iraq trip

'Bigfoot' = evolution/missing link
Michael Jackson = one-man 'evolution'

[MJ's ever-changing face]


Werewolf = man-beast = Bigfoot

Etymology: The first part, wer, translates as "man"... The second half, wulf, is the ancestor of modern English "wolf"; in some cases it also had the general meaning "beast."

His was an unnatural evolution (plastic surgeries, etc.). What about ours? Is human evolution natural? If not, has the Moon had a hand in it?

We can almost hear the whisper: 'Human evolution is a hoax':

August 15, 2008
St. Anthony of Padua birthday
Bigfoot hoax...


Resposta  Mensagem 95 de 95 no assunto 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 20/03/2025 20:23
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