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Sabias Que?


sabiasqueSegún “La Leyenda dorada”, escrita en 1276, por el dominico italiano, Jacques de la Vorágine, María Magdalena era hija de Siro y Eucaria, una familia que descendía de reyes.

Su verdadero nombre era Myriam, María en hebreo. Para algunos  es de origen egipcio, en ese caso significaría “amada de Dios.” Para otros significa: mar amargo, iluminada o iluminadora.

Magdalena o Magdala es un sobrenombre, según algunos es una derivación del sustantivo arameo  Migdal (torre). Para otros, deriva del griego Magdalini, basándose en que los evangelios canónicos se transmitieron en esa lengua.

Para varios historiadores, la Magdalena descendía de la tribu de Benjamín, una de las doce tribus de Israel.

La fecha del 22 de julio, aparece en el martirologio anglosajón del monje Oengo, como: La Sagrada Natividad de María Magdalena. Y el 28 de marzo como: La Fiesta de su Conversión a Cristo.

En el siglo III, Hipólito, obispo de Roma, le otorga el título de Apostola Apostolorum  (Apóstol de los apóstoles). Para él es la “Nueva  Eva”, por la que la iglesia de los judíos, representada por la primera Eva, es ahora superada y glorificada por la Iglesia de Cristo, encarnada en Santa María Magdalena.

Los colores litúrgicos de su festividad son el blanco y el oro, como símbolo de los contemplativos.

Se cree que Juan el Bautista, comenzó su predicación en Betania, el pueblo de Marta, María y Lázaro.

Magdala, era una ciudad situada a los pies lago Tiberíades o mar de Galilea, que también era conocida por los nombres de Tariquea (que significa “pesca salada” en griego) o Dalmanuta y Gabara. En ella existían hasta ochenta hilaturas de lana fina. Era una de las tres ciudades de Galilea que aportaba una mayor contribución al Templo, hasta tres carros llenos.

Algunos historiadores, afirman que seis días antes de la Última Cena, María de Magdala ungió a Jesús en Betania. Para Mateo y Marcos esto ocurrió sólo dos días antes.

Según varios estudiosos, la Magdalena estuvo presente en el juicio a Jesús.

Según “La Contemplación” en el hogar de María de Magdala se reunieron la Virgen y las otras mujeres durante la flagelación de Cristo.

La “tradición occidental” afirma que la Magdalena llegó en una pequeña nao, junto con sus hermanos y otros cristianos, a las costas de Francia. Concretamente a un pequeño pueblo, llamado hoy “Les Saintes Maries de la Mer”, hacia el año 40 del s.I.

Si alzamos una línea recta imaginaria hacia el cielo, desde las catedrales de Francia junto a la Basílica de La Magdalena, en Vézelay, entre todas forman la conjunción de Virgo, dedicada a la Virgen María.

Desde el siglo IV hasta el siglo XIII, la comunidad religiosa de los casianistas – fundada por el presbítero Casiano-, fueron los custodios de las reliquias de la  Santa, conservadas en la cripta de San Víctor. Hoy se encuentran en San Maximino (Aix -en Provence, Francia) dentro de una gran urna rematada con una escultura de bronce que representa a la Magdalena en éxtasis, obra de Alessandro Algardi.

Tras la invasión de Francia por los sarracenos en el siglo VIII, las reliquias de la Santa reaparecen el 4 de Diciembre de 1279, en la cripta de San Maximino.

En el medioevo comienza a ser representada con el tarro o alabastrorum, que significa el Eterno Femenino, el contenedor de la vida y la muerte. Anteriormente era representada con los clavos de la cruz de Cristo en sus manos, popularmente llamada “la Virgen de los clavos”.

Se dice que el tarro con que ungió a Cristo estuvo en la iglesia de San Víctor, en Marsella, según testimonio de Silvestro de Prierio en 1497. El monasterio de Saint Sever en Las Landas, afirmaba poseer parte del ungüento.

San Anselmo de Canterbury, en 1081, le dedica oración lírica.

En el 1103 el papa Pascual II, promulga una bula por la que autoriza la romería en su honor en Vézelay, y estimula al pueblo para aumentar la devoción a la Santa.

San Jerónimo le atribuye el epíteto “fortificada con torres”.

El 6 de marzo de 1058, el papa Etienne IX promulga una bula, donde afirma que el cuerpo de  Santa María Magdalena, reposa en la abadía de Vézelay (Borgoña, Francia).

El santuario occidental más antiguo – de finales del siglo X- erigido en honor a la Santa, fue el de Halberstadt, en Alemania. En 1205 el obispo de ese lugar, Conrad de Krosik, regresó de la Cuarta cruzada y trajo consigo diferentes reliquias, entre ellas parte del cráneo de María Magdalena. La llegada de la reliquia se celebra el 17 de agosto.

Hacia 1155 la familia Baffo o Baffa decía poseer un dedo de la Santa y mandó construir en Canaregio, la primera iglesia veneciana, en su honor, para albergar la reliquia. La iglesia se llamaba “Santa María Maddalena Penitente”. Más tarde, en el siglo XVI, fue decorada con cuadros de Tintoretto. Según el historiador de la época, Francisco Sansovino, era la última iglesia que se visitaba durante las celebraciones del Viernes Santo.

A principios del siglo XII se le dedicó una iglesia en Jerusalén, situada en el barrio judío. Se menciona otra iglesia en su honor hacia el 1101-1102 en Ascalón. También existía en Jerusalén un convento dedicado a la Santa donde se alojaban peregrinas, hacia el siglo XII.

Bernardo de Claraval, (San Bernardo) define las reglas de la Orden de los templarios, en ellas encomienda obediencia a Betania, al castillo de Marta y María.

Tras el mandato de disolución de la Orden templaria, algunos de ellos se hallaban cautivos en el Rosellón. Fueron castigados el día 22 de julio de 1307, festividad de Santa María Magdalena.

San Bernardo llegó a escribir hasta noventa sermones acerca del Cantar de los Cantares, una de las lecturas litúrgicas de la festividad de Santa María Magdalena.

San Bernardo, el 31 de marzo de 1146, predicó la Segunda cruzada en la Magdalena de Vézelay, delante del rey Luis VII y su esposa Leonor de Aquitania, los condes de Dreux, de Flandes, de Toulouse y de NeversAños despuésen 1190,  Ricardo Corazón de León (hijo de Leonor de Aquitania y de Enrique II de Inglaterra) y Felipe Augusto se reunieron en el mismo lugar para disponer la Tercera cruzada.

En el año 1183 Felipe Augusto, expulsó a los judíos de París, y trasformó su sinagoga en una iglesia en honor La Magdalena. Estaba situada en la rue de Juiverie. Hoy no existe, en su lugar hay un hotel.

San Luis, rey de Francia, acude a la Sainte- Baume en 1254. En ella se cree que La Magdalena vivió durante diecisiete años. Antes de partir hacia Tierra Santa, en 1267, el rey acudió a Vézeley, para pedir protección a la Santa.

En Francia durante la Edad Media, se celebraba el traslado de sus reliquias desde la Provenza a Vézelay. Allí se festejaba, el 19 de marzo, y en la Provenza el 5 de mayo.

La iglesia de San Maximino de Provenza, guarda los cabellos de la Magdalena, en un relicario, dentro de un vaso de cristal. Esta reliquia atrae la devoción de los fieles. Su largura y su color- rubio tostado- inspiraron durante siglos su iconografía.

Leonor de Aquitania se retiró a la abadía de Fontevrault (Orleáns, Francia) fundada el 15 de abril de 1113, por Luis VI le Gros -cuya patrona era Santa María Magdalena. El 10 de abril de 1257, el papa Alejandro IV concede cuarenta horas de indulgencia, a las personas que visiten la iglesia y el hospicio de Fontevrault, el 22 de julio, festividad de Santa María Magdalena.

A partir del siglo XIII los reyes franceses fueron los patronos de la iglesia de San Maximino donde estaban las reliquias de la Santa. En ese mismo siglo fundaron el Convento Real bajo los cuidados de los dominicos. Ya en el siglo XIX el padre Lacordaire, reinstalo -tras años de ausencia- a los Hijos de Santo Domingo como la escolta de honor de la Magdalena.

Rodolfo de Worms fundó 1224 la Orden  especial de penitentes de Santa María Magdalena. Aprobada por el papa Gregorio IX en 1227. Regla agustiniana; vestían hábito blanco. Se las denominaba Weissfrauen, Dames Blanches, o Damas Blancas. A partir de ahí nacieron más de cuarenta conventos en Alemania.

Durante el primer tercio del siglo XIII, el duque Adolfo de Slesvig-Holstein funda en Hamburgo, un convento dedicado a la Santa. Entrará en él como monje en 1239, y vivió allí hasta su muerte en 1261.

Hacia 1230-1306 el franciscano italiano, Jacopone da Todi, le compone un himno, donde María Magdalena se convierte en el consuelo de la Virgen.

Petrarca, entre 1330-1353, la describe como la Dulcis amica Dei (dulce amiga de Dios).

En 1328, Pierre Causit  funda en Montpellier (Francia) un hospital cuya patrona es Santa María Magdalena.

Durante el siglo XIII la abadía de San Millán de la Cogolla (La Rioja), poseía varias reliquias de la Santa.

El libro de horas de Carlos VIII de Francia (1470-1498) contiene una miniatura que representa al Rey de rodillas, mientras La Magdalena le presenta ante Cristo.

A finales del siglo XIII, Charles de Salerne, graba su nombre en la chsse (relicario) que guarda las reliquias de la Santa, cincelado a mano y ornamentado en diamantes y zafiros.

La metáfora de Cristo como un jardinero que siembra la semilla en María Magdalena, la recoge el himno pascual de Felipe de Gréve, canciller de Paris en el siglo XIII.

En Inglaterra, a finales del siglo XIII, siete de los once santuarios dedicados a La Magdalena, son hospitales. A menudo se les conoce como “Lazare House” (la casa de Lázaro).

En el monasterio de Saint- Albans, en Herefordshire (Inglaterra) conservaba a finales del siglo XIV varias reliquias de Santa María Magdalena. Éstas se hallan inscritas en un manuscrito que se conserva en el British Museum. Dicho manuscrito fue publicado por Dugdale.

La importancia de Santa María Magdalena en Venecia lo demuestra su aparición en una bandera del siglo XV, junto a San Juan Bautista, San Juan Evangelista y San  Jerónimo, todos ellos junto al león de San Marcos.

En Barcelona, a mediados del siglo XV, había una iglesia dedicada a La Magdalena. Donde el sacerdote Miguel Cuberta, ofició su primera misa.

Una bula del 22 de julio de 1435, concedida por el papa Eugéne IV, otorga indulgencia plenaria, en artículo mortis, a todos los habitantes de Arlés y Aix et Embrum (Francia), que ofrezcan sus bienes, para continuar la obra de la iglesia de Santa María Magdalena.

El rey René d´ Anjou, en marzo de 1438, peregrinó a la Sainte-Baume, (Aix- en- Provence, Francia) y fundó una misa, que debe ser cantada a perpetuidad en honor de Santa María Magdalena.

Existen históricas de la existencia de un cáliz, propiedad del  rey René de Anjou con una curiosa inscripción: “El que beba a fondo verá a Dios; el que la apure de un solo trago, verá a Dios y a la Magdalena.”

El Magdalen College de la Universidad de Oxford (Inglaterra) fue fundado en 1448, por William de Waynflete, obispo de Winchester, con el permiso del rey Henry VI de Inglaterra. Tiene una impresionante capilla del siglo XV. En él han estudiado: Oscar Wilde, Virgina Wolf, C. S Lewis

En 1599 un trabajador de una fábrica de papel en Frabiano (Italia) sufrió un accidente y quedó aplastado entre las bobinas de papel, pero invocó a La Magdalena y resultó ileso. La iglesia- s XIII- de dicho pueblo, era una capilla de un hospital dedicado a la Santa. Tras el milagro, la fábrica la adoptó como patrona.

Dice la leyenda que Myriam de Magdala trajo consigo desde Palestina, un puñado de tierra, y unas piedrecillas negras, manchadas con la sangre derramada por Jesucristo en la Cruz. Se guardan en San Maximino (Aix-en Provence) dentro de un frasco de cristal. Cada, Viernes Santo, se vuelven rojas y se licua la sangre. Este prodigio atrae en el siglo XVII a más de cinco mil personas.

El Metropolitan Museum de Nueva York, guarda un relicario de finales del XV, procedente de Florencia (Italia) que contiene un diente de la Santa.

Zwingli,  (reformador iconoclasta suizo) pidió abolir el culto a María Magdalena y destruir todas sus imágenes, pues era un ejemplo de lo artificioso de la intercesión de los santos.

El Concilio de Trento (1545-1563) destaca la importancia de Santa María Magdalena como símbolo de la iglesia triunfante y de la fe verdadera.

San Isidro labrador, antes de comenzar su faena en el campo, acudía a orar en una capilla dedicada a La Magdalena, situada en lo que es hoy Carabanchel (Madrid).

Santa Teresa de Ávila (1515- 1582) relata en su obra Vida su gran devoción a la gloriosa Magdalena. Pedía su intercesión ante Cristo, para perdonarle sus pecados.

San Francisco de Sales (1567-1622) resaltaba a la Magdalena como ejemplo de conversión y amor.

En 1597 Bellarmino, teólogo del papa Clemente VIII compuso un himno donde relata las tres fases de la conversión de la Magdalena, titulado: Pater superni luminis. Está  integrado en el breviario romano como parte del oficio de su festividad.

César de Nostredame, en 1606, le dedica un poema titulado” Les Perles ou Larmes de la Saincte Magdelaine” (Las perlas o lágrimas de Santa Maria Magdalena). Compuesto por 752 endecasílabos.

El jesuita inglés Robert Southwell (siglo XVI) le escribió dos poemas líricos titulados: “Marie Magdalens blush” (El rubor de María Magdalena) y “Marie Magdalens complaint at Christ death” (La queja de Maria Magdalena por la muerte de Cristo). Considerado uno de los poemas de amor más importantes de su época.

Bernardino Ochino, capuchino italiano, tras visitar la Sainte-Baume, pronunció un sermón en Venecia en 1539, donde resalta el papel de La Magdalena, como el máximo ejemplo de la iglesia militante.

En 1622 Luis XIII de Francia derrotó a los calvinistas en Languedoc. Terminó la guerra en Montpellier. Desde allí fue a dar gracias a La Magdalena de San Maximino (Provenza). Cinco años después, un 22 de julio, les atestó el golpe definitivo, en la batalla de La Rochelle  al derrotar al ejército inglés capitaneado por el duque de Buckingham, que apoyaba a los calvinistas franceses.

El cuadro “La conversión de María Magdalena” de Gentileschi (1640) fue un encargo del gran duque Cosimo de Toscana como regalo a su esposa la archiduquesa María Magdalena de Austria, gran duquesa de Toscana. Hoy podemos verlo en la Galleria Palatina, del palacio Pitti, en Florencia (Italia).

En Antequera (Málaga) existe un convento de las franciscanas descalzas del siglo XVIII, dedicado a La Magdalena.

En 1816, Luis XVIII de Francia le dedicó la espectacular Iglesia Real de La Madeleine de Paris, fundada en el siglo XVI por Carlos VIII. Totalmente reconstruida por Napoleón Bonaparte en 1807.

En 1822- y ante 40.000 personas- fue reestablecido el culto a la Santa en la Sainte- Baume, paralizado durante la Revolución francesa de 1789.

En Inglaterra durante el siglo XIX se produjo un reverdecimiento del culto a la Santa. Existen varias iglesias famosas como la magistral iglesia neogótica de María Magdalena, en Paddington (1868-1878); otras más antiguas como la iglesia de Norfolk del S XIV, restaurada en 1873, cuyas vidrieras narran su vida. Otra pequeña iglesia medieval en Madehurst, West Sussex.; la iglesia All Saints, Langton Green, Kent y muchas más.

El zar de todas las Rusias, Alejandro III, en 1886,  mandó construir una iglesia en su honor, como recuerdo a su madre, gran devota de la Santa. Dicha iglesia fue proyectada por De Graham.

Aguste Rodin recibe hacia el 15 de Diciembre de 1905 el encargo de August Thyssen de realizar una escultura sobre Jesucristo, por la que pagó 20.000 francos. Así creó “Cristo y La Magdalena” una escultura de mármol, único testimonio de inspiración religiosa del autor, tras dejar el noviciado de los Padres del Santísimo Sacramento. Hoy puede admirase en el  Museo Thyssen – Bornemisza de Madrid.

En la Biblioteca Imperial de San Petersburgo (Rusia), el abate Joseph Bonnet descubre en el manuscrito Q I, 14 un sermón anónimo francés atribuido al teólogo, del siglo XVII,  Bousset. titulado: “L ´Amour de Madeleine” (El Amor de Magdalena).En 1911 Rainer María Rilke lo adquiere en un anticuario de Paris, de la rue du Bac. Fascinado por el escrito, al que califica de “extraordinario, luminoso y de verdadera actualidad espiritual”, lo traduce.

En 1978 fueron suprimidos de la sección del Breviario romano dedicado a Santa María Magdalena, los epítetos: “María poenitens” (María penitente) y “magna pecatrix” (gran pecadora). Para terminar con dos mil años de estigmatización sobre su persona. Ahora sólo queda que el colectivo popular borre de su memoria la falsedad que durante siglos se cernió sobre la Santa.

En la iglesia del Monasterio de Oía (Pontevedra) del s. XIII hay un retablo donde hallamos la representación de la bajada del Espíritu Santo sobre la Magdalena, que está rodeada por los apóstoles

La imagen central del retablo de la capilla dedicada a San Juan Evangelista, del Monasterio cisterciense de la Santa Cruz (Santes Creuses) de Aiguamúrcia (Tarragona), podemos ver un cuadro representando a la Magdalena, con una copa o cáliz en su mano izquierda. Este monasterio pertenecía al Císter, orden fundada por San Bernardo de Claraval, cuya influencia en la creación de la Orden de los Caballeros Templarios, es notable.

Para algunos el “juego de la Oca” es la representación del Camino de Santiago; en este juego la casilla 58 es la muerte, que significa resurrección y por tanto correspondería a la Magdalena al haber sido la primera en ver a Jesús resucitado.

Hacia el 466-511 el rey merovingio Clodoveo adopta como emblema de su dinastía a la flor de lis. Símbolo que aún hoy representa a la Corona francesa y adorna la urna de cristal que contiene las reliquias de la Magdalena en la abadía benedictina de Vézelay, en Francia.

En 1929 se descubre en Dura Europos (Siria) un fresco con una  representación de las primeras pinturas cristianas. Donde encontramos a La Magdalena con una antorcha encendida en la mano. Hoy esta pintura puede verse en la Galería de Arte de la universidad de Yale, en EE.UU.

San Agustín se refiere a La Magdalena como el “testigo ocular” de la resurrección de Jesús.

 El número 7 está asociado con la Magdalena, recordemos el pasaje del evangelio según san Lucas “y también algunas mujeres que habían sido curadas de malos espíritus y enfermedades: María, llamada Magdalena, de la que habían salido siete demonios” (Lc 8,2). El siete está relacionado con la perfección del tiempo. Significa “perfección”, “importancia” o “plenitud”. Es el número perfecto ya que Dios al crear el mundo descansó el séptimo día. También asociado con el Espíritu Santo (los 7 dones del espíritu); o con Ishtar (7 velos); o los 7 pecados capitales, e incluso para algunos guarda relación con la virginidad, ya que no genera ni es generado por ninguno de los otros números de la primera decena. Pero además una curiosidad ¿Se han fijado en una cosa? La Hoguera se celebra el 21 de julio ¿verdad? Hagan estas operaciones 21/3=7. Y Julio es el séptimo mes del año. ¿Casualidad, o causalidad?

Hacia 1888 Vincent Van Gogh llega al pequeño pueblo pesquero de Saintes-Maries-de-la Mer donde la tradición ubica que desembarcó la Magdalena. Durante esa época Van Gogh realiza gran parte de su obra.

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Wikidata Alexander Magnus
Res apud Vicidata repertae:
Alexander Magnus: imago
Nativitas: 20 Iulii 356 a.C.n.; Pella
Obitus: 10 Iunii 323 a.C.n.; Babylon

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Acts 18:24 Meanwhile a Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, came to  Ephesus. He was an eloquent man, well versed in the Scriptures.

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Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 20/06/2024 18:22
Wernher von Braun
Von Braun in 1960
Wernher Magnus Maximilian, Freiherr von Braun

23 March 1912
Died 16 June 1977 (aged 65)
Burial place Ivy Hill Cemetery (Alexandria, Virginia)[1]
Nationality German
Citizenship United States
Occupation(s) Rocket engineer and designer, aerospace project manager
Known for NASA engineering program manager; chief architect of the Apollo Saturn V rocket; development of the V-2 rocket for Nazi Germany
Political party Nazi Party (1937–1945)
Maria Luise von Quistorp
(m. 1947)​
Children 3
Military career
Allegiance Nazi Germany
Service/branch Allgemeine SS
Years of service 1937–1945
Rank SS-Sturmbannführer (major)
Scientific career
Fields Rocket propulsion
Thesis Konstruktive, theoretische und experimentelle Beiträge zu dem Problem der Flüssigkeitsrakete (1934)
Doctoral advisor Erich Schumann

Rispondi  Messaggio 92 di 97 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 09/07/2024 14:45
Fun Fact: Aside from being the birthplace of the Wright Brothers, 25  Astronauts have also hailed from Ohio. : r/HistoryMemes

Rispondi  Messaggio 93 di 97 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 17/09/2024 19:51
Eva Braun
Información personal
Nombre de nacimiento Eva Anna Paula Braun Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Nacimiento 6 de febrero de 1912 Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Múnich (Imperio alemán) Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Fallecimiento 30 de abril de 1945 Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata (33 años)
Führerbunker (Alemania) Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Causa de muerte Intoxicación cianhídrica Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Nacionalidad Alemana
Religión Católico nominal Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Lengua materna Alemán Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Padres Friedrich Braun Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Franziska Braun Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Cónyuge Adolf Hitler (1945) Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Pareja Adolf Hitler (1945) Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Información profesional
Ocupación Fotógrafa, técnica de laboratorio fotográfico y modelo Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Área Fotografía Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Empleador Heinrich Hoffmann Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata

Rispondi  Messaggio 94 di 97 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 24/09/2024 01:24
  January 11, 2019

V-2 and Saturn V: A Tale of Two Rockets

What does it mean that the same men who built a deadly rocket for the Nazis helped get America to the moon?
Bumper V-2 launch, July 1950. Photo: NASA.

“The rocket will free man from his remaining chains, the chains of gravity which still tie him to this planet. It will open to him the gates of heaven.”

—Wernher von Braun


The world’s first functional long-range ballistic rocket, the V-2, weighed almost 28,000 pounds and could rumble fifty miles up into the crisp unexplored atmosphere. It was so technologically advanced that Nazi Germany became the first country to put an object made by human hands into space. During one particular test in the summer of 1944, launching from an island on the Baltic Coast called Greifswalder Oie, their rocket soared past the “Kármán Line”—which, in marking the boundary between our world and the black void beyond, puts the beginning of space at 100 kilometers above sea level, or roughly sixty-two miles straight up—by almost fifty miles. But the Nazis weren’t interested in setting altitude records. They only cared about height, so that the V-2 could arc over the top of a deadly parabola and then scream its way back down toward earth, where it would punch holes into cities hundreds of miles away. The V-2 was never designed to stay up in the heavens. It was designed to fall.

This Nazi rocket was essentially just an enormous projectile that didn’t require a cannon. A button was pushed, fuel ignited in blinding fury, and off it went into the clouds. The V stood for Vergeltungswaffe, or “vengeance weapon.” For its victims, it blew open the door to the next world. The V-2 was the brainchild of a young man named Wernher von Braun. Quick with a smile, he made parties sparkle with laughter and was known as something of a ladies’ man. Though only in his twenties, von Braun knew how to organize, how to charm, and—most importantly—how to turn blueprints into realities. He was the center of gravity for the V-2 program at Peenemünde: all major decisions orbited around him, and he made sure his rockets hit their intended targets. Von Braun joined the Nazi party in 1937, and three years later, Heinrich Himmler personally invited him to join the SS. Although von Braun accepted this commission, he would spend the rest of his life bending attention away from his involvement with the same organization that ran Dachau, Treblinka, and Auschwitz. 

At first, Hitler was totally unimpressed with the V-2. He saw it as simply a massive artillery shell with an extremely long range. But as Germany began to lose the war, he slowly warmed to the idea. He wanted to punish the Allies by turning their pretty little cities into smoldering wastelands. On a July evening in 1943, von Braun dimmed the lights in an underground bunker and showed the Führer a silent movie of a V-2 taking off. As the film splashed life against a concrete reinforced wall, Hitler sat slumped in a wooden chair, a black cape draped over his shoulders. He watched as, in brilliant color, a rocket shot into the sky on a mute flame, then arced away at three times the speed of sound. Hitler beamed and jumped to his feet. He wanted to know what the “annihilating effect” of the warhead might be, and apologized that he hadn’t believed in the project sooner. Clapping his hands together, he made the young SS officer a professor on the spot. It was a rare honor. Within days, an order was given for thousands of V-2s to be built. The goal was to launch them like locusts towards New York and Washington, D.C. In time, maybe they could even reach Chicago.

After the war, when fame tapped him on the shoulder and he became the smiling face of America’s fledgling space program, von Braun made sure to downplay his involvement in the darker aspects of this effort. He talked instead about blueprints. He focused on gyroscopes, propellant, and lift. It wouldn’t be the last time he would obsess about such things, nor would it be the last time he would help make the impossible possible. In two short decades, von Braun would stand on the Florida coastline, part of another event that would shake the world’s understanding of reality.


After American and British bombers pulverized the existing plant at Peenemünde, German rocket assembly moved underground. Rather than rebuild a factory that could be hit again, the Nazis decided that everything should be hidden beneath a mountain. And so it was that they created a secret underground concentration camp. They marched skeletal prisoners into an old gypsum mine and ordered them to make it bigger. The prisoners plugged dynamite into rock, and blasted tunnels into a stubby mountain range called the Kohnstein. SS- Sturmbannführer Wernher von Braun visited the underground factory several times—he worked in an office just eleven miles away—and although he would later say the working conditions were “hellish” in the tunnels, he apparently had no qualms about using slave labor to advance his career. Few Nazis did.

The official name of the camp was Dora-Mittelbau, and it was built less than ten kilometers from the city of Nordhausen. Resting in the north of the Thuringia district, Nordhausen was graced with medieval architecture, a fine cathedral, and—before the war changed so many things—it was a proud city that had stood for over a thousand years. It was home to distilleries, breweries, and factories that made transportation equipment. At night, people gathered in restaurants to drink a popular beverage called korn, which is made from fermented rye. Swastika banners hung in the streets and the radio delivered good news about the future that Hitler was bringing to the nation. At first, the good news seemed unending: the annexation of the Sudetenland, the Anschluss of Austria, the conquest of Poland, and through it all, mighty England seemed powerless. And then the Führer truly outdid himself; he conquered France in less than two months. It seemed impossible. Something that years of bloody trench warfare had failed to accomplish between 1914 and 1918 had been achieved in just six short phases of the moon. After the invasion of the Soviet Union, however, the good news didn’t seem quite so frequent. If anything, the war seemed to be turning. Broadcasting from Berlin’s Sportpalast in February 1943, the Reich Minister of Propaganda, Dr. Joseph Goebbels, called for total war and promised that new “secret weapons” would soon be unleashed against the enemy.

Work began on the tunnels on August 28, 1943, when prisoners from the nearby concentration camp of Buchenwald were ordered to dig into a tough sedimentary rock known as anhydrite. It was so hard, in fact, that huge internal spaces wouldn’t need supporting beams. The Kohnstein was a natural fortress and it was obvious that American and British planes would never be able to bomb the assembly line of rockets hidden in its depths. Work on the tunnels accelerated, and by Christmas more than 10,000 prisoners were hammering and blasting their way into the Kohnstein. Deafening cracks of TNT sounded almost around the clock, dust particles filled up the prisoners’ lungs, and their blue-and-white striped uniforms were covered in fine powder.

The emaciated prisoners were ordered to clear away huge chunks of freshly dynamited rock. They tossed broken pieces into stubby rail cars known as grubenhunten. By sheer force of will, they muscled these carts down a track to a narrow-gauge locomotive, which pulled the stones out into the glare of the sun. These men—these expendable tools, these ghosts in waiting—were beaten if the grubenhunten were derailed or if they moved too slowly. There was no plumbing and the prisoners had to walk through streams of excrement. Not surprisingly, tuberculosis, typhoid, and pneumonia spread at fearsome rates. Withered men—husbands and fathers and sons—fell to the ground in unrelenting numbers. Still, the work continued.

To this day it’s unclear how many prisoners died building the tunnels, though the numbers are in the thousands. Their bodies were hauled away to Buchenwald, where they were burnt in a crematorium. As more prisoners were fed into the tunnels, the SS at Dora-Mittelbau requested their own oven for burning the dead; this wish was granted. Once the oven was fitted into place and fired to life, it didn’t take long before human ashes were tipped into a ravine that acted as a garbage dump.

By early 1944, both tunnels were finished, along with rail tracks that curved out from their gaping mouths. In all, some 35 million cubic feet of space had been gouged out of the Kohnstein to make way for the rocket assembly. Each tunnel was a mile long and two stories high. Think of Tunnel A and Tunnel B running parallel to each other with a gentle S curve to both. The two tunnels were linked by smaller tunnels. The world’s largest underground factory was finally ready for use, and the idea of the rocket was about to move from the realm of  science fiction into the realm of science fact. What would soon roll out from this concentration camp would not only change the twentieth-century, it would rumble down the decades to come.


The V-2 had three different sections: the nosecone, which was packed with explosives and the navigation system; the center section, which held the propulsion system; and the engine, which had four tail fins around a nozzle to aid guidance and provide stability. The V-2s were assembled the same way that Henry Ford made his cars: each rocket moved down the tunnel and prisoners added parts as it inched for the exit. Near the end, the V-2s were painted olive green, laid down onto rail cars, and moved off to different locations across Germany. From there, maps were taken out. Coordinates were set. Countdowns began—five, four, three, two—and each rocket rumbled up into the blue. A column of smoke was all that remained as rocket after rocket curved for London, Brussels, Antwerp, and Paris.

But problems remained that prevented the V-2 from being mass-produced. In particular, Nazi scientists struggled with gyroscopes, turbo pump generators, and servomotors that moved the air vanes. These vanes proved especially tricky, because attempts at controlling something that was going several times the speed of sound were virtually unprecedented. How do you steer a bullet?

Although the missile could be launched from just about anywhere, the men in charge of these sleek messengers of death favored roads that ran through dense forests. After the rocket was placed on a mobile launcher known as a Meillerwagen, it could then be towed into a clearing, where it was propped upright and fired. Shortly after takeoff, the double-crack of a sonic boom could be heard for miles around. Bah-boom!

The V-2 entered English airspace at blistering speeds. No one knew it was coming.

And because the V-2 moved at nearly five times the speed of sound, air raid sirens all across London were suddenly useless. The rocket came straight down like a hammer. Upon impact, the warhead blasted a crater into the earth that was sometimes as wide as a bowling alley. Soil, brick, glass, and other debris fountained up. Moments later, ambulances and fire trucks whined awake. Smoke twisted up into the sky like a ghostly exclamation point. The rocket was no longer something of fantasy or the movies. It was now a weapon of mass murder.


A career soldier who had seen action in the Great War of 1914-1918, Walter Dornberger was a brilliant designer who held four patents in rocket development as well as an engineering degree from the Institute of Technology in Berlin. He was appointed to the Mittelbau Advisory Council in late 1943, where he thought up the mobile launch platforms that allowed individual V-2s to be moved around the countryside and therefore avoid detection from Allied bombers. After pacing the tunnels of Dora-Mittelbau himself, and being involved in crimes against humanity, Dornberger would go on to design high-performance aircraft for the United States. He would also play a significant role in the early development of the Space Shuttle. But before that, he and von Braun were honored at what had to have been one of the most unusual award ceremonies of the entire war.

It happened on December 9, 1944, at a place called Castle Varlar. This ancient monastery had been turned into a grand estate, and on this particular evening, the banquet hall was decorated with swastika flags, fine china, and silverware. Ivy was wrapped around a podium. A number of V-2s waited to be launched from the snowy gardens outside. Von Braun, Dornberger, and two other scientists were to be honored with the prestigious “Knight’s Cross,” and they wore tuxedos for the occasion. In between gourmet courses, the lights in the hall were shut off, a tall curtain at the end was pulled aside, and a V-2 was launched. Thunderous reverberations filled up the room as orange light from the exhaust flickered on the faces of the smiling men. The evening proceeded like this, alternating between food and firings.

Another important personality at Dora-Mittelbau was a man named Arthur Rudolph, who was in charge of production. Short and balding, he was von Braun’s right-hand man, making sure the V-2s were constructed properly and were rolling out of the tunnel at a steady clip. He didn’t care about prisoners dropping dead under his command; he only cared about quality control. He strolled through the tunnels to solve tricky engineering problems and, on at least one occasion, ordered production of the V-2s stopped so that all prisoners could watch a mass hanging. This was meant as a warning for anyone who might be thinking about sabotage.

As an enthusiastic Nazi, it was Rudolph’s job to make sure there was a constant supply of prisoners at Dora. His indifference to life is perhaps best exemplified by his reaction to being taken away from a lively New Year’s Eve party to solve a problem at the underground factory. With 1945 looming, a strap used to hold down the rockets wasn’t fitting properly. When he arrived at the tunnels, he realized there was nothing he could do until the morning. He didn’t notice the starving prisoners working around him at a fever pitch, nor did he care about the greasy black smoke that curled out of the crematorium. It’s possible that Arthur Rudolph stood outside Tunnel A on that evening, looked up at the moon, and wondered what the New Year would bring to him. Maybe, as he studied its bright celestial glow, he took long pulls from a bottle of champagne. A Chteau Lafite Rothschild, perhaps.

While we don’t know what Rudolph was thinking on that particular night, we do know that in the decades to come he, von Braun, and Dornberger would all become indispensable to America’s aerospace program. They would receive awards, honors, and ticker-tape parades. Their new country would welcome them. They would be showered with riches.


When the Americans discovered what was hidden at Dora-Mittelbau in April 1945, they packed up everything they could lay their hands on. Some 300 rail cars were loaded down with fuel tanks, fins, nosecones, servomotors, and engines. These pieces of the future were sent across the Atlantic to another secret camp: The White Sands Proving Grounds in New Mexico.

The V-2 was studied, examined, copied, and made better. On October 24, 1946, a camera was bolted to the side of the rocket and, as it roared up into the clear blue sky, snapped a photo every other second. It climbed to sixty-five miles (three miles above the Kármán Line) and took the very first photograph from space. The rocket tumbled back to Earth and smashed into the ground at a blazing 500 feet per second. Although the camera was destroyed, the film—encased in a heavy steel box—was not. The photo taken that day was grainy, yet the curvature of the earth can be seen clearly, along with a smudge of cloud. Scientists called it a “Rocket-Eye View” of the world. Nothing quite like it had ever been seen before.

The U.S. Army didn’t want the world to know about the technological wonders that had been found inside the mountain, so they kept the crimes against humanity that occurred at Dora classified. They believed the need for military secrecy was greater than the horrors that were committed. Propellant and sheet metal were given priority over blood and bone; certain numbers were given priority over others.


Design Specifications of the V-2:

Length: 45 feet, 11 inches

Diameter: 5 feet, 5 inches

Weight: 13.8 tons

Propellant: ethanol/water mixture and liquid oxygen Propellant Weight: 8,400 lbs.

Range: 200 miles

Peak altitude: 55 miles

Speed: 3,580 miles per hour Warhead: 2,200 lbs. of amatol


Number of Attacks:

1,696 on Belgium

1,403 on the United Kingdom 76 on France

19 on Holland


Number of Deaths due to V-2 Attacks:

5,500 (estimated)


Number of Deaths at Dora-Mittelbau:

20,000 (estimated)


Within months of World War II ending, a secret program called “Operation Paperclip” brought hundreds of Nazi administrators, chemists, and engineers to the United States. The numbers these men had locked in their heads were keys to new frontiers and new possibilities. And because their knowledge was in danger of falling into Russian hands, a blind eye was cast upon the crimes these gifted men may have committed. As they went about building jets and rockets and high-performance aircraft, any sticky questions were made to disappear. The dead were dead, the Cold War was turning hot, and it was a time for practicalities. America opened its arms to these men. They enjoyed barbecues and baseball. They tended gardens. They worked hard, and they got us to the moon.

The image Americans had of Wernher von Braun in the early days of the Space Race was that of an enthusiastic rocketeer, a genius. In a six-part series called Man in Space, which was made by Walt Disney and aired in 1955 on primetime television, cartoons about zero gravity appeared on the screen as von Braun cheerfully held up model rockets. He smiled and said that a space station could be built. It would be a floating city in the stars.

A few years later, von Braun launched America’s very first satellite. He made the cover of TIME magazine and was hailed as “America’s Missileman” for getting Explorer 1 up into the heavens. Von Braun’s problematic past with the SS and the Third Reich had been bleached clean. There was no mention of the tunnels, the V-2, or a ravine full of human ash at Dora-Mittelbau.


The Saturn V was monstrous. Colossal. It towered up thirty-six stories. And when it was filled with super-cooled fuel, it creaked and groaned like a living creature. It strained for ignition. What made the Saturn V particularly special was its engines. They were a masterwork of design. Thanks to an elaborate twisting and coiling of metal, liquid oxygen cooled the engine bells and kept them from melting; it acted like icy fingers moments before being funneled into the pathway of kerosene, also known as RP-1. In a thrust chamber, these two volatile gases flashed into an inferno. Thus, the fuel itself was used to cool the engine bells hundredths of seconds before it became flame. It was ice then fire, coolant then propellant, a dance of chemicals. Von Braun knew that a great deal of weight was needed to go to the moon, and his Saturn V lifted it all into the stratosphere in less time than it takes you to load the dishwasher.

See it. Hear it. Feel it.

That’s how people in the viewing area described what it was like to watch a Saturn V lift off. First, there was a silent scorching orange plume from the launch pad, which was quickly followed by mighty shockwaves that rippled across the swampy waters of the Kennedy Space Center. Birds fell dead from the sky. Crackling thunder filled the air. A moment later, reverberations hit people’s chests. Neckties vibrated. Quarters and dimes jingled in back pockets. Bracelets danced. And as the rocket continued to climb, it got louder and louder. People had to plug their ears. 

Compared to that, the V-2 was little more than a bottle rocket.


Today, rusted out parts of V-2s are still buried in the tunnels of Dora-Mittelbau, and an entire Saturn V in pristine condition is on display at the Kennedy Space Center. Wernher von Braun was in charge of both. But who thinks of the Dora camp when stock footage of a Saturn V lifts off for the moon? As the letters U…S…A trail before the camera, who wants to be reminded that the ghostly blueprint of a Nazi V-2 lives in the genes of America’s most famous rocket?

As for Dora, little remains of the camp today. Few people come to walk the grounds or climb the low hill up to the crematorium. The chimney, however, once roared with fire. At night, hellish flames once spilled up to the stars and, as they did so, the plume must have looked like an inverted rocket, a V-2 turned upside down. The building rumbled with the fuel of flesh and bone.

The camp was torn down by the Soviets after the war, because they needed the barracks elsewhere to house the homeless. They blew up the tunnel entrances to keep adventure seekers out. In 1995, the German government dug into the Kohnstein so that visitors could see the underground factory deep beneath the mountain with their own eyes. Inside, it is dark, cold, and littered with rusty debris. Although the water table has risen and flooded several areas, it is still possible to see painted numbers on the walls. Several desks, smashed toilets, and engine nozzles can be seen in the cone of a flashlight. Everything is waste and rubble and twisted metal. At this very moment, rusting parts of V-2s are hiding in the dark.

Also at this very moment, there are undisturbed boot prints on the surface of the moon. They are up there, dusty, powdery, and bathed in perpetual sunlight. The American flag planted by Apollo 17, the very last mission to the moon, has been bleached white by the never-ending glare of the sun.

To some people, the Holocaust and walking on the moon both seem impossible. It is easier to trust that human beings are not capable of such raw evil and such brave ingenuity. These people use the word “hoax”. They create elaborate reasons to undermine reality. It is no accident that some want to believe the two most profound events of the twentieth century never happened.

But they did happen. They both happened.

Their stories are not only about shadow and sunlight, but about who we are, and what we might become. These rockets we made can lift us up, or carry the payload of our undoing.

Rispondi  Messaggio 95 di 97 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 16/11/2024 17:30
Eva Braun
Información personal
Nombre de nacimiento Eva Anna Paula Braun Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Nacimiento 6 de febrero de 1912 Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Múnich (Imperio alemán) Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Fallecimiento 30 de abril de 1945 Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata (33 años)
Führerbunker (Alemania) Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Causa de muerte Intoxicación cianhídrica Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Nacionalidad Alemana
Religión Católico nominal Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Lengua materna Alemán Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Padres Friedrich Braun Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Franziska Braun Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Cónyuge Adolf Hitler (1945) Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Pareja Adolf Hitler (1945) Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Información profesional
Ocupación Fotógrafa, técnica de laboratorio fotográfico y modelo Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Área Fotografía Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Empleador Heinrich Hoffmann Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata

Respuesta Ocultar Mensaje Eliminar Mensaje  Mensaje 13 de 13 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/11/2024 14:18
Einstein's Legacy: Studying Gravity in War and Peace

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Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 20/01/2025 15:05
Resultado de imagen para cydonia mars number 33


The great circle alignment from Giza to Alexandria has an azimuth of 51.85° north of due west from Giza (the same angle as the slope of the Great Pyramid). Extended beyond Alexandria, this great circle also crosses over Delphi, Rollright and Newgrange, as well as the city of London.

Map image © VectorGlobe

The azimuth of a great circle alignment from Dendera to Paris is also 51.85° north of due west.

Map image - Roger Hedin

Dendera was dedicated to Isis/Sirius. The ancient Egyptian year began on the date of the heliacal rising of Sirius in mid July. The helical rising of Sirius heralded the annual inundation of the Nile that was essential to the welfare of ancient Egypt. The axis of the temple of Isis at Dendera was aligned 20° south of due east, pointing directly at the rising point of Sirius from the latitude of Dendera.

Robert Bauval describes a number of connections between Isis/Sirius and Paris in Talisman (2004). Isis is shown riding on a boat in many ancient Egyptian drawings and carvings. At the direction of Napoleon, Sirius and a statue of Isis were added to the coat of arms for Paris shown below.

During the French revolution, a statue of Isis known as the Fountain of Regeneration was constructed on the former site of the Bastille. The engraving below commemorated this statue.

Fountain of Regeneration Engraving

The Elysian Fields is described as a place of eternal salvation in the ancient Egyptian Book of the Dead. Named after the Elysian Fields, the Champs Elysees is the main axis of Paris. The names Elysian and Elysees both suggest an association with Isis. The photograph below is facing southeast. The Arc de Triumphe is visible in the background. Beyond the Arc de Triumphe is the Louvre. The azimuth of the Champs Elysees is 26° south of due east, pointing directly at the rising point of Sirius/Isis from the latitude of Paris.

The termination point of the Champs Elysees to the northwest is the Grande Arche, in the foreground of the picture above. The axis of the Grande Arche is offset 6.33° south of the axis of the Champs Elysees. With an azimuth of just over 32° south of due east, the azimuth of the axis of the Grande Arche is the same as the azimuth of the great circle alignment from Paris to Dendera.

The Grande Arche is a nearly perfect cube with a height of 110 meters, a width of 108 meters and a depth of 112 meters. It is often described as a cube with side lengths of 110 meters. This is equal to 210 ancient Egyptian cubits:

110/210 = .5238

.5238 meters is a precise measure of the ancient Egyptian cubit, equating to 20.6222 inches, well within the ± .005 inches in Petrie's 20.62 inch measure of the ancient Egyptian cubit. Instead of the usual comparisons between the cubit and the meter of .52375/1 or .524/1, the best comparative measure may be the simple fraction of 11/21 that is suggested by the Grande Arche.

Image ©

The sides of the Grande Arche are divided into 5 x 5 large panels and within each large panel are 7 x 7 smaller panels. Side lengths of 110 meters suggest lengths of 22 meters for the sides of the large panels with lengths of 22/7 meters for the sides of the smaller panels. The fraction 22/7 equals 3.1428, an accurate expression of π that is also found in the dimensions of the Great Pyramid. Side lengths of 210 cubits in the Grande Arche suggest lengths of 42 cubits for the sides of the large panels and 6 cubits for the sides of the smaller panels. This also shows that the relationship between the meter and the cubit is 6/π, using the measure of 22/7 for π:

21/11 = 6/π

22/7 x 21/11 = 6

The northern pyramid at Dashur, known as the Red Pyramid, was the first true (smooth sided) pyramid built in Egypt and it was the last pyramid built prior to construction of the Great Pyramid. The baselengths of the Red Pyramid are 420 cubits (220 meters) long, 20x multiples of 21/11.

Image by Jon Bodsworth

One of the oldest stone circles in England is at Rollright. The diameter of the Rollright circle is 31.4 meters, an accurate expression of π times 10 meters. Given the 6/π relationship between the meter and the cubit, the diameter of the Rollright circle is also 60 ancient Egyptian cubits.


Rispondi  Messaggio 97 di 97 di questo argomento 
Da: BARILOCHENSE6999 Inviato: 02/02/2025 16:22
Reseña del Napoleon Apollo Smoker : r/BBQ
Napoleon - Apollo Kino
Acts 18:24 Meanwhile a Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, came to  Ephesus. He was an eloquent man, well versed in the Scriptures.
Acts 18:24 And a certain Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent  man, and mighty in the scriptures, came to Ephesus.
 Acts 18:24 
New International Version
Meanwhile a Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, came to Ephesus. He was a learned man, with a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures.

New Living Translation
Meanwhile, a Jew named Apollos, an eloquent speaker who knew the Scriptures well, had arrived in Ephesus from Alexandria in Egypt.

English Standard Version
Now a Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, came to Ephesus. He was an eloquent man, competent in the Scriptures.

Berean Standard Bible
Meanwhile a Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, came to Ephesus. He was an eloquent man, well versed in the Scriptures.

Berean Literal Bible
Now a certain Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, came to Ephesus, being an eloquent man, mighty in the Scriptures.

King James Bible
And a certain Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man, and mighty in the scriptures, came to Ephesus.

New King James Version
Now a certain Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man and mighty in the Scriptures, came to Ephesus.

New American Standard Bible
Now a Jew named Apollos, an Alexandrian by birth, an eloquent man, came to Ephesus; and he was proficient in the Scriptures.

NASB 1995
Now a Jew named Apollos, an Alexandrian by birth, an eloquent man, came to Ephesus; and he was mighty in the Scriptures.

NASB 1977
Now a certain Jew named Apollos, an Alexandrian by birth, an eloquent man, came to Ephesus; and he was mighty in the Scriptures.

Legacy Standard Bible
Now a Jew named Apollos, an Alexandrian by birth, an eloquent man, arrived at Ephesus; and he was mighty in the Scriptures.

Amplified Bible
Now a Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, came to Ephesus. He was an eloquent and cultured man, and well versed in the [Hebrew] Scriptures.

Christian Standard Bible
Now a Jew named Apollos, a native Alexandrian, an eloquent man who was competent in the use of the Scriptures, arrived in Ephesus.

Holman Christian Standard Bible
A Jew named Apollos, a native Alexandrian, an eloquent man who was powerful in the use of the Scriptures, arrived in Ephesus.

American Standard Version
Now a certain Jew named Apollos, an Alexandrian by race, an eloquent man, came to Ephesus; and he was mighty in the scriptures.

Contemporary English Version
A Jewish man named Apollos came to Ephesus. Apollos had been born in the city of Alexandria. He was a very good speaker and knew a lot about the Scriptures.

English Revised Version
Now a certain Jew named Apollos, an Alexandrian by race, a learned man, came to Ephesus; and he was mighty in the scriptures.

GOD'S WORD® Translation
A Jew named Apollos, who had been born in Alexandria, arrived in the city of Ephesus. He was an eloquent speaker and knew how to use the Scriptures in a powerful way.

Good News Translation
At that time a Jew named Apollos, who had been born in Alexandria, came to Ephesus. He was an eloquent speaker and had a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures.

International Standard Version
Meanwhile, a Jew named Apollos arrived in Ephesus. He was a native of Alexandria, an eloquent man, and well versed in the Scriptures.

Majority Standard Bible
Meanwhile a Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, came to Ephesus. He was an eloquent man, well versed in the Scriptures.

NET Bible
Now a Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, arrived in Ephesus. He was an eloquent speaker, well-versed in the scriptures.

New Heart English Bible
Now a certain Jew named Apollos, an Alexandrian by race, an eloquent man, came to Ephesus. He was mighty in the Scriptures.

Webster's Bible Translation
And a certain Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man, and mighty in the scriptures, came to Ephesus.

Weymouth New Testament
Meanwhile a Jew named Apollos came to Ephesus. He was a native of Alexandria, a man of great learning and well versed in the Scriptures.

World English Bible
Now a certain Jew named Apollos, an Alexandrian by race, an eloquent man, came to Ephesus. He was mighty in the Scriptures.
Literal Translations
Literal Standard Version
And a certain Jew, Apollos by name, an Alexandrian by birth, a man of eloquence, being mighty in the Writings, came to Ephesus;

Berean Literal Bible
Now a certain Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, came to Ephesus, being an eloquent man, mighty in the Scriptures.

Young's Literal Translation
And a certain Jew, Apollos by name, an Alexandrian by birth, a man of eloquence, being mighty in the Writings, came to Ephesus,

Smith's Literal Translation
And a certain Jew, Apollos by name, an Alexandrian by birth, an eloquent man, arrived at Ephesus, being able in the writings.
Catholic Translations
Douay-Rheims Bible
Now a certain Jew, named Apollo, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man, came to Ephesus, one mighty in the scriptures.

Catholic Public Domain Version
Now a certain Jew named Apollo, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man who was powerful with the Scriptures, arrived at Ephesus.

New American Bible
A Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria, an eloquent speaker, arrived in Ephesus. He was an authority on the scriptures.

New Revised Standard Version
Now there came to Ephesus a Jew named Apollos, a native of Alexandria. He was an eloquent man, well-versed in the scriptures.
Translations from Aramaic
Lamsa Bible
And a certain Jew named A-pol’los, a native of Al-ex-an’dri-a, an eloquent man and well versed in the scriptures, came to Eph'esus.

Aramaic Bible in Plain English
One man, a Jew whose name was Apollo, a native of Alexandria and instructed in the word, was familiar with the Scriptures and he came to Ephesaus.
NT Translations
Anderson New Testament
And a certain Jew, named Apollos, an Alexandrian by birth, an eloquent man, and mighty in the Scriptures, came to Ephesus.

Godbey New Testament
And a certain Jew, Apollos by name, an Alexandrian by race, an eloquent man, came into Ephesus, being mighty in the scriptures.

Haweis New Testament
Now a certain Jew named Apollos, an Alexandrian by birth, a man of eloquence, who was powerful in the Scriptures, had come to Ephesus.

Mace New Testament
In the mean time a Jew, nam'd Apollos, born at Alexandria, a man of letters, and vers'd in the scriptures, arriv'd at Ephesus.

Weymouth New Testament
Meanwhile a Jew named Apollos came to Ephesus. He was a native of Alexandria, a man of great learning and well versed in the Scriptures.

Worrell New Testament
Now a certain Jew, Apollos by name, an Alexandrian by birth, a learned man, came down to Ephesus; and he was mighty in the Scriptures.

Worsley New Testament
Now there came to Ephesus a certain Jew named Apollos, an Alexandrian by birth, an eloquent man, and mighty in the scriptures.

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