Nowadays, there is a lot of talk about time travel in movies, in literature and in fiction. But human beings have not been able to travel in time yet. However, if we were ever to achieve it, the travelers of the future would already be here. If we could travel back in time, what would the future look like? What would happen if we changed some present situations?
In the first place, if we could travel to the future, we would be able to see some events that are going to happen such as lottery drafts, investments and bets in different fields, and we could take advantage of those events. But if we changed some present situations to adapt to those events, our present life would not change completely because we wouldn´t be interfering in what we have known, so just our future life would change for better.
On the other hand, future generations are probably going to see a lot of technological and health improvements. So if we could travel to the future, we could transfer this knowledge to the present generation, making the society develop.
In conclusion, the society in the future is going to develop, and if we could travel to the future , we could change our life for better and we could help the society improve.
Belén G.

My father told me stories about my grandparents. He said to me that around the 1920s people were totally different, and I’ve made myself an idea about what it would be like to live in that decade.
At first, according to my preferences, I love the style from that time. I wish I could grow up with jazz and soul as trending music styles and also being dressed in suit and ties with my friends, feeling as the most powerful people in the world.
Following the same idea, people changed, and I believe that priorities and values did too. As far as I know, people greatly valued honor and deals; what you said had to be true or instead you might be a liar, and that was a terrifying attribute. People’s mentality was strong -I guess by the things I heard from my father- and I’d like to live with that kind of people around me, which would make me better.
To conclude, I would prefer to live in the 1920s if I could because of the looks and the behavior; because of the outside and the inside.
Mateo G.

Over the last year and a half we have been living in a COVID reality. We have been robbed of a year’s worth of life and experiences, but could it have been different? As the Butterfly Effect teaches us, one single event in the Universe can truly change the course of humanity. For the next few minutes, imagine the Coronavirus hadn’t existed, what would it be like? Very different for sure.
First of all, if we hadn’t experienced such an unwanted situation, we would continue dwelling on the past, dreaming of the future and, above all, not living in the present moment. Sorrows, pains and close deaths have taught us something we wouldn’t otherwise have learnt, to live life.
On top of that, the lockdown turned into a necessary rest for our planet, a decrease in the damage that its current enemy, the human being, has caused to it since the beginning of humanity.
To sum up, I would have liked to witness the beginning of the Coronavirus as I would have tried to reduce the negative impact that the pandemic has had (uncountable deaths) but I wouldn’t have stopped it at all since it has also had its positive consequences, as the ones shown before. It’s high time to consider it as a life lesson and stop imagining how beautiful and easy the last 2 years could have been without its existence.