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Reply  Message 1 of 22 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Original message) Sent: 26/06/2024 12:12
I C, the pillars are giving birth. /irgo's legs extend down to Libra's / Scorpio's balances were the pillars reside. 

The Babylonian "Chelae Scorpionis" is Libra's balances in sidereal Scorpio! 

For those wondering, yes, our astrological signs have been tampered with with as well, the degrees are way off. Eastern sidereal astrology is the truth! Is there anything they don't have there hands in? 

It's the same directly opposite side of the zodiac with the bulls horns & Cap El lA, with Capella being north of the horns. 

PerSeuS (Algol = negative feminine energy) is chasing CapELLA. (masculine positive energy = the lamb) Wink 

In-Between the bulls horns & capella is were we will find our 137 axis (F#4.5) or the nuclear axis. 

The light bends with the the sound !! 
1 black hole in the east, 1 white hole in the west, or we can rotate the ying yang 90 degrees. Wink 

There is a invisible white hole in Scorpio that the stinger is pointing to, it is the starting point of the west pillar. 
(at 9 on the major scale) Wink 

And that my friend is why Zuben EL chemali is the only star in the sky that is green, hydrogen green that is. Idea 

Here is the BRANE of the operation 

3 x 3 / 81 Permutations of the Lo Shu 

19.47 major (related to ADAM) 
25.52 minor (related to EVE) 

Those are two mirror numbers or mirror partners above & below G on the musical scale. Could note A on the scale be 19.47? 

Arrow http://www.bob-wonderland.supanet.com/journal_10.htm 

Hmmmmm, Zuben EL, Algol, & Scheat are all on the 19.5 degree mark with Capella at 20. Shocked 

The 19.47 degree angle is linked geometrically to the Mercury synodic hexagram circumscribed by the Earth's orbit. Idea 

22:7 = Mercury-Earth Synodic Cycle (22 x 116 = 2552 : 2555 = 7x 365) 

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Colouring The Past - WATCH THIS INCREDIBLE TIME-LAPSE OF ONE WORLD TRADE  CENTER BEING BUILT SEE HERE:  https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/64605/incredible-time-lapse-one- world-trade-center-being-built?a_aid=46813 51 years ago, on this day in 1973,  a ...
Welcome To Times Square | APRIL 4????️ On this day 1973, the original World  Trade Center opened. 4 DE ABRIL????️ En este día de 1973, se abrió el World  Tr... | Instagram
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ABC7 Eyewitness News on X: "On this day in 1973, the World Trade Center was  dedicated with the Twin Towers as 1 World Trade Center and 2 World Trade  Center https://t.co/ATxUakocN8" /
The twin towers of the World Trade Center officially open, becoming the  tallest buildings in the world on April 4, 1973 in New York City History -  A Great Big City
Colouring The Past - WATCH THIS INCREDIBLE TIME-LAPSE OF ONE WORLD TRADE  CENTER BEING BUILT SEE HERE:  https://www.mentalfloss.com/article/64605/incredible-time-lapse-one- world-trade-center-being-built?a_aid=46813 51 years ago, on this day in 1973,  a ...
Fox 32 Chicago - The World Trade Center's Twin towers opened on this date  in 1973. They were the tallest buildings in the world at the time. |  Facebook
Lunar Calendar April 1973 - Moon Phases
How to find the Twin Towers in Spider-Man PS4 - YouTube
Marvel's Spiderman PS4 TWIN TOWERS Easter Egg - YouTube

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Reply  Message 8 of 22 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 04/07/2024 01:05
El secreto sobre los OVNIS del astronauta Gordon Cooper/ Por Antonio Las  Heras

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 03/07/2024 22:04
Sello: Mercury Faith 7: Gordon Cooper 22 vueltas a la Tierra 0,25 de  Paraguay America

Reply  Message 9 of 22 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 04/07/2024 12:38

Yes, in 1927, the Japanese physicist Hantaro Nagaoka succeeded in making gold by bombarding mercury with neutrons. Unfortunately the gold he made was dangerously radioactive.

It is possible to make stable gold, but only at great expense.

Gold is element 79 in the periodic table. This means that the nucleus of the gold atom contains 79 protons. Various isotopes are known, but only the one containing 118 neutrons is stable. This is known as Gold 197 (79 + 118 = 197). All the others with varying numbers of neutrons are radioactive.

Mercury has 80 protons in its nucleus. It has seven stable isotopes containing 116, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122 and 124 neutrons. The one containing 116 neutrons is known as Mercury 196 (80 + 116 = 196).

If Mercury 196 is bombarded with neutrons - by placing it next to a nuclear reactor for example, sometimes the nucleus absorbs an extra neutron - making Mercury 197, containing 80 protons and 117 neutrons.

Mercury 197 is unstable. From time to time, and entirely spontaneously, one of its protons will undergo epsilon decay - absorbing an electron and producing a neutron and a neutrino. The neutrino flies off, leaving the nucleus with 79 protons and 118 neutrons - Gold 197. Mercury 197 has a half life of 64 hours - meaning every 64 hours half of the Mercury 197 has converted to Gold 197, and after another 64 hours half of the remaining Mercury has converted.

The problems are that Mercury 196 is quite rare - only 0.15% of naturally occuring Mercury is Mercury 196. Irradiating it with neutrons produces other products besides Mercury 197 and separating the Mercury 197, or the Gold 197 is difficult.

All in all it is not an economic way to make gold.

In a similar way, it is also possible to make gold by irradiating element 78 - platinum - but for similar reasons that route is uneconomic also.


Reply  Message 10 of 22 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 09/08/2024 01:57
Ernest Lawrence
Información personal
Nombre de nacimiento Ernest Orlando Lawrence Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Nacimiento 8 de agosto de 1901 Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Canton (Estados Unidos) Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Fallecimiento 27 de agosto de 1958 Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata (57 años)
Palo Alto (California, Estados Unidos) Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Sepultura Chapel of Memories Columbarium and Mausoleum Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Residencia Berkeley y Estados Unidos Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Nacionalidad Estadounidense
Cónyuge Mary K. «Molly» (Blumer) Lawrence
Educado en
Supervisor doctoral William Francis Gray Swann Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Información profesional
Ocupación Físico, físico nuclear y profesor universitario Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Área Física Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Conocido por invención del ciclotrón
Empleador Universidad de California en Berkeley Ver y modificar los datos en Wikidata
Estudiantes doctorales Edwin Mattison McMillan
Chien-Shiung Wu
Milton Stanley Livingston
Kenneth Ross Mackenzie
John Reginald Richardson
Miembro de

Reply  Message 11 of 22 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 06/11/2024 04:11
UFO sighting: 6-mile alien base discovered on Mercury crater - 'That's  huge' | Weird | News | Express.co.uk

Reply  Message 12 of 22 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 06/11/2024 04:58


An unnamed aerial vehicle created 8 years before the discovery of manned aerial vehicle by the Wright brothers claimed to use the ancient technology. The Propulsion materials used consisted of Mercury, Xenon, Argon, Krypton, Hydrogen and different thrusters like Ion Thrusters, Plasma Thrusters and Hall Thrusters. Mercury Vortex Engine is the forerunner of today's ion thrusters. This is NASA's ambitious project going on.



Vedas are viewed as one of the most established reports in mankind, which showed different Vimanas (vehicles) and drive, as old as 7000 years. Vimanas like Jalayan (vehicle operating on water), Kaara (vehicle working on ground and water like air cushion vehicle), Tritala (three Story space vehicle), Tri Chakra Vimana (vehicle working in air like plane), Vayu Ratha (vehicle worked by wind or gas), Vidyut Ratha (vehicle working on sunlight based power).

These Vimanas were working with various driving forces materials like Mercury, Xenon, Argon, Krypton, Hydrogen and various thrusters like Ion Thrusters, Plasma Thrusters and Hall Thrusters. Ion Thrusters are upgrades of Mercury Vortex Propulsion.



Numerous Vimanas utilized Mercury Engines. In Mercury Engines, propellants are formed by catching liquid air from the environment in their tanks. To warm the air, mercury is inserted into the expansion chamber. As a superheated M, it is appropriate for clinical consideration. As the nozzle fills, plasma air expands.



The Space Electric Propulsion Test (SERT) program was when NASA tried mercury fully intent on figuring out how to transform the component into something different. NASA could possibly benefit from involving mercury as fuel in its space apparatus. Utilizing as out main component, a Hydrogen Peroxide weighs ten fold the amount of as Xenon or Krypton, the substance being utilized in ion engines right now.



In ancient history, a Mercury Vortex Engine was developed and propelled in light of the Hindu Ion Engine of the same name that has been applied of late. It was common for Vimanas to utilize Mercury Engines. Gas or liquid nitrogen-filled propellant tanks are utilized in mercury engines.



An electromagnetic field coil inside a closed condenser loaded up with liquid or vapor Mercury, keeping the core axis vertical to the shaft. Vertical Heat Exchanger Coils protrude through the Ring Conductor (ring conductor is additionally called as Directional Gyro-Armature).

Whenever the heat exchanger coils are energized, the ring conductor is shot high up which lifts the airplane in the air when the current is controlled by a Rheostat. Lift is recovered in light of the close proximity of the magnetic field to the ring conductor.



As opposed to liquid rocket fuel, Mercury isn't reliable. In any event, when Mercury is transformed into gas, little yet significant reactions lead to little energy delivery and bring about gases containing high Molecular Weight. Therefore, Mercury-fueled rockets will have a low specific impulse since their exhaust flow will be essentially lower than other rocket types. Other than being harmful, mercury is one of the principal agents of climate change.



This spacecraft carries heavier Mercury than Xenon or Krypton so Mercury can produce significantly more power when conveyed to the International Space Station (ISS). This likewise has the burdens of being noxious and hence preventing NASA from leading exploration on Mercury in the present.



The dangers of Mercury Vortex Propulsion are when the liquid metal Mercury is heated; it gives forth a hot vapor. This vapor is deadly poisonous, because if the liquid metal mercury is made radioactive and heated sufficiently to emit radiation. Any leaks in the mercury would, therefore, be a double danger to the crew and maintenance personnel of any vehicle powered by a mercury vapor turbine.














1. Jojit Dutta
Mechanical Engineering UG-1
JUMSC Member

2. Tamalika Mondal
Mechanical Engineering UG-1
JUMSC Member

Reply  Message 13 of 22 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 06/11/2024 05:08
Thats Why Mercury Engine Is Forbidden - YouTube

Reply  Message 14 of 22 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 06/11/2024 05:30
Mercury / Mariner – Boat Spares

Reply  Message 15 of 22 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 08/11/2024 04:22
True Purpose of Liquid Mercury Under Teotihuacan Pyramids

Reply  Message 16 of 22 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 10/11/2024 03:13

Reply  Message 17 of 22 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 10/11/2024 04:36

Reply  Message 18 of 22 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 29/11/2024 16:09
80's Classic Back To The Future Doc Brown "Great Scott!" Custom Tee Any  Size | Back to the future, Doc brown, Great scott
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Great Scott GIFs - Get the best GIF on GIPHY
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Great Scott! 1.21 JINGLE WATTS! (Back to the Future) Luxury Lined Notebook  - Journal Diary Writing Paper Note Pad Book Movie Prop Replica 1.21  Gigawatts BTTF Flux Capacitor Christmas: Wheeler, Jay: 9798583643912:  Amazon.com: Books
DeLorean of 'Back to the Future' fame is back with a new electric car -  YouTube
emmanuel on Twitter: "McFly has to reach the speed of 88MPH at exactly  10:04 pm or 22:04 military time. In gematria we remove the zero to get the  number 224. Marty crashed
Your future hasn't been written yet, no one's has. Your future is whatever  you make it, so make it good one -Doctor Emmett Brown - iFunny Brazil

In ‘Back to the Future’ (1985) you can see a portrait of Thomas Edison in Doc’s house when Marty travels back to 1955. This was a good prop to illustrate the time period, as no modern scientist like Doc would ever respect a degenerate conman like Edison.

r/shittymoviedetails - In ‘Back to the Future’ (1985) you can see a portrait of Thomas Edison in Doc’s house when Marty travels back to 1955. This was a good prop to illustrate the time period, as no modern scientist like Doc would ever respect a degenerate conman like Edison.
The 10 Best Doc Brown Quotes In The Back To The Future Trilogy, Ranked

In Back to the Future, Doc displays pictures of Newton, Franklin, Edison, and Einstein in his 1955 home while discussing time travel with Marty. All men whose work influenced Doc's invention.

r/MovieDetails - In Back to the Future, Doc displays pictures of Newton, Franklin, Edison, and Einstein in his 1955 home while discussing time travel with Marty. All men whose work influenced Doc's invention.

Reply  Message 19 of 22 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 20/12/2024 03:30

Reply  Message 20 of 22 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 20/12/2024 04:00
Hermes - Stories of Antiquity

Reply  Message 21 of 22 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 20/12/2024 04:04
Mythology lesson 11 mercury (hermes) | PPT

Reply  Message 22 of 22 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 27/12/2024 16:39

Projects Mercury, Gemini and Apollo

Buzz ALdrin, moonAstronaut Buzz Aldrin poses for a photograph beside the United States flag during the Apollo 11 Extravehicular Activity (EVA) landing on the moon, 1969. This was the world's first landing on the moon. NASA

Project Mercury(1961 to 1963)

The goal of Project Mercury was to determine whether humans could survive in space. Single astronauts were launched into space in the Mercury spacecraft on six missions and spent up to 34 hours in space.

Soon after, astronaut Alan B. Shepard became the first American in space when he completed a 15-minute suborbital flight. President Kennedy committed NASA to sending a man to the moon and back before the end of the '60s. Under the direction of then-Vice President (later President) Lyndon B. Johnson, Congress appropriated funds and NASA expanded its programs to achieve President Kennedy's vision [source: Garber and Launius].

Project Gemini (1965-1966)

The Gemini spacecraft carried two astronauts and could maneuver in space. Over the course of 10 missions, astronauts changed orbits, rendezvoused with other spacecraft, docked with an unmanned Agena rocket, and walked and spent long periods of time in space.

Upon completion of the Gemini program, NASA learned how to fly, live and work in space for the durations of around two weeks that were necessary to send men to the moon and back [source: Garber and Launius].

Project Apollo (1967-1972)

Apollo's primary mission was to land men on the moon, explore it and return them safely to Earth. The Apollo spacecraft carried three men and consisted of a command module (crew quarters), service module (rocket motor, fuel cells, fuel tank, maneuvering rockets, science packages and life support), and a lunar module (a two-man, two-stage independent space vehicle for landing and lifting off from the lunar surface).

The Apollo 1 mission ended with a tragic fire on the launchpad that claimed the lives of three astronauts, Virgil Grissom, Edward White and Roger Chaffee. The Apollo spacecraft was redesigned and tested in Earth orbit during Apollo 7. Apollo 8 took astronauts into lunar orbit, then Apollo missions 9 and 10 tested the lunar module in earth orbit and lunar orbit, respectively. Apollo 11 carried the first men (Neil Armstrong and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin) to the lunar surface, while a third astronaut (Michael Collins) orbited the moon in the command module. Armstrong and Aldrin spent hours walking on the moon, and their mission fulfilled President Kennedy's challenge.

NASA sent six more missions to explore various places on the moon, where astronauts spent up to two days exploring the lunar surface and gathering samples of moon rocks. One mission, Apollo 13, did not make it to the moon because an explosion crippled the spacecraft along the route. NASA showed its ability to handle a crisis as the agency improvised solutions to get the spacecraft around the moon and return the crew safely to Earth [source: Garber and Launius].


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