Originally Posted by lived live
I hate arguing too!! now im going to have to reply to your shitty rant coming next- so do whats good for us all and try not to comment.
clearly your VBM fascinations about expressing perfection have taken you on a circular ride?
a ride that goes around and around, extolling the virtues of perfect symmetry, a ride that ignores the OBVIOUS?
hey when Lee gets off his ride, the fork in the road that has long been discussed at the highest levels are
which road do we take next?
Which path?
The one that suggests asymmetry or the one that points toward symmetry?
DUH if Lee were a philosopher he could wear the next crown and understand that is what the fork in the Furka suggests.
But Lee is not a philosopher that is clear in his response.
Why does Lee quote Drunvalo as EWE attack me, as though I quote him?
show me my flower of life rants?
duhhhhhhhhh same ole' crap those wankers on the Graham Hancock site did, mis-quote me, and then attack the mis-quote along with the messenger......duh what IGNORANT nonsense...duh
it is not like I do not give folks quotes to quote, eh?
duhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I can see since my ban from that site, Lee has learned more from the sheeple than he has from me.
cannot do that Lee, I cannot
"try not to comment"because all I see is that your EGO has been exposed?
what if that is the exercise here, lost on ewe?
all I ask is show how your work matches ED Witten's and the SATOR SQUARE dude? at this point I respect BOTH Ed Witten and the enigmatic SATOR/ROTAS Square FAR more than the IGNORANT LEE B?
DUH of course, no contest fella.
Should I follow Lee over the rainbow, down the yellow brick road, Lee, whose ego has been placed front and center for all to see?
YES of course I respect Mr. Ed and the SATOR puzzle more than the Lee Shu square.
I betcha LEE B cannot give me a satifactory definition for symmetry vs. asymmetry?
how about chiral vs. achiral?
how about chiral asymmetry vs. achiral symmetry?Lee please show everybody how your WORK correlates to Ed Witten or the SATOR SQUARE dude?
Simple fucking challenge from me to you?If you did, pardon me, it was lost on me, can you try another approach mr. teacher preacher?
HERE IS a fact of life LOST ON IGNORANT LEE AND ALL OF HIS LO-SHU, I CHING RANTS baa baa, look at me twirl and swirl, and this is a FACT OF LIFE dude...easily illustrated once you crawl out from under your LEE SHOW rock.
see the 'G' scroll LEE...traced to 10000 BC...?
and then we find the same angular 'G' scroll in the development of all your Lo Shu/I Ching crappola, the development of the KEY FRET PATTERN?
I wonder where this knowledge stems from dude?
HEY LEE, a.k.a. VBM Marko groupie?
Can you step outside of your little self-imposed cubicle and find Marko's 1251 in the above FRET PATTERNs
All of the above that your mind defaults to Lee B. is in FACT the ORIGIN of the SPECIES is the KEY of UNIVERSAL MOVEMENT, the 12,000 year old SWASTIKA predates ALL OF THE ABOVE LEE Shu nonsense.
So Lee, sometime between 10,000 BC and what point in history? the Lo Shu was developed?...and somewhere since Raphael lit the spark (your words expressed the same idea), a spark which turned Lo Shu wisdom became LEE SHU gospel? HEY Lee I am sorry for planting the seed and releasing your inner demons dude...lead by EGO.
Eh?blow another gasket LEE
I will be impressed with your work IF you can merge it with the SATOR/SQUARE and Ed Witten's SuperSymmetry.
Then all three of you will be using the same *blueprint*, but LEE B wants me to learn LEE B language?DUH NOT GOING TO HAPPEN dude.
Lee, dude the OBVIOUS is lost on you, simply SHOW ME how your TRUTH merges with the TRUTH I see before me in the SATOR SQUARE, then I shall bow down to you, ewe and u Lee.
Everybody will as a matter of fact...
You wanna be seen as the Lo Lee Shu god....then MERGE the TRUTHs into a language that TRANSCENDS your pathetic Lee Shu world.
But if ewe just a big mouth fraud, a clever VBM groupie who is a failure because he cannot show how his VBM reality is connected to ED and the SATOR Square?
What future has a false profit?
Hey Lee I see another PATTERN on this thread.
Folks do not like it when I attack their egos, simply by asking them to show how their BELIEFs fall into line with other BELIEFS?duh I am not the problem
but I see it all the time coming at me from all directions.
the same ole' problem identified...here on this thread discussing VBM.
no matter the 'MEDIUM' being discussed, the IGNORANT whether they use scientific or religious tools, they always resort to the same ole' tactics in ignoring the other messages in the medium.
What is the essential message of the medium Lee.
Everybody is being served the same essential alphabet soup that illustrates the xyz rotations and reflections, floating about in a medium, stirred by the creator, the Zoup NAZI.
what is the UNIFYING message not getting through?