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That was the science behind sound and hearing involving the inner ear. Now allow me to introduce the metaphysical, esoteric MEMEs associating Card X/Wheel of Fortune of the Tarot with a particular stellar alignment involving the Four Royal Stars known to the Persians 3000 BCE. and the golden spiral arrived at using Fibonacci sequence.
1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8
These MEMEs have been passed forward since at about 4000 BCE or earlier.
#1 is FOMALHAUT in Aquarius 11 the MAN #2 is ALDEBARAN in Taurus 2 the BULL #3 is REGULUS in Leo 5 the LION #4 is ANTARES in Scorpio 8 the EAGLE
#5 on the above star chart can be ignored for now, along with the red arrow and x
1 1, 2, center, 5, 8 vs. 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13
Raphael wrote: |
Optimist777 wrote: |
Originally Posted by orslah 
It's always fun to dig into a new adventure. Thanks Raphael.
Love Debbie
no problem I love to share my toys and ploys namaste
Originally Posted by sadukan 
These are the "4 Royal Stars" of the Great Pyramid at Giza.
dude debbie was addressing me and my wordblog?  sadukan do you have proof that is what that particular celestial arrangement was called by the Egyptians? I googled 4 Royal Stars Egypt pyramid and well the returns are essentially NIL for your assertions? why? though this was #1 return and it discusses the REAL FOUR ROYAL STARS...as documented by the Persians. read it and learn dude http://www.queenofcups.com/AR27article.htmNOW all the info you posted in your response is well, what shall I say sadukan, interesting to say the least.  now maybe if you can show the connection to all of what you just wrote in that post and what has been documented as a truth which is the following, well that might serve a purpose. but all I see here again is you trying to make today's reality fit whatever you read last night.  dude can we get on the same page? eh? I would love to see links for all the contentious info you spew as some kind of sadukan gospel? here is what you need to know sadukan about my research that you love to dis in own special way... these facts that follow that are all easily verified by many countless sources.
The four Royal stars or Guardians of the Sky were a group of stars noticed by the Persian astrologers, and mentioned by Zarathustra[1] , around 3000 BC and used as a rudimentary season calendar. |
YES they have calender significance. Is that important dude? Were the ancients concerned with the passage of time....tick tock and predicting the future? Do I have any proof of such claims?  Silly stupid rhetorical question.
4 royal stars = 4 watchers
* Aldebaran (Tascheter) - vernal equinox (Watcher of the East) * Regulus (Venant) - summer solstice (Watcher of the South) * Antares (Satevis) - autumnal equinox (Watcher of the West) * Fomalhaut (Haftorang) - winter solstice (Watcher of the North) |
And each of those 4 Royal Stars is associated with one of these 4 constellations, TAURUS, LEO, SCORPIO, AQUARIUS And each of those 4 constellations is associated with the BULL, the LION, the EAGLE, the MAN.
now sadukan can you match all you posted about the Egyptian Royal Stars to what I just posted about the Persian ones? BTW dude...you might want to have a look at this before answering. Do Masons study Egyptian mysteries for clues in how to script their dogma? http://www.regulargrandlodgevirginia...of_Masonry.pdfhave a nice read. can't wait for your reply.   BTW sadukan dude those 4 Royal Stars are my specialty. Your Egyptian connection is questionable. MY FREEMASON sources, among others confirm the Persian Four Royal Stars can be traced to the Four Sons of Horus...We find them on the CARD X of the TAROT and in the Dendera Zodiac too, the 4 Royal Stars represented by the 4 Beasts/4 Living Creatures etc... take a look at the what is written in green below... http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/200...4-royal-stars/CARD X like I have tried to SHARE with folks on this thread is the KEY to understanding MARKO RODIN and his VBM and so much more. but sadukan it appears is not thirsty enough yet for the truth? I can't seem to make you drink my offerings? but feel free to join in the fun on this thread sadukan where we use the ROTAS/SATOR wheel to help solve the mystery of the ages, along with some VBM along the way. http://2012forum.com/forum/viewtopic...16919&start=90
Originally Posted by sadukan 
Verse 5, repeated twice (2) out of a total of 8 verses.
I do like this connection to the TRUTH dude that you caught. Reminds me of the morning and evening star of venus which is connected to 528 also. morning star had 5 points evening star had 8 points thus from morning 5 to/two evening 8 or 528I did not make that up. somebody else did. they wrote a book. I read it. sadukan I understand you are a full time student...? so these 'esoteric/VBM' studies must be part time? guess what? I do this research full time I am retired try to keep up... have a nice day namaste
Related to Mykah's post, focusing on the pyramid symbology and the two faces. http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showp...&postcount=166   I began to think of the celtic notions of above and below. Think of a large tree, we only see half of the tree. We look in amazement and wonderment at the life that is harboured in its branches and the incredible atmospheric processing factory the tree is. We forget that below us is the other half of the tree, its roots providing a harbour for an entire ecosystem, and the roots are an enormous chemical processing plant.   Duir - Double-ended oak treeThis picture comes from an ancient druid grove in Derby and shows an oak tree (Duir) with its branches and roots entwined to make the circle of life. In the 90s an ancient oak tree was uncovered as the sea went very far out on the Norfolk coast. It had been buried upside-down within a circle of posts, a woodhenge. Time Team built a replica of it that was most impressive and gave you a strong sense of what the place must have been about. The concept of burying the tree upside-down, so its branches were in the earth and its roots in the heavens has lots of esoteric symbolism.http://elensentier.wordpress.com/201...gham-duir-oak/Two faces of the same coin. I think of the pyramids coming in pairs. The depiction of the Star of David on the Israeli national flag is for me an indication of a double pyramid, one facing up, the other, subterranean facing down,   The pyramids true power was not just the enormous energies it sends up into the atmosphere, image those same huge energies also being transmitted downwards, or perhaps the underside pyramid focuses the subterranean energies into the above ground pyramid? I have often wondered what is beneath Silbury Hill, not just what is in it. The Nile as Tree of Life: but which is the root and which is the branch? What is up and what is down? For the Ancients, The Med was the bottom of Egypt, South was at the top. The Delta is the roots.  Black is white. Above is below. Top is down. 
Last edited by white horse; 28-07-2013 at 07:54 AM.
Reply |
Message 5 of 5 on the subject |
Migdal Gad
In Bible versions:
Migdal Gad: NET NIV Migdal-Gad: AVS TEV Migdal-gad: NASB
a town in the western foothills of Judah
Migdal-gad = "tower of God" 1) one of the fortified cities of Judah
4028 Migdal-Gad migdal-gawd'
from 4026 and 1408; tower of Fortune; Migdal-Gad, a place inPalestine:-Migdal-gad.see HEBREW for 04026see HEBREW for 01408
Migdal-gad [EBD]
tower of fortune, a town in the plains of Judah, probably the modern el-Mejdel, a little to the north-east of Ascalon (Josh. 15:37).
MIGDAL-GAD - mig'-dal-gad (mighdalgadh, "tower of Gad"): One of a group of 16 cities of Judah situated in the "lowland" (Josh 15:37). Of these, only Lachish, Eglon, Beth-dagon and Naamah have been identified with any certainty. This would indicate a site in the Philistine plain, and the modern flourishing town of Mejdel, 2 1/2 miles Northeast of Ashkelon, appears to be a possible identification. It is the most important town in the district which is named after it Nahiet el-Mejdel. It must, however, be admitted that it is difficult to see how Judah could have held a site so close to the great Philistine strongholds. It is very probable that Mejdel ("tower") is the tower mentioned in Josephus, BJ, III, ii, 3, as close to Ashkelon, and it or Migdalgad (or both if they are the same sites) may be identical with the Magtal of the Tell el-Amarna Letters (Petrie, Hist. Egypt, II, 329). For Mejdel see Palestine Exploration Fund, II, 410, Sh XVI.
E. W. G. Masterman
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Migdol, or migdal, is a Hebrew word (מגדּלה מגדּל, מגדּל מגדּול) which means either a tower (from its size or height), an elevated stage (a rostrum or pulpit), or a raised bed (within a river). Physically, it can mean fortified land, i.e. a walled city or castle; or elevated land, as in a raised bed, like a platform, possibly a lookout. The term for a border fort is similar, mekter, in Egyptian. Figuratively, "tower" has connotations of proud authority.
Joshua referred to Migdal-Gad, ‘tower of Gad’, one of the fortified cities of Judah, and also to Migdal-El, ‘tower of God’, one of the fortified towns of Naphtali (Joshua 19.38)
Jeremiah referred to a "Migdol" in Egypt, (Jeremiah 44:1) an island in the Nile, and Ezekiel referred to the Migdol of Syene, in Upper Egypt, in the context of the seat of government. The letters of Šuta refer to a "Magdalu in Egypt" which Albright identified with Jeremiah's Migdol.[1]
The Book of Exodus records that the children of Israel encamped at Pi-hahiroth between Migdol and the Red Sea, before their historic crossing.
Migdal Ha'emek is a large hill surrounded by the Kishon river, west of Nazareth.
[edit] References
- ^ The future of biblical archaeology: reassessing methodologies and ... - Page 105 James Karl Hoffmeier, Alan Ralph Millard - 2004 "What is important for us is the identification of the Migdol referred to here and the meaning of the phrase "Akka is like Magdalu in Egypt." Albright, who was certain that the Migdol here is the Migdol of the Bible, translates that ..."
Diccionario biblico: Migdal-gad
(heb. Migdal-Gd, "torre de Gad [fortuna]").
Pueblo en la Sefela de Judá (Jos. 15:37). Probablemente se lo deba identificar
con Khirbet el-Mejdeleh, a unos 8 km al sur de Beit Jibrîn, o con Tell
el-Mejdil, a unos 9,5 km al sudoeste de Tell Beit Mirsim.
Migdal-gad: "tower of Gad," a city in Judah
Original Word: מִגְדַּל־גָּד Part of Speech: Proper Name Location Transliteration: Migdal-gad Phonetic Spelling: (migdal-gawd') Short Definition: Migdal-gad
Word Origin from migdal and Gad Definition "tower of Gad," a city in Judah NASB Translation Migdal-gad (1).
מִגְדַּלגַּֿד proper name (tower of Gad) stronghold in Judah Joshua 15:37; — compare Magdala, LagOnom. 139, 12, 2nd ed. 171; possibly Mejdel, eastward of Askalon, GuérinJudée ii. 130 f. compare BdPal 162.
From migdal and Gad; tower of Fortune; Migdal-Gad, a place in Palestine -- Migdal-gad.
see HEBREW migdal
see HEBREW Gad
גָּֽד׃ גד׃ Gad gāḏ
Guever (Mensaje original) |
Enviado: 17/03/2011 05:01 |
El Mashiaj y la Tribu de Gad.
Tanto la vara o gobierno como la tribu a la que se le permite producir ese gobierno, ¡Un día se apartará de la Tribu de Juda! ¿Cuándo? ¡Cuando venga Shiloh!
"Pero ahora, ¿cuando elBáal haKéremvenga, qué les hará a ellos?Ellos le contestaron diciendo: Los Raímperecerán en maldad y su viña él dará a otrostrabajadores [a los de Gad> que inmediatamente le darán la porción de su producto Iehoshúales dijo: ¿No han leído la Escritura: "La piedra que desecharon los edificadores ha venido a ser la principal del ángulo, obra de HaShem es esto; admirable a nuestros ojos"? Por esto yo les digo a ustedes que elMaljut Shamáimserá desgarrado de ustedes y será dado a una nación [a los de Gad> productora de fruto. El que cae sobreesta piedra será derribado y quien caiga [derribado> sobre ella se rajará. Los Principales de los Kohanímy los Jajamímescucharon sus meshalímy conocieron que él hablabacon respecto a ellos. Ellos procuraron matarlo pero temieron de las javurotpara quienesél era un Naví."Sefer Toldot Iehoshua/Libro las Crónicas de Iehoshua conocido como (Mateo) 21.43
La Tribu Gady el Mashiaj pasa a convertirse en el Representante de todas las tribus de hijos de Israel, todo lo que se diga de Gad involucra a las 12 Tribus de Israel.
En estos textos Moshe profetiza sobre cada una de las tribus de Israel en un contexto de los últimos días es decir en los Días del Mashiaj, inmediatamente antes de su muerte. En D’varím (Deut) 33.20 está escrito:
"De Gad él dijo ‘bendito es Aquel que agranda a Gad. Él mora como un LEÓN y arrancará el brazo, también la Corona." D’varim (Deut.) 33.20-21 Tora Mizrajit.
Primeramente, vemos que el Bendito es el Eterno Mismo agrandará a Gad en los últimos días, para realizar una función importante. Esa función se describe hacia el final de D’varim 33.20. La tribu de Gad morará como un león o como el león sobre Israel, mientras recibe el brazo de gobierno arrancado y removido de la tribu de Juda, poniéndose y llevando así la corona o el cetro sobre todo Israel.
Note que fue profetizado por Moshe que el Elohim de Israel, arrancaría el brazo de liberación, y el poder legislativo de Juda por medio de permitir que la tribu de GAD lleve la corona de autoridad halája sobre todo Israel. Gad se dice que se pone la corona, siendo que Gad y no Juda mora en autoridad regia sobre el Israel de los últimos días, después del primer advenimiento de Shiloh. Fue Shiloh Mismo quien arrancó la corona y el cetro de Juda, y se lo dio a Gad. Hallamos el cumplimiento del arrancamiento en Sefer Toldot Iehoshua/Libro las Crónicas de Iehoshua conocido como (Mateo) 21.43 y Shiloh lo afirma:
"Por eso, [por su falta de perserverancia> les digo que el reinado (reino) de Elohim les será quitado a ustedes, [o sea será quitado el Cetro a Juda>y le será dado a una Nación [Gad> que produzca frutos de él."VRV.
"Por esto yo les digo a ustedes que elMaljut Shamáimserá desgarrado de ustedes [ o sea sera quitado el Cetro a los de Juda> y será dado a una nación [a los de Gad> productora de fruto". Sefer Toldot Iehoshua/Libro las Crónicas de Iehoshua conocido como (Mateo) 21.43
Llegó un momento en la vida de Iehoshúa que se dio cuenta de que aquella generación de Israel en el 1er siglo no merecía la manifestación completa del Maljut Shamaim, ya que no hacía T’shuvá ni Maasim Tovim; por esto en los capítulos finales de su vida comienza a declararlo. Él dijo que el Maljut Shamaim sería quitado de aquella generación y dado a una nación haciendo fruto de T’shuvá, esto quiere decir a una futura generación (Maasav v’torató shel Iehoshúa 17.21, 25; 13.28; Rom.11; Toldot Iehoshúa Pereq 91).
Dijo: "De aquel día y de aquella hora no hay quien sepa, ni los mal’ajím de los cielos, sinosolo el Padre"(Pereq 101)
"Prepárate para Tu Elohim, Oh Gad".
Gad la "Casa del Mashíaj" o La Puerta del Masiaj.
oh I noticed. AND IT IS CRITICAL to figuring everything out. you folks are being taken for a sad sad ride courtesy of the ROYAL EGO. Sadukan has bastardized those 4 ROYAL STARSthe IGNORANT and the PROFANE do it all the time. that is what defines these ignorant humans with egos gone wild. good thing I am on this thread to point out his ROYAL MISTAKES!!! Sadukan can show NO documentation that those are the 4 ROYAL STARS as he claims. All the IGNORANT sheeple gotta do is google his 4 ROYAL STARS vs. mine. REAL SIMPLE IT REALLY IS so simple to get rid of me, or him. tell you what here is a real simple challenge that I will abide by.
I wager my official ROYAL STARS connected to the 4 EVANGELISTS vs. Sadukan's made up little quartet. I wager my quartet will prove to be far more significant than his 4.
The LOSER leaves this THREAD? 
Which 4 stars are known as the 4 ROYAL STARS? Will the real 4 ROYAL STARS please make your presence known? Are they the 4 ROYAL STARS connected to the 4 zodiac signs represented by the 4 Evangelists or does the name belong to those 4 stars that sadukan has suggested? THIS IS A REAL IMPORTANT POINT Here is just more evidence of our sacred history being raped with his sad sad sadukan nonsense? apparently How much documentation do the IGNORANT like FLOW want to see about the 4 ROYAL STARS that the Persians had documented since around 3000 BC?
Eh sadukan are YOU up for the challenge, the loser (you) leaves? You provide proof of your Egyptian 4 ROYAL STARS and I will provide proof of my Persian 4 ROYAL STARS which are connected intimately with the 4 EVANGELISTS, the 4 LIVING CREATURES and the 4 BEASTS found in the NEW and OLD testaments. where do we find your 4 Royal Stars mentioned as 4 Royal Stars? Please show documentation for the term you keep tossing about you ignorant ignorant ignorant man. Leave history intact as much as you can please so others can find their way back?  So let us review how IGNORANCE operates? sadukan has dissed the TAROT (source unknown), designed by a Freemason (smarter than sadukan for sure, A.E. Waite), which contains the code 11258 along with the REAL 4 ROYAL STARS not sadukans. And along the way he has fooled the IGNORANT sheeple on this thread as he concocts a little narrative to support his VBM antics?  you folks all want to play for Team Ignorant eh? too bad IF any of you, especially barbitone can prove that sadukan's continual reference to the 4 ROYAL STARS is for real and trumps the 4 ROYAL STARS I propose,, the ones documented by the Persians....I will certainly leave this thread. But none of you will be able too. Why must I continually make the IGNORANT LOOK IGNORANT to get my point across?ALL EWE gotta do is google the following:
4 Royal Stars Egypt 4 Royal Stars Persia (4 ROYAL Stars are Fomalhaut, Aldebaran, Regulus, Antares...they do have Persian names too) Cya Sadukan.  CODE 11 2 5 8 = the MAN, the LION, the BULL, the EAGLE 11 MAN = AQUARIUS = FOMALHAUT2 BULL = TAURUS = ALDEBARAN 5 LION = LEO = REGULUS8 EAGLE = SCORPIO = ANTARESCARD X TAROT CODE = 11 2 5 8 = 4 EVANGELISTS = 4 ROYAL STARS = PHI PHI IS THE GOLDEN SPIRAL. what happens when we plot those 4 ROYAL STARS ... which sit on the ecliptic.  (ignore the red arrow for now) When you connect the dots do they form a PATTERN, a golden spiral?  (ignore the red arrow for now) and we find the code again used in the Egyptian Temple of Dendera? yes of course. http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/200...4-royal-stars/ cya Sadukan bye get lost? too bad you folks are mesmerized by his antics and turned off by mine. just another reason to lock the thread so the IGNORANCE does not continue to spread via sadukan cosmology. cya Go ahead Barbi-dude make your day prove the butthole wrong. and if EWE cannot, WTF does that make YOU? I G N O R A N T? I am still waiting for folks to prove anything I say is not true blue. Try to ignore the messenger IGNORANT sheeple. focus on the message... because the message is the medium and the medium is ? stop being IGNORANT followers ask questions if you do not understand I am still waiting for somebody to show such initiative? The system I propose is so simple, you can teach it to anybody with an OPEN mind. It is laughable that folks don't 'see' it. too funny I still suspect some of ewe, you, and u are seething because of attempts and my theory that also suggests we should resurrect the swastika and slay the theory called jesus, or at least have jesus wear a swastika if the wanker insists on being #1 on the podium.I wonder if this plays a role in how the IGNORANT and the PROFANE see me, and the fact nobody wants to play with RaphaHELL? namaste
Last edited by raphael; 25-07-2010 at 06:31 AM. |
Quote: |
POST CXX annos PATEBO (After 120 years, I will clearly)
This door leads to a crypt, which, like the Fama says, has seven sides and seven corners, every side five foot wide and eight feet high. Although the sun never shone in the crypt, she has yet to be enlightened "by a different sun, the sun has learned that another of the". It is located below the center of the ceiling. In the middle of the crypt does a round altar, the brass plate is covered by one, the following sentence is engraved in:
ACRC ACRC hoc universi compendium vivus mihi sepulchrum feci Hoc universi compendium vivus Sepulchrum mihi feci (This compendium of all things I've made my lifetime to the tomb.)
To first frost or standing around the edge:
Jesus mihi omnia Jesus mihi omnia (Jesus is my everything)
In the middle were four figures enclosed by a circle, whose inscription reads:
1. vacuum - (never empty) to the image of a lion 2. (yoke of the law) to the image of a bull 3 (freedom of the Gospel) to the image of an eagle 4. (The untouchable glory of God) to the image of a man.
When it puts the altar, one discovers the corpse of the father and brother Rosenkreutz that is not flawed. He holds in his right hand a parchment, "T ', and which, as they say," according to the Bible is our greatest treasure, the criticism of the world we can not deliver. "
The Fama explained at the end of this pious legend that it is the goal of the Brotherhood to reform the philosophy and bring to perfection the natural sciences. But in order to protect the contents of the rumor true, that he desecrated the crowd of dull would not, apparently, these writings have been written in the form of encrypted. |
_________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein
Fermentation - nigredo - bread and wine of Christ    La vesica piscis (vejiga de pez en latín) es un símbolo hecho con dos círculos del mismo radio que se intersecan de manera que el centro de cada círculo está en la circunferencia del otro. Esta forma se denomina también mandorla (que significa "almendra" en italiano).
Se produce el mismo patron. LA SERPIENTE SE MUERDE LA COLA.
 Did you know the great pyramid is perfect, but they say the top of the pyramid is not in the middle of the square base and has an error of a quarter of a inch lol . but that is because the modern scientists has calculate wrong the Pi number. Pi or π is a mathematical constant whose value is the ratio of any circle's circumference to its diameter in Euclidean space; this is the same value as the ratio of a circle's area to the square of its radius. It is approximately equal to 3.14159 in the usual decimal notation (see the table for its representation in some other bases). π is one of the most important mathematical and physical constants: many formulae from mathematics, science, and engineering involve π. Circumference = π × diameter Area of the circle = π × area of the shaded square Calculating Pi number π can be empirically estimated by drawing a large circle, then measuring its diameter and circumference and dividing the circumference by the diameter. Another geometry-based approach, due to Archimedes,[19] is to calculate the perimeter, P n , of a regular polygon with n sides circumscribed around a circle with diameter d. Then  That is, the more sides the polygon has, the closer the approximation approaches π. Archimedes determined the accuracy of this approach by comparing the perimeter of the circumscribed polygon with the perimeter of a regular polygon with the same number of sides inscribed inside the circle. Using a polygon with 96 sides, he computed the fractional range:  I will say only that his ARCHIMEDES axiom (287-212 BC) resulting from the conclusion that seems logical in our OLD thinking and reference, namely that a circle can be compared and even overlapped with circumscribed polygon with infinite number of sides is not accurate! The modern scientist will say to you if you give them the TRUE PI NUMBER "Archimedes established margin that included PI: between 3.1408 (223/71) and 3.1428 (22 / 7), so the your result are not included in this interval, so that is false!"For the moment all the guys out there uses PI=3.1415(....) but the true Pi number is 3,1446(...) go and measure on terrain!!! practical !!! PI=4/radical(PHI, the golden ratio = 1.61803399(...)) = 3.14460550981492(...) !!! The Golden Ratio!!!  Facts: According to the true pi number the diameter of the Large Hadron Collider is smaller with 8.13 meters! According to the true pi number the GREAT PYRAMID IS P.E.R.F.E.C.T.!!!!!!! According to the true pi number N.A.S.A. is using the true PI number. lol According to the true pi number the humans will be able to build more perfect buildings (and durable ffs!!!) ACCORDING TO THE TRUE PI NUMBER THE MARKO RODIN SINGLE TORUS COIL WILL BE UPGRADED AND MORE EFFICIENT!!! and a little bigger in diameter  )
Last edited by fr0sty; 22-05-2009 at 05:27 PM.
Originally Posted by orslah 
2012 Forum. 'KEY 528' = 4 ROYAL STARS unlocks 4 GOSPELS as ARKetypes
 Orion - Sirius - Ursa - Draco This also refers to sura number 94 " Ashaar" (one of the many ways to transliterate the word for Osiris): [94:5] Fa-inna maAAa alAAusri yusran فان مع العسر يسرا [94:6] Inna maAAa alAAusri yusran ان مع العسر يسرا This portion of the Koran is (to my knowledge) the only two line repetition (minus the exclusion of the "Fa" at the beginning of [94:6]). If you listen to the arabic being recited in you can clearly hear: "Aus-Siri-Us-Ra" => "AAusri yusran" (as above) Orion (Ausar) - Sirius - Ursa - Draco These are the "4 Royal Stars" of the Great Pyramid at Giza. It is also known as "Opening Forth" (cf. "" - the Egyptian Book of the Dead) Both the Egyptian Book of the Dead and this particular sura of the Koran deal with the theme of 'removal of obstacles', and so you might say it was related to healing, or another arabic name for the sura is "solace", "consolation", "relief" or "cooling the temper" (the names of suras are not actually fixed, however they usually reflect the content of the sura in question). Verse 5, repeated twice ( 2) out of a total of 8 verses. 5- 2- 8. sadukan. NB - sura "94": 9+4 = 13 = 4 Stars? (Ashaar = Ausar = Osiris) " over it is 19"[74:30] ( DiYu - 18 Levels of Hell) Philip LeMarchand Wei-Qi
Last edited by sadukan; 12-06-2010 at 06:50 PM. Reason: minor additions and corrections
Originally Posted by orslah 
It's always fun to dig into a new adventure. Thanks Raphael.
Love Debbie
no problem I love to share my toys and ploys namaste
Originally Posted by sadukan 
These are the "4 Royal Stars" of the Great Pyramid at Giza.
dude debbie was addressing me and my wordblog?  sadukan do you have proof that is what that particular celestial arrangement was called by the Egyptians? I googled 4 Royal Stars Egypt pyramid and well the returns are essentially NIL for your assertions? why? though this was #1 return and it discusses the REAL FOUR ROYAL STARS...as documented by the Persians. read it and learn dude http://www.queenofcups.com/AR27article.htmNOW all the info you posted in your response is well, what shall I say sadukan, interesting to say the least.  now maybe if you can show the connection to all of what you just wrote in that post and what has been documented as a truth which is the following, well that might serve a purpose. but all I see here again is you trying to make today's reality fit whatever you read last night.  dude can we get on the same page? eh? I would love to see links for all the contentious info you spew as some kind of sadukan gospel? here is what you need to know sadukan about my research that you love to dis in own special way... these facts that follow that are all easily verified by many countless sources.
The four Royal stars or Guardians of the Sky were a group of stars noticed by the Persian astrologers, and mentioned by Zarathustra[1] , around 3000 BC and used as a rudimentary season calendar. |
YES they have calender significance. Is that important dude? Were the ancients concerned with the passage of time....tick tock and predicting the future? Do I have any proof of such claims?  Silly stupid rhetorical question.
4 royal stars = 4 watchers
* Aldebaran (Tascheter) - vernal equinox (Watcher of the East) * Regulus (Venant) - summer solstice (Watcher of the South) * Antares (Satevis) - autumnal equinox (Watcher of the West) * Fomalhaut (Haftorang) - winter solstice (Watcher of the North) |
And each of those 4 Royal Stars is associated with one of these 4 constellations, TAURUS, LEO, SCORPIO, AQUARIUS And each of those 4 constellations is associated with the BULL, the LION, the EAGLE, the MAN.
now sadukan can you match all you posted about the Egyptian Royal Stars to what I just posted about the Persian ones? BTW dude...you might want to have a look at this before answering. Do Masons study Egyptian mysteries for clues in how to script their dogma? http://www.regulargrandlodgevirginia...of_Masonry.pdfhave a nice read. can't wait for your reply.   BTW sadukan dude those 4 Royal Stars are my specialty. Your Egyptian connection is questionable. MY FREEMASON sources, among others confirm the Persian Four Royal Stars can be traced to the Four Sons of Horus...We find them on the CARD X of the TAROT and in the Dendera Zodiac too, the 4 Royal Stars represented by the 4 Beasts/4 Living Creatures etc... take a look at the what is written in green below... http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/200...4-royal-stars/CARD X like I have tried to SHARE with folks on this thread is the KEY to understanding MARKO RODIN and his VBM and so much more. but sadukan it appears is not thirsty enough yet for the truth? I can't seem to make you drink my offerings? but feel free to join in the fun on this thread sadukan where we use the ROTAS/SATOR wheel to help solve the mystery of the ages, along with some VBM along the way. http://2012forum.com/forum/viewtopic...16919&start=90
Originally Posted by sadukan 
Verse 5, repeated twice (2) out of a total of 8 verses.
I do like this connection to the TRUTH dude that you caught. Reminds me of the morning and evening star of venus which is connected to 528 also. morning star had 5 points evening star had 8 points thus from morning 5 to/two evening 8 or 528I did not make that up. somebody else did. they wrote a book. I read it. sadukan I understand you are a full time student...? so these 'esoteric/VBM' studies must be part time? guess what? I do this research full time I am retired try to keep up... have a nice day namaste
Last edited by raphael; 12-06-2010 at 08:26 PM.
Originally Posted by orslah 
It's always fun to dig into a new adventure. Thanks Raphael.
Love Debbie
no problem I love to share my toys and ploys namaste
Originally Posted by sadukan 
These are the "4 Royal Stars" of the Great Pyramid at Giza.
dude debbie was addressing me and my wordblog?  sadukan do you have proof that is what that particular celestial arrangement was called by the Egyptians? I googled 4 Royal Stars Egypt pyramid and well the returns are essentially NIL for your assertions? why? though this was #1 return and it discusses the REAL FOUR ROYAL STARS...as documented by the Persians. read it and learn dude http://www.queenofcups.com/AR27article.htmNOW all the info you posted in your response is well, what shall I say sadukan, interesting to say the least.  now maybe if you can show the connection to all of what you just wrote in that post and what has been documented as a truth which is the following, well that might serve a purpose. but all I see here again is you trying to make today's reality fit whatever you read last night.  dude can we get on the same page? eh? I would love to see links for all the contentious info you spew as some kind of sadukan gospel? here is what you need to know sadukan about my research that you love to dis in own special way... these facts that follow that are all easily verified by many countless sources.
The four Royal stars or Guardians of the Sky were a group of stars noticed by the Persian astrologers, and mentioned by Zarathustra[1] , around 3000 BC and used as a rudimentary season calendar. |
YES they have calender significance. Is that important dude? Were the ancients concerned with the passage of time....tick tock and predicting the future? Do I have any proof of such claims?  Silly stupid rhetorical question.
4 royal stars = 4 watchers
* Aldebaran (Tascheter) - vernal equinox (Watcher of the East) * Regulus (Venant) - summer solstice (Watcher of the South) * Antares (Satevis) - autumnal equinox (Watcher of the West) * Fomalhaut (Haftorang) - winter solstice (Watcher of the North) |
And each of those 4 Royal Stars is associated with one of these 4 constellations, TAURUS, LEO, SCORPIO, AQUARIUS And each of those 4 constellations is associated with the BULL, the LION, the EAGLE, the MAN.
now sadukan can you match all you posted about the Egyptian Royal Stars to what I just posted about the Persian ones? BTW dude...you might want to have a look at this before answering. Do Masons study Egyptian mysteries for clues in how to script their dogma? http://www.regulargrandlodgevirginia...of_Masonry.pdfhave a nice read. can't wait for your reply.   BTW sadukan dude those 4 Royal Stars are my specialty. Your Egyptian connection is questionable. MY FREEMASON sources, among others confirm the Persian Four Royal Stars can be traced to the Four Sons of Horus...We find them on the CARD X of the TAROT and in the Dendera Zodiac too, the 4 Royal Stars represented by the 4 Beasts/4 Living Creatures etc... take a look at the what is written in green below... http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/200...4-royal-stars/CARD X like I have tried to SHARE with folks on this thread is the KEY to understanding MARKO RODIN and his VBM and so much more. but sadukan it appears is not thirsty enough yet for the truth? I can't seem to make you drink my offerings? but feel free to join in the fun on this thread sadukan where we use the ROTAS/SATOR wheel to help solve the mystery of the ages, along with some VBM along the way. http://2012forum.com/forum/viewtopic...16919&start=90
Originally Posted by sadukan 
Verse 5, repeated twice (2) out of a total of 8 verses.
I do like this connection to the TRUTH dude that you caught. Reminds me of the morning and evening star of venus which is connected to 528 also. morning star had 5 points evening star had 8 points thus from morning 5 to/two evening 8 or 528I did not make that up. somebody else did. they wrote a book. I read it. sadukan I understand you are a full time student...? so these 'esoteric/VBM' studies must be part time? guess what? I do this research full time I am retired try to keep up... have a nice day namaste
Last edited by raphael; 12-06-2010 at 08:26 PM.
Originally Posted by barbitone 
NO eh? you want to remain stuck on the rock?  how about this formula then embedded as a CODE for prosperity? so folks like me, would not let the TRUTH get buried under religious/science blah blah IGNORANCE? yes I CAN PROVE ALL OF THE FOLLOWING jehovah = YHVH = 10 + 5 + 6 + 5 = 26 = 11 2 5 8 = CARD X of the TAROT = KEY TO UNIVERSAL MOVEMENT = SWASTIKA = vortex based mathNow do you care to know more about all those TRUTHS that exist between jehovah and VBM? eh? I dare EWE to say NO dude, and I do know how much you love my research, , oh please say NO, and expose your IGNORANCE dude for all the world to see. go ahead make my day and confirm what an IGNORANT human you are dude...  not that I need proof of your particular brand of earthly blindness. blind leading the blind on this thread? sadukan and you dude are the worst kind of egotists. poor sadukan who refuses to honor knowledge that has not come his way yet? folks who refuse to admit THEY are wrong about what I have to offer?  A fella shows up with some vital info and the IGNORANT dis him. sadukan's response about the 4 ROYAL STARS illustrates how the wrong intent makes EWE fucking blind to the obvious. namaste
Last edited by raphael; 14-06-2010 at 11:38 AM.
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