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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 20/09/2014 22:28

Apocalipsis 2

1. Escribe al ángel de la iglesia en Efeso: El que tiene las siete estrellas en su diestra, el que anda en medio de los siete candeleros de oro, dice esto:
2. Yo conozco tus obras, y tu arduo trabajo y paciencia; y que no puedes soportar a los malos, y has probado a los que se dicen ser apóstoles, y no lo son, y los has hallado mentirosos;
3. y has sufrido, y has tenido paciencia, y has trabajado arduamente por amor de mi nombre, y no has desmayado.
4. Pero tengo contra ti, que has dejado tu primer amor.
5. Recuerda, por tanto, de dónde has caído, y arrepiéntete, y haz las primeras obras; pues si no, vendré pronto a ti, y quitaré tu candelero de su lugar, si no te hubieres arrepentido.
6. Pero tienes esto, que aborreces las obras de los nicolaítas, las cuales yo también aborrezco.
7. El que tiene oído, oiga lo que el Espíritu dice a las iglesias. Al que venciere, le daré a comer del árbol de la vida, el cual está en medio del paraíso de Dios.
  • Experimento Filadelfia - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

    El Experimento Filadelfia, también llamado Proyecto Arcoíris, es el nombre que
    ... A finales de los años 30, el ingeniero eléctrico Nikola Tesla, afirmó haber ...

  • el experimento filadelfia y nicola Tesla barco invisible enigmas ...

    www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBoAgrVIwP030 Jul. 2013 - 2 min. - Subido por megoforo
    A finales de los años 30, el brillante ingeniero eléctrico llamado Nikola Tesla, originario del Reino ...
  • Experimento Filadelfia o Rainbow Project - YouTube

    www.youtube.com/watch?v=vt5UkTvx8i01 Abr. 2010 - 7 min. - Subido por Vito Corleone
    El supuesto proyecto Rainbow o experimento Philadelphia, habría sido ... y la teoría dinámica de ...
  • ¿Qué sucedió realmente durante el Experimento Filadelfia? - C.1040

    15 Mar 2013 ... El ejército de EE.UU. ha gastado un número incalculable de dinero para
    desarrollar armas de guerra: armas láser, motores nucleares, aviones ...
  • El Experimento Filadelfia

    Presentación del experimento de Filadelfia. ... Lugar: Base Naval de Filadelfia +
    Norfolk a 600 km. ..... Uno de los pioneros en este dominio fue Nicolás Tesla.
  • ¿Se realizó realmente el 'Experimento Filadelfia'? | Ya está el listo ...

    10 Mar 2011 ... Para ello se trabajo en base a la teoría de la relatividad de Albert Einstein y a la
    teoría dinámica de la gravedad desarrollada por Nikola Tesla.
  • El experimento Filadelfia o Proyecto Arco Iris o Nikola Tesla ...

    8 Ago 2012 ... El 20 de julio de 1943 a las 09.00 horas UTC, se iniciaba en el astillero naval de
    Filadelfia, el experimento de la marina de Estados Unidos ...
  • El experimento Filadelfia...el mas grande misterio?? - Taringa!

    Por supuesto, había una gran cantidad de científicos ingeniosos (Tesla y
    Einstein) que participaban en el experimento. Sin embargo, Nikola Tesla fue ...

    30 Nov 2009 ... Nikola Tesla nació el 10 de julio de 1856 en un pequeño pueblo ..... con el”
    Experimento Filadelfia”,un supuesto experimento de invisiblidad y ...
  • «Experimento Filadelfia», el misterio del buque fantasma - ABC.es

    14 Sep 2012 ... La leyenda cuenta que los norteamericanos trataron de volver invisible un barco
    de guerra para luchar contra la Alemania nazi, pero ¿es este ...

  • Primer  Anterior  98 a 112 de 262  Siguiente   Último 
    Respuesta  Mensaje 98 de 262 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 09/01/2016 05:19
    Give me an inch (Fibonacci numbers) and I'll take a mile.
    This was fun to see.

    1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144

    1+ 1+ 2+ 3+ 5 = 12 =3

    the 5th number added is a 3

    1+ 1+ 2+ 3+ 5+ 8+ 13=33 =6

    the 7th number added is a 6

    1+ 1+ 2+ 3+ 5+ 8+ 13+21=54 =9

    the 8th number added is a 9

    humm 3 6 9

    keep going with the next 8 numbers to see the osculation of neyen at work.

    34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987

    34 +55+ 89+ 144+ 233=555 =15 = 6

    the 5th number added is a 6

    34 +55+ 89+ 144+ 233+377+610= 1524 =12=3

    the 7th number added is a 3

    34 +55+ 89+ 144+ 233+377+610+987= 2529=18=9

    the 8th number added is a 9

    humm 6 3 9

    So there's a pretty pattern.

    3 6 9 6 3 9.

    Now I know if I keep going it will continue with this pattern so no need to add myself stupid. LOL

    1 1 2 3 5 8 13 21 34 55 89 144 233 377 610 987

    3 6 9 --- 6 3 9 --- 3 6 9 --- 6 3 9........

    And the 5th number, 7th number, and 8th number, added together; 5+7+8= 20

    And we know that 20 = 2 which is The Mirror Number or 11 to see it easier.

    So this pattern is saying watch me, watch me, Mirror myself. Wheeeeeeeeeee

    Lov Yah's

    Last edited by orslah; 20-06-2010 at 10:15 PM.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 99 de 262 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 09/01/2016 05:30
    Originally Posted by schroedingerscat View Post
    Thanks for posting the image. I was trying to draw it without the model.

    Maybe I should have said 'vaguely' similar!

    It was just a few of my first freehand sketches, without the circle and numbers as a guide, that reminded me of the mason's logo. When I got it right, with the twist, it quit looking so much like a mason's square.
    The square and compass usually reminds me of a star tetrahedron.
    hate to rune your day fellas?
    so far we have two perspectives?

    mind if I add a third?

    Odal Rune

    And did you know we can connect the numerical magic squares to magic squares using letters too....via the RUNE alphabet?
    The result is called an alpha-magic square.
    Did you know that?
    Want the link?

    The MAGIC of 3 6 9 and Solfeggio and the 3 NORNs and the Enneagram

    that is a good site BTW
    you may want to browse around...

    ING Rune and an XX glyph outside a Mason Lodge.

    And while you fellas are having a look at the RUNE alphabet...take a look at the ING Rune too!
    Rotate this symbol 90 degrees.
    What do ewe, you and u see?

    go here to see what the MASONS see:

    ING Direct eh?

    They covet your money using the suffix 'ING'?
    What if?
    In the beginnING was the WORD?

    Advertising would not exist if my claims were not TRUE.
    THEY use the universal ARCHETYPES to find and push our hidden buttons.

    What else do EWE, YOU and U think they would use higher knowledge for...
    And my contention/claim continues to ask the obvious.
    Do the swastika/maltese cross placed in plain view form a big part of the TRUTH that has been VEILeD using stories about miracles and BS about Space=Vacuum.

    The BIG BANG FIB that RELIGION shops around as a THEORY = LITERAL jesus the miracle worker
    The BIG BANG LIE that SCIENCE shops around is that SPACE full of plasma is a VACUUM.

    Take a look at CARD XX of the Tarot now.

    Here is an interesting 'spin' on CARD XX based on Aleister Crowley's musings>>>
    And remember the most popular Tarot in use today was designed by a Freemason.
    A.E. Waite

    So XX, our judgement has something to do with SOUND?
    SEE the TRUMPET in CARD XX i.e. walls of jericho being manipulated to come crashing down?
    OR MAYBE WHAT WE HAVE HERE IS A GAMMA RAY BURST knocking out our earthly defense shield called the OZONE?

    IGNORANT folks watch Jericho on the boob-tube but are IGNORANT of the role of SOUND in helping to give the matrix FORM.

    And I already made MANY links to SOUND and GRAVITY and PLASMA and an electric multi/universe best understood by reverse engineering the archetypal symbolism embedded within the 12,000 year old SWASTIKA along with the MALTESE CROSS?
    Want me to sign the book for you too?


    Last edited by raphael; 07-07-2010 at 04:47 PM.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 100 de 262 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 09/01/2016 05:48

    Respuesta  Mensaje 101 de 262 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 09/01/2016 05:50
    Hey Lee. What can you tell me, simply, about this arrangement you have here;

    How did you come to this arrangement?

    I recognise the outward expanding 1,2,4,8,7,5 circuit etc..... but I also notice that the arrangements change according to the VBM prime numbers.
    The middle arrangment is either a 5x5 and/or 13x13 (5-4)
    The next one is either a 1x1 (the original rodin torus skin) - or you could say 19x19 and/or 17x17 (1-8)
    Then either a 7x7 or 11x11 (7-2)..... depending on which way you look at it since they flip after 3.......it's hard to explain...... I'm working on the visuals but just thought I'd mention it anyway.

    I'm still filling in all the missing tiles but so far it's looking like it wants to be a 5x5 VBM prime skin - (that is, after laying a 5x5 grid over the original ABHA torus skin you end up with this new fractal arrangement.)
    (Pictures to come later...)

    There is a definite connection with VBM prime numbers and the Lees work!
    It's very compelling.....
    Squeegee your third-fucking-eye-(Bill Hicks)

    Last edited by barbitone; 19-07-2010 at 07:36 AM.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 102 de 262 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/01/2016 23:01

    Let's start at the very beginning?
    Please do watch this great video, spontaneous combustion in a train station?
    Note the pattern on the dance floor?
    Arrow http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EYAUazLI9k&feature=player_embedded#!
    Yup that is the 9x9 magic square of the Moon.
    And in the center of the 9x9 Moon grid we see the 3x3 Lo Shu magic square of Saturn.
    And folks will get on their commuter trains and play the game of Suduko, also played on a 9x9 magic Moon grid.

    But if was to ask folks what they know about magic squares, most folks in fact would be rather ignorant of magic squares.
    But the sheeple can perform on a grid.
    And a 2D grid can be made into a 3D form.
    And it is too bad we don't see the world more like that train station.
    Both soldiers and children can be made to do their thing on those magic grids.

    Then read this thread, to help pry loose a particular MEME message I would like to share....
    We are in a cat and mouse game of leapfrog, where ART and LIFE really do take cues from each other.

    SOUND is the KEY to harmony?
    WHAT if humanity found a KEY that helped unlock a gate, a KEY fashioned out of our vocal cords, a KEY we could all fashion together, ONCE, just ONCE we found ourselves on the same page, but just for a moment?
    What kind of magic would happen?

    Fucking around with primarily LIGHT, distracted by how fast it can go, etc, has only resulted in a handful of folks spending 10+ billion dollars on CERN.
    Only to realize that the elusive graviton, the force carrier for gravity is 'musical'?

    That is NOT the HARMONIOUS TRICK that 6 billion folks can participate in.
    I can think of a better one, that puts us all on the same page, reading one note at a time.
    MATH is the universal language many folks claim?
    So is MUSIC folks, and most folks would rather sing and dance than do math in a train station with strangers or in a dance club.

    'M' Theory collides with 'M' Theory 7000 years later?

    Left Brain merges with Right Brain?

    MNEME Clay Plate, Samarra Iraq 5000 BCE

    Staying on the topic of the MEMEs, the MNEME plate and the letter M for a moment, and what I believe to be a pattern I have detected regarding the M = 3 = W = E
    Here is another example of life and art colliding.
    They seem to feed off each other.

    It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World
    1963 movie (star studded cast)
    (Tesla would notice the 369 in 1963)

    The Plot of the Film
    In this film, a dying gangster (Jimmy Durante), tells 7 folks about $350,000 buried in the (fictitious) Santa Rosita State Park, near the Mexican border, buried/hidden under a mysterious "big W"

    Really? Cool Cool buried under the 'big W'?
    And the big W happens to be made up of 4 Palm Trees of Life?
    Yes in ancient times the palm tree in some parts of the world was equated with the Tree of Life.

    Of course Marko Rodin's Ennegram, the Freemason compass and square and the VW logo are all coincidences, again?

    Well, more coincidences, the image on the left I photographed in the Santa Catalina Monastery in Peru, and I affectionately termed it the Rosetta Fractal...based on the Rosetta Stone and it is what sparked my swastika journey leading me eventually to the SS, the Sator Square and Super Symmetry String Theory.

    And this SS treasure was dug up by a fella whose last name begins with a W, and he wants to take his ideas straight to the top, to a fella by the name of E Witten?

    And let us not forget Marko Rodin, Milo Wolff and a fella called Mo, all of whom still have something to add?

    Oh my it gets even better.

    In the cropped poster image on the left, note how the folks are reaching for the GOLD, Mo' Money Mo is what they covet.
    And YES note the BLACK DOOR (gateway) where they bury the Popes in St. Peter's Square, it is positioned where the BLACK bag of $$$ just happens to be?
    The je$u$ $alvator is what we are being sold in the here and now...apparently.

    je$u$ $alvator which is connected to IHS...

    “…the IHC and IHS Conspiracy and You” part II

    I guess because my journey has been about TRUTH, seeking the spiritual gold that lay hidden within, I have been tuning into the obvious, and this process of tuning in has been accelerating during these, the end of the daze.

    Coincidentally I wrote the following on 5/3/2008 (those numbers again!!)

    Take a look at some of the trivia for this film, Its a Mad Mad Mad Mad World?
    Is it loaded with MEMEs and TEMEs?

    One more coincidence.
    The film ends with a slapstick routine involving an Aerial Firetruck.

    I have one more image to show ya.
    This seals it Mo.

    The Rosetta Fractal, next to a picture of me on Aerial 25, reaching for the top?

    TIME to get into tune folks.
    ...hope you practising your ka-RA-ok-EEEE
    ...and yes the hills are alive with SOUND of MUSIC.



    KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory
    “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…”
    -Albert Einstein

    Respuesta  Mensaje 103 de 262 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 11/01/2016 20:14

    Respuesta  Mensaje 104 de 262 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 22/01/2016 02:49
    I love the connection to the Tippe Top.
    And yes I have written about this 'anomaly' that does not seem to adhere to the rules of physics.
    This kid's toy was presented as a possible model for a 'flip/reversal', back in the 1990s.
    But the scientists of the day (status quo) said an outside force was necessary to assist in the flip...and they also said, there wasn't one.

    Well a gamma ray burst or some other unknown force, yet to be discovered, could in fact provide what the scientists said was lacking.
    But hey I can show where 'SATAN' once passed by our SS, solar system, and caused debris to be ejected from the Oort/Kuiper belt.

    I don't believe the fuckers anymore.
    There still cling to 'space is a vacuum' bullshit.
    Science and religion are fucking each other behind closed doors and screwing with humanity at the same time.

    Popes and shrooms: http://theartofoneness.blogspot.com/...-muscaria.html
    The Tippe Top looks like a 'mushroom'?
    What happens when Tesla ingests mushrooms?

    Binary DNA (left), Tesla FREE energy tower (center), and a mushroom cloud?

    The Tippe Top looks very much like something Tesla might want to build?
    The Tippe Top looks very much like something the Creator might want to utilize as part of a 'perpetual' motion machine, by hiding vast amounts of energy, in nearly empty space, the atom?

    This 'archetypal' ARKitecture seems common to TEMPLES and how we would express our DNA in a 'binary language'?

    What happens when Popes or the shamans ingest mushrooms?
    Well they seem to focus on the same 'trip' or 'experience' as the scientist.

    HOLY GRAIL found in ARECIBO Message part I
    HOLY GRAIL found in ARECIBO Message part II

    2012 The TIPPE TOP and how the Earth ‘REVERSES’ itself

    I then incorporated this idea into my garden labyrinth this past sumer. 

    4 AGES Model Labyrinth part 2

    4 AGES Model Labyrinth … part 1

    And if you ever get around to reading those links, and you enjoyed them, here is more.
    “2012 = The CROSS of the RISEN CHRIST” = The Day the Earth Stood Still


    p.s. yes it is true, my garden labyrinth suggests I am guilty of eating mushrooms and having my consciousness awaken and go BOOM.

    Last edited by raphael; 21-11-2009 at 12:00 PM.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 105 de 262 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 23/01/2016 01:05
    Originally Posted by schroedingerscat View Post
    Thanks for posting the image. I was trying to draw it without the model.

    Maybe I should have said 'vaguely' similar! 

    It was just a few of my first freehand sketches, without the circle and numbers as a guide, that reminded me of the mason's logo. When I got it right, with the twist, it quit looking so much like a mason's square.
    The square and compass usually reminds me of a star tetrahedron.
    hate to rune your day fellas?
    so far we have two perspectives?

    mind if I add a third?

    Odal Rune

    And did you know we can connect the numerical magic squares to magic squares using letters too....via the RUNE alphabet?
    The result is called an alpha-magic square.
    Did you know that?
    Want the link?

    The MAGIC of 3 6 9 and Solfeggio and the 3 NORNs and the Enneagram

    that is a good site BTW 
    you may want to browse around...

    ING Rune and an XX glyph outside a Mason Lodge.

    And while you fellas are having a look at the RUNE alphabet...take a look at the ING Rune too!
    Rotate this symbol 90 degrees.
    What do ewe, you and u see?

    go here to see what the MASONS see:

    ING Direct eh?

    They covet your money using the suffix 'ING'? 
    What if?
    In the beginnING was the WORD?

    Advertising would not exist if my claims were not TRUE.
    THEY use the universal ARCHETYPES to find and push our hidden buttons.

    What else do EWE, YOU and U think they would use higher knowledge for...
    And my contention/claim continues to ask the obvious.
    Do the swastika/maltese cross placed in plain view form a big part of the TRUTH that has been VEILeD using stories about miracles and BS about Space=Vacuum.

    The BIG BANG FIB that RELIGION shops around as a THEORY = LITERAL jesus the miracle worker
    The BIG BANG LIE that SCIENCE shops around is that SPACE full of plasma is a VACUUM.

    Take a look at CARD XX of the Tarot now.

    Here is an interesting 'spin' on CARD XX based on Aleister Crowley's musings>>>
    And remember the most popular Tarot in use today was designed by a Freemason.
    A.E. Waite

    So XX, our judgement has something to do with SOUND?
    SEE the TRUMPET in CARD XX i.e. walls of jericho being manipulated to come crashing down?
    OR MAYBE WHAT WE HAVE HERE IS A GAMMA RAY BURST knocking out our earthly defense shield called the OZONE?

    IGNORANT folks watch Jericho on the boob-tube but are IGNORANT of the role of SOUND in helping to give the matrix FORM.

    And I already made MANY links to SOUND and GRAVITY and PLASMA and an electric multi/universe best understood by reverse engineering the archetypal symbolism embedded within the 12,000 year old SWASTIKA along with the MALTESE CROSS?
    Want me to sign the book for you too?


    Last edited by raphael; 07-07-2010 at 03:47 PM.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 106 de 262 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 24/01/2016 15:24
    I see the family number groups being the same as the 3,6,9. This is in response to what you were saying about the two wires alternating for each other on the coil......

    Let me try to put it like this;

    There is only the "9" in absolution. 

    Next in line, there is the 3,6 and 9 where the 3 and 6 stand out from the nine expressing 1 as to 2; A third.

    Then there are the family number groups 1,4,7 and 2,5,8 and 3,6,9 whereby 3,6,9 stands out and again expresses this 1 as to 2; 369 as to 147 and 258.

    I see the 3,6,9 as the "9", and the 1,4,7 and 2,5,8 as the 3 and 6 if ya get my drift.

    That's why the 1,4,7 and 2,5,8 oscillate in much the same way as the 3 and 6. They never touch, they are always seperated from each-other.

    Even within the two family number groups 1,4,7 and 2,5,8 of these 6 numbers, two of them stand out once again to express that 1 as to 2 thing again. I single out 1&8 from the others; 4&7 and 2&5. So again, here is the 1 as to 2 thing. Why I single those two from the others is that they are the beginning and end numbers; 18 and 81.

    And if you look at the torus skin they are together.

    There are 4 groups; 1&1, 2&5, 4&7 and 8&8

    Here's how they work;

    It's quantity and quality.

    I believe all of these opposing pairs (+ and -, Charge and Discharge, 1-4-7 and 2-8-5) exist simultaneously because the 3 and 6 binds them in their opposite charged pairs. Since the 3 and 6 only exist in charged pairs around the 9's it seems that their polar opposite is a requirement to make them act singularly. It also seems to further blur the line of what a 6 or 3 really is, and seems to make them be the same number - just manifested at a particular point in time/space as one or the other to perform a specific function.
    Nicely said.

    I get how the 1-8 is our X axis, and the 4-5 our Y axis, and the 2-7 our Z axis
    Do you think you could run this by me, as to why you chose 1&8 as ;X and so forth? Your probably right but I don't get it myself.....

    I have noticed that within the Torus Skin, where the lines cross over you will always get a 9 but not just one, you will either get, what I call, a 1st generation 9, 2nd generation 9 or a third generation 9. (9, 18 or 27)

    Which is again expressing threes.

    That's this pic here, with pink as 9, green as 18 and yellow as 27. (I actually missed some connecting lines...doh! but anyway, doesn't matter)

    from one repeating pattern to the next there is, I believe, 2 pinks (9), 6 yellows (27) and 10 greens (18). Which altogether is 18 which is 9.

    Side note; (2 x 9 = 18, 9 to the power of 2, (9 x 9) = 81.)

    I see many positive applications of this understanding, too many to even start to write about, but one thing that I am seeing clearly is that this is what you could very well call "sacred mathematics", the same way "sacred geometry" is to geometry, this is to mathematics. Simply following the pathways seems to have an effect on consciousness, as does sacred geometry.

    Among many things I see it's potential to unite science and spirituality, to mesh the two sided of the brain, to demonstrate the nature of abundance, holism, unity, perfection, infinity, harmony etc etc..... 

    That's why nobody know about it. 
    Squeegee your third-fucking-eye-(Bill Hicks)

    Respuesta  Mensaje 107 de 262 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 24/01/2016 16:32

    Respuesta  Mensaje 108 de 262 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/01/2016 04:45
    Which TORUS modEL is best? 



    Marko Rodin and the Cross of the Ilu? 



    BiBLE = BaBeL = BaB-iLu = Gate of God = Cross of Ilu = 369 = 4 axis of symmetry 


    KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory 
    “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” 
    -Albert Einstein

    Respuesta  Mensaje 109 de 262 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 27/01/2016 19:18
    Originally Posted by mane View Post
    refer to this link: http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showp...&postcount=126

    After sleeping on the numbers and looking at the pattern again, there was no error but my addition; *g2,R4 is equates 6.
    mane, I too have found that this happens. It seems that there is occasional "human error" in some of our already established constraining systems though, and this system really does work them out. The nice thing is it makes thing predictable, and able to be checked easily. This tells me that there is an inerrant amount of truth in this system, which makes me further believe it is correct and not just "coincidental"


    This leads to another point that I have started to post several times, but always delete because I cant adequately explain it. I will try again.

    I do understand Rodin when he describes this as the "fingerprint of God". What I am beginning to see is that each number has its own rules that it must adhere to. And these numbers define the "flow" from creator to creation. In short, I think Walter Russell adequately described the concept, and I see these concepts repeated with people like Schauberger and Leedskalnin. 

    Both of these men stated that the vortex was the movement of all nature. Leedskalnin claimed that all matter was made of north and south pole magnets, and spiraled against each other to move in counter-opposing screw like patterns between the earths poles

    Schauberger noted that water specifically "lives and breathes" through vortex movement. I have noted his observations, and found that as water moves within the stream, the stream also oscillates back and forth. This in truth, powers the vortex (like a booster signal). AS the water travels around the bend in the river, it flows fastest on the inside of the turn, and the most "destructive" power of the turn is on the inside bank -not the outside bank. The outside bank is just the "spill over" area, and where all material is deposited. As such, it tends to be shallower, a lower slope gradient, and as such, appear as if all the work is taking place on the outside bank. But that is for a different topic.

    Russell basically defined all matter as the point where Thought folds in on itself to return to Mind. It is like the wrinkles in a rug on a hardwood floor. As someone changes direction, the carpet slips, and the rug bunches up in the direction that the person was walking. This is an effect - or result of the person changing direction. Matter is the accumulation of Thought changing direction to return to its Source.

    The above is my summary and paraphrase, but encapsulates the gist.

    A friend of mine at this website who is a huge fan and student of Walter Russell defined it like this:

    "Electricity Defined

    Electricity is the strain or tension set up by the two opposing desires of universal Mind thinking: the desire for balanced action and the desire for rest.

    This universe is a complexity of strains caused by the interaction of these two opposing, interchanging electric desires.

    All matter is electric. All matter is conditioned into greater or lesser strains according to the intensity of desire which is the cause of all electric strain to which it is subjected.

    The farther removed from rest, the greater the strain or tension. That which we call high electric potential is merely great strain to maintain a condition which is far from the condition of rest."
    Basically the same concept, just very succinctly put.

    Soooooooo....this brings me to my point

    I see the 3-6-9 as the framework around which all matter is created or destroyed. The creation is that which leads from Mind, the destructive is that which returns to Mind. The 9 obviously represents Mind/God/The Source. The 3 seems to be that of the "spiritual side, while the 6 seems to be that of the physical side. I am sure one is the outflow, and the other the return. My taught is the 3 is the outflow - creative - and the 6 is the destructive - return. We see this even in the very numbers themselves. The 3 is historically symbolic of Divine Perfection, while the 6 is double that - a mirrored replication if you will. Even the "number of the beast" is "mans number" - 666 (Revelations 13:18). And there are countless thousands of other examples to illustrate this. 

    The 1-8, 2-7, 4-5 seem to be the lattice work on which all things are mapped. This further emphasizes the concept of each number being unique (prime). For example, an 8 is a singularity - a point in time/space - that represents where Thought "was" and has left its imprint on the fabric of the universe. While I do agree the 1-8 seems to be a unique hinge point about which all other numbers pivot, I believe these are more like anchor points on a new layer of the torus skin. These are our plot points for lack of better terminology. The other numbers are basically our "rise" and "run" to the next anchor point. Although not invisible, the other numbers are guide marks pointing to our anchor points.

    Since 3 & 6 are the only "straight" lines according to Rodin, they HAvE to be the pivot points about which all other numbers rotate. The 3 & 6 for lack of better terms, represent the rotational momentum. Russell defines inward acceleration as that which is returning to Mind, and thus accelerating. Since there must be a balanced opposite, the decelerating force expanding away is its polar opposite. These are the "rails" upon which all matter must ride - which are the 3 & 6.

    The below illustration makes it clear. 

    In the middle drawing, it is clear that the left hand "-" orb is trying to accelerate inward toward the fulcrum, while the lower right-hand "+" orb is trying to flow outward away from the fulcrum. Since they are connected together, if perfectly balanced with perfect thrust and harmonic distance (spin) they will form a perfect oscillation about the fulcrum and begin to wobble in a three dimensional spiral. Instant Vortex.

    If we were to give this motion direction, instead of allowing it to wander randomly on its own, we would have a vector - and motion would be observed as it is in Figure 61 below.

    As a side tangent, in figure 59, the "black" space is not just the absence of the "light" space - it is the polar opposite expanding in an outward spiral from the center. Excellent explanations of this concept in the following images that should be read 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    Anyway, in my mind, it becomes clear that the 3 *probably* represents the guiding force that expands away from the center of all creation (God) and the 6 represents that return path. These paths hold the vortex's in their respective linear vectors and we witness the effects as the "known universe". The 1-8 pairs are the anchor points of the next beginning curve, and they must follow the thrust given them by the 3 & 6. These create the angular momentum that we witness in the other numbers. Russell stated "All direction is curved - all motion is spiral". I think this becomes self-evident when understanding the role that these numbers play. Since we are seeking a "higher" level of energy/understanding/whatever - I think we constantly find the 6 as the guiding force back to the Center. In short, even if we aren't looking for it, it is the most tangible element of the vortex when we look for a "cause". It is the Holy Grail of the ZPE and Over unity folks. As such, we find the "anomalies" of systems in the 6. Since it is from our perspective - the furthest point removed from the Creator - we are seeing all things in return. And since our Rodin Map tells us that 3-6-9 appear as a triune group that doubles on itself (3-9-6-6-9-3) there must be an explanation. Conveniently since two 3's is 6, and two 6's is 3, we never abandon our concept. The two continually interchange between each other. Because as there is no inflow without an outflow, it further emphasizes that Leedskalnin's concept is more universal in nature then first glance. We see the 6 in all areas, but how many of them are actually doubled 3's? 

    We can find the outflow (the 3) but we have to acknowledge that there is a Source and point from which all things originate first. Since this flies in opposition of mainstream science, it is not acknowledged. We try to latch on to those two streams with "hot" and "cold" electricity, and we can occasionally catch glimpses of it when we build devices that operate in "unity". Instead, we focus on the most basic of this entire system, and "cut lines of flux", burn or explode, and do the very lowest form of "work" with this balance. We are basically playing at the very apex of wave as it returns to the point. If we would concentrate on working with this breathing flow, we could create machines and devices of unimaginable capabilities. In short, science is looking at the 4-7 and thinking that have obtained the holy grail. They occasionally stumble on the 1 & 8 and think there is an anomaly, or something that can be explained away. They spend their time building equipment, devices and mathematical formulae to observe the 2 through 7, and believe the 1 & 8 are inconvenient anomalies that we will better understand at a later date. If they would acknowledge a 9, and focus on the 3 & 6, it would really make the entire thing come into clear focus, and we could progress as a species. However, that would end the clever entrapments that have been established over the centuries, and people would find themselves free....I guess that just wont happen.

    “Great art is simple. My universe is great art, for it is simple.

    “Great art is balanced. My universe is consummate art, for it is balanced simplicity.

    “My universe is one in which many things have majestic measure: and again another many have measure too fine for sensing.

    “Yet I have not one law for majestic things, and another law which are beyond the sensing. 

    “I have but one law for all my opposed pairs of creating things: and that law needs but one word to spell it out, so hear me when I say that one word of My one law is


    “And if man needs two words to aid him in his knowing of the workings of that law, let those two words be


    “If man still needs more words to aid his knowing of My one law, give to him another one, and let those three words be



    Last edited by maximumgravity1; 22-09-2009 at 03:55 PM.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 110 de 262 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 27/01/2016 19:18
    Originally Posted by mane View Post
    refer to this link: http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showp...&postcount=126

    After sleeping on the numbers and looking at the pattern again, there was no error but my addition; *g2,R4 is equates 6.
    mane, I too have found that this happens. It seems that there is occasional "human error" in some of our already established constraining systems though, and this system really does work them out. The nice thing is it makes thing predictable, and able to be checked easily. This tells me that there is an inerrant amount of truth in this system, which makes me further believe it is correct and not just "coincidental"


    This leads to another point that I have started to post several times, but always delete because I cant adequately explain it. I will try again.

    I do understand Rodin when he describes this as the "fingerprint of God". What I am beginning to see is that each number has its own rules that it must adhere to. And these numbers define the "flow" from creator to creation. In short, I think Walter Russell adequately described the concept, and I see these concepts repeated with people like Schauberger and Leedskalnin. 

    Both of these men stated that the vortex was the movement of all nature. Leedskalnin claimed that all matter was made of north and south pole magnets, and spiraled against each other to move in counter-opposing screw like patterns between the earths poles

    Schauberger noted that water specifically "lives and breathes" through vortex movement. I have noted his observations, and found that as water moves within the stream, the stream also oscillates back and forth. This in truth, powers the vortex (like a booster signal). AS the water travels around the bend in the river, it flows fastest on the inside of the turn, and the most "destructive" power of the turn is on the inside bank -not the outside bank. The outside bank is just the "spill over" area, and where all material is deposited. As such, it tends to be shallower, a lower slope gradient, and as such, appear as if all the work is taking place on the outside bank. But that is for a different topic.

    Russell basically defined all matter as the point where Thought folds in on itself to return to Mind. It is like the wrinkles in a rug on a hardwood floor. As someone changes direction, the carpet slips, and the rug bunches up in the direction that the person was walking. This is an effect - or result of the person changing direction. Matter is the accumulation of Thought changing direction to return to its Source.

    The above is my summary and paraphrase, but encapsulates the gist.

    A friend of mine at this website who is a huge fan and student of Walter Russell defined it like this:

    "Electricity Defined

    Electricity is the strain or tension set up by the two opposing desires of universal Mind thinking: the desire for balanced action and the desire for rest.

    This universe is a complexity of strains caused by the interaction of these two opposing, interchanging electric desires.

    All matter is electric. All matter is conditioned into greater or lesser strains according to the intensity of desire which is the cause of all electric strain to which it is subjected.

    The farther removed from rest, the greater the strain or tension. That which we call high electric potential is merely great strain to maintain a condition which is far from the condition of rest."
    Basically the same concept, just very succinctly put.

    Soooooooo....this brings me to my point

    I see the 3-6-9 as the framework around which all matter is created or destroyed. The creation is that which leads from Mind, the destructive is that which returns to Mind. The 9 obviously represents Mind/God/The Source. The 3 seems to be that of the "spiritual side, while the 6 seems to be that of the physical side. I am sure one is the outflow, and the other the return. My taught is the 3 is the outflow - creative - and the 6 is the destructive - return. We see this even in the very numbers themselves. The 3 is historically symbolic of Divine Perfection, while the 6 is double that - a mirrored replication if you will. Even the "number of the beast" is "mans number" - 666 (Revelations 13:18). And there are countless thousands of other examples to illustrate this. 

    The 1-8, 2-7, 4-5 seem to be the lattice work on which all things are mapped. This further emphasizes the concept of each number being unique (prime). For example, an 8 is a singularity - a point in time/space - that represents where Thought "was" and has left its imprint on the fabric of the universe. While I do agree the 1-8 seems to be a unique hinge point about which all other numbers pivot, I believe these are more like anchor points on a new layer of the torus skin. These are our plot points for lack of better terminology. The other numbers are basically our "rise" and "run" to the next anchor point. Although not invisible, the other numbers are guide marks pointing to our anchor points.

    Since 3 & 6 are the only "straight" lines according to Rodin, they HAvE to be the pivot points about which all other numbers rotate. The 3 & 6 for lack of better terms, represent the rotational momentum. Russell defines inward acceleration as that which is returning to Mind, and thus accelerating. Since there must be a balanced opposite, the decelerating force expanding away is its polar opposite. These are the "rails" upon which all matter must ride - which are the 3 & 6.

    The below illustration makes it clear. 

    In the middle drawing, it is clear that the left hand "-" orb is trying to accelerate inward toward the fulcrum, while the lower right-hand "+" orb is trying to flow outward away from the fulcrum. Since they are connected together, if perfectly balanced with perfect thrust and harmonic distance (spin) they will form a perfect oscillation about the fulcrum and begin to wobble in a three dimensional spiral. Instant Vortex.

    If we were to give this motion direction, instead of allowing it to wander randomly on its own, we would have a vector - and motion would be observed as it is in Figure 61 below.

    As a side tangent, in figure 59, the "black" space is not just the absence of the "light" space - it is the polar opposite expanding in an outward spiral from the center. Excellent explanations of this concept in the following images that should be read 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

    Anyway, in my mind, it becomes clear that the 3 *probably* represents the guiding force that expands away from the center of all creation (God) and the 6 represents that return path. These paths hold the vortex's in their respective linear vectors and we witness the effects as the "known universe". The 1-8 pairs are the anchor points of the next beginning curve, and they must follow the thrust given them by the 3 & 6. These create the angular momentum that we witness in the other numbers. Russell stated "All direction is curved - all motion is spiral". I think this becomes self-evident when understanding the role that these numbers play. Since we are seeking a "higher" level of energy/understanding/whatever - I think we constantly find the 6 as the guiding force back to the Center. In short, even if we aren't looking for it, it is the most tangible element of the vortex when we look for a "cause". It is the Holy Grail of the ZPE and Over unity folks. As such, we find the "anomalies" of systems in the 6. Since it is from our perspective - the furthest point removed from the Creator - we are seeing all things in return. And since our Rodin Map tells us that 3-6-9 appear as a triune group that doubles on itself (3-9-6-6-9-3) there must be an explanation. Conveniently since two 3's is 6, and two 6's is 3, we never abandon our concept. The two continually interchange between each other. Because as there is no inflow without an outflow, it further emphasizes that Leedskalnin's concept is more universal in nature then first glance. We see the 6 in all areas, but how many of them are actually doubled 3's? 

    We can find the outflow (the 3) but we have to acknowledge that there is a Source and point from which all things originate first. Since this flies in opposition of mainstream science, it is not acknowledged. We try to latch on to those two streams with "hot" and "cold" electricity, and we can occasionally catch glimpses of it when we build devices that operate in "unity". Instead, we focus on the most basic of this entire system, and "cut lines of flux", burn or explode, and do the very lowest form of "work" with this balance. We are basically playing at the very apex of wave as it returns to the point. If we would concentrate on working with this breathing flow, we could create machines and devices of unimaginable capabilities. In short, science is looking at the 4-7 and thinking that have obtained the holy grail. They occasionally stumble on the 1 & 8 and think there is an anomaly, or something that can be explained away. They spend their time building equipment, devices and mathematical formulae to observe the 2 through 7, and believe the 1 & 8 are inconvenient anomalies that we will better understand at a later date. If they would acknowledge a 9, and focus on the 3 & 6, it would really make the entire thing come into clear focus, and we could progress as a species. However, that would end the clever entrapments that have been established over the centuries, and people would find themselves free....I guess that just wont happen.

    “Great art is simple. My universe is great art, for it is simple.

    “Great art is balanced. My universe is consummate art, for it is balanced simplicity.

    “My universe is one in which many things have majestic measure: and again another many have measure too fine for sensing.

    “Yet I have not one law for majestic things, and another law which are beyond the sensing. 

    “I have but one law for all my opposed pairs of creating things: and that law needs but one word to spell it out, so hear me when I say that one word of My one law is


    “And if man needs two words to aid him in his knowing of the workings of that law, let those two words be


    “If man still needs more words to aid his knowing of My one law, give to him another one, and let those three words be



    Last edited by maximumgravity1; 22-09-2009 at 03:55 PM.

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