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Apocalipsis 2
1. Escribe al ángel de la iglesia en Efeso: El que tiene las siete estrellas en su diestra, el que anda en medio de los siete candeleros de oro, dice esto:
2. Yo conozco tus obras, y tu arduo trabajo y paciencia; y que no puedes soportar a los malos, y has probado a los que se dicen ser apóstoles, y no lo son, y los has hallado mentirosos;
3. y has sufrido, y has tenido paciencia, y has trabajado arduamente por amor de mi nombre, y no has desmayado.
4. Pero tengo contra ti, que has dejado tu primer amor.
5. Recuerda, por tanto, de dónde has caído, y arrepiéntete, y haz las primeras obras; pues si no, vendré pronto a ti, y quitaré tu candelero de su lugar, si no te hubieres arrepentido.
6. Pero tienes esto, que aborreces las obras de los nicolaítas, las cuales yo también aborrezco.
7. El que tiene oído, oiga lo que el Espíritu dice a las iglesias. Al que venciere, le daré a comer del árbol de la vida, el cual está en medio del paraíso de Dios.
El Experimento Filadelfia, también llamado Proyecto Arcoíris, es el nombre que ... A finales de los años 30, el ingeniero eléctrico Nikola Tesla, afirmó haber ...
www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBoAgrVIwP030 Jul. 2013 - 2 min. - Subido por megoforo A finales de los años 30, el brillante ingeniero eléctrico llamado Nikola Tesla, originario del Reino ... |
www.youtube.com/watch?v=vt5UkTvx8i01 Abr. 2010 - 7 min. - Subido por Vito Corleone El supuesto proyecto Rainbow o experimento Philadelphia, habría sido ... y la teoría dinámica de ... |
15 Mar 2013 ... El ejército de EE.UU. ha gastado un número incalculable de dinero para desarrollar armas de guerra: armas láser, motores nucleares, aviones ...
Presentación del experimento de Filadelfia. ... Lugar: Base Naval de Filadelfia + Norfolk a 600 km. ..... Uno de los pioneros en este dominio fue Nicolás Tesla.
10 Mar 2011 ... Para ello se trabajo en base a la teoría de la relatividad de Albert Einstein y a la teoría dinámica de la gravedad desarrollada por Nikola Tesla.
8 Ago 2012 ... El 20 de julio de 1943 a las 09.00 horas UTC, se iniciaba en el astillero naval de Filadelfia, el experimento de la marina de Estados Unidos ...
Por supuesto, había una gran cantidad de científicos ingeniosos (Tesla y Einstein) que participaban en el experimento. Sin embargo, Nikola Tesla fue ...
30 Nov 2009 ... Nikola Tesla nació el 10 de julio de 1856 en un pequeño pueblo ..... con el” Experimento Filadelfia”,un supuesto experimento de invisiblidad y ...
14 Sep 2012 ... La leyenda cuenta que los norteamericanos trataron de volver invisible un barco de guerra para luchar contra la Alemania nazi, pero ¿es este ...
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I am acquainted, for instance , with an Egyptian ceremonial system, some 5,000 years old, which taught precisely the same things as Masonry does, but in the terms of shipbuilding instead of in the terms of architecture. |
How much sense does that make? Too much. First we are given dimensions for Noah to build an ARK and then later we are given dimensions with which to build Solomon's Temple, that which contains an 'Ark of the Covenant'. And the New Jerusalem to come is just over the hori-zion.
The importance of the numbers 3 and 7 to a Freemason.
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To each of us also from our birth have been given three lesser lights, by which the Lodge within ourselves may be illumined. For the " sun " symbolizes our spiritual consciousness, the higher aspirations and emotions of the soul; the " moon " betokens our reasoning or intellectual faculties, which (as the moon reflects the light of the sun) should reflect the light coming from the higher spiritual faculty and transmit it into our daily conduct; whilst " the Master of the Lodge " is a symbolical phrase denoting the will-power of man, which should enable him to be master of his own life, to control his own actions and keep down the impulses of his lower nature, even as the stroke of the Master's gavel controls the Lodge and calls to order and obedience the Brethren under his direction.
Please note the coincidences re Sun and Moon: The 6x6 magic square of the Sun is connected to the number 666. (i.e. 666 = the sum of the numbers 1-36 used to comprise the 6x6 square)
The 9x9 magic square of the Moon is connected to daily Sudoko playing and Tesla's 369.
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Brethren, I charge you to regard your apron as one of the most precious and speaking symbols our Order has to give you. Remember that when you first wore it was a piece of pure white lambskin; an emblem of that purity and innocence which we always associate with the lamb and with the new-born child. Remember that you first wore it with the flap raised, it being thus a five-cornered badge, indicating the five senses, by means of which we enter into relations with the material world around us (our "five points of fellowship " with the material world), but indicating also by the triangular portion above, in conjunction with the quadrangular portion below, that man's nature is a combination of soul and body; the three-sided emblem at the top added to the four-sided emblem beneath making seven, the perfect number; for, as it is written in an ancient Hebrew doctrine with which Masonry is closely allied, "God blessed and loved the number seven more than all things under His throne," by which is meant that man, the seven-fold being, is of the most cherished of all the Creator's works. And hence also it is that the Lodge has seven principal officers, and that a Lodge, to be perfect, requires the presence of seven brethren; though the deeper meaning of this phrase is that the individual man, in virtue of his seven-fold constitution, in himself constitutes the " perfect Lodge," if he will but know himself and analyse his own nature aright.
http://www.masonicsecrets.org/meaning-of-masonry/deeper-symbolism-of-freemasonry.html |
Interesting to note that in the bI6LE, in the Book of Revelations, the number 7 appears 137 times.
good site
namaste _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein
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Transfer RNA It binds to amino acids and move them into place on the ribosome as needed. Each type of tRNA binds only a single one of the 20 different amino acids.
Amino acids attach to the appropriate tRNA at one end, which has folded into a three-dimensional L-shape.
Such a perfect harmony taking place in an area one billionth of a millimeter is clear evidence for Creation"
image sources: http://www.nobelprize.org/educational/medicine/dna/a/translation/trna.html
http://www.themeasuringsystemofthegods.com/The-Secret-of-DNA-Harun-Yahya.pdf |
And the plot thickens - the RNA molecule is referred to as a cloverleaf structure. http://www.nobelprize.org/educational/medicine/dna/a/translation/trna.html RNA appears to be a 3-leaf clover.
Keeping in mind that the relationship between DNA and RNA resembles the chicken and egg paradox, i.e. "which came first?", the following associations between tRNA and the 'L' shape are to be noted.
Gnomon EucLId Book II
The GEOMETRY of 69 or 96
What do these 2 rotationally symmetrical L7 glyphs represent?
Please note they are critical to the function of the ASTROLABE. Aha!
And the ASTROLABE is being held and is between 2 Pillars? Aha!
Please note that the glyphs are OFF-CENTER! Ahab!
Psalter of St Louis and Blanche of Castille 13 century (I cannot help notice the ILLE in Castille)
Funny how once the TRUTH is evident, you cannot help but see it everywhere?
Note: the two 'L 7' or are they '69' glyphs positioned in the north are oriented differently than the other three, i.e. east, west and south all appear to be symmetrical rotations of each other.
This asymmetry of 3+1 is noted elsewhere.
The source of these glyphs resembling 96, is pre-Hispanic Ecuador. Please note that we have something that resembles a MOBIUS Strip. there seems to be an invisible TWIST implied between the 9 and 6...do you not see it?
And the CERN logo suggests what numbers?
We can find this symbol, one of many meanders/greek frets, often to help to define a boundary, in art or on ceramics. These meander patterns are traced back as far as 25,000 years ago.
We all know all about the Apollo Space Program and landing on the moon, and most of us have heard about Apollo the solar deity.
HERE COMES THE SUN na, na, na, na
all the world is a stage first let me set the stage for you put you into the mood?
I gueSS what this discuSSion is about is learning about the role of the SS in our world. AND can can what I am about to present give us a clue to how the universe operates and why folks feel compelled to do the goose-step instead of the, it takes two to tango or perhaps even a schmaltzy waltz?
Is the SUN nuclear or electrical? Experts are divided on this issue, not me.... ...apparently I find myself in the middle.
Both a nuclear and electrical science MUST deal with these two basic concepts. + PLUS - MINUS No way around it.
Thus this might be A GOOD PLACE TO START when comparing the two THEORIES? start from scratch?
i.e. ...the very unclear NUCLEAR that we are using to light up the world vs. the dark and mysterious ELECTRICITY/MAGNETISMrelationship?
2+2 vs. 3+1
2012Forum re: Sator Square more info: http://2012forum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=238597#p238597
HEY MO, dude, brother from another planET. Remember this discussion? It is of course central to what is keeping RELATIVITY and QUANTUM from being merged or put into some kind of PERFECT SYMMETRY at all levels? A celestial universal poetry in motion bound by sympathy for the devil, or a sympathetic harmony, a harmony of the spheres?
On the left is the nakwach or brotherhood symbol used by the Navajo, ALSO found on ole' European Vinca script dated to 4500+ BCE. http://2012forum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=227854#p227854
On the right we see a similar 'angular' representation of the nakwach. The L glyph is known as the builder's glyph and is a SHAPE (the square) central to the Freemason Brotherhood. Brotherhood is seen as building a future?
And it reminds me of the right angle triangle. The 3/4/5 Pythagorean triangle. (which is also central to the concept of empire building) And the Knight's Move in cheSS turned a game played on an x, y, grid and added another dimension to it.
which I just just realized is in fact a 2/3/square rt 13 triangle!!
Now this is the kind of move a Freemason/Knights Templar might try to make using his compass and square?
And of course both symbols above, with very little imagination, can be shown to be related to the yin yang, which is at the very heART of the I-Ching. (do I mention now or later that the swastika is the heart of the yin yang?)
But what does the yin yang represent on yet another level, what is its association to movement of the heavens? http://www.chrismeistre.co.za/tai-chi/where-does-the-yin-yang-symbol-come-from.html
NOW is that the NORTH pole or SOUTH pole we see in the above image? Can we simply use a POLE or gnomon to create the yin yang image? YES Where does the Yin Yang Symbol come from in 'celestial terms'? http://www.chinesefortunecalendar.com/yinyang.htm
And clearly without a NORTH and SOUTH pole, without 'polarity' what do we have? A FLAT WORLD with no expansion? IF the universe is expanding, is the earth expanding too, how about the ego? IF the universe contracts what will happen to the ego? Where will it go? Will it BE FUCKING CRUSHED, implode, OR BECOME simply one with nothingneSS AGAIN?
SO obviously we need to understand POLARITY and how it is arranged on the Bagua squares in all 3 Bagua 'arrangements'.
And a reminder, 3 is a simple masonic 'cipher'. 3? Yes a metaphysical appreciation of '3' or a trinity really does open doors.
Most folks are only aware of the 2 Bagua arrangements, the Early Heaven/Fuxi and Later Heaven/King Wen Bagua arrangements and invest far too much stock/time/money in only the Lo Shu magic square, alone, to boot.
We know EXACTLY who I mean Mo, when discussing how the Lo Shu can take hold of the ego? Leego of the lego ego?
Cosmology party, Princeton Ed Witten and Ed Sullivan
I know of at least one fella who feels that the Lo Shu magic square has been reincarnated as the really big Lee Show?
So Mo, now that we identified the enemy of humanity, and clearly we have, simply by coupling ignorance with ego, what do we do with 'ITS' OFFspring, this theory that appears a bit OFF?
Should we invite the Lee Show to come along with US, on our date with destiny, on our way to the Ed 'S' Show, a really really really big shoe? Why is it a really, really Big Shoe and not the Lee Show? Because it contains the Big T.O.E. silly.
BACK to BASICS then? What can we learn about the 3 Bagua if we look at polarity in simple terms?
It always seems to default to the same old thing, when seeking the ultimate source, whether it is a physicist seeking to define how something came from nothing, or it is ConfuciUS discussing the hidden meanings of the healing caduceUS or even JesUS is holding court and asking his flock, what is in a name?
What is the source of my name JE + S + US that forms part of the invisible, language of creation itself?
Do WE and ME use the term meter/metre, ME-ter, today instead of yard, because of the Pope who wears the MIter, OR is because the evolution of language itself has been embedded in our JUNK DNA? Shall we discuss the goddeSS De-meter the meter maid/made? Do I even need to go there? Why does the word goddeSS have two SS and the word god has none unless St. Peter and St. Paul show up for my party, and they tell me, out of respect to call them the SS, an abbreviation for the Holy Spirit, still today?
So obviously do not toSS this SS code out with the baby US OR the bath water, because we need to realize that in one man's JUNK can be found treasures, thus obviously the creator's JUNK is in fact helping to lead US further on?
WHAT IF we use words like meter today in fact because the G+E+OM+ME-ter CREE-ate-HER, has thus embedded the entire kit and KA-booddle that drives our noddles mad right into the gibberish and JUNK DNA that comprises MOST of our DNA? Think about that, how profound what it was I just inferred.
There it is in the JUNK DNA, that the putrid mind of man cast out at one time, termed it gibberish and JUNK. And as it turns out, the way back to the source might be found in this JUNK, a treasure map. And with this treasure map in hand, perhaps what we have here is a great clue of which VECTOR to choose next, or how to navigate the turn, pick an angle, on our zig zag approach, return home?
Did you think folks drunk on IGNORANCE can navigate a straight line?
Richard Dawkins might tell you to go ... ... ask Susan Blackmore... "What are MEMEs and TEMEs?" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQ_9-Qx5Hz4&feature=channel OR go ... ... ask Dan Dennett "What are dangerous MEMEs?" http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/dan_dennett_on_dangerous_memes.html
MEMEs and TEMEs? HOW THE ORAL TRADITIONS evolve with tiME itself?
And what TEAM/TEME should WE and ME be playing for? Should we be careful of the parasitic behaviour being passed on in our ideas? For sure for sure.
I feel folks have been distracted with issues about the purity of their DNA, and race lineage and much more blah blah.
The focus of which suggests, claims made by some scholars, that the PRIME source of the problems, re: the differences, can be found in our semite or non-semite DNA. This kind of ME-ME thinking has lead to many wars, and much suffering.
And clearly it has MORE to do with the spreading of bad MEMEs, bad IDEAs, to the 4-corners of the globe than fine tuning our DNA in one or two generations.
Fact is, DNA, the primary building blocks has not changed that much millions of years. But so much else has. DNA is the rock of Gibraltar, it takes a long time for changes to take place. MEMEs however can change how folks think in one generation. So what should we be focusing on as the FIRST instrument of change? In helping to evolve our DNA to its full potential?
DNA itself is a MEME, perhaps the original. The chip off the ole' block, a fractal of something much larger than itself, a SEED, that has been embedded with an algorithm, that expands and contracts.
So there could be a script in our JUNK DNA, it manifests in what we say and do, and how we imitate, and I believe MEMEs are meant to help jog the memory and they are reminders to take the tiME to rEMEMber that fateful day back in sEtEMbEr 2001.
Ideas not Worms hijack the human brain...according to Dan the MEME Man.
We are trying to define, darkness, greater density, lower energy levels, in KISS terms? Keep IT Swastika Simple Keep it in ME-ME, WE-ME, and WE-WE terms? Shall we play some Wii now?
And all 8 Bagua Trigrams which descend from the yin yang is a fact of life that MUST be considered when discussing the origins of the Trigrams.
The PLUS and MINUSes of the I Ching and the 3 Bagua
Once each of the 8 Trigrams in each of the 3 Bagua arrangements are reduced to their basic plus/minus, itsNET charge (implied in the cross teNET?), I feel in this simplicity appears to be a rule or law.
Note that we essentially see the same two 'shapes' L 7** glyphs in the EARLY HEAVEN Bagua. One RED 'L' and one BLUE 'L'.
perhaps this is another reason why the 7** seems special?
And these two L 7glyphs can possibly represent the nakwach symbol, and the 'two fish' of yin yang. Now WHAT IF what we have here in the glyphs L 7 is yet another reference to Marko Rodin's idea of the 2 = doubling circuit?
Thus helping to connect the 2 FISHes found in many myths around the world. What if?
ALSO NOTE: BROKEN symmetry has in effect given the yin yang fishes VECTOR ...note the direction of theorange --->
ANY CONCLUSIONS, WHAT CAN WE DERIVE from how the 4 forces seem to flux between 2+2 vs. 3+1, somehow connected to changing direction/VECTORs, spin is involved too?
345 triangle + Celtic Cross + Navigation
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Is a Celtic Cross a scientific instrument as well as a sacred symbol? It allows the navigation of the planet without a time piece, the discovery of Natures mathematics and the construction of ancient sacred buildings using astrology. The philosophy behind all the great religions rest within what the cross reveals. The ancient scientific and spiritual wisdom that has shaped our past and still influences our future is part of a forgotten and often hidden system that reaches back beyond the current established religions, further than Ancient Egypt into an age where Mankind lived in harmony with Nature.
[b]Resurrected by Crichton E M Miller in 1997 the ancient working cross has been awarded two Patents.
http://www.world-mysteries.com/sar_5.htm |
But it appears Yang Hui knows what I am hinting at.
Yang Hui Magic Square note the pairs 3 and 7, 1 and 9 _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein |
12 = 3 15 = 6 18 = 9 The 369 Magic Square uncovered?The familiar uncontested 258 Lo Shu Magic Square uncovered thousands of years ago!!!See the pattern? Why I contend there exist THREE 3x3 MAGIC Squares? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Solfeggio and KEYpads... This thread explains it all. http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2009/0 ... de-11-528/I had brunch the other day with Tesla. namaste Raphael
_________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Einstein
The deciphering of the runic inscription below was what allowed Lee Sallows to the discovery of a new class of magic squares. The alphamagic square.http://books.google.ca/books?id=E6CnrdK ... q=&f=false
A 3 x 3 alphamagic square is a magic square for which the number of letters in the word for each number generates another magic square, for instance: 5 22 18 28 15 2 12 8 25 five (4) twenty-two (9) eighteen (8) twenty-eight (11) fifteen (7) two (3) twelve (6) eight (5) twenty-five (10) = 45 (magic sum) = 21 (logorithmic magic sum) This is the actual "Li Shu," the first runic charm containing it discovered by Lee C. F. Sallows. King Mi was reputedly 45 years old (the first magic sum) and the wizard who made it for him was likely 21-years old (the logorithmic magic sum). Dr. Croft points out, "The listed lifespan of King Ida (whom I think is the King referred to in Sallows' source as "King Mi") is precisely 66 years (the sum of the Li Shu's primary constant of 45 and the logorithmic constant of 21, the anonymous wizard's age ... so that the wizard devised a charm that added his age to that of his King ... and the King lived so long)." http://www.russianaz.org/news/2008/Apr_ ... quare.html
Lucky Magic Square and RUNES and Phosphenes and alphamagic squares and the numbers on CARD X of the Tarot ... 11258 More alphamagic information re: Lee Sallows and the Li Shu NOT the Lo Shu. http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2009/0 ... de-11-528/So how does the Lo Shu and Li Shu magic squares collide with the three codes we find on all numerical keypads, and the nine numbers 147, 258, and 369? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9Lo Shu has one diagonal as 258 ( the other is 456)and contains the nine digits from 1-9 Li Shu diagonal is 369 ( the other is 567) and contains the nine digits from 3-11 There are at least two other 3x3 magic squares that covet my attention. One that deals with the nine digits from 0-8 and another that contains the nine digits from 2-10. CODE 11258 and its many many manifestations. This is a parking spot for many of the coincidences I have been gathering re: 4 Gospel CODE 11258, found on Card X of the Tarot, designed by a Freemason, a very 'connected' and influential fella, A.E. Waite. http://breakfornews.com/forum/viewtopic ... 28&start=0However because the coincidences are profound coincidences, and there are so many of them, the entire archetypal journey experienced by me suggests a design of some kind is in place. We just can't 'see' it. But by accessing the invisible realm using cymatics and sympathetic vibrations as tools, what we can not see, can be made visible, and we can feel it too. SOUND is the KEY being veiled with ambiguous chatter.shhh >>if the word gets out that SOUND has great relevance...sheeple will start paying attention to what they 'hear' and 'listen' to. >>they might even ask why 440 hertz for note 'A' was adopted as the global standard in 1955-56? Was it a global standard or was it the Goebbels' standard?>>Goebbels as NAZI propaganda minister extraordinaire, suggested this standard be adopted in 1938. 17-18 years later, after Einstein was dead and buried, the world took the advice of the NAZI? Can these three sequences of numbers be made to correlate to the Solfeggio frequencies too? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 namaste Raphael
_________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Einstein
I-AM wrote:
anyone who hasnt seen this will thank god 4 it [Nassim Haramein] ...
I like Nassim Haramein...he believes everything is a 'black hole'. His black hole cosmology fits nicely into the 'turtle shell' archetype. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 6631666184This video featuring Nassim wastes no time in illustrating that the 'experts' can often be wrong. And inspired fellas who follow their heart, as Nassim does, who go where they are told not to go, who follow their intuitive voice, often catch a glimpse of something, few of us do. Like Nassim did, observing the H2O high velocity projectiles bombarding the surface of Jupiter. There he sat, sandwiched on a mountain top between the setting sun and the rising moon, watching a lightening show. Haramein sees 19.47 as vital to his theory. I would extract 147 from that 'geometry' that he has isolated. Other 'extractions' to be expected might be 258, and 369 or anagrams of those three base codes, like 528. When you punch the numbers 528, known in gematria as 'THE Key', into latitudes interesting connections are made too. Barack Obama and the Berlin Wall and 528? http://holyspiritvictorious4ever.blogsp ... -link.htmlI also like how he has arrived at a 64 tetrahedron grid, which he discusses in that video above. I see 64 as vital to the structure of a cosmology or theory, it 'fits' profoundly when we start comparing 8x8 grids (magic square of mercury), the 64 squares on a chess board, the 8 trigrams based on 8 Chinese family members that are used to form the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching, and coincidentally there are 8 main family members on the Judeao/Christian Ark. And the mythical source of the I Ching can be traced to the story of the Lo Shu turtle. (turtles as part of a creation narrative is quite common.) And again one of the three source codes makes an appearance. 258 forms one of the diagonals of the *magical* Lo Shu 3x3 square. And within the Lo Shu, two triangles can be formed between 147 and 369. Overlapping they form a star of david. viewtopic.php?p=40575&sid=fd8a53c19bf361f4255659ad1e1e451d#p40575And if we placed the 4 male and 4 female members in both families, EAST or WEST... We form the 8 pointed, morning and evening star of Venus in the west. In the east you might make a 3x3 grid, which is eight squares around a central ninth. http://www.chemistrydaily.com/chemistry/Lo_Shu_Square
The Lo Shu is sometimes connected numerologically with the 8 trigrams, which can be arranged in the 8 outer cells, reminiscent of circular trigram diagrams. The numbers 1 (001, the beginning of all things, bottom of the central column) and 9 (completion, 1001, top of the central column) are considered most auspicious, while the number 5 (101) at the very center is the perfectly balanced number (also at the heart of the Ho Tu). Like the Ho Tu (河圖), the Lo Shu square, in conjunction with the 8 trigrams, is sometimes used as a mandalic representation important in Feng Shui (風水) geomancy.
In conclusion, Nassim's fascination with certain numbers and geometry, meshes with Marko Rodins work, among others, you could add Fintan Duane's I/O theory to the mix too. And what should we make of the Tesla rumor concerning the numbers 369? All of these inspired fellas, Haramein, Rodin, Duane (and others) are similar to the fable of the blind men inspecting an elephant.
A Jain version of the story says that six blind men were asked to determine what an elephant looked like by feeling different parts of the elephant's body. The blind man who feels a leg says the elephant is like a pillar; the one who feels the tail says the elephant is like a rope; the one who feels the trunk says the elephant is like a tree branch; the one who feels the ear says the elephant is like a hand fan; the one who feels the belly says the elephant is like a wall; and the one who feels the tusk says the elephant is like a solid pipe. A wise man explains to them: "All of you are right. The reason every one of you is telling it differently is because each one of you touched the different part of the elephant. So, actually the elephant has all the features you mentioned."[1] This resolves the conflict, and is used to illustrate the principle of living in harmony with people who have different belief systems, and that truth can be stated in different ways (in Jainist beliefs often said to be seven versions). This is known as the Syadvada, Anekantvad, or the theory of Manifold Predictions.[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blind_men_and_an_elephant
But wait there is yet another inspired BLIND man who inspected the elephant of creation. His name was Tesla. And the 'T' in Tesla must mean turtle too! BAB-ILU and the magic of TESLA'S 369?Then we are introduced to this image and concept, found within the structure of ancient esoteric archaic knowledge long forgotten. The Ilu of 12, 15 and 9, reduced to single digits becomes 3, 6, and 9. Think about this TESLA and 369 leads us to more turtle numerology? Why? Cymatic Tortoise Shell and the Lo Shu and the Bab-Ilu? I 'feel' the answer to the magic of these numbers 147, 258, 369, can be found in SOUND frequencies as cymatics illustrates quite succinctly. If you make a magic square using the numbers 147 as one of the diagonals, the number '0' is introduced. The other diagonal is comprised of the 345 formula for the right angle triangle. The magic number is 12, thus all columns, rows, diagonals = 12. The 147 magic square focuses on the nine digits from 0-8, unlike the infamous Lo Shu which uses the nine digits 1-9 and has the two diagonals 258 and 456. Magic number is 15. All of the above I feel is important. Lee Sallows and his work re: alphamagic Squares reintroduced another forgotten ancient Chinese secret. In addition to the Lo Shu we find out now that there also existed the Li Shu. We know today there exists a mythology re: the Lo Shu turtle based on the 258 diagonal. Lee Sallows gives evidence of the Li Shu myth which can be shown to be based on a 369 diagonal. And what do we make of the *new alphamagic square* that Lee Sallows discovered through the interpretation of an ancient RUNE script? What is most fascinating is that Lee Sallows alphamagic square appears to bridge numbers and letters and words. And again we find patterns re: 147, 258 and 369 in how Lee Sallows has helped establish a connection, building a bridge between how we *see*, phosphenes, the source of the RUNES, junk DNA coding, and the development of language, essentially playing a role in the evolution of shape and form of things to come. namaste Raphael more 528 fluff 'n' stuff I recovered over the past few years. How my archetypal quest to comprehend the ARKetypal holy grail lead me to the KEY 528. http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2008/1 ... -widukind/
_________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Einstein
I-AM wrote:
anyone who hasnt seen this will thank god 4 it [Nassim Haramein] ...
I like Nassim Haramein...he believes everything is a 'black hole'. His black hole cosmology fits nicely into the 'turtle shell' archetype. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 6631666184This video featuring Nassim wastes no time in illustrating that the 'experts' can often be wrong. And inspired fellas who follow their heart, as Nassim does, who go where they are told not to go, who follow their intuitive voice, often catch a glimpse of something, few of us do. Like Nassim did, observing the H2O high velocity projectiles bombarding the surface of Jupiter. There he sat, sandwiched on a mountain top between the setting sun and the rising moon, watching a lightening show. Haramein sees 19.47 as vital to his theory. I would extract 147 from that 'geometry' that he has isolated. Other 'extractions' to be expected might be 258, and 369 or anagrams of those three base codes, like 528. When you punch the numbers 528, known in gematria as 'THE Key', into latitudes interesting connections are made too. Barack Obama and the Berlin Wall and 528? http://holyspiritvictorious4ever.blogsp ... -link.htmlI also like how he has arrived at a 64 tetrahedron grid, which he discusses in that video above. I see 64 as vital to the structure of a cosmology or theory, it 'fits' profoundly when we start comparing 8x8 grids (magic square of mercury), the 64 squares on a chess board, the 8 trigrams based on 8 Chinese family members that are used to form the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching, and coincidentally there are 8 main family members on the Judeao/Christian Ark. And the mythical source of the I Ching can be traced to the story of the Lo Shu turtle. (turtles as part of a creation narrative is quite common.) And again one of the three source codes makes an appearance. 258 forms one of the diagonals of the *magical* Lo Shu 3x3 square. And within the Lo Shu, two triangles can be formed between 147 and 369. Overlapping they form a star of david. viewtopic.php?p=40575&sid=fd8a53c19bf361f4255659ad1e1e451d#p40575And if we placed the 4 male and 4 female members in both families, EAST or WEST... We form the 8 pointed, morning and evening star of Venus in the west. In the east you might make a 3x3 grid, which is eight squares around a central ninth. http://www.chemistrydaily.com/chemistry/Lo_Shu_Square
The Lo Shu is sometimes connected numerologically with the 8 trigrams, which can be arranged in the 8 outer cells, reminiscent of circular trigram diagrams. The numbers 1 (001, the beginning of all things, bottom of the central column) and 9 (completion, 1001, top of the central column) are considered most auspicious, while the number 5 (101) at the very center is the perfectly balanced number (also at the heart of the Ho Tu). Like the Ho Tu (河圖), the Lo Shu square, in conjunction with the 8 trigrams, is sometimes used as a mandalic representation important in Feng Shui (風水) geomancy.
In conclusion, Nassim's fascination with certain numbers and geometry, meshes with Marko Rodins work, among others, you could add Fintan Duane's I/O theory to the mix too. And what should we make of the Tesla rumor concerning the numbers 369? All of these inspired fellas, Haramein, Rodin, Duane (and others) are similar to the fable of the blind men inspecting an elephant.
A Jain version of the story says that six blind men were asked to determine what an elephant looked like by feeling different parts of the elephant's body. The blind man who feels a leg says the elephant is like a pillar; the one who feels the tail says the elephant is like a rope; the one who feels the trunk says the elephant is like a tree branch; the one who feels the ear says the elephant is like a hand fan; the one who feels the belly says the elephant is like a wall; and the one who feels the tusk says the elephant is like a solid pipe. A wise man explains to them: "All of you are right. The reason every one of you is telling it differently is because each one of you touched the different part of the elephant. So, actually the elephant has all the features you mentioned."[1] This resolves the conflict, and is used to illustrate the principle of living in harmony with people who have different belief systems, and that truth can be stated in different ways (in Jainist beliefs often said to be seven versions). This is known as the Syadvada, Anekantvad, or the theory of Manifold Predictions.[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blind_men_and_an_elephant
But wait there is yet another inspired BLIND man who inspected the elephant of creation. His name was Tesla. And the 'T' in Tesla must mean turtle too! BAB-ILU and the magic of TESLA'S 369? Then we are introduced to this image and concept, found within the structure of ancient esoteric archaic knowledge long forgotten. The Ilu of 12, 15 and 9, reduced to single digits becomes 3, 6, and 9. Think about this TESLA and 369 leads us to more turtle numerology? Why? Cymatic Tortoise Shell and the Lo Shu and the Bab-Ilu? I 'feel' the answer to the magic of these numbers 147, 258, 369, can be found in SOUND frequencies as cymatics illustrates quite succinctly. If you make a magic square using the numbers 147 as one of the diagonals, the number '0' is introduced. The other diagonal is comprised of the 345 formula for the right angle triangle. The magic number is 12, thus all columns, rows, diagonals = 12. The 147 magic square focuses on the nine digits from 0-8, unlike the infamous Lo Shu which uses the nine digits 1-9 and has the two diagonals 258 and 456. Magic number is 15. All of the above I feel is important. Lee Sallows and his work re: alphamagic Squares reintroduced another forgotten ancient Chinese secret. In addition to the Lo Shu we find out now that there also existed the Li Shu. We know today there exists a mythology re: the Lo Shu turtle based on the 258 diagonal. Lee Sallows gives evidence of the Li Shu myth which can be shown to be based on a 369 diagonal. And what do we make of the *new alphamagic square* that Lee Sallows discovered through the interpretation of an ancient RUNE script? What is most fascinating is that Lee Sallows alphamagic square appears to bridge numbers and letters and words. And again we find patterns re: 147, 258 and 369 in how Lee Sallows has helped establish a connection, building a bridge between how we *see*, phosphenes, the source of the RUNES, junk DNA coding, and the development of language, essentially playing a role in the evolution of shape and form of things to come. namaste Raphael more 528 fluff 'n' stuff I recovered over the past few years. How my archetypal quest to comprehend the ARKetypal holy grail lead me to the KEY 528. http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2008/1 ... -widukind/
_________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Einstein
http://2012forum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=9901 |
Sophia wrote:
As far as my husband knows, the Lakota did not traditionally have a swastika symbol, but do have the sign for the Four Directions. This would be an example: In the traditional Lakota, the west is black, the north is red, the east is yellow and the south is white.
Interesting. The Lakota are one of the few 'tribes of man' that place RED in the NORTH. That is an anomaly...it is unusual to find it placed there. RED is usually positioned in the east or south. I have found anomalies can be the clues leading to greater insight though and even more coincidences. So I did some inquiring into the Lakota. Never realized they were part of a 'Sioux' conglomerate. In grade school I hated what they termed 'public speaking'. It was an exercise where you needed to memorize a topic of your choice, and present it in front of the entire class. This 'exercise' caused me great distress and anxiety. To this day I remember the two topics I chose and presented. CaSSius Clay before he converted to Islam and became Muhammad Ali, was one of my topics. I thought Ali was a great performer/mensch and still do. The other was General George Armstrong Custard. In the early sixties I watched a film, 'They Died With Their Boots On', starring my hero Errol Flynn, who had portrayed Custer, maybe that is why I liked Custer. That was then, as a child being influenced by what I was watching on tv, before I grew up and realized Custer represents the strong arm of Judeao/Christian beliefs. Might is Right, in God we Trust, all others pay cash. And this holier than thou tribe saw it fit to indulge in bio-chem warfare, trading with the 'heathens', an intent to do harm... small pox laden blankets. Would I stand up today and say Custer and what he represented is great and worth honoring?
The Lakota with their allies, the Arapaho and the Northern Cheyenne, defeated General George Crook's army at the Battle of the Rosebud and a week later defeated the U.S. 7th Cavalry in 1876 at the Battle of the Little Bighorn, killing 258 soldiers, wiping out the entire Custer battalion...
One statistic caught my eye. Those digits seem to follow me around. 258 contains the KEY 528, the story of mi life. Did I find the reason for the anomaly? Not specifically, but it could suggest a time prior to a polarity flip. Or ... it could suggest an orientation similar to the fact that early Arab map makers were also known for placing 'south' in the north. The difference of orientation is seen as 'perspective'. A quantum conclusion where the observer affects the observation. A difference of orientation that we can examine using tools we use ALL the time. Similar to the number keypad on your keyboard or a calculator. The three sequences are arranged by using the numbers 1-9. Placing them into a 3x3 grid. 7 8 9 4 5 6 1 2 3 But on a cellphone the reverse is true. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 They appear as images of each other...both valid. One is in the north and one is in the south. 3 vertical columns or rows of numbers, similar to the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. These sequences are simple, yet vortex mathematician Marko Rodin claims to have invented a highly efficient, maybe even a 'free energy device' based on combining the sequences 147 and 258. i.e 124578 Those six digits appear (not in that order) when you divide a number by magical 7. Thus 22/7 = PiMarko Rodin isolated 3, 6, and 9. Pythagoras understands. So does Lo Shu. The Lo Shu magic square (I Ching) arranges those 9 numbers in a specific order. The numbers 258 comprise one of the diagonals, along with 456. All horizontal, vertical and diagonal lines add up to 15. What is the significance of 15? Can we connect 15 to the 4 colors found on an Indian Medicine Wheel concerning light and orientation? http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2008/0 ... lvator-15/ And in the above SS logo belonging to the Secret Service Mi5 we see three 3x3 grids or GATES. What if Lo Shu magic knows how to open those *Stargates*. What is the glyph that shares the number 3 key on your keyboard? #namaste Raphael
_________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Einstein
G R E A T V I D E O !!!! Hey Vision...your masterful support on this forum and over in wankerville, Peak Oil, is about to pay off dude ... BIG BIG BIG TIME ... You may want to supply a link to this thread for those dinks over at PO. THIS IS IT. V A L H A L L A Hypothesis confirmed. The swastika and all it implies is divine and sacred and currently its powers are being used against humanity. I always knew at the end of the story, there would be a profound twist to the narrative. The final jewel or should I say wewel in the crown, that we have been seeking is in fact the HOLY GRAIL. What Hitler and Himmler and all others have failed to find. Yes I know most people will doubt these words. VisionMaster this is the jewel in our crowning glory, and it is called Wewelsburg Castle. By entering this castle, we will understand that little has changed in over 7000 years. Milo Wolff and me have both identified this simple archetype using different languages. But that is allowed. Isn’t it? Clockwise and Counter clockwise according to Milo Wolff are the only two movements or spin possible creating either In Waves and Out WavesS I M P L E is beautiful and when you go back in time toward a hypothetical Big Bang things in fact become more simple/less complex and more dense. Clockwise and Counter clockwise Here is the KEY to Universal movements, not only on the quantum microcosmic level as Milo has observed, but also on a macrocosmic celestial level as the astronomers, astrologers and physicists have also observed when mapping the Milky Way. As the above image called a Digital Sky Survey illustrates. So two different fields of science are suggesting a similar model can be applied to both the Milky Way and an atom/electron/positron? The Dalai Lama wrote a book called The Universe in an Atom. Do you think science could meet him halfway? But wait what else can the above archetypal model apply to? Equinoxes and Solstices? Precession of the Equinoxes or the Great Year perhaps? The above image on the left is the 3 STEP program according to a Freemason. The image I drew on the right is an archetypal model, the same cycle can be found in both the Greek and Chaldean Zodiacal Crosses, and on a plate from Samarra Iraq circa 5000 BCE. And as we can see Milo Wolff's model suggests the same movements. Two valances move outward and the third valance moves inward. How cool is that? Question:What does Leonardo DaVinci, the Freemasons, quantum physicist Milo Wolff, Marko Rodin and his torus and 369, a Polynesian navigational tool, Hitler, Himmler, the NAZIs, and my journey all have in common? Did I mention the swastika is in fact the common denominator; it is the only divine symbol from antiquity that is both chiral and asymmetric … just like all biological systems, that get their start from chiral asymmetric DNA. Clockwise and Counter clockwise Seems we keep coming back to the movements of a ‘clock’. The motions are stated relative to the ‘hands of a clock’. Are Time and the Calendar important considerations in how humanity evolved? Go to 5:31 of this video and tell me if you can see this clock? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DLXImzFu ... re=relatedIs the fat lady about to start singing? What other coincidences exist between the Vatican and the Nazis? We must take a visit to the center of the NAZI Universe to see that they embraced all of the above when building their archetypal temple for entry into Valhalla. This is truly enlightening. Within this castle we will find the archetypal HOLY GRAIL. Within the castle Wewelsburg is a ‘crypt’ and now I realize this crypt is Room 1258. http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2008/1 ... room-1258/The HOLY GRAIL can be identified and understood using the archetypes that transcend time, space and motion and it also helps to pay attention to what mathematicians call the transcendental numbers. Pi, phi and Phi. Divine archetypes that keep resurrecting themselves, no matter how much nature and man attempt to conceal or veil these ‘secrets’. They will always be revived because the archetype does not die. The archetype plays a role in the revival, perpetually being updated is the intent of this process. Both the creation and destruction process is itself a most powerful archetype. The creation of an electron and positron is divine. Milo Wolff can describe the Holy Grail in scientific terms. He calls it Standing Wave Theory. S I M P L E thus beautiful. The simplicity of the theory is a fine clue that Milo Wolff is full on. IMHO I. Edward Clark a Freemason wrote a most profound book called The Royal Secret. The best $25 I ever spent on esoteric revelations via Freemason perspective. GET THIS BOOKhttp://www.chapters.indigo.ca/books/Roy ... ch_organicIt is a gem filled with secrets... i.e. suppressed knowledge.I. Edward Clark and Manly P. Hall are two Freemasons whose work I highly respect. I will reproduce Chapter IX from The Royal Secret in its entirety at the end of this post...it discusses the 3 steps we shall see later in the Wewelsburg crypt. You will see how I.E. Clark cuts through the Freemason bullshit that was used to veil the mysteries. And I.E. Clark's work is a fine Freemason's interpretation of the mysteries that have been preserved as archetypal rite and ritual, helping to document this cycle of time. Above is GOSECK, an important clue to the archetypal Aryan / Nordic ‘Valhalla’. GOSECK is a German Wood/Stone Henge....from 4800 BCE. From the same epoch as this plate found in Samarra from 5000 BCE. This blog shows the profound intimate connections...what everything is pointing toward. http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2008/0 ... milky-way/http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2008/0 ... te-of-god/Please note they have identified 3 openings/GATES in the structure in GOSECK. Wewelsburg was mainly Himmler's vision...and it was Himmler who was the driving force behind the arcane / occult methods of the SS. Himmler actually saw himself as a reincarnation of King Heinrich who initiated the First Reich. Wewelsburg was their 'occult' hangout. Wewelsburg was their entry into Valhalla. Wewelsburg was the seen by Himmler as the center of the Nazi SS Universe. Remember to the Roman Catholic SS = the Holy Spirit or St. Peter and St. Paul. Wewelsburg confirms my 3 GATES hypothesis. Wewelsburg confirms that the Knight's Templar, the Freemasons and Hitler/Himmler's SS all shared the same 'vision', based on the same underlying archetypal truth that even Plato discussed when describing the archetypal Atlantis. Which brings us back AGAIN to what all of the important archetypes are pointing us toward. Precession of the Equinoxes / The Great Year / The Platonic Year / a Grand cycle of Time tracking the movement of the SUN….Shall we step inside the archetypal temple/crypt at Wewelsburg? Here is a must see video.So let’s go pilgrims you are now ready to enter Valhalla / Solomon’s Temple / Eden etc etc etc. Go to 8:05 of this video. Part IV. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odpfOS4r ... re=relatedPlease watch this video folks. Please please please do yourself a favor, today's flavor of the day is quite sweet. Please the truth is so easily revealed. What the grand conspiracy conceals is a most simple TRUTH. The truth can be revealed in many ‘languages’. i.e. myth, math, astronomy, astrology, scriptures, art and archetype (mi field of interest). When you have a chance, watch the entire 5 parts. Don't be discouraged by the lack of knowledge the fella leading the tour of the crypt in the video displays. He apparently doesn't have a clue what that room represents, what those 12 plinths are for, those 3 Steps and then he takes one more step into the center? Geesh fella...12 represents the 12 constellations that sit on the ecliptic? Can I have your job dude? Wewelsburg and the 3 GATES. How would those 3 Gates operate? Is this a clue? http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2008/0 ... tiodromia/Only 3 GATES? It is mentioned that the Wewelsburg crypt is situated under the NORTH Tower. This is an important clue. North does not receive sunlight like the 3 other directions, east, south and west. North is the direction that the Hopi suggested was blocked and they had no access. The Polynesian mattang also shows that one direction appears 'blocked' with a stick. See the extra stick? The Polynesian mattang was used to identify different kinds of waves. The Polynesian mattang I feel might help us navigate through the 2012 'stargate'. IMHO Knights Templar Magic Square is a clue to how the ancients navigated the oceans. And a navigational tool or GPS 2000+ years ago would have been very very valuable. SOLOMON's KNOT the symbol that represents the manifestation of universal movements...beside it is the quatrefoil often used in Gothic churches which were built and designed by who? Freemasons and the Knights Templar are the rumors. So the symbol that represents these universal inward/outward movements is universally recognized, it is ancient, it is often illustrated with 3 ribbons, it is found worldwide and it is associated with the Swastika and all divine sacred temples. Clockwise and CounterclockwiseAnd in Part V, in the final minute of the video, this comment is made. "...these men were engaged in a project to rewrite the record of the past in order to influence the future course of history"So are you folks concerned about CERN and, about these men who are engaged in a project to do what exactly?Eh? namaste Raphael p.s. Here is The Royal Secret Chapter IX.
_________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Einstein
gridghost wrote:
Seems like your numbers are there too as well as the 3 and 6 alternating... i guess that if i continued on i would get more interesting numbers and more alternating 3's and 6's... Almost like zero's and one's, hmmm Ah, well... until next post namaste
Card X of TAROT with the Zodiac beginning in ARIES at 0 degrees, I have proposed the numbers are 11, 2, 5, 8. Which they are IF we begin in ARIES. However with the Zodiac beginning in SAGITTARIUS (the archer ) the 4 Evangelists portrayed on CARD X of the Tarot (a deck of origins unknown) become 3, 6, 9, 12. The current argument seems to be whether to begin with ARIES in 0 degrees vs. LEO in 0 degrees. Not many folks mention we should begin with Sagittarius in 0 degrees. And please notice that Sagittarius in 0 degrees...CARD X matches up with Tesla's fondness of 3, 6, 9, and 12 (becomes 3). The FOUR evangelists on CARD X thus become ... 3 = Aquarius 6 = Taurus 9 = Leo 12 = Scorpio (thus the Tribe of Dan) is either a 12 or a 3? And the tribe of Dan appears to be a 'player'. Alchemy is a process based on applying a slow steady heat, promoting change. Chemisty which evolved from alchemy, is a process based on applying FIRE and creating reactions. What if we start the process with an EARTH sign (Capricorn/Taurus/Virgo) and NOT a FIRE sign? What if we start the process with AIR sign like Libra/Aquarius or Gemini? What if we start the process with a WATER sign like Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces? What if we go back further than the past 2000 years to seek answers to the mysteries that go back tens of thousands? What if eh? namaste
_________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Einstein http://2012forum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=15&t=11335&start=15 |
2017 ~ The MAGIC of 369 ~ Solfeggio and the 3 NORNs
“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.” -Tesla
Originally Posted by justjoolz
Thanks a lot miSS understanding, ewe are RaisinG vibrations aren’t you?
Mirror, Sigil, Manouver…. I+I can Drive
Do I pass the test? Do you want some more raisins ? or is it time to/the change to currents yet? JJ
yes apparently JJ (jackjill) are co-pilots in yer vehicle called the merKAba? so apparently I appreciate being fed raisins 4 raisin the roof of belief?
along your journey as a seeker of TRUTH, and the intent needs to be clear, have you come across this site
From that site I found a lovely symbol…based on a ruined rune, called the Odal rune. The odal is a rune that symbolizes immovable wealth (heredity) … and the fehu rune which also shares its roots with the other alphabets that have semitic roots and alpha/alef beth associations.
ALEF ~ Hebrew = cattle
ALPHA ~ Greek = cattle
FEHU ~ Rune = cattle
But why cattle?
… coincidentally those are the first letters of the Hebrew, Greek, and the Norse ‘alphabets’.
… and cattle appearing at the beginning of the alphabet means movable wealth in contrast to what odal is implying positioned at the end of the alphabet defined by immovable wealth.
Alpha to Omega Aleph to Tau Fehu to Odal
Clearly we have an idea which involves the beginning and an end, along with movement and rest or repose?
And in ancient times how did the they maintain lines of heredity? Using the colors of heraldry?
So is there a connection between certain COLORs and HERALDRY and HEREDITY? To answer this question it helps to recall that the odal rune symbolizes immovable wealth linked to heredity.
FEHU is the first letter and ODAL is sometimes posited as the last of the ruined runes ‘alphabet’. Ruined or simply allowed to fade?
And…yet the symbols live on to be used as tools to fine tune the human unconscious from a distance, using the invisible threads woven, fates woven by the 3 NORNS?
SOUND is another tool used by the program to program or condition the human conditioned.
The NORNs who were weavers of fate are associated with the colors …
They spin, weave, and cut the thread of each life and are believed to be the writers of the Book of Life.
The Norns are dressed in white and red and black. What they rule must be.
This can be done on the new moon. If possible do this outside.
You will need:
2 glasses of red wine/juice 3 candles – BLACK, WHITE, and RED with Peorth carved on them 3 red apples matches, pen, paper, and a fireproof container.
You can use a wand or a thame to cast your circle if you prefer.
Set up your altar facing North – the directions of the Norns.
Place your items on the altar.
Facing North call forth the North Wind thinking of what you associate with the North.
“Mother Wind come to me, bless and protect my circle”.
Some theorists/physicists suggest we reside on a Torus … that we are the electricity that feeds the magnet (i.e. the void/donut hole of the torus) and the magnet in turn feeds us …
The donut analogy would of course form part of my two bit, or 25 cent or ZS makes sense theory. (… and later history would record that Randy Powell would be the second mortal to purchase a DOHnut franchise from the Master Baker, Homer Simpson was the first to buy into the unclear nuclear age…)
What if the donut the sheeple people reside ON resembles the Marko Rodin Coil.
And this is the stadium we ALL inhabit and reside ON. IMHO
UPDATE September 4, 2014
I was wrong when I wrote the above comment … the topology is not a donut. But I clearly point that out in this blog here:
And in regards to the “WINDS OF CHANGE RITUAL” that I mention as a rite/ritual that we could have used as an application for 2012, what if we apply this ritual to the upcoming 2017 Celestial Pole Star Meditation instead?
Recall that I pointed out the obvious similarities between:
Alpha to Omega Aleph to Tau Fehu to Odal
Do I have an update that addresses the beginning (past) and an end (future), PLUS the middle (present), along with movement and rest or repose? Yes.
~ end of UPDATE September 4, 2014 ~
And NOW I feel it is time to introduce the common thread or is it threads?
The 3 NORNS and the magic of 3, 6, 9 …
The above ritual as we approach 2012 I believe is a very nice fit….those 3 NORNs I want you to know are the 3 ‘strings’ of fate connected to SOUNDs….the ineffable, the divine and AUM let me think about it….the Solfeggio Frequencies?
I had a breakthrough JUST NOW, followed by the gift of the truth chill and a desire to blurt out the truth before the flames consume me….
11. Most of your chakras would be activated during the healing process… Including increased telepathic, clairvoyant and healing abilities(If you would feel a tingling and more than usual warmth in the center of your left palm if you are right handed and the other way round if you are left handed, you need to know that you have the ability to cure the 3-dimensional ailments or diseases of others)… there would be so many new things you would discover about your new abilities!! what I mention here are just a fraction of the whole.
3, 6, and 9
As we look at the six original Solfeggio frequencies, using the Pythagorean method, we find the base or root vibrational numbers are 3, 6, & 9.
Nicola Tesla tells us, and I quote:
“If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have a key to the universe.”
So the root or vibrational number is a 3 … the 3 NORNs of course … the truth chills can’t be wrong.
And these strings of fate if you can imagine … would be the BASElines … I imagine … fateful strings that diSSect our solar system, producing very very very low sounds, already recorded by Chandra telescope at a numbing 57 decibels below middle ‘C’. Incredibly long wavelengths that might appear as taunt strings that pass through our solar system as straight lines, but are actually curved golden spirals and each string comes with its own distinct vibe.
Call it the XYZ that helps define SPACE.
Gravity is SOUND don’t you SEE, sounds we cannot feel BUT we help create the illusion…when light bends around the SUN it is because the light has been caught by the frequency or vibe…and who can resist the tune the SUN sings…eh? Not Mi!!!
… remember this blog is the result of archetypal Thoth thoughts that I am pondering daily.
The Triple Goddess
The Triple Goddess is known and worshiped in Pagan cultures all over the world. She is eternal, yet always in a state of change.
Her colors are white for the maiden, red for the mother and black for the crone.
The Symbol of the Triple Goddess is the Waxing, Full and Waning Moons.
How do you like them raisins?
Shall we add the 4th color GOLD to the alchemy experiment?
p.s. how the theory is progressing as of Sept. 4/2014
Here is a website that did not like my theory, felt threatened by it, needed to ban me.
“A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Einstein
SOUND and 369 = Bab-Ilu = the Gate of God
Here let me share a letter that still needs some polishing. But it should be shared with all who are seekers of the truth. Bigmoose will the people listen to an obvious TRUTH that has been veiled? Too obvious…prepare for the grand unveiling.
Dear Sir,
I read your comments re: Keely and felt the need to respond.
Here is why Keely was right and it also provides the why and how of Einstein getting duped into NOT believing in a luminiferous aether. And the best part is it helps explain why wave / particle duality exists too.
SOUND waves are the KEY to a deeper understanding of the universe … sound wavelengths that are soooo long that they stretch across the diameter of our milky way universe, and because the wavelength is so long, these SOUND gravity waves appear as simply a line passing through our solar system, similar to the divine proportion, the golden mean.
Sound gravity waves emanating from black holes and exploding supernovas.
That is what Chandra Telescope is now telling us…but the particle LIGHT magician/physicist is still enamored with the flashes of LIGHT.
The ineffable name of God is SOUND, haven’t they heard? The goddess Inanna spoke of Sound and the EAR was important. (thus the owl) In the beginning was the WORD… AUM and the hum of a magnet… Coincidentally the inner ear canal is shaped like a helix, resembling the golden spiral, in the shape of those ‘incoming’ sound waves, perhaps?
SOUNDs we cannot hear I and others are suggesting represents the elusive luminiferous aether, the elusive gravity wave is connected to non-electromagnetic sound waves.
And sounds as low as 57 Octaves below middle ‘C‘ suggests the archetypal God/Sound particle/gravity wave has been present in every double slit experiment that has ever taken place.
The scientists have NEVER accounted for those SOUNDs that were present in the room when the light behaved in bizarre ways. Experiments that resulted in a quantum conclusion, suggesting the observer affected the observation. And the observers did effect the gravity wave at the shorter distance because it is a weaker non-electromagnetic sound wave…HOWEVER the ‘electro-magnetic thought waves’ of the participants observing and conducting the experiment, over rode the weaker gravity wave at the shorter distance. Because we know electro-magnetism is stronger than gravity.
But if you leave the room, go have a coffee … the photons will default to the BASSline / baseline, and display the underlying sound wave that is present in the room ALL the time…
We were not aware of these SOUNDs until the Chandra telescope observed a black hole in 2003. Ever present sound gravity waves that are ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS present.
Get in touch with me if you want to know about the archetypal theory of everything. The first chapter is of course called Genes-is, and it suggests the Big BANG was both a LIGHT and SOUND show involving DNA…
CERN is a waste of time and money IMHO. It is TIME a new standard model of physics was drawn up. A theory that is based on ‘The Key to Universal Movement’, a theory that takes into account both the light we can see and sounds we cannot hear. Sounds we feel on the quantum level.
What is the KEY and what are its movements?
These universal movements can be found on each level of the matrix, in a hydrogen atom, a hurricane, the Milky Way, and even in the Precession of the Equinox cycle. Once in possession of this key, it can be used to predict where electrons might appear next…which valance and where, thus it can also be used to predict the movement of the Sun in the cycle called Precession of the Equinoxes. This KEY can be used to make celestial predictions.
It is universal thus the movements, whether visible or invisible, these movements are always present. The archetypal evidence suggests this is true, and the human evolving asymmetrical mind has known this fact since at least 5000 BCE.
The symbol / the concept has been known for at least 7000 years. Proving religion and science have in fact conspired to keep us ignorant of the underlying universal divine archetypes. One question remains. Is the ‘conspiracy’ that has obviously manifested, a conscious or unconscious conspiracy?
In conclusion the obvious must be restated…how can a ‘Theory of Everything’ ignore SOUND? It cannot. Prepare to have your empirical asymmetrical world turned upside down…or should I say inside out?
And this morning I received a reply from another fellow I had corresponded with in regards to the Karanovo Zodiac.
This link he sent me displayed the following image. It is a valuable clue to the 3 Gates and the 3 Keys. I have yet to respond and show him the connection I have made.
Read the passage found at this link suggesting Cancer and Capricorn are gates…
But we must rotate the image and place Cancer (Tropic of Cancer in the North) and Capricorn (Tropic of Capricorn) in the South. Thus we face east…hello Allah.
And once rotated it became clear where these 3 gates could also be found.
Please note the reference to the God of 9, God of 12 (2+1=3) and the God of 15 (1+5=6) OR I want to suggest that Marko Rodin and me would suggest this ancient reference is in fact the God of 3, 6, 9? Here are the sequences.
1 4 7 2 5 8 3 6 9
What is so special about these 9 numbers Pythagoras? The Dalai Lama suggests the universe can be found in an atom. He is right. By using these 9 numbers we can unlock the archetypal universal symbol. And the universal archetypal symbol resembles an atom. On one level. But this archetypal template can be applied to other ‘levels’ or dimensions of the matrix. i.e. the same movements we observe in a microcosmic atom can be found in how the macrocosmic Milky Way behaves. A hydrogen atom…the origin of the elemental species. One atom that evolves into 87 others, naturally, into 88 elements Coincidentally if the universe is musical the following are not coincidences….88 constellations…88 piano keys.
I want to suggest that we can use the 9 numbers 1-9, to help open the ‘gates’ that we find below.
Mi5 Secret Service Logo
Note the position of the the 3 gates in both images. Coincidence?
Can I suggest esoterically these are three 3 x 3 Lo Shu Magic squares?
See those 4 lampposts in the entrance to the Mi5 Headquarters? We find them in the Vatican.
And those 4 lampposts represent the 4 constellations we find on CARD X of the mystical, arcane, esoteric Tarot. A visual archetypal aid.
4 lampposts = 4 Persian Royal Stars displaying the CODE I have used to help solve this ancient riddle.
11 2 5 8
And of course ALL roads lead back to Rome. I want to suggest the largest of the 3 crowns we see in the Mi5 Logo represents the Black Door in St. Peter’s Square. So who have I lost in space while defining time and motion, while dispensing a brief archetypal theory of everything?
p.s does this have any bearing on why we keep defaulting ‘27 kilometers’.
Why was CERN built in a tunnel that had already been constructed and its length being 27 kilometres? Maybe this will help us understand.
The Circuit Walls of Syracuse
In 402 CE Dionysius I began building the The Circuit Walls of Syracuse they were completed in 397 CE. Syracuse was the most powerful of the Western Greek colonies. He was regarded by the ancients as an example of the worst kind of despot–cruel, suspicious and vindictive.
Facts and Figures:
Length: 27 Kilometers
Width at base: 3.3M to 5.35M Number of known towers on Circuit: 14 (including Euryalos) Largest tower: 8.5Mx8.5M Deepest ditch (at Euryalos fortress): 9M
Building so big a fortress would have involved installing well over 300 tons of stone every day for 5 years. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dionysius_I_of_Syracuse
My insights suggesting THEY still follow sacred dimensions when building temples and altars is not just flippant paranoia.
selah V
RaphaEL _________________ DNA=KEY 528=Swastika=LuX=Platonic Year=Mi frequency heals DNA “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Einstein
Late breaking news… I am the source of this breakthrough…
The 55 holes (with a 56th at one time evident) found in the Grand Gallery is a reference to DNA, I suspect.
How do I know? The evidence is pointing me in that direction.
S H A R Z A R W A A N 55 Rings of Brass
55 brass rings line the perimeter of the Kaaba cube in Mecca
more info:
Though it should be noted I did find one photograph posted on wiki that has 56 brass rings, the 56th being placed in the southern corner of a diamond configuration, however in the image above the 56th brass ring can be seen in the top left. [I want to mention at this time that the Freemasons lay their cornerstone in the northeast. Similar to Stonehenge, the ‘heelstone’ (healstone?) is placed in northeast.]
Also in regards to Stonehenge we find that there are 56 Aubrey Holes in the most outer circle, not 55 (…but it should be noted that the 56th hole blocks direct line of sight from the ‘center’ of Stonehenge out to the Heel Stone)
So in Mekkah (the real spelling of Mecca), in Stonehenge, and in the Great Pyramid we seem to have a significant common denominator identified as 55 vs. 56
and this quote was taken from wiki:
The true purpose of the holes may never be known, although future excavation of the remaining twenty-four using modern archaeological techniques will certainly provide more information.
Well I disagree, the fact the Aubrey Holes were treated as ‘tombs’ suggests my theory that these ARKetypal temples are in some way connected to our DNA.
And of course it is another coincidence that the Heel Stone is about the same distance from the center of Stonehenge as is the Black Door (where they hold service for dead Popes) is from the Obelisk in St. Peter Square.
’55’ X-perts went to ____ and asked is DNA the HOLY GRAIL?
The DNA KEYHOLE temple theory also aligns itself with the best of the other theories that currently exist regarding Stonehenge. One theory was that it was a solar/lunar calculator, and the most current debate is fueled by the theory that it was a healing center. Well our DNA is altered on the altar called Earth, and both the solar and lunar cycles are playing a role in how our DNA is affected from cradle to grave. In other words we have great evidence NOW that the ancients saw a connection between our DNA and the dance of the coSmoS.
image: The Dimensions of Paradise by John Michell R.I.P.
note: in the above image we have a pentagon with 5 edges and a hexagon with 6 edges sharing a common edge. Therefore we end up with a geometric shape that has 9 edges not 11. Compare to the images of DNA below.
It does appear therefore, based on the primal prime numbers, and other archetypal clues based on shape/form, that my IDEA or theory has great merit.
We also find: >> 55 black and white dots in the Ho Tu (I Ching) >> 55 atoms comprise ATCG >> 55 = SS = Holy Spirit
>> 55 km is also a ‘boundary’ surrounding the earth, 55 AU is one too.
>> 56 = 5 + 6 = 11 = II = two pillars?
Ho Tu 55 black and white dots and 55 is the sum of the numbers 1-10 Next to DNA’s nucleotides ATCG
And YA sure it is all a coincidence, that the 5 pointed pentagram/pentagon and 6 pointed hexagram/hexagon were both amulets/Seals of Solomon, and lo and behold LOOK it is the same geoMEtry (pentagon rings and hexagon rings married) that we find manifest in the chemistry of ATCG of DNA.
And how do we make the jump from the RIGHT geometric brain to the LEFT algebraic one?
Does FIVE have anything to do with F + IVE = F + I37? WHAT IF?
…what SOUND is F ? …what is 137? ...why are both the physicist/mystic enamored by 137?
And I almost missed the 91.37 cubit reference to the length of the GRAND GALLERY, which I had previously connected to why we build TEMPLEs based on the structure of our DNA…so we can enter the DNA Temples and thus heal our selves in ways we have yet to master….
BiNgo score another direct hit for the MM MaN. The Myrrh-ijuana Mystic MaN.
“…The Amphora, the Rosetta Fractal, DNA and the Holy Grail”
But wait there is ONE MORE GREAT reason why the numbers 1379 are important.
The number 5 is the number assigned to ‘MAN’. If you surround the 5 with the numbers 1379 what configuration do you arrive at?
cha ching we have one of two sources that would combine to become the I-Ching!
Those 5 odd/yang numbers (1, 3, 5, 7, 9) comprise the + of the 3×3 LO SHU Magic Square, (in the corners are the EVEN female numbers 2, 4, 6, 8, who do we appreciate?) which is fundamental to the I Ching, the Chinese ‘bible’ re: morality, causal/acausal synchronicities’, it is their Book of Changes of Transformations, eastern alchemy, a blend of science, theology, and the metaphysical.
XX Mystic recovers Mystic Tablet i.e. the 3rd Bagua Arrangement to the I-Ching … now what?
You folks will need to wait for my book….ETA? (Can’t say when it will be completed. I know now that I might need to come back, again, and again, in order to put the finishing touches on me mnemonic, meme, magnum opus)
Pray it gets to print before the I37 aLIEn invasion takes place. An invasion designed to instill FEAR. IMHO aLIEns are evidence of a mass hysteria that I see ‘we the sheeple’ consciousness is being directed toward.
The Philosopher King/Queen, the ONE-who-is-to-come, will take a REAL GOOD look at their OWN life, and they will put all the pieces together in a language that is comprehensible to each and ALL. A simple truth that encompasses science, theology, philosophy and the arts, reduced to ONE idea we can all rally around.
Till then, it will be bu$ine$$ a$ u$ual.
End of story…
hardly…here is an update:
SS ‘the Holy Spirit’
Held up to a mirror this image yields pi.
i.e. in the mirror the SS or 55 looks like a 22 surrounded by 7 doves.
Leonardo Da Vinci might suggest the above image of the Holy Spirit SS/55 >>> put to the test using a mirror leads us to pi >>> 22/7 and >>> 3 1/7
Try to remember we are trying to recall how those memory games would have been played, recalling ideas by utilizing associations and correspondences. Both the QaBaLaH and I-Ching promote learning about the universe by being keen observers of nature, and noting the associations and correspondences that must exist if the concept of an underlying unity is even to be considered.
The Templar/Maltese Cross was formed by joining the letters A-E-O-N
4 x AEON and AEON or AION means AGES.
So we have a reference to the 4 AGES (gold, silver, bronze, iron is one version)
Knights Templar Magic Square has 25 units
It can be thought of as 5×5 or 5^2
The Maltese Cross and language:
The Maltese Cross and the Great Pyramid:
So there appear to be correspondences/connections between all of the above. i.e. Sator Square (Knights Templar), Maltese Cross, 25, Great Pyramid design
But what did I find in this book that got me excited again? I went looking for information about the 55 holes in the Grand Gallery (DNA archetype) and found 56 like in Stonehenge. But in the Great Pyramid where the 56th hole should be we find this:
visit the well >>
55 DNA Temples – Holy Spirit – SS – the KEYHOLE
But it was the MANY references to 25 primitive inches = 1 sacred cubit that caught my eye. All of the following references to the number ‘25‘ are listed in the book :
25 (primitive inches) 5^2 5×5 It is suggested that the missing capstone would be 5 points 5 sides
And as listed in the book, the references to 25 are associated with all of the following:
the ONE-who-is-to-come the Great Initiate the birth of enlightenment the Messianic Ideal
What the hell is a Messianic ideal? Is an idea and the IdEaL essentially the same thing?
Does the ‘Well’ lead to a Hell or lower realm? Yes it does…
And ONE day folks will realize that 25 = ZS, and the Holy Spirit or SS is in fact a reference to the number 55 and our DNA structure on the atomic level. This has been proved that we have 55 atoms associated with all the building blocks of life called ACGT.
And we know another fact that is easily confirmed. Somebody long ago felt that there were 10 Rules or 10 Commandments we should be aware of and live by. Simple addition reveals the sum of the numbers 1 thru 10 = 55 And it is also a fact of life that at some point in our ‘fractal self-similar’ evolution we were sent another reminder of how to interpret the inPHOmation that ‘just is’.
“… the 55 seems to be generated at the completion of the fine structure constant 137 that comes in horizontally on the number 21 …”
-Anthony Morris
The 10 Commandments are listed in Exodus 20:3-17. Can we in fact find a profound correlation between Exodus 20:3-17, the 3 Mother letters, 7 double letters, and 12 single letters AND the position of ACGT as letters in the Alephbet? Recall that Alpha = 1/137 = the fine structure constant.
Oh my oh my what has been recovered? Could it be this simple? go to the comments below:
To me it all adds up to 137 along with hinting that the Exodus across the Red Sea could be another clue in fact that the Red Sea could be the Reed See, and the corpus callosum, that ‘barrier that divides our LEFT and RIGHT brain.
What consistent connection can we find between the Egyptians and many other pagan/heathen/indigenous basket weaving CULTures concerning reeds and magic squares and sacred knots?
So what do the SwiSS and Vatican City have in common? And how do we use simple geometry (some like to call sacred) as the link between Switzerland and the Vatican City. It really is simple as counting 1 2 3 The most primitive societies count in this manner …
1 … 2 … many
One to many?
The most primitive societies have no number for anything beyond ‘3’. And that is rather interesting because we can find a profound analogy in string theory that suggests the same thing. There is no need to count beyond three when looking for patterns.
So here is yet another AHA I want to share. There is only ONE country in the entire world that is currently using a distinctly shaped flag that is NOT a square or rectangle.
Only ONE.
And it is Nepal. I see a number ’13’. How about you?
The Holy See (Latin: Sancta Sedes “holy chair”) is the episcopal jurisdictionof the Catholic Church in Rome. The primacy of Rome makes itsbishopthe worldwide leader of the Catholic Church, commonly known as the Pope. It is the preeminent episcopal seeof the Catholic Church, forming the central government of the Church. As such, diplomatically, the Holy See acts and speaks for the whole Catholic Church.
The ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) is one of the three sectors (divisions or units) of the International Telecommunication Union(ITU); it coordinates standards for telecommunications.
ITU-T has a permanent secretariat, the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau (TSB), based at the ITU HQ in Geneva, Switzerland.
ITU-Tassigned code 379 to Vatican City. However, Vatican City is included in the Italian telephone numbering plan and uses the Italian country code 39, followed by 06 (for Rome) and 698.
Rome = 396
And how do we connect ROME to VBM and a much bigger picture?
click on link:
Swastika – 396 – ABHA Kingdom – 1251 – Yin Yang – Greek KEY fret pattern – Saturnalia
fig. 513 Ya – Holy Ax
YA = fig. 513 and it also is called the HOLY AX and the same ‘characters’ are again found in fig. 525 which means LONGEVITY. The characters that resemble the numerals 5 and 2.
52 placed in the north and 25 in the south lead us to another clue about the need to go back to the Well, the 3×3 Lo Shu magic square, and Marko Rodin’s recovery of Vortex Based Mathematics!
And perhaps a solution has been retrieved from the collective unconscious, regarding one of Jesus’s famous miracles?
How to feed 5000 people using 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish
The oldest traces of hominid existence in Switzerland date back about 150,000 years.[19] The oldest known farming settlements in Switzerland, which were found at Gächlingen, have been dated to around 5300 BC.
‘SS GoddeSS Civilizations’ and the Vinca script 55oo B.C.
Which brings us back to the beginning of this IDEA I had about patterns and how to communicate….SS truthS!
1 dot/pebble/stone represents the SPACE between the PARTS of a LETTER 3 dots/pebbles/stones represents the SPACE between TWO LETTERS 7 dots/pebbles/stones represents the SPACE between TWO WORDS
Sticks and Stones can break ME bones but calling me names will never ever hurt me.
IGNORANCE of SOUND a.k.a. hertz hurts you.
The “Large Coin, Fifty” (da quan wu shi 大泉五十) exists in many sizes and varieties.
The example above is one of the rarer varieties. It has four lines extending from the corners of the hole to the rim which the Chinese refer to as si chu (四出). (diameter: 26.8 mm, weight: 4.2 grams)
I need to study coins. Because they were the currency of THOTH thoughts too.
The strange relationship that John Michell was alluding to in the above image between pi and phi has been solved by Livio Catullo Stecchini.
Naturally, Sonnet 55 is addressed to Hiram Abiff.
The reason we can be sure of this has to do with two Key words in the text of Sonnet 55—they are “masonry” and “arise”.
Sonnet 55 is the ONLY Shakespearean sonnet in which these two crucial words are to be found. The clincher is that the words masonry and arise are conjoined by precisely 55 words—again, this is not a coincidence, rather it is an affirmation.
Raphael ox
________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Einstein
Reply |
Message 10 of 10 on the subject |
TRUTH will always resurrect itself, an ARCHETYPAL jesus follows the same TRUTH
all evidence from all sources coming from all 4 directions N, S, E and W, must default to the following formula once synthesized or 'reduced' to its simplest component... TRUTH is TRUTH is TRUTH is TRUTH
XYZ of the MIRROR/pond/lake/ocean/plasma field?
Quote: |
Jesus said to them, "When you make the two into one, and when you make the inner like the outer and the outer like the inner, and the upper like the lower, and when you make male and female into a single one, so that the male will not be male nor the female be female, when you make eyes in place of an eye, a hand in place of a hand, a foot in place of a foot, an image in place of an image, then you will enter [the kingdom]." Gospel of Thomas saying #22 |
Heretic Gospel of Thomas saying #22 is discussing XYZ axis of a MIRROR, and the Narcissistic Pond we love to gaze into...? http://2012forum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=279398#p279398 Marko Rodin's Vortex Based Math and his cosmic blender based on the numbers 2 5 New Testament Bible nonsense describing the miracle of jesus feeding the multitudes with 2 Fish and 5 Loaves of Bread is best explained using Marko Rodin's Vortex Based Mathematics. http://2012forum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=229176#p229176 We are so IGNORANT. The term IGNORANT is valid. We are all ignorant of what we ignore. How many denominations are there that claim to spew the glue that binds us at the core? How many are there that claim to embrace the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help them god? Because a CULTure is really a CULT for sure. Is this formula valid faith = truth? NO Big difference between subscribing to a faith based on LIES and a truth being concealed. jesus the big LIE, WAS and still IS helping to conceal LAWS of NATURE like the big FIB or the FIBonacci, nature's logarithmic growth spiral. Too obvious What is not obvious is that the ancients had a vortex theory in place too. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Feeding_the_multitude image is of the Church of the Multiplication, associated with the miracle of the 5 loaves of Bread and 2 Fish. I see EXACTLY the same depiction in St. Peter's Square, the Tesla Tower and the symbolic TREE that we find in the courtyard of the Church of the Multiplication. TREE = Obelisk in center of St. Peter's Square Ellipse To see how this symbol found in its courtyard can be traced to many sacred temples....that PREDATE jesus and the Vatican. http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2010/01/27/ss-goddess-civilizations-and-the-vinca-script-55oo-b-c/ http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2009/08/07/holy-grail-found-in-arecibo-message/ Occam's Razor applies in a very big way in how the CHURCH was built. WE ALL KNOW the pagan was targeted by the CHURCH. so it is very easy to conclude the following. the simple fact of pagan life, and both old and new testaments attest to this fact of pagan life, is that the pagans were fed a narrative about Jesus to conceal the laws of nature they had long ago acknowledged. http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showpost.php?s=0fbe95b4972bd3bde398065c8093a3ed&p=520138&postcount=2 Ancient Vortex Theory is the road less traveled where you meet fellas like Tesla, Marko Rodin, Nassim Haramein, Dale Pond, Fibonacci, Walter Russell, Dan Winter, the Mayan calender and the 2012 winter solstice and an electrified universe filled with plasma, along with the KEY of Universal Movement, the 12,000 year old documented swastika, source unknown. And how do we connect the Tesla quote about the numbers 3 6 9 to the swastika and the old world god YHVH/JHVH? The old world YHVH/JHVH nature/math god was replaced with a new world testament announcing that "Jesus loves you, yes he does". FACT of LIFE: the old world JHVH was connected intimately to the swastika. http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2008/09/16/%E2%80%9C%E2%80%A6a-noble-theory-of-everything-must-include-the-swastika%E2%80%9D/ that is why jesus seems to morph everywhere he goes as he assimilates the herds/tribes of man, under one judeao-christian roof... which cultures can it be shown historically get 'targeted' by judeao-christians? ...I betcha we can find swastikas of all shapes and designs, buried UNDER those Roman Catholic/Christian churches, that are attempting to silence, muffle, VEIL what they consider EVIL? From Athens to Rome to Troy to Carthage to Jerusalem....swastikas are to be found everywhere BURIED UNDER the layer of belief called "Christianity" Islam may have been spread with the sword as Pope RATsinger suggests. But it can be shown that Christianity was spread with the sword and a forked tongue too. And there are millions of IGNORANT PLEBES who continue on with this miniSTRY or is it a mini-story, taken as a LITERAL gospel. jesus is an unproved theory folks no physical evidence exists of jesus those are facts and the fiction interpreted LITERALLY only causes friction. however IF the son of god did walk over water, you would think he would offer a 'theory of everything'. And maybe in those miracles/parables are clues to be found of a jesus theory of everything? judeao/christian and other Levant beliefs love to reBLEAT the fiction they and their forefathers/mothers were told and sold as 'gospel'... however the 'trickle down theory and the telephone game' supports the obvious truth that IGNORANCE begets IGNORANCE cliche... this self serving 'trickle down theory' FEEDS the 'trickle up theory' that targets your $$$, your blood, sweat and tears in all your years, from cradle to grave... The 'devil that you fear', is an energetic force that can be found within all of EWE (and me too ) and it feeds off your IGNORANCE 24/7/365. an observation 24/7/365 = 234567 where/who/what is #1? 114 sayings to the Gospel of Thomas = 114 Suras = profound connection to phi....nature's spiral. dare any of you to enter this black/rabbit/worm HOLE and discuss what you find? http://breakfornews.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5228&highlight= namaste p.s. as of june 24, we have 49 views but no comments...
_________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einsteinhttp://breakfornews.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5855
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