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Apocalipsis 2
1. Escribe al ángel de la iglesia en Efeso: El que tiene las siete estrellas en su diestra, el que anda en medio de los siete candeleros de oro, dice esto:
2. Yo conozco tus obras, y tu arduo trabajo y paciencia; y que no puedes soportar a los malos, y has probado a los que se dicen ser apóstoles, y no lo son, y los has hallado mentirosos;
3. y has sufrido, y has tenido paciencia, y has trabajado arduamente por amor de mi nombre, y no has desmayado.
4. Pero tengo contra ti, que has dejado tu primer amor.
5. Recuerda, por tanto, de dónde has caído, y arrepiéntete, y haz las primeras obras; pues si no, vendré pronto a ti, y quitaré tu candelero de su lugar, si no te hubieres arrepentido.
6. Pero tienes esto, que aborreces las obras de los nicolaítas, las cuales yo también aborrezco.
7. El que tiene oído, oiga lo que el Espíritu dice a las iglesias. Al que venciere, le daré a comer del árbol de la vida, el cual está en medio del paraíso de Dios.
El Experimento Filadelfia, también llamado Proyecto Arcoíris, es el nombre que ... A finales de los años 30, el ingeniero eléctrico Nikola Tesla, afirmó haber ...
www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBoAgrVIwP030 Jul. 2013 - 2 min. - Subido por megoforo A finales de los años 30, el brillante ingeniero eléctrico llamado Nikola Tesla, originario del Reino ... |
www.youtube.com/watch?v=vt5UkTvx8i01 Abr. 2010 - 7 min. - Subido por Vito Corleone El supuesto proyecto Rainbow o experimento Philadelphia, habría sido ... y la teoría dinámica de ... |
15 Mar 2013 ... El ejército de EE.UU. ha gastado un número incalculable de dinero para desarrollar armas de guerra: armas láser, motores nucleares, aviones ...
Presentación del experimento de Filadelfia. ... Lugar: Base Naval de Filadelfia + Norfolk a 600 km. ..... Uno de los pioneros en este dominio fue Nicolás Tesla.
10 Mar 2011 ... Para ello se trabajo en base a la teoría de la relatividad de Albert Einstein y a la teoría dinámica de la gravedad desarrollada por Nikola Tesla.
8 Ago 2012 ... El 20 de julio de 1943 a las 09.00 horas UTC, se iniciaba en el astillero naval de Filadelfia, el experimento de la marina de Estados Unidos ...
Por supuesto, había una gran cantidad de científicos ingeniosos (Tesla y Einstein) que participaban en el experimento. Sin embargo, Nikola Tesla fue ...
30 Nov 2009 ... Nikola Tesla nació el 10 de julio de 1856 en un pequeño pueblo ..... con el” Experimento Filadelfia”,un supuesto experimento de invisiblidad y ...
14 Sep 2012 ... La leyenda cuenta que los norteamericanos trataron de volver invisible un barco de guerra para luchar contra la Alemania nazi, pero ¿es este ...
About Saturn, the Son of the Sun
Early astronomical traditions identify the “Primeval Sun” as the planet Saturn.
Saturn was identified with Osiris in Egypt and Shiva in India. The Babylonians, the founders of Astronomy, called Saturn the “Light of Heaven, the Sun-God Shamash (or Šamaš).
Tacitus records the Jews as worshipping the planet Saturn, Shabbatai, as their god. In Plato’s Timaeus, the word for the planet Saturn is Helios, the “Sun” god. Popular Greek traditions identified Saturn as Kronos (Father Time). At that time Saturn ruled “over the Pole“.
The Pole was seen as the Entrance to the Other World. The Shaman using his Light Body had to Climb Jacobs Ladder to get there.
In Sankrit, Suryaputrah, ”Son of the Sun” is the name for the planet Saturn. The Medieval Alchemists called Saturn the “Best Sun”.
The Kabbalah divides the Universe into Ten Spheres, or Sephiroth, which have Planetary and other Correspondences. The Sphere of Saturn is known as Binah (“Understanding“) and the terrestrial sphere, known as Malkuth, is said to have its foundation in Binah.
Long ago Saturn exercised the supreme power on Earth, his reign being remembered as the Golden Age, his time revered, a time which Man longed to return to. At this moment the Cycle is ruled by Kali. The Mother Goddess Kali represents the Moon in Saturn.
Semitic civilizations referred to the god Saturn as “El”. El was the source of the Great Flood. El was represented by a Black Cube. The Kaaba (“the Cube of Space”) is a cube-shaped building in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, and is the most sacred site in Islam. The building predates Islam, and, according to Islamic tradition, the first building at the site was built by Abraham.
In Ancient History the World was ruled by the Female and the Mother Goddess. The Vulva or the Yoni (Circle), of the Ancient Mother Goddess was always combined with a Black Stone (with a Point), the Symbol of the Phallus (Lingham) of the Male Creator. The God and the Godddess created the Universe in a short moment of Extreme Extacy.
The Pelgrims have to encircle the Black Stone of El Seven Times just like the Rings of Saturn encircle the Center.
The Black Stone of Mina (Close to Mecca)
About the Number Seven
The Blog “About the Sum of Things” is about the so called Seal of Saturn and the related 3×3 Magic Square of Saturn also called the Lo Shu in China.
Saturn is the Seventh Planet and Saturday (Sabbath) the Seventh Day of the Week.
In the Blog it is shown that the 3×3 Magic Square generates Two Cyclic Systems. One System, the Wheel of Karma is a Fractal Torus and is related to the Expansion and Compression of the Universe and the number 2. The Fractal Torus contains Seven Levels associated with the Chakra’s, the Seven Heavens, The Seven Tones and the Seven Colors. The Tower of Bable and the Egyptian Pyramids are a Simulator of the Torus.
The other is a Cyclic Vortex System, the Cycle of Death, related to the number 3 and the Triangel.
The Number Seven is the Repeating Factor of the Torus System. After Seven Steps a new Fractal Level of the Expansion/Compression-Cycle is reached. On the Seventh Day a new Stage in the Creation Process of our Universe is started.
The Torus looks like a Yoni and as you can see the Lingham of Shiva is Inside the Torus. This is the reason why Saturn is associated with Binah and Shakti, the Female Part of Shiva. It also explains why Saturn is related to Fertility.
The Symbol of the Three Letters A-U-M. It contains the number 3, 6 and 9.
The Sequence of the Trinity (A-U-M) controls the Creation/Destruction-Cycle of our Universe. This is the Cycle of Shiva, the Creator and Destructor.
Shiva and Shakti are the Circle (Torus, Yoni) and the Lingham (the Point, Singularity, Lingham). They are the 0 (or the 9) and the 1.
The only thing you need to Create our Universe is de Tao (0), the One, the Two and the Three and they will Generate Everything.
Why is Saturn the Son of the Sun?
There are two explanations. The first one is a Physical Explanation related to Plasma Physics. In the stage of the Golden Age our Solar System contained only Three Planets and Saturn was the Best Sun. Plasma Physics is able to explain many ancient Symbols.
The Second explanation goes back to the Numbers. The Magic Square of Saturn is the First Magic Square that can be constructed. 2×2 is not existent and 1×1 is a Point. The Magic Square of the Sun is the 6×6 Magic Square with Sum 666! and Constant 111. The 3×3 Square can be extracted (is a Son) out of the 6×6 Square.
The Demiurg with the Torus and the Zodiac
About Kronos, Father Time
The Greek called Saturn Kronos, Father Time.
Most of the Souls are not aware of Cycling Cycle of the Fractal Torus of the Number Two of Duality, the Wheel of Karma. They stay in the same Place and Their reincarnations are a Merry Go Round.
Some Souls move around the Torus and experience many experiences in the Seven Universus.
All of them are Kept in de Rotating Matrix of the Demiurg.
If you really want to be Free you have move out of Duality into the Cycle of the Divine Trinity (Shiva).
When you want to leave the Rotating Cycle (Torus) of everyday Life and move into a higher dimension (more possibilities, more perspectives), you have to Twist Yourself and Merge with Yourself.
You Twist when you Cross the Cycle of Life and Enter the Cycle of Death of the Trinity. When you join this Cycle you leave the Seven Heavens and move to the Void in the Middle of the Death Cycle.
The Void, the Kingdom, Cleans every thing and makes every thing New.
You Merge with Yourself when you integrate the Inside and the Outside, the Up and the Down, the Male and the Female.
“If we then become children, would we thus enter the kingdom?” Jesus said unto them, “When ye make the two one, and when you make the inside like unto the outside and the outside like unto the inside, and that which is above like unto that which is below, and when ye make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male no longer be male nor the female female; and when ye fashion eyes in place of an eye, and a hand in place of a hand, and a foot in place of a foot, and a likeness in place of a likeness; then will ye enter into the kingdom.” (Gospel of Thomas, Logion 22).
About the Sum of Things
About the Cube of Space
About the Myth of Saturn
About the Mother Goddess
About the Dance of Shiva
About Saturn and the Sun
About the Seven Heavens
About the Great Flood
About the Golden Age of Saturn
About the Torus and the Vortex
About Time
About the Twisted Universe
About Alchemy
About the Polar Myth
Tags: Abraham, caption, China, Cycle, Egypt, God, India, Kali, Karma, magic square, Male, Merry, Mina, planet, plato, Ravi, saturn, Saudi Arabia, Shakti, shiva, Sun, sun god shamash, Surya, Torus, vortex, Yoni
Iniciado por IndigoMerovingio
Vamos por partes, no entiendo las relaciones que haces, pueden que esten bien pero no las conecto, para mi la mariposa en sus alas tiene la geometria de los espirales como he dicho anteriormente, el culo lo mismo, en ingles el codigo butt, pusieron unos cuantos codigo con el mismo comienzo, por que ? facil por que B es Boaz U - vos TT es el arco, por eso tenemos el Audi TT como alguien bien dijo y casualmente TT es el simbolo de Pi
La rosa si que esta relacionado con el 5, pentagrama y Phi.Por contra la mariposa al igual que el campo magnético en su ciclo no se produce incremento exponencial como en la espiral.Indica un arco que esta dado por Pi en su curvatura.Cierto es que cuando acaba un macro ciclo (universo?) la siguiente capa de cebolla es en otro nivel de expansión. Pero hasta ser reciclado parte del universo en otro superior la curvatura se mantiene en ese eje.Click para ampliar.En el otro eje (rosa) si que existe la doble espiral en aparente continua expansión...Click para ampliarSemejante a una botella de klein una encerrada dentro de la otra.En la cual el estrechamiento de una sirve origen de una botella mayor.Big Bang continuo. Siempre ha una parte de nuestro universo que nace y otra que muere. Pero el efecto desde dentro es que siempre esta en continua expansión al menos desde nuestra 3D espacial.
Venus y Sirio si estan relacionados con lo femenino, Isis en la mitologia egipcia, Saturno con lo masculino.
Diría que Saturno aunque es el sexto día de la semana esta regido por el nº3. Y aunque representa atributos masculinos como el conocimiento y la sabiduria, en verdad es el punto de vista femenino de esa polaridad: La Sophia. Digamos que es la parte femenina de la razón. Justo lo contrario de Jupiter que representa en el Padre los atributos femeninos de la protección y la compasión.En cierta manera es una contradicción, lo se.
Recordemos lo femenino es el sentido horario de Venus espiral de dominio 9 -retrogrado - en ciclos de 5 - pentagrama -manzana, la Luna es singular por que su ciclo es el del centro de la Galaxia, el heptragrama y la piramide, codigo Mon -Moon - 7 y el Gato o Tigre. Nosotros el hombre como dice la Biblia somos el 6 sentido antihorario, masculino, es el codigo de los botones, las mujeres lo conocen mejor ya que suelen se las que cocen, la verdad yo no tenia ni idea que estaban intercambiados. El sol obviamente es masculino, el astro rey.
Esta parte todavía no la entiendo...
Y Phi el número aureo es la proporción de la sucesión fibbonaci del espiral, la gran clave divina, la G espiral que por algo es la letra numero 7 y simbolo de la masoneria.
1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13
Dividimos el siguiente por el anterior y tenemos una aproximado de phi
1,625 1,6 1,66
Correcto, 7 planetas históricos, 7 notas musicales.Por cierto sigo sin entender porque estamos en las coordenadas 9-11 del Hipercubo.¿No cae demasiado lejos el 15 para cambios significativos? Tardaremos eones en llegar allí...Click para ampliarClick para ampliarY la verdad lo del Hipercubo con sus 8 cubos, 24 caras, 16 vertices y 32 bordes no me cuadra para expresar las 4 dimensiones.Entiendo que una linea sea la unidad mínima para expresar un punto en una dimensión. Pero ya en una superficie bidimensional basta con un triangulo para limitar una superfice y ubicar un punto dentro.Para un tetraedro basta para enjaular un volumen. Ademas de cada vértice surgen las 3 coordenadas espaciales para ubicar un punto dentro de ella.Es por eso que para una dimensión mas nos bastamos con un Hipertetraedro para representrar los 4 ejes. 5 tetraedros, 10 caras, 5 vertices y 10 ladosClick para ampliarClick para ampliarCurioso que el Hipertetraedro esta asociado con el pentágono y la pirámide... ......Otra pregunta cuando usted asigna números al zodiaco ¿En que se basa?026 (Contestación de Indigo)Veo que hay muchas preguntas de amplio espectro, Phi la proporcion aurea es la gran clave del Arquitecto. La vida crece en función del tiempo, y el tiempo esta pautado por el movimiento, por lo tanto el tiempo es relativo al movimiento de la galaxia y sus astros.Con respecto al 5, la rosa y al pentagrama 72 grados Five (5) and Phi, the Golden RatioClick para ampliarCaravanas PhiI look to you - te estoy mirando - el ojo que todo lo veFI - VE es 5 en InglesFI - RE fuego en InglesF es la letra número 6 del abecedarioI es la letra número 9 del abecedario VE - VENUS La E es la letra número 5Esta entre otras claves nos lleva al 9 y al 6, como bien decía Tesla las puertas del universo, por que ?Por que su misma forma nos refleja que son los dominios de los espirales que refractan nuestra realidad, un paralelismo microcosmico de los fractales.Las coordenadas del 9 y el 6, como binarios 1001 y 0110 siempre giran uno al otro hasta encontrarse en el 1111 para así quemar la masa como el combustible necesario para generar un siguiente ciclo, evidentemente tambien la galaxia tendra su vida limitada cuando agote su masa.Aqui giran los 2 en sentido horario o sea 9, pero giran en sentido opuesto.Todo indica que Sirio es la estrella binaria de nuestro Sol por ello hablamos de la salida heliacal de Sirio, o sea acompaña al Sol, el año Egipcio se medía en base a Sirio de 365 dias.Por lo tanto los patrones se repiten como fractales, las estrellas y los planetas giran en torno a un compañero, con el tiempo cuya funcion es Phi y el pentagrama como ciclo se van aproximando hasta encontrarse allí es cuando se genera el fuego que reactiva el sistema, de allí la mitología del dragón que duerme en su cueva, como la bella durmiente, pero cuando despierta nos escupe el fuego.La nebulosa del ojo de Gato es el pulmón de la galaxia, un sistema trin-ario, encripta trinidad aria curiosamente, el cual genera el heptagrama cuya construcción ya revisamos anteriormente, por ello el 7 sagrado y la G de Gato, de God, etc, la clave del mon-o, mon-15, o sea acuario letra 1 y 15 Geminis.Perturbado en cuanto a las coordenadas del hipercubo, tendremos que repasar los que son las coordenadas cartesianas del sistema, no hay misterio si entendemos que cada punto en el espacio se puede representar mediante estas coordenadas, las mismas se representan por números binarios los cuales son los numeros inherentes al la propia figura, por lo tanto si tenemos las coordenadas de la figura geometrica de la galaxia en el caso del octogono, o el rombo dodecahedro que es el que mas nos preocupa, con solo superponerla al mapa estelar obtendremos las coordenadas reales de la galaxia.Esta obra que posteaste, no se de quien resume bastante bien de lo que estamos hablando, dos gemelos dandose un beso o sea tenemos en el ecuador galactico al 15 Geminis, que son las dos torres, la estrellas de 8 puntas que es el hipercubo, los espirales 9 y 6 en el pelo, el corazón que forman dichos espirales del cual sale fuego color azul llama del azufre, etc.El sistema se bloquea por que chocan los espirales, pero númericamente vemos que tambien se forman dos 15, o sea en Geminis y en el centro de la galaxia por lo tanto se traba o Pega-Pegasus, reiniciandose en sentido inverso, para que el sistema fluya normalmente debe estar equilibrado en 15, segun la cruz de la orden de malta, sin duda un codigo del temple. Los chinos lo encriptaron con le codigo Lo shu de la tortuga que esta relacionado al I -ching. El Baron Walter Rothschild miembro de la sociedad real se fotografiaba montando arriba de una tortuga gigante o en una carreta con zebras domesticadas, codigo del tablero Masonico.027Este es un fractal magnetico de lo que sucede con el 9 y el 6 en el centro de la galaxia, noten la emisión energetica en azul.
Sinusoidal Waveforms
Generation of Sinusoidal Waveforms
In our tutorials about Electromagnetism, we saw how an electric current flowing through a conductor can be used to generate a magnetic field around itself, and also if a single wire conductor is moved or rotated within a stationary magnetic field, an “EMF”, (Electro-Motive Force) will be induced within the conductor due to this movement.
From this tutorial we learnt that a relationship exists between Electricity and Magnetism giving us, as Michael Faraday discovered the effect of “Electromagnetic Induction” and it is this basic principal that electrical machines and generators use to generate a Sinusoidal Waveform for our mains supply.
In the Electromagnetic Induction, tutorial we said that when a single wire conductor moves through a permanent magnetic field thereby cutting its lines of flux, an EMF is induced in it.
However, if the conductor moves in parallel with the magnetic field in the case of points A and B, no lines of flux are cut and no EMF is induced into the conductor, but if the conductor moves at right angles to the magnetic field as in the case of points C and D, the maximum amount of magnetic flux is cut producing the maximum amount of induced EMF.
Also, as the conductor cuts the magnetic field at different angles between points A and C, 0 and 90o the amount of induced EMF will lie somewhere between this zero and maximum value. Then the amount of emf induced within a conductor depends on the angle between the conductor and the magnetic flux as well as the strength of the magnetic field.
An AC generator uses the principal of Faraday’s electromagnetic induction to convert a mechanical energy such as rotation, into electrical energy, a Sinusoidal Waveform. A simple generator consists of a pair of permanent magnets producing a fixed magnetic field between a north and a south pole. Inside this magnetic field is a single rectangular loop of wire that can be rotated around a fixed axis allowing it to cut the magnetic flux at various angles as shown below.
Basic Single Coil AC Generator
As the coil rotates anticlockwise around the central axis which is perpendicular to the magnetic field, the wire loop cuts the lines of magnetic force set up between the north and south poles at different angles as the loop rotates. The amount of induced EMF in the loop at any instant of time is proportional to the angle of rotation of the wire loop.
As this wire loop rotates, electrons in the wire flow in one direction around the loop. Now when the wire loop has rotated past the 180o point and moves across the magnetic lines of force in the opposite direction, the electrons in the wire loop change and flow in the opposite direction. Then the direction of the electron movement determines the polarity of the induced voltage.
So we can see that when the loop or coil physically rotates one complete revolution, or 360o, one full sinusoidal waveform is produced with one cycle of the waveform being produced for each revolution of the coil. As the coil rotates within the magnetic field, the electrical connections are made to the coil by means of carbon brushes and slip-rings which are used to transfer the electrical current induced in the coil.
The amount of EMF induced into a coil cutting the magnetic lines of force is determined by the following three factors.
- • Speed – the speed at which the coil rotates inside the magnetic field.
- • Strength – the strength of the magnetic field.
- • Length – the length of the coil or conductor passing through the magnetic field.
We know that the frequency of a supply is the number of times a cycle appears in one second and that frequency is measured in Hertz. As one cycle of induced emf is produced each full revolution of the coil through a magnetic field comprising of a north and south pole as shown above, if the coil rotates at a constant speed a constant number of cycles will be produced per second giving a constant frequency. So by increasing the speed of rotation of the coil the frequency will also be increased. Therefore, frequency is proportional to the speed of rotation, ( ƒ ∝ Ν ) where Ν = r.p.m.
Also, our simple single coil generator above only has two poles, one north and one south pole, giving just one pair of poles. If we add more magnetic poles to the generator above so that it now has four poles in total, two north and two south, then for each revolution of the coil two cycles will be produced for the same rotational speed. Therefore, frequency is proportional to the number of pairs of magnetic poles, ( ƒ ∝ P ) of the generator where P = is the number of “pairs of poles”.
Then from these two facts we can say that the frequency output from an AC generator is:
Where: Ν is the speed of rotation in r.p.m. P is the number of “pairs of poles” and 60 converts it into seconds.
Instantaneous Voltage
The EMF induced in the coil at any instant of time depends upon the rate or speed at which the coil cuts the lines of magnetic flux between the poles and this is dependant upon the angle of rotation, Theta ( θ ) of the generating device. Because an AC waveform is constantly changing its value or amplitude, the waveform at any instant in time will have a different value from its next instant in time.
For example, the value at 1ms will be different to the value at 1.2ms and so on. These values are known generally as the Instantaneous Values, or Vi Then the instantaneous value of the waveform and also its direction will vary according to the position of the coil within the magnetic field as shown below.
Displacement of a Coil within a Magnetic Field
The instantaneous values of a sinusoidal waveform is given as the “Instantaneous value = Maximum value x sin θ ” and this is generalized by the formula.
Where, Vmax is the maximum voltage induced in the coil and θ = ωt, is the angle of coil rotation.
If we know the maximum or peak value of the waveform, by using the formula above the instantaneous values at various points along the waveform can be calculated. By plotting these values out onto graph paper, a sinusoidal waveform shape can be constructed.
In order to keep things simple we will plot the instantaneous values for the sinusoidal waveform at every 45o of rotation giving us 8 points to plot. Again, to keep it simple we will assume a maximum voltage, VMAX value of 100V. Plotting the instantaneous values at shorter intervals, for example at every 30o (12 points) or 10o (36 points) for example would result in a more accurate sinusoidal waveform construction.
Sinusoidal Waveform Construction
Coil Angle ( θ ) |
0 |
45 |
90 |
135 |
180 |
225 |
270 |
315 |
360 |
e = Vmax.sinθ |
0 |
70.71 |
100 |
70.71 |
0 |
-70.71 |
-100 |
-70.71 |
-0 |
The points on the sinusoidal waveform are obtained by projecting across from the various positions of rotation between 0o and 360o to the ordinate of the waveform that corresponds to the angle, θ and when the wire loop or coil rotates one complete revolution, or 360o, one full waveform is produced.
From the plot of the sinusoidal waveform we can see that when θ is equal to 0o, 180o or 360o, the generated EMF is zero as the coil cuts the minimum amount of lines of flux. But when θ is equal to 90o and 270o the generated EMF is at its maximum value as the maximum amount of flux is cut.
Therefore a sinusoidal waveform has a positive peak at 90o and a negative peak at 270o. Positions B, D, F and H generate a value of EMF corresponding to the formula e = Vmax.sinθ.
Then the waveform shape produced by our simple single loop generator is commonly referred to as a Sine Wave as it is said to be sinusoidal in its shape. This type of waveform is called a sine wave because it is based on the trigonometric sine function used in mathematics, ( x(t) = Amax.sinθ ).
When dealing with sine waves in the time domain and especially current related sine waves the unit of measurement used along the horizontal axis of the waveform can be either time, degrees or radians. In electrical engineering it is more common to use the Radian as the angular measurement of the angle along the horizontal axis rather than degrees. For example, ω = 100 rad/s, or 500 rad/s.
The Radian, (rad) is defined mathematically as a quadrant of a circle where the distance subtended on the circumference equals the radius (r) of the circle. Since the circumference of a circle is equal to 2π x radius, there must be 2π radians around a 360o circle, so 1 radian = 360o/2π = 57.3o. In electrical engineering the use of radians is very common so it is important to remember the following formula.
Definition of a Radian
Using radians as the unit of measurement for a sinusoidal waveform would give 2π radians for one full cycle of 360o. Then half a sinusoidal waveform must be equal to 1π radians or just π (pi). Then knowing that pi, π is equal to 3.142 or 22÷7, the relationship between degrees and radians for a sinusoidal waveform is given as.
Relationship between Degrees and Radians
Applying these two equations to various points along the waveform gives us.
The conversion between degrees and radians for the more common equivalents used in sinusoidal analysis are given in the following table.
Relationship between Degrees and Radians
Degrees |
Radians |
Degrees |
Radians |
Degrees |
Radians |
0o |
0 |
135o |
270o |
30o |
150o |
300o |
45o |
180o |
π |
315o |
60o |
210o |
330o |
90o |
225o |
360o |
2π |
120o |
240o |
The velocity at which the generator rotates around its central axis determines the frequency of the sinusoidal waveform. As the frequency of the waveform is given as ƒ Hz or cycles per second, the waveform has angular frequency, ω, (Greek letter omega), in radians per second. Then the angular velocity of a sinusoidal waveform is given as.
Angular Velocity of a Sinusoidal Waveform
and in the United Kingdom, the angular velocity or frequency of the mains supply is given as:
in the USA as their mains supply frequency is 60Hz it is therefore: 377 rad/s
So we now know that the velocity at which the generator rotates around its central axis determines the frequency of the sinusoidal waveform and which can also be called its angular velocity, ω. But we should by now also know that the time required to complete one revolution is equal to the periodic time, (T) of the sinusoidal waveform.
As frequency is inversely proportional to its time period, ƒ = 1/T we can therefore substitute the frequency quantity in the above equation for the equivalent periodic time quantity and substituting gives us.
The above equation states that for a smaller periodic time of the sinusoidal waveform, the greater must be the angular velocity of the waveform. Likewise in the equation above for the frequency quantity, the higher the frequency the higher the angular velocity.
Sinusoidal Waveform Example No1
A sinusoidal waveform is defined as: Vm = 169.8 sin(377t) volts. Calculate the RMS voltage of the waveform, its frequency and the instantaneous value of the voltage after a time of 6ms.
We know from above that the general expression given for a sinusoidal waveform is:
Then comparing this to our given expression for a sinusoidal waveform above of Vm = 169.8 sin(377t) will give us the peak voltage value of 169.8 volts for the waveform.
The waveforms RMS voltage is calculated as:
The angular velocity (ω) is given as 377 rad/s. Then 2πƒ = 377. So the frequency of the waveform is calculated as:
The instantaneous voltage Vi value after a time of 6mS is given as:
Note that the phase angle at time t = 6mS is given in radians. We could quite easily convert this to degrees if we wanted to and use this value instead to calculate the instantaneous voltage value. The angle in degrees will therefore be given as:
Sinusoidal Waveform
Then the generalised format used for analysing and calculating the various values of a Sinusoidal Waveform is as follows:
A Sinusoidal Waveform
In the next tutorial about Phase Difference we will look at the relationship between two sinusoidal waveforms that are of the same frequency but pass through the horizontal zero axis at different time intervals.
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Message 14 of 14 on the subject |
1379 – Nikola Tesla – Eric P. Dollard – Dan Brown and Memes
EM = Electro-Magnetic
“Tesla & Sagan make CONTACT” > what the HOLY GRAIL looks like!
source of article: http://ericdollard.com/1920s-news-article-meme-by-arto/
In the above article I could not help notice that the dielectric polarization of charge has an average velocity 0f
Eric P. Dollard (1952 – ) is an American electrical engineer and researcher, considered one of the few people to have successfully duplicated Nikola Tesla’s wireless power research.
Notes on a Hollow Earth by Eric Dollard
February 23, 2013
Eric has studied the earth for many years and his Landers Lab was the most sensitive seismic detection system ever built. He has stated before during his Misconceptions of Electricity Video that his finds showed the earth was most certainly hollow, perhaps this is why the other three lectures have yet to be released.
Below is one of his posts from Lone Pine speaking about the Hollow Earth. Please note this is based on scientific findings not wild stories.
Among the various findings at this installation we will focus upon a few basic relations.
1) The mechanical waveforms and the electrical waveforms during significant events are directly inter-related with each other.
2) These electrical waveforms lead, in time, the co-responding mechanical waveforms. This time angle is from one half to two rotations of the Earth. The Giant Japan Quake was two rotations.
3) Lightning Impulses arrive at the Alexanderson underground antenna ahead in time of the lightning impulses at the beverage over ground antenna.
4) The telluric signals are in no way related to any so called “Earth-Ionosphere Waveguide”.
These signals definitely originate from the interior of the Earth.
5) Both mechanical and electrical waveforms often become sinusoidal, particularly before a Major Event. This is to say, both become alternating waves.
This is important. Theory:
Because there exist “sine waves”, that is, circular functions, these waves thus represent natural harmonic frequencies of the Earth itself.
This observation indicates that the Earth is hollow.
The Earth, mechanically is hereby a huge “Helmholtz Resonator”, and electrically it is hereby a huge “Cavity Resonator”. Also, as explained by N. Tesla, the “Earth-Ionosphere Condenser” is far too thin to support any wave-guide modes. Only electro-magnetic waves parallel, of magneto-dielectric waves normal, to the surface of the Earth are possible.
continued here >> http://ericdollard.com/notes-on-a-hollow-earth-by-eric-dollard/
Symbolic Representation of Alternating Electric Waves
Free pdf. 57 pages
1/ http://rapidlibrary.com/files/symbolic-representation-of-alternating-electric-waves-by-eric-dollard-pdf_ul9z8tb8fti89on.html
2/ http://www.scribd.com/doc/78315099/Eric-Dollard-Symbolic-Representation-of-Alternating-Electric-Waves-FULL-BOOK-57p
One day Lockwood entered the galley of the Navy LSM I was working at the Richmond Yard. He had got wind of a “Certain Naval Electrical Engineer” that may be the one to “finish the dome”. Lockwood tells me that he has just come from Mt. Shasta where he had met with a lady who “walked out of the mountain”. She had given him a symbol, or diagram, and this would prove the identity of the engineer.
Before I could get pissed off he puts the diagram next to my open notebook on the “Symbolic Representation of A.C. Waves”, page six.
The diagram on page six and his were IDENTICAL!
Here is the illustration found on page 6 of Eric Dollard’s paper, which looks similar to symbol found on the cover of a Dan Brown’s novel discussing The Lost Symbol, but it has been cropped and inverted. Yes Dan Brown is mostly fictional cloak and dagger, but his work strikes at the heart of how the language of archetype and memes can be used to structure a narrative.
Is this just more coincidence or is it in fact more evidence of a design that we are just starting to comprehend, the muted voices forever expressing themselves via the ‘archetype’, time and again…?
I must admit the above image of the ‘arch’, ‘semi-circle’, certainly reminds me how NE and NW are representations of summer solstice maximums rising – NE and setting – NW of the sun.
BTW Stonehenge is oriented toward the NE, i.e. summer solstice sunrise and summer solstice sunset. And there is some evidence that Stonehenge acknowledged the NW too.
We can associate all of the above to what Plato called The Great Work, a direct reference to the Precession of the Equinoxes.
Not to mention that we can also entertain the Riddle of the Sphinx when discussing precession and arches and the underworld.
This next link shows how Eric P. Dollard is at least aligned with archetypal form recognized since the time of Pythagoras.
Dharmachakra or Wheel of Law
Symbolic Representation of the GENERALIZED Electric Wave by Eric P. Dollard
pdf. file
Did the Pyramid Builders of the Old Kingdom use the Pole of the Ecliptic?
By Robert G. Bauval
to be continued…
In Nassim’s fake though very archetypal Maya artifact above, we see the aLIEn being depicted as lying on his back in a bubble coffin? note that this is placed in the same vicinity that we find the BLACK DOOR in St. Peter’s Square where in fact dead Popes are given a public funeral.
And it is not difficult to see how the 4 axis in St. Peter’s looks like two arrows colliding at the center of the circle/ellipse. This Maya artifact does however fulfill the KEYHOLE archetype.
If that is an aLIEn amulet of authentic origin as Nassim Haramein claims then it means they helped design all of the following ‘DNA’ temples too!
TESla and the MeNaT – necklace or ‘counter-weight’
Egyptian MENAT
necklace ‘counter-weight’
Menat (ancient Egyptian) was a name used for the goddess Hathor. With a slightly different hieroglyphic spelling, it referred to an ancient Egyptian artifact which, like the sistrum, was closely connected with the goddess Hathor. It was held in the hand by its counterpoise and used as a rattle by Hathor’s priestesses. Often it was worn as a protective amulet, even by Apis bulls, the sons of Hathor.
The necklace was meant to ensure good luck and fortune and to protect against evil spirits. It was also worn for protection in the afterlife and is often found buried with the dead, given as a grave gift since Ramesside times (the Nineteenth and Twentieth Dynasties that comprise the last two-thirds of the period known as the New Kingdom).[8] Worn by women, it was expected to foster fruitfulness and good health, while among men it signified virility.
“It is called Lapsit Exilles … the Stone is also called the Grail …”
UNIVERSE of the LAMAS Nepal next to the ROSETTA MANDALA Peru
4 Rings of Moray
Main Ring – pre-Columbian
What is interesting is that they have speculated that these terraces were used by the Inca as outdoor laboratories, the temperature difference great enough between grades to make a difference between strains or types of plants. An outdoor laboratory.
AHA! And there is good reason now to believe they were using the EM field to enhance their crops…. As these next two images suggest?
Fibonacci and phi
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55 …
…the first 10* numbers in the Fibonacci series sum to 55
…which means the 10 Commandments would sum to 55 too.
*11 if you include zero but it does not alter the sum of 55.
Compare this 10 plus 0 to the 10 sephiroth of the Tree of Life which has an 11th sephiroth that is invisible.
LOINS = LIONS another reference to the Sphinx.
Corriente eléctrica
La corriente eléctrica está definida por convenio en dirección contraria al desplazamiento de los electrones.
Diagrama del efecto Hall, mostrando el flujo de electrones. (en vez de la corriente convencional). Leyenda:1. Electrones 2. Sensor o sonda Hall3. Imanes4. Campo magnético5. Fuente de energía DescripciónEn la imagen A, una carga negativa aparece en el borde superior del sensor Hall (simbolizada con el color azul), y una positiva en el borde inferior (color rojo). En B y C, el campo eléctrico o el magnético están invertidos, causando que la polaridad se invierta. Invertir tanto la corriente como el campo magnético (imagen D) causa que la sonda asuma de nuevo una carga negativa en la esquina superior.
La corriente eléctrica o intensidad eléctrica es el flujo de carga eléctrica por unidad de tiempo que recorre un material.[1] Se debe al movimiento de las cargas (normalmente electrones) en el interior del material. En el Sistema Internacional de Unidades se expresa en C/s (culombios sobre segundo), unidad que se denomina amperio. Una corriente eléctrica, puesto que se trata de un movimiento de cargas, produce un campo magnético, un fenómeno que puede aprovecharse en el electroimán.
El instrumento usado para medir la intensidad de la corriente eléctrica es el galvanómetro que, calibrado en amperios, se llama amperímetro, colocado en serie con el conductor cuya intensidad se desea medir.
Históricamente, la corriente eléctrica se definió como un flujo de cargas positivas y se fijó el sentido convencional de circulación de la corriente, como un flujo de cargas desde el polo positivo al negativo. Sin embargo posteriormente se observó, gracias al efecto Hall, que en los metales los portadores de carga son negativos, electrones, los cuales fluyen en sentido contrario al convencional. En conclusión, el sentido convencional y el real son ciertos en tanto que los electrones como protones fluyen desde el polo negativo hasta llegar al positivo (sentido real), cosa que no contradice que dicho movimiento se inicia al lado del polo positivo donde el primer electrón se ve atraído por dicho polo creando un hueco para ser cubierto por otro electrón del siguiente átomo y así sucesivamente hasta llegar al polo negativo (sentido convencional) es decir la corriente eléctrica es el paso de electrones desde el polo negativo al positivo comenzando dicha progresión en el polo positivo.[2]
En el siglo XVIII cuando se hicieron los primeros experimentos con electricidad, sólo se disponía de carga eléctrica generada por frotamiento (electricidad estática) o por inducción. Se logró (por primera vez, en 1800) tener un movimiento constante de carga cuando el físico italiano Alessandro Volta inventó la primera pila eléctrica.
Conducción eléctrica
Un material conductor posee gran cantidad de electrones libres, por lo que es posible el paso de la electricidad a través del mismo. Los electrones libres, aunque existen en el material, no se puede decir que pertenezcan a algún átomo determinado.
Una corriente de electricidad existe en un lugar cuando una carga neta se transporta desde ese lugar a otro en dicha región. Supongamos que la carga se mueve a través de un alambre. Si la carga q se transporta a través de una sección transversal dada del alambre, en un tiempo t, entonces la intensidad de corriente I, a través del alambre es:
Aquí q está dada en culombios, t en segundos, e I en amperios. Por lo cual, la equivalencia es:
Una característica de los electrones libres es que, incluso sin aplicarles un campo eléctrico desde afuera, se mueven a través del objeto de forma aleatoria debido a la energía calórica. En el caso de que no hayan aplicado ningún campo eléctrico, cumplen con la regla de que la media de estos movimientos aleatorios dentro del objeto es igual a cero. Esto es: dado un plano irreal trazado a través del objeto, si sumamos las cargas (electrones) que atraviesan dicho plano en un sentido, y sustraemos las cargas que lo recorren en sentido inverso, estas cantidades se anulan.
Cuando se aplica una fuente de tensión externa (como, por ejemplo, una batería) a los extremos de un material conductor, se está aplicando un campo eléctrico sobre los electrones libres. Este campo provoca el movimiento de los mismos en dirección al terminal positivo del material (los electrones son atraídos [tomados] por el terminal positivo y rechazados [inyectados] por el negativo). Es decir, los electrones libres son los portadores de la corriente eléctrica en los materiales conductores.
Si la intensidad es constante en el tiempo, se dice que la corriente es continua; en caso contrario, se llama variable. Si no se produce almacenamiento ni disminución de carga en ningún punto del conductor, la corriente es estacionaria.
Para obtener una corriente de 1 amperio, es necesario que 1 culombio de carga eléctrica por segundo esté atravesando un plano imaginario trazado en el material conductor.
El valor I de la intensidad instantánea será:
Si la intensidad permanece constante, en cuyo caso se denota Im, utilizando incrementos finitos de tiempo se puede definir como:
Si la intensidad es variable la fórmula anterior da el valor medio de la intensidad en el intervalo de tiempo considerado.
Según la ley de Ohm, la intensidad de la corriente es igual a la tensión (o voltaje) dividido por la resistencia que oponen los cuerpos:
Haciendo referencia a la potencia, la intensidad equivale a la raíz cuadrada de la potencia dividida por la resistencia. En un circuito que contenga varios generadores y receptores, la intensidad es igual a:
donde es el sumatorio de las fuerzas electromotrices del circuito, es la suma de todas la fuerzas contraelectromotrices, es la resistencia equivalente del circuito, es la suma de las resistencias internas de los generadores y es el sumatorio de las resistencias internas de los receptores.
Intensidad de corriente en un elemento de volumen: , donde encontramos n como el número de cargas portadoras por unidad de volumen dV; q refiriéndose a la carga del portador; v la velocidad del portador y finalmente dS como el área de la sección del elemento de volumen de conductor.[cita requerida]
Definición por medio del magnetismo
La corriente eléctrica es el flujo de portadores de carga eléctrica, normalmente a través de un cable metálico o cualquier otro conductor eléctrico, debido a la diferencia de potencial creada por un generador de corriente. La ecuación que la describe en electromagnetismo es:
Donde es la densidad de corriente de conducción, es el vector perpendicular al diferencial de superficie, es el vector unitario normal a la superficie, y es el diferencial de superficie.
La carga eléctrica puede desplazarse cuando esté en un objeto y éste es movido, como el electróforo. Un objeto se carga o se descarga eléctricamente cuando hay movimiento de carga en su interior.
Corriente continua
Rectificador de corriente alterna en continua, con puente de Gratz. Se emplea cuando la tensión de salida tiene un valor distinto de la tensión de entrada.
Se denomina corriente continua o corriente directa(CC en español, en inglés DC, de Direct Current) al flujo de cargas eléctricas que no cambia de sentido con el tiempo. La corriente eléctrica a través de un material se establece entre dos puntos de distinto potencial. Cuando hay corriente continua, los terminales de mayor y menor potencial no se intercambian entre sí. Es errónea la identificación de la corriente continua con la corriente constante (ninguna lo es, ni siquiera la suministrada por una batería). Es continua toda corriente cuyo sentido de circulación es siempre el mismo, independientemente de su valor absoluto.
Su descubrimiento se remonta a la invención de la primera pila voltaica por parte del conde y científico italiano Alessandro Volta. No fue hasta los trabajos de Edison sobre la generación de electricidad, en las postrimerías del siglo XIX, cuando la corriente continua comenzó a emplearse para la transmisión de la energía eléctrica. Ya en el siglo XX este uso decayó en favor de la corriente alterna, que presenta menores pérdidas en la transmisión a largas distancias, si bien se conserva en la conexión de redes eléctricas de diferentes frecuencias y en la transmisión a través de cables submarinos.
Desde 2008 se está extendiendo el uso de generadores de corriente continua a partir de células fotoeléctricas que permiten aprovechar la energía solar.
Cuando es necesario disponer de corriente continua para el funcionamiento de aparatos electrónicos, se puede transformar la corriente alterna de la red de suministro eléctrico mediante un proceso, denominado rectificación, que se realiza con unos dispositivos llamados rectificadores, basados en el empleo de diodos semiconductores o tiristores (antiguamente, también de tubos de vacío).[3]
Corriente alterna
Voltaje de las fases de un sistema trifásico. Entre cada una de las fases hay un desfase de 120º.
Conexión en triángulo y en estrella.
Se denomina corriente alterna (simbolizada CA en español y AC en inglés, de alternating current) a la corriente eléctrica en la que la magnitud y dirección varían cíclicamente. La forma de onda de la corriente alterna más comúnmente utilizada es la de una onda sinoidal.[4] En el uso coloquial, "corriente alterna" se refiere a la forma en la cual la electricidad llega a los hogares y a las empresas.
El sistema usado hoy en día fue ideado fundamentalmente por Nikola Tesla, y la distribución de la corriente alterna fue comercializada por George Westinghouse. Otros que contribuyeron al desarrollo y mejora de este sistema fueron Lucien Gaulard, John Gibbs y Oliver Shallenger entre los años 1881 y 1889. La corriente alterna superó las limitaciones que aparecían al emplear la corriente continua (CC), la cual constituye un sistema ineficiente para la distribución de energía a gran escala debido a problemas en la transmisión de potencia.
La razón del amplio uso de la corriente alterna, que minimiza los problemas de trasmisión de potencia, viene determinada por su facilidad de transformación, cualidad de la que carece la corriente continua. La energía eléctrica trasmitida viene dada por el producto de la tensión, la intensidad y el tiempo. Dado que la sección de los conductores de las líneas de transporte de energía eléctrica depende de la intensidad, se puede, mediante un transformador, modificar el voltaje hasta altos valores (alta tensión), disminuyendo en igual proporción la intensidad de corriente. Esto permite que los conductores sean de menor sección y, por tanto, de menor costo; además, minimiza las pérdidas por efecto Joule, que dependen del cuadrado de la intensidad. Una vez en el punto de consumo o en sus cercanías, el voltaje puede ser de nuevo reducido para permitir su uso industrial o doméstico de forma cómoda y segura.
Las frecuencias empleadas en las redes de distribución son 50 y 60 Hz. El valor depende del país.
Corriente trifásica
Se denomina corriente trifásica al conjunto de tres corrientes alternas de igual frecuencia, amplitud y valor eficaz que presentan una diferencia de fase entre ellas de 120°, y están dadas en un orden determinado. Cada una de las corrientes que forman el sistema se designa con el nombre de fase.
La generación trifásica de energía eléctrica es más común que la monofásica y proporciona un uso más eficiente de los conductores. La utilización de electricidad en forma trifásica es mayoritaria para transportar y distribuir energía eléctrica y para su utilización industrial, incluyendo el accionamiento de motores. Las corrientes trifásicas se generan mediante alternadores dotados de tres bobinas o grupos de bobinas, arrolladas en un sistema de tres electroimanes equidistantes angularmente entre sí.
Los conductores de los tres electroimanes pueden conectarse en estrella o en triángulo. En la disposición en estrella cada bobina se conecta a una fase en un extremo y a un conductor común en el otro, denominado neutro. Si el sistema está equilibrado, la suma de las corrientes de línea es nula, con lo que el transporte puede ser efectuado usando solamente tres cables. En la disposición en triángulo o delta cada bobina se conecta entre dos hilos de fase, de forma que un extremo de cada bobina está conectado con otro extremo de otra bobina.
El sistema trifásico presenta una serie de ventajas tales como la economía de sus líneas de transporte de energía (hilos más finos que en una línea monofásica equivalente) y de los transformadores utilizados, así como su elevado rendimiento de los receptores, especialmente motores, a los que la línea trifásica alimenta con potencia constante y no pulsada, como en el caso de la línea monofásica.
Tesla fue el inventor que descubrió el principio del campo magnético rotatorio en 1882, el cual es la base de la maquinaria de corriente alterna. Él inventó el sistema de motores y generadores de corriente alterna polifásica que da energía al planeta.[5]
Corriente monofásica
Se denomina corriente monofásica a la que se obtiene de tomar una fase de la corriente trifásica y un cable neutro. En España y demás países que utilizan valores similares para la generación y trasmisión de energía eléctrica, este tipo de corriente facilita una tensión de 230 voltios, lo que la hace apropiada para que puedan funcionar adecuadamente la mayoría de electrodomésticos y luminarias que hay en las viviendas.
Desde el centro de transformación más cercano hasta las viviendas se disponen cuatro hilos: un neutro (N) y tres fases (R, S y T). Si la tensión entre dos fases cualesquiera (tensión de línea) es de 400 voltios, entre una fase y el neutro es de 230 voltios. En cada vivienda entra el neutro y una de las fases, conectándose varias viviendas a cada una de las fases y al neutro; esto se llama corriente monofásica. Si en una vivienda hay instalados aparatos de potencia eléctrica alta (aire acondicionado, motores, etc., o si es un taller o una empresa industrial) habitualmente se les suministra directamente corriente trifásica que ofrece una tensión de 400 voltios.
Corriente eléctrica estacionaria
Se denomina corriente eléctrica estacionaria, a la corriente eléctrica que se produce en un conductor de forma que la densidad de carga ρ de cada punto del conductor es constante, es decir que se cumple que:
Véase también
The Big Bang Part 3: CERN to Activate the Hive Mind on 3/20 Solar Eclipse
Please Be Sure to Read Part 1
Please Be Sure To Read Part 2
CERN, the LHC that is working to find new “particles” and open portals will reach full power on March 23, 2015. According to a lead scientist, CERN has been harvesting energy during the shutdown and will be twice as powerful as it was the first time it was turned on. CERN is “breaking a new energy domain.” The more energy the fully renovated machine has, the deeper scientists can dig into dark matter.
What are they searching for?
There are multiple projects and objectives with CERN, but they all come back to one goal. They want to recreate the big bang. According to Rolf Heuer, Director General of CERN, “I want to find the first light in the dark universe.” How exactly are they planning on doing this? According to them, finding the light involves extensive probing and research of dark matter. To simplify, they are bending space and time to open portals.
Max Planck, German theoretical physicist who originated the quantum theory stated, “All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this source the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.”
CERN – The Hive Mind
By this quote we can conclude that the Higgs Boson, which holds matter together, is actually consciousness. In the field of Quantum Physics it is known that the actual substance of the universe is consciousness, not matter. Consciousness is defined as, “the state of being awake and aware of one’s surroundings.” What CERN is trying to activate is the hive mind, a state of collective consciousness that would tie us to technology and supercomputers. This is the false awakening. The only true awakening is in Christ.
For anything that becomes visible is light. Therefore it says, “Awake, O sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.” – Ephesians 5:14
What is the science behind it?
CERN uses Quantum Physics which seeks to understand the properties of solids, atoms, nuclei, sub nuclear particles and light. This field of science is tied to the esoteric teachings of the Qabalah.
Nikola Tesla once said: “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
Quantum Physics has found through various experiments that sound is the basis of form and shape. By using different frequencies humans are able to manipulate matter. We can make music visible using cymatics. Also frequencies effect our minds by manipulating our emotions. Scientists believe DNA emits and takes in frequencies and these are what cause emotion.
So if consciousness is the substance of the universe and the intelligent mind is the “matrix of all matter”, then by changing frequencies you can change consciousness. CERN is using this scientific data to activate a collective consciousness and hive mind, thus collecting more energy. As consciousness changes, perception changes. Changing consciousness on a large scale would cause the world to change.
While the power elite try to keep us in the frequency of fear in order to further dominate the planet, God promises us that perfect love casts out all fear (1 John 4:18).
The Solar Conundrum
It is prophesied in the Bible that there will be signs in the heavens during the end times. Coming up are quite a few important astrological events to remember. Earths alignments with Saturn, the sun and the moon open windows of opportunity for ritual magic. The dates below are occult holidays as well.
On March 20, 2015 there is a full solar eclipse that will be seen over Europe. Not only that, but also it is also the spring equinox.
“March 20 could be the most intense day this year. The total eclipse followed by the equinox creates a powerful portal. You can access higher dimensions of consciousness….” (Kate Beddow).
It is during this time that CERN will be ramping up. Why at this time? As stated above March 20th will be a day that will open portals to “higher consciousness.” Remember that CERN is using consciousness in their experiments to try to create a collective conscience and bring in the New World Order. On this day the spiritual realm will become more active and many negative entities can feed off of those who haven’t yet found Christ.
In a total solar eclipse the sun goes dark for a short time. This will not happen again until 2034. Many may not see the meaning behind this event but it indeed is very rare and has a dark representation.
In the words of Manly P. Hall, “In the majority of cases, the religions of antiquity agree that the material visible sun was a reflector rather than a source of power. The sun was sometimes represented as a shield carried on the arm of the Sun God, as for example, Frey, the Scandinavian Solar Deity. This sun reflected the light of the invisible spiritual sun, which was the true source of life, light, and truth. The physical nature of the universe is receptive; it is a realm of effects. The invisible causes of these effects belong to the spiritual world. Hence, the spiritual world is the sphere of causation; the material world is the sphere of effects.”
Many teachings from ancient times tell about a hidden sun or a black sun. This black sun is actually Saturn which represents Satan. As the sun is darkened by the moon, the alignment is made, a key in a lock is turned opening a gateway into the abyss.
April 4, 2015 there will be a total lunar eclipse. The sun, Earth and moon will be aligned. This is part of the four blood moons. This occurs the day before Easter which is an occult sacrifice day celebrating the death of Christ. Because many of the occultists believe that Satan is god, the death of Jesus Christ is a time of celebration. During this ritual they reenact the crucifixion.
May 22, 2015; It is no coincidence that CERN is expecting its first particle collisions around the time that Saturn aligns with the Earth and sun. When Saturn is at opposition it is at its brightest and largest in the sky. With Saturn being the black sun, this is another day to pay attention to. CERN is operating in line with these events.
June 21, 2015 is the summer solstice when the sun reaches the highest point in the sky. The new age movement sees the solstice as a symbol of spiritual enlightenment. This is another day of ritual magic often called Midsummers Eve. On the same leyline as CERN is Stonehenge, Tallaght Hill of the Fair Gods, and The Great Sphinx of Giza. These three ancient sites correspond with the summer solstice sunrise. The Great Sphinx faces the sunrise. The sun pours through an ancient passageway at Stonehenge and onto the center alter. At Tallaght Hill the solstice sun is reflects off of Lin Oir or “golden ponds”.
Below you can see the ley line that passes through CERN. The points on the map are “sacred sites”.
Please check out the article we wrote about CERN leylines. This article will show how the occultists are using ancient sites during ritual events on these specific dates to open the abyss.
CERN to Activate the Hive Mind on 3/20 Solar Eclipse, the truth behind ley lines is next!
To be continued…
The KEYHOLE to the MIND?Trelleborg Viking Fortress Denmark of course...Who else uses that KEYHOLE symbol? viewtopic.php?f=15&t=13121“….What Tesla saw peeking through the KEYHOLE” http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2010/1 ... e-keyhole/the Heaven's Gate Cult that committed maSS suicide is discussed in the next post...This powerful KEYHOLE shape helps explain why an evolving consciousness would build TEMPLES that resemble our own DNA. The distinct KEYHOLE or LIGHTBULB shape/form that is a perfect match for DNA expressed as binary code. Makes sense to both ME and me shadow. We build DNA (holy grail) temples, that we can enter, and pray, chant mantras, sing, wed, bury the dead, or to help heal ourselves...by accessing/via our epi-genome which is hierarchical to our genome-mapped DNA? namaste p.s. what did Tesla see in his dreams? more MEMES of course.
_________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Einstein http://2012forum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=21024
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