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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 20/09/2014 22:28

Apocalipsis 2

1. Escribe al ángel de la iglesia en Efeso: El que tiene las siete estrellas en su diestra, el que anda en medio de los siete candeleros de oro, dice esto:
2. Yo conozco tus obras, y tu arduo trabajo y paciencia; y que no puedes soportar a los malos, y has probado a los que se dicen ser apóstoles, y no lo son, y los has hallado mentirosos;
3. y has sufrido, y has tenido paciencia, y has trabajado arduamente por amor de mi nombre, y no has desmayado.
4. Pero tengo contra ti, que has dejado tu primer amor.
5. Recuerda, por tanto, de dónde has caído, y arrepiéntete, y haz las primeras obras; pues si no, vendré pronto a ti, y quitaré tu candelero de su lugar, si no te hubieres arrepentido.
6. Pero tienes esto, que aborreces las obras de los nicolaítas, las cuales yo también aborrezco.
7. El que tiene oído, oiga lo que el Espíritu dice a las iglesias. Al que venciere, le daré a comer del árbol de la vida, el cual está en medio del paraíso de Dios.
  • Experimento Filadelfia - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

    El Experimento Filadelfia, también llamado Proyecto Arcoíris, es el nombre que
    ... A finales de los años 30, el ingeniero eléctrico Nikola Tesla, afirmó haber ...

  • el experimento filadelfia y nicola Tesla barco invisible enigmas ...

    www.youtube.com/watch?v=EBoAgrVIwP030 Jul. 2013 - 2 min. - Subido por megoforo
    A finales de los años 30, el brillante ingeniero eléctrico llamado Nikola Tesla, originario del Reino ...
  • Experimento Filadelfia o Rainbow Project - YouTube

    www.youtube.com/watch?v=vt5UkTvx8i01 Abr. 2010 - 7 min. - Subido por Vito Corleone
    El supuesto proyecto Rainbow o experimento Philadelphia, habría sido ... y la teoría dinámica de ...
  • ¿Qué sucedió realmente durante el Experimento Filadelfia? - C.1040

    15 Mar 2013 ... El ejército de EE.UU. ha gastado un número incalculable de dinero para
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  • El Experimento Filadelfia

    Presentación del experimento de Filadelfia. ... Lugar: Base Naval de Filadelfia +
    Norfolk a 600 km. ..... Uno de los pioneros en este dominio fue Nicolás Tesla.
  • ¿Se realizó realmente el 'Experimento Filadelfia'? | Ya está el listo ...

    10 Mar 2011 ... Para ello se trabajo en base a la teoría de la relatividad de Albert Einstein y a la
    teoría dinámica de la gravedad desarrollada por Nikola Tesla.
  • El experimento Filadelfia o Proyecto Arco Iris o Nikola Tesla ...

    8 Ago 2012 ... El 20 de julio de 1943 a las 09.00 horas UTC, se iniciaba en el astillero naval de
    Filadelfia, el experimento de la marina de Estados Unidos ...
  • El experimento Filadelfia...el mas grande misterio?? - Taringa!

    Por supuesto, había una gran cantidad de científicos ingeniosos (Tesla y
    Einstein) que participaban en el experimento. Sin embargo, Nikola Tesla fue ...

    30 Nov 2009 ... Nikola Tesla nació el 10 de julio de 1856 en un pequeño pueblo ..... con el”
    Experimento Filadelfia”,un supuesto experimento de invisiblidad y ...
  • «Experimento Filadelfia», el misterio del buque fantasma - ABC.es

    14 Sep 2012 ... La leyenda cuenta que los norteamericanos trataron de volver invisible un barco
    de guerra para luchar contra la Alemania nazi, pero ¿es este ...

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    Respuesta  Mensaje 158 de 262 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 01/03/2017 00:42
    Resultado de imagen para FLUJO MAGNETICO CABLE

    Respuesta  Mensaje 159 de 262 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/03/2017 22:15
    The Secret Doctrine by H. P. Blavatsky

    from: The Secret Doctrine by H. P. Blavatsky, vol 2 pt 1, stanza 12 b


    but the cult is now preserved mostly in China and the Buddhist countries, “Bel and the Dragon being uniformly coupled together, and the priest of the Ophite religion as uniformly assuming the name of his God” (“Archaeology,” Vol. xxv., p. 220, London). In the religions of the past, it is in Egypt we have to seek for its Western origin. The Ophites adopted their rites from Hermes Trismegistus, and heliolatrous worship crossed over with its Sun-gods into the land of the Pharaohs from India. In the gods of Stonehenge we recognise the divinities of Delphi and Babylon, and in those of the latter the devas of the Vedic nations. Bel and the Dragon, Apollo and Python, Krishna and Kaliya, Osiris and Typhon are all one under many names (Fractal ) — the latest of which are Michael and the Red Dragon, and St. George and his Dragon. As Michael is “one as God,” or his “Double,” for terrestrial purposes, and is one of the Elohim, the fighting angel, he is thus simply a permutation of Jehovah. Whatever the Cosmic or astronomical event that first gave rise to the allegory of the “War of Heaven,” its earthly origin has to be sought in the temples of Initiation and archaic crypts. The following are the proofs: —

    We find (a) the priests assuming the name of the gods they served; (b) the “Dragons” held throughout all antiquity as the symbols of Immortality and Wisdom, of secret Knowledge and of Eternity; and (c) the hierophants of Egypt, of Babylon, and India, styling themselves generally the “Sons of the Dragon” and “Serpents”; thus the teachings of the Secret Doctrine are thereby corroborated.

    There were numerous catacombs in Egypt and Chaldea (see cross of Hendaye near the Pyrenee Mountains ), some of them of a very vast extent. The most renowned of them were the subterranean crypts of Thebes and Memphis. The former, beginning on the western side of the Nile, extended towards the Lybian desert, and were known as the Serpent’s catacombs, or passages. It was there that were performed the sacred mysteries of the kuklos anagkes, the “Unavoidable Cycle,” more generally known as “the circle of necessity”; the inexorable doom imposed upon every soul after the bodily death, and when it has been judged in the Amenthian region.

    In de Bourbourg’s book, Votan, the Mexican demi-god, in narrating his expedition, describes a subterranean passage which ran underground, and terminated at the root of the heavens, adding that this passage was a snake’s hole, “un agujero de colubra”; and that he was admitted to it because he was himself “a son of the snakes,” or a serpent. (“Die Phoinizier,” 70.)

    This is, indeed, very suggestive; for his description of the snake’s hole is that of the ancient Egyptian crypt, as above mentioned. The hierophants, moreover, of Egypt, as of Babylon, generally styled themselves the “Sons of the Serpent-god,” or “Sons of the Dragon,” during the mysteries.-

    The Assyrian priest bore always the name of his god,” says Movers. The Druids of the Celto-Britannic regions also called themselves snakes. “I am a Serpent, I am a Druid,” they exclaimed. The Egyptian Karnak is twin brother to the Carnac of Bretagne, the latter Carnac meaning the serpent’s mount. The Dracontia once covered the surface of the globe, and these temples were sacred to the Dragon, only because it was the symbol of the sun, which, in its turn, was the symbol of the highest god — the Phoenician Elon or Elion, whom Abraham recognised as El Elion.* Besides the surname of serpents, they were called the “builders,” the “architects”; for the immense grandeur of their temples and monuments was such that even now the pulverised remains of them “frighten the mathematical calculations of our modern engineers,” says Taliesin (similar name as Frank Lloyd wright's retreat: the Ship )
    Furthermore, the “War in Heaven” is shown, in one of its significations, to have meant and referred to those terrible struggles in store for the candidate for adeptship, between himself and his (by magic) personified human passions, when the inner enlightened man had to either slay them or fail. In the former case he became the “Dragon-Slayer,” as having happily overcome all the temptations; and a “Son of the Serpent” and a Serpent himself, having cast off his old skin and being born in a new body, becoming a Son of Wisdom and Immortality in Eternity.
    --------------a beautiful definition of "Fractality "

    By simply comparing the Sun-gods of every country, one may find their allegories agreeing perfectly with one another; and the more the allegorical symbol is occult the more its corresponding symbol in other systems agrees with it. Thus, if from three systems widely differing from each other in appearance — the old Aryan, the ancient Greek, and the modern Christian schemes — we select several Sun-gods and dragons at random, these will be found copied from each other.


    Apollo is Helios (the Sun), Phoibus-Apollo (“the light of life and of the World”*) who arises out of the golden-winged cup (the sun); hence he is the sun-god par excellence. At the moment of his birth he asks for his bow to kill Python, the Demon Dragon, who attacked his mother before his birth,† and whom he is divinely commissioned to destroy — like Karttikeya, who is born for the purpose of killing Taraka, the too holy and wise demon. Apollo is born on a sidereal island called Asteria“the golden star island,” the “earth which floats in the air,” which is the Hindu golden Hiranyapura; “he is called the pure, [[agnos]], Agnus Dei (the Indian Agni, as Dr. Kenealy thinks), and in the primal myth he is exempt “from all sensual love” (“Book of God,” p. 88). He is, therefore, a Kumara, like Karttikeya, and as Indra was in his earlier life and biographies. Python, moreover, the “red Dragon,” connects Apollo with Michael, who fights the Apocalyptic Dragon, who wants to attack the woman in child-birth (See Revelation xii.), as Python attacks Apollo’s mother. Can any one fail to see the identity? Had the Rt. Hon. W. E. Gladstone, who prides himself on his Greek scholarship and understanding of the spirit of Homer’s allegories, ever had a real inkling of the esoteric meaning of the Iliad and Odyssey, he would have understood St. John’s “Revelation,” and even the Pentateuch, better than he does. For the way to the Bible lies through Hermes, Bel, and Homer, as the way to these is through the Hindu and Chaldean religious symbols (Cross of Hendaye / the Cathars ) .
    see also: What did Tesla found in The Bible ?

    The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus

    O Son, is but one in our egg; but this, in the hen's egg, is much less to be found. But lest so much of the Divine Wisdom as is in a hen's egg should not be distinguished, our composition is, as that is, from the four elements Adapted and composed. Know, therefore, that in the hen's egg is the greatest help with respect to the proximity and relationship of the matter in nature, for in it there is a spirituality and conjunction of elements, and an earth which is golden in its tincture. But the Son, enquiring or Hermes, saith, The sulphurs which are fit for our work, whether are they celestial or terrestrial ? To whom the Father answers, Certain of them are heavenly, and some are of the earth.

    Originally Posted by MonsieurM View Post

    we have Hermes Trismesgistus...or Hermes three times Master

    and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Michael_(archangel)

    Michael (Hebrew: מִיכָאֵל‎ (pronounced [ˌmixäˈʔel]), Micha'el or Mîkhā'ēl; Greek: Μιχαήλ, Mikhaḗl; Latin: Michael or Míchaël; Arabic: ميخائيل‎, Mīkhā'īl) is an archangel in Jewish, Christian, and Islamic teachings. Roman Catholics, Anglicans, and Lutherans refer to him as Saint Michael the Archangel and also simply as Saint Michael. Orthodox Christians refer to him as the Taxiarch Archangel Michael or simply Archangel Michael.

    In Hebrew, Michael means "who is like God" (mi-who, ke-as or like, El-deity), which is traditionally interpreted as a rhetorical question: "Who is like God?" (which expects an answer in the negative) to imply that no one is like God. In this way, Michael is reinterpreted as a symbol of humility before God.[5]

    In the Hebrew Bible Michael is mentioned three times in the Book of Daniel, once as a "great prince who stands up for the children of your people". The idea that Michael was the advocate of the Jews became so prevalent that in spite of the rabbinical prohibition against appealing to angels as intermediaries between God and his people, Michael came to occupy a certain place in the Jewish liturgy.
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 160 de 262 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/03/2017 00:10
    see also: What did Tesla found in The Bible ?

    The Golden Tractate of Hermes Trismegistus

    Respuesta  Mensaje 161 de 262 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/03/2017 01:19
    She maybe Right blackchisel97, found this thread on this forum ( that is quite full of great info )

    Stan Deyo

    here is a quote: you may recognize some of the drawings as we discussed them:

    Originally Posted by SL3 View Post
    ...Makes a bit of sense when you hear modern politicians yapping on how they "fight for us". "I fought for this bill", etc. Yeah, yeah. Right. More b.s. As if their noses are bloody?! As if they ever fought for anything in their cozy lives?! Hah! Sounds almost like Egyptian aristocracy all over again to me.

    So I dunno. Ed Leedskalnin claimed he knew the secrets of the pyramids. When you dissect his work and Tesla's, it is clear they were both well versed in doctrines of Freemasonry. I do not know if Leedskalnin was a disciple of Tesla's or vice versa, but they appear to be brothers of the same geometric thoughts, certainly. Here, look:

    This is an image of Tesla's Unipolar Generator. Observe the interior geometry which is vastly more than ordinary geometry.

    This is the Leedskalnin "AC Generator".

    * Please note most of these images are not mine. I do not recall at the moment where I even snipped many of them from. The above image is from the website of John DePew at CORAL CASTLE CODE / JON DEPEW / FORMULA of ENERGY. He has done many dissections of the Leedskalnin site. Some magnetic experiments. There are many others out there with other perspectives, too. Mine are just additions to the research of others.

    As for the how?

    Some notes:

    This is a little geometric art, puzzle, and key I drew up for fun one day. You can study it for a lifetime and continually discover new mathematical fun! The "how" is buried in there, though I have yet to fully levitate things myself! Always fun to be a bit mysterious!

    But, let's look at a couple things...

    [To be continued. Gotta break for a bit.]
    thank you SL3 .... much appreciated Harmonic Math Time

    a reproduction of Coral Castle ..... you know the enneagram is itching to go on top

    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 162 de 262 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/03/2017 17:19
    Description of the experiment

    Tesla's 'Egg Of Columbus'

    I've attached a photograph of the famed "Egg of Columbus" -- a rotating field experiment that was on exhibit at the World's Fair in 1893.

    The Egg was created by Nikola Telsa and consisted of a complex polyphase field-coil located directly under a plate with a copper-plated egg positioned on top of it. When power was applied in sequence ( 3 6 9 )to the coils, the complex magnetic field arrangement not only inductively created a high-spin on the egg, it also made it stand up on end -- appearing to resist gravity.

    Tesla's 'Egg Of Columbus'

    rodin coil like set up under the table

    all the great inventors and ancients alchemists knew the 7 principles enunciated in the Kybalion and if you look at the torus, they all apply

    and now you are seeing it....


    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 163 de 262 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/03/2017 17:59
    Originally Posted by MonsieurM View Post
    Shawn, recall the toroid Tesla coil, i wonder if anyone thought of replacing the toroid with a Rodin Coil for the nest

    From the Emerald Tablet:

    Venus / soul & spirit birds nest in a tree and brood over their egg
    ..... looks like Tesla knew about the Bird's nest (egg experiment) and you know now why the primary has to be a spiral vortex to allow for the emf egg to take shape

    do you see the emf egg => as above (the copper egg), so below (the emf of the secondary coil )


    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

    Last edited by MonsieurM; 08-29-2011 at 02:40 AM.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 164 de 262 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/03/2017 18:02
    about the emf egg,

    principle of correspondence: this observation is applicable to many other experiments using primary and secondary coils....

    ---- from within so without

    the following is schauberger's egg

    to simplify a bit, you have a solid copper shell "schauberger's egg" with an emf coil (spinning the quartz/neodymium ball) on top of an emf shell "schauberger's egg" with a solid copper coil

    and the best part, if you look closely the Tesla coil + Rodin Coil + Tesla's Egg with quartz neodymium ball inside respects all 7 Principles of the Kybalion

    i think this is it ....look closely, the fractal is all over this set up (principle of mentalism )...i don't think i am going to sleep tonight....

    would love to have your thoughts on this

    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 165 de 262 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/03/2017 18:05

    Respuesta  Mensaje 166 de 262 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/03/2017 19:24
    Resultado de imagen para TOROID EGG

    Respuesta  Mensaje 167 de 262 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/03/2017 19:32
    just so you can visualize what happens in a magnet

    The golden ratio — an exact 'magic' number often claimed to be observed when taking ratios of distances in ancient and modern architecture, sculpture and painting — has been spotted in a magnetic compound.
    Access : Solid-state physics: Golden ratio seen in a magnet : Nature

    each is an image of the other (principle of correspondance, Tesla knew this )
    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 168 de 262 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/04/2017 01:10
    Imagen relacionada

    Respuesta  Mensaje 169 de 262 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/04/2017 01:22
    So we probably need a set up between the secondary coil and The Rodin Coil to turn the current from Dc to pulsed Dc or amplify the pulse...or is the secondary Already doing pulsed DC which i think it does see illustration of a normal Tesla Coil

    So I guess Tesla Knew about this too, considering the set up, What do you think?

    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 170 de 262 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/04/2017 01:43
    Here is a video showing the capabilities of Smith (Caduceus ) Coil

    Lenz's Law - Caduceus Coil - Bedini - Perpetual Motion Holder - Leedskalnin Montage - YouTube

    shawn, it will remind you of Dr Boyd's video on anisotropy

    -----the following video is a 3d description of a vimana

    THE VYMAANIKA-SHAASTRA-vinama device. - YouTube

    you should look at the above pic upside down to see the Ankh Set up

    Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws.” -Confucius.

    Respuesta  Mensaje 171 de 262 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/04/2017 02:32
    Resultado de imagen para monsieur TOROID

    Respuesta  Mensaje 172 de 262 en el tema 
    De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/04/2017 03:02
    Resultado de imagen para monsieurm TOROID

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