Here is my "where my head's at" rant.....ok. I love VBM, not the numbers - not the rodin coil or the many complexities of the connections between all thngs using VBM much as the philosophy - ie: VBM as a philosophy is a re-enforcement of the reality of "God" or whatever you care to call it - The One.
God is simple, and can only be, since it is just one thing! Oneness.......Isness.
That which IS.
This is where you start (and finish). Everything (related info) in my opinion should be brought back to its most primal parts ; simplicity. In the simple is the profound. This is what the alchemist does - bring things back to their "first matter". The template. From this point of everything comes a "the will of god" - which is to experience itself in an infinite spectrum of possabilities. The nature of infinite is thus. It is at the same time, many and one.
This pure potential field is evident at the edge of our perceptive boundary (light speed/QM) and reveals the nature of infinite in the sense both that it can be divided into infinite and has a multi-dimensional "personality" - it can be this AND that - not just one or the other. ("5th density" + .....)
Consciousness is a toroidal structure in the most basic - primal of languages - geometry. It feeds itself to renew it. It is the Oroborus - (solve et coagula - seperate and recombine) The only constant is change - because it is a infinite cycle of change - and takes form of a spiral that is actually the dynamics of a toroidal field. The curvature and therefore the torque of all energy systems are then driven by this "paradox" of force. Since its input IS its output.
Anyway, the point is that in its simplicity is its divinity - its holy(whole)ness - the point of infinte density - an unreachable desintation and yet - your ultimate destiny. ------------INFINITE-------------
That which IS has only one quality - to exist. It just is. It doesn't become IS-NOTNESS. Non-existance doesn't "exsist". That's the one quality of non-existance - it doesn't exist. Which means there is only one thing - and we "renormalise" it - filter it - through or prism - our consciosuness - our torodial field - and act as a resistor of sorts - whereby what we experience is a focused portion of an infinte spectrum because even our "local" spectrum can be divided into infinite. Nothing comes to rest. Nothing can truely stop moving - vibrating - manifesting - unless it is simply the ONE. That does not move. It is the primal perspective. But it cannot experience itself without "sub-dividing" - fractally. We can see this in the - again - simplest of language ; geometry. Sacred geometry is really all about axioms of structure - of creation. The flower of life is an axiom of structure..... ya know how if you have a line with 1 dot - line - 2nd dot ( .___. ) There is a 3rd point that is, sort of created by the other 2 ; the centre between the two points is the most obvious choice in which to cut the line or "be aware of" - this ethereal node. In the case of a sphere - which is obviously much more accurate in terms of what I have said so far - it is one thing with an infinite amount of "sides", or "perspectives" so to speak - a spheres "ethereal nodes" - that which it suggests, is triangulations from a central point - which creates simueltaneously - the cube-octahedron and the merkaba. 12 points around the 13th that is the centre of a cube octahedron and the merkaba has 8 points around a central void - centre that is the 9th point. "The Nine" is seperate to the other 8 fundermentally. And since there is movement of this object unto itself, since it is a self-referential dynamic (a god particle) - there is spin - which creates polarity. This means two of the merkaba points are poles which aren't moving and yet are not the centre. They are the manifestation of the dynamics of the 9 - the 3 and the 6. Which leaves 6 more points that rotate around..... The 3 and 6 are interchangable - they are always oscillating ; change is constant. These two snakes are spiraling around a common point that is itself a vector - a straight line.
A perfectly straight line and a perfect circle - as are the tools for sacred geometry - and represent an impossible perfection since to call anyting a perfect line or circle would be to renormalise it - to say "that's close enough" - like an infinetly large number - you round it off. (We "round off" reality/consciousness in the same way.)
Nothing in our renormalised consciousness can be perfect since it is always approaching perfection - since perfection is an infinite point. Which means you can't reach it, but in that is it's power. The driving force of change. The toroidal/tetraheral lattice manifold is curved into these fractal points of infinty (black holes) which drives the system. Things only seem static because you are moving at the same speed as them - static doesn't really exist - like the flicker rate of your computer screen right now - is a vibrational pattern but appears like a continuous "ON". But nothing really does that- accept of course - the ONE.
Reality has a "flicker rate" also. But only in terms of the physical body consciousness. I have myself experienced "flicker rates" beyond the physical, in lucid dreaming/OBE and DMT experiences. There are more dimensions when you are free from your body - not less and certainly not none. When the filter is removed all things are volatile and subtle (as the alchemist would say), the mercury - the spirit. You'll probably notice that in the dream reality, basically what you think happens in front of your "eyes" (eye really).
The colour and, I guess pixels, are infinite basically - I have noticed that in a really lucid dream - the light source seems to just comes from the "thing" themselves. It radiates from everything. Like a DMT vision. It has more colour depth and a much broader frequency on all levels really.
The most profound thing really is this "self referencial dynamic" - because everything in creation is about ratio and polarity - asymmetry basically - because it has to keep a current - a vector - a charge - an infinite destination. The prime attractor - it attracts itself so that it can experience itself subjectively.
To return to VBM - the 3,6 and 9 are triangulating in all directions creating this lattice - 9 is always at the centre of everything and 3 and 6 are the results of the self referntial "will" of "The 9"..... but the 1,2,4,8,7,5 is the flow- the curve - the "time mapping" - these are 3D co-ordinates that are a fractal of the 3,6,9 -
FNG 1-4-7 = 3
FNG 2-5-8 = 6
FNG 3-6-9 = 9
So numbers behave according to natural axioms of physics - the toroidal flow and the triangulated lattice (64 tetrahedron grid). They are a language for pure energy - above manifest form. "Gods plan". The pure potential perspective......
You have to really explore the numbers and the geometry for youself and let it be simple - always come back the ONE and go from there. It's obvious for instance that time doesn't really exist because always NOW, which is an infinite quantity, an un quantizable moment. Everything that is one thing is also an infinity of parts - there is no real edge or boundary since everything is interacting with everything - everything is connected to some degree because the very scale of degree is an infinite one. The One is the All- the All are One.
The alchemists say "solve et coagula" (dissolve and coagulate or seperate and recombine) which is this very thing. The one becoming the many - the many becoming the one. The cadeceus - the staff of hermes - has the two serpents seperating and then meeting in the centre - seperating and recombining - and ascending. The ascention is the continual movement - the infinite change - immortaility. The two snakes are always leaving the rod to a certain point (the perimeter of the torus) and then returing to the centre. Compressing and decompressing. With this sort of knowledge, an alchemist can transmute/transform energy. Once you understand the patterns you can emulate them and vibrate on the same frequency.
It seems all of this was unserstood in Atlantean and Lemurian ages. They understood energy - and after the cataclysms the knowledge was fragmented and distributed all of the world but had originally a common source. Their are lots of different expressions of this knowledge but its all fundamentally the same in its true core. (Since has been corupt and used as a vehicle a.k.a religion)
Anyway.........rant over........for now.