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saintseiyaforos.net/.../71127-según-ustedes-en-que-categoría-podemos-ubicar -a-saturno/
Editado por Iccc, 20 abril 2014 - 06:28 . ... como dijeron varios, saturno es el equivalente romano de cronos, el titan que engendro a los ...
Editado por zeus god king, 20 abril 2014 - 13:13 . .... crono y saturno son el simbolo del tiempo que es otra cosa ..por que ambos son los ...
entremujeres.clarin.com/.../saturno-astros-astrologia-trabajo-profesion- vocacion-beatriz-leveratto-columnista_0_982101865.html
Es la ley de lo irrefutable, la ley de gravedad, “Cronos”: el paso del tiempo. Muestra la ... Excepto el período del de 15 octubre de 2000 al 20 de abril de 2001.
5 Ene 2015 ... Saturno – Cronos, el señor del tiempo. ... Compartir Aries del 21 de Marzo al 20 de Abril Recibes propuestas interesantes en apariencia, pero ...
Toma su nombre de Urano, padre de Crono (Saturno) en la mitología griega. ... Es la constelacion que rige los nacidos desde el 21 de marzo al 20 de abril.
Rige a las personas nacidas entre el 21 de Marzo y el 20 de Abril. ..... En la antigua Mitología Romana, Saturno (y su equivalente griego, Cronos) es el padre de ...
El siguiente es un resumen de los Anillos de Saturno: ... W. Herschel 1789 Tetis III 530 7.55e+20 294,660 G. Cassini 1684 Telesto XIII 17x14x13 ? ... Pioneer 11 - USA Júpiter/Saturno - 259 kg - (Abril 6, 1973 - Noviembre 1995) Pioneer 11 ...
13 Abr 2012 ... de circulosolar en Uncategorized Etiquetas:saturno, sistema solar. Saturno o Cronos(su nombre para los griegos) se le considera el dios de las cosechas y el tiempo. Sus padres ... 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 ...
elmundodesaramujerde35.blogspot.com/.../saturno-o-cronos-relatos- mitologicos.html
14 Dic 2010 ... Pero, me gusto la historia del Dios Saturno y hoy quiero compartirla con ustedes. ... cuando se casa Cronos o Saturno, tuvo muchos hijos y le exigía a su mujer que le entregara los recién nacidos ... Anónimo 18 de diciembre de 2010, 8:20 .... julio (30). ▻ junio (25). ▻ mayo (27). ▻ abril (29). ▻ marzo (20) ...
Con él, tuvo la inmensa alegría de ver los cuatro satélites de Saturno descubiertos por Galileo. ... y hermanas de Crono (el nombre griego para el dios romano del tiempo Saturno) para .... Noticia del 20 de abril de 2012, publicada por la ESA.
El culto a Venus persistió hasta el tiempo de los Aztecas, quienes la denominaban Huey Citlalín, la gran estrella, que en su carácter de estrella de la mañana se relacionaba con Quetzacoatl. Todo indica que los mayas tenían unos grandes conocimientos. No solamente nos legaron un calendario fabuloso sino también cálculos increíbles. Conocían el calendario venusino de 584 días y, sin tener aparentemente los medios tecnológicos actuales, estimaron la duración del año terrestre en 365,2420 días, muy próximo al cálculo actual de 365,2422. Los mayas dejaron cálculos para increíbles períodos de 64 millones de años. Y en las últimas inscripciones se han encontrado cálculos que llegan a la fantástica de 400 millones de años. La fórmula venusina de los mayas parece imposible que se haya podido formular sin la utilización de algún tipo de ordenador: El Tzolkin tiene 260 días, el año terrestre 365 días y el venusino 584 días. Estas cifras esconden la posibilidad de una sorprendente división y suma. 365 es divisible cinco veces por 73 y 584 es divisible 8 veces. Así que la increíble fórmula nos ofrece los siguientes resultados: Para la Luna: 20 x 13 = 260 x 2 x 73 = 37960; para el Sol: 8 x 13 = 104 x 5 x 73 = 37960; y para Venus: 5 x 13 = 65 x 8 x 73 = 37960. Vemos que todos los ciclos coinciden sorprendentemente después de 37.960 años. La mitología maya dice que los “dioses” vendrían al gran lugar de descanso.
cafepress.com Favorite 460 × 460 - 26k - jpg |
cafepress.com Favorite 460 × 460 - 17k - jpg |
pinterest.com Pastel Geometric Star of David 236 × 236 - 7k - jpg |
zazzle.com Hanukkah Star of David 512 × 512 - 61k - jpg |
zazzle.com Hanukkah Star of David 324 × 324 - 26k - jpg |
mygifto.com JEWISH STAR OF DAVID Travel 480 × 480 - 46k |
amazon.com STAR OF DAVID Wall Clock 355 × 355 - 34k - jpg |
zazzle.com Hanukkah Star of David 152 × 152 - 11k - jpg |
1776= 48*37= 4*12*37
KAbbalah or CAbala (jewish mysticism) KA Ba (Eygptian after-life) KA Bah (Muslim Holy Shrine, the shrine itself represents the vagina and the black stone is the uterus) Mec CA is where the ewe go to worship the KA'Bah Mer KAba or Mer KAvah (vehicle of ascension the Levant religions (sheeple people) claim will levitate them to god) KAdosh Knight (Holy Knight reaching perfection) CAduceus (the wand of Mercury, a symbol of the phallus, a sign known as the Caduceus is made by a priest in a ceremony involving the sprinkling of holy water... Naz CA** Lines in Peru ... and the experts have studied these glyphs and they seem to be confused as to their meaning. I do want to suggest that I can interpret them using archetype...stay tuned...I have actually flown over them and let me tell the ewe ... I saw something obviously nobody else has seen Or at least nobody has interpreted these footpaths using the archetypal interpretations, accessed by using the RIGHT BRAINED pictogram language, a language of interpretation that the ancients called the language of the birds. Swasti KA ('good luck' and the Gate of God) http://2012forum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=2038&start=135 |
This post is filled with connections to the KEY 528. Time to connect the mystic Jakob Bohme, and his 'visions' directly to the Vatican. Below is diagram of his called the Signatura Rerum.Quite famous piece of work in certain 'circles'. Please understand the modern day Kabbalist references this man's work...And Jakob's work can be traced back to Hermetic alchemy. And Hermetic alchemy is traced back to the engimas called Thoth/Hermes/Mercury. These two images are discussing exactly the same thing. And they are both oriented to make the best comparisons. Personally I did not expect to find what I did... It is far too easy to prove that these two archetypes are intimately connected and pointing us to a specific moment in time. Please observe the 12 statues and the 4 lamp posts, these are the obvious connections, but for the moment, let's move on. Then when we further compare those images to these next two. Then you realize the common denominator are the 4 axis of symmetry. And the 4 axis of symmetry means we have an eight-pointed star. The Star of Venus. Maybe Goz can tell us all he knows about Venus? Buddhist depiction of 8-pointed star. There are many many ways our most ancient ancestors depicted the 8-pointed Star of Venus but what interests me more is how a modern man, quite small in statue, only 5' tall, a diminutive man driven by a lost love, who apparently was able to duplicate feats only performed by the ancients... move massive blocks of stone by himself.The Empirical physicists, the men who wish to be King, still have NOT figured out, how this uneducated man created the Coral Castle. Here is how Ed Leedskalnin depicted the 8-pointed Star of Venus, and please note, both depictions, the ancient and modern of the Star of Venus is a clue to working some real magic... IMHO 345 345 345 Those three numbers represent the right angle triangle and this next image represents why we need 345. Because 345 is connected intimately to the double helix. Whether it is man or the grand architect...THEY must use right triangles...understand that....to build empires using light/EM. Now imagine the forces that can move those blocks here on earth, being the same forces that resurrect themselves in 2012. The Lorentz factor (a.k.a. the butterfly effect) is all about 345 and the right triangle. Our DNA builds using 345. Can you see the wings of the butterfly in the above two photos? Can you see the two S figures? Thus can you see the SS, the Spiritus Sanctus know also as the Holy Spirit? A shifting...morphing Electro-magnetic Field...IS the Holy Spirit/Holy Grail...I can feel it.And VENUS was her name and she looks hot in REDAnd the goddess looks hot ... Hell YES ... count me, err us both in. 2bee continued of course namaste golem / Raphael
_________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Einstein http://2012forum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=2038&start=105
Oh I forgot to mention another RAPHAEL = SWASTIKA = 528 = DNA = I CHING association.... I was born at 5:28 a.m. happy new year, don't vorry be happy this year....any idea what it feels like to be zeroing in on your life's purpose? why you came back? Why I would have chosen to come back at 5:28 am on July 3, 1957. A date that I can easily connect to the CODE I found on CARD X of the Tarot. 11 2 5 8
A CODE of nature, 1, 1, 2, ?, 5, 8, that permeates the universe in fact. But July 3, 1957 OR 731957, is a date that can also be easily connected to the LO SHU magic square, which essentially is ONE of the pillars, one of KEYS to the structure of the I Ching itself. 7319575 of the 6 numbers comprise the YANG Cross of creativity...with a remainder '7'. .... a lucky '7' I will assume. The I Ching is OLDER than the Bible...and today many SCHOLARS are showing profound connections between the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching and the 64 codons that comprise DNA. As a matter of fact...the I Ching could be ONE of the earliest ToE that the intellect/spirit of man has formulated. A ToE is a Theory of Everything, and as the molecular and quantum scientist continue to penetrate the invisible acausal universe, the validity, the purpose, the APPLICATION of the I Ching becomes more and more apparent. And ALL of these associations can best be modeled using the CUBE. As OTHERS, already have done.
Now here is another AHA!!!!! An AHA that brings us RIGHT back to the image that began my crazy journey in earnest back in 2006. ROSETTA FRACTAL MANDALA The AHA!!! is the profound connection between this image I photographed, and the SQUARE or the CUBE...and by mere extension, the TESSERACT. Something I came across in a puzzle book...an association we can trace back to the earliest forms of MEASURE. 2bEE continued... namaste XX 16 the tesseract and the logic alphabetnote: the tesseract is an analog cube.
_________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Einstein
The KEYHOLE to the MIND?Trelleborg Viking Fortress Denmark of course...Who else uses that KEYHOLE symbol? viewtopic.php?f=15&t=13121“….What Tesla saw peeking through the KEYHOLE” http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2010/1 ... e-keyhole/the Heaven's Gate Cult that committed maSS suicide is discussed in the next post...This powerful KEYHOLE shape helps explain why an evolving consciousness would build TEMPLES that resemble our own DNA. The distinct KEYHOLE or LIGHTBULB shape/form that is a perfect match for DNA expressed as binary code. Makes sense to both ME and me shadow. We build DNA (holy grail) temples, that we can enter, and pray, chant mantras, sing, wed, bury the dead, or to help heal ourselves...by accessing/via our epi-genome which is hierarchical to our genome-mapped DNA? namaste p.s. what did Tesla see in his dreams? more MEMES of course.
_________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Einstein http://2012forum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=21024
This is a powerful powerful symbol folks. powerful enough to *activate* a maSS suicide. http://sites.google.com/site/paranormal ... -Control-1But that symbol of the KEYHOLE is still being used by some powerful groups. WHY? Think about it. namaste
_________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Einstein
Last edited by Raphael on Sun Mar 27, 2011 12:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
The Lesson of the Lights by Malcolm McEwen http://sites.google.com/site/malcolmmcewen/chapterone,thesongoftheuniverseThe Sri Chakra of Sharda (circa 800AD) depicting Shakti in creation and showing the three circles of the creation (Space, Time and the Universe), the central core of the Singularity (God) and the four gates (the four laws of physics) surrounded by 43 triangles (the steps to completion) The quantum plumb diagram of atomic nuclei showing the three colour charges, the flavours as spatial placement, the gluons as bi-coloured rectangles and the integer spin visualised as the route a quark must move through to traverse the nuclei and return to it’s original position; represented here as two rotations, one inside the other. @ Ralph I am trying to plow through that site as well. Some of the info on that site resonates and some of it is quite confusing. I guess they all hold bits and pieces of Truth, Stephen M Phillips, Tony Smith, Wing Y. Pon aka (holon 137), D G Leahy and this Spanish dude http://www.lavozdelseptimoangel.com/eng/index2.html amongst many others whom are all holding some of the beads of the Sacred Rosary, although none hold the Rosary It self. I gueSS its our job to select and match so that WE can finally become ONE with the sacred Rosary and decipher all 108 beads. WE are getting closer of course to hold poSSe52ion of it. Namaste, Mo
In Mein Kampf, Hitler described the Nazis' new flag: "In red we see the social idea of the movement, in white the nationalistic idea, in the swastika/black the mission of the struggle for the victory of the Aryan man, and, by the same token, the victory of the idea of creative work, which as such always has been and always will be anti-Semitic." (pg. 496-497)
italics mineDan Dennett and Dangerous MEMES http://www.ted.com/index.php/talks/dan_ ... memes.htmlCOLOR = FREQUENCY = LIGHT http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_Colo ... _EvolutionIn Latin TEXT = woven cloth = woven using strings = 3 strings of fate connected to the 3 weavers of fate = 3 Norns of Norse myth connected to these specific colors: BLACK WHITE REDWHEN WE BECOME MEME aware is when a beneficent paradigm shift will occur.Because NOT until we becOME MEME aware can WE and ME stop forming self-serving Levant Temes/teams vs. the Science Temes too. WE and ME need to get together and form ONE DreamTEAM. NOW ONE WE and ME must become AWARE of how some MEMEs have helped form the TEMEs/teams that keep dividing humanity. Here is another profound connection between MEMEs, COLORs, how we SEE, how colors were actually interpreted by the ancients... Again my theory seems to be FULL ON and ON TRACK. these next two pages of text are taken from this book The MEME Machine The second page, second last paragraph that begins with "This view" is where it got really interesting for ME and ME in regards to how the ancients all seemed to record colors.... WOW WOW WOW BLACK WHITE REDOUR EYESIGHT PREFERS THE HIERARCHY OF THE COLOR ON THE NAZI SWASTIKAs? OUR EYESIGHT HONES IN ON THE INHERENT GEOMETRY OF THE NAZI SWASTIKAS TOO? YES apparently WE and ME do. It is all explained here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basic_Colo ... _EvolutionIs the SWASTIKA the ULTIMATE MEME?
It does fulfill the 3 criteria that Dawkins suggested, beautifully. 1/ Longevity 2/ Fecundity 3/ Fidelity Does the SWASTIKA fulfill longevity?It has been around for 12,000+ years, derived from a key fret from 23,000 BCE YES Does the SWASTIKA fulfill fecundity?Meaning....has it gotten around town, how easy is it spread...does everybody know about it? YES Does the SWASTIKA fulfill fidelity?YES Shall we discuss the hi and low fidelity of symbols? Now read this post connecting the SWASTIKA to ATLANTIShttp://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2010/0 ... -atlantis/the SWASTIKA along with the Maltese Cross, represent a profound TRUTH that has been put out in the open, in plain view.
believe it namaste
_________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Einstein http://2012forum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=20953&f=9
Is your cup half full or half empty now? I just had a thought...followed by the truth chill...which means I am getting warmer. Let me present what I believe to be...3 representations of the SUN bending the fabric of SpaceTime.1st image on the left has the SUN represented by the 6 pointed Star of David/hexagram/hexagon in the center of the Freemason Tracing Board.And it is no coincidence that the 6x6 magic square is also associated with the SUN.2nd image in the center is Einstein's explanation. 3rd image is my addendum to ALL of the above...the "what goes up, must come down" theory of gravity... (what kind of rotations/flips/tricks can ganesh do...well it all depends on the escape velocity, the height attained?) Apparently EINSTEIN forgot to apply the fundamental action/reaction law. For every action there is a reaction... That Elephant or Sun bending SPACETIME fabric could be the result of a pulsation similar to how a speaker pulsates..or or or the magic we see in CYMATICS. What if the membrane covering the black hole called the event horizon is similar to a trampoline? And the mass of sun bends SPACETIME in a similar manner to a trampoline? And what if we should prepare for what Einstein forgot to incorporate into his theory. REACTION force... Spring is coiled? What if? Just a needed addendum to the theory of relativity...and other blah blah blah. SO GRAVITY is somehow connected to SOUND waves? namaste _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Einstein http://2012forum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=213550 |
7x7x7 = 343
64 – DNA – Mayan’s AINTIRAM – NaSSim Haramein – Tesseract – Hypercube
DNA says so …
The above book DNA AND THE I CHING was published in the 1990s, the youtube interview featuring Nassim Haramein below is recent. On the cover of the book we see a cube, specifically a 4x4x4 cube comprised of 64 smaller cubes. If we rotated the cube so we could see only one face, it would appear as a 4×4 square, comprised of 16 squares.
Obviously the word ‘amazing’ that Nassim Haramein uses in reference to his epiphany regarding the ancient text Aintiram, does NOT have a best before date that can expire. Obviously everybody proceeds at their own speed and pace, and what was amazing yesterday to one person, will still be amazing in the future to another person just waking up.
The importance of the number 64
Tesseract – Hypercube – Maltese Cross – Crucifix – cube within the cube – wheels within wheels …
‘IN THIS SIGN CONQUER’ the Great Pyramid and the Sacred Cut by Tons Brunés leads us to Nikola Tesla and the Philosopher’s Stone
Dalí — Crucifixion (Corpus Hypercubus)According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the word “tesseract” was coined and first used in 1888 by Charles Howard Hinton in his book A New Era of Thought, from the Greek τέσσερεις ακτίνες (“four rays”), referring to the four lines from each vertex to other vertices. Some people have called the same figure a tetracube, and also simply a hypercube (although the term hypercube is also used with dimensions greater than 4).
This is a great great article:
Unfolding the Tesseract an 8-cell
by Peter Turney
I see YHVH trapezoid geometry in the 5 sections of the Cut Cube image on the right. I see the numbers 5 6 7 8 written on the apex indicative of the corners. I see a Maltese Cross and a blueprint we can place over the Great Pyramid. (see image/links below)
5 6 7 8 = 26
But here is the wow. After my neighbor of many years died, his daughter held a contents sale. I picked up a few items that belonged to John P., one of them was an odd plaque that simply had the numbers 5 6 7 8 placed on it. It is clear from the items that found their way to me, that ole’ John P. had probably attended some Freemason meetings in his life. After all he was a cop for 31 years so that does not surprise me.
Nassim Haramein – Sacred Geometry & Unified Fields
Drawing the Hypercube # 1
Tesseract Pencil Visualization
Imagining the Tenth Dimension part 1 of 2
It might help before proceeding to have a quick look at this link first: http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/2011/12/15/the-sacred-cut-by-tons-brunes/
DNA is the common denominator that links the we are the 99% . Even the 1% belongs to the 99% as defined by DNA.
note the Friendship Knot that is made by 4 hands in an embrace.
… follow the forearm to the 4 bends in the 4 elbows >>> so what symbol that helps define CW or CCW movement comes to mind?
Does CHASE Bank want to be counted among your friends?
If you do not enjoy this documentary I will refund you your funny Freedom 55 CHASE the money.
Many AHA to be found among the ruins in that documentary. Did you know that the first king of Egypt called Menes by the Greeks was know as King AHA!
Relationship of both the great pyramid and the swastika to the squared circle, aka pi using two circles?
i.e. Go to 1:18:20 of that video. listen carefully to what is being said about the two circles being drawn relative to a square pyramid with eight sides.
Is the speed of light mentioned along with pi?
These next mages were taken out of books printed in and around 1923.
Note in the first image, we have those 4 special constellations mentioned in the documentary, highlighted in the four corners. i.e. The Man, the Eagle, the Lion, the Bull
…similar geometry. Is it difficult to connect the star of david to the square or cube? Not at all.
And throughout the video we saw how they divided the Great Pyramid into eight sections, not four.
Go to 16:00 of that video for a discussion of the 8 sided pyramid.
Does the 8 sided pyramid whose 8 sides can only be seen briefly during the two equinoxes have any relationship to the BaB-iLu and the BiBLe?
BaB-iLu is similar to BiBle with the vowels removed…BBL….so is BaBeL, BiBLioS, BaRBeLoS, and the word QiBBLe which is the root of the word CaBaLa.
GeNeSiS is GNoSiS, or both can be written GNSS, if you remove the vowels.
I did promise you an aha or two.
Now you need to find the match to those hexagons/trapezoid in the next image.
Temple of Man Schwaller de Lubicz page 177 Serpents in the Sky by John Anthony West
WTF 911
WTC 7 is the same shape as the YHVH trapezoid?
YHWH = 26 QaBaLaH =137
Arthur I. Miller ends his book ‘137‘ discussing the ‘26‘ constants physics is currently using trying to formalize a ‘theory of everything’.
Yes 26 of course….and 137 is the most fundamental of them ALL encapsulating 3 other constants into ONE dimensionless constant.
Now would be a good time to introduce the work of engineer Tons Brunes and his insights into geometry.
Specifically ‘the Sacred Cut’. http://breakfornews.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=74451#74451
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