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saintseiyaforos.net/.../71127-según-ustedes-en-que-categoría-podemos-ubicar -a-saturno/
Editado por Iccc, 20 abril 2014 - 06:28 . ... como dijeron varios, saturno es el equivalente romano de cronos, el titan que engendro a los ...
Editado por zeus god king, 20 abril 2014 - 13:13 . .... crono y saturno son el simbolo del tiempo que es otra cosa ..por que ambos son los ...
entremujeres.clarin.com/.../saturno-astros-astrologia-trabajo-profesion- vocacion-beatriz-leveratto-columnista_0_982101865.html
Es la ley de lo irrefutable, la ley de gravedad, “Cronos”: el paso del tiempo. Muestra la ... Excepto el período del de 15 octubre de 2000 al 20 de abril de 2001.
5 Ene 2015 ... Saturno – Cronos, el señor del tiempo. ... Compartir Aries del 21 de Marzo al 20 de Abril Recibes propuestas interesantes en apariencia, pero ...
Toma su nombre de Urano, padre de Crono (Saturno) en la mitología griega. ... Es la constelacion que rige los nacidos desde el 21 de marzo al 20 de abril.
Rige a las personas nacidas entre el 21 de Marzo y el 20 de Abril. ..... En la antigua Mitología Romana, Saturno (y su equivalente griego, Cronos) es el padre de ...
El siguiente es un resumen de los Anillos de Saturno: ... W. Herschel 1789 Tetis III 530 7.55e+20 294,660 G. Cassini 1684 Telesto XIII 17x14x13 ? ... Pioneer 11 - USA Júpiter/Saturno - 259 kg - (Abril 6, 1973 - Noviembre 1995) Pioneer 11 ...
13 Abr 2012 ... de circulosolar en Uncategorized Etiquetas:saturno, sistema solar. Saturno o Cronos(su nombre para los griegos) se le considera el dios de las cosechas y el tiempo. Sus padres ... 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 ...
elmundodesaramujerde35.blogspot.com/.../saturno-o-cronos-relatos- mitologicos.html
14 Dic 2010 ... Pero, me gusto la historia del Dios Saturno y hoy quiero compartirla con ustedes. ... cuando se casa Cronos o Saturno, tuvo muchos hijos y le exigía a su mujer que le entregara los recién nacidos ... Anónimo 18 de diciembre de 2010, 8:20 .... julio (30). ▻ junio (25). ▻ mayo (27). ▻ abril (29). ▻ marzo (20) ...
Con él, tuvo la inmensa alegría de ver los cuatro satélites de Saturno descubiertos por Galileo. ... y hermanas de Crono (el nombre griego para el dios romano del tiempo Saturno) para .... Noticia del 20 de abril de 2012, publicada por la ESA.
The great cycle/year platonic cubing the sphere
2001, 3001, AND THE CUBE - PART 1 of 2
Part 1 of 2
A friend asked that this article be posted on the website. I hereby honor his request. —H.B.
Sun rises over monolith in Stanley Kubrick's 2001 (1968).
Two men looked out through prison bars One saw mud—the other, stars.
— Frederick Langbridge
In the beginning was the Monolith. There it stood, at the dawn of mankind, entrancing Moon-Watcher and his fellow apemen, doing strange things to them, preparing them for intelligence and civilization. There it (or rather, its counterpart) stood again, eons later, as Heywood Floyd beheld it, this time on the moon, under the name of Tycho Magnetic Anomaly-1. It was a vertical slab of jet-black material, about ten feet high and five feet wide: a perfect, symmetrical rectangular block, reflecting almost no light at all. And it stood yet again on the surface of Japetus, a moon of Saturn (the movie version has it floating in space near Jupiter), this time as the mile-high big brother of TMA-1: TMA-2, beheld by astronaut David Bowman. “Call it the Star Gate,” says Arthur C. Clarke in his novel, 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), so brilliantly depicted by Stanley Kubrick in the movie of the same name. Clarke also calls it “the Sentinel,” after his 1948 short story on which the novel was based. As astronaut Bowman watched, the thing inverted, turned itself inside out; it was no longer a rectangular block but a hollow shaft, and Bowman had time for just a single broken remark: “The thing’s hollow—it goes on forever—and—oh my God—it’s full of stars!” “The Star Gate opened,” writes Clarke. “The Star Gate closed.” And that was the last Mission Control back on earth ever heard of Bowman. What follows in the movie is the most dazzling sequence of images that depict a transfinite celestial journey, unsurpassed even after all these years of development in cinematographic technology and computer graphics. What Kubrick shows us on the screen is nothing less than a view of a spiritual Ascension, even if still only a pale copy of the latter.
Beyond time and space, Bowman is transported to a location where he ages prematurely—old age is perennially understood to be a sign of wisdom—and, on his deathbed (“Die before you die”—Mohammed), comes face to face for the last time with the black Monolith, which acts as midwife in his rebirth as the “Star-Child” in the vicinity of the earth.
As Master Ahmet Kayhan explained: "I experienced Observation of the Compassionate. Thank God. I became real with the Real, thank God. I became one day old. I knew and saw my Lord. The universe ceased to exist, it became ashes, it burned up, only God remained. The name ‘Ahmet’ remained, he himself ceased to exist. Only God was left. The universe was filled with joy.” (Bayman, The Teachings of a Perfect Master (2012), p. 453. Emphasis added.)
What is it in 2001 that held generations of movie-goers spellbound? What was the reason for its astounding success? A symbol, according to psychologist Carl G. Jung, is something that is never directly comprehensible at first glance. It excites the psyche of man in a way that does not readily lend itself to logical analysis. And Kubrick was careful to film the movie so that many of the clues in the novel were left out, as primarily a visual experience which let watchers view it without tying it down finally to anything definite—which is what made 2001 a great work of art. But this brings up the further question of the role in modern society of the science fiction genre as a whole. Most science fiction, of course, projects the present into the future tense. It rephrases contemporary issues of society and technology in a future setting. But science fiction at its most profound—like all great works of art and literature—speaks to the mythic dimension in man. With all due respect to Freud and his achievements, rockets and aliens address depths of the psyche unplumbed by Freudian symbolism. Why does sci-fi enthrall many of us to such a degree? Because at its best,science fiction is,whether we realize it or not, the mythology of our time. In ages past, myths and fairy tales referred back to a previous time or beginning. In keeping with our contemporary progressive world view, science fiction is forward-looking, but this really does not make much of a difference, for what is in our past is in our future as well: as the Koran puts it, “You have come from God, and you shall return to Him.” Perhaps, in situating major themes in the future instead of the past, it is even more apt; for what is past is past, and for us the really significant things still remain in the future. Science Fiction as Future-Oriented Myth To the perceptive eye, great science fiction betrays mythological sources from the very first step. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (1818), the first work of fiction to bear all the characteristics of the genre, is a retelling, in physical terms, of the Cabalistic legend of the Golem. In Robert Heinlein’s Stranger in a Strange Land, Mike’s return recalls the Second Coming of Christ; in Walter Miller’s Canticle for Leibowitz, Rachel’s primal innocence recalls the Creation story. InChildhood’s End, another Clarke novel, Karellen the alien, with his “sheer size” and “voice like an organ” upon whom “no man may look and live” (Exodus 33:19), plays God to Stromgren’s Moses. The Overlords, to whose race Karellen belongs, are like angels in that unlike man, they cannot attain immortality but can only act—in a similar way to 2001—as midwives in his rebirth, and hence are finally inferior to him. The “Total Breakthrough” which spreads through mankind like an epidemic at the end of the book recalls apokatastasis (the restoration of all souls to a state of blessedness) and the Descent of Grace: “In a real sense, those no-longer-humans floating off into space are entering a heaven.” [1] In George Lucas’ Star Wars movie series, Luke Skywalker plays the archetypal role of the hero; it comes as no surprise that director George Lucas was studying the works of mythologist Joseph Campbell at the time. And “the Force,” according to Lucas, is “a distillation of a lot of mythological religious teachings.” [2]As a further example, just consider H. G. Wells’ The Time Machine. The Time Traveller goes hundreds of thousands of years into the future, there to find the earth transformed into a Garden of Delights and inhabited by the peaceable Eloi, while beneath the earth, in infernal regions, dwell the repulsive and brutal Morlocks. What are the Eloi but angels in Heaven, and the Morlocks demons in Hell? Naturally, all these authors tap rich sources of the Western cultural heritage, although when it comes to myth, we find that similar themes are sounded in all the mythologies of the world. But something is going on here that lies deeper than the inheritance or imagination of any science-fiction writer. Mankind has always had stories of other worlds and other beings. But whereas these worlds and beings were originally located in the spiritual realm, they are now transposed, due to modern man’s alienation from his spiritual wellsprings, into the physical universe. The “higher worlds” have now become planets circling stars in other galaxies, and there are two types of aliens: angelic (such as Spielberg’s E.T.) and demonic (the whole class of bug-eyed monsters). Is it a coincidence that, just when we erased the spiritual world from our minds, we began to think about extraterrestrial life in three-dimensional space? Is it a coincidence that, just when we decided to dismiss fairies, elves, demons and the djinn, people began reporting UFOs and alien abductions? (The two form an almost unbroken temporal continuity.) Having renounced another, invisible, parallel world accessible to his consciousness, modern man now projects such things into the physical world. This may not only be erroneous, in the sense that we have misplaced these objects of our attention—extraterrestrial physical life may not actually exist and thus continue to remain unproved. It may also be dangerous, in the sense that forming the wrong conception about a phenomenon prevents the possibility of coping with it effectively. The Symbolism of the Monolith So let us return to 2001. In this novel, Clarke has made use of four major mythical/spiritual themes. The first is the death-rebirth experience of the soul, common to all the major traditions of humanity. The second is the Star-Child—the Child of the Heart (walad al-qalb) of Islamic Sufism, the Golden Child (hiranyagarbha) of Hinduism, etc., which is the outcome of the rebirth. The third is the Ascension that one experiences as the result of this spiritual rebirth. These all indicate that Clarke is tapping the deepest levels of the human psyche. There remains only one theme to discuss: the Monolith. Inscrutable, enigmatic, it baffles any immediate attempt to unwrap its mystery. What can it symbolize? We obtain a clue when we realize that Clarke has endowed this black stone, resembling nothing so much as a flattened and elongated United Nations building, with the proportions of 1-4-9, or 12-22-32. Thus it stands, Clarke tells us, for the squares of the first dimension (width), the second dimension (length), and third dimension (height), respectively, and he goes on to imply that the sequence is continued beyond three dimensions. Hence, we discover that the Monolith has to do with dimensionality, and if we do not square them, we have the sequence 1-2-3. Note that the notion of “squaredness” is implicit in Clarke’s numbers: we have a square in length, a square in width, and a square in height. Now these squares naturally lead one to think of an object whose faces are composed of squares, which is a cube. Moreover, in three dimensions the simplest regular geometrical solid resembling the Monolith is a cube, and in two dimensions the simplest corresponding figure is a square, both of which are mathematically simpler and aesthetically more appealing than the slab. Our problem is thus reduced to a treatment of the square/cube, and its blackness. Let us tackle the square first.
Kazimir Malevich: Black Square, 1915. Malevich declared it to be the “zero of form,” and claimed that it eclipsed all previous art.
Square, Circle, Cube, Sphere As soon as we “renormalize” Clarke’s rectangular prism to the square/cube, we find ourselves on familiar ground. For in addition to its geometrical import, it has frequently been used as a symbol of the psyche in many cultures and traditions. Closely related to the square is the circle in two dimensions and to the cube, the sphere in three dimensions, which are perhaps of even greater symbolic significance. In what follows we shall make use of—but not confine ourselves to—the findings of Jungian analysis. [3] To begin with, the square (and often the rectangle, like Clarke’s “panel”) represents the four classical elements (Air, Water, Earth, Fire) and is thus a symbol of earthbound matter, of the body and physical reality. Its four corners suggest differentiation, and thus the created universe. Furthermore, Pythagoras associated the square with the soul; the saying that the soul is a square and that four is the number of all living things was attributed to him by his pupils. The quadrangle also stands for the realization of wholeness in consciousness.
The Black Cube, first exhibited in 2010. Its website states: "It is black – deep and mysterious. It is cubic – shiny on every side with sharp edges, it has the most rational and most perfect shape. It is nicely crafted – high-quality materials, premium finish, beautiful and elegant, pure class. Its versatility is endless... just start dreaming and then turn this thing into whatever you might desire it to be. It is what we all have secretly been waiting for, for such a long time – an overdue revelation... [the] conclusion of the process of modernization."The Black Cube "was created by an anonymous collective of German designers who[se] agenda is to develop radical design solutions for a sustainable future... Stepping into its showroom one could already sense a sublime atmosphere. Sacral sounds were filling the air... the cube could be used [as] a fetish object or an altar."
The cube is the extension of the two-dimensional square into three dimensions. Cartesian in its simplicity, the cube is the basic building block of Euclidian 3-space and architecture. It thus symbolizes matter, and more specifically, solid stone. The cube is also the simplest structure that is architecturally feasible. Now stone, whether precious or otherwise, is a symbol of the Self. According to Mircea Eliade, the stone is an archetypal image expressing absolute reality, [4] out of which relative or conditioned reality is born; for the Chinese Taoists, the entire universe proceeded out of the “uncarved block.” Man is mortal; stone is impervious to the passage of time and hence a symbol of immortality (just remember the pyramids of Egypt). The medieval alchemists, who were psychologists and mystics more than chemists, symbolized their famous “philosopher’s stone” by a cube, because of the perfection of its proportions. The philosopher’s stone is the stone that transmutes other materials into gold when it comes in contact with them, and symbolizes—gold being the most precious metal—the Purified Self of the Master, the Perfect Man or Universal Man of the Sufis or the True Man of the Chinese, who perfects the souls of other human beings when allowed to shine on them. The cube is thus the symbol of completion and perfection. The Star of David (also called the Seal of Solomon), the Jewish symbol, is composed of two equilateral triangles inscribed in a hexagon, one standing on its base (symbolizing Fire) and the other on its apex (symbolizing Water). Thus the Star as a whole, like the Chinese Tai-gi-tu, symbolizes the union of opposites. Now the hexagon in which it is inscribed can also be seen as a cube in three dimensions, viewed directly from above one vertex; and the cube itself unfolds to yield the Latin Cross, composed of six squares in two dimensions. If either the top or the bottom is omitted, the cube unfolds into a Greek Cross with equal branches. Thus, the cube is a synthesis in three dimensions of the two-dimensional symbols of Judaism and Christianity.
The New Jerusalem or Heavenly Jerusalem (Revelation 21:1-10) is often depicted in the form of a cube, much like the Kaaba. Of course, it is conceived to be much larger, and could cover almost 60 percent of the continental United States. It could be a veiled reference to the original Kaaba in Heaven, the House of Splendor (Bayt al-Mamoor), which God, if He so wished, could expand to any size.
In the Biblical Book of Revelation, the Heavenly Jerusalem has a square ground plan. No temple is at its center, for God’s immediate presence is the center of it. St. John of the Cross describes how, in a vision, he saw the Heavenly City in the form of a perfect cube, equal in length, breadth and height. The “Holy of Holies” (Sanctum Sanctorum), the inmost sanctuary of the Hebrew Temple, was likewise constructed in the form of a perfect cube, symbolizing Heaven and the wholeness of God. It contained the Ark of the Covenant, and was entered only once a year, by the High Priest alone. [5] Since the Temple plans were revealed to David by God (2 Chronicles,28:19), we have to conclude that it, too, was part of God’s Revelation. And Solomon affirms that the altar is “a resemblance of the holy tabernacle which Thou hast prepared from the beginning” (Wisdom of Solomon, 9:8). Like the stone cube, the circle, too, is a symbol of the Self. It is a symbol of Unity because, unlike the straight line which has two ends, its ends are united as one. Its roundness stands for wholeness, whether psychic or natural. It expresses the totality of the psyche in all its aspects. In Zen, it stands for enlightenment and human perfection. In contrast to the sharp-cornered square, it suggests nondifferentiation and is thus a symbol of the divine. Because one can go around and around it forever without any interruption, it also stands for infinity and eternity, or eternal return and cyclic time. Further, stretched out into three dimensions, circular motion provides the basis for the spiral, the helix, and the rhythmic oscillation of the sine wave. The ring and the tail-eating serpent ouroboros are “isotopes” of (types of equal value as) the circle. The Chinese tai-gi-tu disk comprises both Yin and Yang, thus representing Totality. In non-Christian cultures, sun-wheels are a frequent occurence, which leads us on to the sun disk, considered to be divine ever since the Egyptians. Gold takes its color from the sun, and thus stands for solidified light. The ancient Indian texts never tire of telling us that “gold is immortality.”
Gold sphere over black cube.
The dazzling globe of the sun provides our entry point for a discussion of the sphere, the three-dimensional counterpart of the circle. (Sipihr in Persian originally meant the hemisphere of the sky.) Like the circle but even more so, it is a symbol of completion and perfection, encountered frequently in nature (such as in planets, stars, and various kinds of fruit). For Plato, the sphere symbolized the psyche. Empedocles thought of God as the sphairos, “a rounded sphere enjoying a circular solitude.” [6] This precedes the remark by such luminaries as St. Bonaventure and Nicholas of Cusa that “God is an intelligible sphere whose center is everywhere and whose circumference is nowhere.” For a long time, the sky was conceived as a hemisphere covering the earth.
In this connection, the ovoid is also worth mentioning, obtained when the sphere is distorted into an oval shape. This is the “Cosmic Egg” from which the universe was created, according to the conception of many peoples. In modern science, it still commands our attention as the Primordial Fireball or “white hole” that exploded with the Big Bang to produce the physical universe. Now it is interesting that human beings have always and everywhere not remained content with only the circle or only the square, but have striven to combine the two. For the Chinese, the symbol of Heaven is a circle, while the symbol of earth is a rectangle. [7] The simplest such combination, appealing in its symmetry, is a square inscribed in a circle or a circle inscribed in a square. This is the basic “mandala” form, evidenced everywhere from the sand paintings of the Amerindians to Hindu and Buddhist India and Tibet, while in the Chinese Secret of the Golden Flower the “golden mandala” is a squared circle. The vision and understanding of the Hermetic philosophers likewise led to the concept of the squared circle, and the alchemists were for a time preoccupied with the mathematically insoluble problem of “squaring the circle.” This may strike us as quaint nowadays, but to them it represented a valid—if unattainable—symbol, and those who knew that it signified the descent of spirit into matter or the divine into the human (and thus psychic completion—what Jung calls “individuation”) never bothered with the geometrical exercise at all—just as they disdained the mundane aspiration to transform physical lead into physical gold. For mundane gold was mere chickenfeed to them, compared to the incomparably nobler and more exalted goal of cultivating the “Star-Child,” the “glorious body” (which recalls the “diamond body” of the Buddha), the True Gold of which the ordinary version was only a simile. An old alchemical drawing depicts a square nested in a circle, with a small circle at the center, out of which radiate, along the diagonals of the square, four lines dividing the figure into four sections. As Jung has shown, these correspond to the four classical elements, while the disk in the middle is the quintessence, the fifth element. The Chinese accepted gold as this fifth element (their classification contains five elements, not four), and as the alchemists have always cautioned: “Our gold is not ordinary gold.” The attempt to realize the combination of the square and the circle in the basic mandala form was evident in many ancient cities and temples (also mausoleums, as the two photos at bottom far right attest), and is visible even in their present-day survivals. The Ottoman style of mosque-building is perhaps the most ambitious of such attempts, in that it combines the cube and the sphere, but only the combination of a hemisphere resting on a cube is architecturally feasible—the best solution, perhaps, to “cubing the sphere,” or bringing heaven and earth together. [8]We can conclude, then, that the square, the circle, the cube and the sphere constitute a family of related and more or less interchangeable symbols. But if one asks where on earth is to be found the earliest, most prominent and simplest example of divine architecture combining the circle and the square (or, more precisely, the circle and the cube), the answer has to be—the Kaaba.
Ahmed Mater: Magnetism III, 2012
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Regards Nic I noticed a crop circle with a similar pattern its the Metatron Cube and the Hebrew Star of David The Metatron's Cube part of this crop circle design has 18 cubes or 19 were the central one shown. the ratio 18:19 is that between the synodic periods of Saturn and Jupiter measured in units of three weeks or 21 days. This was not noted in Sacred Number because, by chapter 10, Metatron was one of the last elements tying up the root-three geometrical theme and the book was concluding with the City of New Jerusalem cube measuring 12,000 (feet) on each side.
An alternative view is the New Jerusalem pattern of John Michel, based upon canonical measures that divide by twelve around the perimeter, a perimeter that is then "squared" rather than a cube. Thus this crop circle strangely portrays two views of New Jerusalem, the canonical and the Metatronic. Were this the case then the precedent is that of a duality, a light and dark side, an outer and inner face of the same phenomenon. Rene Guenon especially remarks upon this in this book Lord of the World chapter 3 called Shekinah and Metatron in which he says
Although Mikaël is identified with Metatron, he represents only one aspect. Beside the luminous face, there is a dark face represented by Samaël, also known as Sarhaolam— in fact, it is this latter aspect, and it only, which symbolizes in a lower sense the 'spirit of the world', or the Princeps hujus mundi referred to in the Gospels. Samaël's relationship with Metatron, as the latter's shadow, so to say, justifies the use of the same title in a twofold sense as well as making it clear why the 'number of the beast', the apocalytic 666, is also a solar number.' To quote Saint Hippolytus in conclusion: 'The Messiah and the Anti-Christ both have the lion for their emblem', another solar symbol. The same remarks may be applied to the serpent and to many other symbols. From a Kabbalistic viewpoint, we have here the two opposite faces of Metatron; we need not go into the theories we might formulate on this double meaning of symbols, only noting that the confusion between the luminous and the dark aspects is what properly constitutes 'Satanism'. It is precisely this confusion that allows some, unintentionally and through simple ignorance (an excuse, not a justification), to believe that an infernal significance is to be found in the title 'Lord of the World'. [Let us further point out that the `Globe of the World', insignia of imperial power of universal monarchy, is frequently placed in the hand of Christ, which shows that he is the emblem of spiritual authority as well as of temporal power.]
Coombe Springs Press edition, 1983
Interestingly, the number 666 is also of astronomical significance. many years ago I looked at the motion of the Moon's orbit (apogee) viz the nodes of that orbit. I will make another entry on this but the two meet every six years and hence in 6 + 6 + 6 years = 18 years, the conditions are the same regarding the distance of the Moon and its nodes that generate eclipses. It so happens that this almost exactly matches the Saros period of 18.03 years which is why that period is the most reliable rule: "if there was an eclipse at such a moment, then 18 years hence, a similar one will almost certainly occur". The Saros is 19 eclipse years long (18:19 again) and there are 223 lunar months also in the same period.
In this way the design of the planetary environment seen from Earth contains key numbers that are quite small and are very significantly "chosen" to operate together. As I point out in Matrix of Creation, these numbers are a unique configuration within the field of number itself and form a "master class" in the behaviour of number itself, a theme that continues in Sacred Number. This led to the tradition of the Demiurge or craftsman god, called Smith.
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2. Apocalipsis 3:7: Escribe al ángel de la iglesia en FILADELFIA: Esto dice el Santo, el Verdadero, el que tiene la llave de David, el que abre y ninguno cierra, y cierra y ninguno abre:
The compass and square, the cornucopia, the triple tau, the cube, the hexagram, the winged-hourglass with scythe, and the 'Called from Labor' image:
- The compass and square looks suspiciously like the Seal of Saturn.
- Cornucopia: "The cornucopia became the attribute of several Greek and Roman deities, particularly those associated with the harvest..." - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cornucopia
"In Athens, on the twelfth day of the Attic month of Hekatombaion, a festival called Kronia was held in honour of Cronus to celebrate the harvest, suggesting that, as a result of his association with the virtuous Golden Age, Cronus continued to preside as a patron of harvest. Cronus was also identified in classical antiquity with the Roman deity Saturn." - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cronus
- Hexagram: "The six-pointed star is commonly used both as a talisman and for conjuring spirits and spiritual forces in divers forms occult magic. In the book The History and Practice of Magic, Vol. 2, the six-pointed star is called the talisman of Saturn and it is also referred to as the Seal of Solomon. Details are given in this book on how to make these symbols and the materials to use." - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hexagram
- The triple tau: "The Tau or Tav means “cross,” and is the final letter of the Hebrew alphabet. It is numbered 300 in the Greek and 400 in the Hebrew numerical alphabet. The tau corresponds astrologically with the planet Saturn and the concept of finality. The mark was associated with the absolution of sin and may have been the original “mark of Cain” of the Old Testament." - http://symboldictionary.net/?p=2047
"Tav (Saturn) - Center or Holy of Holies." - Kevin Townley, The Cube of Space: Container of Creation, p. 20.
"[The Triple Tau] signifies also T. H., Templum Hierosolym, the Temple of Jerusalem, and when used as the Royal Arch symbol, some jurisdictions teach that the wearer acknowledges himself a servant of God." - http://freemasonry.bcy.ca/symbolism/triple_tau.html
"TEMPLUM HIEROSOLYMAE: Latin for the Temple of Jerusalem. It is supposed by some to be a phrase concealed under the monogram of the Triple Tau, which see. - Source: Mackey's Encyclopedia of Freemasonry" - - http://www.masonicdictionary.com/templum.html
- The cube: "It takes 9 months for the gestation of a human fetus. It takes 9 years and 9 months for Saturn to complete 1/3 of its journey around the heavens. On the Tree of Life, the 9th sphere is the sphere of the Moon and is called "The Foundation." The Magic Square of Saturn is the foundation of the manifested universe and, hence, the Cube." - Kevin Townley, The Cube of Space: Container of Creation, pg. 49.
"...the twelve signs of the zodiac. These twelve signs are the twelve lines that define the boundaries of the cube. "The six faces are bounded by six of the seven sacred planets known to the ancients. The seventh planet, Saturn, rests at the center. All of these barriers or boundaries are set up so the Divine Mind can experience itself in a fixed form for as long as it chooses to." - pg. 8.
"If the sphere of Saturn is the form-giver, then the Cube, which is a vessel, must contain Saturn's innate quality. Alchemically Binah, the sphere of Saturn, is the principle of salt, and salt is the symbol for the Cube." - pg. 50.
- The winged hourglass with scythe: "Saturn (referred to by the Greeks as Cronus or Kronos) was the Roman Deity of Time and an ancient Italian Corn God known as the Sower. Male ruler of the Roman Gods prior to Jupiter, Saturn's weapon was a scythe or sickle." - http://www.novareinna.com/festive/oft.html
"The position of Saturn's festival in the Roman calendar led to his association with concepts of time, especially the temporal transition of the New Year. In the Greek tradition, Cronus was often conflated with Chronus, "Time," and his devouring of his children taken as an allegory for the passing of generations. The sickle or scythe of Father Time is a remnant of the agricultural implement of Cronus-Saturn, and his aged appearance represents the waning of the old year with the birth of the new, in antiquity sometimes embodied by Aion. In late antiquity, Saturn is syncretized with a number of deities, and begins to be depicted as winged, as is Kairos, "Timing, Right Time"." - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturn_%28mythology%29
- Called from Labor: The man in the image has all the characteristics of Saturn/Cronos, and he is accompanied by the virgin goddess and the broken pillar. These are Kundalini and Tree of Life references. The goddess is the base chakra and Saturn is the crown chakra. When they unite, higher consciousness is reached, and the third eye is awakened. The woman is mourning the broken middle pillar and the resulting fall of man.
Saturn Cutting off Cupid’s Wings with a Scythe (1802) by Ivan Akimov
The Freemason's Magic Square is the Magic Square of Saturn: From an article by Bro. William Steve Burkle KT, 32° on a Masonic website: http://www.freemasons-freemasonry.co...compasses.html'3-5-7' is also a Masonic symbol. Three is for the first three degrees; five for the five senses; seven for the seven liberal arts: But we can see in this last pic that 3-5-7 is the middle row of the Square of Saturn. Masons also have something called 'riding the goat': As usual, Masons dispute the meaning of this symbolism among each other. It seems its an initiation ritual said to mock older suspicions of Masonic Satanism, and the goat, with its horns, is used as a devil reference. The goat is a symbol of Capricorn, which is ruled by Saturn.
Stargate (1994)
Stargate is a 1994 American adventure-military science fiction film released through Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) and Carolco Pictures. Created by Dean Devlin and Roland Emmerich, the film is the first release in the Stargate franchise. Directed by Roland Emmerich, the film stars Kurt Russell, James Spader, Jaye Davidson, Carlos Lauchu, Djimon Hounsou, Erick Avari, Alexis Cruz, Mili Avital, John Diehl, French Stewart, and Viveca Lindfors. The plot centers around the premise of a “Stargate”, an ancient ring-shaped device that creates a wormhole enabling travel to a similar device elsewhere in the universe. The film’s central plot explores the theory of extraterrestrial beings having an influence upon human civilization.
The film begins in 1928, where Professor Langford discovers a massive stone ring in the sands of Giza, Egypt. In the present day, Langford’s daughter Catherine offers Egyptologist Daniel Jackson, a down-on-his-luck linguistics professor, the chance to translate ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs that may prove his controversial theory regarding the Pyramid of Khufu. Jackson accepts and travels to a US Air Force installation inside Creek Mountain, Colorado. Jackson translates the hieroglyphs on the stone ring’s coverstones, which read: “A million years into the sky is Ra. Sealed and buried for all time, his Stargate.” Formerly retired Special Forces Colonel Jack O’Neil arrives to take command of the project and declares it classified.
Jackson deduces that the symbols are star constellations that are coordinates for a location within space. The sequence is entered into the stargate, creating a wormhole to a location in another galaxy. After O’Neil leads a team through the Stargate, they find themselves inside a pyramid in the middle of vast sand dunes. Jackson reveals they cannot dial home because the Stargate coordinates to go back to Earth are missing. Some team members stay at the pyramid while Jackson, O’Neil, and others go out and discover a mining village inhabited by humans who assume them to be gods sent by Ra.
Jackson realizes that the people speak a dialect of Ancient Egyptian and begins communicating with them. The team develops friendships with the people; O’Neil with Skaara, and Jackson begins a budding romance with Sha’uri, a daughter of the leader. Jackson learns from hieroglyphs in the catacombs how the Egyptian god Ra was actually an alien life form who enslaved humans with his advanced technology. While these humans eventually rebelled and buried the Stargate, some had been taken to the other planet through the Stargate and used to mine the quartzite-like mineral on which all of Ra’s technology is based. Fearing another rebellion on this planet, Ra outlawed reading and writing. At this point, the team from Earth discovers the coverstone to get back to Earth, but the seventh symbol is eroded away.
O’Neil orders the team to return to the pyramid. A short time later, a huge spacecraft lands on top of the pyramid. All team members in the pyramid are either killed or taken into the pyramidal craft. O’Neil and Jackson are escorted to the throne room, where they meet Ra. Despite wearing fearsome armor, Ra’s guards and servants are human. Ra reveals his intention to send the atomic bomb brought by O’Neil, which was to be used to destroy the Stargate to prevent invasion by any threat, back to Earth; it is now enhanced with his quartzite-like material to produce cataclysmic results. O’Neil attempts to disarm the guards and kill Ra, but relents when Ra uses his children courtiers as human shields. Jackson is killed during the altercation. O’Neil is thrown into a dungeon with the captured team members, while Jackson is regenerated in a sarcophagus-like device. Ra states that he will kill Jackson and everyone who has seen him unless Jackson kills the rest of the team to show the villagers that Ra is their one true god.
However, once Ra has the local people gathered before the pyramid craft, several young villagers signal to Jackson that they have recovered the team’s weapons. Jackson then shoots at Ra while the kids create a distraction. O’Neil, Jackson, and the rest of the team flee Ra’s ship and take shelter in a cave with the boys. The next morning, when Skaara draws a picture of the people’s victory against Ra, Jackson realizes that part of this drawing depicts the seventh symbol needed to reactivate the Stargate: three moons over a pyramid.
O’Neil convinces the locals that their “gods” are mere mortals and, with their help, O’Neil, Jackson, and the remaining members of the team make it back to the Stargate hoping to deactivate the bomb. When the locals begin an open rebellion against Ra’s troops, Ra decides to retreat and prepares his ship for takeoff. Sha’uri is killed in the battle, but Jackson resurrects her in Ra’s sarcophagus and manages to escape when O’Neil activates the ship’s ring transporter. Unable to deactivate the bomb, O’Neil and Jackson transport the bomb to Ra’s ship in orbit via the rings where it explodes, killing Ra. The team is able to return to Earth through the Stargate, though Jackson decides to remain on the planet.
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First Published: Dec 23, 2011 – Last Updated: Jun 24, 2013
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