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saintseiyaforos.net/.../71127-según-ustedes-en-que-categoría-podemos-ubicar -a-saturno/
Editado por Iccc, 20 abril 2014 - 06:28 . ... como dijeron varios, saturno es el equivalente romano de cronos, el titan que engendro a los ...
Editado por zeus god king, 20 abril 2014 - 13:13 . .... crono y saturno son el simbolo del tiempo que es otra cosa ..por que ambos son los ...
entremujeres.clarin.com/.../saturno-astros-astrologia-trabajo-profesion- vocacion-beatriz-leveratto-columnista_0_982101865.html
Es la ley de lo irrefutable, la ley de gravedad, “Cronos”: el paso del tiempo. Muestra la ... Excepto el período del de 15 octubre de 2000 al 20 de abril de 2001.
5 Ene 2015 ... Saturno – Cronos, el señor del tiempo. ... Compartir Aries del 21 de Marzo al 20 de Abril Recibes propuestas interesantes en apariencia, pero ...
Toma su nombre de Urano, padre de Crono (Saturno) en la mitología griega. ... Es la constelacion que rige los nacidos desde el 21 de marzo al 20 de abril.
Rige a las personas nacidas entre el 21 de Marzo y el 20 de Abril. ..... En la antigua Mitología Romana, Saturno (y su equivalente griego, Cronos) es el padre de ...
El siguiente es un resumen de los Anillos de Saturno: ... W. Herschel 1789 Tetis III 530 7.55e+20 294,660 G. Cassini 1684 Telesto XIII 17x14x13 ? ... Pioneer 11 - USA Júpiter/Saturno - 259 kg - (Abril 6, 1973 - Noviembre 1995) Pioneer 11 ...
13 Abr 2012 ... de circulosolar en Uncategorized Etiquetas:saturno, sistema solar. Saturno o Cronos(su nombre para los griegos) se le considera el dios de las cosechas y el tiempo. Sus padres ... 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22. 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 ...
elmundodesaramujerde35.blogspot.com/.../saturno-o-cronos-relatos- mitologicos.html
14 Dic 2010 ... Pero, me gusto la historia del Dios Saturno y hoy quiero compartirla con ustedes. ... cuando se casa Cronos o Saturno, tuvo muchos hijos y le exigía a su mujer que le entregara los recién nacidos ... Anónimo 18 de diciembre de 2010, 8:20 .... julio (30). ▻ junio (25). ▻ mayo (27). ▻ abril (29). ▻ marzo (20) ...
Con él, tuvo la inmensa alegría de ver los cuatro satélites de Saturno descubiertos por Galileo. ... y hermanas de Crono (el nombre griego para el dios romano del tiempo Saturno) para .... Noticia del 20 de abril de 2012, publicada por la ESA.
What did Hans Jenny find in his investigations?
“The more one studies these things, the more one realizes that sound is the creative principle. It must be regarded as primordial. No single phenomenal category can be claimed as the aboriginal principle. We cannot say, in the beginning was number, or in the beginning was symmetry, etc. These are categorical properties which are implicit in what brings forth and what is brought forth. By using them in description we approach the heart of the matter. They are not themselves the creative power.”
“This power is inherent in tone, in sound”
-Hans Jenny
vowel ‘A’ in sand
Hans Jenny produced both the Chladni figures and Lissajous figures in his experiments.
He discovered also that if he vibrated a plate at a specific frequency and amplitude – vibration – the shapes and motion patterns characteristic of that vibration appeared in the material on the plate. If he changed the frequency or amplitude, the development and pattern were changed as well.
Three-Dimensional Geometric Wave Patterns Caused by Sound Vibrations in Water (Dr. Hans Jenny)
Chladni figures
Chladni figures for a square steel plate (adapted from Waller 1961) demonstrates the fantastic variety of standing wave patterns that can arise from a simple resonating system. A square steel plate is clamped at its midpoint and sprinkled with sand. It is then set into vibration either by bowing with a violin bow, or by pressing dry ice against it.
The resultant standing wave patterns are revealed by the sand, that collects at the nodes of the oscillation where the vibration is minimal.
Lo Shu Turtle or Tortoise
In Mesopotamia we have the story of the Bab-Ilu. note: the turtle or tortoise shell appears a match for the African turtle associated with the Bab-Ilu.
Lo Shu Magic Square or 3×3 Magic Square of Saturn
ZENER CARDS vs. PHOsphenes and 7 SIGNS for God
Zener cards are cards used to conduct experiments for extra-sensory perception (ESP), most often clairvoyance. Perceptual psychologist Karl Zener designed the cards in the early 1930s for experiments conducted with his colleague, parapsychologist J. B. Rhine.[1]
There are just five different Zener cards: ONE LINE – a hollow circle (one curve) TWO LINES – a Greek cross (two lines) THREE LINES – three vertical wavy lines (or “waves”) FOUR LINES – a hollow square (four lines) FIVE a hollow five-pointed star. There are 25 cards in a pack, five of each design.
After being introduced to phosphenes can you now see why these cards would be effective?
Pillar at the Bahai’ Temple House Chicago exhibits phosphene symbolism on its columns.
Recent Publications on PHOsphenes
See with your Ears!
The vOICe
Then Jesus said, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”
A new device that restores a form of sight to the blind is turning our understanding of the senses upside down.
Sensory hijack: rewiring brains to see with sound
IF a sensitivity to ‘phosphenes’ is allowing blind people to see, imagine what it could do for you and me? Maybe help us with our imaginations?
Double Vajra or Vajra Cross
VAJRA and Double Vajra or Vajra Cross
The vajra is used symbolically by the Dharma traditions of Buddhism, Jainism and Hinduism, often to represent firmness of spirit and spiritual power.
In the cosmographic description of Mount Meru a vast crossed vajra supports and underlies the entire physical universe. Similarly in the representation of the mandala, a vast crossed vajra serves as the immoveable support or foundation of the mandala palace
It is not difficult to link the double vajra with the double axe found in Knossos along with the Linear B script and to the vesica piscis too!
In the center of the mandala above we see the double vajra which appears to be a match with the image below generated by a frequency of 690 hz.
690 hertz
Using Chladni technology the above ‘cross’ was formed using a frequency of 690 hertz.
Note how the node lines that formed would (bracket) the TENET cross.
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Photo By Mark Gray
Mark Gray: The Western Wall or Wailing Wall (Arabic: حائط البراق, translit.: “Ḥā’iṭ Al-Burāq”, translat.: “The Buraq Wall”) is located in the Old City of Jerusalem at the foot of the WESTERN side of the Temple Mount. It is a remnant of the ancient wall that surrounded Solomon’s Temple, and is one of the most sacred sites in Judaism. Just over half the wall, including its 17 courses located below street level, dates from the end of the Second Temple period, having been constructed around 19 BCE by Herod the Great. What does this have to do with thw World Trade Center Memorial?
Photo By Mark Gray
Mark Gray: One world Trade center will be done in less than 1 year. It’s errection is symbolic of the “work of the ages”…and that work is going on inside of us….the powers to be are saying that the time is near.
Photo by Mark Gray
Photo by Mark Gray
Photo by Mark Gray
Mark Gray People will come to the 911 Memorial as part of a sacred Pilgrimage. Drawn like Angels to the Throne of God.
Photo by Mark Gray
Mark Gray: Let’s look at some early drawings of the Kaaba in Mecca I came across and compre them to the 911 Memorial……
Photo by Mark Gray
Photo by Mark Gray
One World Trade Center, sitting on the original six-building complex of the World Trade Center that was attacked by terrorists on Sept. 11, 2001, has been filmed from various, dizzying angles with its completion this year and was recently named the tallest building in the United States.
But aside from its impressive looks, there’s another feature that has received less attention but is well-known to those who find themselves on the lower side of Manhattan on a windy day.
The building, colloquially known as the Freedom Tower, emits an eerie, haunting sound in high wind storms.
7-1-2014: Lightning hits One World Trade Center
via Mark Gray/ Keys to Cosmic Doorways: Tisha B’Av “the ninth of Av”, is an annual fast day in Judaism which commemorates the destruction of the First and Second Temples in Jerusalem and the subsequent exile of the Jews from the Land of Israel. The day also commemorates other tragedies which occurred on the same day, including the Roman massacre of over 100,000 Jews at Betar in 132 CE. Instituted by the rabbis of 2nd-century Palestine, Tisha B’Av is regarded as the saddest day in the Jewish calendar and “a day which is destined for tragedy”. “Tisha B’Av” means the “Ninth of Av” Av is the 11th month. Therefore, Tisha B’Av is the 9th of the 11th Month, or 9-11. Oddly “Tisha B’Av” in Jewish Gemetria = 911 The 2014 Date for Tisha B’Av is August 4th – August 5th, this Monday and Tuesday. The Ukraine is in crisis. The Gaza Strip is Hell on Earth, And Ebola is being Fed Ex’d in a human container to Atlanta
11-11-2014: Keys to Cosmic Doorways – Deeper Meanings to the 911 Memorial: The Roman God Saturn has been worshipped as a “Black Cube”. He had a Son Neptune,the God of “Water”. “Saturn ate Neptune” the water God, for fear that Neptune would grow strong and try to over take him…. Saturn was the most powerful of the Gods. Saturn = Black Cube Neptune = Water Saturn devoured Neptune in the Roman Myth. This is exactly what happens at the 911 Memorial. The Black Cubes eat the Water. Neptune and Saturn were worshipped on July 23 and December 17. The Holy days were: SATURNALIA = 116 = 911= the day the Twin Towers Died NEPTUNALIA = 113 = 113= the day they were Born again. THE MYTH: The god Neptune was born from the union between Saturn (Cronos in Greek) and Rhea (Ops in Greek). Neptune had a tough childhood, considering his father ate him. In fact, Saturn swallowed up all his children whole so as to control any possibility of usurping his ruling status. Neptune dealt with his isolation in the belly of Saturn in dreamy, contemplative ways. He used the time to gain introspective clarity, and this allowed him to fathom the complexities of TRANSFORMATION – specifically over a long period of time. Eventually Jupiter (who escaped becoming Saturn’s breakfast with a clever ruse hatched by his mother) overthrew Saturn anyway and rescued Neptune (along with his other siblings) from their father’s belly. The siblings were divided to rule amongst various parts of the universe and Neptune was given domain over the waters of the earth.
We see the horns as symbolism for Moloch in ancient cultures that tie into Saturn Worship with Father Time…
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