Originally Posted by dodeca 
Dave Smith. For the newcomers here I have a tip: Everything you want to know about Saturn and it's myth you go to Jno Cook.This guy is twenty years ahead of everybody.Even the guy's above do take a peek regularly at this mind blowing site that is ahead of everybody. Here the link of Jno's site: http://saturniancosmology.org/
dave smith?
the fella is a Herr Talbot robot.
would it surprise you if I told you, that I was ejected, rejected from the Dunderbolts website?
Because I started introducing information that questioned Dave Talbot's Saturn theory or at least gave those fellas, like Dave Smith something brand new to think about.
Even Talbot, intervened in one of my discussions and said the 10,000+ year old SWASITKA is a non-issue when trying to put the pieces together ....

What a fucking egotistical jerk, eliminating the swastika, so his theory, has no glitches?
Poor Dave seems to have invested far TOO MUCH of himself in his bullshit theory, and closed his mind to other factors.
dodeca the site above that you suggested I go to, says the following.
What is most important about all this is the cultural and psychological reaction of the people of Earth to these events. The last 1000 years of this period (4200 BC to 3100 BC) was remembered as the "Age of the Gods" and subsequent human history has been a singular effort to regain the Paradise of that time. This period was followed by a series of adjustments in planetary orbits, many of which also had significant effects on Earth and on human history. |
Samarra Iraq, 5000 BCJno suggests 4200 BC as a turning point?
I do agree that the northern cultures (where most swastikas are found) looked toward the pole star and the circumpolar constellations.
But ask the Freemasons or Hitler what the pole star represented, that is directly above?
Also I find it interesting that Talbot's theory, like MOST politically correct theories, lacks a swastika component to it.
Want me to show you how both the big and small dippers that rotate around the central pole star = SWASTIKAs?
So this plate from 5000 BC is possibly depicting SATURN, and maybe its rings too?
Or maybe it is a model for the Milky Way, or maybe it can it be used as a model for both?
http://kachina2012.wordpress.com/200...the-milky-way/Or maybe we can use it for a model of precession too?
Or maybe we can use this plate as a model for the path of an electron?
Or maybe the swastika really is the
KEY to Universal Movements, as it was once referred to in Mesoamerica.
I presented all kinds of information like that plate, that predates Saturn theory.
The Dave Talbot
bots were all over me like white on rice.

And after one day reading about Herr Talbots drivel about 8-pointed stars, blah blah blah ... I presented this information about the Bab-Ilu.
Again the fellas on Dunderbolts who have invested many years on their bullshit, did not want to entertain ole' Raphael and his findings.
SOUND and 369 = Bab-Ilu = the Gate of Godhttp://kachina2012.wordpress.com/200...e-gate-of-god/I am not at all disputing the Electric Universe aspects of the Saturn Theory.As a matter of fact...these images suggest Talbot and Co. are on the right path.

But to ignore the 10,000+ year old Swastika and the Bab-Ilu is plain FUCKING STUPID and egotistical.
Because the swastika is still in the building.
Not Saturn...