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Different cyclotron size: a) Lawrence ́s first one, b) Venezuela First one (courtesy of Dorly Coehlo), c) Fermi National Laboratory at CERN. And size matters, and Cyclotrons win as best hospital candidates due to Reactors are bigger, harder and difficult to be set in a hospital installation. Can you imagine a nuclear reactor inside a health installation? Radiation Protection Program will consume all the budget available. Size, controlled reactions, electrical control, made cyclotrons easy to install, and baby cyclotrons come selfshielded so hospital don ́t need to spend money in a extremely large bunker. Now on, we are going to talk about our first experience with the set up of a baby cyclotron for medical uses inside the first PET installation in Latin America. “Baby” means its acceleration “D” diameters are suitable to be set inside a standard hospital room dimensions, with all its needs to be safetly shielded for production transmision and synthetized for human uses for imaging in Nuclear Medicine PET routine. When we ask why Cyclotrons are better than reactors for radioisotopes production to be used in Medicine, we also have to have in mind that they has: 1. Less radioactive waste 2. Less harmful debris
https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Different-cyclotron-size-a-Lawrence-s-first-one-b-Venezuela-First-one-courtesy-of_fig3_221906035 |
ALCHIMIA E MASSONERIA A VENEZIA - SECONDA PARTE La Chiesa di Santa Maria Maddalena a Cannaregio
La Chiesa di Maria Maddalena, a Cannaregio, è l’edificio più rappresentativo del potere e della ricchezza di alcune famiglie appartenenti alla Massoneria veneziana, che riuscirono a far costruire il tempio secondo i criteri di questa associazione. L’architetto ed erudito Tommaso Temanza, confratello di un’importante loggia massonica, nel 1763 progettò l’edificio con pianta circolare, in stile neoclassico e fece incidere sull’architrave della porta uno dei simboli più caratteristici della Massoneria: l’occhio all’interno di un cerchio iscritto in un triangolo.
Al di sotto la scritta ‘SAPIENTIA AEDIFICAVIT SIBI DOMUM’, inneggiante alla divina sapienza. All’interno della Chiesa molti sono i richiami espliciti all’associazione e la stessa tomba del Temanza porta incisi sulla lapide la squadra, la riga ed il compasso, strumenti-simbolo che ne attestavano l’appartenenza alla Massoneria (i confratelli, tra loro, si chiamano ‘muratori’).
https://evenice.it/blog/curiosita/alchimiamassoneria-venezia2.html?fb=v3 |
The precise etymology of Vātīcānus is unknown, though as Imprecator says it's likely from an Etruscan place-name of uncertain origin. The word is actually an adjective with the masculine noun mons ("hill" or "mount") usually left implied, its root being Vātīc- and -ānus being a masculine adjectival termination.
The assertion that can* is a Latin word, much less that it means "serpent" or "dragon", is utter bollocks. Latin has a variety of words for snakes, but none look anything like "can" or "canus". The association of the noun vātēs "prophet" and the verb vāticinor "to prophesy" with the name has some legitimacy, however, as this was a popular folk etymology suggested by the Romans themselves, particularly in the Christian era. There is no evidence, however, that prophets or prophecy had anything to do with the hill or its environs in pagan times. |
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