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رسائل 95 من 109 في الفقرة |
Estación de Madeleine
Madeleine |
La estación de la línea 12
Estación de Madeleine (París)
Ubicación |
Coordenadas |
48°52′11″N 2°19′28″E |
Comuna |
VIII Distrito |
Localidad |
París |
Datos de la estación |
Código |
10-03 o MAD |
Inauguración |
5 de noviembre de 1910 |
Pasajeros |
Sin datos disponibles |
N.º de vías |
6 |
Propietario |
Operador |
Líneas |
Madeleine es una estación de las líneas 8, 12 y 14 del metro de París situada en el 8.º distrito, cerca de la Iglesia de la Madeleine.
El nombre de la estación proviene de un pueblo que se estableció en el siglo vi al oeste de la capital en torno a una capilla de la diócesis de París que fue dedicada en el siglo xiii a Santa María Magdalena. Siglos después se incorporó a París al crecer la ciudad y se edificó el actual templo de estilo neoclásico.
Fue inaugurada el 5 de noviembre de 1910 con la apertura de la línea A, hoy línea 12, de la Compañía Nord-Sud. El 13 de julio de 1913, llegaría la línea 8, con la puesta en marcha de su tramo inicial entre en Beaugrenelle y Opéra. Mucho más recientemente, el 15 de octubre de 1998, se abrió la estación de la línea 14, una estación que marcó el final de línea hasta el año 2003, siendo posteriormente prolongada hasta Saint-Lazare.
Estación de la línea 8
Se compone de dos andenes laterales 75 metros de longitud y de dos vías.
Está diseñada en bóveda elíptica revestida completamente de los clásicos azulejos blancos biselados del metro parisino.
La iluminación es de estilo Motte y se realiza con lámparas resguardadas en estructuras rectangulares de color naranja que sobrevuelan la totalidad de los andenes no muy lejos de las vías.
La señalización por su parte usa la moderna tipografía Parisine donde el nombre de la estación aparece en letras blancas sobre un panel metálico de color azul. Por último los asientos, que también son de estilo Motte, combinan una larga y estrecha hilera de cemento revestida de azulejos naranja que sirve de banco improvisado con algunos asientos individualizados de color amarillo que se sitúan sobre dicha estructura.
Estación de la línea 12
Se compone de dos andenes laterales curvados de 75 metros de longitud y de dos vías.
En su diseño es idéntica a la estación de la línea 8 variando el color, ya que en este caso se ha optado por el rojo.
Estación de la línea 14
A diferencias de las anteriores, la estación de la línea 14 si ofrece mayores elementos decorativos.
En sus accesos, dentro de una urna de cristal, se conserva una réplica de una obra del escultor rumano Constantin Brancusi llamada La prière (el rezo), que muestra a una figura humana desnuda rezando de rodillas. La obra fue donada a la RATP por la fundación franco-rumana para celebrar el 125 aniversario del nacimiento del autor. También en los accesos a la estación se encuentra una vidriera semicircular, a pie de suelo, que representa la gallina Ryaba junto a un texto escrito en ruso que fue donada por el metro de Moscú. Por último, dentro de la estación, en la bóveda de piedra se encuentra una instalación artística, realizada por Jacques Tissinier, titulada Tissignalisation n°14. Consiste en la colocación de mil discos de acero de 16 centímetros de diámetro que simulan hojas de papiro estilizadas coloreadas en blanco, azul, rojo y naranja.
En cuando a la estación en si, se compone de dos andenes laterales de 120 metros y de dos vías, siguiendo con el diseño moderno de todas las estaciones de la línea 14. Sin embargo, eso no ha evitado problemas de mal olor causado por la emanación de ácido sulfhídrico por culpa de una aislamiento defectuoso de las instalaciones.1
- Pierre Miquel (1993). Petite histoire des stations de métro. éditions Albin Michel. ISBN 2-226-06671-3.
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رسائل 96 من 109 في الفقرة |
Franklin D. Roosevelt Metro station, a tribute to the former US President
Franklin D. Roosevelt Metro station boasts a contemporary decor that pays homage to its namesake, the revered US President who commanded Allied troops during World War II. Following a complete renovation in 2011, the station’s aesthetic is very international, reflecting its proximity to the Rond-Point des Champs-Elysées, one of Paris’s most iconic tourist destinations, and serves as a tribute to the United States.
General view of the station
Modernity is a central theme, evident in the station’s metal ceiling lamps adorned with intricate perforations that illuminate the platforms. The black and yellow color scheme of the tiles adorning the walls and vaulted ceiling further accentuates the contemporary ambiance.
The seating arrangements, designed to complement the modern aesthetic, offer a choice between two styles. Dark grey metal bucket-style seats exude contemporary sophistication, while standard-shaped yellow seats add a vibrant pop of color to the space.
Lastly, adding a dynamic touch, five touch-screen displays along the platforms accommodate temporary advertising campaigns, infusing the station with a sense of versatility and innovation.
Franklin D. Roosevelt Metro Station on Line 1
Franklin D. Roosevelt Metro station is situated on Line 1, the very first line of the Paris Metro system inaugurated for the Exhibition Universelle of 1900.
Yellow and Black colour scheme and touch-screen
Today, the station operates as a fully automated system, devoid of a driver, with glass safety screens effectively isolating the platforms from the rails, ensuring passenger safety.
Line 1 serves as a crucial link between La Défense, the bustling business district in western Paris to the Chteau de Vincennes located on the south-eastern outskirts.
Sites of interest near Franklin D. Roosevelt Metro station?
Franklin D. Roosevelt Metro station serves the affluent district where you’ll find some of the most iconic landmarks of the city such as the Grand Palais, Petit Palais, Elysée Palace, Faubourg Saint-Honoré.
Directions: 8th district Coordinates: Lat 48.869426 – Long 2.309450
https://www.travelfranceonline.com/franklin-d-roosevelt-metro-station/ |
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رسائل 97 من 109 في الفقرة |
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رسائل 98 من 109 في الفقرة |
The Beaches Of Normandy, On D-Day And Today
On June 6, 1944, Allied soldiers stormed the beaches of Normandy in northern France in the operation known as D-Day. More than 150,000 troops took part in the largest seaborne invasion in history, which marked a turning point in the war. Ahead of the 70th anniversary of D-Day, Reuters photographer Chris Helgren compiled archive pictures taken during the 1944 invasion, and then visited the same places to photograph them as they appear today.
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رسائل 99 من 109 في الفقرة |
https://www.rferl.org/a/france-world-war-normandy/25407074.html |
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رسائل 100 من 109 في الفقرة |
Original Churchill World War II victory letter goes on sale for $200,000
Text written in May 1945 was signed by British prime minister, then copied and sent to his many fans
An original letter signed by then-British prime minister Winston Churchill and sent to wellwishers upon the Allied victory in World War II was offered for $200,000 by a US firm Wednesday.
Copies of the letter, marked by the official prime minister’s stamp and his address, 10 Downing Street, was sent to the thousands of people who wrote congratulatory letters to Churchill upon the defeat of the Nazis.
“I have been deeply touched by all the messages of goodwill which have reached me at this time. Thank you so much for your kind thought,” read the short text written in May 1945.
The letter is being sold by the Raab Collection, and is available for purchase on its website along with other letters written by the wartime leader. As of Sunday, the item was still available.
Churchill served twice as prime minister — in 1940-1945 and again in 1951-1955.
https://www.timesofisrael.com/original-churchill-world-war-ii-victory-letter-goes-on-sale-for-200000/ |
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رسائل 101 من 109 في الفقرة |
Madeleine Albright, the first woman to serve as the U.S. secretary of state, died Wednesday, her family said in a statement.
She was 84.
Albright died of cancer, her family said, adding that she was "surrounded by family and friends" at the time.
"We have lost a loving mother, grandmother, sister, aunt and friend," the statement said, as well as a "tireless champion of democracy and human rights."
President Joe Biden remembered Albright as “a force for goodness, grace, and decency—and for freedom.” She “defied convention and broke barriers again and again,” Biden said in a statement.
He ordered flags to be flown at half-mast in her honor until March 27.
Then-President Bill Clinton named Albright the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations shortly after he was inaugurated in 1993, and nominated her as the secretary of state three years later. She was confirmed in 1997 by a vote of 99-0. At the time, she was the highest-ranking woman in the history of the U.S. government.
President Bill Clinton with Secretary of State Madeleine Albright in 1999.Cynthia Johnson / Getty Images file
Albright served in the post for four years, actively promoting the expansion of NATO and military intervention in Kosovo.
On Wednesday, Clinton remembered Albright as "an extraordinary human being."
"Because she knew firsthand that America's policy decisions had the power to make a difference in people's lives around the world, she saw her jobs as both an obligation and an opportunity. And she made the most of them in advancing peace, security and shared prosperity," the former president said, adding he last spoke to Albright two weeks ago.
https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/madeleine-albright-first-female-secretary-state-dies-84-rcna21247 |
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رسائل 102 من 109 في الفقرة |
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رسائل 104 من 109 في الفقرة |
D-Day is June 6 on the National Day Calendar and we are honoring those who fought on the beaches of Normandy, France. This historical day is a reminder of the day troops of Allied forces staged one of the most pivotal attacks against Germany during World War II.
The Battle of Normandy was executed under the codename Operation Overlord and became known as the beginning of the end of World War II. The Battle took place was along a 50 mile stretch of beaches, including Utah and Omaha Beach. While many explanations exist for the name, many believe the word "Day" means nothing more than what it is and the countdown the day and hour of the assault.
The U.S., Britain, and Canada sent more than 160,000 Allied troops under the leadership of General Dwight Eisenhower. The troops manned more than 5,000 ships and 13,000 aircraft the day of the initial landing and is considered one of the largest amphibious military assaults in history. An amphibious military operation requires the use of naval ships to project ground and air power at a designated landing beach. Due to the sheer numbers of troops, ships, and aircraft involved, Operation Overlord required extensive planning. The Battle of Normandy liberated Northern France, but more importantly, began the liberation of millions of people across Europe.
Message to the troops of Normandy: “You are about to embark upon the Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you.”
Dwight Eisenhower, Supreme Allied Commander of the Allied Expeditionary Force, 1944
6 Interesting D-Day Facts
- About 150,000 Allied troops successfully carried out their mission to storm the beaches of Normandy. Unfortunately, nearly 10,000 lives were lost on that single day.
- The Normandy invasion was a vital turn in the war and turned the tide in the war against the Nazis. The successful mission was a huge blow to Hitler.
- The Normandy Invasion is one of the most significant events of WWII.
- Allied forces consisted of troops from U.S., Australia, Belgium, Netherlands, France, Greece, New Zealand, Norway, and Poland.
- Over 18,000 Allied paratroopers were dropped into the invasion area.
- A few months before D-Day, General Eisenhower threatened to quit due to being at odds with Winston Churchill over a controversial plan.
On June 6 across the world, World War II museums, memorials, and ceremonies honor the Allied forces who landed along the 50 mile stretch of beaches in 1944. There are several ways to honor D-Day and the impact it had on WWII.
- Learn more about the Battle of Normandy by exploring World War II museums.
- Visit the National D-Day Memorial to attend the D-Day Commemoration at the WWII Memorial.
- Fly the American flag in honor of the sacrifices made during WWII.
- Visit with a combat veteran and learn about their experiences. Document their stories to share with future generations.
- Watch Band of Brothers, which is a true story of U.S. Army's Easy Company, 506th Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division.
- Read books about the Battle of Normandy or listen to a podcast such as: D-Day Girls: The Spies Who Armed the Resistance, Sabotaged the Nazis, and Helped Win World War II by Sarah Rose. The Longest Day by Cornelius Ryan. Normandy '44: D-Day and the Battle for France by James Holland. Pegasus Bridge by Stephen E. Ambrose. The Bedford Boys by Alex Kershaw. History Extra Podcast.
- Share your family stories, photos, and family history about WWII on social media using the hashtag #DDay.
The landing of troops on the beaches of Normandy on June 6, 1944, is known around the world as D-Day and was given the name Operation Overlord. Leading up to the attack, plans of deception were carried out to mislead Germany about the intended invasion target. They led the Germans to believe that the invasion target would be at Pas-de-Calais. This was the narrowest point between Britain and France. In addition, they also led the Germans to believe that others areas, such as Norway, would be invaded. Phantom armies, fake equipment, double agents, and fraudulent radio transmissions were all used to carry out the deceptive tactics of the Allies.
June 6th Celebrated History
- 1844 - A twenty-two-year-old George Williams founded the Young Men's Christian Association in London, England.
- 1933 - Richard M. Hollingshead Jr. of Camden, New Jersey created the first drive-in theater.
- 1944 - Allied forces land on the beaches of Normandy, France during World War II.
- 2004 - Phylicia Rashad's performance in Loraine Hansberry's A Raisin in the Sun earned her the Tony Award for Best Actress. She was the first African American to win the Best Actress category.
June 6th Celebrated Birthdays
- Nathan Hale (1755 - 1776) -In 1776, at the age of 21, Captain Nathan Hale volunteered to carry out a mission ordered by General George Washington. Hale was charged with gathering information on the British troops. When the British revealed the Patriot’s identity, they swiftly placed a noose around Hale's neck. According to legend, Hale declared before being hung, “I regret that I have but one life to give for my country.”
- Sarah Parker Remond (1826 - 1894) was born into freedom and became an African-American abolitionist and suffragist spoke to audiences around the world. In 1853, a theatre owner denied Remond and two of her two companions entry to the Opera, and the police responded. Remond brought charges against Henry Palmer, the theatre operator, and C.P. Philbrick, the officer who responded. Judge Russell found for the plaintiff, ordering the theatre to “stand by their contract, and give to every ticket holder of whatever nation, color or condition, the place which he has brought.”
- David Scott (1932 - ) is an American astronaut who flew several missions during the space race, including a 1971 Moon landing. During the mission on July 31, 1971, Scott drove the Lunar Roving Vehicle, becoming the first person to drive on the Moon.
- Phillip A. Sharp (1944) In 1993, American molecular biologist Phillip Sharpe and Richard J. Roberts shared the Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine. Their study of DNA and split genes inspired new research into mRNA and evolutionary biology.
https://www.nationaldaycalendar.com/national-day/d-day-june-6 |
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رسائل 105 من 109 في الفقرة |
Earth from Space – Arc de Triomphe, Paris
Status Report
May 13, 2022
Arc de Triomphe, Paris.
This striking, high-resolution image of the Arc de Triomphe, in Paris, was captured by Planet SkySat – a fleet of satellites that have just joined ESA’s Third Party Mission Programme in April 2022. The Arc de Triomphe, or in full Arc de Triomphe de l’Étoile, is an iconic symbol of France and one of the world’s best-known commemorative monuments. The triumphal arch was commissioned by Napoleon I in 1806 to celebrate the military achievements of the French armies. Construction of the arch began the following year, on 15 August (Napoleon’s birthday).
The arch stands at the centre of the Place Charles de Gaulle, the meeting point of 12 grand avenues which form a star (or étoile), which is why it is also referred to as the Arch of Triumph of the Star. The arch is 50 m high and 45 m wide.
The names of all French victories and generals are inscribed on the arch’s inner and outer surfaces, while the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier from World War I lies beneath its vault. The tomb’s flame is rekindled every evening as a symbol of the enduring nature of the commemoration and respect shown to those who have fallen in the name of France.
The Arc de Triomphe’s location at the Place Charles de Gaulle places it at the heart of the capital and the western terminus of the Avenue des Champs-Élysées (visible in the bottom-right of the image). Often referred to as the ‘most beautiful avenue in the world’, the Champs-Élysées is known for its theatres, cafés and luxury shops, as the finish of the Tour de France cycling race, as well as for its annual Bastille Day military parade.
This image, captured on 9 April 2022, was provided by Planet SkySat – a fleet of 21 very high-resolution satellites capable of collecting images multiple times during the day. SkySat’s satellite imagery, with 50 cm spatial resolution, is high enough to focus on areas of great interest, identifying objects such as vehicles and shipping containers.
SkySat data, along with PlanetScope (both owned and operated by Planet Labs), serve numerous commercial and governmental applications. These data are now available through ESA’s Third Party Mission programme – enabling researchers, scientists and companies from around the world the ability to access Planet’s high-frequency, high-resolution satellite data for non-commercial use.
Within this programme, Planet joins more than 50 other missions to add near-daily PlanetScope imagery, 50 cm SkySat imagery, and RapidEye archive data to this global network.
Peggy Fischer, Mission Manager for ESA’s Third Party Missions, commented, “We are very pleased to welcome PlanetScope and SkySat to ESA’s Third Party Missions portfolio and to begin the distribution of the Planet data through the ESA Earthnet Programme.
“The high-resolution and high-frequency imagery from these satellite constellations will provide an invaluable resource for the European R&D and applications community, greatly benefiting research and business opportunities across a wide range of sectors.”
To find out more on how to apply to the Earthnet Programme and get started with Planet data, click here.
– Download the full high-resolution image.
https://spaceref.com/earth/earth-from-space-arc-de-triomphe-paris/ |
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رسائل 106 من 109 في الفقرة |
Para otros usos de este término, véase Austerlitz.
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رسائل 107 من 109 في الفقرة |
Battle of Austerlitz |
Part of the War of the Third Coalition |
Battle of Austerlitz, 2 December 1805, romanticized painting by French artist François Gérard, c. 1810 |
Belligerents |
French Empire
Commanders and leaders |
Units involved |
Strength |
65,000–75,000[a] |
73,000–89,000[b] |
Casualties and losses |
- Total: 8,852
- 1,288 killed
- 6,991 wounded
- 573 captured[7]
- Total: 27,000–36,000
- 15,000–16,000 killed or wounded[7]
- 12,000–20,000 captured[7]
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