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The Ship Tested in the Philadelphia Experiment ( reported by George Pantoulas ) The more I have correspondence with our new friend George, the more I begin to see that we have found the “Indiana Jones” of Greece. Once again, George surprises me by saying the ship used in the 1943 Invisibility Test, out of the Philadelphia Harbor, known to us as the Philadelphia Experiment is a ship now part of the Greek Navy, known as the “Leon”. So please find attached to this page, George’s account of the Eldridge in Greece including an interview with two Naval Officers that served on this ship. For those interested in contacting George directly, or to obtain copies of any film/video he has created, he can be reached at his email address at: gepan@hol.gr. Enjoy … what a story … ILLINOIS Date: Fri, 9 Feb 1996 19:51:42 -0200 To: rshapiro@interaccess.com From: “George N.Pantoulas” Subject: Philadelphia Experiment Joshua Hello again I read the WWW page with the Mr Drue’s interview about Philadelphia Experiment which is quite interesting. I’d like to make a short comment in reference to Mr Drue’s statement about USS Eldridge (DE-173), a ship that I have had the luck to know very well. What do I mean? Let me tell you some things about this ship. The USS Eldridge is of the Bostwick class and was given as military aid from US to Greece sometime between the late 40’s and early 50’s (I can find exact the date) and took the name Leon (means lion). To be more specific, the Greek navy took, among others, 4 ships of the Bostwick class. All of these ships have wild animals as names: Leon (x USS Eldridge), Panthir(means Panther), Aetos (means eagle) and Lerax (means Hawk). All of these ships served in the Greek Navy till 1990 when Leon and Panthir entered the reserve service while the other two are still in service. So I disagree with Mr. Drue’s phrase: “I would also like to point out that the USS Eldridge had sustained serious damage during the experiment and was no longer sea worthy after we returned.” Due to the ship’s logbook, which I have seen, the USS Eldridge took part in the Normandy Assault in 1944 and then was given to the Greek Navy…so it was and, believe me, still it is sea worthy! Now the ship is located in the Suda Bay Naval Station in Crete. However, I disagree with Mr. Drue’s comment: “I do know that on August 18th, 1943, the USS Eldridge was sent to Montauk Point, Long Island, New York to the year of 1983, at which time it was dismantled.”. This is absolutely wrong because, as I told you the ship is still in one piece at Suda Bay. I have visited the ship three times, the commander and first engineer are very close friends of mine, and I had the opportunity to have a look in the ship’s logbook. I can assure you that the pages of the time of Philadelphia Experiment are missing, someone cut them out from the logbook. Also inside the ship are a lot of wires that do not go anywhere… they just exist and give the ship engineers a big headache until they realized that this wiring were the remains of the experiment’s machinery. There are some stories from crew members that they sometimes had strange illusions when they served on the ship, or they felt some strange vibrations even when the entire ship’s machinery was out of operation. I am sending this information (to you because I) believe that it helps (for others to know) the truth about USS Eldridge. If you want some more info about this story just tell me…OK? waiting news from you, greetings George ————————————————————————— Date: Sat, 10 Feb 1996 00:20:14 -0200 To: rshapiro@interaccess.com From: “George N.Pantoulas” Subject: Philadelphia Experiment JS>George … are you sure this is the Eldridge … I mean, why would JS>the U.S. Navy send such a ship to Greece … is hard to believe? JS>Is there any proof that the “LEON” is the Eldridge or could it be JS>some other ship that looks like the Eldridge? Joshua Of course there are solid proofs that the USS Eldridge is in Greece under the name of the “Leon”. As I wrote you it is one of the four Bostwick class ships that was send to Greece as military aid after WW 2. You can check it yourself from Jane’s Book of Major Warships, edited by captain John E. Moor RN, or from the Greece Ministry of Defense. Anyway I have double checked all the sources my self and I am positive 100% for all information that I do send to you. Second, I told you that I have seen the ship’s logbook myself and third, the entire Greece Navy knows very well that the “Leon” is the ex USS Eldringe…it is nothing new in Greece. No, it is not any other ship in this class Escort Destroyer (DE), or any other ship with the name Eldridge that served in US Navy in 1943. So the ONE AND ONLY ONE USS Eldridge that some years after the Philadelphia Experiment was sent to Greece and it is still here serving the Greek Navy. You can check this also by Jane’s Books and catalogs. JS> George, it sounds like you have had a very special and interesting life Well, I have not any special kind of life, but as I wrote you in my previous emails, I am a professional journalist and due to my interest with the paradox and themes connected I have done and I am doing till today as a producer long in field investigations and research on this kind of subjects. This is the reason that I always doublecheck everything that I send to you or in public through videos or TV stories. Some people say here in Greece that I am famous for taking the cover off strange stories or sometimes they say that I am the only one who can risk his head to find the truth. I have no any objections to pass the info to Mr. Drue. Thanks for all George ————————————————————————— Date: Thu, 15 Feb 1996 05:25:15 -0200 To: rshapiro@interaccess.com From: “George N.Pantoulas” {gepan@hol.gr} Subject: Interviews Joshua Here are the two interviews with Greek Navy officers who served on the A/T Leon (ex USS Eldridge) the ship that is connected with the Philadelphia Experiment. Both of these officers served on the ship for a period of 2 years in the early ’80s when the ship was in regular service as some years ago the A/T Leon was placed into reserve service at Suda Bay Naval Base. Also both of the officers are still in service in the Greek Navy and this is the reason that I can not share their names publicly. One of them is a commanding officer, who served on the A/T Leon as its commander, and the other one is a naval engineer who served on the ship as the first engineer. For the purpose of this interview I will use “A” for the commander and “B” for the engineer. So let’s see what they have to tell us: George Pantoulas Presents An Interview with Two Naval Officers Serving Upon the A/T Leon (ex USS Eldridge) George Pantoulas: Gentlemen, when you served on the A/T Leon did you know that the ship was connected with the Philadelphia Experiment? “A”: Yes, of course. Almost everyone in the Greek Navy knows that the A/T Leon was the USS Eldridge, the ship that was used in the Philadelphia Experiment in 1943. We have known this story since we were cadets in the Naval Academy. So I was very curious to check the whole story myself when I was dispatched as the captain of the ship. “B”: Yes, I know this story. For many years we have known the connection of the ship with Philadelphia Experiment. George Pantoulas: Did you ever notice anything strange occur on the ship during your service there? “A”: Well, nothing weird I can say, if you mean that. But there are few things that we could call as strange. First of all when I checked the logbook of the ship I found something very unusual. As you know logbooks on every ship is something…let’s say that is sacred. No one can change anything writing in the logbook. So I was surprised when I found that the pages of the logbook which referred to the date of the Philadelphia Experiment and some days before and after were missing. Somebody had cut out all these pages. I asked the three previous commanders of the ship about this and all of them told me that the pages were missing since the ship came to Greece and became a Greek Naval unit. During my service on the A/T Leon I had some reports from crew members stating that they had seen something mysterious like an illusion (i.e. some type of ghost), or they reported that they were missing things (objects, possessions), nothing of value which would suggest that a thief was onboard. Usually they would find the lost objects after a couple of days in a different place than they had placed them. We used to make jokes between us about the “ships ghosts” that changed the place of things. Also there was some reports about a greenish glow that sometimes covered the ship during the night but I did not see this myself. “B”: I agree with all the things that the captain has said. Well, I want to add something more. The first thing that impressed me when I took over the ship as the first engineer was an enormous amount of wiring, I mean there were cables which started from nowhere and ended nowhere. As I found out later, all this stuff seems to be the remains of the electrical machinery that was used on Philadelphia Experiment aboard the ship. The second strange thing that I noticed was a kind of vibration along the whole ship even if everything was shut down (i.e. when we were doing repairs in the dry dock). Once I felt it myself and my first thought was that it was an earthquake. I checked and there were no earthquakes reported in the area (at that time). George Pantoulas: Do you think that all these incidents have anything to do with the Philadelphia Experiment? “A”: I don’t know, but it is possible. “B”: Yes, I think that all these things are connected with the Philadelphia Experiment. Maybe a part of the energy field that was used during the experiment is still with the ship. These are the answers from the two officers who spent some of their career aboard the A/T Leon – ex USS Eldridge ………….. George ————————————————————————— Confirmation of the AT Leon (Rolf Fey, Switzerland) Date: Sun, 10 Mar 1996 15:51:37 +0100 Subject: USS Eldridge became “Leon” From: (fey@hyperion.ch) To: “Joshua UFO Covers” (rshapiro@interaccess.com) Dear Joshua, I would like to make some comments on Mr. George Pantoulas’ letter about the ship “USS Eldridge”. As far as my information go, the ship was given to the Greece Navy after world war II and served under the name “Leon”. This information was given in the book “The Philadelphia Experiment” by Charles Berlitz written 1979. (I have the German edition: KNAUR ISBN 3-426-03679-7, page 81) In this book Mr. Berlitz writes: (my translation from German to English) The USS Eldridge served after the Philadelphia experiment in the atlantic region until the end of WW II. After returning to New York she went to the dry dock at June,17th 1946. After revision work, she was sold to the Greek Navy and changed the name to “Leon”. Mr. Berlitz further states, that the Log pages between Aug,27. 1943 and Dec. 1st.1943 were not available anymore and that the log books from the other ship involved in the experiment (USS Furuseth) have been destroyed. There is more information in the book, covering the “official” story about when the ship entered service and about the “true” story that the ship took part in those experiments just short before starting NAVY service. Maybe this second source might help you in gathering more information about USS Eldridge. Thank you for bringing us such interesting topics. Rolf FEY Switzerland
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Hércules (constelación)
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Recibe su nombre del héroe mitológico, Hércules y es la quinta en tamaño de las 88 constelaciones modernas. También era una de las 48 constelaciones de Ptolomeo.
[editar] Características destacables
No tiene estrellas de primera magnitud, siendo la más brillante β Herculis con magnitud 2,78. μ Herculis se encuentra a 27,4 años luz de la Tierra. El Ápex solar (punto del cielo que indica la dirección hacia la que se mueve el Sol en su órbitaalrededor del centro de la galaxia) se encuentra en Hércules, cerca de ξ Herculis.
[editar] Estrellas principales
- α Herculis (Ras Algethi o Rasalgethi), de magnitud 3,31, es un sistema estelar triple, cuya estrella principal es una gigante roja variable.
- β Herculis (Kornephoros), la más brillante de la constelación con magnitud 2,78, una estrella gigante amarilla.
- γ Herculis, gigante blanca de magnitud 3,74. Es una binaria espectroscópica con un período orbital de 11,9 días.
- δ Herculis (Sarin), estrella blanca de magnitud 3,12; es una estrella binaria cuyas componentes han sido resueltas por interferometría.
- ε Herculis, binaria espectroscópica de magnitud 3,91.
- ζ Herculis, la segunda más brillante de la constelación con magnitud 2,89, estrella doble formada por dos estrellas amarillas de desigual brillo.
- η Herculis, gigante amarilla de magnitud 3,49.
- θ Herculis, gigante luminosa naranja de magnitud 3,85.
- ι Herculis, subgigante azul de magnitud 3,79; tres estrellas más completan este sistema estelar cuádruple.
- κ Herculis A y κ Herculis B, dos gigantes que forman una doble óptica.
- λ Herculis (Maasym), gigante naranja de magnitud 4,40.
- μ Herculis, sistema estelar cercano que dista del Sistema Solar 27,4 años luz.
- π Herculis, gigante naranja de magnitud 3,16.
- ρ Herculis, estrella doble cuyas componentes, separadas 4 segundos de arco, brillan con magnitud 4,56 y 5,42.
- τ Herculis, estrella B pulsante lenta (SPB) con una tenue compañera a 7,6 segundos de arco.
- χ Herculis, enana amarilla de baja metalicidad que se encuentra a 52 años luz de distancia.
- ω Herculis (Kajam), de magnitud 4,57.
- 8 Herculis, estrella blanca de magnitud 6,13 que forma una doble óptica con Kappa Herculis —separación 0,2º—.
- 14 Herculis, enana naranja a 59,2 años luz con una enana marrón o planeta gigante alrededor. En 2006 se descubrió un posible segundo compañero, aún sin confirmar.
- 30 Herculis (g Herculis), gigante roja y variable semirregular cuyo brillo oscila entre magnitud 4,3 y 6,3 en un ciclo de 89,2 días.
- 68 Herculis (u Herculis), binaria eclipsante en donde existe transferencia de masa desde la secundaria hacia la primaria.
- 72 Herculis (w Herculis), enana amarilla similar al Sol a 47 años luz de distancia.
- 89 Herculis, supergigante amarilla en las etapas finales de su evolución estelar.
- 95 Herculis, estrella binaria compuesta por una gigante blanca y una gigante amarilla separadas 6,3 segundos de arco.
- 99 Herculis, binaria de baja metalicidad cuya primaria es una enana amarilla de magnitud 5,20.
- 101 Herculis, gigante blanca de magnitud 5,11.
- 109 Herculis, gigante naranja de magnitud 3,84, la duodécima estrella más brillante de la constelación.
- 111 Herculis, estrella blanca de magnitud 4,35.
- X Herculis, variable pulsante semirregular cuyo brillo varía entre magnitud 6 y 7 en un período de 95 días.
- SZ Herculis y FN Herculis, binarias eclipsantes de magnitud 9,94 y 11,08 respectivamente.
- UX Herculis, binaria eclipsante de magnitud 9,05; durante el eclipse principal su brillo disminuye 1,16 magnitudes.
- OP Herculis, gigante luminosa roja variable entre magnitud 5,85 y 6,73.
- HD 147506, subgigante amarilla en donde se ha detectado un planeta masivo (HAT-P-2b) en una órbita excéntricacercana a la estrella.
- HD 149026, estrella subgigante con un planeta cuya masa es similar a la de Saturno.
- HD 154345, enana amarilla a 58,91 años luz con un planeta extrasolar.
- Gliese 623, estrella binaria compuesta por dos enanas rojas.
- Gliese 686 y Gliese 649, enanas rojas a 26,5 y 33,7 años luz respectivamente; la segunda de ellas posee un planeta.
- HD 155358, estrella de baja metalicidad con dos planetas que interactúan gravitacionalmente.
- Gliese 638 y HR 6806, enanas naranjas situadas respectivamente a 31,9 y 36,2 años luz de distancia de la Tierra.
- GD 362, enana blanca con un anillo similar a los de Saturno.
- http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/H%C3%A9rcules_(constelaci%C3%B3n)
"¡Oh profundidad de las riquezas de la sabiduría (sophia) y de la ciencia (gnwsiV, gnosis) de Dios! ¡Cuán incomprensibles son sus juicios, e inescrutables sus caminos!" (Romanos, 11: 33).
Hércules (constelación)
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Recibe su nombre del héroe mitológico, Hércules y es la quinta en tamaño de las 88 constelaciones modernas. También era una de las 48 constelaciones de Ptolomeo.
[editar] Características destacables
No tiene estrellas de primera magnitud, siendo la más brillante β Herculis con magnitud 2,78. μ Herculis se encuentra a 27,4 años luz de la Tierra. El Ápex solar (punto del cielo que indica la dirección hacia la que se mueve el Sol en su órbitaalrededor del centro de la galaxia) se encuentra en Hércules, cerca de ξ Herculis.
[editar] Estrellas principales
- α Herculis (Ras Algethi o Rasalgethi), de magnitud 3,31, es un sistema estelar triple, cuya estrella principal es una gigante roja variable.
- β Herculis (Kornephoros), la más brillante de la constelación con magnitud 2,78, una estrella gigante amarilla.
- γ Herculis, gigante blanca de magnitud 3,74. Es una binaria espectroscópica con un período orbital de 11,9 días.
- δ Herculis (Sarin), estrella blanca de magnitud 3,12; es una estrella binaria cuyas componentes han sido resueltas por interferometría.
- ε Herculis, binaria espectroscópica de magnitud 3,91.
- ζ Herculis, la segunda más brillante de la constelación con magnitud 2,89, estrella doble formada por dos estrellas amarillas de desigual brillo.
- η Herculis, gigante amarilla de magnitud 3,49.
- θ Herculis, gigante luminosa naranja de magnitud 3,85.
- ι Herculis, subgigante azul de magnitud 3,79; tres estrellas más completan este sistema estelar cuádruple.
- κ Herculis A y κ Herculis B, dos gigantes que forman una doble óptica.
- λ Herculis (Maasym), gigante naranja de magnitud 4,40.
- μ Herculis, sistema estelar cercano que dista del Sistema Solar 27,4 años luz.
- π Herculis, gigante naranja de magnitud 3,16.
- ρ Herculis, estrella doble cuyas componentes, separadas 4 segundos de arco, brillan con magnitud 4,56 y 5,42.
- τ Herculis, estrella B pulsante lenta (SPB) con una tenue compañera a 7,6 segundos de arco.
- χ Herculis, enana amarilla de baja metalicidad que se encuentra a 52 años luz de distancia.
- ω Herculis (Kajam), de magnitud 4,57.
- 8 Herculis, estrella blanca de magnitud 6,13 que forma una doble óptica con Kappa Herculis —separación 0,2º—.
- 14 Herculis, enana naranja a 59,2 años luz con una enana marrón o planeta gigante alrededor. En 2006 se descubrió un posible segundo compañero, aún sin confirmar.
- 30 Herculis (g Herculis), gigante roja y variable semirregular cuyo brillo oscila entre magnitud 4,3 y 6,3 en un ciclo de 89,2 días.
- 68 Herculis (u Herculis), binaria eclipsante en donde existe transferencia de masa desde la secundaria hacia la primaria.
- 72 Herculis (w Herculis), enana amarilla similar al Sol a 47 años luz de distancia.
"¡Oh profundidad de las riquezas de la sabiduría (sophia) y de la ciencia (gnwsiV, gnosis) de Dios! ¡Cuán incomprensibles son sus juicios, e inescrutables sus caminos!" (Romanos, 11: 33).
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