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Génesis 8:22 Mientras la tierra permanezca, no cesarán la sementera y la siega, el frío y el calor, el verano y el invierno, y el día y la noche. (EL MISMO DISEÑO DEL VATICANO-OCHO PUNTAS-PLAZA DE SAN PEDRO)
Obviamente que Dios es Dios de vivos..
Puesto que en la fe nadie muere..
Y los patriarcas Abraham, Isaac, Jacob ..
Caminaron por fe..
Dios le cambio el nombre de abram a abraham..
Porque es el primer viviente según el pacto de la circuncisión..
El primer hombre de fe, el padre de naciones..
Y ese pacto de Dios con Abraham sigue vigente hasta hoy..
Porque en la fe de Abraham son salvas todas las naciones..
Y para dejar tranquilo a Barilochense le digo :
Dios también le cambió el nombre a la mujer de Abraham..
De Saraí ( princesa ) pasó a llamarse Sara que significa madre de naciones..
16. Y la bendeciré, y también te daré de ella hijo; sí, la bendeciré, y vendrá a ser madre de naciones; reyes de pueblos vendrán de ella.
Para que no diga que Dios no ama a sus hijas..
El Ungido
68. Juan 4:10 Respondió Jesús y le dijo: Si conocieras el don de Dios, y quién es el que te dice: Dame de beber; tú le pedirías, y él te daría agua VIVA.
69. Juan 4:11 La mujer le dijo: Señor, no tienes con qué sacarla, y el pozo es hondo. ¿De dónde, pues, tienes el agua VIVA?
70. Juan 7:38 El que cree en mí, como dice la Escritura, de su interior correrán ríos de agua VIVA.
Escándalo Watergate
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Nixon abandona la Casa Blanca tras su dimisión como presidente tras el escándalo Watergate, 9 de agosto de 1974
El escándalo Watergate fue un gran escándalo político que tuvo lugar en Estados Unidos en la década de 1970 a raíz de un robo de documentos en el complejo de oficinas Watergate de Washington D. C., sede del Comité Nacional del Partido Demócrata de Estados Unidos, y el posterior intento de encubrimiento de la administración Nixon de los responsables. Cuando la conspiración se destapó, el Congreso de los Estados Unidos inició una investigación, pero la resistencia del gobierno de Richard Nixon a colaborar en ésta condujo a una crisis institucional.1 El término Watergate empezó a abarcar entonces una gran variedad de actividades clandestinas ilegales en las que estuvieron involucradas personalidades del gobierno estadounidense presidido por Nixon. Estas actividades incluían el acoso a opositores políticos y a personas o funcionarios considerados sospechosos. Nixon y sus colaboradores cercanos ordenaron el acoso a grupos de activistas y figuras políticas, utilizando para ello organizaciones policiales o servicios de inteligencia, como a la Oficina Federal de Investigaciones (FBI), a la Agencia Central de Inteligencia (CIA) o al Servicio de Impuestos Internos (IRS). El escándalo destapó múltiples abusos de poder por parte del gobierno de Nixon,2 que se saldó con la dimisión de este como Presidente de Estados Unidos en agosto de 1974. El escándalo salpicó a un total de 69 personas, de las cuales 48 fueron encontradas culpables y encarceladas; muchas de ellas habían sido altos funcionarios del gobierno de Nixon.3
El suceso empezó con la detención de cinco hombres por el allanamiento del complejo Watergate del Partido Demócrata el 17 de junio de 1972. El FBI encontró conexión entre los ladrones y dinero negro utilizado por el Comité para la Reelección del Presidente (CRP), la organización oficial de la campaña electoral de Nixon y el Partido Republicano.45 En julio de 1973, gracias a los testimonios de antiguos funcionarios y personal de Nixon, las investigaciones realizadas por el Comité Watergate del Senado de Estados Unidos revelaron que Nixon tenía en sus oficinas un sistema de cintas de grabación y que muchas conversaciones habían sido grabadas.67 Tras una serie de batallas legales, la Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos dictaminó por unanimidad que el presidente debía entregar las cintas a los investigadores gubernamentales, a lo que finalmente accedió. Las grabaciones implicaban directamente a Nixon en el caso, al revelarse que había tratado de encubrir el robo con «cuestionables tejemanejes».58 Debido a que con casi total probabilidad, el presidente habría sido objeto de un impeachment («proceso de destitución») por parte de las dos cámaras del poder legislativo del Estado, Nixon renunció a la presidencia el 9 de agosto de 1974.9 El 8 de septiembre de 1974, su sucesor, el también republicano Gerald Ford, le concedió el perdón presidencial.
Desde entonces, el nombre «Watergate» y el sufijo «gate» se han convertido en sinónimo de escándalos políticos en Estados Unidos y otros países tanto de habla inglesa como de no inglesa.10
Escándalo Watergate
Ir a la navegaciónIr a la búsqueda
Nixon abandona la Casa Blanca tras su dimisión como presidente tras el escándalo Watergate, 9 de agosto de 1974
El escándalo Watergate fue un gran escándalo político que tuvo lugar en Estados Unidos en la década de 1970 a raíz de un robo de documentos en el complejo de oficinas Watergate de Washington D. C., sede del Comité Nacional del Partido Demócrata de Estados Unidos, y el posterior intento de encubrimiento de la administración Nixon de los responsables. Cuando la conspiración se destapó, el Congreso de los Estados Unidos inició una investigación, pero la resistencia del gobierno de Richard Nixon a colaborar en ésta condujo a una crisis institucional.1 El término Watergate empezó a abarcar entonces una gran variedad de actividades clandestinas ilegales en las que estuvieron involucradas personalidades del gobierno estadounidense presidido por Nixon. Estas actividades incluían el acoso a opositores políticos y a personas o funcionarios considerados sospechosos. Nixon y sus colaboradores cercanos ordenaron el acoso a grupos de activistas y figuras políticas, utilizando para ello organizaciones policiales o servicios de inteligencia, como a la Oficina Federal de Investigaciones (FBI), a la Agencia Central de Inteligencia (CIA) o al Servicio de Impuestos Internos (IRS). El escándalo destapó múltiples abusos de poder por parte del gobierno de Nixon,2 que se saldó con la dimisión de este como Presidente de Estados Unidos en agosto de 1974. El escándalo salpicó a un total de 69 personas, de las cuales 48 fueron encontradas culpables y encarceladas; muchas de ellas habían sido altos funcionarios del gobierno de Nixon.3
El suceso empezó con la detención de cinco hombres por el allanamiento del complejo Watergate del Partido Demócrata el 17 de junio de 1972. El FBI encontró conexión entre los ladrones y dinero negro utilizado por el Comité para la Reelección del Presidente (CRP), la organización oficial de la campaña electoral de Nixon y el Partido Republicano.45 En julio de 1973, gracias a los testimonios de antiguos funcionarios y personal de Nixon, las investigaciones realizadas por el Comité Watergate del Senado de Estados Unidos revelaron que Nixon tenía en sus oficinas un sistema de cintas de grabación y que muchas conversaciones habían sido grabadas.67 Tras una serie de batallas legales, la Corte Suprema de Estados Unidos dictaminó por unanimidad que el presidente debía entregar las cintas a los investigadores gubernamentales, a lo que finalmente accedió. Las grabaciones implicaban directamente a Nixon en el caso, al revelarse que había tratado de encubrir el robo con «cuestionables tejemanejes».58 Debido a que con casi total probabilidad, el presidente habría sido objeto de un impeachment («proceso de destitución») por parte de las dos cámaras del poder legislativo del Estado, Nixon renunció a la presidencia el 9 de agosto de 1974.9 El 8 de septiembre de 1974, su sucesor, el también republicano Gerald Ford, le concedió el perdón presidencial.
Desde entonces, el nombre «Watergate» y el sufijo «gate» se han convertido en sinónimo de escándalos políticos en Estados Unidos y otros países tanto de habla inglesa como de no inglesa.10
 |
 the Apple
milky way in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 |
( |
m 13 |
i9 |
l 12 |
k 11 |
y 25 |
0 |
w 23 |
a1 |
y 25 |
) |
queen mary in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 |
( |
q 17 |
u 21 |
e5 |
e5 |
n 14 |
0 |
m 13 |
a1 |
r 18 |
y 25 |
hebrew calendar in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 |
( |
h8 |
e5 |
b2 |
r 18 |
e5 |
w 23 |
0 |
c3 |
a1 |
l 12 |
e5 |
n 14 |
d4 |
a1 |
r 18 |
mary magdalene in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 |
( |
m 13 |
a1 |
r 18 |
y 25 |
0 |
m 13 |
a1 |
g7 |
d4 |
a1 |
l 12 |
e5 |
n 14 |
e5 |

Hércules (constelación)
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Recibe su nombre del héroe mitológico, Hércules y es la quinta en tamaño de las 88 constelaciones modernas. También era una de las 48 constelaciones de Ptolomeo.
[editar] Características destacables
No tiene estrellas de primera magnitud, siendo la más brillante β Herculis con magnitud 2,78. μ Herculis se encuentra a 27,4 años luz de la Tierra. El Ápex solar (punto del cielo que indica la dirección hacia la que se mueve el Sol en su órbitaalrededor del centro de la galaxia) se encuentra en Hércules, cerca de ξ Herculis.
[editar] Estrellas principales
- α Herculis (Ras Algethi o Rasalgethi), de magnitud 3,31, es un sistema estelar triple, cuya estrella principal es una gigante roja variable.
- β Herculis (Kornephoros), la más brillante de la constelación con magnitud 2,78, una estrella gigante amarilla.
- γ Herculis, gigante blanca de magnitud 3,74. Es una binaria espectroscópica con un período orbital de 11,9 días.
- δ Herculis (Sarin), estrella blanca de magnitud 3,12; es una estrella binaria cuyas componentes han sido resueltas por interferometría.
- ε Herculis, binaria espectroscópica de magnitud 3,91.
- ζ Herculis, la segunda más brillante de la constelación con magnitud 2,89, estrella doble formada por dos estrellas amarillas de desigual brillo.
- η Herculis, gigante amarilla de magnitud 3,49.
- θ Herculis, gigante luminosa naranja de magnitud 3,85.
- ι Herculis, subgigante azul de magnitud 3,79; tres estrellas más completan este sistema estelar cuádruple.
- κ Herculis A y κ Herculis B, dos gigantes que forman una doble óptica.
- λ Herculis (Maasym), gigante naranja de magnitud 4,40.
- μ Herculis, sistema estelar cercano que dista del Sistema Solar 27,4 años luz.
- π Herculis, gigante naranja de magnitud 3,16.
- ρ Herculis, estrella doble cuyas componentes, separadas 4 segundos de arco, brillan con magnitud 4,56 y 5,42.
- τ Herculis, estrella B pulsante lenta (SPB) con una tenue compañera a 7,6 segundos de arco.
- χ Herculis, enana amarilla de baja metalicidad que se encuentra a 52 años luz de distancia.
- ω Herculis (Kajam), de magnitud 4,57.
- 8 Herculis, estrella blanca de magnitud 6,13 que forma una doble óptica con Kappa Herculis —separación 0,2º—.
- 14 Herculis, enana naranja a 59,2 años luz con una enana marrón o planeta gigante alrededor. En 2006 se descubrió un posible segundo compañero, aún sin confirmar.
- 30 Herculis (g Herculis), gigante roja y variable semirregular cuyo brillo oscila entre magnitud 4,3 y 6,3 en un ciclo de 89,2 días.
- 68 Herculis (u Herculis), binaria eclipsante en donde existe transferencia de masa desde la secundaria hacia la primaria.
- 72 Herculis (w Herculis), enana amarilla similar al Sol a 47 años luz de distancia.
- 89 Herculis, supergigante amarilla en las etapas finales de su evolución estelar.
- 95 Herculis, estrella binaria compuesta por una gigante blanca y una gigante amarilla separadas 6,3 segundos de arco.
- 99 Herculis, binaria de baja metalicidad cuya primaria es una enana amarilla de magnitud 5,20.
- 101 Herculis, gigante blanca de magnitud 5,11.
- 109 Herculis, gigante naranja de magnitud 3,84, la duodécima estrella más brillante de la constelación.
- 111 Herculis, estrella blanca de magnitud 4,35.
- X Herculis, variable pulsante semirregular cuyo brillo varía entre magnitud 6 y 7 en un período de 95 días.
- SZ Herculis y FN Herculis, binarias eclipsantes de magnitud 9,94 y 11,08 respectivamente.
- UX Herculis, binaria eclipsante de magnitud 9,05; durante el eclipse principal su brillo disminuye 1,16 magnitudes.
- OP Herculis, gigante luminosa roja variable entre magnitud 5,85 y 6,73.
- HD 147506, subgigante amarilla en donde se ha detectado un planeta masivo (HAT-P-2b) en una órbita excéntricacercana a la estrella.
- HD 149026, estrella subgigante con un planeta cuya masa es similar a la de Saturno.
- HD 154345, enana amarilla a 58,91 años luz con un planeta extrasolar.
- Gliese 623, estrella binaria compuesta por dos enanas rojas.
- Gliese 686 y Gliese 649, enanas rojas a 26,5 y 33,7 años luz respectivamente; la segunda de ellas posee un planeta.
- HD 155358, estrella de baja metalicidad con dos planetas que interactúan gravitacionalmente.
- Gliese 638 y HR 6806, enanas naranjas situadas respectivamente a 31,9 y 36,2 años luz de distancia de la Tierra.
- GD 362, enana blanca con un anillo similar a los de Saturno.
- http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/H%C3%A9rcules_(constelaci%C3%B3n)
 

"¡Oh profundidad de las riquezas de la sabiduría (sophia) y de la ciencia (gnwsiV, gnosis) de Dios! ¡Cuán incomprensibles son sus juicios, e inescrutables sus caminos!" (Romanos, 11: 33).





Hércules (constelación)
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Recibe su nombre del héroe mitológico, Hércules y es la quinta en tamaño de las 88 constelaciones modernas. También era una de las 48 constelaciones de Ptolomeo.
[editar] Características destacables
No tiene estrellas de primera magnitud, siendo la más brillante β Herculis con magnitud 2,78. μ Herculis se encuentra a 27,4 años luz de la Tierra. El Ápex solar (punto del cielo que indica la dirección hacia la que se mueve el Sol en su órbitaalrededor del centro de la galaxia) se encuentra en Hércules, cerca de ξ Herculis.
[editar] Estrellas principales
- α Herculis (Ras Algethi o Rasalgethi), de magnitud 3,31, es un sistema estelar triple, cuya estrella principal es una gigante roja variable.
- β Herculis (Kornephoros), la más brillante de la constelación con magnitud 2,78, una estrella gigante amarilla.
- γ Herculis, gigante blanca de magnitud 3,74. Es una binaria espectroscópica con un período orbital de 11,9 días.
- δ Herculis (Sarin), estrella blanca de magnitud 3,12; es una estrella binaria cuyas componentes han sido resueltas por interferometría.
- ε Herculis, binaria espectroscópica de magnitud 3,91.
- ζ Herculis, la segunda más brillante de la constelación con magnitud 2,89, estrella doble formada por dos estrellas amarillas de desigual brillo.
- η Herculis, gigante amarilla de magnitud 3,49.
- θ Herculis, gigante luminosa naranja de magnitud 3,85.
- ι Herculis, subgigante azul de magnitud 3,79; tres estrellas más completan este sistema estelar cuádruple.
- κ Herculis A y κ Herculis B, dos gigantes que forman una doble óptica.
- λ Herculis (Maasym), gigante naranja de magnitud 4,40.
- μ Herculis, sistema estelar cercano que dista del Sistema Solar 27,4 años luz.
- π Herculis, gigante naranja de magnitud 3,16.
- ρ Herculis, estrella doble cuyas componentes, separadas 4 segundos de arco, brillan con magnitud 4,56 y 5,42.
- τ Herculis, estrella B pulsante lenta (SPB) con una tenue compañera a 7,6 segundos de arco.
- χ Herculis, enana amarilla de baja metalicidad que se encuentra a 52 años luz de distancia.
- ω Herculis (Kajam), de magnitud 4,57.
- 8 Herculis, estrella blanca de magnitud 6,13 que forma una doble óptica con Kappa Herculis —separación 0,2º—.
- 14 Herculis, enana naranja a 59,2 años luz con una enana marrón o planeta gigante alrededor. En 2006 se descubrió un posible segundo compañero, aún sin confirmar.
- 30 Herculis (g Herculis), gigante roja y variable semirregular cuyo brillo oscila entre magnitud 4,3 y 6,3 en un ciclo de 89,2 días.
- 68 Herculis (u Herculis), binaria eclipsante en donde existe transferencia de masa desde la secundaria hacia la primaria.
- 72 Herculis (w Herculis), enana amarilla similar al Sol a 47 años luz de distancia.
 

"¡Oh profundidad de las riquezas de la sabiduría (sophia) y de la ciencia (gnwsiV, gnosis) de Dios! ¡Cuán incomprensibles son sus juicios, e inescrutables sus caminos!" (Romanos, 11: 33).



Statue of Liberty
The height of the Statue of Liberty is 111′-1″ from bottom of foot to top of head. The 7 rays on the crown and the 11 points of the base star echo the proportions of the Great Pyramid’s 7:11 height to base proportion. The superb book Talisman by Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval convincingly shows this goddess is actually the Egyptian Isis.
Image courtesy Elcobbola under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.

Montségur is in the Ariege, in the foothills of the Pyrenees, not far from Lavelanet, due South from Mirepoix.
Montségur lies at 42°52'35" N, 1°49'51" E on a pog (a volcanic pluton) at an altitude of 1,207 meters. The castle is owned by the Commune of Montségur. There is an entrance fee, which also covers entry to a museum in the nearby town.
Guided Tours Cathar Castle Tours
Mairie: mairie.montsegur@wanadoo.fr Tel: 05 61 0110 27
Tourist Information Office: Tel: 05 61 03 03 03


aerial view of Montségur
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 Aqui tenemos a Pi - la circunferencia del toro y la vesica piscis 256/153 equivalente a la raiz cuadrada de 3 En el hipercubo las coordinadas binarias de Piscis son decimal 3 y binario 11 153 los pescados de Jesus en la biblia
“The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.”
---- George Orwell
My own reproduction of the Templar relics in the form of a female silver head containing a couple of skull bones of a small woman with the word Caput LVIII M.
Templar Foundations
A Templar ship Brass Plate Magdalene Vault
During my past life regression along with my spiritual portrait, my research on Mary Magdalene and my conversations with various mediums and historians there is one group of people who keep cropping up time and time again, The Knights Templar.
The Templars were founded around the year 1118 as an order of fighting monks whose job was to protect the pilgrims visiting the Holy land. It must be noted here however that no evidence has suggested the Templars actually carried out this particular task. Moreover, there have been suggestions their actual task was for something else like excavation work. It’s also important to note that the order began with only nine members for the first nine or so years which would have made it very difficult to cover all pilgrim routes to the Holy land.
By 1127 the Templars had established themselves in Western Europe with countries including Portugal, France, England and Scotland. The church had even officially recognized them as a religious order dedicated to the defence of Christendom. Further down the line in 1139, a papal bull was issued that the Templars would owe allegiance to the pope only, making them immune to political and religious authorities.
Old antique Templar pendant Magdalene Vault
However during the latter part of the 12th century the Templars were facing serious problems. The Templars enormous wealth and influence which had built up over a number of years brought them into growing opposition to the Church and worldly monarchs. The Knights Templar were accused of many heinous crimes including denial of an immortal Christ, ritual murders and of worshipping a bearded head called Baphomet to name but a few.
It all came to a head in 1307 on Friday, October 13th, Jacques de Molay, Grand Master of the Templars and sixty of his Knights were imprisoned in Paris. In 1312 the pope officially dissolved the Knights Templar Order and then in 1314, after Jacques de Molay was burned alive, it seemed that the Knights Templar had ceased to exist, yet the Order continued in other countries under various names.
The Templars venerated Mary Magdalene and to them she represented Sophia, the female side of god. The word Sophia means “wisdom” and many people believe Sophia came to earth in the body of Mary Magdalene herself. During the Templars inquisition, one accusation amongst many was the worshipping of a goat head called “Baphomet”. It was not apparent why the Templars would worship such a thing until you apply something called the Atbash Cipher. This code was used as early as 500BC and was found to be used in some of the Dead Sea scrolls. When applied to the name Baphomet we get the name Sophia!
Relic and Cathars
Antique engravings from an old french book showing scenes from the Cathar crusade at Montseguer & the massacre at Beziers. Magdalene Vault
Whilst on the subjects of heads, the Templars also had in their possession an interesting relic in the form of a female silver head containing a couple of skull bones of a small woman. It also came with a label on which read the following; Caput LVIII M (Head 58M). At first glance the message is a just a random few numbers and a letter but when you add five with eight you get thirteen. The letter M is the thirteen letter of the alphabet and together with the other M we have a double hit. Could this female relic have been the bones of Mary Magdalene? It is also noteworthy that the bones themselves were wrapped in a red cloth, the colour most associated with Mary Magdalene.
With the worship of Sophia through the disguise of Baphomet along with the 58M female headed relic we can possibly assume that the Templars regarded the importance of Sophia and acknowledge her human existence in the form of Mary Magdalene. It would not be the first time that both Sophia and Mary Magdalene have had a connection. In one Gnostic Gospel called The Pisits Sophia, Mary Magdalene plays a central role. It contains 46 questions in the dialogues of which 31 are asked by Mary Magdalene herself.
The Templars also had a connection with the Cathars, a Christian dualist or Gnostic movement which arrived in France around the 12th century. Like the Templars, they held Mary Magdalene in very high esteem calling her the femine aspect of the divine and recognised her equal status with Jesus. It is also known that at least one of the nine founders of the Templars was a Cathar. The 4th grand master of the Templars, Bertrand de Blanchefort was from a Cathar family.
Cathar Templar connection
Old St Mary Magdalene Relic The Magdalene Museum
Another question which arises is why this particular area in the south of France is the focal point for both the Cathars and Templars. Could it be argued that the Magdalene arrival in France after the crucifixion set the motion of the events that followed? It is most likely that the Cathars had in their possession Gnostic Texts amongst their many other documents and may have had knowledge of the Magdalene voyage itself.
I strongly believe that the Templars were set up or influenced by the Cathars themselves with the objective to befriend the Church and gaining their trust, a kind of double agents type. One of the nine founding members, Hugues de Pagens, had ties with many Cathar people and possibly had been a Cathar himself. Indeed his genealogy points to Cathar heartland and another member, Godfrey de Saint-Omer appears to have been a relative of his. Their mission to protect the pilgrims from the holyland had simply been a “smoke screen” for their main intentions and activites.
Being just a normal Cathar would simply have got them nowhere, even before the Templar establishment they were already being hounded out including the burning at the stakes of Cathars in Orleans in 1022. They already had in their possession gospels and documents of Gnostic nature and more than likely had the Magdalene relics too. There was far more to be discovered in the Holyland which they could attain and keep. Also the Cathars knew the church at one point would come down hard on them, it was just a matter of time. What the Cathars needed was an army of knights to gain entry into the holyland and then to guard their sacred documents, relics and even their own beliefs and history.
Templar Postcard, Temple London Magdalene Vault
In 1208 began a series of wars known as the Cathar crusade which was organised and directed by the Catholic Church on the orders of Pope Innocent lll. From the first seize in Beziers on July 22nd 1209 (St Mary Magdalene’s feast day), to the last Cathar foothold at the Chateau of Montsegur, the Cathars were hounded out, burned at the stake and slaughtered in what many people call the first genocide of Europe.
During the crusades against the Cathars, the Templars had no choice but to remain neutral. If they sided with the Catholic Church then they would be fighting against their own people, against similar beliefs and even possibly their own families. On the other hand if they sided with the Cathars then it would put the order at risk and everything they protected including their connections with the “heretics” along with sacred documents and treasures would be revealed. The only logical thing to do was to stay neutral although it has been reported that the Templars did provide a haven for Cathar refugees and the increase of Cathars which joined the Templar ranks at that period of time rose sharply.
At the last stronghold of Cathars at Montsegur in 1244, a few Cathars did manage to escape the oncoming slaughter and with them they carried some form of treasure. It could well be that these Cathars and their treasure, ended up with the Templars and thus their treasure were safe and protected……...for now.
Fall of the Templars
Postcard Port of La Rochelle, France
In the aftermath of the Cathar crusade the Templars remained protected and their influence and wealth was still growing. However by the turn of the 14th century the Templars had also attracted many powerful enemies, one of whom would lay the first stone to the demise of the Templar order, or at least, so he thought. Philippe lV of France had become envious and angry with the Templars, he owed them a great deal of money, thought they were arrogant and unruly ,no control was over the Templars as they only answered to the pope and all this on Philippe’s own territory. This all gave reason for Philippe to use heresy as an excuse to get rid of the order.
After the kidnapping and subsequent death of Pope Boniface Vlll along with the poison of another, namely Benedict Xl, Philippe conveniently secured the election of one Clement V, who was at the time archbishop of Bordeaux. This allowed Philippe to get what he wanted, the suppression of the Templars because after all, Clement V was indebted to him for making him pope.
From that moment on the Templars had become wanted men and many were tortured and interrogated on October 13th, 1307. Philippe may have quashed the Templars but their treasure had eluded him, nothing was found. It is more than probable that the Templars knew of this impending danger and took their treasure of wealth, sacred documents and relics and sent them to their naval base at La Rochelle were they transported all this onto around eighteen galleys ready to disembark. What happened to those ships remains a mystery, maybe some ended up in Portugal or more so to Scotland, the only monarchy in the 14 century Europe that did not recognize the authority of the Catholic Church.
Meanwhile the Templars were officially dissolved in 1312, despite the lack of evidence and information that Philippe had accused them of. In 1314 the grand master if the Templars, Jacque de Molay was roasted to death over a burning fire. Philippe had even gone to lengths after to persuade other monarchs to follow his lead to make sure no Templar survived but this mainly fell on deaf ears, particularly in Scotland. Philippe himself died of mystery causes at the end of 1314, the same year as he ordered the death of Molay. Indeed one month after the burning of the grand master, Pope clement was dead. It was reported that Molay had called his persecutors to join him before God’s court within a year while he was about to be burned!
http://www.midnightmagdalene.co.uk/428802766 |















Incendio Notre Dame: Última hora de la catedral de París (15 DE ABRIL)
 Incendio Notre Dame (París), en directo (Bertrand Guay / AFP)
A la catredal de Notre Dame hi observem més rectanlges auris: Creat per Mario Pastor 
The DaVinci Code, Notre Dame Cathedral from DaVinci Code
original movie prop





August 23, 2018/
The Golden Section (aka Golden Mean, and Golden Ratio) phys.org
We use math in architecture on a daily basis to solve problems. We use it to achieve both functional and aesthetic advantages. By applying math to our architectural designs through the use of the Golden Section and other mathematical principles, we can achieve harmony and balance. As you will see from some of the examples below, the application of mathematical principles can result in beautiful and long-lasting architecture which has passed the test of time.
Using Math in Architecture for Function and Form
We use math in architecture every day at our office. For example, we use math to calculate the area of a building site or office space. Math helps us to determine the volume of gravel or soil that is needed to fill a hole. We rely on math when designing safe building structures and bridges by calculating loads and spans. Math also helps us to determine the best material to use for a structure, such as wood, concrete, or steel.
“Without mathematics there is no art.” – Luca Pacioli, De divina proportione, 1509
Architects also use math when making aesthetic decisions. For instance, we use numbers to achieve attractive proportion and harmony. This may seem counter-intuitive, but architects routinely apply a combination of math, science, and art to create attractive and functional structures. One example of this is when we use math to achieve harmony and proportion by applying a well-known principle called the Golden Section
Math and Proportion – The Golden Section
Perfect proportions of the human body – The Vitruvian Man – by Leonardo da Vinci.
We tend to think of beauty as purely subjective, but that is not necessarily the case. There is a relationship between math and beauty. By applying math to our architectural designs through the use of the Golden Section and other mathematical principles, we can achieve harmony and balance.
The Golden Section is one example of a mathematical principle that is believed to result in pleasing proportions. It was mentioned in the works of the Greek mathematician Euclid, the father of geometry. Since the 4th century, artists and architects have applied the Golden Section to their work.
The Golden Section is a rectangular form that, when cut in half or doubled, results in the same proportion as the original form. The proportions are 1: the square root of 2 (1.414) It is one of many mathematical principles that architects use to bring beautiful proportion to their designs.
Examples of the Golden Section are found extensively in nature, including the human body. The influential author Vitruvius asserted that the best designs are based on the perfect proportions of the human body.
Over the years many well-known artists and architects, such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, used the Golden Section to define the dimensions and proportions in their works. For example, you can see the Golden Section demonstrated in DaVinci’s painting Mona Lisa and his drawing Vitruvian Man.
Famous Buildings Influenced by Mathematical Principles
Here are some examples of famous buildings universally recognized for their beauty. We believe their architects used math and the principals of the Golden Section in their design:
The classical Doric columned Parthenon was built on the Acropolis between 447 and 432 BC. It was designed by the architects Iktinos and Kallikrates. The temple had two rooms to shelter a gold and ivory statue of the goddess Athena and her treasure. Visitors to the Parthenon viewed the statue and temple from the outside. The refined exterior is recognized for its proportional harmony which has influenced generations of designers. The pediment and frieze were decorated with sculpted scenes of Athena, the Gods, and heroes.
Parthenon Golden Section
Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris
Built on the Ile de la Cite, Notre Dame was built on the site of two earlier churches. The foundation stone was laid by Pope Alexander III in 1163. The stone building demonstrates various styles of architecture, due to the fact that construction occurred for over 300 years. It is predominantly French Gothic, but also has elements of Renaissance and Naturalism. The cathedral interior is 427 feet x 157 feet in plan. The two Gothic towers on the west façade are 223 feet high. They were intended to be crowned by spires, but the spires were never built. The cathedral is especially loved for its three stained glass rose windows and daring flying buttresses. During the Revolution, the building was extensively damaged and was saved from demolition by the emperor Napoleon.
Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris
Taj Mahal
Built in Agra between 1631 and 1648, the Taj Mahal is a white marble mausoleum designed by Ustad-Ahmad Lahori. This jewel of Indian architecture was built by Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his favorite wife. Additional buildings and elements were completed in 1653. The square tomb is raised and is dramatically located at the end of a formal garden. On the interior, the tomb chamber is octagonal and is surrounded by hallways and four corner rooms. Building materials are brick and lime veneered with marble and sandstone.
Taj Mahal designed by Ustad-Ahmad Lahori
As you can see from the above examples, the application of mathematical principles can result in some pretty amazing architecture. The architects’ work reflects eye-catching harmony and balance. Although these buildings are all quite old, their designs have pleasing proportions which have truly passed the test of time.
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