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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 16/12/2013 20:39

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Respuesta  Mensaje 40 de 99 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/09/2014 19:17

Equinoccio de Primavera - El Sol ingresa en Libra

Hoy a las  4:45 PM el Sol ingresa en Libra, dando inicio a la Primavera

Libra - El Juicio de Paris

Libra es el único signo del zodíaco que se representa con un objeto elaborado por el hombre: la balanza. En la Antigüedad, esa zona del cielo se denominaba Chelae, "las pinzas del escorpión", ya que era una extensión de la constelación de Scorpio. No fue sino hasta el siglo II d.C que se le identificó con la balanza de la diosa Astrea, emplazada en Virgo, y con los juicios referidos en distintas tradiciones, como la egipcia, donde el alma de los muertos era pesada en una gran balanza por Maat, la diosa de la Verdad.

Libra - Johfra Bosschart
Entre los griegos, el juicio más célebre fue aquel que debió dirimir el príncipe Paris, hijo del rey Príamo de Troya, que a temprana edad había sido abandonado luego que un oráculo advirtiera que el niño se convertiría en la ruina de su país.
Tras ser amamantado por una osa, Paris fue criado por un pastor.  Se hizo hombre cuidando el rebaño y llenando buena parte de su tiempo de románticas conquistas a causa de su atractivo, fortaleza e inteligencia, que testimoniaban su cuna real.
Cuando estalló en el monte Olimpo una disputa entre Hera (reina de los dioses), Afrodita (diosa del Amor) y Atenea (diosa de la Justicia y la Sabiduría) sobre quién era la más bella, Zeus pidió el arbitrio del joven príncipe y le encomendó entregar una manzana de oro a quien él considerara la más encantadora. Paris se resistió a emitir un juicio y propuso dividir el fruto en tres partes iguales. Zeus no aceptó la evasiva y le exigió una respuesta concreta.
Las diosas se aparecieron entonces ante el príncipe y le ofrecieron sus mejores atributos a cambio de ser elegidas:  Hera le prometió riqueza y soberanía sobre Asia; Atenea, victoria y sabiduría en todas las batallas; y Afrodita, el amor de Helena, la hija de Zeus y Leda, considerada la mujer más bella de la Tierra.

Paris objetó que esta última ya estaba casada con el rey Menelao de Micenas, pero Afrodita prometió hacerse cargo del asunto. Entonces el príncipe le entregó la manzana de oro y el arbitrio le ganó la enemistad de las otras dos diosas. Con el favor de Afrodita, Paris y Helena se enamoraron y en ausencia del rey, huyeron de Micenas.

El rescate de la doncella dio pie a la Guerra de Troya, donde Hera y Atenea hicieron patente el costo de la elección del príncipe, destruyendo el país y materializando la profecía del oráculo.

La pauta de vida de los Libra
Paris tiene que emitir un veredicto que implica en el tiempo una evaluación personal y una decisión ética. Es un ser humano dirimiendo una disputa entre los dioses, lo que supone juzgar atributos arquetípicos y primordiales que el héroe está llamado a respetar y que equivalen a distintos recursos del ego.

El Juicio de Paris - P. Rubens
El mito resalta las consecuencias de la decisión -materializada en la Guerra de Troya- y con ello alude a la pauta que cruza la biografía de los representantes del signo:  elegir entre los valores internos más profundos y, por ende, verse forzados a actuar en sentido contrario a su deseo innato de tener de todo un poco. Deben escoger algo a expensas de otra cosa.   Paris no se muestra atraído por la soberanía mundana que le ofrece Hera ni por el triunfo en las batallas que le promete Atenea, ya que ambas dimensiones de la experiencia parecen ajenas a Libra. Prefiere el amor de la mujer más bella, un impulso innato del signo que habla de la reafirmación en el exterior del valor de cada cual.

Un juicio como el del príncipe de Troya tiene consecuencias psicológicas, ya que excluye o reprime otros contenidos del psiquismo, simbolizados por Hera y Atenea, que habrán de reclamar espacio.  Esto conlleva una gran ambivalencia y en ocasiones un gran sufrimiento que se encubre con un espíritu armónico.

La encrucijada sugiere que a la base de la popular indecisión de Libra está el miedo a las consecuencias de toda elección. Y es que -como habrá de ocurrir durante la guerra de Troya- ello supone enfrentarse cara a cara con los aspectos inmorales y desordenados de la vida que fragmentan y dividen la deseada unidad.

El esfuerzo por mantener en perfecto equilibrio los platillos de la balanza no consigue escapar ni de los extremos ni de la violación de las leyes. Al contrario, parecen necesarios a fin de que Libra profundice en el conocimiento del proceso de decisión.

Agenda Astrológica 2004 de Paulina Peñafiel y Javier Ibacache

Respuesta  Mensaje 41 de 99 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 18/09/2014 02:03

What's in Palin's womb? What is being born? Who is the phoenix? Is it simply about Palin's presidential candidacy in 2012? Or is there someone else signifying the 'main-child' and/or the 'Beast'? Is Palin a 'gate' through which the actual ruler enters the stage as Palin did through McCain? Or is Palin the Future King/Queen herself? What about Schwarzenegger, the 'Last Action Hero' quickly identified here on this website back in 2003-2004 as a 'Future (Mayan) King' figure?

Palin's August 29 debut had all the hallmarks of being a 'Terminator' event. The 'Governator' had to be a major piece of the 'Whore of Babylon' puzzle. For starters, August 29 is Judgment Day in Terminator 2: Judgment Day. The Terminator story arc, centered around Judgment Day, is an epic intertemporal battle between machines and humans from the future over the fate of Sarah Connor and her son John Connor who is destined to become the leader of a human resistance against the A.I. That's 'Sarah' and 'John' - as in Sarah Palin and John McCain!

The original Terminator (1984) story even terminates with a shot of Sarah pregnant with John, the messianic Babylon baby.

It was in this context that a new Terminator TV series 'The Sarah Connor Chronicles' began airing this year on FOX (January 2008~)  roughly continuing from Terminator 2 and focusing on the relationship between Sarah and John.

The second season started in September 2008 with a new character and subplot involving a project called... 'Babylon'! It leads to the creation of 'Skynet', the culprit behind the coming nuclear holocaust, Judgment Day.

October 20, '08 - The Sarah Connor Chronicles episode
'The Tower Is Tall But The Fall Is Short'

Catherine Weaver (in charge of Project 'Babylon'):
'I'm building something...'

August 29 also happens to be ancient Egyptian (Alexandrian) New Year's Day. Through which we meet the Jewish New Year (Rosh Hashanah) this year falling on September 30-October 1. It is traditionally when the 'Book of Life' opens and begins the 'Ten Days of Repentance' ending with Yom Kippur, October 8-9, which is in effect the Jewish 'Judgment Day' when the Book of Life is closed and people's fate sealed for good. If you consider the fact that October was the original eighth month ('octo' = 'eight'), we can view October 8 (Yom Kippur) as corresponding to 'August 8' or the proverbial '888' date of the Beijing opening ceremony where the centerpiece was a huge scroll opening up like the Book of Life during the Ten Days of Repentance!

In the Book of Revelation, we find the Book of Life interacting with the Whore of Babylon and the Beast (chapter 17):


And the angel said unto me, Wherefore didst thou marvel? I will tell thee the mystery of the woman, and of the beast that carrieth her, which hath the seven heads and ten horns.

The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.

Fittingly enough the Jewish Judgment Day window began with a 'Deep Impact' (associated with the 'Great Flood' or the ultimate 'Judgment')...

Oct 07 Asteroid Exploded in Earth's Atmosphere

Followed by an October 9 'Message From Earth' beamed across the universe to a planet 20 light years away...

Oct 09 Messages sent to a planet 20 light years away

Messages have been sent to a planet 20 light years from Earth in the hope they will reach intelligent alien life.

Some 501 photos, drawings and text messages were transmitted on Thursday by a giant radio-telescope in Ukraine normally used to track asteroids.

The target planet was chosen as it is thought capable of supporting life. [...]

Organisers hope the hi-tech package will reach its target - the planet Gliese 581C - in early 2029. [...]

This was unreal. As reader Matthew noted, in the Terminator storyline '2029' is the exact year from which all those cyborgs are supposed to come traveling back in time to terminate Sarah and John!

We also find that Judgment Day in Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles is April 21, 2011. That could be when we'll see Palin declaring her candidacy for the president of the United States. But that's speculative. What's not speculative is the fact that 'April 21' is inherently significant for being one of the Great Sphinx/azimuthal cross-quarter dates. It was around October 24, another Sphinx date, that opened the 'Palin in 2012' floodgate.

The other dates are revealing as well. August 24 saw Beijing's 'Babylon' closing ceremony, and February 18 gave us Pakistan's general election (Feb. 18, '08) closely monitored around the world.

Azimuthal Cross-Quarters
Imbolc ~Feb 18 Pakistan general election
Beltane ~Apr 21 T:TSCC Judgment Day in 2011
Lughnasadh ~Aug 23 8/24: Beijing Olympics closing ceremony (Babylon Tower)
Samhain ~Oct 24 'Palin 2012' hits mainstream media

Pakistan became the first and still the only Muslim nuclear nation in May 1998. It marked the precise 'Galactic Alignment' moment when the solstice Sun was in exact alignment with the Galactic Equator, popularly but inaccurately thought to take place at the 'end' of the Mayan calendar (Dec. 21, 2012), thereby creating our 'Galactic window' from the actual one to the illusory one.

Pakistan has been experiencing great unrest since last fall, going as far as to declare martial law early November 2007, almost exactly a year before the US election.

Nov 03, 2007 Musharraf imposes emergency rule
Nov 09 Ex-PM Bhutto detained in Pakistan
Nov 10 Bhutto resumes protest campaig in Pakistan
Nov 11 Experts weigh in on security of Pakistan's nukes
Nov 13 Bhutto to Pakistani president: Step down
Nov 14 Opposition leader Khan arrested in Pakistan
Nov 20 Pakistan confirms Jan. 8 election date
Nov 22 Pakistan court upholds Musharraf election
Nov 22 Pakistan barred from Commonwealth
Nov 25 Exiled former Pakistani PM Sharif returns home
Nov 26 Pakistan rivals enter poll fray

The rising tension would then explode on December 27, 2007 - the assassination of Benazir Bhutto.

That was nowhere near any of the Great Sphinx/CQ dates. It was a highly intelligent code. Not only did it whisper 'Great Sphinx' and 'Terminator', it also whispered, prophetically, 'Sarah Palin'.

Let me explain...

Bhutto's assassination (Dec. 27) came five days before New Year's Day. Beijing's 'Babylon' closing ceremony (Aug. 24) came five days before Egyptian/Alexandrian New Year's Day (August 29). This pertains to the fact that the ancient Egyptian civil year was composed of 360 days plus 5 extra days at the end. Those were considered days 'out of time' - technically called 'epagomenal days' - when certain gods and goddesses were born.

Conceptually, then, August 24 (first epagomenal day) and August 29 (first 'real' day/New Year's Day) create an intertemporal overlap. In other words, what happens on August 24 bleeds over into August 29. Hence the Tower of Babel-Whore of Babylon sequence from Aug. 24 to Aug. 29 we saw this year.

Pretty much the same deal with Bhutto's Dec. 27 assassination. A Pakistan impact is a 'Deep Impact' (May 1998 nuke detonation coinciding with release of 'Deep Impact' the film). And it was NASA's 'Deep Impact' doing an earth flyby on New Year's Eve (12/31/07).

[Scene from film 'Deep Impact' & NASA's 'Deep Impact']

Perhaps we are to view the epagomenal days as signifying 'time travel days' in keeping with the Terminator theme.


Respuesta  Mensaje 42 de 99 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/11/2014 01:13

Esta es otra región de Marte, Cydonia Mensae a 33ºN y 13ºW




Esta es otra región de Marte, Cydonia Mensae a 33ºN y 13ºW




Esta es otra región de Marte, Cydonia Mensae a 33ºN y 13ºW



Esta es otra región de Marte, Cydonia Mensae a 33ºN y 13ºW


Esta es otra región de Marte, Cydonia Mensae a 33ºN y 13ºW


Esta es otra región de Marte, Cydonia Mensae a 33ºN y 13ºW


Esta es otra región de Marte, Cydonia Mensae a 33ºN y 13ºW

Los investigadores Vicent di Pietro y Gregoty Molenaar, ambos informáticos del centro de vuelo espacial Goddard analizaron tridimensionalmente el rostro de Cydonia captado por la sonda Viking I enviada en 1975.
Sin embargo en 1998 la sonda Mars Global Surveyor regresó a esta región y la fotografía que se presentó fue esta

Se aplicó un filtro que eliminaba los detalles de la cara, sin embargo la simetría bilateral de dos kilómetros de extensión sobre el terreno fue imposible de ocultar, y es altamente improbable que fuese obra de la "naturaleza".

Además que contiene la proporción áurea


Respuesta  Mensaje 43 de 99 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 23/01/2015 19:34
Un año más corto que el día. Un día más largo que el año.

Planeta Venus, de nubes

Una característica que hace único a Venus es la relación entre su día y su año, pues el día de Venus es más largo que su año, es decir, que cuando Venus ha completado su órbita al Sol aún no ha completado su día. ¿Verdad que esto no le cuadra a tu cabeza acostumbrada durante años a que 1 día es mucho más corto que el año que tiene 365 días (y un día más cada 4 años)? Realmente ese no es el modelo universal. Realmente no existe un modelo universal para planetas que flotan en el Espacio, pues cada uno va "a su aire" obedeciendo a las fuerzas naturales de atracción y repulsión, aunque en el Espacio no hay aire. Y yendo "a su aire" mantienen maravillosas sincronicidades entre ellos en un orden dinámico libre, como el propio Venus con la Tierra.

Podemos medir el año de Venus con días terrestres, de modo que Venus da su órbita al Sol en 224'6 días terrestres cumpliendo el 0'9 de su día. 18 días más tarde completa su día, en el día 243 de la Tierra. Así que 1 segundo venusiano equivale a 243 segundos de la Tierra (4 minutos y 3 segundos).

Mientras Venus completa el 100% de su órbita de 360 grados, la Tierra ha cubierto el 61'6% de la suya (224'6 días), y cuando Venus completa su día, la Tierra ha llegado al 66'6% de su órbita (243 días). Los números 61'6 y 66'6 son la décima parte de 616 y 666, números cabalísticos asociados con la llamada "cifra de la bestia, que es cifra de hombre", y culturalmente a la llamada "bestia" se le asocia con el pentáculo o pentágono, figura geométrica (y "venusmétrica") dibujada en el Espacio por Venus y la Tierra durante 8 años (ver animación).

También parece ser que el número de "el hombre/ la bestia" es el 616, que es múltiplo de 77 y de 88, es decir, 77 x 8 y 88 x 7 dan como resultado 616. Este número, además del significado de cantidad que le damos a todo signo numérico, se reduce a 13 (6+1+6) y es símbolo de una serie de 13 unidades en la que el 7º elemento es el central, el que equilibra porque a sus lados quedan 6 elementos o unidades ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1).

Cada estación del año dura 7 x 13 días (13 semanas). Por su lado, la suma de las cifras de 666 (o de 333333 o de 99) da 18, que es el número de partículas del átomo de carbono que es el combustible orgánico del Planeta Agua Tierra y el tejido orgánico de nuestro organismo.

En este momento -realmente en cualquier momento- el Planeta Venus está en un punto de su órbita en el que estuvo hace 224 días y 0'7 del día 225. El día 225 del calendario gregoriano es el 13 de agosto. Supongamos que en nuestra memoria el concepto día tiene el valor "13 de agosto" (no que "ESTAMOS EN el 13 de agosto") y que el 1 de enero pasado comenzamos a medir la órbita de Venus y también la rotación sobre su propio eje. Ahora, ya 13 de agosto, día 225 del año, Venus ha cumplido su órbita al Sol, pero aún no ha cumplido su rotación o día. Es decir, ha cubierto 360 grados de su órbita pero sólo ha cubierto 331 grados de su giro. Le faltan 18 días para cumplir el resto de 29 grados de su giro. Imaginemos que pasamos por los días 13 de agosto hasta el día 31 de agosto. Durante estos 18 días Venus ya ha entrado en su nueva órbita y al día 31 de agosto Venus ya ha cubierto 30º de su nueva órbita y completa el giro de 360 grados sobre su eje. A ese ritmo cumple 12 giros en 13 órbitas.


¿Por qué 30 grados? Esos 18 días de diferencia entre el día y el año de Venus podemos usarlos para calcular a cuántos grados de la órbita de Venus corresponden. Si la órbita de Venus es de 224'7 días y dividimos esta cifra en partes de 18 días nos da 12'5 partes o, más adecuadamente, 12 partes de 18'725 días (es decir, que durante 30 grados de órbita de Venus, La Tierra cumple 18'725 días). Así que el día 31 de agosto, cuando Venus ya ha completado su giro sobre sí mismo, comienza un nuevo giro o día. Así que 1 día de Venus se da en 243 días terrestres (el 31 de agosto es el día 243 del año gregoriano). Esto significa que mientras Venus gira 1 grado sobre su eje, la Tierra gira 243 grados, y como la Tierra gira 15 grados cada hora, gira 243 grados durante 16'2 horas. Dicho de otro modo: el Planeta Venus tarda 16'2 horas en girar 1 grado sobre sí mismo, 4 horas y 3 minutos en 1/4 de grado simultáneamente a que la Tierra tarda 1 minuto en girar 1/4 de grado.


Respuesta  Mensaje 44 de 99 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 06/02/2015 01:17

Respuesta  Mensaje 45 de 99 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 06/02/2015 14:36
The crucial event of the novel/film/film of Arch of Triumph is the killing of the nazi Haake, by the refugee surgeon, Ravic, in a car, in the early hours of the morning, in Paris, after driving past the Arc de Triomphe.

In the novel, the precise date of this event is not specified. It is 1939, and it is even named as August, even late August, as the plot is against the backdrop of the gathering storm clouds of World War 2, but the exact night is not named.

In the 1948 film, as we've seen, the date is firmed up to the night of August 30, as the calendar is used to circle the dates to countdown the return of Haake from Berlin.

If you watch that part 7 of the movie on youtube, you will notice that there is another time cue given immediately after the scene in which Ravic kills Haake. In the scene, an accouncement comes on the radio that the British ambassador had issued an ultimatum to Hitler to withdraw from Poland.

This occured on the morning of September 1, 1939. Let's brush up on our history, special subject, exact date of the beginning of World War 2.

The start of the war is generally held to be 1 September 1939, beginning with the German invasion of Poland; Britain and France declared war on Germany two days later.
After having gained both Austria and Czechoslovakia, Hitler was confident that he could again move east, this time acquiring Poland without having to fight Britain or France. (To eliminate the possibility of the Soviet Union fighting if Poland were attacked, Hitler made a pact with the Soviet Union - the*Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact.)

So that Germany did not officially seem the aggressor (which it was), Hitler needed an excuse for attacking Poland. It was Heinrich Himmler who came up with the idea; thus the plan was code-named Operation Himmler.

On the night of August 31, 1939, Nazis took an unknown prisoner from one of their concentration camps, dressed him in a Polish uniform, took him to the town of Gleiwitz (on the border of Poland and Germany), and then shot him. The staged scene with the dead prisoner dressed in a Polish uniform was supposed to appear as a Polish attack against a German radio station.

Hitler used this staged attack as the excuse to invade Poland.


At 4:45 on the morning of September 1, 1939 (the morning following the staged attack), German troops entered Poland. The sudden, immense attack by the Germans was called a Blitzkrieg ("lightening war").
The German air attack hit so quickly that most of Poland's air force was destroyed while still on the ground. To hinder Polish mobilization, the Germans bombed bridges and roads. Groups of marching soldiers were machine-gunned from the air.


Declarations of War

On September 1, 1939, the beginning of the German attack, Great Britain and France sentAdolf Hitler*an ultimatum - either withdraw German forces from Poland or Great Britain and France would go to war against Germany.

On September 3, with Germany's forces penetrating deeper into Poland, Great Britain and France both declared war on Germany.

By clarifying the night of the crucial events of the novel, narrowing it down to after August 30th (the date circled on the calendar), and before September 1st, (the day of the British ultimatum), the 1948 movie version has the climax of the story co-incide with the climax of the beginning of the war.

August 31 was the date of the staged attack, the false flag attack, which precipitated the ultimatums and the declaration of war.

This is a highly charged night in European history, of course.

Now we can see that the makers of the film have brought this element into sharp focus, by adding the detail of this date to the key scene.

We've now come along and drawn a staight line between this movie and the Diana event, which also took place on August 31 of course.

Just follow the dots. The day of the death of Diana, August 31 1997, resonates with the beginning of World War 2, specifically, the false flag event which immediately preceded and precipitated it, August 31 1939.

Respuesta  Mensaje 46 de 99 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 06/02/2015 15:08

Respuesta  Mensaje 47 de 99 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 06/02/2015 16:35
Re: Lady DIANA SPENCER, A Limo And An Underpass: What Happened?

Originally Posted by Bronllys View Post

Anyone remember the black sheep sweater craze? Looks mighty fine with dem blue jeans.

Diana : Royal rebel or perfectly fulfilled role?
In her role, a bit less subtle though:

Respuesta  Mensaje 48 de 99 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 06/02/2015 16:40
Cybele, many thanks for your great contributions to this thread!

Much appreciated. About embedding that particular YT video, just delete the "?=feature...etc." part right after the YT-number itself in the URL. Normally, you just copy/paste the entire URL into your post, but sometimes they added some additional codes right after the original URL, which you must delete first before copy/pasting it.

Talking about chesterboard symbolism, what about the floor of St. George's Chapel, location of the Diana funeral:

Great find, cybele. Another piece of the puzzle solved:


Respuesta  Mensaje 49 de 99 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 06/02/2015 23:36
So K-9 is a secret code. It means Canine=Dogstar=Sirius=Isis, and it also means 11-9.

This is a timecode, and as we saw in the previous post, a subtle signal can be sent by simply setting the hands of a clock or a watch to the 11 and 9 positions.

Another way to express the K-9 code as a timecode is as a date.

Depending on whether you use the American or European convention, 11-9 can read either as November 9 or September 11.

I'm going so far as to suggest that the very reason for the choice of September 11 as the date for the "9/11|"(!) event, is because of this simple secret Sirius timecode.

Again, with this crazy thought in mind, some insane things suddenly make excellent sense.

For example, remember this fact?

The Pentagon was designed by American architect George Bergstrom (1876–1955), and built by general contractor John McShain of Philadelphia. Ground was broken for construction on September 11, 1941,

On September 11, 2001, exactly sixty years after the building's groundbreaking, American Airlines Flight 77 was hijacked and flown into the Western side of the building, killing 189 people.
The Pentagon, as you will also recall, is constructed in the shape of a five-pointed star.

But this is one of the symbols for Sirius! The hieroglyph for Sirius comprised a star, a triangle and a half-circle:

Sirius was associated with the goddess Sopdet, who was yet another variant on the Goddess-of-Ten-Thousand-Names, Isis. And the glyph of Sopdet features the five-pointed star above her head.

In Egyptian mythology, Sopdet was the deification of Sothis, a star considered by almost all Egyptologists to be Sirius. The name Sopdet means (she who is) sharp in Egyptian, a reference to the brightness of Sirius, which is the brightest star in the night sky. In art she is depicted as a woman with a five-pointed star upon her head.[1]

Sopdet is the consort of Sah, the constellation of Orion, near which Sirius appears, and the god Sopdu was said to be their child. These relationships parallel those of the god Osiris and his family, and Sah was linked with Osiris, Sopdet with Isis, and Sopdu with Horus.[1]
It was in Morals & Dogma that Pike made the association between the Masonic five pointed Blazing Star and the Egyptian star of Isis, Sirius, which is also sometimes depicted as a five-pointed star.
From Talisman by Bauval and Hancock
So back to the Pentagon, the world's most famous building in the shape of a five-pointed star. The groundbreaking ceremony was held on September 11 1941, sixty years to the day before the 9/11 attacks. September 11 = 11/9 (European style) = K-9 = canine/Dogstar/Sirius/Isis.

But what about that other date, November 9? In American, this is written as 11/9.

November 9 is a fascinating date which has come up in several discussions here at LetsRoll. It was the day of the Great North-east Blackout, in 1965, which is extremely significant for the 9/11 story. It was also the day in 1967 when Paul MacCartney was said to have "died", in the Paul-Is-Dead mythology. Both events have been extremely well discussed at LetsRoll, and the keyword is Media Fakery.

But there is an even more relevant and important event that took place on November 9, 1985, which on its own conclusively proves that the narrative we are unfolding here resonates with very deep truths.

November 9 1985 was the day that Princess Diana and Price Charles arrived in Washington D.C, for their first ever tour of the USA.

It was the day that they brought Princess Diana to America.

That night, at the White House, there was a reception, at which these extraordinary photographs were taken.

The entire story is contained in these photographs. The chequerboard floor represents the ritual alignments in the city layouts. Princess Diana, at her flawless dazzling best, represents Isis. John Travolta represents New York. The two pillars are present in the background.

These photos are a perfect symbolic representation of the twin rituals, which are really one single ritual, the Diana event and 9/11.

It was taken on November 9, or 11/9, or 9/11. It shows Princess Diana, the ritual sacrificial victim of the first ritual, on her first day in the country of the second ritual. She is dancing with man who more than anyone else in those days embodied the archetype of New York City, John Travolta. "Dancing" represents the performance of the ritual.

You might say there is going to be "Blood on the Dance Floor".

Michael Jackson's album was released May 20, 1997, just over 100 days before the Diana event of August 31 1997. This album cover is a blatant revelation of the hidden method. Jackson has made his own version of the iconic Diana-Travolta photograph. It's all there. The chequerboard floor, check. New York skyline in the background, obscured by the dust clouds of the collapse of the Twin Towers. Michael dancing, and with his arms in the familiar 11-9 pattern.

All of these things have been much commented on around the internet, but up until now, the exact decoding has been elusive. But now we know. This is the girl. It's all about Isis. It's all about Sirius/Dostar/Canine/K-9/11-9/9-11.

Michael Jackson is up to his ears in this one, and again, for those who are new to this thread, it might seem like we have exceeded ourselves in insanity, but it's all here, here, here and here. His daughter is named Paris. He was very likely staying only 300 metres away from the crash site when the accident happened in the tunnel. He phoned his promoter to cancel that evening's concert, saying he was in mourning, at 4am which was the time when the doctors pronounced Diana dead, and nearly two hours before it was announced to the world. His album release dates co-incide frequently with the hot dates of this story, and his videos are full of unmistakable references to what we have uncovered here.

Let's round out this thread with an anecdote about the Carlyle Hotel, New York's preferred accomodation for the rich-and-famous.

(This story originally appeared in the April 20 issue of The Hollywood Reporter.)

It was a quick elevator ride that occurred more than a decade ago in the Carlyle Hotel, New York's old-world Art Deco bastion of elegance. During the mid-1990s, Dan Camp, then-president of the Upper East Side property, found himself in an elevator one evening with Princess Diana, a regular at the Carlyle. But things turned surreal when two other regulars boarded the lift: Steve Jobs and Michael Jackson. The three exchanged courtesies, and when the white-gloved elevator operator deposited the lift onto the ground floor, the riders went their separate ways. "This was the last thing in the world you would ever expect to happen," says Camp, "but these kinds of things happened with some degree of regularity."

Princess Diana, Michael Jackson, and Steve Jobs= CEO of Apple= "Big Apple"=New York

Wonder what time it was?

Respuesta  Mensaje 50 de 99 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 13/05/2015 01:44

The Message of Cycle 23

Decoding the Mayan 'Double-Sun' Timecode

By Goro Adachi
May 24, 2002



Final Countdown

According to the incredibly sophisticated and accurate calendar of the Maya from Central America, one of the most mysterious ancient civilizations rivaling ancient Egypt, we are currently living in the 'fifth age of the sun' which began on August 12, 3114 BC -- a date designated the 'Birth of Venus'. According to Mayan tradition, the previous four ages ended in great cataclysms, leaving only a small number of survivors, not unlike the biblical tale of Noah. This arcane view certainly makes us curious and somewhat nervous about the projected ending date of the current, the fifth, age of the sun. When one finds out when this termination point actually is, the nervousness shoots up into the realm of worry. The Mayan calendar is now even beginning to enter the public consciousness at large, as this very subject was, for example, a key theme incorporated into the final episode of the popular 'paranormal' TV show The X-Files aired May 19, 2002. As we get closer to the ending date of the calendar, we are sure to hear a lot more about it from various sources.

On '9-11', the world -- and especially the US, the New World -- has realized just how a seemingly stable and proud system or world view can be made so fragile and overwhelmed in one day. The possibility of the world crumbling into total chaos is no longer a farfetched movie scenario but a uncomfortably realistic prospect. And just in time for this paradigm shift, the world is to be made aware that 'the end of the world' as foreseen by the Maya is rapidly approaching us. On December 22, 2012, about ten years from now, the timeline of the 'fifth age of the sun' will terminate. The redden sun has reached the western horizon and is about to go under.

What does this mean? Are we talking about a literal annihilation of human civilization or could it be more metaphorical? No one really knows. It is my view, however, and it is sensible, that the more insights we have into the situation/pattern, the more metaphorical the manifestation of the projected pattern will be. Or in simpler terms -- more preparation, less damage.

I am not writing this article out of fear or survivalist mentality, however. (I am not one of those who animalistically think survival is/should be our highest priority.) Instead, I was prompted to write this piece because I detected a significant pattern that coherently links the underlying esoteric themes of today's events discussed in my previous articles and the Mayan calendar. While I had originally been viewing the projected ending date as something conceptually akin to the equinoxes/solstices -- in that they astronomically yield specific dates but only approximately mark the change of seasons -- the new findings have pushed me to reconsider my position and theorize that the calendar is counting down to a specific event of profound importance.

The '9-11' event, it now appears, was only a part of the sequence of events leading up to a culmination in/around 2012.

Two Suns, Two Years

It was prophetic Quatrains X-72 and II-41 of Nostradamus, curiously enough, that helped me 'see the light'.

As explained in depth before in my previous articles (The Labour of the Sun and Rex Deux), X-72's infamous line, '1999 seven months', could actually denote '2001 September' for certain calendrical reasons, and the whole quatrain, when decoded, would directly relate to the '9-11' attacks. (See Labour for detail.)

Century X-72
L'an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois,
Du ciel viendra vn grand Roy d'effrayeur:
Resusciter le grand Roy d'Angolmois,
Auant apres Mars regner par bon-heur.
The year 1999 seven months,
From the sky will come a great King of terror:
To bring back to life the great King of Angolmois,
Before after Mars to reign by good luck

The curious 2-year offset between 1999 and 2001 observed here was found to be nicely reflected by various other aspects. For instance, we had the huge 'II' shape (i.e. '2') of the WTC twin towers, and the twin nature of Hercules, the mythological character associated with the antediluvian/'Atlantean' pillars which in turn were discerned to be analogous to the WTC towers. Hercules in particular was found to be of great metaphoric significance for 9-11 -- because just as '11' was a key number encoded in the whole event (i.e. an airplane Flight 11 crashing into a 110-story towers visually forming '11' on the 11th day of the month, etc.), it was during Hercules' '11th labor' that he directly interacted with Atlas (the first king of Atlantis) in Greek mythology -- thus reinforcing the view that the 'Pillars of Hercules' (= 'Atlantean' pillars) represent the archetypal WTC towers. Hercules being a personification of the sun, moreover, resonates well with the fact that the Egyptian death-god Osiris was both associated with the black sun and described as the 'Lord of Terror' as in the 'King of terror' of X-72. The correlation becomes stronger when added that there was a major total solar eclipse (i.e. a 'black sun') in August of 1999 (= '1999'+'7 months', as per X-72). Also, similarly, the Great Sphinx represented both the embodiment of the sun and the 'Father of Terror'.

From these associations, it was inferred that Hercules was both a 'twin' and the 'sun'. And this brought us to the next phase of interpretation involving Quatrain II-41. First, it was determined that Hercules represented, at least in our context, a form of 'double sun'. This was supported by the sphinx, associated with Hercules, traditionally found in pairs -- thus signifying 'two suns'. And 'two sun' could be reasonably interpreted as 'two years' to corroborate the '2-year offset scheme' of X-72. After this, we were naturally led to II-41, one of the quatrains I had personally considered applicable to our own era, long before 9/11. Line 2 of the quatrain reads 'the cloud will make two suns appear'.

Century II - 41 
La grand' estoille par sept jours bruslera,
Nuee fera deux soleils apparoir:
Le gros mastin toute nuit hurlera,
Quand grand pontife changera de terroir.
The great star will burn for seven days,
The cloud will make two suns appear:
The large mastiff will howl all night
When the great pontiff changes his abode.

Lines 1 and 2 complement the correlation as these strongly evoke the 'great star' (the brightest star) Sirius. It is commonly known as the 'Dog Star' as in 'the large mastiff' (Line 3), and in ancient Egypt the star was called Sept, which in turn would denote 'seven' as in 'seven days' (Line 1). Also, as explained in Labour, Sirius' heliacal rising -- an extremely important astronomical event for the ancient Egyptians -- signified 'the 1st day of the 1st month of Thoth', which was the New Year's Day of the ancient Egyptian calendar. During the early Christian times this special day took place on the Gregorian September 11th, and this caused the Coptic/Christian-Egyptian (as well as Ethiopian) calendar to fix its New Year's Day on September 11 (Gregorian), and this is the case to this day. Sirius, alluded to by II-41, is therefore very much linked to what has now become a date of infamy, '9-11'. This consequently implies that the initial 'double sun' correlation was indeed valid.

As for Line 4 which indicates a change of the papacy, it was pointed out that the current pope, John Paul II, is given the motto 'De Labore Solis' ('From the Labor of the Sun') by St. Malachy's prophetic list of popes. (I personally tend to agree with the view that this remarkably accurate prophetic list was actually composed by Nostradamus.) Needless to say, the motto not only conforms to the underlying 'sun' theme, but it even resonates specifically with the aforementioned 'labor of Hercules' (since Hercules = sun) the 11th of which was found inseparable from the 9-11 event! Moreover, the motto has also been interpreted to denote 'Of the Eclipse of the Sun' (indeed, JPII was born during an eclipse) -- in which case, it would again congruently conform to the 'black sun' theme and the total solar eclipse of August 1999. So, it was confirmed on multiple levels that there was a strong connection between II-41, X-72, and the 9/11 terrorism.

The prophetic implication of this was that Pope JPII would be replaced by a new pope in the very near future to coincide with the aftermath of 9-11. And seemingly as a foreshadow, the Church, especially in the US, suddenly found itself in serious trouble as we entered the year 2002 (i.e. the sexual abuse scandal). At first, I was just amused to see the apparent manifestation of the projected pattern and wondered how it would culminate in the exit of JPII. Then, something got my attention and it caused a shift in my perspective. I began to see a bigger picture as well a more focused context and pattern for the on-going world events.

Seeing the Light

The more I looked into the 9-11 event, the more 'prophetic' it became -- both in the sense that it strongly interacted with 'prophecies' made in the past and the sense that the event itself was a coded 'prophecy' for the future. And as I became more aware of the latter implication, I noticed something that I felt I should have noticed long time ago. This was that by adding '11' -- the encoded key number of 9/11 -- to the year of the event, 2001, one would get '2012', which is none other than the ending date of the Mayan calendar.

Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not. But consider the following. Just as the number '11' is found to be inseparable from the sun, so is the Mayan calendar which, as ingeniously decoded by researcher Maurice Cotterell, essentially represents a time-keeping system for the sun, the sunspot activity, which is known to have an 11-year cycle! The fact that the Mayan calendar was also used to calculate and predict solar eclipses adds to the coherence as we have already noted the prophetic significance of the 1999 total eclipse.

In The Mayan Prophecies (1995), Cotterell revealed his remarkable theory that the strange rhythm of the Mayan calendar, which had perplexed all other investigators, actually corresponded with the complex cycles of the solar magnetic fields which in turn would produce 'sunspots', the dark spots on the surface of the sun.

It is scientifically known that those sunspots spew out a lot of ions (charged particles) and affect the magnetic field of the earth. More sunspots means more electrical stuff/'solar wind' (solar flares and coronal mass ejections) emitted outward to bombard the earth's magnetosphere. (The most visible effect of this would be the aurora lights). Every 11 years, the sun reaches a 'solar maximum', which is when the number of sunspots peaks, or when the sun is the most active. Presently, in fact, we are undergoing the solar maximum of 'Cycle 23' -- though the peak was 'officially' reached in mid-2000. This means that the next solar maximum will be around 2012, the Mayan 'end date'!

What made the correlation even more satisfying was the fact that the Mayan calendar was intimately linked to the planet Venus -- as evidenced by the fact that the starting date of the Calendar (Aug 13, 3114 BC) is called 'the Birth of Venus'. In esoteric tradition, Venus (along with Sirius) is symbolized by a pentagram (five-pointed star). The pentagram is obviously related geometrically to the pentagon -- and the 'Pentagon' is of course none other than the third building hit in the 9/11 attacks.

What about the 2-year/'double-sun' offset scheme that has been prophetically linked to 9/11? Remarkably, we learn that the nature of the current solar maximum perfectly echoes this strange theme. First, astronomers have noted that Cycle 23 active at the present has a rare double-peak maximum. It was initially observed that the solar intensity crested, rather prematurely, in April 2000 or so. And then, in early 2002, astronomers started to notice that the sunspots were increasing again seemingly to a equally (if not more) pronounced second peak, almost exactly 2 years after the first peak. So, not only is it a 'double sun' maximum, the twin peaks are even 'two suns' (2 years) apart! This is a strong sign that we are onto something here.

Actually, as if these weren't enough, we also find that there was a clear 'spike' in the sunspot activity in the month of '9/11' as the graph (right) shows.

The more we look, the more we realize that there is a close relationship between the 'prophetic' events of our time and the changing conditions of our sun.

What could all this mean?

It wasn't long before I began to see further patterns and specific implications. I was to be exposed to a very clear 'signal', a 'message', that could show us what would likely transpire in the immediate future.

The Equidistant Sequence 

I made a simple timeline on a sheet of paper and then drew in the two 'double-sun' schemes -- that is, the pair of X-72 (~Aug. 1999) and 9/11/01 separated by 2 years, and the Cycle 23 maximum peaks similarly separated by 2 years (Apr. 2000 and ~Apr. 2002).


This helped me visualize better the chronological mismatch between the two periods. Although I had inferred that the two 'double sun' events were connected, these overlapping periods were offset by 8 months. Why? Was this some unintended distortion in the 'design' or was this a directive misalignment leading us to the next revelation? I had to explore the latter possibility as I knew from experience that this approach would often lead to productive results. It was warranted especially in this case as there was still a sense of intelligent design in the offset -- '8 months' was exactly one third of '2 years'. And so I studied the timeline closely to see if there was a further pattern just beneath the 'surface'.

After some thinking, I recalled that there was another major event that I had already interpreted to be part of the 'double sun' theme. This was the 2000 US presidential election -- an event that produced two winners or two 'suns'. The designation of the 'sun' here was supported by the fact that, for example, the eye of the storm that was the 2000 election was Florida, the 'Sunshine State'. Also, in a previous article I identified Clinton as a version of Amenhotep III (historical Solomon) which made his successor a version of Akhenaten (the Egyptian king who followed Amenhotep III), often called the 'Sun King'. (The 'two presidents' therefore had become analogous to 'two suns'. See The Two Suns of Election MM for more details.)

Subsequently, I realized that the timing of this event was right in the middle of the combined timeframe of the other two 'double sun' events. In fact, it was placed at the dead center. To visualize it better, I marked it on the timeline -- and immediately emerged a great sense of order. Then it hit me: this third 'double sun' event (Dec. 2000) was offset ~8 months from the nearest marked events on both sides. This meant, in other words, that all of the events in the combined sequence, five in all, were equally distanced, 8-month apart!

What made this more remarkable was the fact that the rotation period of Venus, the planet intimately associated with the Mayan calendar, is 243 earth-days -- that is, almost exactly 8 months! (30x8=240.) Even Venus' orbital period around the sun turned out to be 225 earth days (7.5 months), very close to 8 months. [Update: the number '225'  reinforces the the 9-11 connection in that 2001 was the 225th year from the birth of US, 1776!] Additionally, there was the complementary fact that the 'tzolkin' cycle of 260 days was an essential element of the Mayan calendar -- actually corresponding to the cycle of the interaction between the polar and equatorial magnetic fields of the sun (as pointed out by Cotterell).

These correlations strongly suggested to me that I was on the right track, and encouraged me to proceed further.

Contextual Resonance

To find more encoded patterns, I turned my attention to the first of the 'double sun' sequence composite taking place circa Aug. 1999. This was a conceptual 'preview' of its 'second peak' 2 years later, namely the 9/11 attacks. And this was not only in terms of X-72. Recently in May 2002, it was revealed that the first of the warnings about the coming major terrorist attack, i.e. '9/11', emerged in September 1999, exactly 2 years before 9/11.

So I naturally wondered if this same concept could be applied to the twin peaks of Cycle 23.

First, I had to refresh my memory regarding the world events at the time of the first solar peak in the spring/summer of 2000. Internationally, the major news around that time was the successive collapses of the critical Israel-Palestine peace talks in Israel and later at Camp David (US) mediated by Clinton and Albright (viewed as "the last chance for peace"). Semi-internationally, dominating the news in the same timeframe was the saga of the 'Cuban boy' Elian Gonzales in US who was eventually returned to Cuba. And Cuba was also a significant place esoterically in the summer of 2000 as it was then that the enigmatic underwater 'city' off the west coast of Cuba, widely speculated to be the ruins of 'Atlantis', was first discovered (investigation still continuing). So, it appeared that the first Cycle-23 peak was very 'Cuban' in nature and related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Now it was time to see if the second sunspot peak reflected, or actualized, the 'warning' of the first. Since the second peak is taking place right now (spring/summer of 2002), we can actually just look around to see if this may be the case. Though the time 'window' is still open as of this writing, we have already witnessed a political focus suddenly placed on Cuba in May. First, there was the historic visit of ex-President Carter to Cuba, which was then closely followed by President Bush addressing the Cuban-Americans in Florida, giving a speech on US-Cuba relations. And then the March and April of 2002 saw a major crisis in Israel, which was so severe that the rest of the world was also polarized and a lot of violence ensued. And we can also add that investigators are returning to the Cuban-"Atlantean" underwater city for more data in the same timeframe, and strangely the captured Taliban/Al Qaeda members are being held at 'Camp X-Ray' in Cuba.

So, it appeared to me that there was indeed a conceptual echo effect between the two sunspot peaks. But what about the current crisis of the Church coinciding with the second peak? It turns out that this does have important 'prophetic' implications, as we will see.

Extended Projection

Based on the empirical observations, it may be inferred that the 2000 US presidential election will have an 'echo' exactly 2 years later and this is scheduled to take place at the end of 2002.

What can this anticipated event be? Obviously, the implication is that there is to be some kind of election/voting that involves a major leader, or simply a change of leadership. One possibility is that the US will have a new president at/around the end of 2002.

[Update: In December 2002, Republican Senate majority leader Trent Lott, i.e. the leader of President Bush's political party, stepped down unexpectedly amid a big controversy that erupted after he made a seemingly racist statement in the same month. By vote, Bill Frist was quickly elected as new leader of the Republican party.]

Another possibility, which I consider more likely, is that we will see the exit of Pope John Paul II and the election of the next pope. This derives from the close parallel detected between US presidency and the papacy at this moment in history, as discussed in the Two Suns article -- after all, both are inseparable from Quatrain II-41. And especially because the last line of II-41 states: "When the great pontiff changes his abode".

[Update: Indeed, in accordance with the suspected parallel, the same period of December 2002 also saw the resignation of Cardinal Law of Boston Archdiocese (who is specifically named in this article below). It is very interesting that although the US President and the Pope survived the 'December window', the leaders just below them (Lott and Law) did make their exit concurrently. Certainly, then, we did indeed experience "a change of leadership" in the US and the Church in this December.]

It should also be pointed out that the prophetic motto assigned to Pope JPII, 'of the Labor of the Sun', directly associates him with the current solar maximum which indeed is a 'labored' state of the sun. Combined with the pronounced twin peaks of Cycle 23 (i.e. 'double sun'), it seems inevitable that JPII comes to be involved in the current cycle... probably by making his exit.

There is another reason why the papacy/Church is likely to 'fulfill' the 2-year offset 'echo' of the 2000 presidential election. For this, we need to project the sequence backwards just one step toward the past. By subtracting '8 months' from the first event, Aug. 1999 (X-72), we arrive at December 1998. Importantly, this is exactly two years away from the presidential election -- thus effectively making it a 'reverse-echo' event. So what happened in December 1998? The answer is: the historic impeachment of President Clinton. Needless to say, there is strong resonance here; after all, the impeachment was conceptually close to the presidency ending. This was the little 'preview' of the succeeding events in the 2-year cycle.

Now, what is important here is what led to Clinton's impeachment. It was, of course, the president's sexual misconduct (involving a young intern, Monica Lewinsky), the news of which broke in January of the same year (on Drudge Report). Therefore, if we are to expect an amplified 'echo' in/around December 2002 of the 'impeachment', it is reasonable to theorize that it is also to be preceded by a similar (but more serious) development, i.e. a serious sexual scandal. Could it be just coincidence that we are currently having the developing story of the sexual abuse of children by Catholic priests? The current scandal even began in January when Father Geoghan was convicted of sexually abusing a boy on January 18 (the news of Clinton's sex scandal broke on Jan. 19, '98). This strongly suggests that things are moving toward the 'impeachment' (i.e. the end) of the leadership of the Church, i.e. the Pope, near the end of 2002. (Although it is also possible to interpret the 'leader' as an American Cardinal namely Cardinal Law of Boston).

[Update: As already mentioned, Cardinal Law, named above, did step down in December 2002, in precise accordance with the projection! In retrospect, it appears that the 'echo effect' in this December window was not an 'amplified' but downgraded (by just one step) event. Did the number of people aware of the pattern reached a critical mass to slightly alter the pattern?]

Personally, I find it very unlikely that Pope JPII will stay in his office beyond 2002 (spring of 2003 at the latest), because as the 'Labor of the Sun'/'Solar Max' pope, it won't be symbolically very coherent for him to make his exit when the sun has become quiet. As he came into this world during a solar eclipse (another manifestation of the expression 'labor of the sun'), it would be symmetrically sound for him to exit in a similar symbolic context. My bet, therefore, is on the current development leading directly or indirectly to the pope leaving the office later this year. And it is very possible, as explained in my previous articles, that the subsequent papal election will produce 'two suns', either by ending up with two contenders claiming to be the pope, or something else similar in concept.

'It's the End of the World as We Know It, and I Feel Fine.'

Looking back, the controlled demolition of the Russian space station Mir in spring 2001 was eerily prophetic in that the name Mir means 'peace' and thus the end of Mir symbolically denoted the 'end of peace', which indeed was to be the case just several months later on 9/11. I was actually very much aware of this doomy symbolism of the planned destruction of Mir as early as 1999. In the Two Suns article, for example, I wrote: "since the name Mir means 'peace', the end of Mir has the ominous symbolic implication of the 'end of peace'". And I had also noted that "the name Solomon, deriving from salaam, [also] means 'peace'". This is important for in the same article I conceptually equated both Clinton and Pope JPII with Solomon (or Amenhotep III). Hence the 'end of peace' predicted by Mir and realized on 9/11 was also hinting at the imminent 'end of Pope John Paul II'. And congruently, we have earlier compared the pope's end to the 'end' (i.e. impeachment) of the other 'Solomon', Clinton.

Even more ominously, the term 'Mir' can also denote 'world', which means that the destruction of Mir was also the 'end of the world'. Perhaps this implication is applicable to the next solar maximum (Cycle 24) in 2012, when the world ends according to the Mayan calendar. It may be inferred that the sequenced events of the Cycle 23 solar max represent the 'watered down'/metaphoric preview of what is take place with the next peak of the sun that will in effect end the world.

My take on the coming 'end of the world' is this. Based on the 'message' of Cycle 23, it is possible to infer that what is to end in the next solar cycle, 24, would be the United States and the Catholic Church -- the two that have come to parallel each other in a prophetic context. In line with this interpretation, the pope list of St. Malachy has only two (possibly one) more popes to go after the current one. And as for America, I have other tangible data (which I won't discuss here) that strongly suggests that the United States' time is up at the beginning of the 21st century. Basically here is how I tend to look at the situation: the United States and the Church hit the iceberg during the peak of Cycle 23 (2001 +/-2 yr) and are now taking on water; and by the time of the peak of Cycle 24 around 2012, these titanic 'ships' will have gone vertical, sinking straight down to the bottom of the abyss. I'm not saying that these systems will cease to exist completely, but I would say at least their 'essence' will not be in existence soon after the end of this decade.

There is, however, a little light of hope in all this. The function of Mir did not simply cease to exist; it was smoothly passed on to a new space station, the ISS (International Space Station) which is currently under construction and orbiting the earth. In other words, the symbolic message seems to be that this is a time when the 'old world' ends and the 'new world' begins. This is a time of transition, not the end. It is certainly fitting that the name 'ISS' is reminiscent of 'ISIS', the Egyptian goddess of rebirth and the personification of Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky. Indeed, as already mentioned, the day of the 'rebirth' (heliacal rising) of Sirius would correspond to the symbolic 'end date', 9/11. Like the phoenix, then, from the ashes of destruction is to rise the next incarnation to usher in the new age. (Here we come, Mars!)

Perhaps we are to learn from the 'message of Cycle 23' so that the 'end of the world' that the coming peak of Cycle 24 is scheduled to bring about will not necessarily have to be so literal. The more we become aware, the less physical/literal the manifestation of the pattern becomes. [Update: Was this concept demonstrated in December 2002?] Mankind, as is the sun, is in labor, and the best we can do is to properly prepare - mentally, physically, emotionally, and intellectually - for the inevitable. The pain will grow in intensity, but it won't have to be deadly. It's just that it's darkest before dawn.


Respuesta  Mensaje 51 de 99 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/06/2015 16:45
Reply  Message 60 of 60 on the subject 
From: BARILOCHENSE6999 Sent: 29/05/2015 15:44


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Respuesta  Mensaje 52 de 99 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 20/06/2015 01:45

lunes, 11 de mayo de 2015



Este fin de semana Paramount dejo ver 5 nuevos pósters de TERMINATOR GÉNESIS!
En los mismos se puede ver a los protas de la película, desde el veterano Arnold Schwarzenegger hasta las nuevas incorporaciones a la saga: Jason Clarke, Emilia Clarke o Jai Courtney.
Os dejamos el resto tras el salto!
Y recordad, TERMINATOR GÉNESIS tiene previsto llegar a nuestros cines el 10 de Julio, ¿será uno de los bombazos en taquilla del verano?

Respuesta  Mensaje 53 de 99 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 11/09/2015 05:21

El planeta Venus es realmente uno de los más misteriosos del Sistema Solar. Y los seres humanos tenemos la tendencia a creer que las cosas, especialmente en lo que se refiere al Sistema Solar, no han sufrido cambios a lo largo de muchos milenios. Pero todo parece indicar que ello no ha sido así. Para hacerle el honor que le corresponde, la mitología presenta a Venus como una importante diosa romana relacionada con el amor, la belleza y la fertilidad, que desempeñaba un papel crucial en muchas fiestas y mitos religiosos. Venus también se relaciona con la diosa griega Afrodita y la diosa etrusca Turan, diosa del amor y la vitalidad, patrona de la ciudad etrusca de Vulci. Usualmente se describía a Turan como una joven muchacha alada en las obras de arte. Las palomas y los cisnes negros eran sus animales sagrados, y su séquito se llamaban las Lasas. También era la esposa de Maris. Se asociaba con la griega Afrodita y la romana Venus. Como sucede con la mayoría de las demás deidades del panteón romano, Venus debe sus atributos a los mitos griegos de Afrodita o de Turan, la diosa etrusca de la vegetación y los jardines. En algunos mitos latinos se considera que el dios Eros era hijo de Venus y de Marte, el dios de la guerra.


Venus es el segundo planeta del Sistema Solar más cercano al Sol, y uno de los más pequeños. Se trata de un planeta de tipo rocoso, llamado con frecuencia el planeta hermano de la Tierra, ya que ambos son similares en cuanto a tamaño, masa y composición, aunque totalmente diferentes en temperatura  y condiciones atmosféricas. Y su órbita es la más circular de todos los planetas. Su presión atmosférica es 94 veces superior a la terrestre, teniendo la presión más alta de todos los planetas rocosos. A pesar de estar más lejos del Sol que Mercurio, Venus posee la atmósfera más cálida, pues absorbe mucho más calor del Sol. Este planeta además posee el día más largo del sistema solar: 243 días terrestres, y su movimiento es retrógrado, por lo que en un día venusiano el Sol sale por el oeste y se esconde por el este. Al encontrarse Venus más cercano al Sol que la Tierra, solo se puede ver unas cuantas horas A pesar de ello, cuando Venus es más brillante, puede ser visto durante el día, siendo uno de los tres únicos cuerpos celestes que pueden ser vistos de día a simple vista, además de la Luna y el Sol.

El planeta Venus es normalmente conocido como la estrella de la mañana (Lucero del Alba) o la estrella de la tarde (Lucero Vespertino) y, cuando es visible en el cielo nocturno, es el segundo objeto más brillante del firmamento, tras la Luna. Por este motivo, se considera que el planeta Venus debió ser conocido desde los tiempos prehistóricos. Sus movimientos en el cielo eran conocidos por la mayoría de las antiguas civilizaciones, adquiriendo importancia en casi todas las interpretaciones astrológicas del movimiento planetario. El símbolo del planeta Venus es una representación estilizada del espejo de la diosa Venus: un círculo con una pequeña cruz debajo, utilizado también hoy para representar el sexo femenino. Siendo, al igual que Mercurio, un planeta interior, Venus nunca se aleja demasiado del Sol y por ello los antiguos mexicanos relacionaron este planeta con el astro rey. No es accidental que en distintas culturas Venus haya sido uno de los astros mas venerados. El especial interés en Venus persiste hasta nuestros días y es a Venus a donde se han enviado el mayor número de naves espaciales. En particular, la civilización maya elaboró un calendario religioso basado en los ciclos astronómicos, incluyendo los ciclos de Venus.


Venus tenía una gran importancia para los Mayas, que lo conocían bajo diversos nombres: Xux Ek o estrella avispa, ya que creían que en determinados momentos la luz del planeta era perjudicial; Nok Ek, la gran estrella; Sastal Ek, la estrella brillante, por su intenso brillo; Chac Ek, la estrella roja, por el color que adquiere cuando está cerca del horizonte. Venus es también Ahzab Kab Ek, la estrella que despierta a la Tierra. Venus está asociada al dios Kukulcan entre los Mayas, el equivalente de Quetzalcoatl. Cuando uno considera el movimiento de un planeta,  el ciclo que rige su posición en el cielo es el denominado ciclo sinódico, que es el lapso de tiempo que tarda el planeta en cuestión en adquirir la misma posición relativa con respecto al Sol y la Tierra. En el caso de Venus su periodo sinódico de 584 días era dividido en cuatro partes por los Mayas: durante 236 días Venus es la estrella de la mañana (Ahzab Kab Ek); los 90 días posteriores corresponden al paso de Venus por detrás del Sol, o conjunción superior; después vienen 250 días en que Venus es la estrella de la tarde, seguidos por un breve, pero importante, período de 8 días en los cuales Venus se halla en la conjunción inferior, es decir delante del Sol, en que desaparece de la vista al no poder refleja su luz hacia la Tierra. Es al reaparecer después de los 8 días, que dura la conjunción inferior, en que se creía que su luz podía ser altamente perjudicial para los hombres, causando “muerte, pestilencia y destrucción“, dependiendo del día en que se produjera la reaparición dentro del calendario ritual de 260 días. La creencia de la mala influencia que podría tener Venus al reaparecer después de la conjunción inferior, persistió hasta los Aztecas, quienes de acuerdo a los anales de Quauhtitlán, pensaban que sus “penetrantes rayos” podían causar heridas.

Pero a lo que los Mayas daban la mayor importancia era a los ciclos de Venus. Esto es algo que todavía hoy en día constituye un enigma. 5 ciclos sinódicos de Venus corresponden a 8 años de 365 días (5 * 584 días venusianos = 8 * 365 días terrestres = 2920 días). La conexión con el “año ritual” de 260 días se daba después de un Huehuetiliztli, período de 104 años que corresponde a 65 ciclos sinódicos venusinos y 146 “años rituales“. Estos números están redondeados, ya que el ciclo sinódico de Venus es en realidad de 583.92 días mientras que el año terrestre dura 365.24 días. Los Mayas tenían precisas tablas para corregir las pequeñas discrepancias entre el periodo sinódico de Venus, el año terrestre y otros ciclos. Así, al haber transcurrido 301 ciclos de 584 días, los Mayas habían restado en total 24 días, tal como nosotros hacemos al agregar un día cada cuatro años,  y con este ajuste podían predecir la posición de Venus con un error de tan solo 2 horas en 481 años. ¡Realmente increíble!  El conocimiento de este ajuste por parte de los Mayas es sin duda uno de los descubrimientos más sorprendentes de la astronomía antigua. Esta enigmática importancia que los Mayas daban a Venus influyó en el diseño del templo de El Caracol, considerado como el mas importante observatorio astronómico de los Mayas, que está fuertemente relacionado con la trayectoria de Venus en el cielo.  


El culto a Venus persistió hasta el tiempo de los Aztecas, quienes la denominaban Huey Citlalín, la gran estrella, que en su carácter de estrella de la mañana se relacionaba con Quetzacoatl. Todo indica que los mayas tenían unos grandes conocimientos. No solamente nos legaron un calendario fabuloso sino también cálculos increíbles. Conocían el calendario venusino de 584 días y, sin tener aparentemente los medios tecnológicos actuales, estimaron la duración del año terrestre en 365,2420 días, muy próximo al cálculo actual de 365,2422.  Los mayas dejaron cálculos para increíbles períodos de  64 millones de años. Y en las últimas inscripciones se han encontrado cálculos que llegan a la fantástica  de 400 millones de años. La fórmula venusina de los mayas parece imposible que se haya podido formular sin la utilización de algún tipo de ordenador: El Tzolkin tiene 260 días, el año terrestre 365 días y el venusino 584 días. Estas cifras esconden la posibilidad de una sorprendente división y suma. 365 es divisible cinco veces por 73 y 584 es divisible 8 veces. Así que la increíble fórmula nos ofrece los siguientes resultados: Para la Luna:  20 x 13 = 260 x 2 x 73 = 37960; para el Sol:    8 x 13 = 104 x 5 x 73 = 37960; y para Venus:  5 x 13 =   65 x 8 x 73 = 37960.  Vemos que todos los ciclos coinciden sorprendentemente después de 37.960 años. La mitología maya dice que los “dioses” vendrían al gran lugar de descanso.

Las leyendas de los pueblos preincaicos dicen que las estrellas estaban habitadas y que los “dioses” vinieron desde la constelación de las Pléyades. Las inscripciones cuneiformes que se han encontrado en las antiguas culturas sumeria, asiria, babilonia y egipcia coinciden en presentar la misma imagen de “dioses” viniendo de las estrellas y regresando a ellas; viajaron a través de los cielos en naves de fuego, poseían armas terroríficas y prometieron la inmortalidad a los hombres. Podemos considerar como algo natural que los pueblos antiguos buscasen sus dioses en el cielo y liberasen su imaginación al describir su magnificencia y sus fantásticas apariciones. Pero, aún así, todavía quedan muchas incógnitas por resolver. El interés de los mayas en la astronomía no parece justificación suficiente para explicar esta supuesta relación con inteligencias de otros planetas. Entre los enigmas está el conocer cómo sabían los mayas la existencia de planetas como Urano y Neptuno.  Otro enigma lo constituye el hecho de que el observatorio de Chichén Itzá no está dirigido hacia las estrellas más luminosas.  Chichén Itzá (que significa “Boca del pozo de los brujos de agua”) es uno de los principales sitios arqueológicos de la península de Yucatán, en México, ubicado en el municipio de Tinum, en el estado de Yucatán. Es uno de los vestigios más importantes de la civilización maya.


Respuesta  Mensaje 54 de 99 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 20/09/2015 17:36
In this July 1997 still frame captured from video, the bright star Aldebaran has just reappeared on the dark limb of the waning crescent moon in this predawn occultation

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