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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 29/12/2023 03:49

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 01/12/2024 16:19
Albert Einstein .- Teoría de la Relatividad - ppt descargar

Respuesta  Mensaje 3 de 5 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 06/12/2024 14:21
Time Travel - The Foundation of the Beginning of the Beginning

Time Travel - The Foundation of the Beginning of the Beginning


Time Travel is a fascinating phenomenon, allowing an individual to embark on a journey in the continuous flow of reality - Time. However, it comes with its constraints due to the limited comprehension of the Human Mind about the picture of Time.

Time Travel does not provide the freedom of moving all across in Time, in other words -

"Humans are the slaves of Time, trapped in a constant flow, moving towards the future, yet completely free to move in space." 

- Time snatches more than what it offers.


Humans are constantly travelling into the unknown - the future, at a rate of 1 second per second, or in other words, the distance that humans are covering in time is precisely equal to the time they take to cover it.

A clock showing 5 o'clock, after one hour, will show 6 o'clock, making the humanity travel 1 hour into the future, taking 1 hour of time. - this is the basic time travelling that humans have been doing since they learned about time, however, this may not fascinate people, the only time travel that involves travelling a huge distance in time, within almost 'no-time' will be enough to quench the thirst of human beings. - the extreme time travel.


Albert Einstein came up with his papers describing a special case of a moving body allowing the 'real' effect of time to play-in.

One of his theories - SPECIAL THEORY OF RELATIVITY, states that :

"The faster you move in space, the slower you would move in time."

The faster an object moves or more precisely, the closer an object travels to the speed of light (299792458 m/s), the slower time passes for 'that' object, with respect to every other stationary object. Travelling at a greater speed makes the time of the moving-object 'lag' behind as compared with the other objects. But why?


Let us define the concept of "Now" (Nothing is actually now, as the moment you refer to a moment as 'now' it has already gone and become a part of the past, yet we'll use it for understanding):

The concept of 'Now' can be defined as the piece of time taken for a cause-and-effect to be witnessed by the human (including the interpretation by the brain).


The 'c' used in many formulas depicting the speed of light, actually refers to the Speed of Causality (Cause-effect), and since photons are the only particles (so far) that carries the potential to be the fastest and make their way to an event, this specific property of photons makes them an ideal "first" candidate for a medium (after sounds, sensation etc), allowing humans to witness the cause-and-effect of an event, in almost real-time.


As an object approaches the speed of light or the speed of causality, it surpasses every other object in witnessing the cause-and-effect of an event and becomes the first candidate to witness the event (by being closer to the cause or speed of light), in other words, since at an instant, the object travelling would happen to be closer to the coming-light (from an event) with respect to other stationary objects, would make the object perceive the event before any other object or in other words the object would be in the future.

- But, how? If the object happens to be in the future, that means the future is already there some-where and some-when.

Indeed the future is always present, the only difference is that it takes light to reach to an individual. At a very small-scale the event that happens 'now' makes no difference, however, as one zoom-out into the universe, the definition of 'now' makes no sense.

What happens 'now' in the Universe, has already happened in the past and what might happen in the Universe (in the future) will never make its way to Humanity.



Respuesta  Mensaje 4 de 5 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 11/02/2025 15:52
BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 11/02/2025 12:47
Resultado de imagen para einstein cube

 | Time Rivers | Book | The Nile Decoded | Etemenanki

Welcome to the Realm of
the Time Rivers

By Goro Adachi


Main Material

The Time Rivers (book)
The Nile Decoded (online article)

What Is the Time River Theory?

It’s about the discovery of an astounding system of literal ‘rivers of time’, which may even be described as the ‘fingerprints of the gods’. It is a planetary ‘Rosetta Stone’ for decoding history or even ‘reality’ itself. Sounds overly grandiose? Yes, but it’s not necessarily an exaggeration given the nature of the discovery.

Proving the existence of the ‘Time Rivers’ has explosive implications. And the claim here is that this has indeed been done. But that’s just the beginning of the story. What the ‘Time Rivers’ tell us - about who we are and everything else - is equally, if not more, profound.

The Time River Theory (TRT) is ultimately about the discovery and decoding of the ‘blueprint’ of reality - a blueprint that was literally carved on this planet by an unknown high intelligence. This is a brand new field just activated in 2003 via the publication of The Time Rivers. It’s about time we opened up the Gateway... to a new dimension.

To get a little more specific, here is an abbreviated list of what the Time River Theory is about and what it reveals (at least in the book The Time Rivers):

  • A grand system of literal ‘rivers of time’ flowing on our planet, created by some mysterious, higher intelligence.
  • The intricate ‘Time River scheme’ produced by the Nile, Tigris-Euphrates, Mississippi, etc. showing us the entire timeline of human civilization, both past and future.
  • Solutions to deep ancient mysteries of Egypt, Sumer, and even Mars.
  • Encoded ‘messages’ revealing extraterrestrial and/or extra-temporal origins of human civilization.
  • The 21st century being specifically pinpointed as the edge of time, when a ‘timegate’ opens up to bring mankind back to the realm of ‘Genesis’.
  • Tangible and unique solutions to the biblical events of Genesis such as Creation, the fallen angels, the Great Flood, the Ark, etc.
  • An encoded timeline of the United States anticipating  ‘9/11’, an event suggested to mark the ‘end’ of the United States.

Please note that the the theory is extensive and still rapidly evolving, thus the above should be viewed as only the tip of the iceberg.

To learn more about the TRT, please see The Nile Decode - a paper posted online revealing the basic components of the thesis.

Current Status

A lot of very positive feedback has been received from those who have read The Time Rivers and/or The Nile Decoded. Some samples are posted here.

What about the reaction of the 'alternative history' crowd? How are they responding to the 'quantum leap' that the TRT would represent to their field? The answer to this question is not yet clear since the theory was revealed only recently and is not yet widely known. But the anticipation here is that the reaction would be more or less mixed. Because the Time River Theory is something that radically shifts the whole paradigm, there will probably be those in the field who are perhaps just too 'old' (at least mentally) to keep up with the sudden and rapid movement forward. And this is fine; the Time River system is a discovery for a new generation of truth seekers who maintain a fresh mind capable of clear and creative thinking.

There is actually so much more to the Time River scheme than made available so far (including the book), which is undoubtedly contributing to the tone of confidence expressed here. Hopefully there are many of you who can intuitively sense this 'energy' lurking just beneath the surface... It's all getting ready to come out now. If not already, please study the available material, understand the implications, and... well, join the revolution!

Available Material:

Respuesta  Mensaje 5 de 5 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/02/2025 16:10

Llama de la Libertad (París)

Llama de la Libertad
País Bandera de Francia Francia
Dirección Plaza Diana
Ubicación París
Coordenadas 48°51′51″N 2°18′03″E
Tipo Escultura
Altura 3,5 m
Materiales Cobre y Oro
La Llama de la Libertad, ofrecida al pueblo francés por donantes de todo el mundo como símbolo de la amistad franco-americana, en la plaza Diana (París).

La Llama de la Libertad (en francésFlamme de la Liberté) de París es una réplica del mismo tamaño de la nueva llama situada en el extremo de la antorcha que lleva en la mano la Estatua de la Libertad de Nueva York desde 1986.1​ El monumento, que tiene aproximadamente 3,5 metros de longitud, es una escultura de una llama de cobre dorado, apoyada en un pedestal de mármol gris y negro. Está situado cerca del extremo norte del puente del Alma, en la plaza Diana, en el distrito 8 de ParísFrancia.2

Fue ofrecida a la ciudad de París en 1989 por el International Herald Tribune en nombre de los donantes, que habían contribuido aproximadamente 400 000 dólares para su realización. Representaba la culminación de las celebraciones de 1987 del periódico por su cien aniversario de la publicación de un periódico en inglés en París. Más importante, la Llama era una muestra de agradecimiento por la restauración de la Estatua de la Libertad realizada tres años antes por dos empresas francesas que hicieron el trabajo artesanal del proyecto: Métalliers Champenois, que hizo el trabajo del bronce, y Gohard Studios, que aplicó el pan de oro. Aunque el regalo a Francia fue motivado por el centenario del periódico, la Llama de la Libertad es un símbolo más general de la amistad que une los dos países, igual que la Estatua de la Libertad cuando fue regalada a los Estados Unidos por Francia.

Este proyecto fue supervisado por el director de la unión de artesanos franceses en aquel momento, Jacques Graindorge. Propuso la instalación de la Llama de la Libertad en una plaza pública llamada Place des États-Unis en el distrito 16, pero el alcalde de París, Jacques Chirac, se opuso a esto. Tras un prolongado período de negociaciones, se decidió que la alama se situaría en una zona abierta cerca de la intersección de la Avenue de New-York y la Place de l'Alma. El monumento fue inaugurado el 10 de mayo de 1989 por Chirac.

En la base del monumento hay una placa conmemorativa que relata la siguiente historia:

"La Llama de la Libertad. Una réplica exacta de la llama de la Estatua de la Libertad ofrecida al pueblo de Francia por donantes de todo el mundo como símbolo de la amistad franco-americana. Con ocasión del centenario del International Herald Tribune, París 1887-1987."

La llama se convirtió en un monumento no oficial de Diana de Gales después de su muerte en 1997 en el túnel bajo el Pont de l'Alma.3​ La llama es una atracción para turistas y seguidores de Diana, quiens pegan pósteres y folletos con material conmemorativo en la base. El antropólogo Guy Lesoeurs dijo que "la mayoría de las personas que vienen aquí piensan que se construyó para ella."2​ La plaza del monumento se llama desde entonces Plaza Diana (París).

El monumento está cerca de la estación del Metro de París llamada Alma-Marceau en la línea 9 y de la estación Pont de l’Alma Línea 'C' del RER, así como por los buses número 42, 63, 72, 80, 92, y los autobuses turísticos Balabus.

El 14 de junio de 2008 se inauguró una nueva Llama de la Libertad, una escultura de Jean Cardot, que también simboliza las relaciones cálidas y respetuosas entre Francia y los Estados Unidos. Fue instalada en los jardines de la Embajada de los Estados Unidos en Francia en la Place de la Concorde, y se inauguró en presencia del Presidente de la República FrancesaNicolas Sarkozy, y el Presidente de los Estados UnidosGeorge W. Bush. Esta nueva llama es la realización de un impulso compartido por el empresario francés Marc Ladreit de Lacharrière, y el embajador estadounidense Craig Roberts Stapleton, y tiene dos inscripciones, una del francés Marqués de La Fayette y otra del estadista americano Benjamin Franklin.

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