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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 31/10/2024 05:13

Isaac Newton and the Philosopher's Stone: Papers show how genius who discovered gravity was obsessed with alchemy and spent years trying to produce mythical substance that could turn base metals into gold

  • Papers reveal some of Newton's thoughts on work of Johann de Monte Snyders
  • Newton had obsession with alchemy and wanted to find the Philosopher's Stone 



A set of papers written by physicist Isaac Newton that point to his decades-long quest to produce the mythical Philosopher's stone are set to fetch more than £120,000 at auction.

The papers, which are written in Latin and have some English headings, are a distillation of the chemical processes contained within the writings of influential 17th-century alchemist Johann de Monte Snyders.

Snyders was renowned for his alleged skill with transmutation - turning lead into gold.

Although Newton, who died in 1727, is best known for his discovery of gravity, the physicist also had a lifelong obsession with alchemy.

The pursuit's practitioners sought to turn base metals into gold or silver and also discover a way of extending life - but their efforts were in vain.

The holy grail was the Philosopher's stone, a substance also known as the elixir of life which alchemists believed was essential to achieving their aims.

It was made more famous by JK Rowling's first novel Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and the subsequent 2001 film, which saw villain Voldemort try to obtain the object so he could restore himself to physical form.  

A set of papers written by physicist Isaac Newton that point to his decades-long quest to produce the mythical Philosopher's stone are set to fetch more than £120,000 at auction

A set of papers written by physicist Isaac Newton that point to his decades-long quest to produce the mythical Philosopher's stone are set to fetch more than £120,000 at auction

The paper being sold is called 'A Key to Snyders' is tipped to sell for up to $150,000 (£120,320) and will be offered at a Bonhams' sale in the US from April 28 to May 7.

According to William Newman, the leading authority on Newton's alchemy, the works of Snyders 'exercised more impact on Newton the alchemist than any other author short of Philalethes.' 

Newton spend decades pouring over two influential texts produced by Snyders. 

The manuscript being sold comprises Newton's identification of Snyders' most important passages, as well as his struggle to 'reassemble the dissociated parts of Snyders' process', according to Professor Newman's book Newton the Alchemist.

The papers, which are written in Latin and have some English headings, are a distillation of the chemical processes contained within the writings of influential 17th-century alchemist Johann de Monte Snyders

The papers, which are written in Latin and have some English headings, are a distillation of the chemical processes contained within the writings of influential 17th-century alchemist Johann de Monte Snyders

The paper being sold is called 'A Key to Snyders' is tipped to sell for up to $150,000 (£120,320) and will be offered at a Bonhams' sale in the US from April 28 to May 7

The paper being sold is called 'A Key to Snyders' is tipped to sell for up to $150,000 (£120,320) and will be offered at a Bonhams' sale in the US from April 28 to May 7

Snyders would communicate his self-proclaimed knowledge in only small bits that left Newton and others confounded. 

Newton's main aim was to discern the concrete details of Snyders' chemical producer for formulating the 'Universal Medicine' that would cure disease.

The physicist was occupied by his quest to produce the Philosopher's Stone for more than 30 years.

He had one of the largest alchemical libraries in Europe. The scientist believed it was necessary to assemble the full set of stages for producing the stone from multiple authors.

The Philosopher's Stone was depicted in JK Rowling's first Harry Potter novel and the subequent 2001 film, which saw villain Voldemort try to obtain the object so he could restore himself to physical form

The Philosopher's Stone was depicted in JK Rowling's first Harry Potter novel and the subequent 2001 film, which saw villain Voldemort try to obtain the object so he could restore himself to physical form

Newton was also convinced that chemistry held the key to understanding gravity.

However, because he was so guarded about his alchemical research, only one text relating to it was published in his lifetime. 

'De Natura Acidorum', which was written in 1692, was printed without his approval.

Newton famously told how he was inspired to formulate his theory of gravity after watching an apple fall from a tree.

Philosopher Voltaire, in his Essay on Epic Poetry, later wrote: 'Sir Isaac Newton walking in his gardens, had the first thought of his system of gravitation, upon seeing an apple falling from a tree.'

Beyond his pursuits in science, Newton helped to rescue Britain's economy as master of the Royal Mint.


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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/10/2024 05:18

Newton's interpretations of prophecy


Newton considered himself to be one of a select group of individuals who were specially chosen by God for the task of understanding biblical scripture.[24] He was a strong believer in a prophetic interpretation of the Bible, and like many of his contemporaries in Protestant England, he developed a strong affinity and deep admiration for the teachings and works of Joseph Mede. Although he never wrote a cohesive body of work on prophecy, Newton's belief led him to write several treatises on the subject, including an unpublished guide for prophetic interpretation entitled Rules for interpreting the words & language in Scripture. In this manuscript he details the necessary requirements for what he considered to be the proper interpretation of the Bible.

In addition, Newton would spend much of his life seeking and revealing what could be considered a Bible Code. He placed a great deal of emphasis upon the interpretation of the Book of Revelation, writing generously upon this book and authoring several manuscripts detailing his interpretations. Unlike a prophet in the true sense of the word, Newton relied upon existing Scripture to prophesy for him, believing his interpretations would set the record straight in the face of what he considered to be "so little understood".[25] In 1754, 27 years after his death, Isaac Newton's treatise An Historical Account of Two Notable Corruptions of Scripture would be published, and although it does not argue any prophetic meaning, it does exemplify what Newton considered to be just one popular misunderstanding of Scripture.

Although Newton's approach to these studies could not be considered a scientific approach, he did write as if his findings were the result of evidence-based research.



In late February and early March 2003, a large amount of media attention circulated around the globe regarding largely unknown and unpublished documents, evidently written by Isaac Newton, indicating that he believed the world would end no earlier than 2060. The story garnered vast amounts of public interest and found its way onto the front page of several widely distributed newspapers, including the UK's Daily Telegraph, Canada's National Post, Israel's Maariv and Yediot Aharonot, and was also featured in an article in the scientific journal Canadian Journal of History.[26] Television and internet stories in the following weeks heightened the exposure and ultimately would include the production of several documentary films focused upon the topic of the 2060 prediction and some of Newton's lesser known beliefs and practices.

The two documents detailing this prediction are currently housed within the Jewish National and University Library in Jerusalem.[26] Both were believed to be written toward the end of Newton's life, circa 1705, a time frame most notably established by the use of the full title of Sir Isaac Newton within portions of the documents.

These documents do not appear to have been written with the intention of publication and Newton expressed a strong personal dislike for individuals who provided specific dates for the Apocalypse purely for sensational value. Furthermore, he at no time provides a specific date for the end of the world in either of these documents.[26]

To understand the reasoning behind the 2060 prediction, an understanding of Newton's theological beliefs should be taken into account, particularly his apparent antitrinitarian beliefs and his Protestant views on the Papacy. Both of these lay essential to his calculations, which ultimately would provide the 2060 time frame. See Isaac Newton's religious views for more details.

The first document, part of the Yahuda collection,[27] is a small letter slip, on the back of which is written haphazardly in Newton's hand:

Prop. 1. The 2300 prophetick days did not commence before the rise of the little horn of the He Goat.

2 Those day [sic] did not commence a[f]ter the destruction of Jerusalem & ye Temple by the Romans A.[D.] 70.

3 The time times & half a time did not commence before the year 800 in wch the Popes supremacy commenced

4 They did not commence after the re[ig]ne of Gregory the 7th. 1084

5 The 1290 days did not commence b[e]fore the year 842.

6 They did not commence after the reign of Pope Greg. 7th. 1084

7 The diffence [sic] between the 1290 & 1335 days are a parts of the seven weeks.

Therefore the 2300 years do not end before ye year 2132 nor after 2370. The time times & half time do n[o]t end before 2060 nor after [2344] The 1290 days do not begin [this should read: end] before 2090 nor after 1374 [sic; Newton probably means 2374][26]

The second reference to the 2060 prediction can be found in a folio,[28] in which Newton writes:

So then the time times & half a time are 42 months or 1260 days or three years & an half, recconing twelve months to a yeare & 30 days to a month as was done in the Calendar of the primitive year. And the days of short lived Beasts being put for the years of lived [sic for "long lived"] kingdoms, the period of 1260 days, if dated from the complete conquest of the three kings A.C. 800, will end A.C. 2060. It may end later, but I see no reason for its ending sooner. This I mention not to assert when the time of the end shall be, but to put a stop to the rash conjectures of fancifull men who are frequently predicting the time of the end, & by doing so bring the sacred prophesies into discredit as often as their predictions fail. Christ comes as a thief in the night, & it is not for us to know the times & seasons wch God hath put into his own breast.[26]

Clearly Newton's mathematical prediction of the end of the world is one derived from his interpretation of not only scripture, but also one based upon his theological viewpoint regarding specific chronological dates and events as he saw them.

Newton may not have been referring to the post 2060 event as a destructive act resulting in the annihilation of the globe and its inhabitants, but rather one in which he believed the world, as he saw it, was to be replaced with a new one based upon a transition to an era of divinely inspired peace. In Christian and Islamic theology this concept is often referred to as The Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the establishment of The Kingdom of God on Earth. In a separate manuscript,[29] Isaac Newton paraphrases Revelation 21 and 22 and relates the post 2060 events by writing:

A new heaven & new earth. New Jerusalem comes down from heaven prepared as a Bride adorned for her husband. The marriage supper. God dwells with men wipes away all tears from their eyes, gives them of ye fountain of living water & creates all thin things new saying, It is done. The glory & felicity of the New Jerusalem is represented by a building of Gold & Gemms enlightened by the glory of God & ye Lamb & watered by ye river of Paradise on ye banks of which grows the tree of life. Into this city the kings of the earth do bring their glory & that of the nations & the saints reign for ever & ever.[26]

Newton's chronology


Newton wrote extensively upon the historical topic of chronology. In 1728 The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended, an approximately 87,000-word composition that details the rise and history of various ancient kingdoms, was published. It was published posthumously, although the majority of it had been reviewed for publication by Newton himself. As such, this work represents one of his last known personally reviewed publications. Sometime around 1701, he also produced a thirty-page unpublished treatise entitled "The Original of Monarchies" detailing the rise of several monarchs throughout antiquity, and tracing them back to the biblical figure of Noah.[30]

Newton's chronological writing focuses on GreeceAnatoliaEgypt, and the Levant. Many of his dates do not correlate with current historical knowledge. While Newton mentions several pre-historical events found within the Bible, the oldest actual historical date he provides is 1125 BC. In this entry he mentions Mephres, a ruler over Upper Egypt from the territories of Syene to Heliopolis, and his successor Misphragmuthosis. However, during 1125 BC the Pharaoh of Egypt is now understood to be Ramesses IX.

Although some of the dates Newton provides for various events are accurate by 17th century standards, archaeology as a form of modern science did not exist in Newton's time. In fact, the majority of the conclusionary dates which Newton cites are based on the works of HerodotusPlinyPlutarchHomer, and various other classical historians, authors, and poets who were themselves often citing secondary sources and oral records of uncertain date.

Newton's Atlantis


The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended contains passages on the land of Atlantis. The first such passage is part of his Short Chronicle which indicates his belief that Homer's Ulysses left the island of Ogygia in 896 BC. In Greek mythology, Ogygia was home to Calypso, the daughter of Atlas (after whom Atlantis was named). Some scholars have suggested that Ogygia and Atlantis are locationally connected, or possibly the same island. From his writings it appears Newton may have shared this belief. Newton also lists Cadis or Cales as possible candidates for Ogygia, though does not cite his reasons for believing so.

Newton and secret societies


Newton has often been associated with various secret societies and fraternal orders throughout history. Due to a lack of reliable sources, it is difficult to establish his actual membership in any specific organization,[31] despite the number of Masonic buildings named after him.[32]

Regardless of his own membership status, Newton was a known associate of many individuals who themselves have often been labeled as members of various esoteric groups. It is unclear if these associations were a result of his being a well established and prominently publicized scholar, an early member and sitting President of the Royal Society (1703–1727), a prominent figure of State and Master of the Mint, a recognized Knight, or if Newton actually sought active membership within these esoteric organizations himself. Considering the nature and legality of alchemical practices during his lifetime, as well as his possession of various materials and manuscripts pertaining to alchemical research, Newton may very well have been a member of a group of like minded thinkers and colleagues. The organized level of this group (if in fact any existed), the level of their secrecy, as well as the depth of Newton's involvement within them, remains unclear.[relevant?]

He was known to be a member of The Royal Society of London for the Improvement of Natural Knowledge and the Spalding Gentlemen's Society,[33][34] but these are considered learned societies, and not esoteric societies. Newton's membership status within any particular secret society remains largely speculative.

Newton and the Rosicrucians


Perhaps the movement which most influenced Isaac Newton was Rosicrucianism.[35]

The Rosicrucian belief in being specially chosen[clarification needed] for the ability to communicate with angels or spirits is echoed in Newton's prophetic beliefs. Additionally, the Rosicrucians proclaimed to have the ability to live forever through the use of the elixir vitae and the ability to produce limitless amounts of time and gold from the use of the philosopher's stone, which they claimed to have in their possession.[citation needed] Like Newton, the Rosicrucians were deeply religious, avowedly Christian, anti-Catholic, and highly politicised.[citation needed] Isaac Newton would have a deep interest in not just their alchemical pursuits, but also their belief in esoteric truths of the ancient past and the belief in enlightened individuals with the ability to gain insight into nature, the physical universe, and the spiritual realm.[35]

At the time of his death, Newton had 169 books on the topic of alchemy in his personal library, and was believed to have considerably more books on this topic during his Cambridge years, though he may have sold them before moving to London in 1696. For its time, his was considered one of the finest alchemical libraries in the world. In his library, Newton left behind a heavily annotated personal copy of The Fame and Confession of the Fraternity R.C., by Thomas Vaughan which represents an English translation of The Rosicrucian Manifestos. Newton also possessed copies of Themis Aurea and Symbola Aurea Mensae Duodecium by the learned alchemist Michael Maier, both of which are significant early books about the Rosicrucian movement. These books were also extensively annotated by Newton.[35]

Newton's ownership of these materials by no means denotes membership within any early Rosicrucian order. Furthermore, considering that his personal alchemical investigations were focused upon discovering materials which the Rosicrucians professed to already be in possession of[citation needed] long before he was born, would seem to some to exclude Newton from their membership.[why?] During his own life, Newton was openly accused of being a Rosicrucian, as were many members of The Royal Society.[36]

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/10/2024 05:23

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/10/2024 05:35
Amazon.com: Newton the Alchemist: Science, Enigma, and the Quest for  Nature's "Secret Fire": 9780691174877: Newman, William: Books

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/10/2024 05:43
La Maddalena and Masonic Symbolism. - Images of Venice

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 02/11/2024 04:14
The Empty Tomb John 20:1-9 Pastor Keone. - ppt download

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/11/2024 15:13
The Alchemy Cookbook: Transforming food into medicine: Azzopardi, Nicole:  9780994169716: Amazon.com: Books

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 30/11/2024 03:09
80's Classic Back To The Future Doc Brown "Great Scott!" Custom Tee Any  Size | Back to the future, Doc brown, Great scott
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In ‘Back to the Future’ (1985) you can see a portrait of Thomas Edison in Doc’s house when Marty travels back to 1955. This was a good prop to illustrate the time period, as no modern scientist like Doc would ever respect a degenerate conman like Edison.

r/shittymoviedetails - In ‘Back to the Future’ (1985) you can see a portrait of Thomas Edison in Doc’s house when Marty travels back to 1955. This was a good prop to illustrate the time period, as no modern scientist like Doc would ever respect a degenerate conman like Edison.
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In Back to the Future, Doc displays pictures of Newton, Franklin, Edison, and Einstein in his 1955 home while discussing time travel with Marty. All men whose work influenced Doc's invention.

r/MovieDetails - In Back to the Future, Doc displays pictures of Newton, Franklin, Edison, and Einstein in his 1955 home while discussing time travel with Marty. All men whose work influenced Doc's invention.

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 01/12/2024 15:25
Energía Cinética - Concepto, tipos y ejemplos

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energia cinetica y potencial - Buscar con Google | Energía cinética, Energia  electrica, Tipos de energia

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 08/12/2024 17:33
Did God really say…?' (Gen 2–3) | Psephizo

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Amazon.com: James Watt and the Steam-Engine eBook : Rupert Sargent Holland:  Kindle Store
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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 23/12/2024 16:46
ick image to enlarge683772
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Definitive proof of Einstein's theory of relativity... 'Epoch making'...

Item # 683772

Currently Unavailable. Contact us if you would like to be placed on a want list or to be notified if a similar item is available.

NOVEMBER 09, 1919

 NEW YORK TIMES, November 9, 1919 

* Very early Albert Einstein
* Theory of Relativity proved

Page 6 begins with an article which, in scientific circles, is definitive proof of Einstein's theory of relativity.
As background, in 1916 Albert Einstein published his general theory of relativity in full mathematical detail. That opened the window on a radically new framework for physics, abolishing established notions of space and time and replacing Newton’s formulation of the laws of gravity. Einstein’s revolution was to change the course of science; but in the years immediately after publication, there was no definitive observational evidence that his theory was correct.
But an eclipse in 1919 gave opportunity to prove it. By harnessing a total solar eclipse scientists argued that the bending of light by the sun’s gravity could be measured. This was a critical test, because Einstein’s theory predicted a deflection precisely twice the value obtained using Isaac Newton’s law of universal gravitation. The observations proved Einstein's theory correct.
The column heads on page 6: "ECLIPSE SHOWED GRAVITY VARIATION" "Diversion of Light Rays Accepted as Affecting Newton's Principles" "Hailed As Epochmaking" "British Scientist Calls the Discovery One of the Greatest of Human Achievements". The photos show the full text of the article.
Complete 1st section only with 24 pages, light toning and a little wear at the margins, irregular along the spine, generally good. Should be handled with care.

Category: The 20th Century


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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/12/2024 15:17

Gravity of Mars

Earth vs Mars vs Moon gravity at elevation

The gravity of Mars is a natural phenomenon, due to the law of gravity, or gravitation, by which all things with mass around the planet Mars are brought towards it. It is weaker than Earth's gravity due to the planet's smaller mass. The average gravitational acceleration on Mars is 3.72076 m/s2 (about 38% of the gravity of Earth) and it varies.[1]

In general, topography-controlled isostasy drives the short wavelength free-air gravity anomalies.[2] At the same time, convective flow and finite strength of the mantle lead to long-wavelength planetary-scale free-air gravity anomalies over the entire planet.[3][4] Variation in crustal thickness, magmatic and volcanic activities, impact-induced Moho-uplift, seasonal variation of polar ice caps, atmospheric mass variation and variation of porosity of the crust could also correlate to the lateral variations.[5][6][7][8][9]

Over the years models consisting of an increasing but limited number of spherical harmonics have been produced. Maps produced have included free-air gravity anomalyBouguer gravity anomaly, and crustal thickness. In some areas of Mars there is a correlation between gravity anomalies and topography. Given the known topography, higher resolution gravity field can be inferred. Tidal deformation of Mars by the Sun or Phobos can be measured by its gravity. This reveals how stiff the interior is, and shows that the core is partially liquid. The study of surface gravity of Mars can therefore yield information about different features and provide beneficial information for future Mars landings.


Rotating spherical harmonic, with ℓ=0 to 4{displaystyle ell =0{	ext{ to }}4} for the vertical, and �=0 to 4{displaystyle m=0{	ext{ to }}4} for the horizontal. For the Martian C20 and C30, they vary with time because of the seasonal variation of mass of the polar ice caps through the annual sublimation-condensation cycle of carbon dioxide.

To understand the gravity of Mars, its gravitational field strength g and gravitational potential U are often measured. Simply, if Mars is assumed to be a static perfectly spherical body of radius RM, provided that there is only one satellite revolving around Mars in a circular orbit and such gravitation interaction is the only force acting in the system, the equation would be

����2=���2,{displaystyle {frac {GMm}{r^{2}}}=mromega ^{2},}

where G is the universal constant of gravitation (commonly taken as G = 6.674 × 10−11 m3 kg−1 s−2),[10] M is the mass of Mars (most updated value: 6.41693 × 1023 kg),[11] m is the mass of the satellite, r is the distance between Mars and the satellite, and {displaystyle omega } is the angular velocity of the satellite, which is also equivalent to 2��{displaystyle {frac {2pi }{T}}} (T is the orbiting period of the satellite).

Therefore, �=����2=�3�2��2=4�3�2�2��2{displaystyle g={frac {GM}{R_{M}^{2}}}={frac {r^{3}omega ^{2}}{R_{M}^{2}}}={frac {4r^{3}pi ^{2}}{T^{2}R_{M}^{2}}}}, where RM is the radius of Mars. With proper measurement, rT, and RM are obtainable parameters from Earth.

However, as Mars is a generic, non-spherical planetary body and influenced by complex geological processes, more accurately, the gravitational potential is described with spherical harmonic functions, following convention in geodesy; see Geopotential model.

�(�,�,�)=−���(1+∑ℓ=2ℓ=�(��)ℓ(�ℓ0�ℓ0(sin⁡�)+∑�=1+ℓ(�ℓ�cos⁡��+�ℓ�sin⁡��)�ℓ�(sin⁡�))),{displaystyle U(r,lambda ,psi )=-{frac {GM}{r}}left(1+sum _{ell =2}^{ell =L}left({frac {R}{r}}
ight)^{ell }left(C_{ell 0}P_{ell }^{0}(sin psi )+sum _{m=1}^{+ell }(C_{ell m}cos mlambda +S_{ell m}sin mlambda )P_{ell }^{m}(sin psi )

where �,�,�{displaystyle r,psi ,lambda } are spherical coordinates of the test point.[12] {displaystyle lambda } is longitude and {displaystyle psi } is latitude. �ℓ�{displaystyle C_{ell m}} and �ℓ�{displaystyle S_{ell m}} are dimensionless harmonic coefficients of degree {displaystyle l} and order {displaystyle m}.[12] �ℓ�{displaystyle P_{ell }^{m}} is the Legendre polynomial of degree {displaystyle l} with �=0{displaystyle m=0} and is the associated Legendre polynomial with �>0{displaystyle m>0}. These are used to describe solutions of Laplace's equation.[12] {displaystyle R} is the mean radius of the planet.[12] The coefficient �ℓ0{displaystyle C_{ell 0}} is sometimes written as ��{displaystyle J_{n}}.

  1. The lower the degree {displaystyle ell } and order {displaystyle m}, the longer wavelength of anomaly it represents. In turn, long-wavelength gravity anomaly is influenced by global geophysical structures.
  2. The higher the degree {displaystyle ell } and order {displaystyle m}, the shorter wavelength of anomaly it represents. For degree over 50, it has been shown that those variations have high correlation with the topography.[13] Geophysical interpretation of surface features could further help deriving a more complete picture of the Martian gravity field, though misleading results could be produced.[13]

The oldest technique in determining the gravity of Mars is through Earth-based observation. Later with the arrival of uncrewed spacecraft, subsequent gravity models were developed from radio tracking data.

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/12/2024 14:56

Wavelength to Frequency Calculation and Equation

Wavelength to Frequency EquationA simple equation relates wavelength and frequency to the speed of the wave.

The wavelength to frequency and frequency to wavelength calculations are important in physics and engineering. Here is the equation relating wavelength and frequency, example calculations, and a table of common values.

Relationship Between Wavelength and Frequency

A simple equation relates wavelength to frequency:

v = λf

  • v = wave velocity (how fast the wave propagates in a medium)
  • λ = wavelength (distance over which a wave shape repeats)
  • f = wave frequency (number of waves per unit of time)

For light and other electromagnetic radiation in a vacuum, the wave velocity is the speed of light (c):

c = λf

But, the wave speed is different for other kinds of waves and for light passing through a medium.

  • Light in air or vacuum: 299,792,458 meters per second
  • Light in water: 224,901,000 m/s
  • Sound in air: 343.2 m/s
  • Sound in water (20 °C): 1,481 m/s

Wavelength and frequency are inversely proportional. As wavelength increases, frequency decreases. As frequency increases, wavelength decreases.

How to Calculate Wavelength From Frequency

Rearrange the equation and calculate wavelength from frequency:

λ = v/f

For example, find the wavelength of the musical note A4, which has a frequency of 440 Hz.

The only tricky part in the calculation is keeping the units straight. Usually, you work with meters and Hertz and then convert to other units (e.g., nanometers, THz, GHz). In this problem, the wave velocity is the speed of sound in air (343.2 m/s). The frequency is 440 Hz. One hertz unit equal one cycle (wave) per second, so a frequency of 440 Hz is 440 s-1.

λ = v/f
λ = (343.2 m/s)/(440 s-1)
λ = 0.78 m or 78 cm

As another example, find the frequency of the green light of the aurora borealis, which has a frequency of 5.38 x 1014 Hz.

Here, the equation is:

λ = c/f
λ = (3 x 108 m/sec)/(5.38 x 1014 s-1)
λ = 5.576 x 10-7 m = 557.6 nm

How to Calculate Frequency From Wavelength

Rearrange the equation and calculate frequency from wavelength:

f = v/λ

For example, find the wavelength of orange light with a frequency of 4.8×1014 Hz.

f = v/λ (but v is c for light)
f = c/λ
f = (3.00 × 108 m/s)/(4.8×1014 s-1)
f = 6.2 x 10-7 m = 620 nm

Wavelength to Frequency Chart

This chart shows the wavelength to frequency relationship for electromagnetic radiation:

Electromagnetic Radiation Wavelength Frequency
Gamma radiation 1 pm 300 EHz
X-ray 1 nm 300 PHz
Ultraviolet 100 nm 3 PHz
Visible light 400-700 nm 430-750 THz
Infrared 100 μm 3 THz
EHF (Extremely high frequency) 1 mm 300 GHz
SHF (Super high frequency) 1 cm 30 GHz
UHF (Ultra high frequency) 1 dm 3 GHz
VHF (Very high frequency) 10 m 30 MHz
ELF (Extremely low frequency) 100,000 km 3 Hz


  • Avison, John (1999). The World of Physics. Nelson Thornes. ISBN 978-0-17-438733-6.
  • Cassidy, David C.; Holton, Gerald James; Rutherford, Floyd James (2002). Understanding Physics. Birkhäuser. ISBN 0-387-98756-8.
  • Hecht, Eugene (1987). Optics (2nd ed.). Addison Wesley. ISBN 0-201-11609-X.

Respuesta  Mensaje 16 de 17 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 27/12/2024 16:00

Non-curvature of Space by Matter
Of ferman: Fernando Mancebo Rodriguez--- Personal page. ----Spanish pages

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Email: ferman25@hotmail.com
Email: ferman30@yahoo.es


Non-curvature of Space by Matter


Supposed demonstrations are continually exposed that the theory of Relativity in relation to the curvature of space, is correct.
However, and to my understanding, they are only misinterpreted and erroneous deductions, which make me suspect that an attempt is only made to give value to research and observations for the mere fact of being in agreement with Relativity.
As can be seen in the drawing, the idea and theory of the curvature of space produced by matter or mass does not have consistency since a simple observer can appreciate that any object attracted by a large mass does not curve in its direction of approach, but rather that goes in a straight line and not towards a pole of that great mass.
It can also be analyzed and discussed the fact that any moving body that undergoes a curvature in its path, is slowed down by the change of direction of the inertial force that it carries, and therefore could never be accelerated as actually occurs in the attraction of an object by a large material mass.
On the other hand, if gravity was not an accelerating force, and it was only a cause of the curved space, then situated on the surface of the earth we would only be a curved body, but not accelerated towards the center of the earth, that is say, we would not weigh anything, could jump and fly as we pleased, etc.
But this does not happen, because we do weigh ourselves (me 65 kg.), And if we make a small jump, the earth counteracts this movement with a contrary force produced by gravity, which is therefore a force.
A supposed deformation of space, which only the great scientific minds know how to imagine correctly (but not explain), is only deformation, not thrust force.
Therefore, in the observation and measurement of movement, inertia, momentum, etc. from an attracted mass it is extracted as a consequence:
1.- That this attracted mass does so in a direct line towards the attracting mass.
2.- That it is not slowed down by having a curved road.
3.- That the attracted mass is impelled in its movement by fields of force (gravity) that, because it is concentric on the star that attracts it, this force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the mass that it is attracts.
As can be seen, there are three simple and clear observations that are always made in any approach movement between stars and attracted objects.
Now, as Relativity is considered for now, more as a dogma of faith than as a theory to discuss and verify, since it is preferred to ignore the simple and visible, and to look for new imaginary methods to make true what at first glance seems to be impossible.
Perhaps it is because we live in times of virtual and imaginary effects and we want to get away from the sad and boring of simple scientific research and discussion.
It is very funny that with our mathematical formulas we can create a parallel and virtual universe, in which there are virtual particles; being able to be in two or more places at the same time; create entanglements of particles; get mass and matter out of nothing; create wormholes that take us throughout the Universe, etc. etc.
Really funny!


As we see in the drawing, perhaps a bit exaggerated, the curvature of the space of Einstein and Schwarzschild is so far-fetched and far from visible reality that it is impossible to give it the least credibility, if you are a bit critical and minimally we review the proposal of these scientists.
Three simple observations:
1.- If space is deformed by matter, this which is also space will be deformed to the same degree of curvature and shape, and thus, a material nucleus (e.g. the sun) would follow this deformation., (as is seen in the drawing)
2.- If this deformation of space exists, each of the planets would also rotate in different planes of rotation on the sun (depending of the radius to the sun) following this curvature, as seen in the drawing.
But we see that this is not the case, and they all have a similar plane of rotation.
3.-All the stars, sun, planets, etc. They have a force of cohesion and compression of their masses in a spherical shape, reaching a great pressure inside them, for which a huge compression force is needed on the mass of the star, an issue that would not occur if the nuclear matter were only deformed into curve (which cannot even be imagined its shape for the simple reason that it is not possible)
Therefore I understand that it is a theory for faithful followers, but not for critics who look for the pros and cons of each theory.




The example of Saturn, like that of our planet, the sun, the observation of galaxies, etc. they show us that Einstein's curvature of space and Schwarzschild's metric are wrong theories.
However, for those who do not like the "raw" reality, they can scape of it with theoretical assumptions of imaginary black holes, those which everyone sees and knows perfectly (sorry for the sarcasm)


Saturn says no! to Einstein and Karl Schwarzschild

As we see in the drawing, Saturn is a planet that seems to be built on purpose to demonstrate the erroneousness of the theories of curvature of space by large material nuclei.
The completely flat orbital shape of its rings and moons tells us clearly that this planet does not curve space.
And we see it clearly, if we wish to do so, when verifying that from its more near vicinity to the distant moons, not even the smallest detail of that proposed Einstein curvature is observed.
If we go to other planets and observe the rotation and also flat situation of their moons, we observe that there is no curvature either.
If we go to the sun, we also observe the same thing.
And if we go to the galaxies, the rotation in a flat way of its star disc is also observed, with a more compact formation in its center.
So we ask ourselves, where do we have to go to observe the curvature of space?
Well, to our relativistic mind to imagine black holes that yes, those fulfill the Schwarzschild metric.


Below is a comparison of my model and that of Einstein (Schwarzschild)


I put drawing on the comparison of my model (TOE.1992) and Einstein's model (Schwarzschild)
In this model the deformation (of both gravitational and magnetic fields) is in spiral way due to the rotation of the large nuclei of matter.
With this spiral deformation, stationary orbits are created on the spin equator where orbitals (planets, moons, electrons, etc.) are driven and stabilized in them.
As we can see, the location of the elements that rotate around the nuclei (stars in the galaxies, planets in the solar systems, moons in the planets, electrons in the atoms, etc.) coincide with the deformation spiral of the magnetic fields and gravitational about the equator of rotation.
With this rotation, the north-south N-S polar direction is also created, with which stars, atoms, etc. are aligned. when creating molecules.



Thank friends

Respuesta  Mensaje 17 de 17 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 25/02/2025 17:17

Episode 134

n 1854 a slab of marble donated by Pope Pius IX arrived in Washington, D.C. He had it engraved “A Roma Americae,” or “From Rome to America,” as a sign of goodwill. He had sent it over to be included in the Washington Monument, which was then under construction. Many foreign governments had sent similar contributions to honor America’s first president. The Know Nothings, however, had no intention of allowing a gift from the Pope to be included in the Washington Monument. They were certain the stone was a sign of darker intentions by the Pope. So on March 9, 1854, under cover of darkness, a group of these anti-Catholics broke into the yard, stole the stone, and after damaging it with hammers they dropped it in the Potomac River. No one was ever credibly accused of the crime, despite reward offers and a public outcry. Many years later, however, after a tip, the stone was discovered… only to disappear again. But today, there is a stone from the Pope in the Washington Monument, this one was provided by Pope John Paul II in 1982.


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