Los Carmelitas descalzos obtuvieron un Breve apostólico de Paulo V para edificar conventos de su Orden en cualquier parte de la Cristiandad; fue este el primero que fundaron en la última parte del Monte Quirinal el año de 1606.
La iglesia se fundó en 1605 como una capilla dedicada a san Pablo para los carmelitas descalzos. La propia orden dotó de fondos a la obra del edificio hasta el descubrimiento en las excavaciones de la escultura conocida como el Hermafrodita Borghese. Scipione Borghese se apropió de ella, pero a cambio, y quizá para compensar su pérdida de influencia debido a la muerte de su tío y patrón, financió el resto de la obra de la fachada y prestó a la orden a su arquitecto, Giovanni Battista Soria. Estas concesiones, sin embargo, sólo se llevaron a efecto en 1624, aunque la obra se acabó dos años más tarde.
Después de la victoria católica en la batalla de la Montaña Blanca en 1620, que hizo retroceder la Reforma en Bohemia, la iglesia fue consagrada de nuevo a la Virgen María. Una imagen maltrecha había sido recuperada del ámbito de aquella batalla por Fray Domingo de Jesús María, de dicha Orden, de las ruinas de la casa de campo de un noble cristiano bohemio, a la cual se le atribuyó la victoria, llamándola Santa María de la Victoria. La imagen fue llevada a Roma por Fray Domingo, depositándose en Santa María la Mayor en presencia de Gregorio XV.
El nombre de Santa María de la Victoria, se dio ulteriormente, en conmemoración por haber reconquistado el emperador Fernando I la ciudad de Praga en 1671. Estandartes turcos capturados en el Sitio de Viena de 1683 cuelgan en la iglesia, como parte de este tema victorioso.
La iglesia es la única estructura diseñada y completada por el arquitecto del Barroco temprano, Carlo Maderno, aunque el interior padeció un fuego en 1833 y requirió una restauración. Su fachada, sin embargo, fue erigida por Soria en vida de Maderno (1624-1626), mostrando la inconfundible influencia de la cercana Santa Susanna de Maderno.
Su interior tiene una sola nave, amplia, bajo una bóveda segmentada baja, con tres capillas laterales interconectadas detrás de arcos separados por colosales pilastras corintias con capiteles dorados que apoyan un rico entablamento. Revestimientos de mármol que contrastan entre sí están enriquecidos con ángeles y putti de estuco blanco y dorado en bulto redondo. El interior fue enriquecido progresivamente después de la muerte de Maderno; su bóveda fue pintada al fresco en 1663 con temas triunfales dentro de compartimentos con marcos ficticios: La Virgen María triunfa sobre la Herejía y Caída de los ángeles rebeldes ejecutados por Giovanni Domenico Cerrini.
Sin duda, parte de la fama de este templo se debe a albergar una de las obras maestras del Barroco, la capilla Cornaro, espectacular y teatral espacio presidido por el grupo escultórico que representa el Éxtasis de Santa Teresa, de Gian Lorenzo Bernini, quizá la obra más conocida de este autor en el campo de la escultura. En la capilla situada frente a esta, dedicada a San José, se encuentra un grupo escultórico que representa el tema del Sueño de San José, obra del escultor Domenico Guidi, que se inspira en la obra de Bernini delante de la cual se halla.1
Looking east through nave on 23 June 1976, two days after the summer solsticeMary Magdalene's relics in the crypt
In 1976, Hugues Delautre, one of the Franciscan fathers charged with stewardship of the Vézelay sanctuary, discovered that beyond the customary east-west orientation of the structure, the architecture of La Madeleine incorporates the relative positions of the Earth and the Sun into its design. Every June, just before the feast day of Saint John the Baptist, the astronomical dimensions of the church are revealed as the sun reaches its highest point of the year, at local noon on the summer solstice, when the sunlight coming through the southern clerestory windows casts a series of illuminated spots precisely along the longitudinal center of the nave floor.[13][14][15][16][17]
VIDEO | 22 de Julio de 1947: Evita es recibida por Vicent Auriol, el presidente de Francia
Tuvo una agenda bastante apretada, con importantes reuniones para firmar acuerdos internacionales.
La “Gira del Arco Iris” de Evita por Europa y Sudamérica se realizó con el objetivo de fortalecer relaciones en el exterior, en un contexto de post Segunda Guerra Mundial. La primera dama fue enviada por Juan Domingo Perón para representar al gobierno peronista y al país. En primer lugar, llegó a España, donde se entrevistó con el general Francisco Franco y miles de españoles se rindieron a sus pies. Después se instaló en Italia, Portugal, Francia, Suiza, Mónaco, el Vaticano, Brasil y Uruguay.
El 22 de julio de 1947, la “abanderada de los humildes” llegó a Paris. Fue recibida por Georges Bidault, ministro de Exteriores francés. Además, la esperaba un grupo de mujeres y de niños que se mezclaban con las banderas de Argentina y de Francia. Las autoridades de la capital del país galo pusieron a disposición de Eva el automóvil del general Charles De Gaulle, un honor que hasta el momento sólo se había reservado para el primer ministro británico Winston Churchill. Con ese rodado, la oriunda de Los Toldos conoció la catedral de Notre Dame.
Evita ingresó a Notre Dame y se entrevistó con el monseñor Roncalli, quien en 1958 se convertiría en Papa y recibiría la denominación de Juan XXIII. Fuentes cercanas a la primera dama, sostienen que durante la entrevista que tuvieron, la joven argentina de 27 años le explicó la idea de realizar una fundación de ayuda social (la cual crearía al regresar al país) y recibió como respuesta: “Le recomiendo dos cosas: que prescinda por completo de todo papelerío burocrático, y que se consagre sin límites a su tarea”. Ambas las cumplió con excelencia.
Durante el tiempo en Francia, Evita estuvo hospedada en el Hotel Ritz. Tuvo una agenda bastante cargada de reuniones para firmar acuerdos internacionales. Uno de ellos fue con el presidente Vincent Auriol, con quien firmó un tratado que incluía el intercambio en particular de cuero, carne, cereales, aceites, y quebracho a cambio de acero, automóviles, diversos productos mecánicos, y en particular máquinas textiles, productos químicos.
“En su entrevista con el ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, Georges Bidault, uno de los principales dirigentes de la resistencia interior a la ocupación alemana, Evita le planteó que era muy desagradable que Francia, país amigo de la Argentina, tuviera una calle en París y una estación del Métropolitain que se llamara Obligado, por la batalla de la Vuelta de Obligado. Le recordó que la Escuadra naval anglofrancesa había logrado ganar la batalla, pero había pedido la guerra. Y le pidió que le cambiaran el nombre.
Dos días después, cuando se firmaban los acuerdos comerciales por los cuales la Argentina otorgaba a Francia un crédito para compras de cereales de 200 millones de dólares, el presidente Vincent Auriol le comunicó que en aras de la renovada amistad franco argentina serían cambiados los nombres de la estación del Métropolitain y de la calle”. De esta manera, la calle Vuelta de Obligado pasó a denominarse “d’Argentine”. Evita, una luz en la historia argentina que dejó su rastro en París.
Brazil crowds greet Pope Francis in Rio de Janeiro
23 July 2013
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Clashes during Pope's Brazil visit
Pope Francis has been greeted by tens of thousands of Brazilian pilgrims as he began his first trip abroad since becoming head of the Catholic Church.
The first Latin American Pope toured Rio de Janeiro in an open car and then met President Dilma Rousseff at the state governor's palace.
After he left, police fired tear gas to disperse protests against both the government and the cost of the visit.
He is in Brazil to attend the Roman Catholic World Youth Day festival.
In a speech soon after his arrival, the Pope urged young Catholics to "make disciples of all nations".
"I came to meet young people coming from all over the world, drawn to the open arms of Christ the Redeemer," he said at the governor's palace, referring to Rio's famous vast statue of Jesus.
"They want to find a refuge in his embrace, right near his heart to hear his call clearly and powerfully."
About an hour after the welcoming ceremony, police fired stun grenades and tear gas against the demonstrators outside the palace.
It was the latest rally against what the protesters described as endemic government corruption across the country.
But some were also unhappy about $53m (£34m) in public fund being spent for the pontiff's visit.
There was little damage and few arrests, but it was a reminder that there is still a real possibility the pontiff's high-profile visit to a huge Catholic festival in Rio could be overshadowed by political events, the BBC's Wyre Davies reports from Rio.
In a separate development, the military said a homemade explosive device had been discovered at a shrine between Rio and Sao Paulo that the Pope is due to visit on Wednesday.
The device at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Conception of Aparecida was described as being "of low power" and was destroyed.
Relaxed and jovial
As Pope Francis disembarked from the Alitalia plane in Rio's airport earlier on Monday, he was welcomed by President Rousseff to cheers and applause from the waiting crowd. A choir sang an anthem linked to Youth Day and he was presented with a bouquet of flowers.
The Pope waved before being taken by motorcade to the centre of Rio, where thousands of pilgrims have gathered.
Pope Francis looked relaxed and jovial as he was driven into Rio de Janeiro in a modest family car, with the window wound down and security officials struggling to keep back the crowds, our correspondent says.
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Crowds mobbed the Pope's car as it made its way from the airport
There were chaotic scenes as his car became stuck in one of the city's infamous traffic jams, after the pope's driver reportedly took the wrong turn and missed lanes that had been cleared by the security services.
Crowds immediately gathered round the vehicle hoping to catch a glimpse or touch Pope Francis. One woman passed her baby through the window for a kiss from the Holy Father.
Once in the city centre, the Pope switched to an open-air Popemobile, waving at the tens of thousands who lined the streets he travelled through.
"I can't travel to Rome, but he came here to make my country better... and to deepen our faith," said a tearful 73-year-old Idaclea Rangel.
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The Pope waved as he left the Alitalia plane
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He was greeted by Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff
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Security was tight as the Pope headed to a motorcade taking him to central Rio
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Children cheered and sang as the Pope arrived
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Clashes erupted soon after the Pope left a reception at the Rio state governor's palace. Police fired tear gas and stun grenades to disperse the crowds protesting against government corruption
The authorities have increased security during the Pope's seven-day visit, following weeks of nationwide protests against corruption and bad governance.
Pope Francis refused to use an armoured Popemobile, despite requests from Brazilian officials. Some 30,000 security staff - army and police are on duty throughout his visit.
More than a million young Catholics are expected to gather in Rio for World Youth Day, which takes place every two years, and is a celebration of the Catholic faith.
The Argentina-born Pope - who became head of the Catholic Church in March - is due to lead a prayer service on Copacabana beach on Thursday. He will also visit one of Rio's shanty towns.
Speaking to reporters on his flight from Rome, the Pope said young people were "at this moment are in crisis," in an apparent reference to the continuing economic crisis across Europe.
"We run the risk of having a generation that hasn't worked," he said, even though work confers dignity.
He also criticised what he said was a "culture" of socially rejecting the elderly who were "thrown away" as if they had nothing to offer.
When Pope Francis arrives in Rio, he will attend a welcome ceremony in Guanabara Palace. Guests will include Brazillian President Dilma Rousseff.
Sumare Centre (22 July)
The catholic education institution will be the Pope's residence during his stay in Rio.
Our Lady of Aparecida Basilica (24 July)
The Pope travels to the National Shrine of Our Lady of Aparecida in the city of Aparecida do Norte, the largest Marian pilgrimage centre in the world. He will celebrate a mass there and return to Rio on the same day.
St. Francis of Assisi Hospital (24 July)
As soon as he returns from Aparecida do Norte, the pontiff will inaugurate a special ward for the treatment of drug addicts, built with donations from the Vatican.
City Palace (25 July)
The Pope will be handed the keys to the city from mayor Eduardo Paes. Later, he will bless the Olympic flags for Rio 2016.
Varginha slum, Manguinhos (25 July)
Pope Francis visits the community living in the Varginha slum and will make a speech in a local football field.
Copacabana beach (25-26 July)
The Pope will greet the participants of the Church's World Youth Day on 25 July. The next day, they will join him in a Way of the Cross procession at the beach.
Quinta da Boa Vista (26 July)
The Pope receives the confession of five youngsters in a house that was used by Brazil's royal family members.
St. Joachim Archiepiscopal Palace (26 July)
The pontiff will meet young prisoners. After that, he will deliver the Angelus prayer and blessing from the palace balcony and meet youngsters from the organising committee of World Youth Day for lunch.
Rio de Janeiro Municipal Theatre (27 July)
Pope Francis meets politicians and local dignitaries.
Campus Fidei, Guaratiba (27-28 July)
The Pope will hold a vigil with the participants of World Youth Day on Saturday evening. On Sunday morning, Pope Francis will celebrate the final mass of the WYD 2013 and deliver the Angelus prayer and blessing once again.
Riocentro (28 July)
On his way to the airport, the pontiff stops in Riocentro, the largest convention centre in Latin America, to meet the WYD volunteers.
Galeao International Airport (28 July)
In his last engagement in Brazil, the pope will make a speech in a farewell ceremony at the airport.