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General: María Magdalena Magia Sexual y Redención
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De: Alcoseri  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 28/11/2012 03:34
Magia sexual, Francmasonería y el secreto redimidor de María Magdalena
 Estos conocimientos representan un valor extraordinario en el estudio del Misterio de la Serpiente Ígnea del Génesis, uno de los misterios más secretos, y mejor guardados porque contiene en sí también el secreto de la Vida eterna y la inmortalidad del alma, pero al mismo tiempo la Muerte, y el sufrimiento eterno, es como un Cielo y un Infierno, en una extraña dualidad. Los conocimientos del fuego serpentino son de una trascendencia muchísimo mayor de lo que la mayoría de los estudiantes de la Ciencia esotérica se imaginaria. Todos los estudiantes del esoterismo francmasónico saben que existen ciertas fuerzas o energías que corresponden a los siete principios humanos, cada una de las cuales está polarizada separadamente sobre el plano especial de su actividad. Aun en un cuerpo humano, tomado separadamente, una mitad es positiva, la otra negativa; las arterias y los nervios motores son positivos, las venas y los nervios sensibles son negativos. Si los líquidos separados por un tabique poroso, son de naturaleza química distinta, generan electricidad; así también en el organismo la endósmosis genera corrientes de distintas clases. Todo ello centrado en la base de la columna vertebral, en el hueso sacro, exactamente entre el ano y la vagina, o bien entre el ano y el pene. El hombre es positivo en el mundo material y sensible, siendo negativo en la esfera de lo intelectual, mientras que la mujer, por el contrario, es femenina y negativa en la esfera material y sensible, mientras que es positiva en la esfera de lo intelectual. La línea de polaridad que va del cerebro a los órganos generadores, tiene, sin embargo, un punto medio neutro , que en ciencia espiritual se denomina a veces el Sendero del Medio , y ese punto medio neutro está a la altura del plexo solar, siendo el punto de fusión que consagra la identidad de toda la raza humana, a pesar de sus diferencias sexuales o de otra índole. Existen tres centros activos en el ser humano — como en realidad en todos los seres animados o inanimados — constituidos por el cerebro, el plexo solar y los órganos generadores, centros respectivamente del pensamiento, del sentimiento y de la voluntad. El hombre tiene un cerebro femenino y un órgano sexual masculino; la mujer tiene el cerebro masculino o positivo y el órgano sexual femenino o negativo. El plexo solar constituye en ambos el punto neutro, en que se equilibran ambos polos, y en el cual se encuentra el Sendero del Medio o el Árbol de la Vida, que según el Génesis, estaba situado “en el medio” del Jardín del Edén. Ahora bien, nos preguntamos, ¿Qué es un órgano masculino?. Es el que produce la simiente, esto es, el germen rudimentario, la iniciativa, que el órgano femenino recoge, reacciona, concibe, gesta, nutre, desarrolla y elabora un tiempo mayor o menor, al final del cual, ese órgano da a luz un nuevo ser perfecto, es decir, transformado en acto, en realidad objetiva, en tanto que el germen fecundante o iniciativa, no contenía ese ser más que en potencia. Y aunque sea evidente que físicamente el falo masculina es activo y positivo, esto es, un instrumento de fecundación, y el clítoris femenino es pasivo y negativo, esto es, un instrumento de recepción, gestación, concepción y elaboración, no es menos cierto que los polos opuestos del hombre y la mujer, esto es, sus respectivos cerebros, son similarmente negativa y femenino en lo tocante al primero y positivo y masculino en lo tocante a la segunda. Es el cerebro masculino y positivo de la mujer el que emite los gérmenes de las ideas u otros mentales. Pero sólo da esos gérmenes, una especie de esperma mental, el movimiento inicial primitivo y fecundante, siendo el que fecunda el cerebro femenino y negativo del hombre, teniendo el cerebro de la mujer, con respecto al del hombre, las mismas propiedades en otro plano que el falo masculino con relación al clítoris femenino. En cuanto al punto neutro, localizado en el plexo solar es el centro del Amor y, por lo tanto, de la regeneración. En él se resumen todos los positivos y los negativos, lo masculino y lo femenino, para constituir una sola energía regenerada: Amor Fraternal Universal, la esencia del ser mismo. No hay que confundir, sin embargo este verdadero amor fraternal e impersonal, regenerado, con el amor pasional y egoísta que es el que suelen conocer la mayoría de los seres humanos en su estado actual de la evolución. El Amor Fraternal e Impersonal, enseñado en la Francmasonería se convierte así en el agente que puede reintegrar al ser humano a su completa plenitud espiritual, concediéndole la Vida inmortal y haciéndolo igual a los Dioses, como se habla en el Génesis al referirse al Árbol de la Vida. Como bien lo declara Eliphas Levi, sólo pueden transmitirse — y esto en forma muy fragmentaria y desordenada los misterios del Binario. El Árbol de la Ciencia del Bien y del Mal, cuyos frutos producen la Muerte, es la imagen del secreto hierático del Binario. Pero el Gran Arcano no es éste, aunque el secreto del Binario conduce al Cuaternario dos polos contra dos polos y procede y se resuelve por el Ternario (el Árbol de la Vida que encontrándose en el medio confiere la Inmortalidad), el cual contiene la palabra enigmática de la Esfinge (ÆL), la cual hay que encontrar a cualquier precio, si es que se quiere salvar la Vida, expiar el crimen involuntario y asegurar el reinado de Edipo. Finalmente, agregaremos que las corrientes de los fuegos vitales en el hombre ascienden de los órganos sexuales al cerebro, mientras que en la mujer descienden del cerebro a los órganos sexuales. Los gérmenes de la civilización y del progreso surgen siempre de la Mujer, siendo el hombre quien los concibe, los gesta y los da a luz posteriormente. A la luz de los fragmentarios conocimientos expuestos así en forma trunca — hecho expresamente por dictados superiores, pues no es posible hacer revelaciones a los no iniciados masones — es posible comprender muchos misterios y problemas que nos rodean actualmente. La degradación de las personas, entregadas a todos los vicios e irregularidades sexuales ( tiene un costo alto para la sociedad) pues produce calamidades, muertes masivas, pestes “porque la energía sexual no es para crear se utiliza par destruir. Las mujeresde sociedad especialmente- las prostitutas , que son las que están en más estrecha relación con los políticos y los dirigentes de los pueblos, que se entregan a la bebida, al tabaco, a la sensualidad más olvidada de todo espíritu, es la causa directa de la situación en que el mundo se debate en la actualidad, y a menos que se produzca un milagro y que Ella sea regenerada y sus pies coronados de rosas aplasten la cabeza de la Serpiente (como sucedió con María Magdalena), no hay esperanza de salvación para la humanidad actual que puebla la Tierra de monstruos horrendos- este es el simbolismo oculto en la transformación de María Magdalena, en los evangelios. Ahora comprenderán por qué se ha dicho “que lo que la Mujer quiere, Dios lo quiere” Esto quiere decir que La mujer es un poderoso, elemento de transformación social- una piedra de toque que transmuta el mundo, puesto que todo cuanto existe ha sido creado por la acción misteriosa del combinado poder del Binario Humano.Si no hubiera existido en los evangelios una María Magdalena, la redención del mundo no hubiera existido, de ahí su importancia.  

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Respuesta  Mensaje 262 de 276 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 23/12/2022 01:42
Canal HISTORIA on Twitter: "30 de abril de 1945 Suicidio de Adolf Hitler  Lee toda la efeméride: https://t.co/2qqeFQCAu3 https://t.co/uyTYneS5hf" /  Twitter
Johann Adam Weishaupt: The Founder of the Illuminati - YouTube
HISTORIA ARGENTINA 1853-1983 timeline | Timetoast timelines
Here Is What Every Symbol On The Dollar Bill Really Means
Scary Banknotes for Halloween – Triskaidekaphobia – Banknote World
Confederación y Buenos Aires - ppt descargar
ACTIVIDAD Nº 3 | Atrapa Ciencias...
Confederación Argentina (1831-1861) | Etapas, acuerdos y leyes

Respuesta  Mensaje 263 de 276 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 07/03/2023 05:59

Respuesta  Mensaje 264 de 276 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 31/05/2023 21:28

Respuesta  Mensaje 265 de 276 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 11/06/2023 16:56

Respuesta  Mensaje 266 de 276 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 12/06/2023 02:18

Respuesta  Mensaje 267 de 276 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 27/01/2024 14:07

Respuesta  Mensaje 268 de 276 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/05/2024 11:38


Reina-faraón de Egipto

Escultura romana de Cleopatra con una diadema real, de mediados del siglo i a. C. (época de sus visitas a Roma en 46-44 a. C.) encontrada en una villa italiana en la Vía Apia, actualmente expuesta en el Altes Museum.123n 1
52 a. C. a 51 a. C. (junto a Ptolomeo XII)
51 a. C. a 47 a. C. (junto a Ptolomeo XIII)
47 a. C. a 44 a. C. (junto a Ptolomeo XIV)
44 a. C. a 30 a. C. (junto a Cesarión)4n 2
Predecesor Ptolomeo XII
Sucesor Cargo desaparecido tras la anexión de Egipto por el imperio romano
Información personal
Nombre completo Cleopatra Filopátor Nea Thea
Coronación 51 a. C.
Nacimiento 69 a. C.
Fallecimiento 10-12 de agosto de 30 a. C. (39 años)n 2
Dinastía Ptolemaica
Padre Ptolomeo XII
Madre Desconocida, posiblemente Cleopatra VI (también conocida como Cleopatra V)n 3
Consorte Ptolomeo XIII (posiblemente)Ptolomeo XIVJulio César y Marco Antonio
Hijos CesariónAlejandro HeliosCleopatra Selene II y Ptolomeo Filadelfo

Cleopatra VII Thea Filopátor —en griego antiguoΚλεοπᾰ́τρᾱ Φιλοπάτωρromanizado: Kleopátrā Philopátōr5​ (69 a. C.-10 o 12 de agosto de 30 a. C.),n 2​ conocida como Cleopatra, fue la última gobernante de la dinastía ptolemaica del Antiguo Egipto, aunque nominalmente la sucedió como faraón su hijo Cesarión.n 4​ También fue diplomática, comandante naval, lingüista6​ y escritora de tratados médicos.7​ Era descendiente de Ptolomeo I Sóter, fundador de la dinastía, un general grecomacedonion 5​ de Alejandro Magno. Tras su muerte, Egipto se convirtió en provincia del Imperio romano, lo que marcó el final del período helenístico que se había iniciado con el reinado de Alejandro (336-323 a. C.).n 6​ Aunque su lengua materna era la koiné griega, fue la primera soberana ptolemaica en aprender el idioma egipcio.n 7

En 58 a. C. presuntamente acompañó a su padre, Ptolomeo XII, durante su exilio en Roma tras una revuelta en Egipto (para entonces un Estado cliente de Roma), lo que permitió que su hermana mayor, Berenice IV, reclamara el trono de Ptolomeo. Berenice murió en batalla en 55 a. C., cuando su padre volvió a Egipto con ayuda militar romana. Cuando Ptolomeo murió en 51 a. C., Cleopatra y su hermano menor, Ptolomeo XIIIaccedieron al trono como corregentes, pero la ruptura entre ambos desató una guerra civil.

Tras la derrota sufrida en 48 a. C. en la batalla de Farsalia por parte de su rival Julio César durante la segunda guerra civil romana, el estadista romano Pompeyo el Grande huyó a Egipto. Pompeyo había sido aliado político del padre de Cleopatra, pero a sugerencia de los eunucos de su corte, Ptolomeo XIII ordenó emboscar y asesinar a Pompeyo mientras César ocupaba Alejandría en persecución de su enemigo. Como cónsul de la República romana, César trató de reconciliar a Ptolomeo XIII con su hermana Cleopatra, pero Potino el Eunuco, consejero principal del monarca egipcio, creía que los términos que proponía el cónsul beneficiaban a Cleopatra, por lo que sus fuerzas sitiaron a César y Cleopatra en Alejandría. El asedio se levantó gracias a la llegada de aliados de César a comienzos de 47 a. C. y Ptolomeo XIII murió poco después en la batalla del NiloArsínoe IV, media hermana de Cleopatra que había liderado el asedio, se exilió en Éfeso. César, ya elegido dictador, declaró a Cleopatra y a su hermano menor Ptolomeo XIV cogobernantes de Egipto. Sin embargo, el general romano inició una relación sentimental privada con Cleopatra de la que nació Cesarión. Cleopatra viajó a Roma en 46 y 44 a. C. como reina vasalla y se alojó en la villa de César. Cuando este fue asesinado en 44 a. C., Cleopatra intentó que su hijo fuera designado heredero, pero no pudo debido al ascenso al poder de Octavio (posteriormente conocido como Augusto y que sería el primer emperador de Roma en 27 a. C.). Entonces, Cleopatra ordenó asesinar a su hermano Ptolomeo XIV y elevó a su hijo Cesarión como corregente de Egipto, con el nombre de Ptolomeo XV.

Durante la tercera guerra civil de la República romana (43-42 a. C.), Cleopatra se alió con el Segundo Triunvirato, formado por Octavio (sobrino nieto y heredero de César), Marco Antonio y Lépido. Tras su encuentro en Tarso en 41 a. C., la gobernante egipcia inició una relación con Marco Antonio de la que nacieron tres hijos: Alejandro HeliosCleopatra Selene II y Ptolomeo Filadelfo. Antonio usó su autoridad como triunviro para ejecutar a Arsínoe IV, cumpliendo el deseo de Cleopatra, y se apoyó cada vez más en la reina egipcia tanto para obtener financiación como ayuda militar durante sus invasiones del imperio parto y del Reino de Armenia. En las Donaciones de Alejandría, los hijos de Cleopatra con Marco Antonio fueron nombrados gobernantes sobre varios territorios bajo la autoridad de Antonio. Este hecho, unido al matrimonio de Marco Antonio con Cleopatra después de su divorcio de Octavia la Menor, hermana de Octavio, desató la cuarta guerra civil de la República romana. Después de iniciar una guerra de propaganda, Octavio forzó a huir a los aliados de Antonio en el senado romano y le declaró la guerra a Cleopatra en 32 a. C. La flota de guerra de Marco Antonio y Cleopatra fue derrotada por la de Octavio, bajo el mando de su general Agripa, en la batalla de Accio en 31 a. C., tras lo cual las tropas romanas de Octavio invadieron Egipto en 30 a. C. y derrotaron a las de Antonio, tras lo cual éste se suicidó. Cuando Cleopatra se enteró de que Octavio pretendía llevarla a Roma para exhibirla durante su procesión de triunfo, también se suicidó tomando veneno, si bien popularmente se cree que lo hizo dejándose morder por una áspide.

El legado de Cleopatra permanece en numerosas obras de arte, tanto antiguas como modernas y numerosas dramatizaciones de su vida en la literatura y otros medios. Varias obras de la historiografía romana y la poesía latina retratan a la reina de Egipto, generalmente brindando una perspectiva negativa y polémica de su semblanza, perspectiva que pervivió en la literatura medieval y renacentista. Las artes visuales de la antigüedad representaron a Cleopatra en monedas romanas y ptolemaicasesculturasbustosrelieves, vasijas de cristal, camafeos y pinturas. Fue tema de muchas obras del arte renacentista y barroco, como esculturas, pinturas, poemas y obras de teatro como Antonio y Cleopatra (1608), de William Shakespeare, y óperas como Julio César en Egipto (1724), de Händel. En tiempos recientes, ha aparecido tanto en bellas artes como en artes aplicadas, en sátiras burlescas, en películas de Hollywood como Cleopatra (1963) interpretada por Elizabeth Taylor, o como imagen de marcas comerciales, por lo que desde el siglo xix es un icono pop de la «egiptomanía».


La forma latina de Cleopatra proviene del griego antiguo Kleopátrā (en griegoΚλεοπᾰ́τρᾱ), que significa «gloria de su padre» en la forma femenina.8​ Este se deriva de kléos (κλέος) ‘gloria’ y patḗr (πᾰτήρ) ‘padre’, utilizando el genitivo patros (πατρός).9​ La forma masculina se habría escrito como Kleópatros (Κλεόπᾰτρος) o Pátroklos (Πάτροκλος).9

Cleopatra era el nombre de la hermana de Alejandro Magno, así como el de Cleopatra Alcíon, esposa de Meleagro en la mitología griega.10​ A través del matrimonio de Ptolomeo V Epífanes y Cleopatra I Sira (una princesa seléucida), el nombre se introdujo en la dinastía ptolemaica.1112​ El título adoptado por Cleopatra Theā́ Philopátōra (Θεᾱ́ Φιλοπάτωρα) significa «diosa que ama a su padre».1314n 8

En cuanto a la acentuación, la bibliografía en español utiliza las formas Filopator, Filópator y Filopátor, optándose a lo largo de este artículo por la última, de acuerdo con la transcripción al español de los nombres propios griegos en Galiano (1969, p. 81).

Respuesta  Mensaje 269 de 276 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 23/05/2024 16:23
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Rennes-le-Chteau: un collegamento con Roma? - FUI

Respuesta  Mensaje 270 de 276 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 10/11/2024 15:55

Respuesta  Mensaje 271 de 276 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/01/2025 14:59

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Respuesta  Mensaje 22 de 22 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 14/01/2025 11:38
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Respuesta  Mensaje 272 de 276 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/01/2025 14:26
The obelisks and domes at the Vatican and Washington DC are aligned to exactly 88.88 degrees. There’s another city that has a famous dome, can you guess which one it is…?
The Vatican and Washington obelisks and domes…

The obelisks and domes at the Vatican and Washington DC are aligned to exactly 88.88 degrees. There’s another city that has a famous dome, can you guess which one it is…?
The Vatican and Washington obelisks and domes…

The obelisks and domes at the Vatican and Washington DC are aligned to exactly 88.88 degrees. There’s another city that has a famous dome, can you guess which one it is…?
That’s St Paul’s Cathedral, which stands at the heart of the City of London, England:
That’s St Paul’s Cathedral, which stands at the heart of the City of London, England:
That’s St Paul’s Cathedral, which stands at the heart of the City of London, England:
So, now that you’ve been introduced to Washington D.C., Vatican City, and the City of London, can you guess what else they all have in common? Here’s a clue: The answer is that they are all independent city-states…
So, now that you’ve been introduced to Washington D.C., Vatican City, and the City of London, can you guess what else they all have in common?
Here’s a clue: The answer is that they are all independent city-states…
•Vatican City – officially not part of Italy •City of London – officially not part of England •Washington D.C. – officially not part of USA Together, they form a trinity of global control in finance, military, and religion.
•Vatican City – officially not part of Italy
•City of London – officially not part of England
•Washington D.C. – officially not part of USA
Together, they form a trinity of global control in finance, military, and religion.
Just like Washington DC and Vatican City, London has its very own obelisk too. Cleopatra’s Needle stands on the embankment on the Thames river:
Just like Washington DC and Vatican City, London has its very own obelisk too.
Cleopatra’s Needle stands on the embankment on the Thames river:
The obelisk is inscribed with hieroglyphs, and comes with its very own sphinx’s too:
The obelisk is inscribed with hieroglyphs, and comes with its very own sphinx’s too:
The obelisk is inscribed with hieroglyphs, and comes with its very own sphinx’s too:
This exact obelisk was first erected in Heliopolis, Egypt, before being moved to London on 22/2 1881, as per the plaque on its base:
This exact obelisk was first erected in Heliopolis, Egypt, before being moved to London on 22/2 1881, as per the plaque on its base:
Imagine the effort required to move a 69ft (21m) statue weighing 224 tons, especially in 1881… there must have been a very important reason for it!
Imagine the effort required to move a 69ft (21m) statue weighing 224 tons, especially in 1881… there must have been a very important reason for it!
Though they form power centers encompassing finance, military, and religion, London, Washington DC, & the Vatican aren’t the only places showcasing Osiris’s manhood out in the open…A 75ft (23m) obelisk that originally stood in Luxor, Egypt now stands at the center of
of Place de la Concorde in Paris:
of Place de la Concorde in Paris:
of Place de la Concorde in Paris:
of Place de la Concorde in Paris:
It must be pretty important if it gets to stand at the very center of such an important square aligned to the Arc de Triomphe…Note the golden capstone by the way…
It must be pretty important if it gets to stand at the very center of such an important square aligned to the Arc de Triomphe…Note the golden capstone by the way…
For anyone that is wondering, the exact alignment between this obelisk and the Arc de Triomphe is 116.00 degrees.
For anyone that is wondering, the exact alignment between this obelisk and the Arc de Triomphe is 116.00 degrees.
Not to be outdone by the Brits, Americans, and French, ze Germans got an obelisk too… Schoppenhauserstrasse, Berlin:
Not to be outdone by the Brits, Americans, and French, ze Germans got an obelisk too…
Schoppenhauserstrasse, Berlin:
Not to be outdone by the Brits, Americans, and French, ze Germans got an obelisk too…
Schoppenhauserstrasse, Berlin:
The Italians clearly love a good obelisk too it seems… Piazza Navona, Rome:
The Italians clearly love a good obelisk too it seems…
Piazza Navona, Rome:
and so does everybody else around the world…São Paulo, Brazil~ Buenos Aires, Argentina Hyde Park, Sydney Lisbon, Portugal Kofu, Japan, Istanbul, Turkey Stockholm, Sweden Dublin, Ireland Madrid, Spain
and so does everybody else around the world…São Paulo, Brazil~      Buenos Aires, Argentina
Hyde Park, Sydney Lisbon, Portugal Kofu, Japan, Istanbul, Turkey
Stockholm, Sweden
Dublin, Ireland
Madrid, Spain
and so does everybody else around the world…São Paulo, Brazil~      Buenos Aires, Argentina
Hyde Park, Sydney Lisbon, Portugal Kofu, Japan, Istanbul, Turkey
Stockholm, Sweden
Dublin, Ireland
Madrid, Spain
and so does everybody else around the world…São Paulo, Brazil~      Buenos Aires, Argentina
Hyde Park, Sydney Lisbon, Portugal Kofu, Japan, Istanbul, Turkey
Stockholm, Sweden
Dublin, Ireland
Madrid, Spain
So what’s the story behind all these obelisks then? Here’s the  the story about Osiris and his phallus…(remember the golden capstone in Paris…)
So what’s the story behind all these obelisks then? Here’s the  the story about Osiris and his phallus…(remember the golden capstone in Paris…)
So what’s the story behind all these obelisks then? Here’s the  the story about Osiris and his phallus…(remember the golden capstone in Paris…)
Clearly, with a story like that it makes perfect sense that every major city wants to have its own version of Osiris’ manhood erected in city squares and plazas… Or not…
Whatever the myth says about Osiris, we can clearly conclude that ancient Egyptian influence and Osiris worship goes far and wide, even in our modern day and age. Now, lets look at another perhaps more modern obelisk…
Whatever the myth says about Osiris, we can clearly conclude that ancient Egyptian influence and Osiris worship goes far and wide, even in our modern day and age. Now, lets look at another perhaps more modern obelisk…
Might be worth taking a closer look at the new WTC…TBC…
One World Freedom Tower, New York The tower was officially opened on November 3rd, 2014. That date is 11/3 in the US; ???? keep that date/number in mind. Looking at the towers architectural shape, we see its design is that of a square anti-prism:
One World Freedom Tower, New York
The tower was officially opened on November 3rd, 2014. That date is 11/3 in the US; ???? keep that date/number in mind.
Looking at the towers architectural shape, we see its design is that of a square anti-prism:
When viewed from street level the tower resembles a pyramid with a capstone:
When viewed from street level the tower resembles a pyramid with a capstone:
You may have seen this pyramid elsewhere, such as on the back of a one dollar bill: One dollar bill…  One World Trade Center… both used for trade. Notice the eye at the top of the dollar pyramid?
You may have seen this pyramid elsewhere, such as on the back of a one dollar bill: One dollar bill…  One World Trade Center… both used for trade.
Notice the eye at the top of the dollar pyramid?
You may have seen this pyramid elsewhere, such as on the back of a one dollar bill: One dollar bill…  One World Trade Center… both used for trade.
Notice the eye at the top of the dollar pyramid?
Could that be Horus/Baal/master again?…
Could that be Horus/Baal/master again?…
Could that be Horus/Baal/master again?…
You may also have noticed a rather large pyramid in London, also furnished with its very own capstone…
You may also have noticed a rather large pyramid in London, also furnished with its very own capstone…
The Shard is often (jokingly) referred to as Sauron’s all-seeing eye due to its uncanny resemblance to the tower in The Lord of the Rings. Note that the top part of the tower pyramid is frequently lit up at night… like a pyramid with a capstone:
The Shard is often (jokingly) referred to as Sauron’s all-seeing eye due to its uncanny resemblance to the tower in The Lord of the Rings.
Note that the top part of the tower pyramid is frequently lit up at night… like a pyramid with a capstone:
Speaking of Sauron, here’s some quick comic relief for those who need it:  ???? youtu.be
As you can see below those two aren’t the only modern pyramid structures around, but I’ll let you research those further on your own for atlasobscura.com
As you can see below those two aren’t the only modern pyramid structures around, but I’ll let you research those further on your own for
Now, moving on from obelisks and pyramids… As we’ve had a very brief look at the backside of the one dollar bill, lets do the same on the front shall we!
Now, moving on from obelisks and pyramids…
As we’ve had a very brief look at the backside of the one dollar bill, lets do the same on the front shall we!
George Washington must have been a pretty important chap if he’s on the front of the dollar bill… “Freemason… and First President”… nice to see that he got his priorities straight on the statue below! Remember that golden statue at the New York Grand Lodge too.
George Washington must have been a pretty important chap if he’s on the front of the dollar bill…
“Freemason… and First President”… nice to see that he got his priorities straight on the statue below!
Remember that golden statue at the New York Grand Lodge too.
George Washington must have been a pretty important chap if he’s on the front of the dollar bill…
“Freemason… and First President”… nice to see that he got his priorities straight on the statue below!
Remember that golden statue at the New York Grand Lodge too.
George Washington must have been a pretty important chap if he’s on the front of the dollar bill…
“Freemason… and First President”… nice to see that he got his priorities straight on the statue below!
Remember that golden statue at the New York Grand Lodge too.
I s

Respuesta  Mensaje 273 de 276 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 16/01/2025 14:41
howed you the 88.88 alignment between the Washington monument (Osiris’s phallus) and the Capitol building (Isis’ womb), which matched the 88.88 alignment at the Vatican. Care to guess which year the Washington Monument was opened?…
I showed you the 88.88 alignment between the Washington monument (Osiris’s phallus) and the Capitol building (Isis’ womb), which matched the 88.88 alignment at the Vatican.
Care to guess which year the Washington Monument was opened?…
The Washington Monument was opened on October  9th, 1888… there are those 8’s again! Incidentally that was exactly one month after Easter Island was annexed (Sept. 9th, 1888).
Also note that the area of the grass surrounding the Washington Memorial is 106.01 acres. Remember the 1,016ft tall Shard and the 116.00 degree alignment in Paris? These are the same digits.
Also note that the area of the grass surrounding the Washington Memorial is 106.01 acres. Remember the 1,016ft tall Shard and the 116.00 degree alignment in Paris? These are the same digits.
Here’s another coincidence: The river flowing through Vatican City is the Tiber River: Did you know that Washington DC had a creek by the same name until the 1800’s?
Here’s another coincidence:
The river flowing through Vatican City is the Tiber River: Did you know that Washington DC had a creek by the same name until the 1800’s?
Here’s another coincidence:
The river flowing through Vatican City is the Tiber River: Did you know that Washington DC had a creek by the same name until the 1800’s?
Tiber Creek was used as a channel while the city plan was being built. Given that the creek shares the same name as the river at the Vatican, and that the Vatican also lines up to 88.88, it is obvious that the designers of Washington D.C. had a connection to the Vatican.
Tiber Creek was used as a channel while the city plan was being built. Given that the creek shares the same name as the river at the Vatican, and that the Vatican also lines up to 88.88, it is obvious that the designers of Washington D.C. had a connection to the Vatican.
Tiber Creek was used as a channel while the city plan was being built. Given that the creek shares the same name as the river at the Vatican, and that the Vatican also lines up to 88.88, it is obvious that the designers of Washington D.C. had a connection to the Vatican.
Drum ???? roll plz…They designed an upside down pentagram, the base of which is at the White House:
Drum ???? roll plz…They designed an upside down pentagram, the base of which is at the White House:
Drum ???? roll plz…They designed an upside down pentagram, the base of which is at the White House:
The White House itself is at the center of a Templars Cross:
The White House itself is at the center of a Templars Cross:
The White House itself is at the center of a Templars Cross:
The Templar’s Cross is clearly a key symbol at the Vatican judging by what the Pope is wearing…
The Templar’s Cross is clearly a key symbol at the Vatican judging by what the Pope is wearing…
The Templar’s Cross is clearly a key symbol at the Vatican judging by what the Pope is wearing…
The city plan also includes a 6-pointed star (no, this is not the star of David!), with its base at the US Capitol. I will cover this 6-pointed star in great depth in a later post because it is hugely significant.
The city plan also includes a 6-pointed star (no, this is not the star of David!), with its base at the US Capitol. I will cover this 6-pointed star in great depth in a later post because it is hugely significant.
The city plan also includes a 6-pointed star (no, this is not the star of David!), with its base at the US Capitol. I will cover this 6-pointed star in great depth in a later post because it is hugely significant.
Do you remember the masonic emblem? Notice the square and compass in the middle:
Do you remember the masonic emblem?
Notice the square and compass in the middle:
The square and compass are also included in Washington DC’s street map:
The square and compass are also included in Washington DC’s street map:
The square and compass are also included in Washington DC’s street map:
The House of the Temple, the headquarters of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry (i.e. Home of The Supreme Council of the 33°*)?
the One World Freedom Tower opened on 11/3 (i.e. November 3rd)… 11×3=33… Which as  you can see by the fact that the Freemasons have 33 degrees is a pretty significant number. You’re going be seeing plenty more of 33 (and 13 for that matter) in the future…
the One World Freedom Tower opened on 11/3 (i.e. November 3rd)… 11×3=33… Which as  you can see by the fact that the Freemasons have 33 degrees is a pretty significant number. You’re going be seeing plenty more of 33 (and 13 for that matter) in the future…
As I can’t help myself, here‘s a quick example for you – pay attention to the date! en.wikipedia.org
As I can’t help myself, here‘s a quick example for you – pay attention to the date!
The House of the Temple is located exactly 1 mile directly north of the White House:
The House of the Temple is located exactly 1 mile directly north of the White House:
The Lincoln Memorial and Jefferson Memorial also share a special alignment…
The Lincoln Memorial and Jefferson Memorial also share a special alignment…
The Lincoln Memorial and Jefferson Memorial also share a special alignment…
… They line up to the Winter Solstice:
… They line up to the Winter Solstice:
And lest we forget there’s also the Pentagon, the military arm of the control trinity:
And lest we forget there’s also the Pentagon, the military arm of the control trinity:
Here we see it all come together nicely: Note that the US Capitol, White House, Jefferson Memorial, and Lincoln Memorial form an upside down cross.
Here we see it all come together nicely: Note that the US Capitol, White House, Jefferson Memorial, and Lincoln Memorial form an upside down cross.
Want to know where else we can find an upside down cross? Yes, that is the Pope, sitting on a throne with an upside down cross.
Want to know where else we can find an upside down cross? Yes, that is the Pope, sitting on a throne with an upside down cross.
Want to know where else we can find an upside down cross? Yes, that is the Pope, sitting on a throne with an upside down cross.
And here he is on his (very picturesque) Papal Throne… just lovely isn’t it? Pope Benedict XVI (C) waves to the faithful, flanked by Archbishop James Michael Harvey (L) and his personal secretary Georg Genswein (R), during his weekly Wednesday general audience at Paul VI Hall at
And here he is on his (very picturesque) Papal Throne… just lovely isn’t it? Pope Benedict XVI (C) waves to the faithful, flanked by Archbishop James Michael Harvey (L) and his personal secretary Georg Genswein (R), during his weekly Wednesday general audience at Paul VI Hall at
the Vatican August 24, 2005. REUTERS/Alessandro Bianchi.
As if things couldn’t get any weirder, let me introduce you to…   The Owl You may have noticed that there was something funny about the layout around the US Capitol building…
As if things couldn’t get any weirder, let me introduce you to…
The Owl
You may have noticed that there was something funny about the layout around the US Capitol building…
As if things couldn’t get any weirder, let me introduce you to…
The Owl
You may have noticed that there was something funny about the layout around the US Capitol building…
As if things couldn’t get any weirder, let me introduce you to…
The Owl
You may have noticed that there was something funny about the layout around the US Capitol building…
The owl is also hiding on the dollar bill…
The owl is also hiding on the dollar bill…
Owls continued ~

Respuesta  Mensaje 274 de 276 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 21/02/2025 16:47
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Respuesta  Mensaje 275 de 276 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/02/2025 15:15

Monday, November 25, 2024

Pope travels to Corsica in December - meeting with President Macron



Pope Francis plans to visit Corsica on 15 December. 


This was announced by the Vatican on Saturday. 

It will be the first visit by a pope to the island in the Mediterranean, which belongs to France. 

The 87-year-old will take part in a conference on the topic of religiosity in the Mediterranean region and celebrate mass there.

A meeting with French President Emmanuel Macron is also planned. A meeting between the Pope and the head of state is planned for the afternoon at Ajaccio International Airport. 

The Pope will then leave the island at 6.15 pm after a short farewell ceremony. The entire visit will last nine hours.

The bishop of the Corsican regional capital Ajaccio, Cardinal Francois-Xavier Bustillo, had already given a press conference on Thursday on the occasion of the possible visit and presented a website for the event. 

This will be Francis' third short visit to France - after Strasbourg in 2014 and Marseille in 2023

An official state visit to Paris is still pending.

Cardinal Bustillo as a beacon of hope

Corsica is one of the economically poorest regions in France and is characterised by a relatively strong Catholicism with strong local traditions. 

Cardinal Bustillo, Bishop of Ajaccio since 2021, comes from the Basque Country and studied in Italy. He speaks fluent Spanish, Italian and French, among other languages. For some years now, he has been seen as a new beacon of hope in the crisis-ridden French Catholic Church.

Last autumn, Pope Francis made the cleric, who belongs to the Franciscan order, a cardinal. The Vatican announced his trip to Corsica on Bustillo's 56th birthday. It had been described in Vatican circles as "as good as certain" for weeks.

Dispute over independence from France

According to Bustillo, there were still "protocol-related" problems that had to be resolved first. 

The "Femu a Corsica" party, which is in favour of autonomy for the island, has had an absolute majority in the Corsican regional parliament since 2021. 

Corsica's political situation has been characterised for decades by the dispute over independence from France. 

Between 1976 and 2014, the FLNC liberation movement repeatedly rocked the island with bomb attacks.

In 2022, there were violent clashes between young Corsican nationalists and the French police in Ajaccio.

Just eight months ago, the Corsican regional parliament approved a constitutional reform at the suggestion of President Macron. It is intended to grant the island extensive autonomy within the French Republic. 

However, radical Corsican nationalists see the reform as merely a first step on the road to independence.

The official motto of the Pope's trip was written in Corsican and reads "Papa Francescu in Corsica".


Respuesta  Mensaje 276 de 276 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/02/2025 17:22
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Pope Francis delivered a speech too progressive for Obama to give

Pope Francis waves to the crowd from the Speakers Balcony at the US Capitol, September 24, 2015, in Washington, DC.
Pope Francis waves to the crowd from the Speakers Balcony at the US Capitol, September 24, 2015, in Washington, DC. Pool/Getty Images

If President Barack Obama had delivered the text of Pope Francis’s speech to Congress Thursday as a State of the Union address, he would have risked being denounced by Republicans as a socialist.

While most Republicans chose not to complain, and Democrats tried not to gloat, Francis’s speech to Congress was stunning in the breadth, depth, and conviction of its progressivism. That might not have been fully and immediately appreciated by everyone in the House chamber because the combination of Francis’s sotto voce delivery and his heavily accented English made it difficult, lawmakers said, to grasp everything he was saying.

But there was no mistaking his thrust. He made detailed arguments for openness to immigrants, addressing the human roots of climate change, closing the gap between the rich and the poor, and ending the death penalty — all of which invigorated the Democrats in the room.

“It was pretty progressive. He had a little right-to-life stuff in it,” Rep. James Clyburn, the third-ranking House Democrat, said as he cracked a smile thinking about how Republicans would receive the speech. “That’s enough for them.”

The pope isn’t going to change many hearts and minds in the badly divided Congress, lawmakers said, but the moment provided a brief respite from political warfare. Several presidential candidates, including Sens. Bernie Sanders, Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, and Ted Cruz, as well as Ben Carson, attended.

Rubio, a Roman Catholic, said in a brief interview that Francis “struck the right tone.” Sanders, a self-described socialist, seemed to like the content even more.

“Pope Francis is clearly one of the important religious and moral leaders not only in the world today but in modern history,” he said in a statement released after the speech. “He forces us to address some of the major issues facing humanity: war, income and wealth inequality, poverty, unemployment, greed, the death penalty and other issues that too many prefer to ignore.”

Democrats were eager enough to present Congress as united that they joined a Republican-led standing ovation when Francis told lawmakers of “our responsibility to protect and defend human life at every state of its development.” Several of them said it was out of respect for the pope. But there was another good reason: It strengthened the perception that the whole speech — most of which they liked — carried unifying themes.

Unity was good for Democrats because the speech favored their policies

Francis was interrupted a few times by whoops from the Democratic side of the chamber — by Steve Cohen, a Jewish Memphis Democrat who got excited about Francis’s mention of the Golden Rule; by New York’s Nydia Velázquez when he called for an end to the death penalty; and by Philadelphia Rep. Chaka Fattah when he mentioned his upcoming visit to that city. The Republicans in the room were a bit more staid. Cruz often appeared unmoved during moments when Rubio, who was sitting nearby, applauded. That was the case when Francis asked whether the greater opportunities sought by past generations of immigrants are “not what we want for our own children?”

It was a home crowd. Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) had announced he would boycott the event over climate change, and there was a brief murmur when it became obvious that three conservative Catholic Supreme Court justices — Antonin Scalia, Samuel Alito, and Clarence Thomas — had not shown up. But it seemed that everyone in attendance just wanted to catch a glimpse of Francis and hear what he had to say.

Big-name guests filed into the public galleries above the House chamber long before the pope’s arrival: Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, former Rep. Gabby Giffords, mega-donor Tom Steyer, and Carson. House members filled the seats in their chamber, followed by the Senate and four Supreme Court justices. At about a minute past 10 am, Francis strode down the center aisle of the House chamber, clad in his familiar white robe and skullcap.

Lawmakers, who had been admonished not to touch the pope, refrained from trying to shake his hand or pat his back. There was no rush to crowd him the way members of Congress try to get into pictures with the president during the annual State of the Union address. When he got to the end of the aisle, he quietly shook hands with Secretary of State John Kerry and then made his way to the rostrum.

Samantha Power, the US ambassador to the UN, pulled out a baby blue iPhone and began snapping pictures. Though she later took to Twitter to commemorate the moment, Power hadn’t posted any of her photos by midday.


For his part, Francis warmed up the audience by describing America as “the land of the free and the home of the brave.” He was slow to move into more politically charged territory but unimpeded when he did. There were 10 standing ovations after his initial greeting, and they were bipartisan.

Francis tackled tough issues at the heart of the US political debate and gently admonished lawmakers to build bridges

At times, Francis seemed to be speaking directly into the headlines and newscasts of the day.

Less than a week after Carson said that America shouldn’t elect a Muslim president, Francis warned that “a delicate balance is required to combat violence perpetrated in the name of a religion, an ideology or an economic system, while also safeguarding religious freedom, intellectual freedom and individual freedoms.”

As Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump promises to build a wall between Mexico and the US, and to prevent Syrian refugees from being admitted to America, Francis compared the current refugee crisis to the one that arose in World War II and said that “we the people of this continent are not fearful of foreigners, because most of us were once foreigners.” That drew a standing ovation. Rubio, who has shifted his emphasis on immigration reform over time, leaped to his feet.

And while Democrats continue to bask in this summer’s Supreme Court decision protecting same-sex marriage, the pope said he was concerned that “fundamental relationships are being called into question, as is the very basis of marriage and the family.” The issue that caused the biggest stir before the speech — climate change — factored prominently in Francis’s remarks. He spoke of the human roots of global warming and said, “I am convinced we can make a difference.”

But perhaps the most unexpected run in the speech was an admonishment as gentle as it was clear: Politics is about building bridges, not destroying them. Francis never mentioned the international nuclear nonproliferation deal with Iran by name or the gridlock in American politics, but he seemed to be speak to both matters.

“When countries which have been at odds resume the path of dialogue — a dialogue which may have been interrupted for the most legitimate of reasons — new opportunities open up for all,” he said. “A good political leader is one who, with the interests of all in mind, seizes the moment in a spirit of openness and pragmatism. A good political leader always opts to initiate processes rather than possessing spaces.”

Pennsylvania Republican Rep. Joe Pitts, speaking about the pope’s limited remarks on abortion and same-sex marriage, said he was displeased that Francis had been “unfortunately politically correct.”

For liberals, though, he was simply correct about politics.


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