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De: Alcoseri (Mensaje original) |
Enviado: 30/12/2010 22:15 |
Osamn era un hombre inquieto que afanosamente buscó el conocimiento
secreto en varias escuelas, sin encontrar nada, y después de muchos
años de búsqueda llegó a una logia masónica.
Osamn pedía en silencio al Gran Arquitecto del Universo se le
revelase el Secreto Masónico, pero lo que encontró dentro de la Logia
eran para él cosas triviales y sin sentido, lo único que había odio
era: llegará el momento que se revele ese secreto, eso lo logro
mantener un poco más tiempo dentro de la masonería, pero Osamn
preguntó ¿ pero cuándo será esto? Un masón viejo le contestó: seguro,
el Secreto Masónico se revelara en años venideros.
Entonces viajaré a esos años venideros, se dijo. Osamn pensó buscar
una máquina del tiempo, pues sabía de alguien que tenía una maquina
que haría viajar al futuro, y así saber del Secreto.
Subió a la máquina del tiempo y se proyecto 300 años en el futuro,
cuando llegó al futuro, fue para encontrarse entre los nuevos
habitantes y se dirigió hacia aquella Logia, cuando entró, lo que
encontró le sorprendió sobre manera.
Había otro hermano aprendiz preguntando exactamente lo mismo que él
hace 300 años, preguntaba cuando se le revelaría el secreto masónico,
a lo que le contestaban, se revelara en años venideros.
Osamn se acerca furioso diciendo vaya, que gran mentira, yo he viajado
300 años en el tiempo y aún no se revela el secreto masónico.
Lo que no has entendido hermano, le contesta un viejo masón, que no es
cuestión de irte y regresar varios años después a la masonería , lo
que se te quiso decir en ese tiempo era, que, son varios años de
crecimiento gradual, de lento pero efectivo trabajo interno, de horas
y horas de paciente esfuerzo por pulir la piedra de tu carácter, que solamente así se te revelaría el Secreto.
http://groups.google.com/group/secreto-masonico |
Optimist777 wrote: |
There is another mysterious relation to be discovered in the sketch of the Vitruvian man by Leonardo Da Vinci. The Great Pyramid Khufu (Cheops in Greek), holds a perfect geometrical relation to the squaring of the circle and the Vitruvian man as depicted by Leonardo Da Vinci. http://www.soulsofdistortion.nl/images/vitruvia3.jpg
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The triangle in the picture is the exact geometrical proportion of the Great Pyramid at the Giza Plateau near Cairo, Egypt. The angles between the base and the apex (top) of the pyramid are exactly 51 degrees and 51 seconds. (51º 51’). Well, 51 degrees 51 minutes = 186,600 arc seconds which approximates our present measurement of the maximum speed of light in miles per second (186282.397) with a margin of error (who's error?) of 17 / 10,000th or 317 miles-per-second. The volume of the Great Pyramid is 91,575,000 cubic feet at its capstone, its corner stone (not its missing apex of 11,616 cubic feet), is 1,037 cubic feet, and so a body of the Great Pyramid is 91,573,963 cubic feet. The corner stone at 1,037 cubic feet x 9 is 9333. http://www.templeofsolomon.org/pyramid.htg/Great.Pyramid.htm |
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Each of the Egyptian Royal Cubits, beside coding equatorial circumference of the Earth measurements and methods according to three separate systems, also coded the speed at which the Earth rotates. To get the speed of rotation under each system, simply halve the inch value of the cubit under consideration and multiply by 100, then read the value acquired as MPH. The true rotational speed is very close to 1037.583333 MPH (1037 & 7/12ths), so a reading of 1036.8 MPH is only off by .783333 MPH. http://www.celticnz.co.nz/Nazca/Nazca6.htm |
A G-force is generated by the speed at which the Earth rotates, the ground speed is greatest around the Equator at 1037.58 mph, slowing by 11.5379 mph per 1 degree of Latitude, as the circumference of the Latitudes decreases to zero at the Poles, and increases towards mountain peaks where the circumference of the rotation is spaced further out. If the earth is 24902 miles in circumference and turns completely once every 24 hours , that's 1037.58 mph. You can see how the speed increases as one nears the equator in this graph. http://www.thevlecks.net/rmj/earth.html http://www.thegravitymyth.co.uk/ |
_________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein |
IF you are suspect of the info presented thus far
please explain the mystery surrounding the number 55 and all of the profound temple associations linked together by this number or are they letters, or are they neither?
The number 55 can be associated to the Holy Spirit, the I Ching, the Kaaba Stone in Mecca, DNA ATCG, Stonehenge, and now the GREAT PYRAMID's Grand Gallery?
The CUBE has 32 paths comprised of 22 Hebrew Consonants plus the 10 Sephiroth that form the Tree of Life structure.
And please note that path #32 in the Tree of Life OR Cube is associated with the number 528.
Here is a quote from Stonehenge explorer Gerald Hawkins regarding those numbers above...
"....Stonehenge was locked to the sun and moon as tightly as the tides. Those astonishing figures fairly haunted me: 22 key earthly positions aligning, 32 times, with 15 of the 18 unique sun/moon positions."
SS/55 _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein
Did you ever notice how often Eli occurs as a prefix or iel as a suffix as names in the bible, the prophets and main players, along with all those angels and archangels? I started to.
ELI and IEL and EL too?
The priestly tribe of LEvItes positioned around the tabernacle, surrounded by the other twelve tribes.
But please notice the simplicity of what I suggest using a MIRROR?
LEvI rotated 180 degrees, i.e. as in an out-of-phase wave, looks like I^37
there are many many occurrences of 'eli' or 'elijah' scroll down the left margin >>> http://topicalbible.org/naves/e/eli--high_priest.htm
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Elieli (1 Occurrence in bible)
Matthew 27:46 and about the ninth hour Jesus cried out with a great voice, saying, 'Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?' that is, 'My God, my God, why didst Thou forsake me?' |
therefore ELI ELI = my god my god
ELIjah (104 occurrences) http://bibletab.com/e/elijah.htm
LEvI (79 occurrences) http://bibletab.com/l/levi.htm
dEvIL (58 Occurrences) http://bibletab.com/d/devil.htm
dEvILs (48 Occurrences) http://bibletab.com/d/devils.htm
EvIL (1503 Occurrences) whoa!! http://bibletab.com/e/evil.htm
like I thought....language is the prime moover of the herd...
EvIL = LEvI = I^37 >>> is it a number or an idea?
I37 is the age of LEvI, IshmEL, and later aMraN
shall we take a look at the number 37
one fella claims that the number 37 represents the collective unconscious.
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Concerning the collective unconscious constant which is any number when divided by the integer 37 creates the modulo decimal remainder , .891891891..., which is the link to the fine-structure constant: ( 10 ^ ( 143.9999879 / 37 )) / 37 / 18 = sqrt 137.035999701 ...there have been many numbers associated to the divisor 37 and the collective unconscious forms: Leahy's dream number .....2808 Van Halen's number..........5150 Hindu number ..................108 Druid number....................144 Hebrew number ................288 John of Patmos number.....1260 and 666 Leahy triple logic number....82944 Denglers number as name...1069 John Michell number...........1080+666 = 1746 Mayan/Aztec number ........2304 R.Tomes harmonic.............3456....etc.
...the key has always been the divisor number 37. The following is from an article in the Jan. 10 , 2009 , magazine , New Scientist, called , " Inside the Mind of a Autistic Savant ".
The article goes on to talk about the savant Daniel Tammet , who is a human calculator of whose one of many feats , set a European record for the number of digits of Pi he recited from memory ( 22514 ). The article interviewer , Celeste Biever , interviewed D. Tammet and here is a portion of her interview concerning the number 37 and D. Tammet's fascination with this particular number:
Question: When did you realize you had special talents? Tammet: At the age of 8 or 9 , I was being taught maths at school and realised I could do the sums quickly , intuitively and in my own way--not using the techniques we were taught. I got so far ahead of the other children that I ran out of textbooks. I was aware already that I was different because of my autism, but at that point I realised that the relationship I had with numbers was different.
Question: To most people, the things you can do with your memory seems like magic. How do you do it ? Tammet: The response that people often have to what I can do is one of " gee whiz" but I want to push back against that. One of the purposes of the book I've written , " Embracing the Wide Sky " , is to demystify this, to show the hidden processes behind my number skills. I have a relationship with numbers that is similar to the relationship that most people have with language. When people think of words they don't think of them as separate items , atomised in their head , they understand them intuitively and subconsciously as belonging to an interconnected web of other words.
Question : Can you give an example? Tammet: You would'nt use a word like " giraffe " without understanding what the words " neck " or " tall " or " animal " mean. Words only make sense when they are in this web of interconnected meanings and I have the same thing with numbers . Numbers belong to a web. When somebody gives me a number , I immediately visualise it and how it relates to other numbers. I also see the patterns those relationships produce and manipulate them in my head to arrive at a solution, if its a sum , or to identify if there is a prime.
Question: But how do you visualise a number ? In the same way I visualise a giraffe ? Tammet: Every number has a texture. If it is a " lumpy " number then immediately my mind will relate it to other numbers which are lumpy--the lumpiness will tell me there is a relationship , there is a common divisor , or a pattern between the digits.
Question: Can you give me an example of a " lumpy " number ? Tammet: For me the ideal lumpy number is 37 . It's like porridge. So 111 , a very pretty number which is 3 times 37 , is lumpy but it is also round. It takes on the properties of both 37 and 3 , which is round. It's an intuitive and visual way of doing maths and thinking about numbers.
Question: Why do you think you treat numbers this way ? Tammet: When I was growing up, because of my autism , I didn't make friends. Numbers filled that gap. The numbers came alive. My mind was able to pick out patterns and to make sense of them. It was similar to how a child would aquire his first language....
Question: What can we learn from the way your mind works ? Tammet: The differences between savant and non-savant ability have been exaggerated. Savants are not freaks, cut off from the rest of humanity. The thinking of savants is an extreme form of the kind everyone has. The aim of my book is to show that minds that function differently such as mine , are not so strange , and that anyone can learn from them. I also hope to clear up some misconceptions about savant abilities and what it means to be intelligent or gifted ...( end of article quote )
Wolfgang Pauli knew through his mandelas and the collective unconscious parameters of Carl Jung that the fine-structure constant ( 1/137.035999701 ) , a primal number , has a connectiveness to the primal numbers of man.
This connectiveness number is the integer...37: Leahy dream number ....2808: ( 10 ^ (( 2807.9999879 / 37 ) - 72 )) / 666 = sqrt 137.035999701 Van Halen's number ...5150: ( 10 ^ (( 5149.99999881 / 3.7 ) - 1388 )) / 666 = sqrt 137.035999701 Hindu number....108: ( 10 ^ ( 107.999999879 / .37 ) - 288 ) / 666 = sqrt 137.035999701 Druid , John of Patmos number ...144: ( 10 ^ ( 143.999987919 / 37 )) / 666 = sqrt 137.035999701 John of Patmos numbers ...1260 and 666: ( 10 ^ (( 1259.99978254 / 666 ) + 2 ) / 666 = sqrt 137.035999701 Leahy's triple logic number ...82944: ( 10 ^ ( 82943.9930413 / 32 / 666 )) / 666 = sqrt 137.035999701 Plato's number of the world soul...2592: ( 10 ^ ( 2591.99978254 / 666 )) / 666 = sqrt 137.035999701 Dengler's name change number ...1069: ( 10 ^ (( 1068.99998792 / 37 ) - 25 )) / 666 = sqrt 137.035999701 Mayan/Aztec number ...2304: ( 10 ^ (( 2303.99978254 + 288 ) /666 ) / 666 = sqrt 137.035999701 Harlston's Hunab number ( Aztec) ...378 378 + 288 = 666 R.Tomes master harmionic number ...3456: ( 10 ^ (( 3455.999789 / 666 ) - 46 ) / 666 = sqrt 137.035999701
...hard to track down this Jerry Iuliano
namaste _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein
GREAT SITE has some great IDEAS
Found these images....I could not help notice the 1379 CODEs embedded as part of the TIME CODEs.

image on left deals specifically with 'gravitational lapse'
image on right deals with Time/Space curvature from an emerging gravitational lens Scroll down the link....and take a look at the other images....
Take a look where the SPARK GAP is? Where can we shop that image around?
See the TESLA Coil, did you know that the original Freemason pillars have globes perched on top?
Q Where in the BRAIN do we find the same archetypal ARCHITECTURE? i.e. a pillar surmounted by a globe?
A The asymmetrical hippocampus surmounted by the asymmetrical amygdala is the answer.
namaste _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein
vision-master wrote:
I just spilled my coffee. 
Is your cup half full or half empty now? I just had a thought...followed by the truth chill...which means I am getting warmer. Let me present what I believe to be...3 representations of the SUN bending the fabric of SpaceTime.  1st image on the left has the SUN represented by the 6 pointed Star ofDavid/hexagram/hexagon in the center of the Freemason Tracing Board.And it is no coincidence that the 6x6 magic square is also associated with the SUN.2nd image in the center is Einstein's explanation.3rd image is my addendum to ALL of the above...the "what goes up, must come down" theory of gravity...(what kind of rotations/flips/tricks can ganesh do...well it all depends on the escape velocity, the height attained?)Apparently EINSTEIN forgot to apply the fundamental action/reaction law.For every action there is a reaction...That Elephant or Sun bending SPACETIME fabric could be the result of a pulsation similar to how a speaker pulsates..or or or the magic we see in CYMATICS.What if the membrane covering the black hole called the event horizon is similar to a trampoline?And the mass of sun bends SPACETIME in a similar manner to a trampoline?And what if we should prepare for what Einstein forgot to incorporate into his theory.REACTION force...Spring is coiled?What if? Just a needed addendum to the theory of relativity...and other blah blah blah. SO GRAVITY is somehow connected to SOUND waves? namaste
_________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Einstein http://2012forum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=213550
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Humans participating in a Standing Wave demonstration.....
namaste _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein |
So far so good over on Toequest, who can dispute the evidence anyhow?
Raphael wrote: |
And if path 13 can be connected to the letter #13, i.e. the M, that would be sweet too. Intersecting with path #14 or the letter N would be a bonus.
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The following example shows how the value of 9 is encoded within the structure of the alphabet. It is revealed by folding the alphabet in half. Envision the alphabet written out along a ribbon. Now fold the ribbon in half, directly between the two middle letters, M and N. If you were to hold the folded ribbon up to a light you would see the 26 letters now form 13 pairs of letters. The first pair is A/Z. The second pair is B/Y, and so on all the way to the end where you have M/N.
Now combine the Alpha-Numeric Value (ANV) of the first letter "A" with the ANV of the last letter "Z", and add them together. Do the same with each pair of letters. Thus, [A]1+ [Z] 26 = 27. Reduced, 2+7=9. The same with B added to Y, and C added to X, and so on.
This "folding" process results in 13 pairs of letters. The number 13 is important to the whole Mayan calendar system. Interestingly and synchronistically, the reduced ANV of the word THIRTEEN is 9! Moreover, the ANV of TWENTY SIX is 6. Then 9x6=54, the same as the ANV of the word MAYAN which is 54! Coincidence or encoded clue?
4) 13 x 27 = 351, the mirror version of the ANV of the name of the Aztec/Toltec god, QUETZALCOATL, the ANV of which equals 153. Also the sum of the alphanumeric values of the letters in the english alphabet is 351. Notice both 351 and 153 reduce to 9 when the digits are cross added.
5) The ANV of KUKULCAN (the Mayan name for the same god) is 94 which reduces to 13 at the first level of reduction. |
26(trinity) 27(quarternity) 153 fish in jesus's net = 137

The hemisphere's of the brain can match as well as the zodiac.

The all seeing eye of Da'at given by Ma'at.

Were would path MN be? The middle pillar runs right through Daath. So they try to hide the path from the daath? Epic Fail !!  _________________
XLA X-stem Logic Alphabet and the New Jerusalem (tesseract) note: the 16 CUBES note: keep in mind that St. Peter Square, is demarcated by 16 'winds' note: keep in mind that the Tarot KEY I have recovered (see below) clearly indicates we should notice the first 15 letters have passed, and currently the stem indicates MNO. Which I have suggested can be rotated/reflected into words like OWN, NWO, ONE, WON, NOW, hey MON!
Thus the 16th letter on the TAROT KEY is P or p. Now the p used in this next link/article will make so much more sense. >>> http://www.logic-alphabet.net/mirrors_title.htm
Let The Mirrors Do The Thinking
Let The People Do The Reflecting

LANGUAGE, LETTER, NUMBER AND FORM COLLIDE Be sure to link on the interview at the end of this post.
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Our story begins with a simple example. Suppose that someone asked you to keep a record of your thoughts, exactly, and in terms of the symbols given, when you are making an effort to multiply XVI times LXIV. Also suppose that, refusing to give up, you finally arrive at the right answer, which happens to be MXXIV. We are sure that you would have had a much easier time of it, to solve this problem, if you would have found that 16 times 64 equals 1024.
This example not only looks at what we think and what we write. It also looks at the mental tools, the signs and symbols, that we are using when that thinking and that writing is taking place. How we got these mental tools is a long story, one that now includes the presence of some new developments.
Our main idea comes from calling attention to a deep commonality that cuts across the parallel streams of development that in recent millennia have unfolded in the ways and byways of evolutionary notation. It took many centuries of collective search to devise a place-value notation for counting. Likewise to devise a sound-value notation for reading. Likewise to devise a note-value notation for singing. And so forth, for each neurologically specialized ability; in effect, a different specialized notation for each specialized ability. These observations, easily recognized in the history of evolutionary notation, strongly suggest that every kind of intelligence needs its own kind of notation.
In what follows, with emphasis on a fast-forward recapitulation, we will run a replay of what happened when Europe took several centuries to go from MXXIV to 1024. This replay in not for numbers. It is for another specialized ability. It is for logic, when it is recast in terms of a shape-value notation. Modern logic starts in the middle of the 1800s and, as is well recognized, with the work of George Boole. This means that we have had only about 150 years to think up and to grow into the symbols we now use for symbolic logic. These symbols, and they are only symbols, leave a lot to be desired. We hope that we can draw you into taking a look at a lesson in lazy logic. If you follow us all the way, we hope to leave you with a new set of signs, signs that are much better than any you have seen yet. Not only will it be much easier for you to use them. Even mirrors will be able to use them.
X-stem Logic Alphabet: http://www.logic-alphabet.net/
Background: http://www.logic-alphabet.net/background.htm |
Why only 15 cubes in this version of XLA? It appears two have been combined into one. Take a look at the first image of the tesseract. It is clear in this second image the S and Z have been combined into one center cube. And I find that interesting, because the S is one of the 8 vertices of the outside cube, and the Z belongs to one of the 8 vertices of the inner cube.
Who does not see two intersecting SHAPES resembling 'SZ' in the center of the image above or in the image below we see a ZZ in the center of the 7000 year old plate found in Samarra Iraq....from the SZ, the SueZ region?
What does the geometric shape look like if we reflect one of the 'Z' in ZZ into a S?
The SHAPE resembling an '8' perhaps? More research is necessary in this fIELd by (me?) because the pieces are fitting rather well.
WOW MOM Interview with a kindred spirit: http://www.cabinetmagazine.org/issues/18/crystal.php
I have found myself a new hero. Shea Zellweger makes far more sense than that wanker Zechary Stitchen, in fact proving ZS along with his planet Nibiru are flights of UFO fancy taking off in his head and coming out of his mouth like a swarm of locusts.
May ZSitchen Rest In PieceS and some of his music decompose along with him.
Which reminds me of another TRUE to LIFE real hero who used his imagination NOT to script science fiction and confuse the sheeple even more like that wanker ZS, but instead the imagination of ELI-YAHU RIPS will still pay dividends to humanity in the years to come.
DOT >>> 1D LINE >>> 2D SQUARE >>> 3D CUBE >>> 4D TESSERACT important to know about the tesseract: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesseract
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The tetrahedron forms the convex hull of the tesseract's vertex-centered central projection. Four of 8 cubic cells are shown. The 16th vertex is projected to infinity and the four edges to it are not shown.
namaste _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein
How much MORE evidence do we need about the number 37 representing the number of the collective unconscious? Did you start reading on page 1?
I do wish my name was SS, a.k.a. Steven SpIELberg, this would be a fucking blockbuster. Jesus H. Christ please explain why U R such a copy-KAt, and why your followers need to convert everybody to your way of thinking and feeling? You do not seem that original when folks go searching for a TRUTH that truly unifies. Why all of the smote, smoke and mirrors?
2D version of the 37 Point Mandala Offering
Bab-Ilu the Gate of God
Note both images have 4 axis. xyz and t
namaste _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein
MihrYazd wrote: |
Just another coincidence I recovered from the collective unconscious
Devangari, Tibetan, Greek, Hebrew, and Arabic the Sacred LOGOs i SEE 137
PS Ralph
Awesome finds regarding 925 and breastplate, I wish I could be close to you to learn from you mi Guru 528 |
Hey Mo nice to hear you are still with us. How are the Dec. (12 = 3) 25 (7) holy-daze treating you?
I have a feeling magnetic U and your guru are connected. Mo in Iran (which means land of Aryans) and ME across the Atlantis ocean, playing a game of leapfrog using the EM fIELd. While I count the sheeple as I doze off, you were busy thinking about the collective unconscious number '37'.
So I did a search on what you suggested in your last post.
i.e. 'peace in 37 languages'
And this is what I found when I did a internet search.
Thanks Mo for planting a seed (photon?) into my gray matter while I was shleeping last night. Apparently your inner alien/grey incepted my gray in falalalafal land.
2" Crystal Aqua Blue Earth Sphere W/ Peace In 37 Languages
I have inquired about ordering a few '37 Peace Crystal Balls', from China. http://www.promo-wholesale.com/china/Globes/1/2--Crystal-Aqua-Blue-Earth-Sphere-W--Peace-In-37-Languages-91891.htm (I now have a gimmick, a pet rock, the rock of st. peter = cube and the sphere)
I can promote them both as mod3Ls. re: the AlternativeThinking seminars, that I will now be holding every 2nd Saturday starting later this month. http://www.alternative-thinking.com/events/plans.cgi
Those I Ching dudes who have 64 Hexagrams as part of their underlying philosophy seem to be one step ahead of us? 64 = 37 + 27 64 = 37 (visible mini cubes on 3 faces) + 27 (invisible mini cubes on 3 faces)
 Peace in 37 languages
Colors of LIGHT (RGB) vs. colors of PIGMENT (RYB)
The Crystal Ball is a great mod3L to be placed next to the 37 visible squares of the 4x4x4 Rubik's Cube. i.e. SPHERE = 37 = CUBE
And here is yet another confirmation we are being conned and fused into ONE:
Nice to see that the collective unconscious is providing Mo and Me with powerful promotions >>> re: 37.
p.s. I found this while looking for a link to Iran = land of Aryan:
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According a 1957 theory by Laroche, Indo-Iranian ar-ya- descends from Proto-Indo-European (PIE) *ar-yo-, a yo-adjective to a root *ar "to assemble skillfully", present in Greek harma "chariot", Greek aristos, (as in "aristocracy"), Latin ars "art", etc. Thus, according to this theory, an Aryan is "one who skillfully assembles". Proto-Indo-Iranian *ar-ta- was a related concept of "properly joined" expressing a religious concept of cosmic order. |
Here is the FM or Free Mason Mantra being played on FM radios, as they plant seeds .... like Jack and the Beanstalk.
"Me - my - mo - mum"
SSS Solomon Slaloms among the Shaloms
it is all a game of eXs and Ohs starting with the 3x3 magic square of Saturn. (...guess who called while I was composing this post? my 'eX' of course)
Bonus PEACE video:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=MsYlU-fGx3M _________________ KEY 528=Swastika=ancient Spherical Standing Wave Theory “A theory is more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premise, the more different are the kinds of things it relates and the more extended its range of applicability…” -Albert Einstein |
Thanks for that link, I now believe the sun square of 729 is very important to 137. The number 3 cubed is 3*3*3 = 27, then squared is 27*27 = 729. This is Plato's magic number for measuring the interval between two extremes.
The ratio of an augmented fourth is 729:512, or exactly 1.42382813.
When we double that cube we get 1458:1024, which is the Pythagorean tritone. When divided is 1458 ÷ 1024 = 1.42382813, just as 729/512. Doubling again we get 2916 ÷ 2048 = 1.42382813. It just keeps on going, the more we square it, the more it stays the same within it's balance.
9*729 = 6561 (9 to the 4th power), 6561 is the square of 81
ex: 3*3 = 9 9*9 = 81 81*81 = 6561
Physicist John Jakob Balmer discovered a series of spectral lines in the visible red spectrum of hydrogen with 6561 Angstroms. The Balmer Series of Hydrogen also has has 34 spectral lines, connecting to the Fibonacci sequence
6561's square root is 81, the square root of 256 is 16. The square root of 256*6561 is 1296 (36=9), a harmonic of half the precession cycle.
In star trek, "warp 9" was 9 cubed times the speed of light or 729 times the speed of light.
Might 729 be the cubesquare of light that is operating from 729 x 2 = 1458 + 270 = 1728 frequencies within the 64 cubes of space? But I'd rather be in touch with the 270 if you ask MI
Ernest McClain has much to say on 729 as well.
Don't you just love that number 27. The moon takes 27 days to orbit the earth while the sun takes 27 days to revolve once on it's axis. It also takes 27 days for a human cell to re-grow. 9 and 27 are indeed married. We need Mo to come around and enlighten us further on the importance of the Horus eye number 64 and 1728.
P.S. The square root of the Pythagorean comma ratio # 531441 is 729, and the square root of 524288 is 512 x 2 Divide 531441 by 3 and 524288 by 2 and we get the wolf fifth 177147:262144! _________________ TRIA SUNT MIRABILIA DEUS ET HOMO MATER ET VIRGO TRINUS ET UNUS
Originally Posted by MythMath 
Cool, I got a nibble…First, these ‘solfeggio’ frequencies were originally ‘revealed’ to me by a stranger’s voice in a phone conversation a few years ago…
[My studio (20to20soundesign) address is 2220… ]
I can give ya’ more than a nibble…but then again I also lived at an address for 12 years, namely @ 2220 Queen St…and sometimes of late I want you know, because my research is primarily concerned with finding the inherent Macrocosm = microcosmic ‘connections’, I sometimes call myself the Mm man. This can be interpreted in another way … the Marijuana mystic…

First the ‘solfeggio’ frequencies were revealed to me within the last year… Sadly I do not play an instrument, certainly a handicap when delving into the Solfeggio frequencies, but I do have my intuitive guide to help interpret other stimuli has sense. My intuitive lead journey these past 4 years was based on following a path of ‘strings’ related to the number 4. At this point I just want to add…the next step after ‘String Theory’ will be a ‘Knot Theory’. People like you and me need to teach people how to tie their shoelaces into little knotzis.

Then I started seeing how certain numbers related to my employee number of 18 years, 52801, kept appearing in many esoteric writings.
And of course if you divide the number 4 by the mystical number of 7 = .571428 which repeats as you know. If you divide the day of my birth by the month… 3/7 = .428571
Both 37 and 47 as you know in numerology/Gematria are significant. Actually the thing that becomes apparent about Gematria is the following… Both the ancient Hebrew and Greeks used it. The Hebrews who follow the Torah = the Old Testament and the Greeks who helped usher in the New Testament… Gematria being one of the oldest yet simplest codes to understand. What is important to realize is the importance of number 37 when using Gematria.
So how is the number 37 connected to the Solfeggio frequencies and to the 4 Oracles of Zoroaster? I did mention I was following the number that represents both creation and destruction, the number ‘4’ for ‘4’ years?
4 is just one of the threads/filaments/paths/journey that exist in the matrix.
Have you seen these? Here is the gift you have been waiting for MM… 
To help us both move forward by combining what we know. Remember the Persians were the astronomers living at the same time as the Christians who were being persecuted for being to starry eyed… Important also to remember that the Jews, Christians and Muslims have a long long history of beating each other up and stealing ideas from each other too, of course. And before they stole from each other…there were the pagans and other indigenous cultures… Do you think it is a coincidence that only 4 books of the Maya survived and there exists the 4 Gospels? Is it a coincidence that a vital link can be made between the Maya/Aztec and the Tarot before the crucifix waving Judeao/Christians arrived in the New World? As you have already shown there exists a connection to the ancient Chinese. Good. Self-serving religions are what stand between the ewe and mi in learning the universal truth. IMHO

This first oracle I offer is called Zoroaster’s Oracles … The Great MIRROR….yeah baby…and I ponder, can it be placed over those 18 frequencies + 18 frequencies you arrived at … using a MIRROR or polar pairs as you call them? The 37th frequency in your image would be placed at the center?
Why 37? http://books.google.ca/books?id=PhQ4…um=1&ct=result

Here are the other 3 Oracles…should keep you busy while I go back and read the last 9 pages of this thread. Together we shall overcome the deliberate deceptions that befuddle humanity.

Zoroaster’s Oracles … The Great Star Guide

Zoroaster’s Oracles … The Great Guide

Zoroaster’s Oracles … The Chart of the Spirits


And we cannot overlook the esoteric connection that Zoroaster’s Oracles have to the Tree / Fruit / Seed of Life. Can we? http://www.world-mysteries.com/sar_sage1.htm
Here are some random thoughts I want to share at this time based on my musings.
528 / 582/ 285 / 258 / 852 / 825 / … seem to be connected with the creation or defining of a ‘Space’. More on that later…
Could another set of the frequencies be concerned with TIME and yet another with MOTION? The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost = Time/Space/Motion?
As you know in the I Ching there are 3 Laws…
Law of Evolution … (is this the father?) Law of Change … (is this the son?) Law of Enantidromia … (is this the holy spirit or ghost?)
Enantiodromia means ‘reversal in extremis’
Reversal in extremis is a paramount concept in the I Ching.
Enantiodromia is a term used in psychology. Enantiomorphs can be a pair of crystals that are mirror images of each other, and are optically active or the mirror image of a given chiral polyhedron Enantiomer … one of two “mirror images” of a chiral molecule.
More on this vital clue later…the word chirality is derived from the Greek χειρ (cheir), the hand. I believe with all my heart the following…
CHiram Abiff = CHeir or chirality = handedness = SPIN baby SPIN …oh yeah…oh yeah…the time has arrived to let the genie out…
So MM are you left handed or right handed or mixed? What hand would you hold a mirror with?

McClain Yantra for 432,000. Only this yantra can yield a hexagonal region where tones and their reciprocals co-incide. The hexagon has 37 tones because 37 is a hexagonal number, viz chapter 10 and the cube of Metatron. [from p 90 of Meditations on the Koran by Earnest McClain, Nicolas-Hays, Ney York, 1981]
That image above was taken from this site. http://www.sacrednumber.co.uk/journa…nt-a-cube.html
But a little more investigation re: the image and the author ‘E. McClain’ reveals the following info… http://books.google.ca/books?id=vAfB…esult#PPA79,M1 http://www.laetusinpraesens.org/docs…nsetsx/x07.php
https://kachina2012.wordpress.com/category/solfeggio-freequency-528-heals-dna-is-key-to-bible-code/ |
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