Según la imagen es el papa vinculado al fin del mundo que investirá y llevara al trono, ... ¿Por qué el Papa Francisco es el último Papa de la iglesia católica? fin ...
16 Mar 2013 ... Cada nombramiento de un nuevo papa viene acompañado por una revisitación de la profecía de Malaquías por parte de expertos en teología ...
13 Mar 2014 ... En su primer año al mando de la Iglesia, el papa Francisco cambió la imagen ... Llegado "del fin del mundo", como él mismo se definió en su ...
Hoy, como el Papa Francisco, este cura con vocación de misionero, se ha ... elegir el nuevo papa, pero para encontrarlo tuvieron que buscarlo al fin de mundo.
22 Jul 2013 ... Historia estrena este lunes, 22 de julio, a las 19:05 horas, el documental "El Papa del fin del mundo", un trabajo que examina la figura del ...
El papa Francisco a los mafiosos: “Os lo pido de rodillas, convertíos” ... subastas de arte en Londres...las mejores fotos de actualidad alrededor del mundo.
La Argentina tiene un Papa por primera vez. Jorge Bergoglio, de 76 años, es el Papa Francisco, el primero de origen latinoamericano y jesuita. "Recen por mí" ...
15 Mar 2013 ... Sea como fuere, Francisco es, como él mismo se describiera, un "papa del fin del mundo", viniendo como es su caso de la lejana República ...
Búsquedas relacionadas con FIN DEL MUNDO PAPA FRANCISCO
La Presidenta encabezó esta tarde un acto en la Casa Rosada frente a un gran número de sindicalistas y empresarios, y pidió a las autoridades competentes “arbitrar las medidas necesarias” para que el diseño presentado reemplace definitivamente al que actualmente lleva el billete de 100 pesos
La presidenta Cristina Kirchner encabezó esta tarde un acto en la Casa Rosada en el que presentó formalmente un billete especial de 100 pesos con la imagen de Eva Perón, de cuyo fallecimiento se conmemora mañana sesenta años.
A la ceremonia fue invitado un gran número de sindicalistas y empresarios, entre ellos el titular de la UOM, Antonio Caló, y el titular de la UIA, José Ignacio De Mendigurem.
Aunque aseguró que no buscaba “entrar en polémicas”, la Presidenta llamó a las autoridades competentes a “arbitrar todas las medidas necesarias” para que el diseño presentado reemplace al que actualmente lleva el billete de 100 pesos, con el rostro del ex presidente Julio Argentino Roca, blanco de las críticas de algunos sectores por la “Campaña al Desierto” en la que miles de indígenas perdieron la vida.
“Después de 200 años de moneda, es la primera vez que una mujer aparece en un billete”, enfatizó, y dijo que le gustaba el aspecto de “tranquilidad” que ofrece la imagen de la segunda mujer de Juan Domingo Perón elegida para el papel, aunque, entre risas, afirmó: “A mí me gustaba la imagen de Evita enojada, comiéndose a algunos”.
Si amas la cultura, la tradición, las aventuras extremas y planeas pasar unas vacaciones inolvidables, te invitamos a celebrar el Año Nuevo Maya en la Riviera. Pero, si piensas que tendrás que esperar a que finalice el año, tenemos buenas noticias para ti: esta celebración milenaria ocurre en julio y no tendrás que esperar tanto, al contrario de la celebración mundial de Finde Año. A continuación, te contaremos la historia y orígenes de esta tradición y por qué no puedes dejar de vivirla. ¿Estás listo?
¿Año nuevo en Julio?
Es bien conocido que la cultura maya era ávida conocedora de la astronomía y de manera muy disciplinada seguían el movimiento de los astros para calendarizar y tipificar la importancia de los eventos que ocurrían en la tierra, en total sincronía con lo que ocurría en el cielo.
De acuerdo con el calendario maya “Haab” que sigue puntualmente el ciclo de la tierra en relación al sol, los astrónomos mayas determinaron que para ellos, el ciclo del año no iniciaba en enero, a diferencia del calendario gregoriano que rige nuestros ciclos y que heredamos de la cultura romana; los mayas medían el tiempo calculando hasta 18 ciclos vinculados por los movimientos de las principales luminarias de nuestro sistema (Luna y Sol), así como por los tránsitos planetarios de Venus y la ubicación de constelaciones como las Pléyades.
De acuerdo a este cálculo, el 26 de julio de cada año, daba inicio a un nuevo ciclo y a una nueva personalidad que caracterizaba al nuevo año y que era identificado con su propio glifo.
Pero, aunque el 26 es un día súper especial para esta ancestral cultura, el día 25 (El Día Fuera Del Tiempo) era incluso más importante porque en esta fecha los mayas acostumbraban a dar las gracias y tomarse un tiempo para reflexionar sobre las ganancias, logros y sobre todo, las lecciones que se aprendieron a los largo del ciclo anterior.
After graduation from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point in 1954, Scott transferred to the U.S. Air Force and took flight training. He earned an M.S. in aeronautics and astronautics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and went to Edwards Air Force Base in California to train as a test pilot. In 1963 he was among the third group of U.S. astronauts chosen.
Scott and commander Neil Armstrong crewed the flight of Gemini 8 (March 16, 1966). They successfully rendezvoused and docked with an uncrewed Agena target vehicle, which was the first space docking, but an electrical failure caused the Agena-Gemini craft to tumble wildly. The Gemini capsule was separated from the Agena. Control was finally reestablished, but the mission had to be aborted. Scott and Armstrong landed 10 hours 42 minutes after takeoff.
Scott served as command module pilot of the Apollo 9 flight with commander James McDivitt and lunar module pilot Russell Schweickart; their mission was launched on March 3, 1969. In Earthorbit these men rendezvoused and docked the command module with the lunar module, which was on its first crewed flight, and they successfully tested all systems necessary for a lunar landing.
Newton's law of gravitation: Apollo 15 gravitation experimentApollo 15 commander David Scott dropping a 1.32-kg (2.91-pound) aluminum geological hammer and a 0.03-kg (0.07-pound) falcon feather on the surface of the Moon and proving that objects undergo the same acceleration in gravity, August 2, 1971.
On July 26, 1971, Scott, lunar module pilot James Irwin, and command module pilot Alfred Worden were launched on the Apollo 15 flight. After a 31/2-day trip Scott and Irwin landed on the Moon, at the base of the Apennine Mountains near a gorge called Hadley Rille. Using the Lunar Roving Vehicle, they covered about 28 km (18 miles) on three separate treks and spent more than 17 hours outside their lunar module. The mission returned to Earth on August 7.
From 1972 to 1975 Scott was a member of the administrative staff of the Apollo-SoyuzTest Project. He then became director of the Dryden Flight Research Center at Edwards Air Force Base. He left the space program in 1977 to enter private business in Los Angeles. In 2004 he wrote a book, Two Sides of the Moon: Our Story of the Cold War Space Race, with Soviet cosmonaut Aleksey Leonov.
María Eva Duarte de Perón (Spanish pronunciation:[maˈɾi.aˈeβaˈðwarteðepeˈɾon]; néeMaría Eva Duarte; 7 May 1919 – 26 July 1952), better known as just Eva Perón or by the nickname Evita (Spanish:[eˈβita]), was an Argentine politician, activist, actress, and philanthropist who served as First Lady of Argentina from June 1946 until her death in July 1952, as the wife of Argentine PresidentJuan Perón. She was born in poverty in the rural village of Los Toldos, in the Pampas, as the youngest of five children. In 1934, at the age of 15, she moved to the nation's capital of Buenos Aires to pursue a career as a stage, radio, and film actress. She became a central figure of Peronism and Argentine culture because of the Eva Perón Foundation, a charitable organization that had a huge impact in Argentine society.
She met Colonel Juan Perón on 22 January 1944 during a charity event at the Luna Park Stadium to benefit the victims of an earthquake in San Juan, Argentina. The two were married the following year. Juan Perón was elected President of Argentina in June 1946; during the next six years, Eva Perón became powerful within the pro-Peronist trade unions, primarily for speaking on behalf of labor rights. She also ran the Ministries of Labor and Health, founded and ran the charitable Eva Perón Foundation, championed women's suffrage in Argentina, and founded and ran the nation's first large-scale female political party, the Female Peronist Party.
In 1951, Eva Perón announced her candidacy for the Peronist nomination for the office of Vice President of Argentina, receiving great support from the Peronist political base, low-income and working-class Argentines who were referred to as descamisados or "shirtless ones" (similar to the term “sans-culottes” during the French Revolution). Opposition from the nation's military and bourgeoisie, coupled with her declining health, ultimately forced her to withdraw her candidacy.[1] In 1952, shortly before her death from cancer at 33, Eva Perón was given the title of "Spiritual Leader of the Nation of Argentina" by the Argentine Congress.[2][3][4] She was given a state funeral upon her death, a prerogative generally reserved for heads of state.
Eva's 1951 biography, La Razón de mi Vida,[8] contains no dates or references to childhood occurrences, and does not list the location of her birth or her name at birth.[9] According to Junín's civil registry, a birth certificate shows that one María Eva Duarte was born on May 7, 1919. Her baptismal certificate lists the date of birth as May 7, 1919 under the name Eva María Ibarguren.[10][11] It is thought that in 1945 the adult Eva Perón created a forgery of her birth certificate for her marriage.[12][page needed]
Eva Perón spent her childhood in Junín, Buenos Aires province. Her father, Juan Duarte,[13] was descended from French Basque immigrants. Her mother, Juana Ibarguren, was descended from Spanish Basque immigrants.[14] Juan Duarte, a wealthy rancher from nearby Chivilcoy, already had a wife and family there. At that time in rural Argentina, it was not uncommon for a wealthy man to have multiple families.[15]
When Eva was a year old, Duarte returned permanently to his legal family, leaving Juana Ibarguren and her children in abject poverty. They were forced to move to the poorest area of Junín. Los Toldos was a village in the dusty region of Las Pampas, with a reputation as a desolate place of poverty. To support herself and her children, Ibarguren sewed clothes for neighbors. The family was stigmatized by the abandonment of the father and by the illegitimate status of the children under Argentine law, and was consequently somewhat isolated.[16] A desire to expunge this part of her life might have been a motivation for Eva to arrange the destruction of her original birth certificate in 1945.[12][page needed][17]
When Duarte suddenly died and his mistress and their children sought to attend his funeral, there was an unpleasant scene at the church gates. Although Juana and the children were permitted to enter and pay their respects, they were promptly directed out of the church. Duarte's widow did not want her late husband's mistress and children at the funeral and, as she was the legitimate wife, her orders were respected.[18
VIDEO | 22 de Julio de 1947: Evita es recibida por Vicent Auriol, el presidente de Francia
Tuvo una agenda bastante apretada, con importantes reuniones para firmar acuerdos internacionales.
La “Gira del Arco Iris” de Evita por Europa y Sudamérica se realizó con el objetivo de fortalecer relaciones en el exterior, en un contexto de post Segunda Guerra Mundial. La primera dama fue enviada por Juan Domingo Perón para representar al gobierno peronista y al país. En primer lugar, llegó a España, donde se entrevistó con el general Francisco Franco y miles de españoles se rindieron a sus pies. Después se instaló en Italia, Portugal, Francia, Suiza, Mónaco, el Vaticano, Brasil y Uruguay.
El 22 de julio de 1947, la “abanderada de los humildes” llegó a Paris. Fue recibida por Georges Bidault, ministro de Exteriores francés. Además, la esperaba un grupo de mujeres y de niños que se mezclaban con las banderas de Argentina y de Francia. Las autoridades de la capital del país galo pusieron a disposición de Eva el automóvil del general Charles De Gaulle, un honor que hasta el momento sólo se había reservado para el primer ministro británico Winston Churchill. Con ese rodado, la oriunda de Los Toldos conoció la catedral de Notre Dame.
Evita ingresó a Notre Dame y se entrevistó con el monseñor Roncalli, quien en 1958 se convertiría en Papa y recibiría la denominación de Juan XXIII. Fuentes cercanas a la primera dama, sostienen que durante la entrevista que tuvieron, la joven argentina de 27 años le explicó la idea de realizar una fundación de ayuda social (la cual crearía al regresar al país) y recibió como respuesta: “Le recomiendo dos cosas: que prescinda por completo de todo papelerío burocrático, y que se consagre sin límites a su tarea”. Ambas las cumplió con excelencia.
Durante el tiempo en Francia, Evita estuvo hospedada en el Hotel Ritz. Tuvo una agenda bastante cargada de reuniones para firmar acuerdos internacionales. Uno de ellos fue con el presidente Vincent Auriol, con quien firmó un tratado que incluía el intercambio en particular de cuero, carne, cereales, aceites, y quebracho a cambio de acero, automóviles, diversos productos mecánicos, y en particular máquinas textiles, productos químicos.
“En su entrevista con el ministro de Relaciones Exteriores, Georges Bidault, uno de los principales dirigentes de la resistencia interior a la ocupación alemana, Evita le planteó que era muy desagradable que Francia, país amigo de la Argentina, tuviera una calle en París y una estación del Métropolitain que se llamara Obligado, por la batalla de la Vuelta de Obligado. Le recordó que la Escuadra naval anglofrancesa había logrado ganar la batalla, pero había pedido la guerra. Y le pidió que le cambiaran el nombre.
Dos días después, cuando se firmaban los acuerdos comerciales por los cuales la Argentina otorgaba a Francia un crédito para compras de cereales de 200 millones de dólares, el presidente Vincent Auriol le comunicó que en aras de la renovada amistad franco argentina serían cambiados los nombres de la estación del Métropolitain y de la calle”. De esta manera, la calle Vuelta de Obligado pasó a denominarse “d’Argentine”. Evita, una luz en la historia argentina que dejó su rastro en París.
Birdmanstarring Michael Keaton, the Best Picture award winner at this year's Oscars (2015), opens and ends with a mysterious sequence involving a big fireball streaking across the sky...
...evoking the real-life Chelyabinsk (Russian) meteor impact back in mid-February 2013 which injured about 1,500 people. Birdman was actually filmed in the spring of 2013 immediately following the Russian meteor. It also coincided with the exit period of Pope Benedict XVI (Feb 11-28, 2013)...
Feb 11, 2013 Pope Benedict XVI announces resignation Feb 15, 2013 Major meteor impact in Russia Feb 28 Benedict XVI steps down as pope Mar 13, 2013 Francis (Jorge Bergoglio) elected pope
...celestially marked very precisely by a (pentagonal) "Orange/Golden Apple Alignment" or a Venus-Sun-Mercury alignment. (What is a Golden Apple Alignment?)
Another similarly pentagonal Orange/Golden Apple Alignment pinpointed this years' Oscars (Feb 22, 2015) where Birdman was a big winner. (See here for more on this Golden Apple Alignment.)
The Theory of Everything, a story about the renowned physicist Stephen Hawking, was another big winner at the Oscars. "Stephen" means "crown" and "Hawking" is "hawk-king". That would be Horus, a hawk/falcon-headed ancient Egyptian deity, the son of Osiris and Isis, who was embodied by ancient Egyptian kings.
And look, Horus is... "Birdman"!
In this context the lowercase "i" in the otherwise uppercase BiRDMAN logo stands out and becomes meaningful, as putting together "Horus" and "i" gives us "i of Horus" or "Eye of Horus". You may also know it (more or less) as the notorious "All-Seeing Eye"...
Now, unbeknownst to most, the Eye of Horus was subtly present in the mission patch of NASA's Deep Impact mission (2005). As I decoded it before:
It was a comet mission, actually impacting Comet Tempel-1, thus the name "Deep Impact" which alludes to the 1998 comet doom movie...
...thereby resonating back with Birdman/Oscars and Russian meteor impact. Quite ominous stuff. And there is a time sequence involved as well...
[For the rest see Super Torch Ritual Underground - subscribe now]
Pope Francis (far right) lights candles at a 2012 Hanukkah Interfaith Celebration at a Buenos Aires synagogue with current World Union of Progressive Judaism head Rabbi Sergio Bergman. (courtesy)
Ahead of Hanukkah, Pope Francis sent a handwritten Hanukkah greeting to fellow Argentine religious leader, Rabbi Sergio Bergman. Bergman is the new president of the World Union of Progressive Judaism, which is a coalition of 1,200 Liberal Jewish congregations in 50 countries with 1.8 million members.
In the Spanish message, the pope blesses the Jewish community with “an existence illuminated by the Lord,” and asks the rabbi to pray for him “so that I always have the grace to walk in the light and not get lost in the darkness.”
The pope is the leader of the world’s two billion Roman Catholics. He and Bergman last celebrated Hanukkah together in 2012 at an interfaith celebration in Buenos Aires when the pope lit the hanukkiya (Hanukkah menorah).
Sheba #8 Hospital in the WorldKeep Watching
The letter will be read as part of WUPJ’s 2020 star-studded Hanukkah Gala on December 13. The following is an English translation provided by WUPJ.
Hand-written letter from Pope Francis to Rabbi Sergio Bergman ahead of Hanukkah, December 2020. (courtesy)
Rabbi Sergio Bergman Dear brother, Thanks for your mail. As you invite me to do it, I send a greeting to those who participate in the virtual meeting to celebrate Hanukkah. I remember when in 2012 I lit the candle in the temple on Arcos Street. Light, the first gift of the Lord in Creation! I wish all of you an existence illuminated by the Lord, with the light that unites paths, teaches the true profiles of things, draws towards the horizon… May the Lord bless each of you, your families, your communities. And, please, I ask you to pray for me so that I always have the grace to walk in the light and not get lost in the darkness. For my part I pray for you. May the Lord bless you, fraternally. Franciscus.