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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 18/01/2025 22:08


The majestic Place de la Concorde played an essential part in French history. On many occasions, the square has been chosen for happy or sad national gatherings. One of the many prestigious stages of the Historical Axis, the square features a vast and elegant neo-classical ensemble from the 18th century. It connects the Tuileries Garden to the Champs-Elysées and the Madeleine to Palais Bourbon.



The magnificence of place de la Concorde

The Place de la Concorde plays a significant symbolic part along the Historical Axis. This magnificent vista runs through some of Paris’ most celebrated monuments and squares:

Fountain of the Rivers on Place de la Concorde © French MomentsFountain of the Rivers on Place de la Concorde © French Moments

The square takes the form of an octagon measuring 359 by 212 metres. The River Seine borders it to the South, and classical-style buildings to the North. The Egyptian obelisk stands at the centre of the square, flanked by two massive fountains.


The turbulent history of the square

In 1753 it was decided that the site should be designed as a square. This decision was taken during the reign of King Louis XV. At that time, many French cities had started or completed prestigious squares. They were commonly called “Place Royale” to the glory of the King: Montpellier, Nantes, Metz, Dijon or Bordeaux.

For instance, in the then-independent Duchy of Lorraine, the King’s father-in-law, Stanislas Leszczyński, commissioned the beautiful Place Stanislas in Nancy, which was well underway by 1753.

Place Stanislas in Nancy © French MomentsPlace Stanislas, a royal square in Nancy built in 1753-1755 © French Moments


A grand square dedicated to Louis XV

Gabriel, the King’s architect, was tasked with creating a magnificent square along the Historical Axis. It would stage an equestrian statue of Louis XV in the centre. The two monumental pavilions bordering the square’s northern side and divided by the Rue Royale were built in the Louis XV style: the Hôtel Crillon and the Hôtel de la Marine.

Plan of Gabriel for the Louis XV Square © French MomentsPlan of Gabriel for the Louis XV Square © French Moments


The tragic event of 30 May 1770

Misfortune struck the square on the occasion of the marriage of Dauphin Louis and Austrian archduchess Marie-Antoinette. On the 30th May 1770, people assembled for a celebration with much pomp and ceremony. A beautiful firework display was planned. However, following the accidental fall of a rocket, the crowd was panic-stricken, and 133 people were killed, trampled and choked.


During the Reign of Terror

But the worst was yet to come 20 years later with the uprising of the Revolution. Originally called ‘Place Louis XV’, the square was renamed in 1792 as ‘Place de la Révolution’. It became the stage for horrendous public executions by the guillotine.

During the Reign of Terror, the King, Queen Marie-Antoinette, and more than 1,100 victims were beheaded in less than two and a half years.

Execution of Louis XVI on Place de la ConcordeExecution of Louis XVI on Place de la Concorde

On 21st January 1793, Louis XVI was guillotined at the exact position of the statue of Brest, at the North-West angle.

Place de la Concorde © French MomentsThe monument of Brest, the spot where the guillotine was placed for Louis XVI’s execution © French Moments

From the 13th of May 1793, the “National Razor” was moved across the square near the railings of the Tuileries Gardens. Many more victims were beheaded: Marie-Antoinette (16th October), Madame du Barry, Danton, Madame Roland and Robespierre.


Place de la Concorde

Following those dreadful events of the Reign of Terror, the Directorate changed the square’s name in 1795 to one of reconciliation and hope: Place de la Concorde.


The Monuments of French cities

Place de la Concorde Paris by French Moments

In the 1830s, architect Jacques Ignace Hittorff transformed the square by adding statues and fountains that can be seen today.

At each corner of the octagon formed by the Place, he erected eight stone monuments representing the French cities of:

Place de la Concorde, Paris © French MomentsThe Monument of Bordeaux © French Moments


The fountains

Hittorff also added two monumental fountains inspired by those in Piazza Navona in Rome:

  • the Maritime Fountain (to the South, portraying the maritime spirit of France) and,
  • the Fountain of the Rivers (to the North, representing the Rhône River and the Rhine River).
Fountain of the Rivers, Paris © French MomentsFountain of the Rivers © French Moments


The Luxor Obelisk, Paris’ oldest monument

Place de la Concorde Paris June 2015 10 © French MomentsPlace de la Concorde © French Moments

The Obelisk, ideally placed in the middle of the Place de la Concorde, is part of the strange geometrical layouts and alignments along the Historical Axis, evoking the symbols of Ancient Egypt.


Napoleon’s campaign to Egypt

To understand the reasoning that led the French to develop such admiration for Egyptology, let’s go back to Napoleon Bonaparte’s campaign to Egypt in 1798. The French Emperor-to-be attempted to conquer Egypt to counteract the English influence in the Middle East and India. The General was not coming to Egypt with soldiers only. As a newly elected French Academy of Sciences member, he took 167 savants to Egypt in 1798. There he founded the first modern scientific institute in Egypt: the Institut d’Egypte in Cairo.

Winter walk from the Eiffel Tower to the Louvre © French MomentsObelisk, Place de la Concorde © French Moments


The Luxor obelisk on its way to France

King Charles X (1757-1836) showed an interest in Ancient Egypt and commissioned Jean-François Champollion (who deciphered the ancient hieroglyphs) to arrange for an obelisk to be returned to Paris.

In 1831, Mohammed-Ali, Viceroy of Egypt, offered France one of the two obelisks which guarded the entrance of the temple of Luxor in Upper Egypt. Both date back to Pharaoh Ramses II, the most powerful king of Ancient Egypt.

A unique ship, the Luxor, was designed to carry the obelisk to France down the Nile and across the Mediterranean Sea to the port city of Toulon and then by river to Paris.

In Charles X’s plans, the obelisk had to find its place on Place de la Concorde. That is the square built in honour of his grandfather and where his brother and sister-in-law were beheaded.


Raising the Obelisk on place de la Concorde

On the 25th of October 1836, 200,000 people gathered at the square to witness the lifting operation to raise the obelisk onto its pedestal.

Erection of the Luxor Obelisk on Place de la Concorde in 1836Erection of the Luxor Obelisk on Place de la Concorde in 1836. Painting by François Dubois

To the relief of supervisor Lebas and the assembled crowd, the event was a success. From that day, the “Obélisque de Louxor” sits enthroned in the centre of the square.

The Obelisk, Paris © French MomentsThe Obelisk seen from the entrance to the Tuileries Garden © French Moments


The oldest monument in Paris

Some 3,500 years old, the obelisk is the oldest monument standing in Paris. It is 23 metres tall and weighs 220 tons. However, the French capital was not the only European city to display an obelisk.


Other Egyptian obelisks in Europe
  • The Romans transferred the one standing in Saint Peter’s Square in Rome to decorate the circus.
  • Another specimen erected after that of Paris is in London (the obelisk of Tuthmosis III on the Victoria Embankment, better known as Cleopatra’s Needle).
  • Without forgetting New York (a twin obelisk to the one in London, erected in Central Park).


The pyramidion

When the obelisk was carried to France in the 19th Century, its original cap had long disappeared. In fact, it was believed to have been stolen in the 6th century BC.

In May 1998, the French authorities decided to refurbish the obelisk by putting a copy of the missing gold-leafed pyramid cap on top, thanks to the initiative of Egyptologist Christiane Desroches Noblecourt. This pyramid cap is called a pyramidion. It is supposed to reflect the rays of the sun.

The obelisk's pyramidion, Paris © French MomentsThe obelisk’s pyramidion © French Moments

In 1988, this tremendous Egyptian landmark was joined by another pharaoh-related structure along the Historical Axis: the modern Glass Pyramid in the Louvre, evoking the Great Pyramid of Giza.


A perpendicular perspective on the Historical Axis

Place de la Concorde Paris Historical Axis by French Moments

The Place de la Concorde set the stage for another North-South perspective, much shorter, perpendicular to the Historical Axis.

It features, on the South side, beyond the bridge “Pont de la Concorde” across the Seine:

In fact, both monuments match each other across the Place de la Concorde with their grand Classical-style porticos, evoking the design of Roman temples.

The great perspective from the Madeleine church towards the Bourbon Palace © French MomentsThe great perspective from the Madeleine church towards the Bourbon Palace © French Moments

The 19th-century Madeleine Church strangely resembles a Roman temple and shares some similarities with the ancient ‘Maison Carrée’ in Nîmes.

The Madeleine church, Paris © French MomentsThe Madeleine church seen from the square © French Moments

The Palais Bourbon housed the National Assembly, and its pedimented, collonaded front was inspired by the Madeleine Church at the far end of the short perspective crossing the Place de la Concorde.

Palais Bourbon, Paris © French MomentsPalais Bourbon from the square © French Moments


The Pont de la Concorde

Pont de la Concorde 03 © French MomentsPont de la Concorde, Paris © French Moments

The Pont de la Concorde, crossing the Seine and linking the Place de la Concorde to the Palais Bourbon, was completed in 1791, with many of its stones taken from the dismantled Bastille fortress. When complete, it was said that the people of Paris could ride roughshod over the ancient fortress.

The view from the bridge stretches to the Eiffel Tower, the Alexandre III Bridge on one side, and the other to the Tuileries Garden and the Louvre.


More photos of Place de la Concorde

Place de la Concorde © French MomentsThe fountain of the seas in Place de la Concorde © French MomentsPlace de la Concorde © French MomentsThe three needles of Paris! © French MomentsPlace de la Concorde © French MomentsPlace de la Concorde © French MomentsThe Historical Axis of Paris in the Tuileries garden near place de la Concorde © French MomentsThe Historical Axis of Paris in the Tuileries garden near Place de la Concorde © French MomentsPlace de la Concorde Décembre © French Moments - Paris 6Winter in Place de la Concorde, Paris © French MomentsPlace de la Concorde © French MomentsPlace de la Concorde © French Moments

Until the mid-2010s, a Ferris wheel stood in the centre of the square during the Christmas period. It allowed taking beautiful pictures from the beautiful perspective of the Champs-Elysées.

Tour Montparnasse - Christmas in Paris © French MomentsChristmas in Paris – Place de la Concorde © French MomentsParis by night © French MomentsThe view from the Ferris wheel © French MomentsPlace de la Concorde by night © French MomentsThe square at night © French MomentsPlace de la Concorde by night © French MomentsThe fountain illuminated © French MomentsPlace de la Concorde by night © French MomentsPlace de la Concorde by night © French Moments


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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 23/01/2025 16:08

Stroll 16: Concorde-Madeleine-Expiatoire

Stroll 16 Chapelle Expiatoire

Quick Description: Revolution theme, spectacular plaza, avenue and church, beautiful and somber memorial. 

Where: Right Bank, from Place de la Concorde directly north to Blvd Haussmann. 

Start at Place de la Concorde, outside Metro station Concorde (##1, 8, #12 lines).  End outside the park around  Chapelle Expiatoire, near Metro stations Saint Lazare (#3, #12, #13, #14 lines) and Havre – Caumartin (#3, #9 lines) .  

Duration: 30 min walk, @1.5-2.5 hrs with venue visits and browsing the flower market and shops.  Early Departure Option at the midpoint, Place de la Madeleine, before the route heads to Chapelle Expiatorie.

Best Days: Tues – Fri.

Best Time to Start: 10:30am – 11:30am

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Connects: by quick Metro rides from station Saint Lazare via the #12 line to Stroll 13 (Musee D’Orsay to Musee Rodin), or Stroll 15 (Concorde-Tuileries-Vendome), or Stroll 17 (Concorde to Place de l’Alma), or Stroll 24 (Montmartre), or Stroll 25 (Pigalle aka SOPI); and from either station Saint Lazare or station Havre – Caumartin via the #3 line to Stroll 21 (Opera-Haussmann-Saint Lazare), or the standalone site, Cimetiere Pere Lachaise;  and from station Saint Lazare via the #13 line to the standalone site, Musee Jacquemart-Andre.

Past and Present: This stroll starts at Place de la Concorde, where King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette were executed on the guillotine during the Revolution, and follows the route their bodies were taken, up Rue Royale, past the Church of the Madeleine to the church’s unused cemetery land, where they were unceremoniously buried in what became a mass grave.  Place de la Concorde is now a spectacular traffic rotary with statues and fountains plus an 18th century royal mansion, Hotel de la Marine, which is open to visitors. The Church of the Madeleine, finished in the early 1800s, replicates the Parthenon and offers an impressive interior.  And Chapelle Expiatorie and a surrounding park now sits on the royal gravesite, as a memorial to the king and queen and other victims of the Revolution.  The stroll route also brings you to three picturesque shopping arcades, a flower market, and a variety of restaurants, including the famous Maxim’s and a “secret” lunch venue in the cellar of the church.

Attractions (in order):          

  • Place de la Concorde: Forming the western border of the Jardin des Tuileries, and the eastern end of the Champs Elysses.  Plaza dating from the 18th century, site of the guillotine during the Revolution, now a spectacular traffic rotary with statues and fountains and the Luxor obelisk, plus former royal buildings along the north side.  
  • Hotel de la Marine#2 Place de la Concorde, start of route.  Magnificent 18th century royal mansion forming the northeastern boundary of Place de la Concorde.  Now open to the public,  to tout the opulent rooms and view the private Al Thani antiquities collection housed there. Building accessible daily 10:30am-7pm (9:30pm Fridays), but entry requires reserving a tour time.  There are five audio guided tours to choose from: four 90 min long, €17; one 45 min long €13.    (Note: To visit here on this stroll, schedule your tour time near to your start time.) 
  • Hotel de Crillon: #4-10 Place de la Concorde, start of route.  Magnificent 17th century royal mansion forming the northwestern border of Place de la Concorde.  It houses  an historic luxury traveler’s inn, also called Hotel de Crillon, at #10, as well as the Automobile Club of France and the Hotel de Coislin mansion site.  The public areas of the traveler’s inn are accessible.      
  • Rue Royale: running from Place de la Concorde north to Place de la Madeleine.   Impressive 18th century street, created as a royal parade route and vista between Place de la Concorde and the Church of the Madeleine. Many of its landmarked buildings now house the flagship stores of luxury brand retailers.
  • Le Village Royal: #25 Rue Royale, near Place de la Madeleine, with exit at the other end onto Rue Boissy d’Anglas. Shops of upscale brands are set in an 18th century courtyard.  Mon-Sat courtyard opens 8am, shops open 10am-7pm.
  • Galerie de la Madeleine: Route uses entry at #30 Rue Boissy d’Anglas, and exits at the other end onto Place de la Madeleine.  This is an operating 19th century shopping arcade with period charm and unique boutiques.  Accessible Mon-Sat 8am-11pm, shops generally open at 10am. 
  • Church of the Madeleine: Place de la Madeleine.  Large, ornate church built from the late 1700s to the early 1800s, with an exterior that is modeled on the Parthenon in Greece and an interior featuring three domes, plus various artworks.  Daily 9:30am-7pm, free.
  • Madeleine Flower Market: Place de la Madeleine.  Open-air stalls are located along the eastern side of the church.  Mon-Sat, 8am-7:30pm. 
  • Passage Puteaux:  Running between Rue de l’Arcade and Rue Pasquier.  Operating 19th century shopping arcade with period detail, shops and a restaurant (see “Dining Suggestions”).  Accessible Mon-Fri 7am-7pm.
  • #34 Rue Pasquier: Across the street from Square Louis XVI and Chapelle Expiatoire.  Art Deco style building adorned with remarkable bas relief sculptures of tropical and jungle animals and fish.
  • Square Louis XVI and Chapelle Expiatoire:  Entry on Rue Pasquier.  The small park surrounds a memorial dedicated to King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette, as well as other victims of the Revolution.  It includes a chapel with statues, a crypt and a representative cemetery.  Square Louis XVI is open Mon-Fri 8am-6:30pm, Sat-Sun 9am-6:30pm, free.  Chapelle Expiatorie is open Oct-Mar Mon-Sat 10:30am-12:30pm and 1:30-5pm, April-Sept Tues-Sat 10am-12:30pm and 1:30-6:30pm, €6, free for persons under 18, EU residents under 26, handicapped persons and their aides.

Dining Suggestions (in order):

  • Maxim’s: #3 Rue Royale, on the left-hand side of the first block as you walk north from Place de la Concorde.  Dating from 1893 this became a legendary watering hole of the rich and famous during the 20th century, and was used as a movie set on several occasions.  It features Art Nouveau architecture, sumptuous Belle Epoque décor and a limited menu of expensive, classic French dishes, plus sales of branded caviar and fancy chocolates.  Wed-Sat Noon-2pm, 7:30-10:30pm.  Average cost @€120. Reservations suggested.  
  • Le Boissy d’Anglas: #41 Rue Boissy d’Anglas, opposite entry to Galerie de la Madeleine.  French cuisine, short bistro menu. Upscale traditional room, outdoor seating.  Mon-Fri 9am-Midnight.  Prix fixe meal @€44 3 courses, a la carte mains @€16-22, breakfast pastry options.  
  • Lucas Carton: #9 Place de la Madeleine, next to the Galerie de la Madeleine.  Michelin starred restaurant dating from 1860. Inventive French haute cuisine, offered a la carte and in tasting menus.  Elegant dining room.  Average cost @€120.  An alternate dining room, Le Petit Carton, located upstairs, offers somewhat lower prices. Mon-Sat Noon-1:30pm, 7:30-9:30pm. Reservations suggested.   
  • Le Foyer de la Madeleine: Inside the Church of the Madeleine, with an entrance behind the flower stalls.   Charitable enterprise offering a short menu of French home style dishes at economical prices.  The space consists of vaulted cellar rooms located beneath the church, furnished in traditional restaurant style.  Open for lunch only, Mon-Fri 11:45am-2pm. Average cost: @€10 3 courses.  No reservations.  (Note: Once a “secret” place it is now quite popular, so arrive early if possible.)
  • La Pate a Nouilles Madeleine: #8 Rue de Castellane.  Chinese and Japanese noodle shop.  Casual, bright, modern room.  Mon-Sat 11:30am-3:30pm, 5:30-10:30pm.  Appetizers @€4.10, Soup and wok noodle dishes @€11.40, desserts @€5.30.       
  • O’Ginko#17 Rue de Castellane.  Japanese cuisine, including full menu of cooked dishes, plus sushi and sashimi, served in set menus including soup, salad and choice of main, as well as a la carte.   Modern room.  Daily 11am-3:30pm, 6:30-11pm.  Menu prices @€13-22, a la carte appetizers @€5, sushi rolls @€8.5.
  • Les Caprices de Charlotte: #14 Rue de Castellane at Rue de l’Arcade.  Patisserie with pastries, baguette sandwiches, quiche, coffee and tea.  Counter service. Seating for about 20 in casual modern space.  Mon-Sat 7am-8pm. Moderate prices.
  • Le Boutiques des Vins: #31/33 Rue de l’Arcade (actually inside Passage Puteaux). Wine bar serving French cuisine, including a small plates menu, plus many wines by the glass at reasonable prices.  Traditional room and seating along the covered passage. Mon-Fri Noon-3pm, 6-11:30pm.  Lunch prix fixe @€24.

Respuesta  Mensaje 23 de 48 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 26/01/2025 16:55

Madeleine e Concorde

Madeleine, Paris
Madeleine, Paris

Madeleine e Concorde, região de comércio elegante

Place de la Madeleine • Rue Royale • Place Vendôme • Obelisco da Place de la Concorde

Mapa do bairro de la Madeleine

Estátua de Shiva Natardja, Senhor da Dança, Mmusée Guimet, Foto Jean-Pierre Dalbéra CCBY
Este é um bairro elegante e relativamente novo, como outros da zona oeste da cidade. Hoje é bastante central, mas na Idade Média sequer ficava no perímetro urbano parisiense; pertencia à cidadezinha de Ville l’Éveque. A região só começou a ser valorizada no final do século XVII, quando Luís XIV mandou construir a Place Vendôme. Um século mais tarde, outra grande praça, a Luís XV (atual Place de la Concorde), foi construída ali perto, à beira do Sena, ao lado dos Jardins des Tuileries.

Desde o Segundo Império, a arquitetura do bairro foi padronizada com os mesmos prédios clássicos haussmannianos. A Place de la Madeleine e a rue Royale datam dessa época. No final do século XIX, a região assumiu uma vocação comercial que perdura até hoje; nela concentram-se grandes grifes, hotéis e restaurantes chiques e sofisticadas lojas dos mais variados produtos.
Place de la Madeleine e Rue Royale.

A praça grande e elegante, em cujo centro está a igreja de la Madeleine, tem um comércio fino e variado. Ela é um dos maiores paraísos gastronômicos do planeta: as lojas Fauchon e Hédiard, os restaurantes Lucas Carton e Caviar Kaspia, o chocolatier Marquise de Sevigné e muitos outros estabelecimentos de dar água na boca ficam lá.

Links afins Atrações, dicas

Rue Royale

Entre a Place de la Madeleine e a Place de Concorde, numa localização privilegiadíssima, fica a Rue Royale, uma das mais chiques de Paris, onde o comércio é tão sofisticado quanto na Madeleine, com a vantagem de que ela é ainda mais bonita e agradável para passear. É lá que ficam o lendário restaurante Maxim’s e a antiquíssima confeitaria Ladurée. Mesmo que você esteja de regime e não queira ou não possa comprar nenhum artigo de luxo, vai adorar ir da Madeleine à Concorde a pé e conhecer um lado muito elegante de Paris.


(igreja)  A igreja de Ste-Marie de la Madeleine, ou simplesmente Madeleine, como todo mundo a chama, é uma das mais famosas igrejas parisienses. Com seu frontão triangular e 52 colunas coríntias de 20 metros de altura, ela mais parece um imenso templo da Grécia clássica do que uma igreja católica. Uma curiosidade: repare que ela não tem nenhuma cruz no alto. Sua construção começou em 1763, durante o reinado de Luís XV, mas a planta original foi substituída pouco depois por outra, quando um novo arquiteto resolveu derrubar tudo e recomeçar os trabalhos, desta vez com um projeto neoclássico, semelhante ao do Panthéon. Com a Revolução, os trabalhos foram mais uma vez suspensos até 1806, quando Napoleão os retomou visando a transformar o edifício em um Templo da Glória em homenagem a seu exército. Em 1837, por pouco a Madeleine não virou uma estação ferroviária, até que em 1842, passou finalmente a ser uma igreja. Ao visitá-la, aproveite para desfrutar a vista da escadaria do lado sul: você verá a rue Royale, a Place de la Concorde, o Sena e, mais longe, do outro lado do rio, a Assembleia Nacional.

Place Vendôme

Concebida em 1685, durante o reinado de Luís XIV, pelo arquiteto Jules Hardouin-Mansart, essa praça é um dos endereços mais chiques do mundo. Nela ficam lojas das mais caras e elegantes grifes, além do lendário Hotel Ritz, onde se hospedam a nobreza europeia, artistas famosos, ministros de Estado, milionários e outras personalidades do mundo todo. A princesa Diana e seu namorado estavam hospedados ali quando saíram de carro na madrugada, numa corrida em alta velocidade que os levou ao acidente fatal. No local da praça, havia antigamente a residência do Duque de Vendôme.

Os trabalhos de construção começaram com as fachadas e as arcadas padronizadas, mas foram interrompidos por falta de dinheiro. Inicialmente, apenas a estátua equestre de Luís XIV pôde ser inaugurada. Somente mais tarde, durante a regência do Duque de Orléans, graças a uma hábil manobra especulativa do banqueiro escocês John Law, as obras puderam ser terminadas. A enorme coluna central, de mais de 43 metros de altura, foi construída durante o reinado de Napoleão para comemorar suas vitórias militares. Durante o século XIX, a cada mudança política, uma estátua diferente era colocada no alto dessa coluna. Primeiro, foi Napoleão vestido de imperador romano; em 1814, foi a vez de Henrique IV; no reinado de Luís XVIII, uma gigantesca flor-de-lis e, mais tarde, sob Luís Felipe, mais uma vez Napoleão, mas de sobrecasaca. A estátua que existe hoje é uma réplica da primeira.

Place de la Concorde – A mais bela praça de Paris? Para muitos, sim. Leia a página sobre la Place de la Concorde.

Musée de l’Orangerie 

Fundado em 1927, o museu recebeu em 1965 a coleção Walter-Guillaume. Além de acolher exposições temporárias, tem um acervo permanente de pinturas do período de 1880 a 1930 de artistas como Renoir, Cézanne, Modigliani, Picasso e Matisse. Mas pode esquecer tudo isso: todo mundo vai lá para apreciar as embasbacantes Nymphéas, de Claude Monet, pintadas no jardim de sua casa em Giverny, que ocupam salas inteiras. Imperdível. Musée de l’Orangerie

Jardins des Tuileries

Os Jardins de Tuileries, na Rive Droite, entre o Louvre e a Avenue des Champs-Elysés, bem cuidado e repleto de estátuas é um lugar apreciado por parisienses e turistas, quando querem dar uma pausa em suas andanças. Nossa sugestão, se você for visitar o Louvre, dar uma espiada no Jardin. Saiba mais sobre o Jardin des Tuileries

Musée du Jeu de Paume

Jardins des Tuileries O Museu do Jeu de Paume, nos Jardins des Tuileries, do lado oposto ao Musée de l’Orangerie, fica em um edifício construído no reinado de Napoleão III. Durante muito tempo, o Jeu de Paume foi o mais importante museu parisiense de arte impressionista, até a transferência de seu acervo para o Musée d’Orsay, em 1986. Hoje em dia, lá são realizadas apenas exposições temporárias. Confira a programação. Musée du Jeu de Paume

Rue St-Honoré

 A St-Honoré, que começa no bairro de Les Halles com um comércio menos pretensioso, vai se tornando mais luxuosa à medida que se aproxima do Palais Royal e atravessa a av. de l’Opéra. No tringulo formado pelas praças da Madeleine, da Concorde e Vendôme fica a parte mais elegante da rua. Juntamente com a praça Vendôme e a rua Royale, ela reúne algumas das principais lojas de grifes famosas, joalherias e grandes nomes da alta costura.


Respuesta  Mensaje 24 de 48 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 27/01/2025 03:44
  • On October 25, 1836, the Luxor Obelisk was erected in the center of the Place de la Concorde by order of King Louis-Philippe. Offered to France by the Viceroy of Egypt as a token of goodwill,
    I too this picture today was i was passing through the area and the sun was so magnificent…

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 28/01/2025 14:24
  • "[T]his makes it rather clear that Janet Jackson, via exposing her right breast and her juxtaposition with Beyonce (representing the American spirit), was 'designed' to embody Lady Justice/Liberty - signifying or prompting the rebirth of the spirit of 'Columbia'. The prevalent 'blackness' additionally alludes to the pertinence of another related figure Mary Magdalene, recently made popular by the huge success of the book The Da Vinci Code, as this biblical/esoteric 'wife' of Jesus - embodying the feminine and sexuality - was sometimes portrayed as the 'Black Madonna'."

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 01/02/2025 16:21


You may know Paris for its cathedral Notre-Dame, the Eiffel Tower, its café culture and its amazing museums and art galleries. The French capital is also famous for its fantastic perspective that runs from the Louvre to La Défense. This is the ‘Voie Triomphale’, aka the Historical Axis of Paris.

This line is one of the most prestigious perspectives in the world. In fact, its design has inspired cities such as Buenos Aires, Washington DC, New Delhi and Canberra. In this article, we’ll learn more about the Historical Axis of Paris. We’ll discover the stunning monuments and I reveal to you some stunning facts. 


What is the Historical Axis of Paris?

Glass pyramid and the historical axis of Paris © French MomentsThe glass pyramid and the historical axis of Paris © French Moments

The Historical Axis, also known in French as “Axe Historique”, “Voie Triomphale” or “Voie Royale” is orientated on a 26° angle.

It follows the course of the Sun from its rising in the East to its setting in the West.

Oddly, this angle of orientation is the same as that of Paris’ Notre-Dame Cathedral, some 1,000 metres away from the Louvre Palace.

More than just a series of monuments placed along the axis, it seems that a complex symbolism was at work in the mind of the successive urban planners.

Historical Axis Map © French Moments

The Historical Axis runs through some of Paris’ most celebrated monuments and squares:

Let’s move along the Historical Axis of Paris, from East to West, starting from the Louvre.


The Palace of the Louvre

Historical Axis at the Louvre © French Moments

Today the great perspective starts at the Louvre, immediately beyond the Church of St Germain l’Auxerrois.

The crab-shaped Palace was the main residence of the kings of France until 1682, when Louis XIV, the ‘Sun King’, moved his court to Versailles. It currently houses one of the world’s most wonderful museums in a complex that is known as the “Grand Louvre”.

The Louvre today © French MomentsThe Louvre today © French Moments


The controversial glass pyramid of the Louvre

President François Mitterrand left his mark with his pharaonic project of “Le Grand Louvre”. He wished to complete it for the bicentennial celebration of the French Revolution in 1989. The titanic project comprised of major renovation works and the construction of a new landmark along the Historical Axis: the celebrated (and controversial) Glass Pyramid.

But if you look closer, you’ll notice that the glass pyramid is not aligned with the other monuments on the Historical Axis.

That’s why something had to be added in this vast courtyard of the Louvre…


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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 03/02/2025 14:49
Pin on RIsas de Instagram
PARÍS, FRANCIA, ENERO - 2020 - Escena del día urbano en la famosa avenida real, ciudad de parís, francia

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/02/2025 13:32

Place de la Concorde

This square used to be named Place Louis XV after the king who built it, including the two magnificent buildings looking on the square, which were royal property. In the middle of the square used to stand a statue of the same king, which was of course destroyed during the French Revolution. The obelisk, a gift from Egypt, came later in 1836.

With 19 acres, this is the largest square in Paris, therefore it was used for celebrations gathering large crowds: a notable one was a banquet for the marriage of the future Louis XVI with Marie-Antoinette. During that event, fireworks ignited a fire which caused panic among the thousands of people attending and over one hundred of them died crushed by the mass movement.

During the reign of terror, one of the guillotines was placed there for executions of high profile personalities: including the king and queen, and many members of the revolutionary government like Danton and Robespierre. By the foot of the obelisk, a plaque serves as a reminder of the events.


Respuesta  Mensaje 29 de 48 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 04/02/2025 17:11
Through this guided historical walk, walk the neighborhoods of Saint-Germain and the Bourbon Palace in search of visible or hidden traces of Freemasonry in the capital. These scattered symbols illustrate the taste of secrecy that characterizes the Masonic initiation rite: its new members are introduced by cooptation and are required not to reveal the identity of other members throughout their initiation. The Masonic secret has always fueled fantasies and misconceptions about this order born in Great Britain in 1717. Your passionate guide will teach you to distinguish the signs and decipher the truth from the false to focus on the historical origin of Freemasons, their organization, the main figures, and above all, their importance in the formation of our society.

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 08/02/2025 13:36
Map of the Evolution of France's borders. (481-Today) : r/MapPorn

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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 08/02/2025 16:15
Resultado de imagen para todos los caminos conducen a roma
Resultado de imagen para todos los caminos conducen a roma
Resultado de imagen para PHILOSOPHY TRAVEL OF TIME

Respuesta  Mensaje 32 de 48 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 08/02/2025 16:16
Resultado de imagen para todos los caminos conducen a roma
Resultado de imagen para todos los caminos conducen a roma
Resultado de imagen para PHILOSOPHY TRAVEL OF TIME

Respuesta  Mensaje 33 de 48 en el tema 
De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 09/02/2025 13:37


   Hace años que vengo siguiendo las actividades Illuminati en diferentes ámbitos (social, cultural, científico, educativo, político, etc.), y siempre hay algunos puntos que permanecen "oscuros" por un cierto tiempo, hasta que finalmente desvelamos su real significado e intencionalidad. El Gran Colisionador de Hadrones, GCH (en inglés Large Hadron Collider, LHC) del CERN, junto con el Acelerador Relativista de Iones Pesados o RHIC por sus siglas en inglés (Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider), han sido algunos de los "avances" científicos que hemos tenido entre ojos, vigilando su desarrollo para descubrir cuál es el objetivo que se esconde por detrás de ellos, detrás de la "inocente" propuesta de "recrear el segundo previo al Big Bang". 
   Por cierto, la teoría del Big Bang fue elaborada por un jesuita... ¿sabían? Este no fue Papa pero seguro lo canonizan...
   Monseñor Georges Henri Joseph Édouard Lemaître, (1894 - 1966) fue un sacerdote belga, astrónomo y profesor de física en la sección francesa de la Universidad Católica de Lovaina. Él fue el primer académico conocido en proponer la teoría de la expansión del universo, ampliamente mal atribuida a Edwin Hubble. También fue el primero en derivar lo que se conoce como la ley de Hubble e hizo la primera estimación de lo que ahora se llama la constante de Hubble, la cual publicó en 1927, dos años antes del artículo de Hubble. Lemaître también propuso lo que se conocería como la teoría del Big Bang del origen del universo, a la cual llamó "hipótesis del átomo primigenio" o el "huevo cósmico". (Demasiado "mitológico" para mi gusto...). Un huevo cósmico o huevo del mundo es un tema mitológico y cosmogónico usado en los mitos de creación de muchas culturas y civilizaciones. Típicamente el huevo cósmico representa simbólicamente un comienzo de algún tipo. 

   Irónicamente la teoría del Big Bang se atribuye generalmente a Albert Einstein, quien fue el principal detractor de Leimatre hasta que, años después, comprobó que el religioso belga había acertado en los cálculos astronómicos, de alta complejidad, y juntos profundizaron las investigaciones. (De hecho, el "genial" Alberto anduvo robando por todas partes... también a Tesla).
   Volviendo al tema central del CERN, he llegado a la conclusión, después de tomar en cuenta toda la información y las personas asociadas con el proyecto, que no es OTRA COSA SINO UNA APLICACIÓN MÁS DE LOS ILLUMINATI DE UNA ANTIGUA TECNOLOGÍA OCULTA DE LOS ÁNGELES CAÍDOS. Los Illuminati están obsesionados con el cumplimiento de lo que George Bush (padre) llamó el "cumplimiento de un antiguo sueño", en referencia a la vuelta a los días anteriores a Noé, cuando los híbridos gigantes habitaban en la tierra. El restablecimiento del estado de la Atlántida de los reyes filósofos. 
   Con todo, una de las cosas que más llamó la atención cuando la creación del CERN, y que la mayoría de la gente no conseguía entender, fue CUÁL PODÍA SER LA RELACIÓN ENTRE UN COLISIONADOR DE HADRONES "TECNOLÓGICO Y CIENTÍFICO" Y UNA ESTATUA DEL DIOS SHIVA, "EL DESTRUCTOR", COMPLETAMENTE MÍSTICO Y MITOLÓGICO. 
Observen el círculo que rodea al dios Shiva en su danza, y compárenlo con el acelerador de partículas.
   Ahora bien, lo interesante de todo esto es que algunos han relacionado todos estos elementos con lo que se conoce popularmente como Stargate, o portales ("VORTEX-GATE... PROCURANDO LA PUERTA DE SALIDA"). Hay varias teorías acerca de si el CERN es o no un Stargate. Pero vemos un poco acerca de lo que es conocido por los amantes de lo paranormal como "el dispositivo de Osiris", el Ta-Wer. Según los estudiosos, el Ta-Wer era un solo un símbolo místico que representaba la conexión entre Abydos (ciudad egipcia) y un lugar mítico en el mundo subterráneo, interpretado como la "Tierra de los muertos".
   Bueno, es un sentimiento común entre los investigadores de ovnis que el Ta-Wer representado en algunas imágenes, en las paredes del templo de Abydos, es una estructura que podría ser parte de un gran dispositivo que activa portales dimensionales, puertas estelares o agujeros de gusano. 
   Arriba pueden ver un modelo de agujero de gusano cósmico en comparación con el "dispositivo de Osiris", que coincide con la teoría de Kurt Gödel, que por el hecho de que nada puede viajar más rápido que la luz, un "atajo" podría ser abierto en ciertas coordenadas del espacio, para conectar dos puntos distantes. Una enorme cantidad de energía que produciría una enorme cantidad de gravitación que podría "doblar" el espacio, formando dos conos de luz interconectados por un túnel espacio-tiempo donde podría pasar la materia.
La historia oficial: El LHC es un acelerador de partículas, construido para emitir protones a muy alta velocidad y en direcciones opuestas, para que choquen entre sí,  creando una enorme cantidad de energía capaz de reproducir las condiciones cósmicas similares a aquellas que generan fenómenos tales como la materia oscura, la antimateria y en última instancia, la creación del universo hace miles de millones de años. El equipo científico mantiene la velocidad de rayo hacia arriba, entre el 3,5 y 12 TeV (Teraelectron voltios) para llegar a una energía de colisión alrededor de 90 veces a más de 500 TeV.  

La historia "oculta": De acuerdo con la Prof. Irina Aref'eva y el Dr. Igor Volovich, ambos físicos matemáticos en el Instituto de Matemáticas Steklov en Moscú, las energías generadas por las colisiones subatómicas en el LHC pueden ser lo suficientemente potentes como para rasgar el espacio-tiempo, generando agujeros de gusano. Lo mismo opinan otros físicos (ver aquí).
   Es una idea común al 99% de los físicos "fuera del sistema CERN", que el LHC puede producir suficiente energía como para abrir agujeros de gusano, lo que lo convierte en un dispositivo STARGATE enorme. Lo que quiero decir es que la "búsqueda de la partícula de Dios" es una bandera falsa, una tapadera para ocultar OTRA COSA... para variar. 
   Además de todas estas cosas, como cereza del postre, nos encontramos con los siguientes paneles dentro de las instalaciones del LHC:
   Esto es MUY raro... las fotos que ven arriba fueron tomadas DENTRO de la instalación LHC. Se trata de extraños paneles con escritas antiguas, montados sobre una estructura y con algún tipo de haz de luz azul que los rodea, algo que parece ser un sensor de movimiento o cosa parecida. Algunos paneles parecen escritos en mandarín antiguo, otros tienen caracteres árabes, otro en hebreo, otro en sánscrito y otro contiene unos caracteres muy extraños, que no se parecen con nada que haya visto antes. En la India, las únicas personas que leen y escriben en sánscrito, son los estudiosos de los Vedas y los Upanishads, las escrituras escritas en el "lenguaje de los dioses". ¿Por qué estos paneles tienen sensores de seguridad, por qué están en el CERN, y para qué sirven?
   Bien, pero las referencias místico-mitológicas no terminan con el antiguo Egipto. Ya conocemos la historia de Nimrod, que construyó una torre que fue diseñada para ser una escalera o puerta de entrada al cielo, la famosaTorre de Babel. Según la mitología tradicional, Nimrod quería conocer a Dios y entender su funcionamiento. Su torre era, literalmente, una escalera a las estrellas, una manera de entrar en la dimensión en la que Dios habitaba.
   Hay ocultistas y mitólogos como William Henry que han afirmado que los antiguos como Nimrod y otros utilizaron estas torres y puertas estelares. Las torres crean agujeros de gusano y los dioses de las estrellas pasarían a través de ellas. Pero, por supuesto, a Dios no le gustó la idea y confundió el idioma de la gente de Nimrod. En contrapartida, Nimrod ORGANIZA LA MASONERÍA. Ellos continuaron construyendo estos portales estelares y templos.
   A lo largo de la historia antigua ha habido muchos relatos de dioses que viajaban de un lugar a otro utilizando intrincadas maquinarias que los llevarían de una dimensión a otra. Hay historias de la antigua Sumeria que hablan acerca de los llamados "dioses", llegando a través de una puerta estelar doble con columnas, y existen tallas que han representado tal hazaña. 
   Ha habido muchos intentos de abrir agujeros de gusano y, al mismo tiempo, el objetivo de estos trabajos mágicos era convocar alguna manera demonios o ángeles para venir e iniciar la escatología (los tiempos finales). Hay un montón de magos que han afirmado que han abierto un agujero de gusano usando métodos mágicos. Estos son los métodos que se dice han traído a otros seres a nuestra existencia dimensional.

   Todos hemos oído hablar que en algún lugar existe algún grupo secreto que controla el mundo. Sin embargo, es necesario entender que hay varios grupos con agendas programadas, y que no son en absoluto en contra del uso de la magia oscura para lograr sus fines desconocidos. Algunos teóricos esotéricos creen que las fuerzas mágicas trabajan para dar forma a nuestras vidas. Y que la élite tiene entre sus filas al más oscuro de los magos o a los profesionales de las artes oscuras que pueden llegan a la matriz y cambiar las líneas de tiempo mediante la apertura de portales o "puertas estelares" a otros mundos. 

   La idea de dar un empujón dimensional para abrir una puerta e invitar a un dios o una entidad a entrar, ha sido el desafío desde la época de Nimrod hasta los tiempos de John Dee, Edward Kelly, Aleister Crowley, L. Ron Hubbard y hasta Jack Parsons.
   Entre los años 1582 y 1589 el erudito Inglés John Dee llevó a cabo una serie de comunicaciones rituales con un conjunto de entidades desencarnadas que con el tiempo llegó a ser conocido como los ángeles de Enoc. El plan de Dee era utilizar el complejo sistema de magia comunicada por los ángeles para avanzar en las políticas expansionistas de su soberano, la reina Isabel I. ¿Para qué? ¿Simplemente para expandir las tierras? NO. Ya estaban sentando las bases que eran necesaria para desarrollar todo el plan del NUEVO ORDEN MUNDIAL. En primer lugar y lo más importante de todo, conquistar las tierras estratégicamente repartidas alrededor del mundo que hoy les permiten tener una COBERTURA TOTAL DEL GLOBO. Todo esto, evidentemente, no por sabiduría de hombres. Este plan NO ES SIMPLEMENTE HUMANO. 

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