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4 Mateo 14:8 |
Y ella, instruída primero de su madre, dijo: Dame aquí en un plato la cabeza de Juan el Bautista.
5 Mateo 14:11 |
Y fué traída su cabeza en un plato y dada á la muchacha; y ella la presentó á su madre.
6 Mateo 21:42 |
Díceles Jesús: ¿Nunca leísteis en las Escrituras: La piedra que desecharon los que edificaban, Esta fué hecha por cabeza de esquina: Por el Señor es hecho esto, Y es cosa maravillosa en nuestros ojos?
7 Mateo 26:7 |
Vino á él una mujer, teniendo un vaso de alabastro de unguento de gran precio, y lo derramó sobre la cabeza de él, estando sentado á la mesa.
8 Mateo 27:29 |
Y pusieron sobre su cabeza una corona tejida de espinas, y una caña en su mano derecha; é hincando la rodilla delante de él, le burlaban, diciendo: ¡Salve, Rey de los Judíos!
9 Mateo 27:30 |
Y escupiendo en él, tomaron la caña, y le herían en la cabeza.
10 Mateo 27:37 |
Y pusieron sobre su cabeza su causa escrita: ESTE ES JESUS EL REY DE LOS JUDIOS. |
. Juan 16:21 La mujer cuando da a luz, tiene dolor, porque ha llegado su HORA; pero después que ha dado a luz un niño, ya no se acuerda de la angustia, por el gozo de que haya nacido un hombre en el mundo.

Source: Facts.net
Welcome to our daily historical journey! In this article, we will explore the intriguing events and interesting facts that occurred on September 27th throughout history. It’s fascinating to delve into the past and uncover the significant milestones, memorable moments, and noteworthy achievements that shape our world today. From groundbreaking discoveries and technological advancements to political events and cultural milestones, September 27th has proven to be a day of great importance. This day holds a treasure trove of historical significance, and by exploring the events that unfolded on this date, we gain a deeper understanding of our collective past. So, join us as we embark on a captivating journey through time to discover all the facts and events that have taken place on September 27th in history.
1954: The U.S. Army opens the first nuclear power station at Shippingport, Pennsylvania.
1964: The Warren Commission releases its report, concluding that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
1996: Taliban forces seize control of Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan.
2008: SpaceX launches the Falcon 1, becoming the first privately-funded liquid-fueled rocket to reach orbit.
2014: Hong Kong pro-democracy protests, also known as the “Umbrella Movement,” begin after China announces plans for strict control over Hong Kong’s elections.
1825: George Stephenson successfully operates the first practical steam locomotive, the “Locomotion No. 1,” on the Stockton and Darlington Railway in England.
1942: The first successful controlled nuclear chain reaction is achieved by a team led by Enrico Fermi at the University of Chicago.
1998: The first robotic mission to Mars, NASA’s Mars Pathfinder, deploys the Sojourner rover and begins transmitting valuable scientific data back to Earth.
2007: NASA’s Dawn spacecraft is launched, embarking on a mission to study the protoplanet Vesta and the dwarf planet Ceres.
2015: Scientists announce the discovery of liquid water on Mars, raising the possibility of potential microbial life on the planet.

Enrico Fermi, Italian-American physicist, received the 1938 Nobel Prize in physics for identifying new elements and discovering nuclear reactions by his method of nuclear irradiation and bombardment. He was born in Rome, Italy, on September 29, 1901, and died in Chicago, Illinois, on November 28, 1954.
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