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CERN & The Looking Glass
The Ogdoad ( meaning eight-fold) is a symbol containing vast demiurgic power, as it represents the eight deities of the Ancient Egyptian pantheon. According to the mythology; the Ogdoad existed in four groups of male-female pairs, who maintained a careful equilibrium prior to the birth of the Universe. Then suddenly, an imbalance in their respective forces created a new cosmic being. This being opened to reveal the Sun God Ra. The Ogdoad shares its geographical origins with Freemasonry and the Mystery Schools of Pythagoras in Egypt. Geometry, as exemplified in the 47th Problem of Euclid, is emblematic of the Masonic investigation into Truth. If Geometry offers undeniable Truth, then it stands to reason that it lead the way to God, who is the Way, the Truth and the Light.
The Ogdoad, of Freemasonry, finds expression in the Masonic double square. The double square is an abridged version of the Ogdoad specific to the Aurum Solis; a magical order that claims decent from the Ogdoadic tradition of the Western mystic form. The Ogdoad is an important part of Masonic and Aurum Soils initiation rites and represents the unification of cosmic forces.
 In 1888, the mathematician Wilhelm Killing discovered the E8 Lie Group - it is the first of all the largest Lie Algebras. It is so large that if all of the data pertaining to E8 were written out in standard typeface on A4 sheets, laid side by side, they would cover an area the size of Manhattan Island. E8 is the ultimate extension of the Ogdoad; it has 8 real space vector coordinates with 240 additional vertices, making a total of 248 dimensions. It has taken many decades to compile all of the statistical data on this structure, such is its magnitude. In 2007, Antony Garret Lisi incorporated what is known about E8 with his theories on particle physics to form a Grand Unified Field Theory. He suggested that each of the 248 vertices represent a subatomic particle. This implies that the basic underlying structure of the Universe must be 8-dimensional. Rotation of the E8 sphere in 8-dimensional space produces the observable particles and subatomic particles that make up the material Universe.
The LHC collides photons at extremely high speeds in the search for the subatomic particle that gives mass to an atom's nucleus. A consequence of these collisions is the creation of mass out of energy. This mass is comprised of equal amounts of matter and anti-matter. When matter and anti-matter come into physical contact, they annihilate one another.
This was the condition of the Universe close to its beginning. An imbalance must have occurred early on between these two opposing forms of matter to create the Universe we see around us today. Just such an imbalance is spoken of in the Ogdoad of Hermopolis. The 8 deities of the Ogdoad are the real space vector dimensions of the E8 sphere, upon which all of the matter in the Universe is structured. Therefore, the matter-antimatter imbalance, known as the CP violation, must be an artifact from the 8-dimensional proto-space of the Ogdoad.
The LHC Silicon Pixel detector arrays ALICE and ATLAS, are both octagonal in shape. The shape could be influenced by the Ancient Egyptian Ogdoad; in much the same way the London Eye was influenced by the early Christian Ogdoad. Further investigation of the dimensions of these detectors and the general layout of the LHC reveals repeated reference to the number 8. The Alice Pixel detector has 8192 ( 8 x 8 x 8 x 8ˆ2) 8" silicon wafers arranged in 256 rows and 32 columns. The Atlas array has 1744 ( 8 x 218) modules in the innermost part of the detector. There are some 1232 ( 8 x 154) dipole magnets in the collider tunnel. The tunnel has eight cryogenic distributor points. The collider tunnel contains two adjacent parallel beam pipes that intersect at four points, making a total of eight intersecting beams. The entire facility appears built to a specification expressing the Ogdoadic and Masonic Double Square. Finally, the design for the ALICE logo is an octagon.
Considering how long it took to compile the E8 data and the vastness of the Collider, it is remarkable that these two complex areas of research were completed just in time for Garret Lisi to test his theory. It is as if the Universe wanted us to find these things and put them together. The discovery of E8 in 1888, could be itself a communication from the Universe; alerting us to the important applications of this number. I doubt such a cryptic find would have escaped the attention of the Intelligence Agencies and Secret Societies at large. The simple eight-point star of the Ogdoad had been replaced by an 8-dimensional one. What does this mean for the future of the Ogdoad? Did this all just come about by chance or is it part of a carefully contrived plan?

To understand the motives behind the construction of the Collider; and how it relates to the Ogdoad, we must first know a bit more about the Ogdoad itself. Aurum Solis assigned seven of the eight Aeons ( dimensional realms) of the Christian Ogdoad to the seven known celestial spheres. The last Aeon of the Ogdoad was assigned to something called the Eighth Sphere. As an aside to all this we should remember that the Titan Atlas; the namesake of the LHC detector, was tasked with holding aloft the eight celestial spheres; another reason for its octagonal shape perhaps? But what is the Eighth Sphere? In the Nag Hammadi library the Eighth Heaven is the perfect realm of the One True God who overrules the blind demiurge Yahweh/Yaldabaoth who sinned against his followers and created death. But, in Theosophy the Eighth Sphere has developed a distinctively malign interpretation.

Madame Blavatsky, founder of Theosophy, initially taught that the Eighth Sphere was the highest possible evolutionary state for planet Earth and its inhabitants. After she suspected being lead astray by black arts practitioners, Blavatsky revised the number down to only 7 evolution planetary phases. Doctrines regarding the mysterious Eighth Sphere are still taught, but now it is known as the Planet of Death. This is the place where irredeemable souls are taken to be ground up into their constituent particles by the Ineffable Father.
The Eighth Sphere / Planet of Death remains today one of Theosophy's most secret doctrines.
Assuming that Theosophists were mistaken, in the absence of the knowledge from the Nag Hammadi library at Egypt; then the Eighth Sphere of the Ogdoad is not the Planet of Death but the eighth Gnostic heavenly sphere. E8 is, therefore, not only the shape of our physical Universe, but that of Heaven itself. This is because our 3-dimensional Universe is contained, as a subgroup, within the 8-dimensional of the E8 over-sphere; (3+5 Ogdoad configuration). Us heathens apparently have the means to view the celestials realms; even if they are just reflections in muddy puddles. If, on the other hand, the Theosophist are correct; then E8 is the blueprint to the Planet of Death and the LHC; culpable by means of association, is the method of propulsion to take us there.

 For centuries intelligence agencies and Secret Society initiates ( make no distinctions here) have been employed by the British Royal Family to communicate with the Ancient Pagan Gods. Theosophist Michael Tsarion believes that these Gods, or " Macro-organisms," are in the process of teaching mankind the alchemy of transforming energy into matter. The purpose of this knowledge, he says, is to disrupt an energy field designed to keep certain nefarious bloodlines from leaving planet Earth. Tsarion believes that the moon generates the energy field; and that it was put in place by a group of benevolent and transsubstantive ETs.
 He goes on to say that the existence of this energy field is why manned space flights will never get beyond the Moon.
The teaching that the Moon is part of any energy field designed to stop left-hand initiates from traveling back to the 8th Sphere is a Theosophic doctrine — related to the Planet of Death. In order for the Illuminati Bloodlines to get off this planet and return to the 8th Sphere; they must first transmute energy into matter. This is precisely what physicists are undertaking at the Large Hadron Collider. The LHC is built from blueprints channelled from the hyper-dimensional beings of the Egyptian Ogdoad. Its purpose is to link back to the 8th Sphere dimensionally; via complex inter-dimensional formulations, as described in the E8 Lie Group.
Is the Alice logo, depicting as it does an eight-sided polygon, enough to help validate a connection between the LHC and the Egyptian/Christian Ogdoad.
Add to this the intense study that has been undertaken with 8-dimensional geometry and the pattern rotates sharply into focus. If the Cern technicians succeed in making contact with the 8th dimension, we could find ourselves transported " through the looking glass," so to speak, to the Eighth Sphere itself, or is this our Last Mimzy?
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Puerta de Ishtar, Pergamonmuseum, Berlín
The Ishtar Gate from Babylon; Puerta de Istar; שער עשתר ; بوابة عشتار;
Three names that appear more often as a sacred group of three are …
Ninki - (later became Ishtar) the mother
Enki - (later became Namakh) the father
Marduk the son
11. Juan 10:22: Celebrábase en Jerusalén la fiesta de la dedicación. Era invierno,
271. Juan 10:23: y Jesús andaba en el templo por elpórtico de Salomón.
This Trinity representation evolved a little further. In the ancient ruins in Syria centuries later after the belief had been passed down many generations, long before The Christ, some names were altered for unknown reasons. Perhaps in the same way the name Yeshua, a Hebrew Aramaic name was altered to become Jesus, a more acceptable Roman name after someone of the authority like Emperor Constantine had altered it. The same three Sun gods from Sumer now as follows… from left to right… Marduk the son on a lion, Enki… now as Namakh the father still retaining the bull of Taurus, and Ninki… now as Ishtar on another lion.
254. Ester 2:19: Cuando las vírgenes eran reunidas la segunda vez, Mardoqueo estaba sentado a la PUERTA del rey.
255. Ester 2:21: En aquellos días, estando Mardoqueo sentado a la PUERTA del rey, se enojaron Bigtán y Teres, dos eunucos del rey, de la guardia de la PUERTA, y procuraban poner mano en el rey Asuero.
256. Ester 3:2: Y todos los siervos del rey que estaban a la PUERTA del rey se arrodillaban y se inclinaban ante Amán, porque así lo había mandado el rey; pero Mardoqueo ni se arrodillaba ni se humillaba.
257. Ester 3:3: Y los siervos del rey que estaban a la PUERTApreguntaron a Mardoqueo: ¿Por qué traspasas el mandamiento del rey?
258. Ester 4:2: Y vino hasta delante de la PUERTA del rey; pues no era lícito pasar adentro de la PUERTA del rey con vestido de cilicio.
259. Ester 4:6: Salió, pues, Hatac a ver a Mardoqueo, a la plaza de la ciudad, que estaba delante de la PUERTA del rey.
260. Ester 5:1: Aconteció que al tercer día se vistió Ester su vestido real, y entró en el patio interior de la casa del rey, enfrente del aposento del rey; y estaba el rey sentado en su trono en el aposento real, enfrente de la PUERTA del aposento.
261. Ester 5:9: Y salió Amán aquel día contento y alegre de corazón; pero cuando vio aMardoqueo a la PUERTA del palacio del rey, que no se levantaba ni se movía de su lugar, se llenó de ira contra Mardoqueo.
262. Ester 5:13: Pero todo esto de nada me sirve cada vez que veo al judío Mardoqueo sentado a la PUERTA del rey.
263. Ester 6:2: Entonces hallaron escrito que Mardoqueo había denunciado el complot de Bigtán y de Teres, dos eunucos del rey, de la guardia de la PUERTA, que habían procurado poner mano en el rey Asuero.
264. Ester 6:10: Entonces el rey dijo a Amán: Date prisa, toma el vestido y el caballo, como tú has dicho, y hazlo así con el judío Mardoqueo, que se sienta a la PUERTA real; no omitas nada de todo lo que has dicho.
265. Ester 6:12: Después de esto Mardoqueo volvió a la PUERTA real, y Amán se dio prisa para irse a su casa, apesadumbrado y cubierta su cabeza.
486. Hechos 12:10: Habiendo pasado la primera y la segunda guardia, llegaron a la PUERTAde hierro que daba a la ciudad, la cual se les abrió por sí misma; y salidos, pasaron una calle, y luego el ángel se apartó de él.
12:11 Entonces Pedro, volviendo en sí, dijo: Ahora entiendo verdaderamente que el Señor ha enviado su ángel, y me ha librado de la mano de Herodes, y de todo lo que el pueblo de los judíos esperaba.
12:12 Y habiendo considerado esto, llegó a casa de María la madre de Juan, el que tenía por sobrenombre Marcos, donde muchos estaban reunidos orando.
487. Hechos 12:13: Cuando llamó Pedro a la PUERTA del patio, salió a escuchar una muchacha llamada Rode,
488. Hechos 12:14: la cual, cuando reconoció la voz de Pedro, de gozo no abrió la PUERTA, sino que corriendo adentro, dio la nueva de que Pedro estaba a la PUERTA.
HECHOS 12:12 (1+2:1+2/3:3)
gate in Simple Gematria Equals: 33 |
( |
7 |
1 |
20 |
5 |
) |
12:12 Y habiendo considerado esto, llegó a casa de María la madre de Juan, el que tenía por sobrenombre Marcos, donde muchos estaban reunidos orando.
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Message 23 of 23 on the subject |
De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
Enki o Enkil (en sumerio: dEN.KI) es un dios en la mitología sumeria, más tarde conocido como Ea en las mitologías acadia y babilónica. Significa El señor de la tierra, es hermano del dios Enlil, e hijo de An. Su misión será la de crear a los hombres e impulsar a que otras divinidades los creen. Dota a los humanos con las artes, oficios y medios técnicos para la agricultura.
Enki (de En= Señor, ki = tierra), o «Ea» (quizás se trata de un nombre compuesto por los signos E = "templo" o "casa" y A = "agua"), como lo denominaron los acadios y babilonios, asociándolo quizás a un antiguo dios acadio de nombre tal vez "Ia".
Se le asocia con el mundo acuático y reina en el Apsu, un lugar situado en las profundidades de la tierra, donde fluyen "las aguas primordiales". EnkiNudimmud (uno de sus epítetos más usados, algo así como "hacedor") es el dios de la sabiduría, señor de la magia la construcción, las artes, el diseño y la creación. Es uno de los tres dioses más importantes (con Enlil y Anu) de la cultura mesopotámica, surgida en el valle del Tigris y el Éufrates.
Es el creador de la humanidad, según lo que se cuenta en la leyenda épica acadia de Atrahasis, únicamente con el propósito de liberar de su trabajo a los dioses, utilizó un homínido ya existente el cual manipuló de alguna manera para hacerlo capaz de entender y satisfacer las necesidades de los dioses. También es asimismo considerado su salvador, ya que alertó sobre el diluvio universal (abubu en acadio y a.ma.ru en sumerio ) a Ziusudra (el nombre babilonio de este mismo personaje sería Utnapishtim). Este diluvio lo promovió Enlil, el "Señor del Cielo (del aire o de la atmósfera)", aparentemente preocupado por la excesiva proliferación del género humano y su ruidoso comportamiento. Enlil consiguió convencer al resto de los dioses, reunidos en asamblea, para que autorizasen el exterminio de la Humanidad. Esta leyenda, probablemente, dio origen al posterior relatobíblico de Noé y el diluvio universal.
También es el autor de un cierto tipo de seres representados portando una especie de traje de pez, llamados apkallu (ab-gal-lu "gran hombre del mar" o "hombre del gran mar" en sumerio) que durante el día enseñaban a los humanos todo tipo de materias y durante la noche se retiraban al fondo del mar.
Su templo principal era el "E-engur", situado en la ciudad de Eridu. Enki era el detentor de los misteriosos "Me", término intraducible que se viene interpretando como "Poderes" o "Leyes divinas", y que los dioses podían portar como adornos o joyas.
El auténtico nombre de Sumeria era, en su lengua, "KI.EN.GI" literalmente "la tierra del señor del cañaveral", quizás en referencia a este dios en particular, del que se especifica en un texto muy difundido que estableció su morada entre cañaverales. El dios Enki siempre gozó de una cierta preeminecia a pesar de no ser el titular del panteón mesopotámico, de hecho su hijo Marduk heredó el trono celeste, en detrimento de la descendencia de Enlil.
Sus símbolos eran la cabra y el pez, que más tarde se refundieron en unaúnica bestia denominada Capricornio. De ahí que, astronómicamente, se asocie a las constelaciones de Acuario y Capricornio, aunque también se le relaciona con el planetaMercurio. Se representa como una figura masculina portando o vertiendo agua.
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