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Sapientia Aedificavit Sibi Domum. Es decir, "la sabiduría ha edificado aquí su casa". Resulta curioso que la misma frase aparece en el Evangelio de María Magdalena, un texto apócrifo. Se dice que en el interior de esta iglesia y de otras muchas de Venecia está escondido el tesoro de los templarios. Pero no hay ninguna prueba de ello. Para terminar ya con esta entrada me gustaría que nos acercásemos un momento a uno de los edificios más emblemáticos de Venecia: el Palacio Ducal.
La Maddalena
Tomb of Tommaso Temanza

"¡Oh profundidad de las riquezas de la sabiduría (sophia) y de la ciencia (gnwsiV, gnosis) de Dios! ¡Cuán incomprensibles son sus juicios, e inescrutables sus caminos!" (Romanos, 11: 33).
 the Apple
milky way in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 |
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m 13 |
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y 25 |
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queen mary in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 |
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hebrew calendar in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 |
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mary magdalene in Simple Gematria Equals: 119 |
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y 25 |
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¿Qué es el Día Fuera del Tiempo y por qué podría cambiar tu vida?
Según el calendario maya, el 25 de julio es un día fuera del tiempo. ¿Qué significa esto?
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El 26 de julio en el calendario Gregoriano coincide con la celebración del Año Nuevo Maya, que se extiende hasta el día 24 de julio del siguiente año. Pero, ¿qué sucede con el 25 de julio? Este es el llamado "Día fuera del Tiempo".
Para ellos, el tiempo de la tierra está en sintonía con las frecuencias del universo. Por eso, un año dura lo que para nosotros serían 13 meses de 28 días; exactamente el tiempo que tarda la tierra en dar un giro completo al Sol, de acuerdo a los ciclos lunares (por eso un año en el calendario maya equivale a 13 lunas completas). Pero, si cuentas bien, verás que 13 meses de 28 días dan un resultado de 364, dejando uno como "el día perdido".
[También puede interesarte leer: Un estudio arqueológico sin precedentes que revela porqué colapso la civilización Maya]
Ese día, el Sol se sincroniza con la estrella más brillante del cielo (Sirio) y empieza una revolución solar de la tierra. Sirio representa la intuición, el sol secreto; por eso, ese día todas las energías del año se reúnen. Para los mayas esto era muy especial, y por eso lo consideraban un momento óptimo para preparar el alma, purificar el espíritu, reflexionar y meditar antes de comenzar un nuevo ciclo. Justamente por los rituales de limpieza y sanación con la Madre Tierra, el Día Fuera del Tiempo también se conoce como "día verde".
Tres círculos que representan el arte, la ciencia y la espiritualidad dentro de otro más grande que simboliza a la cultura, conforman el emblema de la fecha, que es la bandera de la paz. En este día, además, se hace la plegaria a las siete direcciones en sentido contrario a las manecillas del reloj.
1. ESTE. Desde la Casa Este de la Luz, que la sabiduría se abra en aurora sobre nosotros para que veamos las cosas con claridad.
2. NORTE. Desde la Casa Norte de la Noche, que la sabiduría madure entre nosotros para que conozcamos todo desde adentro.
3. OESTE. Desde la Casa Oeste de la Transformación, que la sabiduría se transforme en acción correcta para que hagamos lo que haya que hacerse.
4. SUR. Desde la Casa Sur del Sol Eterno, que la acción correcta nos de la cosecha para que disfrutemos los frutos del ser planetario.
5. CIELO. Desde la Casa Superior del Paraíso, donde se reúne la gente de las estrellas y los antepasados, que sus bendiciones lleguen hasta nosotros ahora.
6. TIERRA. Desde la Casa Inferior de la Tierra, que el latido del corazón cristal del planeta, nos bendiga con sus armonías para que acabemos con las guerras.
7. CORAZÓN. Desde la Fuente Central de la Galaxia, que está en todas partes y al mismo tiempo, que todo se reconozca como luz de amor mutuo.
Hay muchos que sostienen que el calendario Gregoriano, que usamos por imposición del Papa Gregorio XIII, no está en sincronía con el tiempo del Universo, ya que contamos que la Tierra da la vuelta al sol por 365 días, y cada cuatro años sumamos un día más. Eso da lugar a un desajuste que incide, según algunos creen, en nuestra percepción del entorno y la realidad en sí. Si tomáramos un calendario como el maya, posiblemente podríamos empezar a percibir las sincronicidades que nos suceden con mayor claridad.
Hoy, ese día es un momento para celebrar la vida, el amor, la paz, el perdón, el arte (de hecho su filosofía es "el tiempo es arte"); para recordar que todo en el Universo está perfectamente conectado, y que aún estamos a tiempo de tomar un rumbo diferente en nuestra forma de vida.
https://www.bioguia.com/tendencias/que-es-el-dia-fuera-de-tiempo-y-por-que-podria-cambiar-tu-vida_29281068.html |
Las Pirámides del Triangulo de las Bermudas. ¿La antigua civilización Atlante es Divisada Bajo las Bahamas?
Piramides de Cuba |
Parece ser que un nuevo set de pirámides ha sido descubierto bajo las turbulentas y misteriosas aguas del triangulo de las bermudas. En medio de la Florida y cuba se han encontrado pirámides y estructuras que sugieren un pasado desconocido para el ser humano. Las mismas fueron encontradas por el Dr. Meyer Verlag con ayuda de un sonar, a una profundidad de 2000 metros. La pirámide parece tener de base unos 300 metros por 200 de alto, aunque esta ultima distancia podría variar por la acumulación de sedimento marino alrededor de la estructura. El material de construcción es indeterminado, mas es transparente, traslúcido y liso, lo cual sugeriría que fuese alguna clase de cristal. En su tope, posee dos hoyos que causan un extraño fenómeno de presión acuática que podría llegar a ser la causa de las misteriosas pérdidas y desapariciones de barcos y aviones. Si esto fuese así, estas pirámides serían mas antiguas que las del antiguo Egipto, alcanzando una antigüedad aproximada de 12000 a 8000 AP, debido a que en ese momento la plataforma continental no se encontraba inundada.Las estructuras piramidales y de plataforma no son poco comunes en el planeta. Ya antes se han visto casos como las plataformas de yonaguni en japón o las estructuras sumergidas alrededor de las islas de pascua. Estos silenciosos monumentos son la prueba final de que la historia del ser humano en la tierra se remonta mas allá de lo que la imaginación alcanza a pensar. Todo esto es muy bonito, hasta que te empiezas a preguntar "¿y yo porqué le creo a este tipo?". Pues para evitar esos problemas, y para que puedas conmprobar tu mismo la existencia de las mismas, te pongo los pantallazos de Google Earth donde TODO EL TIEMPO han estado las pirámides, con su correspondientes coordenadas: Las coordenadas exactas son: 32°29'49.82"N 72°39'55.75"O
http://ovnicalderachile.blogspot.com/2012/05/las-piramides-del-triangulo-de-las.html |

El Arco de Constantino. 25 de julio de 315.
El Arco de Constantino se erigió para conmemorar la victoria de Constantino I sobre Majencio en el Puente Milvio que tuvo lugar el 28 de octubre de 312.
La Batalla tomó su nombre del Puente Milvio , una ruta importante sobre el Tíber . Constantino ganó la batalla y emprendió el camino que lo llevó a terminar con la Tetrarquía y convertirse en el único gobernante del Imperio Romano . Maxentius se ahogó en el Tíber durante la batalla; su cuerpo fue luego sacado del río y decapitado, su cabeza desfiló por las calles de Roma al día siguiente de la batalla.
Según cronistas como Eusebio de Cesarea y Lactancio , la batalla marcó el comienzo de la conversión de Constantino al cristianismo . Eusebio de Cesarea cuenta que Constantino y sus soldados tuvieron una visión enviada por el Dios cristiano . Esto se interpretó como una promesa de victoria si el signo de Chi-Rho , las dos primeras letras del nombre de Cristo en griego , se pintaba en los escudos de los soldados. El Arco de Constantino, erigido en celebración de la victoria, ciertamente atribuye el éxito de Constantino a la intervención divina ; Sin embargo, el monumento no muestra ningún simbolismo abiertamente cristiano .
Aunque está dedicado a Constantino, gran parte del material decorativo incorporó trabajos anteriores de la época de los emperadores Trajano , Adriano y Marco Aurelio , y por lo tanto es un collage . El último de los arcos triunfales existentes en Roma, también es el único que hace un uso extensivo de la espolia , reutilizando varios relieves importantes de los monumentos imperiales del siglo II , que dan un llamativo y famoso contraste estilístico con la escultura recién creada para el arco .
Cualesquiera que sean las fallas de Maxentius, su reputación en Roma estuvo influenciada por sus contribuciones a la construcción pública . En el momento de su acceso al trono en 306, Roma se estaba volviendo cada vez más irrelevante para el gobierno del imperio, la mayoría de los emperadores eligieron vivir en otros lugares y se centraron en defender los frágiles límites , donde con frecuencia fundaron nuevas ciudades. Este factor contribuyó a su capacidad para tomar el poder. Por el contrario, Maxentius se concentró en restaurar la capital , siendo su epíteto conservator urbis suae (preservador de su ciudad). Así, Constantino fue percibido, entre otras cosas, como el deponente de uno de los mayores benefactores de la ciudad y necesitaba adquirir legitimidad. Mucha controversia ha rodeado el mecenazgo de las obras públicas de este período. El filósofo alemán Walter Benjamin observó que la historia se ve a través de los ojos del vencedor , y Constantino y sus biógrafos no fueron una excepción. Emitiendo una damnatio memoriae , se dispuso a borrar sistemáticamente la memoria de Majencio. En consecuencia, sigue existiendo una incertidumbre considerable con respecto al patrocinio de los edificios públicos de principios del siglo IV, incluido el Arco de Constantino, que originalmente pudo haber sido un Arco de Majencio .

This post was inspired by a conversation with a reader (maybe on Facebook?) about loving Billy Zane in Titanic. He’s had a few roles that real standouts to me (Dead Calm, Only You — both modern-set — as well as frock flicks Titanic and Orlando). He’s got THOSE EYELASHES. Sadly these days he seems to be mostly doing low-budget productions, although I’m glad to see he’s working. So, with a lot of B-movie stuff, here’s beautiful Billy Zane in historical flicks:
Back to the Future (1985) & Part II (1989)
As “Match,” so called because he always chewed on a match; one of villain Biff’s gang in these time travel to the 1950s classics.
 Wide ties, high waistbands: check.
https://frockflicks.com/mcm-billy-zane/ |
Unexplained Mystery: The Devil’s Sea – The Dragon’s Triangle
Several places in the world are eerie with unexplainable events and observations. Most call them haunted while others look for scientific explanations. The marine world also has a few such locations like the Bermuda Triangle, the Devil’s Sea or the Dragon’s Triangle with stories of vanishing vessels, ghost ships drifting without a soul in sight etc.
Located near the Japanese coast in the Pacific Ocean, the Devil’s Sea (Ma-no Umi in Japanese) is one of the twelve Vile Vortices around the earth. Vile vortices are those areas where the pull of the planet’s electromagnetic waves is stronger than anywhere else. As the title indicates, the Dragon’s Triangle extends as a triangle between Japan and the Islands of Bonin, including a major portion of the Philippine Sea.
Geographically, the triangle is located around Miyake, a Japanese island that lies 100 km south of Tokyo. However, the exact location of the Devil’s Sea is disputed.
Some reports state that it is 110 km from Japan’s east coast, while others claim that it is located near Iwo Jima, a Japanese Volcano Island which is almost 1,200 km from the Japanese coast. Since the Devil’s Sea is not officially included in the map, the actual size and the perimeter of the notorious waters remain unknown.
The area has also been called the Pacific Bermuda Triangle, denoting its position that is precisely opposite to the Bermuda Triangle and the similarities in the “paranormal phenomena” of the area with that of the Bermuda Triangle.
According to legends, the waters of the Devil Sea can engulf the mightiest of ships and their crew. The region has been famous for ship disappearances.
Notable Events in the Devil’s Sea
It is said that the conqueror Kublai Khan, the fifth Great Khan of the Mongol Empire and the grandson of Genghis Khan, had tried to make inroads into Japan in 1274 and 1281 AD. However, in both attempts, he failed to invade the country after losing his vessels and 40,000 crew members in this triangular area, reportedly due to typhoons.
As Kublai Khan and his army abandoned the plan to invade Japan, the Japanese believed God sent the typhoons to save them from the enemies.
Another story is about the sighting of a mysterious lady sailing a vessel in the Devil’s Sea in the early 1800s. It is said that the vessel resembled the traditional Japanese equipment for burning incense. However, the destination and identity of the vessel remain a mystery.
In the 1940s and 1950s, many fishing vessels and over five military vessels disappeared between Miyake Island and Iwo Jima.
Japan sent a research ship, Kaio Maru No.5 in 1952 to investigate the disappearances. However, this vessel also went missing. Its wreck was recovered later, but nobody knows what happened to the 31 crew members.
Following this incident, the Japanese government declared this area dangerous for marine voyaging and transporting goods. Moreover, after this unprecedented incident, all efforts to unearth the facts behind the mystery were also aborted.
 Representation image
Origin of the Devil’s Sea Name
The term dragon in the name of the Devil Sea originates from the Chinese fable about dragons living in its waters. According to these fables, the dragons under the sea attack vessels passing by to satiate their hunger. These fables originated well before the AD period – 1000 BC era.
Similarly, the Japanese name “Ma-No Umi,” which means the Sea of the Devil, was originally coined by Japanese years ago when the stories of paranormal phenomena in the sea were popularized.
The superstitions associated with the Devil’s Sea always haunted the Japanese from venturing into this part of the ocean.
Other Explanations for the Mystery of Devil’s Sea
As the Devil’s Sea was popularized through legends, there were also hypotheses, including scientific explanations, attempting to solve the mystery. Several efforts were made to understand the truth behind the paranormal phenomenon.
Scholars like Ivan Sanderson suggested that the hot and cold currents crossing this Vile Vortice led to the disappearance of vessels in the Devil’s Sea. According to him, these currents result in electromagnetic disturbances that trap the ships passing by.
Another hypothesis suggested that the subsea volcanoes in the area were to blame. The eruptions from these volcanoes could have initiated such accidents, substantiating stories of dragons sucking in ships and their crew to the ocean’s depths.
Due to the undersea volcanoes and seismic activities, according to marine scholars, the islands in the area often disappear suddenly, while new ones appear at the same pace.
Another scientific research claimed that the anomalies were the result of an environmental phenomenon. The researchers argued that there were methane hydrates on the seabed.
 Representation image
When methane hydrate gas or methane clathrates explode, bubbles form on the water surface. This impacts buoyancy and destroys a vessel without even leaving a trace.
However, in 1989, American writer and paranormal activity theorist Charles Berlitz wrote a book, The Dragon’s Triangle, after detailed research on the paranormal activities in the Devil’s Sea. According to him, the accidents involving five Japanese military vessels in the triangle, due to the ‘evil’ nature of the sea, have resulted in the death of more than 700 people.
Later, questioning Charles’s arguments, Larry Kusche published a book titled ‘The Bermuda Triangle Mystery Solved’ in 1995. In his work, Kusche rejected the story of the disappearance of Japanese warships, arguing that the vessels that went missing were fishing boats.
In his book, Kusche also claimed that the research ship sent by the Japanese contained a crew of only 31 people as opposed to the 100 stated by Charles and the vessel was wrecked by an undersea volcano in September 1952.
The remains of the wreckage were retrieved by the Japanese a few years ago which further rejected Charles’s claims.
You might also like to read-
https://www.marineinsight.com/maritime-history/unexplained-mystery-the-devils-sea-the-dragons-triangle/ |
March 24, 2013
Scores of ships and planes are said to have vanished without trace over the centuries in a vast triangular area of ocean with imaginary points in Bermuda, Florida and Puerto Rico — the so-called Bermuda Triangle.
Christopher Columbus — on his initial voyage of discovery to the New World in 1492 — is the first to have recorded anomalous activities in the seas around Bermuda.
While his ships the “Nina”, “Pinta” and “Santa Maria” were passing through the Sargasso Sea, the Italian explorer said they experienced erratic compass readings. He also saw a strange light on the horizon on October 11, 1492 which remains unexplained today [in a 1979 documentary based on Charles Berlitz’s popular book on the Bermuda Triangle "all the elements of cheap tabloid fiction came together to showcase this incident as a host of blue-green glowing UFOs: the compasses rocked as they darted to and from the surface of the sea," says one scholar, "and Italian actors with poorly dubbed English lines grunted and moaned."]
But the genesis of the modern Bermuda Triangle legend can be traced to a September 16, 1950 Associated Press dispatch in which reporter E. V. W. Jones noted what he described as a series of “mysterious” disappearances of ships and aircraft between the Florida coast and Bermuda beginning in the late ’40s.
He cited such instances as the loss of the US Navy’s Flight 19 training mission of five TBM Avenger torpedo bombers flying out of Florida which vanished on December 5, 1945 and the disappearance of the commercial airliners “Star Tiger” — which disappeared on January 30, 1948 on a flight from the Azores to Bermuda — and the “Star Ariel” — which was lost on January 17, 1949, on a flight from Bermuda to Kingston, Jamaica.
“[The old devil sea] has shrouded in riddles the fate of 135 persons who flew or sailed the Atlantic in recent years,” wrote Mr. Jones. “Modern man with his pushbutton miracles has no clue to what happened to those who were swallowed without trace in the loss of ships and planes indicted on this map [reproduced below].”

Two years later, in an article in “Fate” magazine, George X. Sand recounted a “series of strange marine disappearances, each leaving no trace whatever, that have taken place in the past few years” in a “watery triangle bounded roughly by Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico.”
M. K. Jessup picked up on some of the same stories in his 1955 book “The Case for The UFO”, which suggested that alien intelligences were responsible, a view echoed by Donald E. Keyhoe in “The Flying Saucer Conspiracy” [1955) and Frank Edwards in “Stranger Than Science” [1959].
It took Vincent H. Gaddis to coin the catch-all phrase that would enter popular culture; his article in the February 1964 issue of “Argosy” [later incorporated into his book "Invisible Horizons"] was titled “The Deadly Bermuda Triangle.”
“During the past two decades alone, this sea mystery at our back door has claimed almost 1,000 lives,” wrote Mr. Gaddis. “But even this is only as inference. In this series of disasters, not one body has ever been recovered.
“US Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard investigators have admitted they are baffled. The few clues we have only add to the mystery.
“Draw a line from Florida to Bermuda, another from Bermuda to Puerto Rico, and a third line back to Florida through the Bahamas. Within this area, known as the ‘Bermuda Triangle’, most of the total vanishments have occurred.
“… The Bermuda Triangle underlines the fact that despite swift wings and the voice of radio, we still have a world large enough so that men and their machines and ships can disappear without a trace.”
Soon nearly every popular book on “true mysteries” included chapters on the Bermuda Triangle or, as some called it, the “Devil’s triangle” or the “hoodoo sea.”
Ivan T. Sanderson, author of “Invisible Residents” [1970], cited the Bermuda Triangle as evidence of an intelligent, technologically advanced underwater civilization which is responsible for, among other mysterious phenomena, UFOs.

The first book specifically on the subject was a self-published work by John Wallace Spencer, “Limbo of the Lost” [1969], which as a 1973 Bantam paperback found a huge readership.
The Bermuda Triangle fever peaked in 1974 with the publication of “The Bermuda Triangle”, a major bestseller — five million sales worldwide — written by Charles Berlitz with J. Manson Valentine.
That year two paperbacks, Richard Winer’s “The Devil’s Triangle” and John Wallace Spencer’s “No Earthly Explanation”, also racked up impressive sales.
The articles and books on the subject betrayed little evidence of original research. Attentive readers could not help noticing that mostly the Triangle’s chroniclers cannibalised each other’s work.
In 1975 Larry Kusche, a librarian at Arizona State University, published a devastating debunking of what he called the “manufactured mystery.”
In the book, titled “The Bermuda Triangle Mystery-Solved”, he did the archival digging the other writers had neglected.
Weather records, the reports of official investigating agencies, newspaper accounts, and other documents indicated that the Triangle literature had played fast and loose with the evidence.

For example, calm seas in the literature turned into raging storms in reality; mysterious disappearances became conventionally caused sinkings and crashes; the remains of ships “never heard from again” turned out to have been found long since.
In an April 4, 1975, letter to Mary Margaret Fuller, editor of “Fate”, a spokesman for Lloyd’s of London wrote, “According to Lloyd’s Records, 428 vessels have been reported missing throughout the world since 1955, and it may interest you to know that our intelligence service can find no evidence to support the claim that the ‘Bermuda Triangle’ has more losses than elsewhere.
“This finding is upheld by the United States Coastguard [sic] whose computer-based records of casualties in the Atlantic go back to 1958.”
If the Triangle’s proponents had been able to mount any credible defense, the Triangle might have retained some claim to being an authentic anomaly.
Instead there was virtual silence, which inspired little confidence in would-be believers.
Occasional reappearances in supermarket tabloids notwithstanding, the once-famous Bermuda Triangle survives for the most part as a footnote in the history of fads and passing sensations.
National Geographic documentary on the Bermuda Triangle
As one researcher has said: “There are some skeptics who argue that the facts do not support the legend, that there is no mystery to be solved, and nothing that needs explaining. The number of wrecks in this area is not extraordinary, given its size, location and the amount of traffic it receives.
“Many of the ships and planes that have been identified as having disappeared mysteriously in the Bermuda Triangle were not in the Bermuda Triangle at all. Investigations to date have not produced scientific evidence of any unusual phenomena involved in the disappearances.
“Thus, any explanation, including so-called scientific ones in terms of methane gas being released from the ocean floor, magnetic disturbances, etc., are not needed. The real mystery is how the Bermuda Triangle became a mystery at all.”
While the Bermuda Triangle has — appropriately enough — all but vanished as a subject of scientific and even pseudo-scientific speculation, its impact on popular culture remains undiminished.
Beginning in the 1970s with the made-for-television movie “Satan’s Triangle” and the NBC TV series “Fantastic Journey” about a scientific expedition in the Atlantic Ocean which becomes lost in the Bermuda Triangle, the supposedly anomalous region has inspired countless movies, television programmes, novels and video games.

Episodes of shows ranging from the “Scooby-Doo” cartoon to the science fiction/mystery series “X-Files” have been set in the Bermuda Triangle.
And in recent years superstar Brad Pitt has expressed interest in producing and starring in a 1930s-era adventure/fantasy film based on the Bermuda Triangle-themed video game “Dark Void”, a project that has been described a “…’The Rocketeer’ Meets ‘War of the Worlds’.”
It has also been reported that Harrison Ford may have a final crack of the bull whip as Indiana Jones with a movie adventure reportedly set in the Bermuda Triangle.
In the unnamed new project, two-fisted, treasure-hunting archeologist will likely pass the family tradition for high adventure onto son Mutt Williams [Shia LaBeouf], introduced in the franchise’s last, underwhelming entry “Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull” [2007].
American/Bermudian filmmaker Arthur Rankin Jr. shot his own Bermuda Triangle-inspired TV movie “The Bermuda Depths” on location here in 1978.
The fondly remembered film stars Leigh McCloskey as traumatised, orphaned college dropout Magnus Dens who returns to Bermuda to find the cause of his father’s mysterious death years before.
Montage of scenes from “The Bermuda Depths” [1978]
At the Bermuda Biological Station, he finds Eric [Carl Weathers] and Dr. Paulis [Burl Ives], friends and colleagues of his late father, and joins them on a quest for gigantic sea creatures. He also meets Jennie Haniver [Connie Sellecca] , a mysterious young woman who was once his only childhood friend. Paulis’ housekeeper, an island local, warns Magnus that Jennie is dangerous.
The beautiful but vain young woman had made a pact with the Devil centuries before and lives forever young deep in the waters of the Bermuda Triangle.
Nobody heeds the folklore and the researchers trap the giant sea turtle, setting the stage for a deadly confrontation with both minions of Satan.
https://bernews.com/2013/03/origins-of-bermuda-triangle-myth/ |
- On 19 September 2015 Pope Francis departed aboard an Alitalia Airbus A330 (Shepherd One) from Rome's Fiumicino International Airport, to Havana's José Martí International Airport where he arrived to an official Welcoming Ceremony. The next day, he was the principal celebrant at a Papal Mass at the Plaza de la Revolución in Havana at 9:00, before he paid a courtesy visit to the President of the Council of State and of the Council of Ministers of the Republic at Palacio de la Revolución in Havana. His day ended with celebrations of Vespers with priests, men and women religious, and seminarians, at the Cathedral of Havana, and a greeting to the young people of the "Centro Cultural Padre Félix Varela" in Havana during the early evening.[48]
- On 21 September, he departed by plane from Havana for Holguín, to preside at a Papal Mass at Plaza de la Revolución. Before departing for Santiago de Cuba, he gave a blessing to the city, from Loma de la Cruz, in Holguín. Having arrived in Santiago, he met with the Bishops of Cuba at St Basil the Great Seminary, and say a prayer to the Virgen de la Caridad, with the Bishops and the Papal Entourage, at the Minor Basilica of the Shrine "Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre" in Santiago.
- On 22 September, he celebrated a Papal Mass at the Minor Basilica of the Shrine "Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre" in Santiago in the morning and later had a meeting with families at Our Lady of the Assumption Cathedral in Santiago. After a blessing of the city of Santiago from the square in front of the Cathedral of Santiago, he left with a farewell ceremony from Santiago Airport, en route to Washington, D.C., where he arrived at Joint Base Andrews during the evening of 22 September 2015.
- On Wednesday, 23 September, the pope met with President Barack Obama at the White House. It was the third visit by a pope to the White House, following meetings between Jimmy Carter and Pope John Paul II in October 1979 and George W. Bush and Pope Benedict XVI in April 2008.[49]
- Also that day, Francis took part in a prayer with bishops from the United States at the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle, the seat of Cardinal Donald Wuerl, the archbishop of Washington. Later that day, he celebrated Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, near the Catholic University of America. During the Mass, he canonized (declared to be a Saint) Junípero Serra, a Spanish Franciscan friar who founded a mission in Baja California, and the first nine of 21 Spanish missions in California.
- On Thursday, 24 September, Pope Francis gave an address to a Joint session of the United States Congress, the first Supreme Pontiff to do so. He followed that with a visit to St. Patrick's Church, the oldest parish church in Washington. The church was founded in 1794.[50] He also visited the Washington, D.C. local Catholic Charities office. He then flew from Washington, to New York City. After arriving at New York City's John F. Kennedy International Airport, he took part with New York's Cardinal Timothy Dolan in Evening Vespers (part of the Liturgy of the Hours), at St. Patrick's Cathedral.
- On Friday, 25 September, Pope Francis addressed the United Nations General Assembly. It was the fifth address by a Pope to the U.N. General Assembly, following appearances by Pope Paul VI in October 1965, Pope John Paul II in October 1979 and October 1995, and Pope Benedict XVI in April 2008. Following the address to the U.N., he participated in an ecumenical service at the National September 11 Memorial & Museum, at the former World Trade Center site. In the afternoon, he visited a school in East Harlem, then celebrated a Papal Mass at Madison Square Garden.
- On Saturday, 26 September, Pope Francis traveled from New York to Philadelphia, where he was welcomed by city and state leaders and Philadelphia's Archbishop Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap. He celebrated a Papal Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of Saints Peter and Paul. He visited Independence Mall in the afternoon, and the Festival of Families of the 2015 World Meeting of Families[51] in the early evening. The Pope's visit concluded on Sunday, 27 September, with a Papal Mass in the afternoon. After a departure ceremony, he departed on a jet for Rome and the Vatican from Philadelphia International Airport.
- In honor of the visit, the Museum of the Bible will sponsor a special exhibition entitled "Verbum Domini II" at the Philadelphia Convention Center, adjacent to the World Meeting.[52] The official schedule of his visit was announced at the end of June.[53]
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