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Magdalena is a village in Socorro County.
The community was named for the nearby Magdalena Peak, so named because the rock formations were believed to resemble Mary Magdalene.
The latitude of Magdalena is 34.116N. The longitude is -107.243W.
It is in the Mountain Standard time zone. Elevation is 6,572 feet.
The estimated population, in 2003, was 883.
Contact Us
Montosa Ranch Magdalena, NM
Dale Armstrong 505-761-5501 Fax: 505-761-9875 Email: info@montosaranch.com
Mailing Address: 5000 Edith Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87107
Directions Primary access to the ranch is off Interstate 25 at Socorro, west on U.S. Highway 60 for 27 miles to Magdalena, then 12 miles further west to the ranch entrance.
Contact Us
Montosa Ranch Magdalena, NM
Dale Armstrong 505-761-5501 Fax: 505-761-9875 Email: info@montosaranch.com
Mailing Address: 5000 Edith Blvd. NE Albuquerque, NM 87107
Directions Primary access to the ranch is off Interstate 25 at Socorro, west on U.S. Highway 60 for 27 miles to Magdalena.
Majestic 12 (also known as Majic 12, Majestic Trust, M12, MJ 12, MJ XII or ...... in July 1947 to study the Roswell-Magdalena UFO crash recovery and debris.
17 abr. 2011 - Una de las más controvertidas colecciones de documentos “desclasificados” por el FBI son los llamados “papeles” MJ-12 o Majestic-12, ...
Falta: magdalene
https://contraperiodismomatrix.com › NWO-NOM
Falta: magdalene
EL POLEMICO INFORME MAJESTIC MJ-12 - PROYECTOS SECRETOS DE USA SOBRE OVNIS ... Entre 1992 y 1996 otro ufólogo recibió varios documentos relativos al MJ-12, que compartió con ...... 1947(2-7) Magdalena (N. México) 4 3.
The EBE's assured the MJ-12 team that the abductions, usually lasting only two ... originally organizedMajestic Twelve to study the Roswell-Magdalena UFO ...
8 nov. 2016 - ¿Qué se oculta detrás del comité secreto MJ12, encargado de recuperar ... LauraMagdalene Eisenhower es otra ponente estrella del XVII ...
MJ-12 is a ULTRA TOP SECRET Research and Development, Intelligence ... in July 1947 to study the Roswell-Magdalena UFO crash recovery and debris.
257 The details that have been discovered about the Majestic Twelve (MJ12) ... to examine and study the Roswell-Magdalena UFO crash recovery and debris.
14 dic. 2016 - Subido por Thy Second Coming
Mount Hermon, a mountain in Northern Israel, lies right on the Israel-Syria border, 33.33 degrees longitude ...
25 may. 2015 - Subido por ThisIs WhatsGoingOn
Rob Skiba gives an incredible presentation explaining the origins of what we know to be aliens, the history of the ...
Documentary ... This DVD reveals what happened on Mt. Hermon in the days of Jared (Enoch's father) and ... The Mount Hermon-Roswell Connection (2011).
This DVD reveals what happened on Mt. Hermon in the days of Jared (Enoch's father) and how it relates to Roswell, NM.
25 may. 2012 - Does the Roswell Area 51 incident in the late 40's have a connection to events that happened on Mount Herman. Check out this fascinating ...
Mt Hermon Roswell Connection - Pretoria South Africa. Tonight, I will be airing the recording of my lecture, "The Mt. Hermon-Roswell Connection" that I did while ...
17 jul. 2014 - Tonight I'm going to play the prerecorded audio from the expanded version my Mt.Hermon-Roswell lecture. This was recorded at the Belton, ...
12 ene. 2013 - According to the Book of Enoch, 200 fallen angels descended to the top of Mt. Hermonbefore Noah's flood. These corrupt angels entered Earth ...
23 feb. 2014 - In the past, much study has been done on the connection between Mount Hermon andRoswell, NM. To the best of my knowledge, ...
Crabwood Cropcircle Alien Crop Glyph Code

While the Crabwood Glyph may or may not be created by THEM, the numbers within the design itself triggered a discovery proving that ROSWELL WAS NOT RANDOM. The location of Roswell New Mexico is one of the few places on earth where the longitude divided by the latitude is almost exactly the mathematical constant Pi. In fact, just north of Roswell proper there is a "line" on the map where the longitude divided by the latitude is exactly 3.141592. This line on the map of New Mexico where the longitude divided by the latitude equalling pi occurs ALSO corresponds to the location of the the legendary "three crash sites" of the Roswell event of 1947. more images will follow.
GLOBAL ILLUMINATI KNOW SOMETHING WILL OCCUR AT LOCATION & TIME SIGNIFIED BY 33 Aliens (rebel angels) first contact in Phoenicia at 33.33 degrees N 33.33 degrees E
Ancient Jewish texts discuss alien beings having come to the earth from the heavens at location 33.33 degrees. Ancient Mayan prophecies discuss alien beings returning to earth from the heavens at a time corresponding to 33.33.
How does the occult number 33 work as "illuminated shorthand" for the end of 2012? Among other illuminati, Scottish Rite Freemasons journey through various degree levels to reach the 33rd degree after which they receive secret transformative illumination. Fellow travellers & other illuminated brethren know about converting 33 1/3 degrees to nautical miles. Think of it this way... say you are a navigator sailing across the ocean. How far have you travelled if you have sailed 33.33 degrees?
According to this calculator available on the interweb travelling 33.33 degrees is 2012.9 nautical miles, that is to say, not quite 2013 nautical miles. The TIME corresponding to having travelled 33 1/3 degrees seems to be significant to the illuminated brethern whose symbols are the square & compass.
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