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De: BARILOCHENSE6999  (Mensaje original) Enviado: 19/10/2019 02:38
Bodes Law

The Spiral of Theodorus

Bode's Law Doesn't Bode Well for Us


free urSELF




Helmholtz’s entire theory amounts to what we today call in physics a “scalar,” “linear,” or at best, “quasi-linear” theory. Thus, Helmholtz assumed that all physical magnitudes, including musical tones, can at least implicitly be measured and represented in the same way as lengths along a straight line. But, we know that every important aspect of music, of the human voice, the human mind, and our universe as a whole, is characteristically nonlinear. Every physical or aesthetic theory based on the assumption of only linear or scalar magnitudes, is bound to be false.

A simple illustration should help clarify this point. Compare the measurement of lengths on a straight line with that of arcs on the circumference of a circle. A straight line has no intrinsic measure; before we can measure length, we must first choose some unit, some interval with which to compare any given segment. The choice of the unit of measurement, however, is purely arbitrary.

The circle, on the contrary, possesses by its very nature an intrinsic, absolute measure, namely one complete cycle of rotation. Each arc has an absolute value as an angle, and the regular self-divisions of the circle define certain specific angles and arcs in a lawful fashion (e.g., a right angle, or the 120° angle subtended by the side of an equilateral triangle inscribed in the circle).

Just as the process of rotation, which creates the circle, imposes an absolute metric upon the circle, so also the process of creation of our universe determines an absolute value for every existence in the universe, including musical tones. Helmholtz refused to recognize the fact that our universe possesses a special kind of curvature, such that all magnitudes have absolute, geometrically-determined values. This is why Helmholtz’s theories are systematically wrong, not merely wrong by accident or through isolated errors. Straight-line measures are intrinsically fallacious in our universe.

It is easy to verify that the solar-system register shift falls exactly in the same, geometric-mean position, as the shift of the soprano voice in the proper C=256 tuning. If we begin at the outer layer of the sun, and construct a self-similar (logarithmic) spiral making exactly one rotation in passing from that layer to the orbit of the innermost planet, Mercury, then the continuation of that spiral will make exactly one full cycle in passing from Mercury to the region defined by the overlapping orbits of Neptune and Pluto (see Figure 11). The halfway or geometric-mean point comes exactly at the outer boundary of the asteroid belt. More precisely, if we compare the planetary spiral with our simple spiral derivation of the equal-tempered system, letting the interval from Mercury to Neptune-Pluto correspond to the octave C—C, then the planetary orbits correspond exactly in angular displacements to the principal steps of the scale. The asteroid belt occupies exactly the angular position corresponding to the interval between F and F-sharp; this region is where the soprano makes the register-shift, in C=256 tuning. Thus, complete coherence obtains, with this tuning, between the human voice, the solar system, the musical system, and the synthetic geometry of conical spiral action.2

Figure 12 illustrates what happens if the tuning is arbitrarily raised, from C=256 (corresponding to A between 427Hz and 432Hz) to, for example, A=449. The soprano register shifts (at approximately 350Hz and 700Hz) lie, in the higher tuning, between E and F, rather than between F and F-sharp. This divides the octave in the wrong place, destroys the geometry of the musical system, destroys the agreement between music and the laws of the universe, and finally destroys the human voice itself.

If we arbitrarily changed the “tuning” of the solar system in a similar way, it would explode and disintegrate! God does not make mistakes: Our solar system functions very well with its proper tuning, which is uniquely coherent with C=256. This, therefore, is the only scientific tuning.






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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/10/2019 02:42

174 285 396 The Sacred Solfeggio Frequencies

PYRAMID science and Bode's Law


Bode was born in Hamburg. As a youth, he suffered from a serious eye disease which particularly damaged his right eye;
he continued to have trouble with his eyes throughout his life.


TRINITY reactor setup

52min25sec https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zy0nCF91bYk

Sacred Tetractys

The Pythagoreans adored numbers. Aristotle, in his Metaphysica, sums up the Pythagorean’s attitude towards numbers.

“The Pythagoreans were … the first to take up mathematics … and thought its principles were the principles of all things.
Since, of these principles, numbers … are the first, … in numbers they seemed to see many resemblances to things that exist …
more than just air, fire and earth and water, but things such as justice, soul, reason, opportunity …”



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De: BARILOCHENSE6999 Enviado: 19/10/2019 02:44
A recently discovered set of original Nikola Tesla drawings reveal a map to multiplication that contains all numbers in a simple to use system. The drawings were discovered at an antique shop in central Phoenix Arizona by local artist, Abe Zucca. They are believed to have been created during the last years of Tesla?s Free Energy lab, Wardenclyffe. The manuscript is thought to contain many solutions to unanswered questions about mathematics.

The Sketches were hidden in a small trunk with numerous other drawings and manuscripts ranging from hand-held technological devices to free-energy systems, many with notes scrawled all over them. Some of the pieces are already familiar to the public, but a few others are not. Most notably is the Map to Multiplication or the Math Spiral. Zucca made a few copies and showed the drawings around to different thinkers, dreamers, and mathematicians.

A few days later a Local High School Mathematics Instructor, Joey Grether, had been working on deciphering the system and had a few breakthroughs. Grether suggests that the Spiral not only explores Multiplication as an interwoven web, but that it, “offers a comprehensive visual understanding of how all numbers are self-organized into 12 positions of compositability.”

“This device allows us to see numbers as patterns, the formation of prime numbers, twin primes, Highly composite numbers, multiplication and division, as well as few other systems, I imagine, that are yet to be discovered.”

Moreover, if we recall that our final product - the equiangular period spiral, is (a) just that, i.e., equiangular, (b) that this spiral includes all three mean parameters - Periods, Distances and Velocities - and significantly (c), that the latter trio are delimited by three basic equiangular figures - the triangle, the square (more correctly the rectangle) and the hexagon - we are then able to examine Oresme's closing religious summations in Du Ciel from a more tightly focussed viewpoint:

The diagram itself is very intuitive, allowing students to see how numbers all work together based on a spiral with 12 positions. 12, or 12x (multiples of 12) is the most highly composite system, which is why we have 12 months in a year, 12 inches in a foot, 24 hours in a day, etc. 12 can be divided by 2, 3, 4, and 6. So can all multiples of 12. For every 12 numbers there is a chance of 4 numbers being prime. They happen to fall in positions (think clock positions) 5, 7, 11, and 1.

Tesla is known for the quote “If you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe.” It turns out that when the device is examined, the digital roots of the numbers in positions 3, 6, 9, and 12 constantly repeat the same sequence 3, 6, 9! Is this what Tesla was referring too? The self-organization of numbers and their digital roots?

Its hard to say, but Grether seems to think so. “This breakthrough is phenomenal. If we could get students all over the globe to use this technique, to play with it, and help figure out how to use it, we could overcome our cultural aversion to Mathematics. Instead of memorizing the multiplication table, we could learn the positions of numbers and have a better understanding of how they work.”

Juan Zapata, One of Mr. G’s students believes so as well… “I used to say I’m bad at Math… cause thats what everyone says, but now, I’m like, dude, this is too easy.”

Theres one other fact about the Tesla Spiral that make it interesting. The diagram is dated 12/12/12! 1912. Grether and his students want to turn December 12 into a national holiday. So grab a 12 pack, get a dozen donuts, and celebrate the power of 12x.


Respuesta  Mensaje 4 de 5 en el tema 
De: Naomi an Enviado: 25/07/2021 18:32
The spiral equation above is the best example of Bodes law and can use this solution to get an exact idea about these projections. For more ideas related to spiral formation you should try bestdissertation tempered scale.

Respuesta  Mensaje 5 de 5 en el tema 
De: Johndwilson123 Enviado: 12/03/2025 07:41

The spiral equation above perfectly illustrates Bode’s law, offering a precise understanding of these projections. To explore more about spiral formations and their mathematical significance, consider referring to dissertation writing services provider-myassignmenthelp which
tempered scale for deeper insights and structured analysis.



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