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Polls and Test: What type of cookware do you use most often?
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From: ameliajones

Sent: 24/05/2024 09:43

Poll: What type of cookware do you use most often?

Final Results

0.00%   0 votes  
  Cast iron
0.00%   0 votes  
0.00%   0 votes  
  Stainless steel
0.00%   0 votes  
0.00%   0 votes  

Total: 0 votes

Ends automatically the day: 23/06/2024 08:40

Comment Poll  
(Poll Description)
Share your thoughts on the types of cookware you use, how often you buy new pieces, and what matters most to you when choosing cookware. Your feedback will help us provide better recommendations and products for all your cooking needs. Thank you for participating! Poll by https://myhenckels.com/

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